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Facilitation is predicted to occur on coastal sand dunes as these ecosystems have the harsh physical conditions common during primary succession. In a tropical dune system on the Gulf of Mexico the spatial patterns of plant distribution were analyzed and the hypothesis that facilitation is the responsible mechanism was tested by monitoring changes in the micro-environment and performing a seedling planting experiment under natural conditions. Densities of seedlings and adults of late colonizer grasses were two to six times greater beneath the early colonizer shrub, Chamaecrista chamaecristoides, than in the exposed areas. Temperatures on the sand surface, wind speed and sand accretion were significantly reduced by the shade of Chamaecrista. Only phosphate contents during the dry season were significantly higher in sand in the shade than in exposed sand. In the field experiment, successful establishment of seedlings of two late colonizer grasses (Trachypogon plumosus and Schizachyrium scoparium) was low but was concentrated exclusively beneath the shrubs. The introduced plants were reproductive one year after onset of the experiment and remained vigorous after three years. The observed spatial aggregation among the target species may be a result of improved conditions in the shade of the shrub, which facilitated the survival and establishment of late colonizers. On top of the environmental amelioration, protection from recurrent disturbances such as substrate mobility is an additional beneficial effect of the shrub.  相似文献   

The population structure and water relations ofArtemisia ordosica were studied at different stages of the sand dune fixation process. Vegetation coverage and biomass increased as the sand dune fixation process progressed. In contrast, individual growth rate decreased in the late fixation stage. On fixed sand dunes the modal age ofA. ordosica plants was higher and seedlings or saplings were rearely observed. On active sand dunes, settlement of seedlings was regulated by sand mobility; that is, seedlings were observed only when sand mobility was below 10 cm per year. Leaf transpiration was highest in active sand dunes. Stand transpiration in fixed sand dunes was lower than in semi-fixed sand dunes. These differences in transpiration were related to a decrease in soil water availability, which was affected by the increase in the aeolian fine soil component during the course of sand dune fixation. The reduction in soil water status and the cessation of sand movement were considered to be important factors in the decline of theArtemisia ordosica community.  相似文献   

Shahid Naeem 《Oecologia》1990,84(1):29-38
Summary Complex or non-additive differences in the distribution and abundance of arthropod species inhabiting the water-filled bracts ofHeliconia imbricata can be created by simple manipulations of resource levels. The primary resources for these assemblages are the corollas of the flowers that accumulate in the bracts. Removing or adding corollas to individual bracts changes the pattern in the abundance of arthropod species within each bract such that bracts with different treatments ultimately differ in composition and numerical associations among species. These results suggest that direct and indirect resource-mediated factors can structure or significantly affect the distribution and abundance of species in these and perhaps other assemblages. Thus, in natural communities, if resources are heterogeneous among patches (such as among the bracts in this study) structure in a given patch may be a function of the resource level of that patch and can differ significantly from neighboring patches that provide different resource levels.  相似文献   

We estimated the biomass and growth of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) mycelium in sand dunes using signature fatty acids. Mesh bags and tubes, containing initially mycelium-free sand, were buried in the field near the roots of the dune grass Ammophila arenaria L. AM fungal mycelia were detected at a distance of about 8.5 cm from the roots after 68 days of growth by use of neutral lipid fatty acid (NLFA) 16:1ω5. The average rate of mycelium extension during September and October was estimated as 1.2 mm day−1. The lipid and fatty acid compositions of AM fungal mycelia of isolates and from sand dunes were analysed and showed all to be of a similar composition. Phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) can be used as indicators of microbial biomass. The mycelium of G. intraradices growing in glass beads contained 8.3 nmol PLFAs per mg dry biomass, and about 15% of the PLFAs in G. intraradices, G. claroideum and AM fungal mycelium extracted from sand dunes, consisted of the signature PLFA 16:1ω5. We thus suggest a conversion factor of 1.2 nmol PLFA 16:1ω5 per mg dry biomass. Calculations using this conversion factor indicated up to 34 μg dry AM fungal biomass per g sand in the sand dunes, which was less than one tenth of that found in an experimental system with Glomus spp. growing with cucumber as plant associate in agricultural soil. The PLFA results from different systems indicated that the biomass of the AM fungi constitutes a considerable part of the total soil microbial biomass. Calculations based on ATP of AM fungi in an experimental growth system indicated that the biomass of the AM fungi constituted approximately 30% of the total microbial biomass. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Both abiotic conditions and resource levels affect the performance of plants on coastal dune systems. On the foredune, environmental factors are particularly limiting for plant growth and these vary along a short topographical gradient, from the foot to the ridge. On subarctic coastal dunes in northeastern Canada, this topographical gradient is paralleled by a plant sequence that typically involves Honckenya peploides, Elymus mollis, and Lathyrus japonicus. In this study, field nutrient additions were carried out to evaluate the importance of N and/or P limitation on foredune plant performance. Also, glasshouse experiments were done to determine the significance of interactions between substrate resources (i.e., nutrients and water), and between substrate resources (i.e., nutrients) and an abiotic condition (i.e., salt spray) on the growth of a dune species. Field nutrient additions did not result in any significant increase in plant biomass, although nutrients were accumulated in the rhizomes of all three species present on the foredune and in the aboveground tissues of Elymus. Glasshouse experiments on Elymus showed that nutrient addition could increase plant biomass. However, water availability and salt spray interfered with nutrient use by the plants. I suggest that such interactions between resources and abiotic conditions may significantly affect plant performance and plant sequence on the foredune of coastal dune systems.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity of abiotic factors influences the structure and function of forests and must be taken into account for their conservation and sustainable management. In this study, we evaluate the heterogeneity of abiotic environmental variables in managed cork oak (Quercus suber L.) forests in southern Spain at patch, site and regional scales. The extent of spatial heterogeneity depended on the environmental variable examined and the scale considered. For example, soil Mn and P and light availability in the understorey were very heterogeneous at the regional scale, while soil N had low regional heterogeneity, but high spatial variability, at patch scale, attributed to open overstorey and grazing disturbance. There was a general trend of increasing heterogeneity with spatial scale. We also study the effects of a silvicultural practice—shrub clearing on the forest environment and its consequence for spatial heterogeneity. Shrub clearing increased understorey light and decreased its spatial heterogeneity with idiosyncratic effects on soil properties and their spatial heterogeneity at each site. Finally, we compare the heterogeneity (estimated by the coefficient of variation) obtained in these cork oak forests with a database compiled from published studies on other forest environments. The comparison revealed a remarkable extent of abiotic heterogeneity in the cork oak forests studied, suggesting that a sustainable management of these forests should combine intrinsic and human induced abiotic heterogeneity to preserve crucial ecological processes and to maintain high levels of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Interference at the level of fine roots in the field was studied by detailed examination of fine root distribution in small soil patches. To capture roots as they occur in natural three-dimensional soil space, we used a freezing and slicing technique for microscale root mapping. The location of individual roots intersecting a sliced soil core surface was digitized and the identity of shrub and grass roots was established by a chemical technique. Soil patches were created midway between the shrub, Artemisia tridentata, and one of two tussock grasses, Pseudoroegneria spicata or Agropyron desertorum. Some soil patches were enriched with nutrients and others given only deionized water (control); in addition, patches were located between plants of different size combination (large shrubs with small tussock grasses and small shrubs with large tussock grasses). The abundance of shrub and grass roots sharing soil patches and the inter-root distances of individual fine roots were measured. Total average rooting density in patches varied among these different treatment combinations by only a factor of 2, but the proportion of shrub and grass roots in the patches varied sixfold. For the shrub, the species of grass roots sharing the patches had a pronounced influence on shrub root density; shrub roots were more abundant if the patch was shared with Pseudoroegneria roots than if shared with Agropyron roots. The relative size of plants whose roots shared the soil patches also influenced the proportion of shrub and grass roots; larger plants were able to place more roots in the patches than were the smaller plants. In the nutrient-enriched patches, these influences of grass species and size combination were amplified. At the millimeter- to centimeter-scale within patches, shrub and grass roots tended to segregate, i.e., avoid each other, based on nearest-neighbor distances. At this scale, there was no indication that the species-specific interactions were the result of resource competition, since there were no obvious patterns between the proportion of shrub and grass roots of the two species combinations with microsite nutrient concentrations. Other potential mechanisms are discussed. Interference at the fine-root level, and its species-specific character, is likely an influential component of competitive success, but one that is not easily assessed.  相似文献   

Woody debris is a conspicuous feature of many ecosystems and can be a large pool of stored carbon and nutrients. In the California coastal prairie, yellow bush lupines (Lupinus arboreus) experience mass die-offs, producing large quantities of woody detritus. Live lupines are fed upon by the stem-boring caterpillars of the ghost moth, Hepialus californicus, and outbreaks of ghost moths are one factor contributing to lupine die-offs. A common detritivore, the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber, frequently inhabits ghost moth tunnels in lupine wood. We used a litterbag experiment to test the hypothesis that H. californicus increases decomposition of woody lupine detritus by facilitating its use by P. scaber. Isopod access to wood was crossed with simulated ghost moth boring to measure the independent and interactive effects of these two arthropods on total mass loss, as well as on carbon, nitrogen, and lignin dynamics. Isopods initially colonized litterbags but were not more abundant on L. arboreus logs that had simulated ghost moth boring than on logs without boring. They were rare in litterbags collected at 12 months or later and had no effect on wood decomposition. Simulated ghost moth boring increased wood decomposition (P = 0.0021), from 50.5 to 55.1% mass loss after 3 years. This effect was likely due to increased surface area for microbial utilization of the wood. Lupine wood had an initial lignin content of 14.70 ± 0.67%, but lignin did not appear to decompose during the 3 years of this study, and by the end of the experiment accounted for 32.6 ± 1.12% of the remaining wood. Neither ghost moth boring nor isopod access affected lignin loss. Lupine wood from a die-off in 2002 was estimated to have contained three times more nitrogen per unit area than the yearly input of annual grass litter. The slow decomposition of lupine wood, however, restricts the rate at which nitrogen is released into the soil and results in the storage of carbon and nutrients in lupine wood for several years following such die-offs.  相似文献   

The carrion fly Chrysomya rufifacies has recently been introduced to North America. Larvae of this species are facultative predators on other carrion larvae, and are known to reduce populations of the New World fly Cochliomyia macellaria in the laboratory and in certain field situations. In order to identify conditions under which native taxa might avoid interaction with the invader, we examined broad patterns of resource use by capturing postfeeding larvae as they left a carcass. The Calliphorinae were least similar to C. rufifacies since they were able to exploit smaller carrion, showed a peak in density during cold weather while C. rufifacies numbers were low, and occurred much earlier than the invader during succession within a carcass. Phormia regina also was most abundant during cold weather. The Sarcophagidae were able to exploit smaller carcasses than the invader but are likely to encounter it in larger carcasses. C. macellaria was the species most similar to C. rufifacies in carrion use, and probably is reduced in number by the invader wherever they coexist. In contrast to all other taxa, C. rufifacies exited a carcass alone, suggesting that other larvae of the same age were attacked. Manipulation of a conspicuous predator, the ant Solenopsis invicta, revealed a negative effect on numbers of P. regina and C. macellaria.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated relationships between light availability, diel acid fluctuation, and resource storage in the arborescent cactus Opuntia excelsa growing in western Mexico. We compared canopy and understory individuals from a deciduous forest as well as open-grown plants of the same approximate size as those in the understory. During the wet season light availability and daily fluctuations in titratable acidity (an index of carbon uptake) were lower in the understory than in unshaded habitats. In the dry season all plants had reduced levels of acid fluctuation, with the smallest individuals, regardless of habitat, showing the greatest reduction. These data suggest that light availability in the forest understory constrains carbon assimilation during the wet season, but that a factor associated with plant size, possibly water status, limits carbon gain during the dry season. Plants in all habitats remained physiologically active for at least five months into the dry season. We suggest that this was possible due to the maintenance of constant concentrations of water and nitrogen in the photosynthetically active chlorenchyma. Parenchyma in terminal cladodes showed a different seasonal pattern of resource storage; water content and nitrogen concentration were reduced from the wet to the dry season in the parenchyma. Using the parenchyma to supply photosynthetic tissues during times of reduced resource availability allows O. excelsa to assimilate carbon during times of the year when most other trees in the forest are leafless.  相似文献   

A field survey was conducted in a semi-arid region of Inner Mongolia, China, to clarify the ecological characteristics ofAgriophyllum squarrosum (Chenopodiacea), which is an ephemeral in shifting sand dunes. The habitat ofA. squarrosum is extremely unstable, that is, the surface substrate frequently shifts, the soil water-content is highly variable and the site does not permit the growth of any other plant species.Agriophyllum squarrosum is able to invade as a pioneer because of the elongation of its fine roots, which are well adapted to dry sandy soil and able to penetrate deep soil layers containing moisture. The biomass and the pod numbers increased under conditions where enough water was supplied. However the biomass at sites where the wind was strong was relatively small.  相似文献   

Root exudates influence significantly physical, chemical and biological characteristics of rhizosphere soil. Their qualitative and quantitative composition is affected by environmental factors such as pH, soil type, oxygen status, light intensity, soil temperature, plant growth, nutrient availability and microorganisms. The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of growth substrate and plant age on the release of carboxylates from Lupinus albus L. and Brassica napus L.Both plant species were studied in continuously percolated microcosms filled with either sand, soil or sand + soil (1:1) mixture. Soil solution was collected every week at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after planting (DAP). Carboxylate concentrations were determined by reversed-phase liquid chromatography - electrospray ionization - time of flight mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-TOFMS).Oxalate, citrate, succinate, malate and maleate were detected in soil solutions of both plant species. Their concentrations were correlated with the physiological status of the plant and the growth substrate. Oxalate was the predominant carboxylate detected within the soil solution of B. napus plants while oxalate and citrate were the predominant ones found in the soil solutions of L. albus plants.The sampling determination of carboxylates released by plant roots with continuous percolation systems seems to be promising as it is a non-destructive method and allows sampling and determination of soluble low molecular weight organic compounds derived from root exudation as well as the concentration of soluble nutrients, which both might reflect the nutritional status of plants.  相似文献   

The nebkhas of woody plants represent distinct habitats in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Nebkhas are mounds composed of wind-borne sediment within or around shrub canopies. We studied the effects of widely spaced nebkhas of Retama raetam shrub on their microenvironment and associated herbaceous vegetation in the Mediterranean coast of Sinai Peninsula. Our measurements included nebkha size (height and width) and shrub size (canopy height and diameter). We identified four distinct microsites at each nebkha: crest, mid-slope, edge, and internebkha space. We measured soil temperature and moisture, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and soil properties. The plant species grown at each microsite were identified and their densities were measured. Average soil temperature and PAR were highest at internebkha space and lowest at nebkha crest. The maximum diurnal temperature and PAR of internebkhas exceeded that of nebkhas. Soil moisture and nutrient concentrations showed a gradient of spatial heterogeneity and were highest at the nebkha edge. Regression analysis indicated that total herbaceous plant density was significantly related to nebkha size, and to shrub canopy diameter and area. Detrended correspondence analysis indicated that patterns of species composition were correlated with the spatial variability in soil moisture and nutrient content along the gradient of increasing distance from the nebkha crest. It is assumed that shrub canopy and its nebkha interact in governing ecosystem functioning in this environment.  相似文献   

James JJ  Richards JH 《Oecologia》2007,152(4):721-727
Soil nutrients in arid systems are supplied to plants in brief pulses following precipitation inputs. While these resource dynamics have been well documented, little is known about how this temporal heterogeneity influences competitive interactions. We examined the impacts of the temporal pattern of N supply on competitive intensity and ability in an N-limited desert shrub community. At our field site, the three codominant shrubs, Atriplex confertifolia, A. parryi, and Sarcobatus vermiculatus, differ in seasonal growth patterns, with A. confertifolia and S. vermiculatus achieving higher growth rates earlier in the growing season than A. parryi. We predicted that these timing differences in maximum growth rate may interact with temporal variation in N supply to alter competitive abilities over time. Seedlings of the two Atriplex species were planted either individually in field plots or as target plants surrounded by neighbor seedlings. After one year of establishment, the same amount of 15N was applied to plots either as early spring pulses, mid spring pulses or continuously through the second growing season. Competitive effects were observed under continuous and pulsed N supply. Averaged across all target–neighbor treatments, competitive intensity was ∼1.8-fold greater when N was pulsed compared to when N was supplied continuously, but overall, the outcome of competitive interactions was not influenced by N pulse timing. While the timing of resource supply did not differentially influence the competitive abilities of coexisting species in this system, the temporal pattern of resource supply did alter the intensity of competitive interactions among species. While additional studies in other systems are needed to evaluate the generality of these results, this study suggests that competitive intensity may not necessarily be a direct function of productivity or resource availability as traditionally assumed. Instead, the intensity of competitive interactions in resource-poor systems may depend upon the temporal pattern of resource supply.  相似文献   

The viability of the yeast Rhodotorula rubra, isolated from liquid samples of gold-mine effluents, was not affected by the presence of 11.52 mM cyanide. The yeast was able to utilize ammonia, generated from abiotic cyanide degradation in the presence of reducing sugars, in aerobic culture at pH 9.0. These physiological characteristics encourage studies with mixed cultures of cyanide-degrading organisms, using this yeast as an assimilator of ammonia.The authors are with the Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biological Sciences. Federal University of Minas Gerais, C. P. 486, 31270-901 Belo Horizonte, Brazil  相似文献   

Isolated steppes on sunlit southern slopes are a characteristic feature of the northern Mongolian mountain taiga. Lichen diversity of such steppe slopes was studied in the western Khentey Mountains, located between the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator and Lake Baikal. Functional types of lichen species were analyzed and measurements of microclimate were carried out as a first approach to figure out relevant site factors that control lichen distribution in the different habitat types of the steppe slopes. Such habitats include meadow steppe, siliceous rock and savanna-like Ulmus pumila open woodlands. Dominance of chlorolichens with either yellow or orange lichen substances (usnic acid, parietin, pulvinic acid derivatives) or melanin in the cortex, which absorb both ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and visible light usable for photosynthesis (PAR) suggests that effective protection against high solar irradiation is a crucial selective factor for lichens on the steppe slopes. The slopes are subject to high irradiation because of their steepness and because of the ultracontinental climate. In Betula platyphylla–Larix sibirica light taiga forest bordering the steppe on northern slopes, lichens with and without effective photoprotection co-occur. A second important factor, apparently influencing lichen distribution of the study area is water availability. Low precipitation, which falls in numerous small rain showers, combined with frequent dewfall in summer favors chlorolichens and explains the limitation of cyanolichens to particularly moist microsites, such as water runoffs on rocks or moss cushions on inclined or horizontal tree trunks. Ecophysiological measurements to prove these hypotheses on the significance of sunlight and water availability for lichen performance in the study area have not yet been carried out.  相似文献   

Legume shrubs have great potential for rehabilitation of semi-arid degraded soils in Mediterranean ecosystems as they establish mutualistic symbiosis with N-fixing rhizobia. Eighty-eight symbiotic rhizobia were isolated from seven wild legume shrubs native of Sicily (Southern Italy) and grouped in operational taxonomic units (OTU) by analysis of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) polymorphism. Partial sequencing of 16S rRNA gene of representative isolates of each OTU revealed that most Genisteae symbionts are related to Bradyrhizobium canariense, B. japonicum and B. elkanii. Teline monspessulana was the only Genistea nodulated by Mesorhizobium strains, and Anagyris foetida (Thermopsideae) was promiscuosly nodulated by Rhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Agrobacterium and Bradyrhizobium strains. Analysis of the nodulation gene nodA assigned most Mediterranean Genisteae bradyrhizobia to clade II but also to clades IV, I and III, which included, so far, sequences of (sub)tropical and Australian isolates. The high diversity and low host specificity observed in most wild legumes isolates suggest that preferential associations may establish in the field depending on differences in the benefits conferred to the host and on competition ability. Once identified, these beneficial symbiosis can be exploited for rehabilitation of arid, low productive and human-impacted soils of the Mediterranean countries.  相似文献   

The relative importance of abiotic factors in community assembly is debated and thought to be dependent on the scale. I investigated the relative role of topography and soils as structuring agents at the landscape and the community scales in 126 subalpine calcareous grasslands in the Pyrenees, in terms of species composition and abundance. I wished to know: (1) the role of abiotic factors in the organization of plant communities across the landscape; (2) how much of the variation in community distribution was accounted for by abiotic factors; and (3) how well their role applied to the distribution of dominant species at the landscape and the community scales. The hypothesis was: abiotic factors play an important role in community distribution in the landscape, but species interactions are more important within communities. Multivariate methods generated four communities, organized in two contrasting groups along the main vegetation axis, which explained 13% of the variation: mesic grasslands (Nardus stricta and Festuca nigrescens communities) and xeric grasslands (Carex humilis and Festuca gautieri communities). Mesic communities were more acidic and fertile than xeric communities. Changes in the abiotic environment, accounting for up to 80% of the variation in the vegetation, were smooth, while the transition between xeric and mesic grasslands was sharp in terms of species composition. The distribution in the landscape of the first main species from each community was closely related to abiotic factors, which modeled poorly the abundance of the main species at smaller scales. At the within-community scale, the explanatory power of biotic relationships was community dependent, producing the most significant models for plants highly dominant within their communities, such as N. stricta and F. gautieri. Contrary to current hypothesis, there was a shift from mainly positive relationships among dominant species in fertile mesic communities to mainly negative in infertile xeric ones.  相似文献   

We examined the above- and below-ground responses of seedlings of the woody shrub Prosopis glandulosa to the spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients within the root zone. We performed a microcosm experiment where seedlings were grown with different combinations of nutrients [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and both combined (NP)] and under different levels of nutrient heterogeneity (nutrients supplied as patches located in the bottom and/or upper portion of rooting zone versus homogeneous distribution). Seedling morphology and biomass did not show a strong response to changes in nutrient ion or spatial heterogeneity. Height, number of leaves, and specific leaf area did not vary significantly between treatments. The number of leaves, foliar biomass, stem biomass and biomass allocation to stems of seedlings showed more responsiveness to the addition of N and NP than to the addition of P. The spatial heterogeneity of nutrients affected the diameter, root biomass and leaf N content. Seedlings had higher diameter and root biomass when the nutrients were homogeneously distributed as compared to their placement as patches in the bottom of the microcosms. Their leaf N concentration increased in those treatments where the nutrient patch was located in the lower half as compared to the upper half of the microcosms. Root foraging responses to nutrient patches varied with their location. Significant root proliferation was observed when patches of N, P and NP were located in the upper portion of the rooting zone; when they were located in the lower portion such a response was observed only for P. Despite our findings that Prosopis seedlings have a low overall responsiveness to small-scale vertical differences in soil nutrient heterogeneity, our results suggest that these differences may modify the growth dynamics of the secondary roots of this ecologically important dryland species during the early stages of its development.  相似文献   

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