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黄绵土N2O排放的温度效应及其动力学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以室内试验为手段,以黄绵土为供试土壤,研究了不同水热条件下农田土壤中N2O的排放特征,并借助于化学反应动力学理论对N2O排放的热效应机理进行了探讨.结果表明:在适宜的温度范围内,表现为土壤N2O排放量随温度升高而增大.14.50%水分时,20~25℃温区N2O排放呈现"跃增"现象,即温度效应较强,而18.70%和22%水分时,N2O排放的"跃增区"分别出现在15~20℃温区和25~30℃温区,即水分条件影响着N2O排放的温度效应.土壤N2O累积排放量随时间t的变化均符合修正的Elovich方程y=a+blnt,并应用表观排放速率b从动力学角度验证了N2O排放"跃增"现象的存在.在一定的水分条件下,随着温度的增加,土壤N2O排放出现最大值(此时温度为T0),在T1~T0温区内,随温度升高土壤N2O排放量增加,在T0~T2温区内,随温度升高土壤N2O排放量降低,对于黄土性土壤而言,这一转折点(T0)在30℃左右.7.86%水分时干燥土壤存在吸收N2O的现象.  相似文献   

Objectives : The aims were to compare the temperature dependence of the metabolic rate in young ob/ob mice with that in mature ob/ob and db/db mice and to examine the effect on the metabolic substrate preference of leptin and etomoxir in ob/ob, C57BL/6J (wild‐type), and db/db mice. Research Methods and Procedures : In vivo oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production were continuously measured by indirect calorimetry, and body temperature and total locomotor activity were measured by an implanted transponder. Leptin, etomoxir, or vehicle was administered intraperitoneally. Results : The temperature dependence of the metabolic rate of mature ob/ob and db/db mice were similar to that in wild‐type mice. In young 6‐week‐old ob/ob mice, the metabolic rate was almost doubled at 15 °C. Leptin (2 × 3 mg/kg) decreased the respiratory quotient (RQ) and carbon dioxide production but did not alter oxygen consumption, body temperature, or locomotor activity in ob/ob and C57BL/6J mice and had no effect in the db/db mice. Etomoxir (2 × 30 mg/kg) enhanced RQ and decreased oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and body temperature in ob/ob, C57BL/6J, and db/db mice. Total locomotor activity was reduced in ob/ob and C57BL/6J mice. Discussion : In young ob/ob mice, the temperature sensitivity was enhanced compared with mature mice. Leptin and etomoxir had opposite effects on metabolic substrate preference. Leptin and lowered environmental temperature increased the relative fat oxidation as indicated by decreased RQ, possibly through activation of the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

The rates of dry weight increase and respiration of fruits were measured throughout fruit ontogeny at 20, 25 and 30°C in cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Corona). By maintaining one or five fruits per plant, which strongly affected fruit dry weight but not ontogeny, the effects of fruit size and ontogeny on respiration could be studied separately. The respiration rate per fruit followed a sigmoid curve during fruit ontogeny, while the specific respiration rate (respiration rate per unit dry weight) declined with time after anthesis. The specific respiration rate was almost linearly related to the relative growth rate. The specific respiratory costs for both growth and maintenance were highest in young fruits, but were not affected by fruit size. The average specific respiratory costs for growth and maintenance at 25°C were 3.3–3.9 mmol CO2 g−1 and 4.0 nmol CO2 g−1 s−1, respectively. An increase in temperature had no effect on the specific respiratory costs for growth, while the costs for maintenance increased with a Q10 of about 2. The costs for growth agreed reasonably well with theoretical estimates based on the chemical composition of the fruits but not with estimates based on only the carbon and ash content. The respiratory losses as a fraction of the total carbon requirement of a fruit changed during fruit ontogeny, but were independent of temperature and were similar for slow- and fast-growing fruits. The cumulative respiratory losses accounted for 13–15% of the total carbon requirement.  相似文献   

Understanding the responses of soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from terrestrial ecosystems to future CO2 enrichment and warming is critical for the development of mitigation and adaptation policies. The effects of continuous increase in elevated CO2 (EC) and elevated temperature (ET) on N2O emissions are not fully known. We synthesized 209 measurements from 70 published studies and carried out a meta-analysis to examine individual and interactive effects of EC and ET on N2O emissions from grasslands, croplands and forests. On average, a significant increase of 23% in N2O emissions was observed under EC across all case studies. EC did not affect N2O emissions from grasslands or forests, but significantly increased N2O emissions in croplands by 38%. The extent of ET effects on N2O emissions was nonsignificant and there was no significant difference in N2O emission responses among these three terrestrial systems. ET only promoted N2O emissions in forest by about 32% when ET was less than 2°C. The interactive effect of EC and ET on N2O emissions was significantly synergistic, showing a greater increase than the sum of the effects caused by EC and ET alone. Our findings indicated that the combination of EC and ET substantially promoted soil N2O and highlighted the urgent need to explore its mechanisms to better understand N2O responses under future climate change.  相似文献   

Abstract. Third-instar larvae of the goldenrod gall fly ( Eurosta solidaginis Fitch) live inside ball galls on goldenrod plants from summer to the following spring.Because galls are highly exposed to the weather, larvae experience substantial variations in body temperature.This study documents the oxygen consumption of gall fly larvae with regard to the effects of ambient temperature, seasonal conditioning, and prior exposure to subzero temperature.The body mass of larvae doubles between the late summer and the autumn; it subsequently undergoes a modest decline by early winter.The O2, consumption of field-acclimatized larvae increases with ambient temperature, especially between 0 and 10°C (Q10= 2.6-3.4).The thermal sensitivity of metabolism declines at higher ambient temperatures, most notably during the autumn/early winter.After exposure to 15°C for 1 week, autumn and early winter larvae maintain much lower rates of O2 consumption than do late summer specimens.Prior exposure to -5°C for 24 h did not influence the O2 consumption of larvae.Low thermal sensitivity of O2 consumption, especially at higher ambient temperatures, is an energy-sparing mechanism during seasonal inactivity.Indeed, the persistence of this metabolic pattern in larvae exposed to 15°C suggests that they have entered a state of diapause.  相似文献   

The role of acclimation of dark respiration to temperature and CO2 concentration and its relationship to growth are critical in determining plant response to predicted global change. We explored temperature acclimation of respiration in seedlings of tree species of the North American boreal forest. Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera, Larix laricina, Pinus banksiana, and Picea mariana plants were grown from seed in controlled-environments at current and elevated concentrations of CO2 (370 and 580 μmol mol–1) in combination with three temperature treatments of 18/12, 24/18, and 30/24 °C (light/dark period). Specific respiration rates of roots and shoots acclimated to temperature, damping increases in rates across growth-temperature environments compared to short-term temperature responses. Compared at a standard temperature, root and shoot respiration rates were, on average, 40% lower in plants grown at the highest compared to lowest growth temperature. Broad-leaved species had a lower degree of temperature acclimation of respiration than did the conifers. Among species and treatment combinations, rates of respiration were linearly related to size and relative growth rate, and relationships were comparable among growth environments. Specific respiration rates and whole-plant respiratory CO2 efflux as a proportion of daily net CO2 uptake increased at higher growth temperatures, but were minimally affected by CO2 concentration. Whole-plant specific respiration rates were two to three times higher in broad-leaved than coniferous species. However, compared to faster-growing broad-leaved species, slower-growing conifers lost a larger proportion of net daily CO2 uptake as respiratory CO2 efflux, especially in roots. Interspecific variation in acclimation responses of dark respiration to temperature is more important than acclimation of respiration to CO2 enrichment in modifying tree seedling growth responses to projected increases in CO2 concentration and temperature.  相似文献   

The research described in this paper represents a part of a much broader research project with the general objective of describing the effects of elevated [CO2] and temperature on tree growth, physiological processes, and ecosystem-level processes. The specific objective of this research was to examine the below-ground respiratory responses of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and red maple (Acer rubrum L.) seedlings to elevated atmospheric [CO2] and temperature. Red maple and sugar maple seedlings were planted in the ground in each of 12 open-top chambers and exposed from 1994 through 1997 to ambient air or air enriched with 30 Pa CO2,< in combination with ambient or elevated (+4 °C) air temperatures. Carbon dioxide efflux was measured around the base of the seedlings and from root-exclusion zones at intervals during 1995 and 1996 and early 1997. The CO2 efflux rates averaged 0.4 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1 in the root-exclusion zones and 0.75 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1 around the base of the seedlings. Mineral soil respiration in root-exclusion zones averaged 12% higher in the high temperature treatments than at ambient temperature, but was not affected by CO2 treatments. The fraction of total efflux attributable to root + rhizosphere respiration ranged from 14 to 61% in measurements made around red maple plants, and from 35 to 62% around sugar maple plants. Root respiration rates ranged from 0 to 0.94 μmol CO2 s-1 m-2 of soil surface in red maple and from 0 to 1.02 in sugar maple. In both 1995 and 1996 root respiration rates of red maple were highest in high-CO2 treatments and lowest in high temperature treatments. Specific red maple root respiration rates of excised roots from near the soil surface in 1996 were also highest under CO2 enrichment and lowest in high temperature treatments. In sugar maple the highest rates of CO2 efflux were from around the base of plants exposed to both high temperature and high-CO2, even though specific respiration rates were< lowest for this species under the high temperature and CO2 enrichment regime. In both species, patterns of response to treatments were similar in root respiration and root mass, indicating that the root respiration responses were due in part to differences in root mass. The results underscore the need for separating the processes occurring in the roots from those in the forest floor and mineral soil in order to increase our understanding of the effects of global climate change on carbon sequestration and cycling in the below-ground systems of forests.  相似文献   

Three soybean ( Glycine max L. Merr.) cultivars (Maple Glen, Clark and CNS) were exposed to three CO2 concentrations (370, 555 and 740 μmol mol−1) and three growth temperatures (20/15°, 25/20° and 31/26°C, day/night) to determine intraspecific differences in single leaf/whole plant photosynthesis, growth and partitioning, phenology and final biomass. Based on known carboxylation kinetics, a synergistic effect between temperature and CO2 on growth and photosynthesis was predicted since elevated CO2 increases photosynthesis by reducing photorespiration and photorespiration increases with temperature. Increasing CO2 concentrations resulted in a stimulation of single leaf photosynthesis for 40–60 days after emergence (DAE) at 20/15°C in all cultivars and for Maple Glen and CNS at all temperatures. For Clark, however, the onset of flowering at warmer temperatures coincided with the loss of stimulation in single leaf photosynthesis at elevated CO2 concentrations. Despite the season-long stimulation of single leaf photosynthesis, elevated CO2 concentrations did not increase whole plant photosynthesis except at the highest growth temperature in Maple Glen and CNS, and there was no synergistic effect on final biomass. Instead, the stimulatory effect of CO2 on growth was delayed by higher temperatures. Data from this experiment suggest that: (1) intraspecific variation could be used to select for optimum soybean cultivars with future climate change; and (2) the relationship between temperature and CO2 concentration may be expressed differently at the leaf and whole plant levels and may not solely reflect known changes in carboxylation kinetics.  相似文献   

Using controlled environmental growth chambers, whole plants of soybean, cv. ‘Clark’, were examined during early development (7–20 days after sowing) at both ambient (≈ 350 μL L–1) and elevated (≈ 700 μL L–1) carbon dioxide and a range of air temperatures (20, 25, 30, and 35 °C) to determine if future climatic change (temperature or CO2 concentration) could alter the ratio of carbon lost by dark respiration to that gained via photosynthesis. Although whole-plant respiration increased with short-term increases in the measurement temperature, respiration acclimated to increasing growth temperature. Respiration, on a dry weight basis, was either unchanged or lower for the elevated CO2 grown plants, relative to ambient CO2 concentration, over the range of growth temperatures. Levels of both starch and sucrose increased with elevated CO2 concentration, but no interaction between CO2 and growth temperature was observed. Relative growth rate increased with elevated CO2 concentration up to a growth temperature of 35 °C. The ratio of respiration to photosynthesis rate over a 24-h period during early development was not altered over the growth temperatures (20–35 °C) and was consistently less at the elevated relative to the ambient CO2 concentration. The current experiment does not support the proposition that global increases in carbon dioxide and temperature will increase the ratio of respiration to photosynthesis; rather, the data suggest that some plant species may continue to act as a sink for carbon even if carbon dioxide and temperature increase simultaneously.  相似文献   

We carried out a factorial experiment to explore the effect of doubled CO2 concentration and a 3 °C temperature increase on the development of a complete generation of the beetles Octotoma championi Baly and O. scabripennis Guérin‐Méneville (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). These species are biological control agents of Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae), with a leaf‐mining larval phase and free‐living, leaf‐chewing adults. Plants grown at elevated CO2 had enhanced above‐ground biomass, thicker leaves, reduced nitrogen concentration, and increased C:N ratios. Under the high temperature treatment, plants grown at ambient CO2 suffered wilting and premature leaf loss, despite daily watering; this effect was ameliorated at elevated CO2. The wilting of plants in the ambient CO2/high temperature treatment reduced the emergence success of the beetles, particularly O. championi. Development time was accelerated by approximately 10–13 days at the higher temperature, but was not affected by CO2. Neither CO2 nor temperature affected adult beetle weight. Consumption rates of free‐living beetles were not affected by either CO2 or temperature. By contrast, in the short‐term trials using excised foliage, beetles given no choice between ambient and elevated CO2‐grown foliage, consumed more from ambient plants. When beetles were offered a choice between foliage grown at the two CO2 levels, O. championi did not display a significant preference but O. scabripennis consumed more ambient CO2‐grown foliage when feeding at the lower temperature. This study indicates that under future conditions of higher temperatures, amelioration of water stress in host plants growing in elevated CO2 may benefit some endophagous insects by reducing premature leaf loss. Under some circumstances, this benefit may outweigh the deleterious effects of lower leaf nitrogen. Our results also indicate that foliage consumption under elevated CO2 by mobile, adult insects on whole plants may not be significantly increased, as was previously indicated by short‐term experiments using excised foliage.  相似文献   

Recently, several studies reported that the optimum temperature for the initial slope [IS(Ci)] of the light-saturated photosynthetic rate (A) versus intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) curve changed, depending on the growth temperature. However, few studies compare IS(Ci) with ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) properties. Here, we assessed Rubisco activation state and in vitro Rubisco kinetics, the main determinants of IS(Ci), in spinach leaves grown at 30/25 [high temperature (HT)] and 15/10 degrees C [low temperature (LT)]. We measured Rubisco activation state and A at a CO2 concentration of 360 microL L(-1) (A360) at various temperatures. In both HT and LT leaves, the Rubisco activation state decreased with increasing temperatures above the optimum temperatures for A360, while the activation state remained high at lower temperatures. To compare Rubisco characteristics, temperature dependences of the maximum rate of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation (Vcmax), specificity factor (Sc/o) and thermal stability were examined. We also examined Vcmax, and thermal stability in the leaves that were transferred from HT to LT conditions and were subsequently kept under LT conditions for 2 weeks (HL). Rubisco purified from HT, LT and HL leaves are called HT, LT and HL Rubisco, respectively. Thermal stabilities of LT and HL Rubisco were similar and lower than that of HT Rubisco. Both Vcmax and Sc/o in LT Rubisco were higher than those of HT Rubisco at low temperatures, while these were lower at high temperatures. Vcmax in HL Rubisco were similar to those of LT Rubisco at low temperatures, and to those of HT Rubisco at high temperatures. The predicted photosynthetic rates, taking account of the Rubisco kinetics and the Rubisco activation state, agreed well with A360 in both HT and LT leaves. This study suggests that photosynthetic performance is largely determined by the Rubisco kinetics at low temperature and by Rubisco Kinetics and the Rubisco activation state at high temperature.  相似文献   

Global warming and associated increases in the frequency and amplitude of extreme weather events, such as heat waves, may adversely affect tropical rainforest plants via significantly increased tissue temperatures. In this study, the response to two temperature regimes was assessed in seedlings of the neotropical pioneer tree species, Ficus insipida. Plants were cultivated in growth chambers at strongly elevated daytime temperature (39 °C), combined with either close to natural (22 °C) or elevated (32 °C) nighttime temperatures. Under both growth regimes, the critical temperature for irreversible leaf damage, determined by changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence, was approximately 51 °C. This is comparable to values found in F. insipida growing under natural ambient conditions and indicates a limited potential for heat tolerance acclimation of this tropical forest tree species. Yet, under high nighttime temperature, growth was strongly enhanced, accompanied by increased rates of net photosynthetic CO2 uptake and diminished temperature dependence of leaf-level dark respiration, consistent with thermal acclimation of these key physiological parameters.  相似文献   

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