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转基因克隆动物技术及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
克隆动物是目前生物技术领域研究的热点之一,其科学意义和应用价值重大。根据现有理论和技术发展趋势,本文提出了转基因克隆动物的概念,即将转基因动物技术与克隆动物技术有机地结合,认为转基因克隆动物制作技术有望成为21世纪创建遗传工程动物的主导性技术。  相似文献   

转基因克隆动物研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
克隆动物是目前生物技术领域研究的热点之一,其科学意义和应用价值重大根据现有理论和技术发展趋势,本文提出了转基因克隆动物的概念,即将克隆动物与转基因克隆动物技术有机地结合起来,认为转基因克隆动物制作技术将有望成为下一世纪创建遗传工程动物的主层性技术。  相似文献   

克隆动物是目前生物技术领域研究的热点之一,其科学意义和应用价值重大。根据现有理论和技术发展趋势,本文提出了转基因克隆动物的概念,即将转基因动物技术与克隆动物技术有机地结合,认为转基因克隆动物制作技术有望成为21世纪创建遗传工程动物的主导性技术 。  相似文献   

哺乳动物体细胞克隆及转基因技术,近些年发展迅速。尤其1997年‘多利’羊的诞生,对推动哺乳动物克隆及转基因技术的发展具有里程碑式的意义。本文介绍了哺乳动物体细胞克隆的方法,存在的问题和体细胞克隆的机理研究。对这些方法和研究理论进行了讨论,并探讨如何利用克隆技术进行转基因动物的制备。  相似文献   

克隆和动物克隆   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1997年2月23日,英国苏格兰爱丁堡罗斯林研究所Wilmut和Campbel领导的研究小组,用高度分化的乳腺细胞成功克隆绵羊的消息在英国《Nature》杂志发表后,在全世界引起轰动[1]。由于哺乳动物的克隆成功,人的克隆已出现成功的可能,因此已引起...  相似文献   

电穿孔技术在转基因及动物克隆中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电穿孔技术利用电场造成细胞膜的改变而将DNA导入细胞内,它还可用于细胞融合及动物克隆等。基因电转移的效率通常比化学法提高1—2个数量级,主要与脉冲波形、长度、缓冲液等有关。方波直流电脉冲应用广泛,在有关细胞核移植的多项研究报告中均指出它有重要作用。  相似文献   

Ag Biotech Reporter 2004年21卷6期8页报道:英国广播电台(BBC)宣称,用常规方法培育转基因猪不仅代价高昂,而且效果很差,例如将基因注射人70个胚胎后,只有约1个胚胎能发育成长为改良动物。  相似文献   

核移植技术克隆动物胚胎研究的现状及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘林  安民 《动物学杂志》1993,28(4):55-60
胚胎克隆,即建立胚胎的无性繁殖系,最有效的方法是通过用核移植技术将一枚多细胞胚胎的每一细胞核移植到一个去核的、激活的成熟卵母细胞中,重新构成新的胚胎,重组胚胎移植后,发育成与供体胚胎基因型相同的后代。Spemann 最先提出将多细胞胚的每一细胞核分别转移到去核的卵母细胞中这一想法。Brig-gs 和 King 沿用 Spemann 的想法及实验技术,  相似文献   

胚胎冷冻技术在转基因动物中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胚胎冷冻技术在转基因动物中的应用李劲松,成国祥,李厚达(扬州大学农学院生物技术研究所,江苏省生物工程重点实验室)1980年,Gordon首次将外源基因导入小鼠受精卵而获得成活个体,从而开了转基因动物的先河。两年后,Palmiter等将重组的大鼠生长激...  相似文献   

转基因动物及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄未未  汤雪明 《生命科学》1998,10(4):172-175,F003
转基因动物技术始于80年代初,很快便成为一种研究基因在四维时空中表达特性与功能的重要手段,它广泛应用于新基因的功能鉴定,人类疾病动物模型的建立,发育过程中基因时空调机制的基础研究以及利用转基因大动物生产药用蛋白的应用研究等方面。  相似文献   

Transgenic animals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Transgenic animals are useful tools for the study of biological functions of proteins and secondary gene products synthesized by the action of protein catalysts. Research in nutrition and allied fields is benefiting from their use as models to contrast normal and altered metabolism. Although food, nutritional products, and ingredients from transgenic animals have not yet reached consumers, the technologies for their production are maturing and yielding exciting results in experimental and farm animals. Regulatory governmental bodies are already issuing guidelines and legislation in anticipation of the advent of these products and ingredients. This review summarizes available technology for the production of transgenic animals, discusses their scientific and commercial potential, and examines ancillary issues relevant to the field of nutrition.  相似文献   

J Rossant 《Génome》1989,31(2):1112-1113

The development potential of transgenic adult cells after nuclear transfer (NT) was evaluated. Primary ovine granulosa cells (GC(S)) from a slaughter ovary were transfected with pEGFP-N1 plasmid DNA. Three G418-resistance cell lines (A2, B2 and B4) were used as donor cells in NT. A total of 162 NT blastocysts were then frozen with ethylene glycol solution and stored for five months before transplanted into recipients. Twenty-nine frozen thawed NT blastocysts were transferred into 15 synchronized recipients. Twin lambs (6.9%) derived from B2 line were delivered by cesarean section on day 143 but died after birth. A tumor consisting of lung tissues was found on the surface of left lung of the 4-kg lamb and histological analysis indicated that it resembles a hamartoma. DNA analysis confirmed that two lambs were genetically identical to B2 donor cells. Gene insertion and expression have been detected in fibroblasts cells derived from muscle tissues of the lambs. This study indicates that granulosa cell is a suitable cell type for producing transgenic animals by nuclear transfer. Offspring were produced after long-term storage of NT blastocysts.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化与克隆动物的发育异常   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杨荣荣  李相运 《遗传》2007,29(9):1043-1048
通过核移植技术得到的大多数克隆动物在出生前就已经死亡, 只有极少数可以发育至妊娠期末或者存活至成年, 即使是存活下来的克隆动物也伴有不同程度的发育缺陷和表型异常。DNA甲基化是支配基因正常表达的一种重要的表观遗传修饰方式, 是调节基因组功能的重要手段, 在胚胎的正常发育过程中具有显著作用。通过对DNA甲基化模式的研究, 人们发现克隆动物中存在着异常的DNA甲基化状态, 而这些异常的DNA甲基化模式可能就是导致克隆胚早期死亡以及克隆动物发育畸形的主要原因。文章主要论述了DNA甲基化的作用, 克隆动物中异常的DNA甲基化模式, 以及造成克隆胚胎甲基化异常的原因等问题。  相似文献   

Chan AW 《Cloning》1999,1(1):25-46
Transgenic animal technology is one of the most fascinating technologies developed in the last two decades. It allows us to address questions in life sciences that no other methods have achieved. The impact on biomedical and biological research, as well as commercial interests are overwhelming. The questions accompanying this fast growing technology and its diversified applications attract the attention from a variety of entities. Still, one of the most fundamental problems remaining is the search for an efficient and reliable gene delivery system for creating transgenic animals. The traditional method of pronuclear microinjection has displayed great variability in success among species. While an acceptable efficiency in the production of transgenic mice has been attained, the relative low efficiency (<1%) in creating transgenic livestock has become one of the barriers for its application. In the past decades, improvements in producing transgenic livestock have made a slow progression, however, the recent advancement in cloning technology and the ability to create transgenic livestock in a highly efficient manner, have opened the gate to a new era in transgenic technology. Discoveries of new gene delivery systems have created an enthusiastic atmosphere that has made this technology so unique. This review focuses on gene delivery strategies as well as various approaches that may assist the advancement of transgenic efficiency in large animals.  相似文献   

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