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Homogenates of hindleg muscle were obtained from control and dystrophic male hamsters, 30 and 190 days of age, and were used to prepare the postmicrosomal pH5-supernatant fraction. The activity of this fraction in the incorporation of [14C]phenylalanyl-tRNA into peptides was increased in the dystrophic-muscle preparations. No such increase was found in brain or liver preparations from dystrophic hamsters. The increased capacity for aminoacyl-tRNA binding that was observed in preparations from dystrophic animals is discussed.  相似文献   

Diaphragm muscles of dystrophic hamsters were found to be larger than those of control animals at two of three ages studied. The additional growth of these afflicted muscles correlated with large increases in protein synthesis and concentrations of RNA. Protein breakdown was also increased in the dystrophic muscles, but to a smaller extent than synthesis.  相似文献   

Induction, carried out in a small clear-plastic box with 3-5% (v/v) halothane in 30:70 (v/v) oxygen: nitrous oxide, was quiet and rapid. Recovery was almost instantaneous. 2% halothane in the oxygen-nitrous oxide mixture was sufficient for maintenance anaesthesia. The anaesthetic mixture was given by face mask in an open circuit specially designed to function at low gas-flow rates. The halothane content of the muscle and blood after 25 min anaesthesia was estimated by gas chromatography of n-heptane extracts. The mean level (+/- s.e.m.) in blood was 22-8 +/- 2-7 mg/100 ml (n=4), and in dystrophic muscle 226 +/- 36-8 mg/100 g wet weight of tissue (n=4): there was a positive correlation (r=0-94) between them (p less than 0-02).  相似文献   

The release of acetylcholinesterase activity by collagenase from the particulate fraction of mouse muscle homogenate into the soluble fraction was dependent on the time of incubation of muscle homogenate with collagenase. The collagenase-stimulated release of acetylcholinesterase was inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline, an inhibitor of collagenase. Differential effects of inhibitors of specific acetylcholinesterase and nonspecific cholinesterase were observed in both collagenase extract and collagenase-resistant fraction derived from homogenate of muscle of normal and dystrophic mice. The collagenase extract of dystrophic muscle contained distinctly lower activity of acetylcholinesterase than that of normal muscle, while both collagenase extract and collagenase-resistant fraction of dystrophic muscle showed much higher activity of butyrylcholinesterase activity than those from normal muscle.  相似文献   

Changes in the ultrastructure of the cardiac muscle cells have been followed in dystrophic mice and hamsters (22-40 weeks of age) and in both species a severe cardiomyopathy accompanies the cellular damage of the skeletal muscle. The degradative changes of the myofilament apparatus of the heart cells and the specific changes in mitochondrial ultrastructure (including swelling, septation and apparent division) are characteristic of the cellular damage of both the dystrophic skeletal muscle and of normal cardiac muscle in which [Ca]i has been experimentally raised, confirming the suggestions that (i) the same gene is responsible for the myopathy of skeletal and cardiac muscle in animal dystrophy and (ii) that changes in [Ca]i are implicated in the degradative changes of muscle cells.  相似文献   

The cellular electrical activity of diaphragm from F1B normal and BIO 14.6 dystrophic hamsters has been investigated using microelectrodes. Resting membrane potentials and action potentials were recorded from control muscles and from muscles exposed to 2,4-dinitrophenol. The action potentials of normal and dystrophic diaphragms were similar in amplitude and configuration. Treatment with 2,4-dinitrophenol caused the action potential amplitude of both diaphragms to decline by similar amounts. The control resting membrane potential of diaphragm from dystrophic hamsters is not significantly different from that of normal hamsters. Treatment with 2,4-dinitrophenol caused a linear decrease in the resting membrane potentials of both groups of muscles. Dystrophic muscle, however, showed a more rapid decline in excitability when exposed to 2,4-dinitrophenol. This suggests that adenosine triphosphate production in dystrophic muscle is partially inhibited as has been suggested by other workers.  相似文献   

The ability of dystrophic hamsters to maintain their body temperature despite abnormal muscle and brown adipose tissue, two organs involved in thermoregulation, was evaluated. Dystrophic hamsters (CHF 146) between the ages of 30 and 160 days kept at 21 degrees C had core (rectal) temperatures (TR) that were 0.5-1.5 degrees C lower than Golden Syrian controls. The reduced core temperatures of dystrophic hamsters were unlikely the result of an incapacity to generate heat since the dystrophic hamsters were able to maintain their TRs during 3 h of acute cold stress (4 degrees C) and to adapt to prolonged cold exposure. However, TRs of cold-acclimated dystrophic hamsters were still 1 degree C below TRs of cold-acclimated control animals. By contrast, increasing the ambient temperature raised TRs of both normal and dystrophic hamsters. When kept at 32 degrees C overnight, the TRs of dystrophic hamsters remained significantly below those of control animals. When heat-exposed dystrophic hamsters were returned to 21 degrees C, their TRs returned to values significantly lower than those of control hamsters. Thus, dystrophic hamsters showed a capacity to thermoregulate, like control hamsters, but appeared to do so at a lower temperature. The reduced core temperatures of dystrophic hamsters kept at 21 degrees C cannot be explained by a reduction in metabolic activity since newborns and 30- and 140-day-old dystrophic hamsters had rates of oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) that were similar to those of controls. These results suggest that the thermoregulatory set point may be altered in dystrophic hamsters.  相似文献   

The activity and diurnal variation of 3-hydroxy-3-methyglutaryl-CoA reductase (EC; HMG-CoA reductase), the rate-limiting enzyme in the cholesterol-biosynthetic pathway, of normal and dystrophic hamsters was determined. Liver enzyme activity showed a diurnal pattern in the normal male, but not in the dystrophic male. Enzyme values in normal males at the midpoint of the 12 h dark period were 10 times those in dystrophic males. No evidence for diurnal variation in the HMG-CoA reductase of the brain was observed, and similar activities were found for normal and dystrophic animals. The apparent Km for HMG-CoA reductase from the liver of normal or dystrophic hamsters was approx. 9 microM, and the Vmax. was 5.9 and 21.7 pmol/min per mg of protein for dystrophic and normal hamsters respectively.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans were isolated from the skeletal muscle of either normal or dystrophic mice aged from 3 to 18 weeks. The glycosaminoglycan content of the normal muscle, based on the tissue weight, decreased slightly during the period from 3 to 10 weeks, and remained almost unchanged after 10 weeks. The major glycosaminoglycan in normal muscle was hyaluronate, the relative amount of which increased slightly (from 70% to 80%) with age. Both dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate were also obtained. The relative amounts of these sulfated glycosaminoglycans tended to decrease with age. On the other hand, the glycosaminoglycan content of the dystrophic muscle was higher than that of normal muscle even at 3 weeks. The proportion of hyaluronate was almost constant (about 65%) throughout the age range examined. The relative amount of dermatan sulfate increased from 20% to 30% with a compensatory decrease in the amount of heparan sulfate. Further, the incorporation of [35S]sulfate into glycosaminoglycans by the dystrophic muscle was reduced to about 60% of the normal. These differences in glycosaminoglycan composition and [35S]sulfate incorporation between the normal and the dystrophic muscles may be related to the progressive muscular dysfunction seen in this disease.  相似文献   

Adult-dystrophic chicken muscle had 30% higher tRNA methylase activity and 42% higher tRNA methylating capacity than normal-adult chicken muscle. Eighty percent of the tRNA methylase activity of the dystrophic muscle resulted in the synthesis of N2-methylguanine, and 9% in the formation of N2,N2-dimethylguanine. From adult-normal muscle extracts, 33% of the tRNA methylase activity was due to the synthesis of N2-methylguanine, and 45% to the formation of N2,N2-dimethylguanine. Eight other methylated bases accounted for 5–15% of the enzyme activity in both tissues. Dialyzed and nondialyzed adult-normal muscle extracts had equivalent tRNA methylase activity. However, the dialyzed extracts synthesized 22% more N2-methylguanine and 18% less N2,N2-dimethylguanine than the nondialyzed extracts. Dialysis had no effect on the tRNA methylase activity or tRNA methylation pattern produced by adult-dystrophic muscle.  相似文献   

Previously administration of thyroxine (T4) to dystrophic hamsters improved ventilation and slowed the progression of the disease. We hypothesized that the normalization of ventilation in these animals was due to T4 improving structural and functional characteristics of the diaphragm. In the present study, contractile characteristics of the diaphragm and the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) from normal and dystrophic hamsters were evaluated after two months of T4 treatment. Compared to their placebo-treated counterparts, diaphragms and EDLs of T4-treated normal hamsters showed increased optimal muscle lengths and twitch tension, decreased contraction times and increased fatigability. T4-treatment in dystrophic hamsters showed only an increase in diaphragmatic twitch tension development. Force-frequency curves before treatment were generally higher for the normal compared to dystrophic diaphragms and EDLs. T4 administration only increased the force in normal diaphragms at the lower frequencies and in the EDLs at the higher frequencies. Although T4 serum levels were increased in both T4-treated groups, triiodothyronine (T3) was much lower in the dystrophic compared to normal hamsters, suggesting that conversion of T4 to T3 was reduced in dystrophic hamsters. We conclude that the limited functional changes in the diaphragms of T4-treated dystrophic hamsters cannot account for the marked improvement in ventilation previously reported.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of acid phosphatase in skeletal muscle fibres of the plantaris and soleus of normal and dystrophic male hamsters was quantified using a histochemical post-coupling semipermeable membrane technique. Althoug the absolute levels of activity were found to vary widely from one animal to another, the ratio of the mean activities in the two muscles in each animal was virtually constant. In normal muscles, the ratio was about 0.73 and in dystrophic muscles, about 0.77. The activity in plantaris muscle fibres was always significantly lower than that in the corresponding soleus fibres, and in normal fibres compared to dystrophic ones. Another difference was that in normal fibres the mean activity declined to a constant level in mature animals older than about 3 months. In contrast, the activity in dystrophic muscles appeared to fall exponentially throughout life. The functional significance of these findings is discussed.In honour of Prof. P. van Duijn  相似文献   

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