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The barbel was originally a fish with a relatively restricted range in the British Isles. However, despite the general environmental degradation of many British rivers, and in contrast with some native freshwater fishes, the barbel is now more widely distributed than it was a century ago. It may even be more abundant numerically.  相似文献   

The reproductive behaviour of two species of barbel ( Barbus barbus and Barbus meridionalis ) was investigated by means of aquarium experiments in several matings of six combinations. The reproductive behaviour of the two species appears to be similar and hybridizations were observed, showing that no complete behavioural barrier blocks the mating of the two species.  相似文献   

The influence of the daily distribution of light on the duration of the breeding season of the barbel was investigated. Interrupted night photoperiods (6L:2D:2L:14D or 6L:8.5D:2L:7.5D) allowed spawnings of male and female barbel (previously maintained under 10L:14D or 16.5L:7.5D) to continue, whereas a 2 or 8.5 h shorter photoperiod (8L: 16D) inhibited both sexes. The number of spawnings for each female was significantly higher under 6L:2D:2L:14D or 6L:8.5D:2L:7.5D (respectively 2.9 and 3.6 spawnings on average) than in control groups maintained under 8L:16D (0.6 and 2.1 spawnings on average). These results suggest that there is a daily rhythm of photosensitivity in the barbel.  相似文献   

The role of photoperiod as an environmental factor controlling reproduction, particularly the duration and ending of the breeding season, in the barbel was investigated by tank experiments. The experiments used a population of barbel matured in captivity which were stripped of eggs at frequent intervals: 10–15 'spawnings'for each female were obtained at 15-day intervals.
A decreasing photoperiod (16·5 light: 7·5 dark→8L: 16D), for an annual cycle contracted to 6 months duration, inhibited the spawning of both female and male fish. This allowed two periods of reproduction (February-May and September-November) within one year. Under natural or constant (10L: 14D) photoperiod conditions, spawning came to an end spontaneously. The rate (accelerated, slow or natural) of daylength increase did not affect the onset of spawning.  相似文献   

Morphology and fine structure of Barbus barbus L 1758 spermatozoa were studied using scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. The results confirm that spermatozoa exhibit morphological features typical to all teleost fishes. They are differentiated into a head, a midpiece and a flagellum with the typical '9 + 2' pairs of microtubules. Both dynein arms are present in the flagellum. The spermatozoa have spherical nuclei, 4–6 mitochondria located in the postnuclear cytoplasmic region and centriolar complex (proximal and distal centrioles). Total length, head width, length of midpiece and length of flagellum were measured to be 56.35 ± 7.42, 1.80 ± 0.06, 0.48 ± 0.14 and 54.30 ± 6.97 μm, respectively. Highly significant linear correlation was observed between posterior and anterior width of midpiece (P < 0.01). Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to explore which parameters can explain the individual variation of sperm morphology. About 44% of the total accumulated variance was absorbed by the analysis of the two first components, distinguishing different groups of parameters related to head and midpiece. The lengths of flagellum and head are more isolated; indicating that the individual variation of sperm morphology depends on these two parameters. Comparing the results of this study with information on cyprinids spermatozoa reveals that the number of mitochondria and the length of the flagellum are good characters to characterize spermatozoa of the Cyprinidae in a phylogenetic arrangement.  相似文献   

Barbus bynni begins to mature at Age IV. Ripening of gonads of mature fish starts in May when water temperature approaches the annual maximum. However, the spawning season coincides with the onset of the flood season in July. These facts, as well as the cyclic growth of the gonads, show that B. bynni spawns once a year. Fecundity varies with size of fish and gonads. However, this levels off in the middle size group. At this age the fecundity was estimated to be 1 424 693 eggs.  相似文献   

Muscle proteins were investigated in two large European barbels, Barbus barbus and B. meridionalis , and in four small tropical barbels native to SE Asia: B. conchonius , B. tetrazona , B. sachsi and B. titteya . Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to analyse myosin heavy and light chains and parvalbumin isotypes from white trunk muscle. Each species could be biochemically identified. The myosin subunit and parvalbumin isotype patterns obtained for the two European barbels were similar. The Asian barbels, on the other hand, not only differed from the European species but displayed a greater diversity within their group. These biochemical results are largely in agreement with morphological and genetic data, but fail to substantiate suggested close relationships between Asian barbel species.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among 24 Italian and Adriatic populations of barbs (genus Barbus ) were assessed using electrophoretic analysis of allozymes and mitochondrial DNA sequences of the cytochrome b gene. Results obtained with both markers were concordant, but they were not congruent with the current morphology-based systematics and taxonomy. Populations assigned to the same nominal taxa ( B. caninus , B. petenyi and B. rebeli ), were very divergent in both allozymes and mtDNA, indicating that these populations deserve recognition as different units for conservation and management. On the other hand, the two fluvio-lacustrine taxa considered as distinct species (i.e. B. plebejus and B. tyberinus ) are genetically very close to each other, showing no clear differences at either allozymes or mtDNA. The population of B. caninus from Pellice River carried allozyme alleles and mtDNA specific for B. plebejus , indicating a genetic introgression towards the former species. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 83–99.  相似文献   

Scales from 427 Barbus barbus plebejus and 406 Leuciscus cephalus cabeda from the middle River Po were examined. The last annulus was formed between April and May 1977, except the 0–1 age-group of L.c. cabeda which developed its first year-ring between March and April 1977. The survival (S) and annual mortality (A) rates were equivalent in both fish populations; the same was true of both sexes of Leuciscus, but S in Barbus males was lower than in females. The sex ratio showed a preponderance of females in both species.Growth rate from June to September 1976 was higher than in the rest of the year. Annual growth in Barbus females was higher than in males, whereas both sexes in Leuciscus showed equivalent growth rates; growth rate was higher in Barbus than in Leuciscus. The P/B ratio of both species was higher in the young age-groups.Presented at the XLVII Congress of the Italian Zoological Union, Bergamo (Italy), September 1979.Presented at the XLVII Congress of the Italian Zoological Union, Bergamo (Italy), September 1979.  相似文献   

Barbel Barbus barbus exhibited substantial movements in the River Nidd between March and July 1994, with some individuals moving nearly 20 km upstream, although there was considerable individual variation. Most upstream movement occurred during May. Fifteen of the 23 fish tracked attempted to pass the weir, and of these six were successful. Barbel tended to approach the weir around dusk and dawn, reflecting observed patterns of localized activity, or at night, but crossed the weir only at night. Those fish which crossed the weir moved substantial distances upstream to spawn, while those that were unsuccessful moved down-stream. The weir delayed the net upstream progress of all adult barbel. Successful traversal was not closely related to flow or water temperature conditions. The study emphasizes the impact of relatively minor obstructions on the natural migrations of barbel.  相似文献   

Using the phylogeographic framework, we assessed the DNA sequence variation at the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene across the distribution range of the barbel Barbus barbus, a widely distributed European cyprinid. Reciprocal monophyly of non-Mediterranean European and Balkan/Anatolian populations is taken as evidence for a long-term barrier to gene flow, and interpreted as a consequence of survival of the species in two separate refugia during several later glacial cycles. Lack of profound genealogical divergence across Europe from western France to the northwestern Black Sea basin is consistent with recent colonization of this area from a single glacial refuge, which was probably located in the Danube River basin. This may have occurred in two steps: into the Western European river basins during the last interglacial, and throughout the Central European river basins after the last glacial. The populations from the Balkans and Anatolia apparently did not contribute mitochondrial DNA to the post-Pleistocene colonization of non-Mediterranean Europe. Lack of detectable variation within the Balkans/Anatolia is attributed mainly to recent expansion throughout these regions, facilitated by the freshwater conditions and seashore regression in the Black Sea during the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene.  相似文献   

Five small-scaled yellow fish (large Burbus spp.) from southern Africa are shown to have modal 148 or 150 chromosomes. Themajority ofcyprinid species have 2N = 50 chromosomes, indicating that the yellow fish karyotype is hexaploid in origin. However, as there is no indication that the species are unisexual or that normal reproduction occurs by any means other than bisexual fertilization, the yellowfish karyotype is considered to have reverted to a diploid condition.  相似文献   

Early development of the cephalic skeleton in the turbot   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
At hatching Scophthalmus maximus shows no cartilaginous and no bony structure. Mecke?s cartilages appear when the fry are 1 day old, followed on day 2, by formation of the trabecular bars, fused at the outset to form a trabecula communis. Concurrently, the palatoquadrates complete the mandibular arch, and the first two pairs of ceratobranchials, associated with a pair of hyoid bars, form the beginnings of the hyobranchial system. By day 3, the parachordals have fused with the trabecular bars, the hyosymplectics have linked to the hyoid bars by interhyals, and the first four pairs of ceratobranchials have appeared. The first bony structures appear: the preoperculars. On day 8, the frontals develop above the orbits and the maxillaries and dentaries appear. On day 10, the primordia of the taeniae marginales appear, the palatoquadrates bear a pterygoid process, and to the branchial basket have been added the fifth pair of ceratobranchials and the four pairs of epibranchials. On day 12, both pairs of posterior pharyngobranchials are present. The premaxillaries develop in front of the maxillaires, and retroarticulars and the angulars complete the lower jaws. On day 13, a thin parasphenoid contributes to the floor of the neurocranium, and ectopterygoids and entopterygoids to the splanchnocranium. The set of opercular bones is complete. On day 15, the tectum synoticum closes the braincase posteriorly. The splanchnocranium possesses a basihyal and the pharyngobranchials of the first epibranchials. On day 18, the tectum posterius completes the dome of the braincase. The rear end and lateral walls of the skull are formed by the basioccipital, the exoccipitals, the pterotics, and the parietals. The suspensorium is nearly complete. From day 10, the first resorptions begin in parallel with the construction of the chondrocranium. Mecke?s cartilages each split in two, then the posterior part of the trabecular bars disappears. On day 23, the right taenia marginalis separates from the lamina orbitonasalis and curves towards the centre. Simultaneously, the right eye begins its migration to the left. This is the only metamorphosis-linked asymmetry to appear during the development of the chondrocranium. On day 25, many more bony structures appear, a characteristic of this stage: the nasals, lateral ethmoids, mesethmoid, sphenotics, prootics, pleurosphenoids, epiotics, and supraoccipital. From this stage on, the bony structures continue to develop, while the front of the neurocranium and the jaws undergo a deep remodelling due to metamorphosis. The left taenia marginalis does not appear reduced until day 29. By day 45, there remain only a few small elements of the cartilaginous skull.  相似文献   

Summary The processes of proliferation, cell division and differentiation of intestinal epithelial cells have been studied during development of the fish, Barbus conchonius. On the 3rd day, nearly all cells of the presumptive gut proliferate. Once the intestinal epithelium begins to differentiate, a decreasing percentage of proliferative cells can be found. On the 7th day, when intestinal folds start to develop, the proliferative cells become restricted to the future basal parts of the folds.Ultrastructural examination of 3H-thymidine-labeled cells and mitotic cells of 6-day-old larvae shows that functional enterocytes are proliferative. The same feature is suggested for older fish. Proliferating undifferentiated dark cells, characterized by many free ribosomes and a few organelles, are also present in the intestinal epithelium of larval fish; they are considered to be stem cells, mainly for goblet cells. Proliferating goblet cells and enteroendocrine cells were not observed. The latter cell type is scarce and has a long turnover time.A common feature of all these dividing cells is the presence of isolated spherical to cylindrical lamellar structures which may have lost contact with the cell membrane during prophase; they probably regain this contact by fusion with the cell membrane at the end of mitosis.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis has been used to identify the eight Barbus species of the Iberian Peninsula, whose morphological differentiation is difficult. Ten random primers were employed to generate RAPD markers. Different RAPD profiles were observed for the different species. Four species-specific markers were found in B. bocagei , seven in B. comizo , five in B. graellsii , three in B. guiraonis , eight in B. haasi , 13 in B. meridionalis , four in B. microcephalus and four in B. sclateri. Evidence is presented that RAPD markers constitute useful tools for accurate taxonomic identification of Spanish barbels which is one of the first prerequisites in effective conservation programmes.  相似文献   

We isolated 30 microsatellites from the freshwater fish, the bitterling Rhodeus sericeus. Twenty‐three microsatellite sequences possessed sufficient flanking DNA from which to design primers. Twelve loci were characterized and all were found to be polymorphic. These loci were isolated and characterized as part of a project to investigate the consequences of male alternative mating tactics and sperm competition using the bitterling as a model species.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization of Barbus barbus and B. meridionalis has been demonstrated in southern France. A genetical study (isozyme electrophoresis) of these species and their hybrids revealed the characteristics of hybridization. Ten enzyme markers and five morphological parameters were used to distinguish between the two parent species. Enzymatic divergence between the parent species included fixed allelic differences at certain loci and reduction in enzymatic activity, including the silencing of certain genes. A morphological study revealed a good correlation between the isozyme markers and morphological characters. Backcrosses were observed and this raises the question of the integrity of the parent species.  相似文献   

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