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A mixed longitudinal study of growth and development has been conducted, centering on an analysis of differences based on sex between the ages of 8 and 18 years for a series of 12 anthropometric indicators. The sample consisted of 50 girls and 63 boys. Proceeding from the specific differences, the variables can be divided into four groups with identical structures of differences. The first group comprises measurements of body height, body mass, shoulder width and pelvic span, all of which have higher values in boys between 8 and 10 and between 14 and 18. Between the ages of 11 and 13 girls are taller, heavier, with broader shoulders and pelvises. The second group covers measurements of subcutaneous fat. which are higher for girls throughout the period under review. The third group of indicators comprises the diameters of the joints of the extremities, i.e. of elbows and knees. Throughout the period under observation, these measurements are higher in boys, with the absolute differences between the sexes being the same at the age of 8 and ten years later. The fourth group consists of circumferences measurements of the extremities. It was found that calf circumferences manifested a specific inversion of the curves between 14 and 15, with girls showing a larger calf circumference up to the age of 14, and boys from the age of 15. The effect of earlier onset of puberty in girls was found to be reflected only on the inversion of the curve flow of the variables from the first group.  相似文献   

Detailed data on the physiological pattern of adrenocortical activity during normal growth are lacking. An established method to determine adrenocortical glucocorticoid secretion is the measurement of 24-h excretion rates of major urinary cortisol metabolites (C21). To test the hypothesis that the frequently reported higher cortisol secretion in men than in women develops during puberty, we examined C21 together with excretions of combined urinary free and conjugated cortisol (F(comb)) in 400 healthy boys and girls aged 3-18 yr using GC-MS. Daily excretion rates of C21, F(comb), and body surface area (BSA)-corrected F(comb) significantly increased with age in both sexes. In contrast, C21/BSA (microgxm(-2).day(-1)) declined from the age of 3-4 yr to 7-8 yr in boys and girls (P < 0.01; e.g., in boys: from 3,991 +/- 1,167 to 3,193 +/- 804), then increased in both sexes, and finally became discordant after the age of 11-12 yr with a further rise in males only (17- to 18-yr-olds: boys, 5,275 +/- 1,414; girls 3,939 +/- 1,586, P < 0.01). This pattern was associated with the occurrence of a lower index for 5alpha-reductase activity (allotetrahydrocortisol/tetrahydrocortisol) in females compared with males. Our results demonstrate dynamic changes in adrenocortical activity in healthy children resulting in an emerging sexual dimorphism in cortisol secretion after age 11. The latter can be explained, at least partly, by diverging 5alpha-reductase activities in boys and girls. F(comb), a frequently analyzed GC-MS parameter, proved not to reflect dynamic changes in cortisol secretion. In conclusion, the varying metabolic need for cortisol during normal growth may have implications for future improvements in glucocorticoid replacement therapy.  相似文献   

Size and velocity growth curves of stature to represent skeletal growth, lean arm circumference to represent muscle growth, and the sum of three skinfolds to represent fat tissue changes, are presented for a longitudinal study of Montreal school–age children. Both a chronological age scale, and one relative to the individual ages of peak growth velocity in stature, are used. Intercorrelations between the various components are tabulated for age groups based on the two scales. The three skinfolds are also analyzed separately. The results show that such simple anthropometric measures can be usefully taken to represent the growth of different body components. Longitudinal analysis reveals that, whereas the relationship of muscular to statural growth in boys is purely maturational, it is not so for girls, and that the different skinfolds show complex sexual differences in growth during the pubertal period.  相似文献   

The sexual dimorphism in second metacarpal bone growth was investigated in 710 malnourished Guatemalan children one to seven years old to determine if the sex differences seen are only the result of differences in stature and weight. The study sample was mixed-longitudinal and consisted of 1,586 annual examinations. Boys have greater mean stature, weight, periosteal diameter, medullary diameter and cortical area than girls the same age, while girls have greater age specific mean cortical thickness and percent cortical area than boys. When the effects of stature, weight and age are removed boys still have significantly larger periosteal and medullary diameters and less cortical thickness and percent cortical area than girls. These differences between boys and girls therefore cannot be explained by sex differences in body size. However, no sex differences in cortical area remain after accounting for differences in stature, weight and age.  相似文献   

We analysed sexual size dimorphism (SSD) for two Mediterranean species of the “true” salamander clade possessing distinct life histories (Salamandra algira and Mertensiella caucasica) and equilibrated the morphometric approach to individual age by using skeletochronology. For species that have a short breeding season and live at high altitudes, such as Mediterranean amphibians, the fecundity advantage hypothesis predicts female-biased SSD to maximise reproductive success. Our results showed no SSD in either species; however, morphometric data indicated a male-biased dimorphism in limb (arm and leg) dimensions in both species when compared to body size. Limb dimorphisms are likely related to the particular mating system, which involves an amplexus during spermatophore transfer. Arm length appeared sexually dimorphic during ontogeny both in viviparous S. algira and oviparous M. caucasica. A review on SSD indicated monomorphy of body size as a common lineage-specific pattern among the “true” salamander clade, but also the common presence of other traits such as sexually dimorphic limb proportions.  相似文献   

Differential growth of the craniofacial complex implies variation in ontogenetic patterns of development. This investigation quantifies the relative maturity—as defined by percent adult status—of nine cephalometric dimensions and stature. Analysis is based on 663 lateral cephalograms from a mixed longitudinal sample of 26 males and 25 females between 4 and 16 years of age. Graphic comparison of maturity status across the age range shows that variation is intergraded between the neural and somatic growth maturity patterns, as described by head height and stature, respectively. The maturity gradient moves from head height through anterior cranial base, posterior cranial base and maxillary length, upper facial height, corpus length, and ramus height to stature. After 9 years of age ramus height is less mature than stature. Anterior maxillary and mandibular heights diminish during transitional dentition and thereafter exhibit maturity patterns that compare to corpus length. Although females are consistently more mature than males, the gradient of variation between dimensions is sex independent.  相似文献   

The major sexual dimorphisms in body size appear at puberty but, by then, 95% of the growth of the cranium is completed. As sexual dimorphism in the cranium is as great as for other parts of the body, this suggests that it must appear at an earlier age, and that cranium/body size ratios for the two sexes will vary during growth. Results from a longitudinal study of Montreal children are used to investigate this phenomenon. The effect is expressed quantitatively by proportional growth and growth velocity curves, based on the final size of boys, which show that the dimorphism indeed makes an early appearance. The data are also analyzed on an age scale relative to the ages of peak growth velocity in stature, derived from the individual growth curves. This shows that although there is a minor pubertal spurt in growth for the external cranial dimensions of boys, it contributes relatively little to the final dimorphism in cranial size. To summarize this aspect of growth, an index of cephalization is calculated: head length × head width/stature. Cross-sectional standards for the change of the mean index with age show a linear decline for boys and girls until puberty, with a constant difference between them. After puberty, the index becomes equal in the two sexes. Individual development curves for the index are however not linear.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to study the variations of somatotype, calculated by the Heath-Carter anthropometric technique, during growth in a sample of children (416 males and 402 females), aged 6 and 10 years, attending primary and secondary schools of L'Aquila and its province (Abruzzo, Italy). The sample was subdivided into “urban” and “non-urban” groups, on the basis of the residence of the children, to examine possible differences in growth related to the different environments. This study give an account of the somatotype components between urban and non urban childreen between the age 6 and 10 years. A tendency toward an increase of endomorphy (adipose component) with age was noticed in both sexes. In females, ectomorphy (component of physical linearity) tended to increase and mesomorphy (muscular-skeletal component) showed a slight decrease during growth, while males exhibited a discontinuous trend. The differences between urban and non-urban children were not significant, although generally higher values of endomorphy and mesomorphy were found in males and females of the urban sample. The differences between the sexes consisted of higher values of endomorphy and lower values of mesomorphy in females. Ectomorphy was similar in the two sexes.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism and facial growth in papionin monkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

《Bone and mineral》1991,12(1):57-65
The relationships between bone width and mineral content and age, sex, height and weight were studied in 420 children aged 4–10 years living in Cambridge using single photon absorptiometry. The relationship of bone width with bone mineral content was significantly different between the sexes after adjusting for differences in body size. In addition, bone width in boys was found to be greater for a given height and weight; changes in weight had a greater effect on bone width in boys than in girls. Prediction equations for bone width and mineral content based on height and weight are given, which should enhance the application of single photon absorptiometry in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism depends on age. It can be analysed within a population by a comparison of sex-specific body measurements based on cross-sectional samples. We analysed four length measurements, three circumferences, and one skinfold diameter of a representative cross-sectional sample of healthy German subjects aged 0 to 65 years. We here report that sexual dimorphism of these body measurements already is present in newborns. The percentages of anthropometric differences between female and male subjects behave in a specific pattern during growth age from birth up to adolescence. Girls are born smaller on an average, but they have a more accelerated growth than boys. Girls reach the peak of their adolescent growth spurt earlier in their chronological age. This means that their biological age at this time is at least 2 years older than that of boys of the same chronological age. This sex-specifically differential onset of the adolescent growth spurt, and its peak, as well as the differential decrease of growth velocity cause a dramatic change in sexual dimorphism. This change is clearly shown in this cross-sectional study. Except for the subcutaneous fat layer, there is a clear male growth advantage in all of the measurements investigated after the peak of the adolescent growth spurt. The largest differences between the measurements of both sexes in favour of the male sex are reached at young adult age. In the further course of life, the anthropometrical differences between the sexes decrease again. Sexual dimorphism within a population at a defined chronological age is therefore not only the result of a developing sex-specific physique, but also the result of a sex-specific growth velocity during the successive stages of biological development. Interestingly, we found that the sex-specific velocity of physical development, and by this the development of sexual dimorphism, proceeds differently in the tall and slim leptomorphic individuals in comparison to the smaller and more corpulent pyknomorphic individuals.  相似文献   

The size variation between males and females of a species is a phenomenon known as sexual size dimorphism (SSD). The observed patterns of variation in SSD among species has led to the formulation of Rensch's rule, which establishes that, in species showing a male size bias, SSD increases with an increase in the body size of the species. However, for species in which there is a female size bias, the SSD would decrease when the body size of the species increases. In the present study, we examined the variation in body size and SSD of 33 species of canids from estimates of body mass and body length. We studied its relationship with life‐history characteristics and tested Rensch's rule using phylogenetic generalized least squares and phylogenetic reduced major axis regressions, respectively. We observed the existence of correlation between body mass and body length, although the SSDs from these estimators are uncorrelated. SSD did not show the pattern predicted by Rensch's rule. SSD also did not show any correlation with life‐history traits. It is likely that the low SSD observed in canids is related to the monogamy observed in the family, which is a rare situation in mammals.  相似文献   

The growth of the masseter muscle in eight infant, juvenile, and adolescent female rhesus monkeys (M. mulatta) was examined over a 2.5 year period using serial radiographic cephalometric techniques with the aid of radiopaque muscle markers. The radiopaque markers, which are composed of small pieces of root canal broach inserted into the muscle belly, make it possible to determine longitudinal masseter muscle growth as well as migration of the masseter muscle relative to the mandible. It was found that the masseter muscle increased in length by 64% during the total growth period, most of which occurred between 6 and 18 months of age. Relative to the cranium, the masseter muscle grew markedly inferiorly and only slightly posteriorly. Relative to the mandible, the masseter migrated in a posterior and slightly superior direction, keeping pace with the ramus and condyle as they grew posteriorly and posterosuperiorly throughout the study period. It was concluded that: 1) radiopaque muscle markers are a valuable tool for analysis of muscle growth and alteration of muscle location; 2) the masseter muscle in the rhesus monkey undergoes elongation, probably due to addition of sarcomeres at the fiber-tendon junctions; and 3) posterior migration of the masseter muscle relative to the corpus of the mandible, probably due to the nature of its periosteal attachment, results in a stability of the anteroposterior position of the masseter muscle despite the anterior displacement of the mandible.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data are frequently treated with the classic analysis of variance and regression models. However, these models assume independence of observations. Hoel (1964) demonstrated that the use of least-squares methods on intercorrelated serial observations results in the rejection of the null hypothesis much too frequently. Although appropriate models for analyzing longitudinal data have been available for quite some time, they have remained inaccessible due to cumbersome matrix manipulations. We implement Rao's (1959) one-sample polynomial growth curve model using the programming capability and matrix language of SAS, which involves testing the goodness-of-fit and calculation of confidence bands for polynomial growth curves fit to data at equally spaced time points. Confidence intervals for the parameters themselves are also computed. The method and program (presented in the Appendix) are illustrated with examples involving mandibular ramus height in 12 young male rhesus monkeys. The data set, which spans a 4 year period (yearly observations), is fit adequately by a quadratic equation. The data spanning a 2 year period (half-year observations) are fit adequately by the linear equation. These examples illustrate the considerable widening of confidence bands that occurs when polynomial equations having more terms than are needed to meet the goodness-of-fit requirement are considered.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data for a twenty-year period are presented for a dimension of the human sphenoid bone as seen on postero-anterior roentgenograms of 22 males and 18 females (healthy, American-born Caucasoids). Birotundal diameter measured as the distance between the centers of the right and left foramen rotundum averaged near 32.0 mm for each sex at age 6 years. Individual increase in size to age 26 years ranged between 3.2 mm and 8.3 mm. There is no correlation between size at age 6 years and change between this age and early adulthood. For 54 males and 50 females at age 9 years, intercorrelations were obtained among six variables: birotundal diameter, head breadth, bizygomatic diameter, bigonial diameter, upper and loweer dental arch widths at the permanent first molars. The r's were nonsignificant or low positive (with the exception of upper-lower dental arch, r = 0.76). The results of this study are aligned with three previous studies of human cranial base width.  相似文献   

Methods of measuring tissue area from images of longitudinal thin tooth sections have been used to assess sexual dimorphism in the permanent dentition. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the extent of sexual dimorphism within the coronal tissue proportions of permanent mandibular canines and premolars, using area measurements of the enamel and dentine-pulp core. The sample consisted of embedded "half-tooth" sections from 45 individuals, all of known age-at-death and sex, collected from the St. Thomas' Anglican Church historic (1821-1874) cemetery site in Belleville, ON, Canada. The relative dentine-pulp area of the third premolars and canines displayed high levels of sexual dimorphism, as well as statistically significant mean differences between the sexes. The male canines and premolars have significantly more dentine than their female counterparts, as well as relatively more dentine with respect to overall crown size. The female canines and premolars have significantly more enamel relative to overall crown area than those of the males. These results suggest that relative area measures of crown tissues are more predictable measures of sexual dimorphism than absolute measures, and tissue proportions may remain constant despite intrasex variation in overall tooth crown size.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism in species with asymptotic growth after maturity   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
If animals mature at small sizes and then grow to larger asymptotic sizes, many factors can affect male and female size distributions. Standard growth equations can be used to study the processes affecting sexual size dimorphism in species with asymptotic growth after maturity. This paper first outlines the effects of sex differences in growth and maturation patterns on the direction and degree of sexual dimorphism. The next section considers the effects of variation in age structure or growth rates on adult body sizes and sexual size dimorphism. Field data from a crustacean, fish, lizard and mammal show how information on a species' growth and maturation patterns can be used to predict the relationships between male size, female size and sexual size dimorphism expected if a series of samples from the same population simply differed with respect to their ages or growth rates. The last section considers ecological or behavioural factors with different effects on the growth, maturation, survival or movement patterns of the two sexes. This study supports earlier suggestions that information on growth and maturation patterns may be useful, if not essential, for comparative studies of sexual size dimorphism in taxa with asymptotic growth after maturity.  相似文献   

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