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In our earlier work we established that stirred crystallization of achiral compounds that crystallize in enantiomeric forms result in spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. The asymmetry thus spontaneously generated is confined to the solid state. In this article, we present a case in which the crystal enantiomeric excess (CEE) can be converted to molecular enantiomeric excess (EE) through a solid state reaction which relates the enantiomeric form of the crystal to the enantiomeric form of the product. Such a process not only provides a means of detecting the CEE generated in stirred crystallization but it is also a means through which chiral asymmetry generated spontaneously is \"propagated\" to generate chiral compounds with enantiomeric excess.  相似文献   

Amino-acid enantiomeric excesses (ee's) have been detected in different types of carbonaceous chondrites, all in favor of the L enantiomer. In this article, we discuss possible deterministic causes to the presence of these amino-acid ee's in meteorites and evaluate in particular enantioselective photolysis by circularly polarized light (CPL). The electronic circular dichroism spectra of a set of amino- and hydroxy-acids, all detected in chondritic matter but some with ee's and others without ee's, were calculated and compared. The spectra were calculated for the most stable conformation(s) of the considered molecules using quantum mechanical methods (density functional theory). Our results suggest that CPL photolysis in the gas phase was perhaps not at the origin of the presence of ee's in meteorites and that the search for another, but still unknown, deterministic cause must be seriously undertaken.  相似文献   

Spontaneous symmetry breaking in reactive systems, known as a rare physical phenomenon and for the Soai autocatalytic irreversible reaction, might in principle also occur in other, more common asymmetric reactions when the chiral product is capable to promote its formation and an element of \"nonlinearity\" is involved in the reaction scheme. Such phenomena are long sought after in chemistry as a possible explanation for the biological homochirality of biomolecules. We have investigated homogeneous organic stereoselective Mannich and Aldol reactions, in which the product is capable to form H-bridged complexes with the prochiral educt, and found by applying NMR spectroscopy, HPLC analysis, and optical rotation measurements 0.3-50.8% of random product enantiomeric excess under essentially achiral reaction conditions. These findings imply a hitherto overlooked mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking and, hence, a novel approach to the problem of absolute asymmetric synthesis and could have also potential significance for the conundrum of homochirality.  相似文献   

Traces of biological contaminants that cannot be detected, but are expected to be present, in ultra-pure water suffice to select the emerging chiral sign in the spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking that takes place during the formation of the J-aggregates of the amphiphilic diprotonated tetrakis-(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin (H(4)TPPS(4)(2-)). This is demonstrated by competition experiments with a chiral cationic surfactant. The sensitivity of the detection depends on the hierarchical control of the H(4)TPPS(4)(2-) self-aggregation.  相似文献   

Diamino carboxylic acids have recently come to the attention of scientists working in the field of early life and its development. These are the monomers of a hypothetic early form of genetic material, the so-called Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) (Nielson et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000;97:3868-3871). Since all biopolymers rely on a specific handedness of their building blocks, the question of symmetry breaking occurs in diamino acids and PNA in the same way as in amino acids and proteins. One possible mechanism for triggering this, is asymmetric photochemistry in interstellar/circumstellar matter by means of circularly polarized light (Bailey et al., Science 2005;281:672-674; Bailey, Orig Life Evol Biosphere 2001;21:167-183; Buscherm?hle, Astrophys J 2005;624:821-826; Meierhenrich, Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2005;44:5630-5634). Here we have measured the CD-spectra of four chiral diamino carboxylic acids, three of which were found in the Murchison meteorite (Meierhenrich, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101:9182-9186). The spectra show a uniform peak at 200 nm. These results and additional quantum mechanical calculations of the involved molecular orbitals support the assumption that the process of symmetry breaking in diamino acids does not depend significantly on the length of the side chain. This means that one process alone could suffice to lead to symmetry breaking in all four measured diamino carboxylic acids and might even to some extent be transferable to monoamino acids, the monomers of proteins.  相似文献   

Chiral symmetry breaking can be realized in stirred crystallization of Na-ClO3. We present experimental and theoretical studies of the random distribution of crystal enantiomeric excess (cee) for various stirring and solvent evaporation rates. For a fixed solvent evaporation rate, as the stirring RPM is increased, the probability distribution of cee initially broadens and subsequently develops a sharp peak close to cee = 1. On further increase of stirring rate, the probability distribution once again broadens. This broad probability distribution becomes narrow, with a sharp peak near cee = 1, if the solvent evaporation rate is decreased. Thus we show some ways in which the probability distribution of cee can be controlled in stirred crystallization. In particular, our study shows that the stirring rate and the solvent evaporation rate can be adjusted to maximize crystal enantiomeric excess. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Kondepudi DK  Durand DJ 《Chirality》2001,13(7):351-356
Spiral galaxies are chiral entities when coupled with the direction of their recession velocity. As viewed from the Earth, the S‐shaped and Z‐shaped spiral galaxies are two chiral forms. What is the nature of chiral symmetry in spiral galaxies? In the Carnegie Atlas of Galaxies that lists photographs of a total of 1,168 galaxies, we found 540 galaxies, classified as normal or barred spirals, that are clearly identifiable as S‐ or Z‐ type. The recession velocities for 538 of these galaxies could be obtained from this atlas and other sources. A statistical analysis of this sample reveals no overall asymmetry but there is a significant asymmetry in certain subclasses: dominance of S‐type galaxies in the Sb class of normal spiral galaxies and a dominance of Z‐type in the SBb class of barred spiral galaxies. Both S‐ and Z‐type galaxies seem to have similar velocity distribution, indicating no spatial segregation of the two chiral forms. Chirality 13:351–356, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Enantioselective segregation has been attained in the Bx phase of a novel substituted oxadiazole achiral banana-shaped liquid crystal (LC) without introducing any chiral species. This bent-core molecule exhibits LC polymorphism; the higher temperature nematic (N) phase and the lower temperature banana smectic phase (Bx phase), in which spontaneous chiral segregation with (+) and (-) chiral domains occurs with equal probabilities. In twisted cell geometries, extrinsically induced twisted N structures are formed and result in intrinsically chiral conglomerate when the temperature is decreased from N to Bx. The observed optical activity in homochiral Bx phase is comparable to those theoretically predicted and is proportional to the cell thickness.  相似文献   

Amino acid homochirality, as a unique behavior of life, could have originated synchronously with the genetic code. In this paper, phosphoryl amino-acid-5′-nucleosides with P-N bond are postulated to be a chiral origin model in prebiotic molecular evolution. The enthalpy change in the intramolecular interaction between the nucleotide base and the amino-acid side-chain determines the stability of the particular complex, resulting in a preferred conformation associated with the chirality of amino acids. Based on the theoretical model, our experiments and calculations show that the chiral selection of the earliest amino acids for L-enantiomers seems to be a strict stereochemical/physicochemical determinism. As other amino acids developed biosynthetically from the earliest amino acids, we infer that the chirality of the later amino acids was inherited from the precursor amino acids. This idea probably goes far back in history, but it is hoped that it will be a guide for further experiments in this area.  相似文献   

Amino acid homochirality, as a unique behavior of life, could have originated synchronously with the genetic code. In this paper, phosphoryl amino-acid -5′-nucleosides with P-N bond are postulated to be a chiral origin model in prebiotic molecular evolution. The enthalpy change in the intramolecular interaction between the nucleotide base and the amino-acid side-chain determines the sta-bility of the particular complex, resulting in a preferred conformation associated with the chirality of amino acids. Based on the theoretical model, our experiments and calculations show that the chiral selection of the earliest amino acids for L-enantiomers seems to be a strict stereochemi-cal/physicochemical determinism. As other amino acids developed biosynthetically from the earliest amino acids, we infer that the chirality of the later amino acids was inherited from the precursor amino acids. This idea probably goes far back in history, but it is hoped that it will be a guide for further ex-periments in this area.  相似文献   

Cells use complex biochemical pathways to drive shape changes for polarization and movement. One of these pathways is the self-assembly of actin filaments and myosin motors that together produce the forces and tensions that drive cell shape changes. Whereas the role of actin and myosin motors in cell polarization is clear, the exact mechanism of how the cortex, a thin shell of actin that is underneath the plasma membrane, can drive cell shape changes is still an open question. Here, we address this issue using biomimetic systems: the actin cortex is reconstituted on liposome membranes, in an ‘outside geometry’. The actin shell is either grown from an activator of actin polymerization immobilized at the membrane by a biotin–streptavidin link, or built by simple adsorption of biotinylated actin filaments to the membrane, in the presence or absence of myosin motors. We show that tension in the actin network can be induced either by active actin polymerization on the membrane via the Arp2/3 complex or by myosin II filament pulling activity. Symmetry breaking and spontaneous polarization occur above a critical tension that opens up a crack in the actin shell. We show that this critical tension is reached by growing branched networks, nucleated by the Arp2/3 complex, in a concentration window of capping protein that limits actin filament growth and by a sufficient number of motors that pull on actin filaments. Our study provides the groundwork to understanding the physical mechanisms at work during polarization prior to cell shape modifications.  相似文献   

Studies performed in absence of gravitational constraint show that a living system is unable to choose between two different phenotypes, thus leading cells to segregate into different, alternative stable states. This finding demonstrates that the genotype does not determine by itself the phenotype but requires additional, physical constraints to finalize cell differentiation. Constraints belong to two classes: holonomic (independent of the system's dynamical states, as being established by the space-time geometry of the field) and non-holonomic (modified during those biological processes to which they contribute in shaping). This latter kind of “constraints”, in which dynamics works on the constraint to recreate them, have emerged as critical determinants of self-organizing systems, by manifesting a “closure of constraints.” Overall, the constraints act by harnessing the “randomness” represented by the simultaneous presence of equiprobable events restraining the system within one attractor. These results cast doubt on the mainstream scientific concept and call for a better understanding of causation in cell biology.  相似文献   

Mammalian oocyte meiosis encompasses two rounds of asymmetric divisions to generate a totipotent haploid egg and, as by-products, two small polar bodies. Two intracellular events, asymmetric spindle positioning and cortical polarization, are critical to such asymmetric divisions. Actin but not microtubule cytoskeleton has been known to be directly involved in both events. Recent work has revealed a positive feedback loop between chromosome-mediated cortical activation and the Arp2/3-orchestrated cytoplasmic streaming that moves chromosomes. This feedback loop not only maintains meiotic II spindle position during metaphase II arrest, but also brings about symmetry breaking during meiosis I. Prior to an Arp2/3-dependent phase of fast movement, meiotic I spindle experiences a slow and non-directional first phase of migration driven by a pushing force from Fmn2-mediated actin polymerization. In addition to illustrating these molecular mechanisms, mathematical simulations are presented to elucidate mechanical properties of actin-dependent force generation in this system.  相似文献   

In the light of recent and controversial findings on spontaneous resolution of racemates and their implications in the origin of homochirality on earth, we present here a detailed review of this important topic. Although spontaneous resolution cannot at this moment be reliably predicted, there has also been considerable progress in crystal structure prediction and, not only thermodynamic factors, but also kinetic ones, play important roles in the efficiency of packing and crystallization. In addition, self-association and supramolecular control phenomena may be identified in cases where spontaneous resolution of enantiomers is actually occurring. While this contribution summarizes our current understanding of this intriguing phenomena, it is hoped that future work on crystalline conglomerates (or homochiral crystals) of prebiotic importance will be of further help to understand the general problem of terrestrial chirogenesis.  相似文献   

NaClO3 is achiral in solution. If crystallization is performed under a static set-up, it is recognized that the stochastic nucleation probability results in a racemic mixture of the conglomerate. In this paper, we report a reexamination of the crystallization of NaClO3 from static solution in petri dishes that was conducted over a number of years and is based on the count and analysis of several thousand d- vs. l-NaClO3 crystals. Remarkably, instead of an expected nearly 50/50 coin-tossing situation for the d/l crystal frequency, in most of our experiments a statistically significant bias in favor of d- over l-NaClO3 crystals was found. The experiments also showed that the NaClO3 system was relatively insensitive regarding the intentional addition of a variety of optically active agents. Only in some cases, the persisting d-bias observed in the unseeded experiments slightly increased upon the presence of such additives. Nevertheless, experiments in plastic petri dishes or in presence of fungal spores were able to reverse this bias. A literature survey shows that mainly d-directed non-stochastic behavior in the NaClO3 system has been previously observed in other laboratory settings and by the application of different crystallization techniques. So far, the kind of chiral influence that could be at the origin of the observed bias remains unknown. After the examination of several possible chiral influences of physical, chemical and biological origin, we carefully consider the presence of bio-contaminants as most likely for the cause of this effect.  相似文献   

Under neutral conditions, spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking has been occasionally reported for aldol reactions starting from achiral reagents and conditions. Chiral induction might be interpreted in terms of autocatalysis exerted by chiral mono‐aldol or bis‐aldol products as source of initial enantiomeric excesses, which may account for such experimental observations. We describe here a thorough Density Functional Theory (DFT) study on this complex and otherwise difficult problem, which provides some insights into this phenomenon. The picture adds further rationale to an in‐depth analysis by Moyano et al, who showed the isolation and characterization of bis‐aldol adducts and their participation in a complex network of reversible steps. However, the lack of enantiodiscrimination (ees vanish rapidly in solution) suggests, according to the present results, a weak association in complexes formed by the catalysts and substrates. The latter would also be consistent with almost flat transition states having similar heights for competitive catalyst‐bound transition structures (actually, we were unable to locate them at the level explored). Overall, neither autocatalysis as once conjectured nor mutual inhibition of enantiomers appears to be operating mechanisms. Asymmetric amplification in early stages harnessing unavoidable enantiomeric imbalances in reaction mixtures of chiral products represents a plausible interpretation.  相似文献   

Measurements of size and asymmetry in morphology might provide early indications of damaging effects of inbreeding or other genetic changes in conservation breeding programs. We examined the effects of inbreeding on size and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in skull and limb bone measurements in experimental populations of three subspecies of Peromyscus polionotus mice that had previously been shown to suffer significant reductions in reproductive success when inbred. Inbreeding caused significant depression in mean size in two of the subspecies (P. p. rhoadsi and P. p. subgriseus), but the effects were smaller in the third (P. p. leucocephalus). Inbreeding caused an increase in FA of just one of eight bilateral traits in one subspecies (P. p. rhoadsi). Inbreeding depression in size was more easily detected than the effects of inbreeding on FA. FA may be much less sensitive to inbreeding and other stresses than are more direct measures of fitness such as reproductive output and body mass growth rate. Given the large sample sizes and statistical complexity required to assess changes to typically very small levels of FA in captive populations, FA will not likely provide a useful measure of inbreeding depression in captive populations. Zoo Biol. 32:125‐133, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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