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Adenine nucleotide transport over the carboxyatractyloside-insensitive ATP-Mg/Pi carrier was assayed in isolated rat liver mitochondria with the aim of investigating a possible regulatory role for Ca2+ on carrier activity. Net changes in the matrix adenine nucleotide content (ATP + ADP + AMP) occur when ATP-Mg exchanges for Pi over this carrier. The rates of net accumulation and net loss of adenine nucleotides were inhibited when free Ca2+ was chelated with EGTA and stimulated when buffered [Ca2+]free was increased from 1.0 to 4.0 microM. The unidirectional components of net change were similarly dependent on Ca2+; ATP influx and efflux were inhibited by EGTA in a concentration-dependent manner and stimulated by buffered free Ca2+ in the range 0.6-2.0 microM. For ATP influx, increasing the medium [Ca2+]free from 1.0 to 2.0 microM lowered the apparent Km for ATP from 4.44 to 2.44 mM with no effect on the apparent Vmax (3.55 and 3.76 nmol/min/mg with 1.0 and 2.0 microM [Ca2+]free, respectively). Stimulation of influx and efflux by [Ca2+]free was unaffected by either ruthenium red or the Ca2+ ionophore A23187. Calmodulin antagonists inhibited transport activity. In isolated hepatocytes, glucagon or vasopressin promoted an increased mitochondrial adenine nucleotide content. The effect of both hormones was blocked by EGTA, and for vasopressin, the effect was blocked also by neomycin. The results suggest that the increase in mitochondrial adenine nucleotide content that follows hormonal stimulation of hepatocytes is mediated by an increase in cytosolic [Ca2+]free that activates the ATP-Mg/Pi carrier.  相似文献   

Net transport of ATP-Mg or ADP in exchange for phosphate in isolated rat liver mitochondria has been shown to be an electroneutral process mediated by the ATP-Mg/Pi carrier. We compared the steady state distribution ratios of phosphate, ATP-Mg, and ADP at a pH of 7.4 to determine whether the divalent or monovalent form of these anions is the transported substrate. The log of the divalent ATP-Mg distribution ratio (in/out) approached the log of the divalent phosphate distribution ratio (approximately 0.85), which was approximately twice the value of the delta pH (approximately 0.40) across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This steady state relationship held under several different conditions, e.g. when the medium ATP concentration was varied or if the phosphate gradient was modified by partial uncoupling with the proton ionophore, carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone. Unidirectional ADP efflux in exchange for external ADP or ATP-Mg was stimulated by an increase in matrix H+. The log of the trivalent ADP distribution ratio (approximately 1.20) approached 3 times the value of delta pH. All these data are consistent with the model of an electroneutral exchange of divalent phosphate (HPO2-4) for divalent ATP-Mg (ATP-Mg2-) or for divalent protonated ADP (HADP2-). We conclude that this transport mechanism accounts for the adenine nucleotide concentration gradient that normally exists between the matrix and external medium.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial permeability transition, due to opening of the permeability transition pore (PTP), is triggered by Ca2+ in conjunction with an inducing agent such as phosphate. However, incubation of rat liver mitochondria in the presence of low micromolar concentrations of Ca2+ and millimolar concentrations of phosphate is known to also cause net efflux of matrix adenine nucleotides via the ATP-Mg/Pi carrier. This raises the possibility that adenine nucleotide depletion through this mechanism contributes to mitochondrial permeability transition. Results of this study show that phosphate-induced opening of the mitochondrial PTP is, at least in part, secondary to depletion of the intramitochondrial adenine nucleotide content via the ATP-Mg/Pi carrier. Delaying net adenine nucleotide efflux from mitochondria also delays the onset of phosphate-induced PTP opening. Moreover, mitochondria that are depleted of matrix adenine nucleotides via the ATP-Mg/Pi carrier show highly increased susceptibility to swelling induced by high Ca2+ concentration, atractyloside, and the prooxidant tert-butylhydroperoxide. Thus the ATPMg/Pi carrier, by regulating the matrix adenine nucleotide content, can modulate the sensitivity of rat liver mitochondria to undergo permeability transition. This has important implications for hepatocytes under cellular conditions in which the intramitochondrial adenine nucleotide pool size is depleted, such as in hypoxia or ischemia, or during reperfusion when the mitochondria are exposed to increased oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial ATP-Mg/Pi carrier functions to modulate the matrix adenine nucleotide pool size (ATP + ADP + AMP). Micromolar Ca2+ is required to activate the carrier. Net adenine nucleotide transport occurs as an electroneutral divalent exchange of ATP-Mg2– for HPO 4 2– . A steady-state adenine nucleotide pool size is attained when the HPO 4 2– and ATP-Mg2– matrix/cytoplasm concentration ratios are the same. This means that ATP-Mg2– can be accumulated against a concentration gradient in proportion to the [HPO 4 2– ] gradient that is normally maintained by the Pi/OH carrier. In liver, changes in matrix adenine nucleotide concentrations that are brought about by the ATP-Mg/Pi carrier can affect the activity of adenine nucleotide-dependent enzymes that are in the mitochondrial compartment. These enzymes in turn contribute to the overall regulation of bioenergetic function, flux through the gluconeogenesis and urea synthesis pathways, and organelle biogenesis. The ATP-Mg/Pi carrier is distinct from other mitochondrial transport systems with respect to kinetics and to substrate and inhibitor sensitivity. It is the only carrier regulated by Ca2+. This carrier is present in kidney and liver mitochondria, but not in heart.  相似文献   

The ADP/ATP and ATP-Mg/Pi carriers are widespread among eukaryotes and constitute two systems to transport adenine nucleotides in mitochondria. ADP/ATP carriers carry out an electrogenic exchange of ADP for ATP essential for oxidative phosphorylation, whereas ATP-Mg/Pi carriers perform an electroneutral exchange of ATP-Mg for phosphate and are able to modulate the net content of adenine nucleotides in mitochondria. The functional interplay between both carriers has been shown to modulate viability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The simultaneous absence of both carriers is lethal. In the light of the new evidence we suggest that, in addition to exchange of cytosolic ADP for mitochondrial ATP, the specific function of the ADP/ATP carriers required for respiration, both transporters have a second function, which is the import of cytosolic ATP in mitochondria. The participation of these carriers in the generation of mitochondrial membrane potential is discussed. Both are necessary for the function of the mitochondrial protein import and assembly systems, which are the only essential mitochondrial functions in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Sal1p, a novel Ca2+-dependent ATP-Mg/Pi carrier, is essential in yeast lacking all adenine nucleotide translocases. By targeting luciferase to the mitochondrial matrix to monitor mitochondrial ATP levels, we show in isolated mitochondria that both ATP-Mg and free ADP are taken up by Sal1p with a K m of 0.20 ± 0.03 mM and 0.28 ± 0.06 mM respectively. Nucleotide transport along Sal1p is strictly Ca2+ dependent. Ca2+ increases the V max with a S 0.5 of 15 μM, and no changes in the K m for ATP-Mg. Glucose sensing in yeast generates Ca2+ transients involving Ca2+ influx from the external medium. We find that carbon-deprived cells respond to glucose with an immediate increase in mitochondrial ATP levels which is not observed in the presence of EGTA or in Sal1p-deficient cells. Moreover, we now report that during normal aerobic growth on glucose, yeast mitochondria import ATP from the cytosol and hydrolyse it through H+-ATP synthase. We identify two pathways for ATP uptake in mitochondria, the ADP/ATP carriers and Sal1p. Thus, during exponential growth on glucose, mitochondria are ATP consumers, as those from cells growing in anaerobic conditions or deprived of mitochondrial DNA which depend on cytosolic ATP and mitochondrial ATPase working in reverse to generate a mitochondrial membrane potential. In conclusion, the results show that growth on glucose requires ATP hydrolysis in mitochondria and recruits Sal1p as a Ca2+-dependent mechanism to import ATP-Mg from the cytosol. Whether this mechanism is used under similar settings in higher eukaryotes is an open question.  相似文献   

M Bragadin  T Pozzan  G F Azzone 《Biochemistry》1979,18(26):5972-5978
The rate of aerobic Ca2+ transport is limited by the rate of the H+ pump rather than by the Ca2+ carrier. The kinetics of the Ca2+ carrier has therefore been studied by using the K+ diffusion potential as the driving force. The apparent Vmax of the Ca2+ carrier is, at 20 degrees C, about 900 nmol (mg of protein)-1 min-1, more than twice the rate of the H+ pump. The apparent Vmax is depressed by Mg2+ and Li+. This supports the view that the electrolytes act as noncompetitive inhibitors of the Ca2+ carrier. The degree of sigmoidicity of the kinetics of Ca2+ transport increases with the lowering of the temperature and proportionally with the concentration of impermeant electrolytes such as Mg2+ and Li+ but not choline. The effects of temperature and of electrolyte do not support the view that the sigmoidicity is due to modifications of the surface potential. Rather, they suggest that Ca2+ transport occurs through a multisubunit carrier, where cooperative phenomena are the result of ligand-induced conformational changes due to the interaction of several allosteric effectors with the carrier subunits. In contrast with La3+ which acts as a competitive inhibitor, Ruthenium Red affects the kinetics by inducing phenomena both of positive and of negative cooperativity. The Ruthenium Red induced kinetics has been reproduced through curve-fitting procedures by applying the Koshland sequential interaction hypothesis to a four-subunit Ca2+ carrier model.  相似文献   

Parallel efflux of Ca2+ and Pi in energized rat liver mitochondria.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Addition of Ruthenium Red to energized rat liver mitochondria that have previously accumulated Ca2+ and phosphate from the external medium induces a parallel efflux of both these ions. Mersalyl or dithioerythritol, which decrease Ruthenium Red-insensitive Ca2+ efflux, also decrease phosphate efflux to the same extent. Conversely diazenedicarboxylic acid bis(NN-dimethylamide) (DDBA), which increases the Ruthenium Red-induced Ca2+ efflux concurrently increases phosphate release. Dithioerythritol and DDBA, reducing and oxidizing agents of thiol groups respectively, modify Ca2+ and Pi efflux without penetrating the mitochondrial inner membrane. Under all the adopted conditions the membrane potential is preserved. The release of resting respiration and the parallel efflux of Mg2+ and adenine nucleotides, events closely correlated to Ca2+ cycling, are equally prevented either by mersalyl, which inhibits phosphate transport, or dithioerythritol; DDBA has the opposite effect. These findings and the observation that suggest that Ca2+ and phosphate transport in energized liver mitochondria are closely related and dependent on the redox state of membrane-bound thiol groups.  相似文献   

The SCaMCs (small calcium-binding mitochondrial carriers) constitute a subfamily of mitochondrial carriers responsible for the ATP-Mg/P(i) exchange with at least three paralogues in vertebrates. SCaMC members are proteins with two functional domains, the C-terminal transporter domain and the N-terminal domain which harbours calcium-binding EF-hands and faces the intermembrane space. In the present study, we have characterized a shortened fourth paralogue, SCaMC-3L (SCaMC-3-like; also named slc25a41), which lacks the calcium-binding N-terminal extension. SCaMC-3L orthologues are found exclusively in mammals, showing approx. 60% identity to the C-terminal half of SCaMC-3, its closest paralogue. In mammalian genomes, SCaMC-3 and SCaMC-3L genes are adjacent on the same chromosome, forming a head-to-tail tandem array, and show identical exon-intron boundaries, indicating that SCaMC-3L could have arisen from an SCaMC-3 ancestor by a partial duplication event which occurred prior to mammalian radiation. Expression and functional data suggest that, following the duplication event, SCaMC-3L has acquired more restrictive functions. Unlike the broadly expressed longer SCaMCs, mouse SCaMC-3L shows a limited expression pattern; it is preferentially expressed in testis and, at lower levels, in brain. SCaMC-3L transport activity was studied in yeast deficient in Sal1p, the calcium-dependent mitochondrial ATP-Mg/P(i) carrier, co-expressing SCaMC-3L and mitochondrial-targeted luciferase, and it was found to perform ATP-Mg/P(i) exchange, in a similar manner to Sal1p or other ATP-Mg/P(i) carriers. However, metabolite transport through SCaMC-3L is calcium-independent, representing a novel mechanism involved in adenine nucleotide transport across the inner mitochondrial membrane, different to ADP/ATP translocases or long SCaMC paralogues.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial adenine nucleotide (AdN) content is regulated through the Ca2+-activated, electroneutral ATP-Mg/Pi carrier (APC). The APC is a protein in the mitochondrial carrier super family that localizes to the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). It is known to modulate a number of processes that depend on mitochondrial AdN content, such as gluconeogenesis, protein synthesis, and citrulline synthesis. Despite this critical role, a kinetic model of the underlying mechanism has not been developed and validated. Here, a biophysical model of the APC is developed that is thermodynamically balanced and accurately reproduces a number of reported data sets from isolated rat liver and rat kidney mitochondria. The model is based on an ordered bi-bi mechanism for heteroexchange of ATP and Pi and includes homoexchanges of ATP and Pi to explain both the initial rate and time course data on ATP and Pi transport via the APC. The model invokes seven kinetic parameters regarding the APC mechanism and three parameters related to matrix pH regulation by external Pi. These parameters are estimated based on 19 independent data curves; the estimated parameters are validated using six additional data curves. The model takes into account the effects of pH, Mg2+, and Ca2+ on ATP and Pi transport via the APC, and supports the conclusion that the pH gradient across the IMM serves as the primary driving force for AdN uptake or efflux. Moreover, computer simulations demonstrate that extramatrix Ca2+ modulates the turnover rate of the APC and not the binding affinity of ATP, as previously suggested.  相似文献   

Calcium-activated proteolytic activity in rat liver mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soluble extracts from sonicated rat liver mitochondria and rat liver cytosol were each chromatographed on DEAE-cellulose columns, and the fractions assayed for Ca2+-activated proteolytic activity using 14C-casein as a substrate. The mitochondrial preparations were shown to be free of cytosolic and microsomal contamination by the lack of alcohol dehydrogenase activity, a cytosolic marker enzyme, and by a lack of cytochrome P-450 activity, a microsomal marker enzyme. Two peaks of Ca2+-activated neutral endoprotease activity were resolved from the mitochondrial fractions. One protease was half-maximally activated with 25 μM Ca2+, and the other by 750 μM Ca2+. Rat liver cytosol contained only a high Ca2+-requiring protease peak. This is the first demonstration of Ca2+-activated proteases in mitochondria.  相似文献   

To gain some insight into the process by which both acetylCoA and NADPH, needed for fatty acid synthesis, are obtained, in the cytosol, from the effluxed intramitochondrial citrate, via citrate lyase and malate dehydrogenase plus malic enzyme respectively, the capability of externally added pyruvate to cause efflux of malate from rat liver mitochondria was tested. The occurrence of a pyruvate/malate translocator is here shown: pyruvate/malate exchange shows saturation features (Km and Vmax values, measured at 20 degrees C and at pH 7.20, were found to be about 0.25 mM and 2.7 nmoles/min x mg mitochondrial protein, respectively) and is inhibited by certain impermeable compounds. This carrier, together with the previously reported tricarboxylate and oxodicarboxylate translocators proved to allow for citrate and oxaloacetate efflux due to externally added pyruvate.  相似文献   

The dicarboxylate carrier from rat liver mitochondria was purified by the Amberlite/hydroxyapatite procedure and reconstituted in egg yolk phospholipid vesicles by removing the detergent with Amberlite. The efficiency of reconstitution was optimized with respect to the ratio of detergent/phospholipid, the concentration of phospholipid and the number of Amberlite column passages. In the reconstituted system the incorporated dicarboxylate carrier catalyzed a first-order reaction of malate/phosphate exchange. V of the reconstituted malate/phosphate exchange was determined to be 6000 mumol/min per g protein at 25 degrees C. This value was independent of the type of substrate present at the external or internal space of the liposomes (malate, phosphate or malonate). The half-saturation constant was 0.49 mM for malate, 0.54 mM for malonate and 1.41 mM for phosphate. The activation energy of the exchange reaction was determined to be 95.8 kJ/mol. The transport was independent of the external pH in the range between pH 6 and 8.  相似文献   

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