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本文编撰我国甲胁虱属22种吸虱的检索表,并描述采自云南的解氏甲胁虱,新种HoplopleuraxieiChin,sp.nov。  相似文献   

最近从云南省采集的吸虱标本中鉴定出一新种。记述如下。量度为毫米,括弧内为平均值。大齿鼠多板虱Polyplax dacnomydi Chin,新种 鉴别特征 近似附突多板虱Polyplax insulsa Ferris和亚洲多板虱Polyplax asiaticaFerris。侧背片Ⅱ及Ⅲ均有一根刚毛甚长。后腿跗节亦具小突如跗突多板虱。腹节Ⅳ-Ⅵ,在跗突多板虱,雌雄性均具背片;在亚洲多板虱则仅雄虫具背片。但在大齿鼠多板虱,则雌、雄虫腹节Ⅳ一Ⅵ均无硬化片;其侧背片无侧后角,呈圆弧形。  相似文献   

中国吸虱一新种—结石盲鼠虱:(吸虱亚目:拟血虱科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述采自黄山猪尾鼠上的吸虱新种:结石盲鼠虱Typhlomyophthirus lithosis sp.nov.,其与本属独模标本以叶盲鼠虱T.bifoliatus Chin,1980的区别在于胸板的形状,腹节VIII片,雌性腹片VII后缘中内的一对长刚毛及雄性外生殖器的不同。并讨论盲鼠虱可能对我国猪鼠的分类、分布研究有参考价值。  相似文献   

中国云南人间鼠疫流行区的主要鼠疫传播媒介是印鼠客蚤。其主要宿主为黄胸鼠。应用Iwao方法及其随机偏离度检验 ,对印鼠客蚤在黄胸鼠的不同个体间的空间分布格局进行了研究。根据Iwao方法建立的印鼠客蚤直线回归模型为 :M =α βM =4 0 0 6 4 2 0 153M ,其中的α和 β均明显高于空间分布判定的界线值 0和 1,经随机偏离度检验 ,F =4 5892 ,P <0 0 5。结合α ,β值及随机偏离度检验结果 ,印鼠客蚤在其主要宿主黄胸鼠体表的空间分布型被判定为聚集型分布。印鼠客蚤这种聚集型分布意味着该蚤的个体分布不均匀 ,而是在宿主动物体表形成大小不等的聚集蚤群。印鼠客蚤在黄胸鼠不同个体间的这种不均匀分布提示 :即使接触同一种染疫鼠类动物 ,因鼠体蚤分布极不均匀 ,其传播机会是不均等的。  相似文献   

滇西四县(市)居民区室内黄胸鼠体表蚤类群落动态的比较研究吴爱国张希昆(云南省流行病防治研究所,大理671000)AComparativeStydyoftheFleasCommunitiesonRatusflavipectusintheIndoorH...  相似文献   

本文以世界分布的5种粉虱蚜属Aleurodaphis van der Goot蚜虫为材料,研究了该属的地理分布特点,现代分布格局及可能的起源。同时,利用蚜虫与寄主植物协同进化的关系,并结合古地理和古生物等方面的资料,探讨了粉虱蚜属的现代分布格局形成的可能原因。9粉虱蚜为典型的东洋区成分,但在中国大陆其分布向古北界有所渗透。根据该属分布特点,推测中国的华中区是该属的现代分化中心。另外,推测形成该属现  相似文献   

Hoplopleura pacifica is a dominant species of ectoparasitic sucking lice on the body surface of a common rat species, Rattus flavipectus in Yunan province of China. To illustrate the spatial distribution pattern of H. pacifica among the individuals of R. flavipectus, Iwao's linear regression method and a significance test of random deviation for the method were used, and a regression equation was established in the light of Iwao's method. The established equation is M*= 12.10 + 4.76M (r= 0.75, P < 0.01) where both α and β are considerably higher than 0 and 1, the border values for determining spatial pattern of populations. The calculated F value is F= 6.07 (P < 0.05) in the significance test of random deviation. The spatial distribution pattern of H. pacifica among the individuals of R. flavipectus is of aggregated distribution. The result suggests that the individuals of H. pacifica have a tendency to congregate together and form different individual groups instead of evenly distributing on the body surface of every rat host.  相似文献   

Abstract Xenopsylla chewpis is the main transmitting vector of plague in the foci of human plague in Yunnan China, where its dominant rat host is Rattus flavipectus Spatial distribution pattern of X. cheopis among the individuals of R fluvipectus is studied. Iwao's linear regression method and a significance test of random deviation for the method were used. in the light of Iwao's method, a regression model was established. The model is M =α+βM = 4.0064 + 2.0153M where both α and β are considerably higher than 0 and 1 respectively, the border values for determining spatial pattern of populations. The calculated F value is 4, 5892 (P<0.05) in the significance test of random deviation. The spatial pattern of X. cheopis among the individuals of its dominant host R flavipectus is of an aggregate distribution. The aggregated distribution pattern means that the flea individuals do not evenly distribute on rat host but gather as different size groups on rat individuals. This uneven distribution further suggests that the transmitting opportunity is not always the same even if the frequency of contacting the same species of infected rat, R flavipectus is the same.  相似文献   

以中国动物地理亚区统计了1976年郑作新出版的《中国鸟类分布名录》和2005年郑光美主编出版的《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》中繁殖鸟类的分布数据,结果显示:在1976年前,中国鸟类丰富度最高的动物地理亚区为西南山地亚区,其次为滇南山地亚区,而以羌塘高原亚区鸟类物种丰富度最低,黄淮平原亚区次差。2005年,鸟类丰富度最高、次高及最低的亚区与1976年相同,次差的亚区为台湾亚区。自1976年至2005年,鸟类物种丰富度在不同亚区出现明显的增加,平均每个亚区分布物种数由1976年的232种增至2005年的281种,而且具有很大的相关性;其中滇南山地亚区增加种类最多,而羌塘高原亚区和东部草原亚区增加的幅度最大;在海南岛和台湾亚区则变化较小。这些可能是由于物种在不同亚区间存在的可能扩散通道和岛屿型稳定气候及地理隔离限制了物种与其它亚区间的扩散等造成的。这些变化不仅与Leietal.(2007)提出的"地理隔离"假设结论比较一致,与雷富民等(2006)提出的西南山地-横断山区为中国鸟类特有种物种多样性中心和西南山地为物种分化中心等观点一致,而且进一步显示西南山地亚区鸟类物种有向滇南山地亚区扩散的现象,并且依然在持续中。用聚类...  相似文献   

应用系统聚类分析方法对云南省境内24种主要小型哺乳动物(小兽)体表吸虱昆虫群落相似性及群落分类进行了研究。研究中将每一种小兽体表的所有吸虱昆虫定义为一个相应的吸虱群落单位。结果表明,小兽体表吸虱群落结构简单,物种多样性很低。多数小兽有固定的吸虱种类寄生,其吸虱的宿主特异性高。在动物分类上隶属同一个属的小兽,其体表吸虱群落相似程度高,在系统聚类分析中大多被归为一类。在动物分类上近缘的小兽,其体表吸虱群落相似,优势虱种相同或相似,此情形尤其表现在鼠属、白腹鼠属、姬鼠属和绒鼠属。吸虱群落相似性大小与相应小兽宿主在动物分类地位上的近缘性高低呈现高度一致。从生态学角度来看,吸虱昆虫与其所寄生的小兽宿主动物之间存在密切的协同进化关系。  相似文献   

Abstract  The similarity and classification of sucking louse communities on 24 species of small mammals were studied in Yunnan Province, China, through a hierarchical cluster analysis. All the louse species on the body surface of a certain species of small mammals are regarded as a louse community unit. The results reveal that the community structure of sucking lice on small mammals is simple with low species diversity. Most small mammals usually have certain louse species on their body surface; there exists a high degree of host specificity. Most louse communities on the same genus of small mammals show a high similarity and are classified into the same group based on hierarchical cluster analysis. When the hosts have a close affinity in taxonomy, the louse communities on their body surface would tend to be similar with the same or similar dominant louse species (as observed in genus Rattus, Niviventer, Apodemus and Eothenomys ). The similarity of sucking louse communities is highly consistent with the affinity of small mammal hosts in taxonomy. The results suggest a close relationship of co-evolution between sucking lice and their hosts.  相似文献   

Abstract  On the basis of investigating 9 counties (towns) in Yunnan Province of China, the species diversity and community structure of sucking lice on the body surface of small mammal hosts are studied in the paper. Species richness ( S ) is used to stand for the species diversity. The calculation of community diversity index and evenness are based on Shannon-Wiener's method. 2 745 small mammals captured from the investigated sites belong to 10 families, 25 genera and 41 species in 5 orders (Rodentia, Insectivora, Scandentia, Logomorpha and Carnivora) while 18165 individuals of sucking lice collected from the body surface of the small mammal hosts are identified into 4 families, 6 genera and 22 species. The species of sucking lice are much less than the species of their hosts. Most species of small mammals have their fixed sucking lice on their body surface. One species of small mammals usually have few species of sucking lice (1 to 4 species). The close species of the hosts in the taxonomy are found to have the same or similar dominant species of sucking lice on their body surface. The results reveal that the species diversity of sucking lice on small mammals is very low with a very simple community structure. The results also imply there may be a close co-evolution relationship between the lice and the hosts.  相似文献   

在对云南省9个县(市)抽样调查的基础上,本文对境内小型哺乳动物(小兽)体表吸虱昆虫物种多样性及群落结构进行了研究。物种多样性用物种丰富度表示,多样性指数及均匀度计算采用Shannon-Wiener方法。所捕获的2745只小兽经分类鉴定隶属啮齿目、食虫目、攀目、兔形目和食肉目5个目中的10科、25属、41种。从各种小兽宿主体表共采集到吸虱昆虫18165只,经分类鉴定隶属4科、6属、22种,其种类明显少于宿主种类。几乎每种小兽宿主体表都有固定的吸虱种类寄生,但吸虱种类数很少(1-4种)。动物分类上接近的宿主,其体表的优势吸虱种类基本相同。研究结果表明,小型哺乳动物体表吸虱昆虫的物种多样性很低,群落结构十分简单。研究同时提示,吸虱昆虫与小兽宿主之间可能存在高度一致的协同进化关系。  相似文献   

空间分布型的研究是现代理论生态学的重要基础工作之一,它在实际应用上亦具重要意义。它不仅可揭示出种群的空间结构特征,而且还是确定抽样技术、资料代换和正确估计种群数量的基础。 目前,国内外有关昆虫空间分布型的研究多限于农林业害虫,对其它昆虫的空间分布研究甚少。虫草蝠蛾是我国名贵中药材冬虫夏草的寄主昆虫,主要分布在青海、西藏、四川、云南四省境内的高山草甸。近年来,冬虫夏草产量逐年下降,远远不适应市场的需求,更因自然资源日趋减少,大有枯竭之势。为挽救这一珍贵资源昆虫,急待尽  相似文献   

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