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近年来食品安全问题层出不穷且呈多样化趋势,传统的检测方法已无法满足当今食品检测的需求,因此需要从食品安全检测的技术手段入手,采取更加精密的检测技术,来确保食品的质量和安全性,避免产生食品安全问题。微生物检测技术作为现阶段开展食品安全检测工作的重要手段和方法,肩负检测食品安全的重任。文章旨在对食品安全检测中微生物检测技术进行研究,充分挖掘微生物检测技术在食品安全检测中的应用路径,希望能推动我国食品安全检测工作的开展,也能切实为食品安全生产保驾护航。  相似文献   

食品微生物快速检测技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究概述了食品微生物引起的食源性疾病及对人类的危害;介绍了国内外9种食源性微生物快速检测技术的研究现状,指出电喷雾离子化多级质谱对氨基糖苷类抗生素的检测分析技术、分析即用型纸片技术、免疫分析检测技术、分子生物检测技术、阻抗技术以及其他新物理、生化技术检测方法,传统的检测的灵敏度和专一性有一定提高,但操作繁琐;现在发展的分子生物学方法为食品中快速、灵敏的病毒检测带来了更多的希望,各种快速检测方法还只是实践中的一个参考.其今后的发展方向主要是:克服现有分子生物学方法的缺点,绘制各种菌落图谱,开发在线检测软件,能定量测定微生物细胞特征和性能,简化采集、培养等程序,提高检测效率.  相似文献   

随着分子生物学、细胞生物学及分子遗传学等学科的迅猛发展,对微生物诱变分子机理的研究也日益完善。从微生物诱变分子机理出发,着重介绍了DNA损伤分子机理、基因突变分子机理和诱变剂的种类及遗传效应,同时,列举了诱变菌在肉类工业中的应用。  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高,人们对于食品安全卫生标准的需求越来越高。为了能够准确、客观地反映食品的安全卫生质量,必须加强微生物鉴定技术的应用。本文通过论述微生物鉴定技术在食品安全中的应用及其发展概述,希望对食品检测工作带来一定帮助。  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的快速发展,人们物质生活水平的提升,我们对于食品安全的关注程度越来越高,人们的食品安全意识也在逐渐增强;但是,当前,我国食品安全问题和事故层出不出,在民以食为天的理念下,各种食品安全问题,诸如:瘦肉精事件、假牛肉事件、毒奶粉事件、染色馒头等,其中,一个影响比较广泛和受反应比较严重的就是食品塑料包装对食品安全的影响,将直接影响食品的质量和安全,本文从我国食品塑料包装的发展开始分析,对塑料包装对食品安全影响进行了分析,结合本人实际工作经验,提出了一些合理化的意见和建议,希望有所帮助。  相似文献   

众所周知,近年来的食品安全问题层出不穷,既带来了恶劣的社会影响,更对消费者的身心健康构成了威胁,故在此背景下,食品安全问题备受关注,利用分子生物学方法检测食品微生物随之发展。对此,本文就分子生物学方法在食品微生物检测中的应用作了研究,希望对解决食品安全问题有所启示。  相似文献   

随着我国社会的发展,人们对食品的质量有了越来越高地要求,对食品对于健康的影响也有了更深入的认识。与此同时,国内科技工作者对食品微生物及其安全性研究给予了相当重视,仅就2010年本刊发表的研究论文数量来看,虽然"环境微生物"栏目有25篇(不包括"环境微生物专刊"),但"食品微生物"栏目论文数量也相当可观,共发表了17篇论文。在相关工作中,有关食品安全方面的论文有7篇,其研究工作取得了  相似文献   

黎伟涵  邓世雄 《微生物学通报》2022,49(11):4860-4868
生物痕迹往往成为刑事侦查案件中的突破口,比如在涉及个人识别、嫌疑人追踪或者死亡时间(postmortem interval,PMI)等法医学问题上,生物源性证据往往发挥着至关重要的作用。目前,许多传统的法医学方法仍在沿用,但研究者们试图发现新的法医学工具,以此来弥补传统方法的不足或者为法医学实践增加新的思路和方法。得益于测序技术的发展,研究者们发现机体内外的微生物数量要远远超过细胞的数量,它们在地点溯源、个人识别、死亡时间的推断、生物犯罪及环境保护等方面均有着不小的应用价值。本文对这方面的研究进展进行了介绍。  相似文献   

正我国温带草原分布广泛,是欧亚大陆温带草原植被类型的重要组成部分,具有重要的生态和经济价值[1],而其退化已成为我国草原牧业和生态可持续发展的主要瓶颈[2]。土壤微生物在土壤形成和演化过程中起着不可替代的作用,是土壤中物质转化和养分循环的驱动力。土壤微生物生物量和土壤微生物胞外酶活性则是土壤生态系统结构和功能演替的特征指示物[3]。目前,对草地退化的研究大部分集中于退化现状及其驱动力,植物群落结构及其稳定性,生物量变化及其土壤肥力水平,而相关的土壤微生物特  相似文献   

本研究以4种酱香型大曲为研究对象,探究微生物因子对大曲理化性质的影响,并结合冗余分析方法研究其关联性。不同区域和工艺条件的酱香大曲样品的磷脂脂肪酸指纹图谱和酿造特性参数相关性研究揭示了大曲中微生物中优势菌群为真菌和革兰氏阳性菌;微生物群落特征受峰值温度和区域环境影响显著;糖化力等与产率直接相关理化指标参数和真菌和革兰氏阳性菌的量及比例呈正相关。将冗余分析与磷脂脂肪酸技术相结合,应用于大曲体系,为开展同类工作提供了方法和思路。  相似文献   

抗生素的普遍应用使得其在食品中广泛残留,对人体健康造成严重危害。目前,用于食品抗生素残留检测方法较多,微生物法是常用的筛选方法之一,具有简便、经济、高通量、特异性及灵敏度好等优点。本研究综述了微生物法在检测食品中抗生素残留的优缺点和影响因素等应用情况。  相似文献   

Microbiological contamination of food processing surfaces and utensils increases considerably the risk of food-borne illnesses via cross-contamination. Hence, the safety of served meals and beverages can be evaluated through the assessment of the microbiological quality of food contact surfaces in food-serving establishments. This study carried out in Makkah city aimed to assess the microbiological contamination levels on food processing surfaces and utensils in 43 restaurants from the 9 main districts in the city. A total of 294 swab preparations were taken from 16 types of food contact surfaces including cutting boards, food containers, knives, serving dishes and other utensils were examined. Ninety samples (31%) showed more than 10 CFU/cm2 which were considered positive for microbiological contamination. Meat chopping devices and cutting boards were found as the most contaminated food contact surfaces (60% and 50%), while washed serving dishes and fridge handles were the least contaminated (21% and 18%). Microorganisms detected in the study were Klebsiella spp. (18.7%), Escherichia coli (17,7%), Staphylococcus aureus (4,4%), Pseudomonas spp. (1.7%), Proteus spp. (0.7%), Bacillus cereus (0.7%), and Candida sp. (0.3%). Klebsiella spp. and E. coli were observed in at least one sample from each of the sixteen different food contact surfaces. The incidence of restaurants with contaminated food contact surfaces was significantly variable among the different districts, with a value as high as 57% in the most affected district and 20% in the less affected. No contamination with Salmonella spp. or Listeria spp. was detected, however, the detection of Bacillus cereus, a toxin-forming microorganism, in two different restaurants underlines the need for continuous microbiological assessment to ensure standard sanitation levels in restaurants and catering establishments of Makkah city.  相似文献   

Summary Recent developments in microbiology have led to the construction of mathematical models that can be used reliably to predict the growth and death responses of microorganisms under a wide range of situations relevant to food safety and spoilage. During the same period developments in available software and hardware platforms for information technology (IT) have meant that the construction of expert systems in disciplines like microbiology have become a reality. The concept and stages of development of an expert system are described using an example of a prototype system that assesses the microbiological safety of chilled ready-to-eat meals.  相似文献   

噬菌体在食品安全中的应用和潜在风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,经食品传播的感染性疾病时有发生,有的国家甚至有增多趋势。噬菌体在早期被用来治疗细菌性疾病,现在人们已经意识到噬菌体在食品工业上的应用前景也非常广阔。已经有人提出把它作为食品添加剂使用以杀灭食源性致病菌。而噬菌体本身的特性也确实说明,噬菌体是保障食品安全的理想工具。因为噬菌体不仅安全可靠,而且有严格的宿主特异性,在杀灭食源性致病菌的同时不会杀死生产中的发酵菌株。噬菌体可以用在食品生产中的各个环节以杀灭或抑制病原菌,比如原料采集、生产、储藏等环节。探讨噬菌体杀灭食源性致病菌的应用前景和潜在风险。  相似文献   

防止食源性致病菌对食品的污染是保障食品安全的重要策略之一。研究表明,环境胁迫下微生物可能形成"活的不可培养状态"(VBNC状态),成为食品安全的潜在风险。本文对致病微生物VBNC状态的最近发现进行了归纳和总结,重点分析了不同环境胁迫(包括自然胁迫以及食品加工和保藏过程中的各种胁迫等)因素下菌体进入VBNC状态的普遍性、诱导条件和生理特点等,并对现行的基于微生物可培养性而建立起来的常规检测方法的局限性及其对食品安全风险评估潜在影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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Organic products are derived from the organic production system, following organic agricultural cultivation standards, and processing schedules must be identified by an independent certificate authority. The main characteristic of the organic agricultural production system is that all artificial synthetic materials such as pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, feed additives, and gene engineering products are not allowed to use. However, there is much debate on organic production quality and health safety issues in academic circles. Some people believe that there is a “Three Cannot” problem with organic production, that is, organic products “cannot be distinguished, cannot be tasted and cannot be measured” compared to common ones. To objectively reflect the differences in nutritional quality and food safety between organic and conventional products, we combined extensive literatures with our research data and have reported some advances in the sensory quality, nutritional value, and safety of the two types of products. The results showed that organic products tasted better; the percentage of leanness was higher, and the products tasted much tender. The dry matter content of most organic crops was about 7–20% higher than that of conventional foods, and enriched vitamin C, anthocyanins, isoflavones, carotenoids, and other phenolic compounds and more elements such as P, Fe, and Mg and trace elements such as Zn, Cu, and Cr were verified in organic crops. Organic animal products contain more beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids; the nitrate content in organic fruits and vegetables was 20–50% of that in normal fruits. No pesticide residues and less heavy metals were found in the organic products. Our investigation showed that there were obvious differences in quality and safety between the products that originated from organic agriculture systems and conventional alternatives. This conclusion can provide an important theoretical basis for the healthy development of the organic industry.  相似文献   

Performance enhancing agents (PEAs) are illegally used in cattle and other meat producing species to increase food conversion and lean meat production. Due to the very short breeding cycle, veal calves represent the meat producing bovine category mostly subjected to illicit treatments. These chemical agents are difficult to detect by conventional analytical approaches due to the employment of synergistic formulations at very low dosage and given the use of uncharacterized novel compounds. Such a scenario has fostered a strong interest in the discovery of functional molecular biomarkers for the detection of growth promoting agents in meat producing species. A multivariate MALDI-TOF-MS proteomics platform has been developed using bovine serum samples. Analytical performances have been thoroughly evaluated in order to enable reproducible profiles from 10 μL sera samples. We propose univariate and multivariate discrimination models capable to identify calves undergoing illicit treatments. In particular, we found a strong discrimination power associated with a polypeptide fragment from β2-glycoprotein-I. We provide a fundamental proof of concept in the potential application of MALDI-TOF-MS proteomics profiling in the food safety control.  相似文献   

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