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Abstract Membrane proteins that transport ATP and ADP have been identified in mitochondria, plastids, and obligate intracellular parasites. The mitochondrial ATP/ADP transporters are derived from a broad-specificity transport family of eukaryotic origin, whereas the origin of the plastid/parasite ATP/ADP translocase is more elusive. Here we present the sequences of five genes coding for ATP/ADP translocases from four species of Rickettsia. The results are consistent with an early duplication and divergence of the five ATP/ADP translocases within the rickettsial lineage. A comparison of the phylogenetic depths of the mitochondrial and the plastid/parasite ATP/ADP translocases indicates a deep origin for both transporters. The results provide no evidence for a recent acquisition of the ATP/ADP transporters in Rickettsia via horizontal gene transfer, as previously suggested. A possible function of the two types of ATP/ADP translocases was to allow switches between glycolysis and aerobic respiration in the early eukaryotic cell and its endosymbiont.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier plays a central role in aerobic cell energetics by providing to the cytosol the ATP generated by oxidative phosphorylation. Though discovered around 40 years ago owing to the existence of unique inhibitors and in spite of numerous experimental approaches, this carrier, which stands as a model of the mitochondrial solute carriers keeps some long-standing mystery. There are still open challenging questions among them the precise ADP/ATP transport mechanism, the functional oligomeric state of the carrier and relationships between human ADP/ATP carrier dysfunctioning and pathologies. Deciphering the 3D structure of this carrier afforded a considerable progress of the knowledge but requires now additional data focused on molecular dynamics from this static picture. State of the art in this topic is reviewed and debated in this paper in view of better comprehending origin of the discrepancies in these questions and, finally, the multiple physiological roles of this carrier in eukaryotic cell economy.  相似文献   

From experiments with lower eukaryotes it is known that the metabolic rate and also the rate of aging are tightly controlled by the insulin-like growth factor (IGF)/insulin signal transduction pathway. The mitochondrial theory of aging implies that an increased metabolic rate leads to increased mitochondrial activity; increased production of reactive oxygen species due to these alterations would speed up the aging process. To address the question if mitochondrial activity is influenced by insulin/IGF signaling, we have established an experimental system to determine the influence of IGF-I-dependent signaling on mitochondrial function. We used DU145 prostate cancer cells, known for the intact IGF signal transduction pathway, to address the influence of IGF receptor activation on mitochondrial function by high-resolution respirometry. These experiments revealed that indeed mitochondrial function is regulated by IGF signaling, and up-regulation of respiration seems to require phosphoinositide 3-kinase/AKT signaling, but is independent of IGF effects on cell cycle progression. Collectively these data establish a regulatory cross-talk between insulin/IGF signal transduction and mitochondrial function, two major pathways implicated in controlling the rate of aging.  相似文献   

Ulla B. Rasmussen  Hartmut Wohlrab 《BBA》1986,852(2-3):306-314
Peptide maps were generated of the CNBr-digested mitochondrial phosphate-transport protein and ADP/ATP carrier from bovine and rat heart, rat liver and blowfly flight muscle. Total mitochondrial proteins from the same sources plus pig heart were separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The peptide maps and the total mitochondrial proteins were electroblotted onto nitrocellulose membranes and reacted with rabbit antisera raised against the purified bovine heart phosphate-transport protein and the ADP/ATP carrier. On the basis of antibody specificity, mobility in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and peptide maps the following was concluded. (1) Phosphate-transport protein and phosphate-transport protein β (pig and bovine heart) react equally with the first and also with the second of two independent phosphate-transport protein-antisera. (2) Tissue-specific structural domains exist for both the phosphate-transport protein and the ADP/ATP carrier, i.e., one phosphate-transport protein-antiserum reacts with the phosphate-transport protein from all assayed sources, the other only with the cardiac phosphate-transport protein. These differences may reflect tissue-specific regulation of phosphate and adenine nucleotide transport. (3) Homologies among the different species are found for the phosphate transport protein and the ADP/ATP carrier, except for the flight muscle ADP/ATP carrier. These conserved structural domains of the phosphate-transport protein may relate directly to catalytic activity. (4) Alkylation of the purified phosphate-transport proteins and the ADP/ATP carriers by the transport inhibitor N-ethylmaleimide affects electrophoretic mobilities but not the antibody binding. (5) Neither of the two phosphate-transport protein-antisera nor the ADP/ATP-carrier antiserum react with both phosphate transport protein and ADP/ATP carrier, even though these two proteins possess similarities in primary structure and function. Possible mechanisms for generating tissue-specific structural differences in the proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between the respiration rate and the intra- and extramito-chondrial adenine nucleotides was investigated in isolated rat liver mitochondria.

For the determination of adenine nucleotide patterns in both compartments a new procedure was developed, based on the evaluation of these metabolites from incubation of various amounts of mitochondria under identical stationary states of oxidative phosphorylation. These identical states were adjusted by addition of appropriate amounts of hexokinase to a glucose-containing incubation mixture.

Adenine nucleotides were measured in aliquots of the total extract of the incubation mixture without any separation. The concentrations of the adenine nucleotides in both compartments were obtained from a plot of the total concentration of these species versus mitochondrial protein. Disturbances of this method by unspecific efflux of adenine nucleotides could be excluded.

The results obtained for the total adenine nucleotide content (12 nmol · mg−1 protein) and the intramitochondrial [ATP]/[ADP] ratio (about 4 in the resting state) are in good agreement with data obtained by other methods.

Strong evidence is provided for a decrease of the intramitochondrial [ATP]/[ADP] ratio with increasing rate of oxygen consumption. Therefore it is not necessary to assume a microcompartmentation of the intramitochondrial adenine nucleotide pool in respect to the ATPase reaction and the adenine nucleotide translocation.  相似文献   

Summary The first AUG in the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ADP/ATP translocator (CRANT) mRNA initiates an open reading frame (ORF) which is very similar (51–79% amino acid identity) to other ANT proteins. In contrast to higher plants, no evidence for a long amino-terminal extension was obtained. The 5 non-transcribed region of the single-copy CRANT gene contains sequence motifs present in other C. reinhardtii nuclear genes. Four introns, whose positions are not conserved in other ANT genes, interrupt the protein coding region. A short heat shock specifically reduces CRANT mRNA levels. CRANT mRNA levels were unaffected by a mutation in photosynthesis. In a dark/light regime CRANT mRNA levels are high in the dark phase and low in the early light phase. Data on translation initiation sites, splice junctions and the codon preferences of C. reinhardtii nuclear genes were compiled. With the exception of two rare codons, ACA and GGA, the CRANT gene exhibits the biased codon usage of C. reinhardtii nuclear genes that are highly expressed during normal vegetative growth.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound proteinase activity was demonstrated by a solid-phase assay system in both beef heart and rat liver mitochondria. The activity was sensitive to SH reagents and assorted proteinase inhibitors. Although stimulated by nonionic detergents, it became labile when solubilized by detergents. The proteinase activity from heart mitochondria copurified with the ADP:ATP translocator protein. Gel electrophoresis of this preparation revealed the translocator polypeptide as well as a number of minor components. In solubilized mitochondria the ADP:ATP translocator polypeptide slowly disappeared upon standing at 0°C as revealed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. The loss of this polypeptide was prevented by addition of proteinase inhibitors as well as the translocator affinity ligand, carboxyatractylate. These observations confirm the presence of an integral membrane proteinase in mitochondria and suggest a structural and enzymatic interaction between the proteinase and the ADP:ATP translocator.Abbreviations PMSF phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride - TPCK l-1-tosylamido-2-phenylethylchloromethyl ketone - TLCK 1-chloro-3-tosylamido-7-amino-l-2-heptanone - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PCMBS p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - MOPS morpholinopropane sulfonate - [I50] concentration of inhibitor required to give 50% inhibition  相似文献   

The influence of cholesterol on ADP-ATP exchange activity was measured in the reconstituted system, submitochondrial (sonic) particles and mitoplasts (isolated inner mitochondrial membranes). In the reconstituted system, cholesterol markedly enhanced the nucleotide-uptake rate, when added to membranes of various compositions i.e., pure phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylethanolamine mixtures and crude egg yolk phospholipids. The stimulation was linearly dependent on the amount of incorporated cholesterol up to 7–13% added sterol, depending on the type of phospholipids. Cholesterol influenced neither the amount of actively reconstituted carrier proteins nor the affinity of the carrier towards nucleotides nor the breakpoint of temperature dependence in the Arrhenius plot. The stimulation could be correlated with an increase in the molecular activity of the carrier protein. The influence of cholesterol was also measured in the natural environment of the carrier protien, i.e., the inner mitochondrial membrane. Both with submitochondrial particles from beef heart and especially with mitoplasts from rat liver, incorporation of cholesterol by fusion with sterol-containing liposomes led to a stimulation of ADP-ATP exchange activity, comparable to the effect in the reconstituted system. These results are discussed in relation to the absence of cholesterol in the inner mitochondrial membrane and in the view of the generally accepted ordering effect of cholesterol on phospholipid bilayers.  相似文献   

The oligomerization state of the ADP/ATP carrier is an important issue in understanding the mechanism underlying nucleotide exchange across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The first high resolution structure obtained in the presence of carboxyatractyloside revealed a large cavity formed within a monomer in which the inhibitor is strongly bound. Whereas the protein-protein interactions implicated in the first crystal form are not biologically relevant, the new crystal form described herein, highlights favorable protein-protein interactions. The interactions are mediated by endogenous cardiolipins, which are tightly bound to the protein, two cardiolipins being sandwiched between the monomers on the matrix side. The putative dimerization interface evidenced here is consistent with other structural, biochemical or functional data published so far.  相似文献   

Changes of the extra- and intramitochondrial ATP/ADP ratios as a function of the respiratory state were measured in incubations with rat liver mitochondria. ATPase or creatine/creatine kinase was used to change the extramitochondrial ATP/ADP ratio; the separation of the mitochondrial pellet was performed by a Millipore filtration technique. Under all conditions tested, the intramitochondrial ratio changed in the same direction as the extramitochondrial one, except in the presence of atractylate where this correlation was not observed. Furthermore, it could be shown that the oxygen uptake and pyruvate carboxylase activity correlated with the intramitochondrial ATP/ADP ratio and not with the extramitochondrial one. These results do not support the proposal that the adenine nucleotide translocase is rate limiting for respiration.  相似文献   

Two distinct conformations of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier involved in the adenine nucleotide transport are called BA and CATR conformations, as they were distinguished by binding of specific inhibitors bongkrekic acid (BA) and carboxyatractyloside (CATR), respectively. To find out which amino acids are implicated in the transition between these two conformations, which occurs during transport, mutants of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ADP/ATP carrier Anc2p responsible for resistance of yeast cells to BA were identified and characterized after in vivo chemical or UV mutagenesis. Only four different mutations could be identified in spite of a large number of mutants analyzed. They are located in the Anc2p transmembrane segments I (G30S), II (Y97C), III (L142S), and VI (G298S), and are independently enabling growth of cells in the presence of BA. The variant and wild-type Anc2p were produced practically to the same level in mitochondria, as evidenced by immunochemical analysis and by atractyloside binding experiments. ADP/ATP exchange mediated by Anc2p variants in isolated mitochondria was more efficient than that of the wild-type Anc2p in the presence of BA, confirming that BA resistance of the mutant cells was linked to the functional properties of the modified ADP/ATP carrier. These results suggest that resistance to BA is caused by alternate conformation of Anc2p due to appearance of Ser or Cys at specific positions. Different interactions of these residues with other amino acids and/or BA could prevent formation of stable inactive Anc2p BA complex.  相似文献   

The effect of adenine nucleotides and phosphate on rat small intestine phosphate-dependent glutaminase (PDG) activity was investigated in intact mitochondria. Disruption of the integrity of mitochondria by sonication or freeze-thawing resulted in loss of enzyme activity. ADP was the strongest adenine nucleotide activator of the enzyme giving a Vmax that was over 5-fold of that for AMP or ATP. The sigmoid activation curve of PDG by ADP became hyperbolic in presence ATP. ADP also lowered the Km for glutamine and increased Vmax and these effects were further enhanced by the presence of ATP. Activation of PDG by phosphate and ADP was not completely additive suggesting some antagonism between the activators. There was no clear relationship between changing ATP/ADP ratios and PDG activity in presence of a constant concentration of phosphate. However, ratios of approximately 1:4 and 4:1 gave the highest and lowest activities, respectively. The pH dependence of PDG activity was affected by phosphate concentration and results suggest that the divalent ion is the activating species.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are pivotal for cellular bioenergetics, but are also a core component of the cell death machinery. Hypothesis-driven research approaches have greatly advanced our understanding of the role of mitochondria in cell death and cell survival, but traditionally focus on a single gene or specific signalling pathway at a time. Predictions originating from these approaches become limited when signalling pathways show increased complexity and invariably include redundancies, feedback loops, anisotropies or compartmentalisation. By introducing methods from theoretical chemistry, control theory, and biophysics, computational models have provided new quantitative insights into cell decision processes and have led to an increased understanding of the key regulatory principles of apoptosis. In this review, we describe the currently applied modelling approaches, discuss the suitability of different modelling techniques, and evaluate their contribution to the understanding of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Mitochondria: the deadly organelle.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which non-esterified long-chain fatty acids (FFA) promote mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) is not clear. We examined with energized rat liver mitochondria the role of two possible actions of FFA in MPT, (i) the reduction of the transmembrane potential (Δψ) and (ii) the increase of the negative surface charge of the inner mitochondrial membrane [Broekemeier, K.M. and Pfeiffer, D.G., Biochemistry 43, (1995) 16440–16449]. It was found that the ability of FFA to stimulate large amplitude swelling is clearly related to their uncoupling activity. Moreover, compared with classical protonophores (FCCP) FFA increase the sensitivity of the pore opening process to Δψ changes. In addition, FFA interact like their thioester derivatives in a structure-dependent manner with the ADP/ATP carrier (measured as inhibition of [3H]atractyloside binding to the AAC protein). It is suggested that not only the protonophoric action of FFA, but also a presumable stabilization of the ‘cytosolic' conformation of AAC contribute to the FFA-promoted MPT.  相似文献   

In the process of oxidative phosphorylation, the exchange of cytosolic ADP3– against mitochondrial ATP4– across the inner mitochondrial membrane is mediated by a specific carrier protein. Two different conformations for this carrier have been demonstrated on the basis of interactions with specific inhibitors, namely carboxyatractyloside (CATR) and bongkrekic acid (BA). The two conformations, referred to as CATR and BA conformations, are interconvertible, provided that ADP or ATP are present. The functional ADP/ATP carrier is probably organized as a tetramer. In the presence of CATR or BA the tetramer is split into two dimers combined with either of the two inhibitors. The amino acid sequence of the beef heart carrier monomer (297 residues) contains three repeats of about 100 residues each. Experimental results obtained through different approaches, including photolabeling, immunochemistry, and limited proteolysis, can be interpreted on the basis of a model with five or six transmembrane helices per carrier monomer. Two mobile regions involved in the binding of nucleotides and accessible to proteolytic enzymes have been identified. Each of them may be visualized as consisting of two pairs of short amphipathic helices, which can be juxtaposed to form hydrophilic channels facilitating the nucleotide transport. Mutagenesis in yeast is currently being used to detect strategic amino acids in ADP/ATP transport.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are accurately transmitted to the next generation through a female germ cell in most animals. Mitochondria produce most ATP, accompanied by the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). A specialized mechanism should be necessary for inherited mitochondria to escape from impairments of mtDNA by ROS. Inherited mitochondria are named germ-line mitochondria, in contrast with somatic ones. We hypothesized that germ-line mitochondria are distinct from somatic ones. The protein profiles of germ-line and somatic mitochondria were compared, using oocytes at two different stages in Xenopus laevis. Some subunits of ATP synthase were at a low level in germ-line mitochondria, which was confirmed immunologically. Ultrastructural histochemistry using 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB) showed that cytochrome c oxidase (COX) activity of germ-line mitochondria was also at a low level. Mitochondria in one oocyte were segregated into germ-line mitochondria and somatic mitochondria, during growth from stage I to VI oocytes. Respiratory activity represented by ATP synthase expression and COX activity was shown to be low during most of the long gametogenetic period. We propose that germ-line mitochondria that exhibit suppressed respiration alleviate production of ROS and enable transmission of accurate mtDNA from generation to generation.  相似文献   

We examined the apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of all-trans retinoic acid (atRA) in HeLa cells. Our results demonstrated that HeLa cells were more sensitive to the anti-proliferative effects of atRA than to its apoptotic effects. Furthermore, we demonstrated that caspase inhibition attenuates cell death but does not alter the atRA-dependent reduction in cell proliferation, which suggests that atRA-induced apoptosis is independent of the arrest in cell proliferation. To check whether ANT proteins mediated these atRA effects, we transiently transfected cells with expression vectors encoding for individual ANT (adenine nucleotide translocase 1-3). Our results revealed that ANT1 and ANT3 over-expressing HeLa cells increased their atRA sensitivity. Thus, our results not only demonstrate the different functional activities of ANT isoforms, but also contribute to a better understanding of the properties of atRA as an anti-tumoral agent used in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Functional mitochondria require up to 1000 proteins to function properly, with 99% synthesized as precursors in the cytoplasm and transported into the mitochondria with the aid of cytosolic chaperones and mitochondrial translocators (import components). Proteins to be imported are chaperoned to the mitochondria by the cytosolic heat shock protein (cHSP70) and are immediately pursued by Translocators of the Outer Membrane (TOMs), followed by transient interactions of the unfolded proteins with Translocators of the Inner Membrane (TIMs). In the present study, we describe a human gene, TOMM70A, orthologous to the yeast Tom70 import component. TOMM70A is ubiquitously expressed in human tissues, maps on chromosome 3q13.1-q13.2 and consists of 12 coding exons spanning over 37 kb. TOMM70A localizes in the mitochondria of COS-7 cells, and in organello import assays confirmed its presence in the Outer Mitochondrial membrane (OM) of rat liver mitochondria. TOMM70A could play a significant role in the import of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins with internal targeting sites such as ADP/ATP carriers and the uncoupling proteins.  相似文献   

The adenine nucleotide carrier from Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus Tuberosus L.) tubers mitochondria was solubilized with Triton X-100 and purified by sequential chromatography on hydroxapatite and Matrex Gel Blue B in the presence of cardiolipin and asolectin. SDS gel electrophoresis of the purified fraction showed a single polypeptide band with an apparent molecular mass of 33 kDa. When reconstituted in liposomes, the adenine nucleotide carrier catalyzed a pyridoxal 5-phosphate-sensitive ATP/ATP exchange. It was purified 75-fold with a recovery of 15% and a protein yield of 0.18% with respect to the mitochondrial extract. Among the various substrates and inhibitors tested, the reconstituted protein transported only ATP, ADP, and GTP and was inhibited by bongkrekate, phenylisothiocyanate, pyridoxal 5-phosphate, mersalyl and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate (but not N-ethylmaleimide). Atractyloside and carboxyatractyloside (at concentrations normally inhibitory in animal and plant mitochondria) were without effect in Jerusalem artichoke tubers mitochondria. V max of the reconstituted ATP/ATP exchange was determined to be 0.53 mol/min per mg protein at 25°C. The half-saturation constant K m and the corresponding inhibition constant K i were 20.4 M for ATP and 45 M for ADP. The activation energy of the ATP/ATP exchange was 28 KJ/mol between 5 and 30°C. The N-terminal amino acid partial sequence of the purified protein showed a partial homology with the ANT protein purified from mitochondria of maize shoots.  相似文献   

Respiratory supercomplexes are large protein structures formed by various enzyme complexes of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Using native gel electrophoresis and activity staining, differential regulation of complex activity within the supercomplexes was investigated. During prolonged hypoxia, complex I activity within supercomplexes diminished, whereas the activity of the individual complex I-monomer increased. Concomitantly, an increased activity was observed during hypoxia for complex IV in the smaller supercomplexes that do not contain complex I. These changes in complex activity within supercomplexes reverted again during recovery from the hypoxic treatment. Acidification of the mitochondrial matrix induced similar changes in complex activity within the supercomplexes. It is suggested that the increased activity of the small supercomplex III(2)+IV can be explained by the dissociation of complex I from the large supercomplexes. This is discussed to be part of a mechanism regulating the involvement of the alternative NADH dehydrogenases, known to be activated by low pH, and complex I, which is inhibited by low pH. It is concluded that the activity of complexes within supercomplexes can be regulated depending on the oxygen status and the pH of the mitochondrial matrix.  相似文献   

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