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Influence of nitrogen supply and sink strength on changes in leaf nitrogen compounds during senescence in two wheat cultivars 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
I. M. Martín del Molino R. Martínez-Carrasco P. Pérez L. Hernández R. Morcuende L. Sánchez de la Puente 《Physiologia plantarum》1995,95(1):51-58
Changes in various nitrogen compounds during senescence of the fourth leaf were studied in two cultivars of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). One of the cultivars (Yecora) was supplied with two N levels; the other (Tauro) was grown with the high N level and pruned above the fourth leaf, whereas the control was left intact. In both cultivars grown with high N supply, net nitrogen export from the fourth leaf did not occur until 35 days after sowing (DAS). Loss of leaf soluble proteins started earlier than that of chlorophylis, and coincided initially with an increase in insoluble protein. In N deficient plants the level of total N, soluble protein, and the activity of nitrate reductase (NRA. EC started to decrease about 5 days earlier, and along with chlorophyll, continued to decrease at a faster rate, than in high N plants. Also, with low N supply, the large subunit (LSU, 58 kDa) of ribulose-1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco, EC decreased in greater proportion than other soluble proteins, while with high N supply the decrease in Rubisco LSU was similar to that of other soluble proteins. Nitrogen deficiency caused a greater decrease in soluble proteins than in insoluble proteins, and NRA relative to soluble proteins. The faster senescing Tauro cultivar had lower levels of most parameters, especially NRA, soluble protein and, after 35 DAS. Rubisco LSU as a proportion of soluble protein. The decrease in sink strength due to shoot pruning did generally not affect the level of the various nitrogenous compounds until 35 DAS; thereafter the levels of most parameters, especially soluble protein, Rubisco LSU and, at late stages of senescence, insoluble protein, were higher in pruned than in control shoots. Thus, shoot pruning slows down senescence. The 56- and 78-kDa polypeptides increased, rather than decreased, with leaf age; the level of these two polypeptides showed a negative relationship with Rubisco LSU (r = -0.933 and r = -0.758, respectively). 相似文献
Pierre Bancal 《Annals of botany》2009,103(8):1315-1324
Background and Aims
Nitrogen (N) remobilization is the major source of N for grain filling in wheat, the other being N uptake after anthesis (Nup); however, variations in remobilization efficiency are not fully understood. It is hard to tell whether the source or the sink effects predominate, because N in the culm at anthesis (Nant) correlates strongly with both N remobilization (Nrem) and grain number (Gn), respectively the main source and the main sink.Methods
A pot experiment was thus designed to assess the relative contributions of the source and sink to Nrem regulation. Using two cultivars of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, ‘Apache’ and ‘Autan’), three pre-anthesis and two post-anthesis N fertilization levels were applied in order to vary the N sources, while ear trimming at anthesis reduced sink size.Key Results
Unlike results observed at a scale of m2, the equation binding Nant to Nrem exhibited a negative intercept, challenging the concept of nitrogen remobilization efficiency. Before ear trimming, Gn fitted well to Nant, with a slope dependent on genotype. To obtain a sink variable that was less correlated with Nant, the difference δGn was calculated between actual grain number and that which could be predicted from culm N before trimming. A multiple regression then predicted Nrem (r2 = 0·95) from Nant, Nup and δGn, with fitting unbiased by fertilization treatment, trimming or genotype.Conclusions
In untrimmed culms, δGn had a negligible effect, so that Nrem could be fitted to Nant and Nup only: grain N filling appeared to be determined by sources only (Nant and Nup), not by sink, and the reduction of Nrem by Nup was quantified. In these ‘normal’ cases, the regulation of Nrem should thus be located within the N sources themselves. In contrast, ear-trimming needs to be considered with caution as it introduced a sink limitation on Nrem; moreover one with an important genotype effect.Key words: Triticum aestivum, winter wheat, source/sink, grain filling, nitrogen uptake, grain number, nitrogen harvest index, nitrogen remobilization efficiency, genotype × environment 相似文献3.
Eriophorum vaginatum tillers were collected at Eagle Creek, Alaska and cultivated in aerated solutions under controlled environmental conditions. The nutrient solutions contained traces, 1.05 and 21 mg l−1 N (nitrate) and traces, 0.15 and 3.10 mg l−1 P (phosphate), pH was maintained at 5.5. The high N, 21 mg l−1 , and P, 3.18 mg l−1 , nutrient solution produced significant biomass increases. Functional leaf areas were significantly enhanced by high N and P doses in the solutions. Root surface areas varied considerably between treatments; however, significant differences were not found. The mean root surface area of a tiller reached 126 cm2 (range 35–290 cm2 ), whereas the functional leaf area was 6.8 cm2 (range 3.3–20.3 cm2 ). Tillers growing in the highest N + P solutions produced twice the number of daughter tillers as tillers growing in solutions with trace amounts of N and P. 相似文献
Modeling grain nitrogen accumulation and protein composition to understand the sink/source regulations of nitrogen remobilization for wheat 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4

A functional explanation for the regulation of grain nitrogen (N) accumulation in cereal by environmental and genetic factors remains elusive. Here, new mechanistic hypotheses of grain N accumulation are proposed and tested for wheat (Triticum aestivum). First, we tested experimentally the hypothesis that grain N accumulation is mostly source regulated. Four contrasting cultivars, in terms of their grain N concentrations and yield potentials, were grown with non-limiting N supply. Grain number per ear was reduced by removing the top part of the ear at anthesis. Reduction in grain number gave a significant increase in N content per grain for all cultivars, showing that grain N accumulation was source regulated. However, on a per ear basis, cultivars with a high grain number fully compensated their N accumulation for reduced grain number at anthesis. Cultivars with a lower grain number did not compensate completely, and grain N per ear was decreased by 16%. Second, new mechanistic hypotheses of the origins of grain N source regulation and its response to environment were tested by simulation. The hypotheses were: (a). The regulation by N sources of grain N accumulation applies only for the storage proteins (i.e. gliadin and glutenin fractions); (b). accumulation of structural and metabolic proteins (i.e. albumin-globulin and amphiphilic fractions) is sink-regulated; and (c). N partitioning between gliadins and glutenins is constant during grain development and unmodified by growing conditions. Comparison of experimental and simulation results of the accumulation of grain protein fractions under wide ranges of N fertilization, temperatures, and irrigation supported these hypotheses. 相似文献
Light quality effects on the appearance of tillers of different order in wheat (Triticum aestivum) 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
J. J. CASAL 《The Annals of applied biology》1988,112(1):167-173
Plants of Triticum aestivum cvs Norkin Pan 70, La Paz Inta, Buck Cencerro and Buck Cimarron were grown outdoors in individual pots with two sowing dates and irradiated at the end of the day either with red or far-red light. In red-treated plants the number of tillers was close to the potential calculated from the number of leaves on the main shoot but far-red treated plants produced less tillers. The magnitude of the effect was larger for secondary and tertiary than primary tillers. Thus, the proportion of primary to secondary and tertiary tillers was larger in FR-treated plants. Leaf sheath and lamina were longer under FR in the second sowing date, possibly due to warmer nights. These responses were greatly affected by the genotype. Significant differences in ear number were not found but in one of the sowing dates red-light-treated plants showed a lower grain number and yield than those treated with far-red. 相似文献
Source-sink relationship, which was influenced by both genotype and environmental factors, contributed to the variation in photosynthesis and photosynthate partitioning of wheat. Source reduction by partial defoliation increased leaf net photosynthetic rate (PN), and sink reduction decreased PN of irrigated wheat. However, the change in PN varied among genotypes. Source reduction enhanced photosynthate translocation into grain in irrigated wheat. However, the enhancement was more evident in cv. Lumai 215953 than incv. Lumai 15. Sink reduction had little effect on the translocation of photosynthate into grain in cv. Lumai 15, but decreased the translocation of photosynthate into grain and increased it into stem in cv. Lumai 215953. In rainfed, non-irrigated wheat, the source or sink manipulation influenced PN only slightly. The source reduction decreased the partitioning of photosynthates into the upper parts (including grains) of plant. However, very little effects of sink reduction on the production of photosynthates occurred in rainfed wheat. This showed that grain sink size was not a factor limiting the production of photosynthates, but controlled the partitioning of photosynthates. Sink reduction decreased photosynthate translocation into grains, and increased it into upper parts of rainfed wheat plant. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Carbon dioxide exchange in relation to sink demand in wheat 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
Summary In this paper, experiments are described which examine the effect of requirement for assimilates by the ear on the rate of net photosynthesis in leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Different levels of requirement were achieved by various levels of sterilization of florets just before anthesis, which resulted in a range of grain numbers per ear, and by inhibiting photosynthesis of the intact ear by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). Only the ear and two uppermost leaves of the main shoot were considered, all the lower leaves and tiller leaves being excised when the experimental treatments were imposed. In two experiments, tiller regrowth was permitted during the experimental period, while in a third, new tillers were defoliated regularly.The response of leaf photosynthesis to the level of assimilate requirement by the ear was influenced by the treatment of the vegetative tillers. Thus, the net photosynthesis rate of the flag leaf was decreased by a reduction in grain number, or increased by inhibition of photosynthesis in the ear, only when the vegetative tillers were kept defoliated; when these tillers were allowed to re-grow normally, there was no influence of ear treatment on leaf photosynthesis. Temporal changes in leaf photosynthesis were consistent with this response pattern, i.e., when tillers were defoliated, the initial high rates of photosynthesis persisted for much longer.In the experiment where photosynthesis was influenced by the requirement for assimilate in the ear, the variation occurred through change in stomatal conductance on the abaxial surface of the leaf. This surface has a lesser conductance to CO2 exchange than the adaxial surface. The implication of this finding to rapid methods of plant screening is discussed. 相似文献
冬小麦拔节期不同茎蘖对低温胁迫的反应及抗冻性评价 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以小麦济南17和山农8355为材料,在低温胁迫条件下,测定了不同茎蘖功能叶和叶鞘超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性及丙二醛(MDA)和可溶性蛋白含量,并利用主成分分析、聚类分析对其抗冻性进行综合评价.结果表明: 低温胁迫条件下,小麦拔节期不同茎蘖功能叶和叶鞘中SOD、POD和CAT活性均不同程度地上升,MDA和可溶性蛋白含量则不同程度地上升或下降.利用主成分分析和聚类分析,将济南17不同茎蘖分为3类:主茎和一级分蘖Ⅰ、Ⅱ属强抗冻蘖组,一级分蘖Ⅲ、Ⅳ和二级分蘖Ⅰp属中度抗冻蘖组,二级分蘖Ⅱp属弱抗冻蘖组;将山农8355不同茎蘖分为3类:主茎和一级分蘖Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ属强抗冻蘖组,一级分蘖Ⅳ和二级分蘖Ⅰp属中度抗冻蘖组,二级分蘖Ⅱp属弱抗冻蘖组.表明冬小麦拔节期不同茎蘖存在抗冻性差异,且低位蘖较高位蘖抗冻.
Two wheat cultivars, Hesheng 2 with large grain yield potential, and Shannong 505 with small grain yield potential, were used
for investigating the responses of postanthesis photosynthesis, dry matter accumulation and allocation, and grain growth to
source/sink changes. At the initial grain filling stage, Hesheng 2 was sensitive to source reduction leading to an increase
of net photosynthetic rate (PN) by 10 %; however, little effect of sink reduction was observed. In Shannong 505, PN was obviously decreased by sink reduction, and changed a little after source reduction. At the rapid grain filling stage,
Hesheng 2 was sensitive to both source and sink reduction resulting in the increase or decrease of PN, respectively. However, the response of PN in Shannong 505 to source/sink changes was similar to that in previous stage. The dry matter (DM) accumulation after anthesis
was affected by source/sink changes. In Hesheng 2, the decrease in DM was higher than that in Shannong 505 after the same
source or sink reduction. Source reduction caused a decrease in the allocation of DM to the sheath and stem, and promoted
the reserve photosynthates to be reallocated to grain. The effect of sink reduction was contrary. The grain mass of Hesheng
2 was more easily regulated by source/sink changes than that of Shannong 505. The effect source/sink changes on grain mass
was in order upper > basal > middle spikelets on spike. As for a spikelet, the effect was found mainly in the grain mass at
the positions 3 and 4 from base of the spikelet.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Source-sink manipulation effects on postanthesis photosynthesis and grain setting on spike in winter wheat 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Source-sink manipulation could regulate the net photosynthetic rate (PN) of winter wheat after anthesis, however, the direction and magnitude of the regulation varied with time after anthesis. The PN was significantly increased by source reduction at the initial time of grain filling, but sink reduction had little influence on the PN, which suggested that the sink (spike) limitation did not occur at this time. Source-sink relation markedly affected PN during rapid grain filling. The PN was increased by source reduction and decreased by sink reduction significantly, which indicated that PN was closely associated with the change of source or sink size. The effect of source-sink manipulation on PN had some relationship with the occurrence of plant senescence at the time of late grain filling. Source reduction accelerated the senescence and dropped the PN, meanwhile, sink reduction delayed the senescence and promoted the PN. A direct relation between the effect of source-sink manipulation on PN and stomatal limitation was not found. Removing one quarter of leaves (RQ) had little influence on spike development after anthesis. In this case there was enough compensation in source production through photosynthesis. Removing one half of leaves (RH) made grain mass per spike and mass of grains lowered, especially the grain mass in the top and base positions of spike declined markedly. The source supply was grain-limiting. Removing one quarter of spikelets (RS) was beneficial to grain-setting in the remaining spikelets, leading to the increase of grain mass. Thus promoting the source supply of photosynthates after anthesis is of major importance for grain to set and to develop. 相似文献
In experiments with spring and winter wheat at Rothamsted and Woburn during 4 years CCC increased yield at close spacing (4 in) (10 cm) more than at usual spacing (8 in) (20 cm), but there was no interaction between spacing and yield. Some experiments tested up to 2·4 cwt/acre (300 kg/ha) N to see whether yields continued to increase with more than usual amounts of N, when CCC prevented lodging. There was no evidence of this. When a short dry spell occurred at ear emergence, yield of spring wheat was increased by 6 cwt/acre (750 kg/ha) by CCC and 10 cwt (1250 kg) by irrigation. CCC probably improves yield in these conditions because the larger root system it causes enables more ear-bearing shoots to survive. CCC increases yield in two ways, either by increasing ears or grain per ear. In an unlodged crop CCC usually makes the grains smaller, but by preventing lodging it can also increase size. Usually CCC decreases the leaf area per shoot. The flag leaf may be smaller, unchanged or larger than those of untreated plants. There was no obvious connexion between flag-leaf area and grain yield; when CCC decreased flag-leaf area duration by 25 %, grain yield was unchanged. The results suggest that using CCC gives a more than even chance of a profitable yield increase. 相似文献
小麦与蚕豆间作系统氮肥调控对小麦白粉病发生及氮素累积分配的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过田间小区试验,设N0(0 kg·hm-2)、N1(112.5 kg·hm-2)、N2( 225 kg·hm-2)、N3( 337.5 kg·hm-2) 4个施氮水平,研究不同施氮水平下小麦与蚕豆间作对小麦白粉病发生、植株氮含量和氮素累积分配的影响,探讨间作系统氮肥调控下小麦植株氮素含量、氮素累积分配与白粉病发生的关系.结果表明: 无论单作还是间作,施氮(N1、N2和N3)均增加了小麦籽粒产量,以N2水平下产量最高,单、间作分别为4146和4679 kg·hm-2;施氮加重了小麦白粉病的发生与危害,N1、N2和N3水平下病害进展曲线下的面积(AUDPC)分别平均增加39.6%~55.6%(基于发病率DI)和92.5%~217.0%(基于病情指数DSI),病情指数受氮素调控的影响较发病率大;施氮显著提高小麦植株氮含量(8.4%~51.6%)和氮素累积量(19.7%~133.7%),对氮素分配比例无显著影响.与单作相比,间作小麦产量平均增加12.0%;AUDPC(DI)和AUDPC(DSI)分别平均降低11.5%和30.7%,间作对病情指数的控制效果优于发病率.间作显著降低发病盛期小麦氮含量、阶段累积量和叶片中氮素分配比例(降幅6.6%~12.5%、1.4%~6.9%和9.0%~15.5%).在本研究条件下,兼顾控病效果和产量效应,小麦施氮量不应超过225 kg·hm-2. 相似文献
Developing fruits on lower nodes were major reproductive sink for photosynthates in bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). The
removal of these fruits resulted in faster growth of other fruits on upper nodes. Sink manipulated plants have the higher
rate of net photosynthetic rate at the later stages of plant development.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
We investigated the nitrogen and carbohydrate allocation patterns of trees under heterogeneous light environments using saplings of the devil maple tree (Acer diabolicum) with Y-shaped branches. Different branch groups were created: all branches of a sapling exposed to full light (L-branches), all branches exposed to full shade (S-branches), and half of the branches of a sapling exposed to light (HL-branches) and the other half exposed to shade (HS-branches). Throughout the growth period, nitrogen was preferentially allocated to HL-branches, whereas nitrogen allocation to HS-branches was suppressed compared to L- and S-branches. HL-branches with the highest leaf nitrogen content (Narea) also had the highest rates of growth, and HS-branches with the lowest Narea had the lowest observed growth rates. In addition, net nitrogen assimilation, estimated using a photosynthesis model, was strongly correlated with branch growth and whole-plant growth. In contrast, patterns of photosynthate allocation to branches and roots were not affected by the light conditions of the other branch. These observations suggest that tree canopies develop as a result of resource allocation patterns, where the growth of sun-lit branches is favoured over shaded branches, which leads to enhanced whole-plant growth in heterogeneous light environments. Our results indicate that whole-plant growth is enhanced by the resource allocation patterns created for saplings in heterogeneous light environments. 相似文献
Nitrogen mobilization and the pattern of proteolytic enzymeswere investigated in leaves and glumes of field-grown winterwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during maturation. Source/sinkrelations were changed by removal of the ear, the flag leafor the lower leaves shortly after anthesis. Removal of the earwas most effective, resulting in delayed senescence of the flagleaf with the chlorophyll, aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidaseactivities remaining high in contrast to the control, whereasneutral endopeptidase activity increased more slowly. No majorchanges were observed in the second leaf from the top in plantswith either ears or flag leaves removed. Nitrogen mobilizationand proteolytic activities in glumes and the remaining leaveswere influenced only slightly by leaf removal. In earless plants,nitrogen was transported from the second leaf into the leafsheath and stem, but in the flag leaf the total reduced nitrogenremained high and free amino groups increased. The increase in endopeptidase activity was influenced by thesource/sink relations. However, the accumulation of amino groupsand the increasing endopeptidase activity in the flag leaf ofearless plants suggest that the nitrogen sink capacity did notgreatly control protein degradation; it remains to be seen whetherphytohormones, accumulated amino acids or other factors delayedthe increase in endopeptidase activity. (Received September 3, 1979; ) 相似文献
PILAR PEREZ R. MARTINEZ-CARRASCO L. SANCHEZ DE LA PUENTE 《The Annals of applied biology》1983,102(2):399-406
The uptake of nitrogen and its distribution between shoots and between organs within shoots in wheat (Triticum aestivum) was studied from the start of stem elongation to 28 days after anthesis in a glasshouse experiment with eight nitrogen levels between 0·1 and 12·8 mequiv./litre. There was no net uptake of nitrogen in plants supplied with 0·8 mequiv./litre or less; with more nitrogen the absorption increased linearly. Twenty to 44% of the total plant nitrogen was absorbed after anthesis, this fraction increasing with nutrient supply. The nitrogen allotted to the main shoot decreased until the onset of anthesis and increased thereafter at the expense of the tillers, except with 12·8 mequiv./litre, where nitrogen percentage in the main shoot decreased also after anthesis. Raising nitrogen supply increased the proportion of plant nitrogen recovered in the tillers. Nitrogen accumulated in the ear after emergence and by the 28th day after anthesis it contained between 52% and 73% of the total plant nitrogen. The ear of the main shoot had a higher proportion of shoot nitrogen than that of the tillers. The fraction of ear nitrogen supplied by retranslocation decreased from almost 100% with 0·8 mequiv. N/litre or less to nil with 12·8 mequiv./litre. Increasing nitrogen application decreased the fraction of total nitrogen allocated to the ear. 相似文献
Wheat vegetative nitrogen compositional changes in response to reduced reproductive sink strength 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5

N redistribution patterns and the N composition of vegetative tissues above the peduncle node of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants with altered reproductive sink strength were evaluated to determine the role of vegetative storage proteins in the temporary storage of excess N destined for export. The degree of leaf senescence symptoms (loss of chlorophyll, total N, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) were initially reduced, but the complete senescence of vegetative tissues proceeded even for plants completely lacking reproductive sinks. Plants with 50% less sink strength than control plants with intact spikes redistributed vegetative N to the spike almost as effectively as the control plants. Plants without reproductive sinks exported less N from the flag leaf and had flag leaf blades and peduncle tissues with higher soluble protein and α-NH2 amino acid levels than control plants. An abundant accumulation of polypeptides in the soluble protein profiles of vegetative tissues was not evident in plants with reduced sink strength. Storage of amino acids apparently accommodates any excess N accumulated by vegetative tissues during tissue reproductive growth. Any significant role of vegetative storage proteins in the N economy of wheat is unlikely. 相似文献
Fuel alcohol production: effects of free amino nitrogen on fermentation of very-high-gravity wheat mashes 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Although wheat mashes contain only growth-limiting amounts of free amino nitrogen, fermentations by active dry yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were completed (all fermentable sugars consumed) in 8 days at 20 degrees C even when the mash contained 35 g of dissolved solids per 100 ml. Supplementing wheat mashes with yeast extract, Casamino Acids, or a single amino acid such as glutamic acid stimulated growth of the yeast and reduced the fermentation time. With 0.9% yeast extract as the supplement, the fermentation time was reduced from 8 to 3 days, and a final ethanol yield of 17.1% (vol/vol) was achieved. Free amino nitrogen derived in situ through the hydrolysis of wheat proteins by a protease could substitute for the exogenous nitrogen source. Studies indicated, however, that exogenously added glycine (although readily taken up by the yeast) reduced the cell yield and prolonged the fermentation time. The results suggested that there are qualitative differences among amino acids with regard to their suitability to serve as nitrogen sources for the growth of yeast. The complete utilization of carbohydrates in wheat mashes containing very little free amino nitrogen presumably resulted because they had the "right" kind of amino acids. 相似文献