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Sexually mature adults and embryos and larvae of Cephalodiscus nigrescens and C. gracilis were studied by light and electron microscopy. Contrary to claims in the literature, individual coenecial cavities are inhabited by colonies of up to 15 joined zooids and not by single individuals, which is important for the interpretation of the mode of life of the related fossil group the graptolites. Some aspects of the reproductive apparatus and reproduction in Cephalodiscus are reported. The ultrastructure of the spermatozoon is described for the first time. Coelom formation is by schizocoely. The structure of the larva at several developmental stages is illustrated. Not all fertilised eggs are destined to become motile larvae and some develop into zooids omitting the motile stage. The lumen of the oviduct is much larger than previously supposed. Spermatozoa are shed into the cavity of the coenecium. It is proposed that fertilisation takes place within the coenecium. The ultrastructure of the enigmatic black ‘Comma Body’ is described and a reproductive function is proposed. Budding takes place from a base common to several zooids. This base probably also serves as an attachment foot. Large masses of yolk have been discovered within the coelom of some zooids and muscle stalks. It is inconceivable that a colony of Cephalodiscus nigrescens could survive unless it spent most of its life outside the coenecium.  相似文献   

Rhabdopleura has been discovered living in coral rubble on reefs in Fiji. The habitat is unusual, being the underside of coral boulders in the intertidal zone. Some features of the environment and the fauna associated with the Rhabdopleura are briefly described. The Rhabdopleura zooids exhibit other modes of tube building besides the regular cylindrical horizontal and erect tubes. The colony ramifies through interstices in the dead coral and the zooids can line larger cavities within the coral with coenecial tissue. It is probably these cavities, together with the overall porosity of coral, that retain enough water to keep the zooids alive while the intertidal reef flat is exposed to the air. Within the depths of the coral the black stolons are frequently naked. The species is probably R. normani Allman.  相似文献   

Botryllus schlosseri is a colonial marine urochordate in which all adult organisms (called zooids) in a colony die synchronously by apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cyclical fashion. During this death phase called takeover, cell corpses within the dying organism are engulfed by circulating phagocytic cells. The "old" zooids and their organs are resorbed within 24-36 h (programmed cell removal). This process coincides temporally with the growth of asexually derived primary buds, that harbor a small number of undifferentiated cells, into mature zooids containing functional organs and tissues with the same body plan as adult zooids from which they budded. Within these colonies, all zooids share a ramifying network of extracorporeal blood vessels embedded in a gelatinous tunic. The underlying mechanisms regulating programmed cell death and programmed cell removal in this organism are unknown. In this study, we extirpated buds or zooids from B. schlosseri colonies in order to investigate the interplay that exists between buds, zooids, and the vascular system during takeover. Our findings indicate that, in the complete absence of buds (budectomy), organs from adult zooids underwent programmed cell death but were markedly impaired in their ability to be resorbed despite engulfment of zooid-derived cell corpses by phagocytes. However, when buds were removed from only half of the flower-shaped systems of zooids in a colony (hemibudectomy), the budectomized zooids were completely resorbed within 36-48 h following onset of programmed cell death. Furthermore, if hemibudectomies were carried out by using small colonies, leaving only a single functional bud, zooids from the old generation were also resorbed, albeit delayed to 48-60 h following onset of programmed cell death. This bud eventually reached functional maturity, but grew significantly larger in size than any control zooid, and exhibited hyperplasia. This finding strongly suggested that components of the dying zooid viscera could be reutilized by the developing buds, possibly as part of a colony-wide recycling mechanism. In order to test this hypothesis, zooids were surgically removed (zooidectomy) at the onset of takeover, and bud growth was quantitatively determined. In these zooidectomized colonies, bud growth was severely curtailed. In most solitary, long-lived animals, organs and tissues are maintained by processes of continual death and removal of aging cells counterbalanced by regeneration with stem and progenitor cells. In the colonial tunicate B. schlosseri, the same kinds of processes ensure the longevity of the colony (an animal) by cycles of death and regeneration of its constituent zooids (also animals).  相似文献   

Reversal of the bilateral asymmetry of the zooids was induced in a series of colonies of Botryllus schlosseri. Palleal buds from colonies with normal or reversed bilateral asymmetry were isolated in the early stages from the parental zooids and cultured in the vascularized tunic of the same colony or of another colony with opposite asymmetry. Vascular budding was induced in colonies with either type of asymmetry.The bud polarity was shown to depend on the vascularization; the test vessel entering the isolated palleal bud always causes the entrance point to become the posterior end of the developing zooid. On the contrary, the bilateral asymmetric type is predetermined in the bud primordium; the isolated palleal buds develop the type of asymmetry of their parents, even when grafted in the test of a colony with opposite asymmetry. Since the same was also true of the vascular buds, it is concluded that the information for the kind of bilateral asymmetry to be developed is conveyed by the epidermal envelope of the bud. The epidermis of the parental zooids influences the palleal buds, whereas the wall of the test vessels, epidermal extrusions of the zooids, influences the vascular buds.  相似文献   

Colony growth pattern is described in E. pilosa, an abundant cheilostome bryozoan commonly found as an epiphyte of Laminaria. Each zooid has 4 potential budding loci—one distal, two lateral and one proximal. The ancestrula buds daughter zooids from all of these loci; the two lateral buds appear first, followed by the distal bud and, after a long delay, the proximal bud. The laterally budded zooids curve inwards as they grow to form a triad with their distally budded sibling zooid. ‘Mature’ multiserial colonies growing on flat substrata consist of a series of radially diverging sectors. Each sector has an axis, generally of 3 parallel rows of zooids, flanked by wings consisting of rows of zooids originating as lateral buds from the section axis which infills the area between the axes. Occasional colonies occur with uniserial or semiuniserial growth patterns. These resemble colonies of the obligatory uniserial species Pyripora catenularia and poorly fed colonies of the related Conopeum tenuissimum, which is normally multiserial like E. pilosa. The ‘composite multiserial’ colonies of E. pilosa differ in several respects from ‘unitary multiserial’ colonies characteristic of most sheet-like cheilostomes, including the well-known Membranipora membranacea. Composite and unitary multiserial growth patterns may have evolved independently from uniserial ancestors.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments documenting the decomposition pattern of extant organisms are used to reconstruct the anatomy and taphonomy of fossil taxa. The subclass Graptolithina (Hemichordata: Pterobranchia) is a significant fossil taxon of the Palaeozoic era, represented by just one modern genus, Rhabdopleura. The rich graptolite fossil record is characterized by an almost total absence of fossil zooids. Here we investigated the temporal decay pattern of Rhabdopleura sp. tubes, stolons and single zooids removed from the tubarium. Tubes showed decay after four days, when fuselli began to separate from the tube walls. This rapid loss may explain the absence of fuselli from some graptolite fossils. The black stolon did not show decay until day 155. One day after their removal, zooids quickly decomposed in the following temporal sequence: (1) tentacles; (2) ectoderm; (3) arms; (4) gut; (5) cephalic shield, leading to complete disappearance of recognizable body parts in the majority of experimental zooids within 64–104 h. The most resistant zooid features to decay (61 days) were black‐pigmented granules. These results indicate that tubes and the black stolon would persist for weeks across death, transport and burial, whereas a complete decay of zooid features occurs in few days, providing an explanation for the overall poor record of fossil graptolite zooids and suggesting that recorded silhouettes of fossil zooids may be attributed to fossil decay‐resistant pigments.  相似文献   

黄花杓兰的花芽发育   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对黄花杓兰(Cypripedium flavum P.F.Hunt et Summerh.)成年植株做了一个生长季的研究,提出了一年芽、二年芽和多年休眠芽的概念。指出由芽形成到植株开花需两年时间,其具体发育路线是:第一年6-7月份,根状茎顶端二年芽基部外侧有两个新的小芽产生,即“一年芽”,至9-10月份发育出7-9片幼叶,然后随气温下降停止生长;第2年4月份复苏,即为“二年芽”,二年芽在本生长季内发育成混合芽,但一般情况下只有一个充分发育,另一个未能充分发育并且一般将来也不再有发育的机会,被称为“多年休眠芽”;第3年5月份充分发育的二年芽长出地面,形成植株,迅速开花、结果,至9月底植株枯萎。本文还讨论了黄花杓兰发育过程与环境的关系。  相似文献   

After the egg attachment to a maternal ovigerous seta, the Carcinus maenas embryo is enclosed in a tripartite capsule. The innermost layer (envelope 2) which is also the main part of this capsule, is generally detected after egg-laying and is most probably closely related to the fecondation phenomenon. The precursor material of envelope 2, arising from the egg by a massive and very fast exocytosis process, appears as numerous ring-shaped granules. These granules, originated from numerous cortical vesicles perhaps intercommunicating with each others, are observed early in the ooplasm during oogenesis, These so-called ring-shaped granules seem very identical in form with the disc-shaped granules which are classically described as composing the endogenous or intracysternal yolk of many Decapoda crustacean oocytes. In view of our results the role of these granules, in endogenous yolk formation, is re-examined and discussed.  相似文献   

Insect herbivory can negatively or positively affect plant performance. We examined how a stem gall midge Rabdophaga rigidae affects the survival, growth, and bud production of current year shoots of the willow Salix eriocarpa. In mid-May, the gall midge initiates stem galls on the apical regions of shoots. The following spring, galled shoots had thicker basal diameters and more lateral shoots than ungalled shoots. Although galled shoots were on average 1.6 times longer than ungalled shoots, there were no significant differences in shoot length or in the numbers of reproductive, vegetative, and dormant buds per shoot. However, the subsequent survival of galled shoots was significantly higher than that of ungalled shoots, probably because of the thicker basal diameter. This increased shoot survival resulted in approximately two times greater reproductive, vegetative, and dormant bud production on galled shoots compared with ungalled shoots in the following spring. These results suggest that the willow regrowth induced by galling can lead to an increase in bud production through increased shoot survival.  相似文献   

松嫩平原碱化草甸旱地生境芦苇种群的芽流和芽库动态   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在松嫩平原碱化草甸,旱地生境芦苇种群的根茎分布在土层约1m的不同深度,一般可生活6个年度,个别根茎可存活7~9年,乃至更长的时间.通过芦苇根茎芽调查,创建了植物种群的芽流模型.提出了采用当年1龄级根茎芽的输入率与其它龄级休眠芽库存率之和估计芦苇种群芽库贮量动态的方法.结果表明,随着生长季的进程,芦苇种群芽库输入率呈不断增加趋势,而萌发输出率呈不断减少的趋势,死亡输出率则大体保持相同的较低水平.至休眠前期的9月底,芽库输入率已为输出率的2.04倍.在松嫩平原碱化草甸旱地生境,芦苇种群各龄级根茎的休眠芽有一个稳定的萌发输出过程.定量分析结果表明,芦苇种群不同龄级根茎的休眠芽每年都有11%的比率萌发形成1龄级新根茎.1龄级根茎顶端翌年发育为分蘖株后,可为直接相连接的老龄级根茎就近输送养分,从而实现老龄级根茎芽的活力.  相似文献   

Two principally different wall types occur in the bryozoan colony: Exterior walls delimiting the super-individual, the colony, against its surroundings and interior walls dividing the body cavity of the colony thus defined into units which develop into sub-individuals, the zooids. In the gymnolaemate bryozoans generally, whether uniserial or multiserial, the longitudinal zooid walls are exterior, the transverse (proximal and distal) zooid walls interior ones. The radiating zooid rows grow apically to form “tubes” each surrounded by exterior walls but subdivided by interior (transverse) walls. The stenolaemate bryozoans show a contrasting mode of growth in which the colony swells in the distal direction to form one confluent cavity surrounded by an exterior wall but internally subdivided into zooids by interior walls. In the otherwise typical gymnolaemate Parasmittina trispinosa the growing edge is composed of a series of “giant buds” each surrounded by exterior walls on its lateral, frontal, basal and distal sides and forming an undifferentiated chamber usually 2–3 times as broad and 3 or more times as long as the final zooid. Its lumen is subdivided by interior walls into zooids 2–3, occasionally 4, in breadth. This type of zooid formation is therefore similar to the “common bud” or, better-named, “multizooidal budding” characteristic of the stenoleamates but has certainly evolved independently as a special modification of the usual gymnolaemate budding.  相似文献   

Botryllus schlosseri is a colonial urochordate composed of coexisting modules of three asexually derived generations, the zooids and two cohorts of buds, each at disparate developmental stage. Functional zooids are replaced weekly by the older generation of buds through a highly synchronized developmental cycle called blastogenesis (which is, in turn, divided into four major stages, A to D). In this study, we examined the mode of expression of BS-cadherin, a 130-kDa transmembrane protein isolated from this species, during blastogenesis. BS-Cadherin is expressed extensively in internal organs of developing buds, embryos, ampullae and, briefly, in the digestive system of zooids at early blastogenic stage D (in contrast to low mRNA expression at this stage). In vitro trypsin assays on single-cell suspensions prepared from blastogenic stage D zooids, confirmed that BS-cadherin protein is expressed on cell surfaces and is, therefore, functional. BS-Cadherin expression is also upregulated in response to various stress conditions, such as oxidative stress, injury and allorecognition. It plays an important role in colony morphogenesis, because siRNA knockdown during D/A blastogenic transition causes chaotic colonial structures and disrupts oocytes homing onto their bud niches. These results reveal that BS-cadherin protein functions are exerted through a specific spatiotemporal pattern and fluctuating expression levels, in both development/regular homeostasis and in response to various stress conditions.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of temperate woody-plant material by dormant buds is less expensive than using shoot tips isolated from tissue cultured plants; however currently, dormant buds are used only for preservation of selected temperate tree and shrub species. Using dormant buds could be an efficient strategy for long-term preservation of blueberry (Vaccinium L.) genetic resources. In this study, viability of V. hybrid ‘Northsky’ (PI 554943) dormant buds was evaluated at 30 harvest dates over three consecutive fall/winter seasons to determine the optimal harvest time that promotes high post cryopreservation viability. Twigs with dormant buds were cut into 70 mm segments containing at least two nodes, desiccated, slowly cooled, stored in liquid nitrogen vapor and tested for post-cryopreservation regrowth. The highest regrowth of cryopreserved dormant buds was observed for buds harvested in mid-December and during the first half of January. Pearson's correlation coefficients were computed to evaluate the association between bud characteristics and viability at harvest date and logistic regression models were fit to test the ability of twig characteristics and temperatures to predict post cryopreservation bud viability. Post-cryopreservation viability was negatively correlated (p < 0.05) with average minimum, maximum and daily mean temperature preceding the bud harvest but was not correlated with the dormant bud initial and end moisture content, twig diameter, the number of dormant buds/cm of twig length and the number of days in desiccation. Regression tree analysis suggested post-cryopreservation viability to be between 52 and 80% for dormant buds harvested after a 10 day average maximum air temperature of <11.2 °C. Pre-harvest air temperature was a significant indicator of optimal dormant bud harvest time to produce adequate viability for long term preservation of blueberry genetic resources.  相似文献   

Euphorbia pulcherrima, an ornamental plant, exhibits severe systemic viral infection. It grows vegetatively during summer and is dormant in winter. During the dormant period the buds on healthy stem cuttings remained dormant or rarely formed cyathia while the buds on virus-infected stem cuttings grew into leafy shoots and never became dormant. Quantitative estimation has revealed that breaking of bud dormancy in virus-infected stem cuttings may be regulated by markedly higher GA-like activity in them throughout the period than in their corresponding healthy stem cuttings.  相似文献   

Summary Cell-cell interactions during the development of bud polarity in the polystyelid ascidianPolyandrocarpa misakiensis were studied by juxtaposing normally nondjacent bud pieces from marked stocks. These chimeras have been used to determine the prospective fate of each bud piece with respect to positional disparity. The results showed that the posterior end of a future zooid was always established around the proximal boundary region of the two bud pieces. The anteroposterior axis was skewed from this posterior end toward the bud piece arising from a lower (more anterior) level of the parental zooid, suggesting that the lower level tissue may provide a cue which establishes the site of the future anterior end. The role of positional disparity between bud pieces was further examined by sandwiching a host bud between two grafts of various parental positions. The results showed that an additional positional gap resulted in the formation of an additional posterior structure such as the digestive tract. For example, when the grafts were taken from two or more positions posterior to the host bud, biposterior zooids were induced in 20–30% of the cases. This induction ratio increased to 72.4% if two host buds were used instead of a single host. It is, therefore, concluded that the gap of positional values in ascidian buds triggers the formation of the posterior-most positional value. This cellular response to a positional gap contrasts with the intercalation theory that is predicted by the polar coordinate model for pattern formation.  相似文献   

Rhabdopleura shows several features of skeleton growth that are also seen in graptoloids. The similarities between the growth patterns, in terms of the plan towards which the zooids aimed and of their response to environmental disturbance, are profound. Both demonstrate a high degree of genetic control, not only on the gross morphology of the tube or theca but also on the pattern of increments by which this must be achieved. The execution of this 'blueprint' is facilitated by spatial awareness in the zooids of both groups. The main variable left to the graptoloid zooid was the number of increments used in building a theca. Variations in the number of increments probably reflect differences in the productivity of the environment and hence the amount of spare energy in the colony budget. An important new observation is that mortality is common amongst zooids in both Rhabdopleura and graptoloids, with new animals taking over tube or thecal building from where the previous zooid left off. This is identifiable in the increment patterns of tubes and thecae. Several generations of zooids can inhabit a rhabdopleuran tube and can be demonstrated to have inhabited a graptolite theca. This means that innate senescence was not a major cause of death for graptolite colonies. It also means that all thecae might have been continuously occupied and that the colony could have survived significantly bleak environmental conditions by large-scale zooid mortality followed by regeneration. □ Graptolite, ecology, hemichordate, pterobranch, RHABDOPLEURA, growth.  相似文献   

Many plants show compensatory regrowth after herbivory and dormant buds often have an important role in compensatory responses. Theoretical models have shown that herbivore damage may select for a bud bank, i.e., a pool of dormant buds that are protected from herbivory and that are activated after herbivore damage. Earlier models assumed that undamaged plants cannot activate their dormant buds without damage, although they apparently have sufficient resources for successful seed production through the additional shoots dormant buds could produce. However, many plants are able to gradually activate buds over an extended period of time without any cue from damage. The aim of this study was to analyze how herbivory imposes selection for gradual mobilization of the bud bank. I assume that selection pressures that affect the fraction of buds active at each time point include damage by herbivores, time left to the end of season, and the opportunity costs of dormant buds. I modelled bud dynamics with gradual activation when there is a single damage event and (i) when the seed set of a shoot is not dependent on the time it is active, or (ii) when the seed set of a shoot diminishes with later activation. In addition, I analyzed how (iii) risk of repeated herbivory affects selection for gradual activation. Under these models, gradual activation is optimal over a wide range of herbivory pressures. Selection appears to favour activation of all buds at the beginning of the season only when herbivore pressure is weak and when early shoots have a higher seed set than late shoots. Alternatively, strong herbivore pressure and late damage may select for a large bud bank throughout the growing season, without gradual activation; the bud bank is only mobilized after damage. In this case, damaged plants can overcompensate, i.e. they have a higher seed set than undamaged plants with the same bud activation pattern. Selection for overcompensation demands a stronger herbivore pressure in this current model than in earlier bud bank models. The model never predicts selection for overcompensation when there is a risk of repeated herbivory. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The oviparous Port Jackson shark Heterodontus portusjacksoni embryo has a long incubation of 10–11 months during which it undergoes major morphological changes. Initially the egg capsule is sealed from the external environment by mucous plugs in either end of the capsule. Four months into incubation, the egg capsule opens to the surrounding sea water. Fifteen stages of development are defined for this species, the first 10 occur within the sealed capsule, the remaining five after capsule opening to hatching. The functional significance of major definitive characters such as circulation within the yolk membrane and embryo, rhythmic lateral movement of the embryo, external gill filaments, heart activity, internal yolk supplies, egg jelly and the significance of the opening of the egg capsule are described. The egg jelly in the sealed capsule functions to mechanically protect the embryo during early development, however, it eventually creates a hypoxic environment to the embryo as the available oxygen is used up. This generates several physiological challenges to the developing embryo. It is able to overcome these problems by morphological changes such as increasing the effective surface area for gaseous exchange with the development of external gill filaments, fins and extensive circulation in both the embryo and attached external yolk sac. These adaptations become limiting as the embryo grows and respiratory needs outweigh the available oxygen. At this time, the mucous plugs dissolve and the capsule becomes open to the external environment.  相似文献   

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