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Multiple-use marine protected areas (MPAs) are used to manage marine resources, allocate space to different users and reduce conflicts while protecting marine biodiversity. In the Mediterranean, MPA managers are increasingly interested in containing the effects of coastal recreation within underwater trails, but snorkelers impacts on the surrounding ecosystem remain largely unknown. In a Mediterranean MPA, an underwater snorkeling trail was established to concentrate snorkelers and increase their awareness of marine habitats and species. The high level of summer frequentation may have negative impacts on the surrounding environment through trampling on the sessile flora or disturbance to the vagile fauna. We used a before-after-control-impact (BACI) design to analyse these potential human impacts. The structure of macroalgae and fish assemblages were used as indicators. Permutational multivariate analyses of variance (PERMANOVA) were carried out to assess potential temporal and spatial changes of the indicators between the trail and a control location within the adjacent no-take/no-use area. Fish communities and macroalgae were subjected to natural temporal trends but no significant impacts of snorkelers were found. Four reasons could explain the absence of snorkelers impact on the surrounding marine environment: (1) the absence of very fragile organisms within the trail (and the control no-take/no-use area) such as gorgonians or bryozoans; (2) the life cycle of the algae with a natural decreasing trend in summer, corresponding to the trail opening period; (3) only a few snorkelers are practicing apnoea; and (4) the information at the entrance and along the trail may influence the snorkelers’ behaviour.  相似文献   

The desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea during the Messinian Salinity Crisis 6.0-5.3 million years ago (Ma), caused a major extinction of the marine ichthyofauna of the Mediterranean. This was followed by an abrupt replenishment of the Mediterranean from the Atlantic after the opening of the Strait of Gibraltar. In this study, we combined demographic and phylogeographic approaches using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers to test the alternative hypotheses of where (Atlantic or Mediterranean) and when (before or after the Messinian Salinity Crisis) speciation occurred in the Mediterranean damselfish, Chromis chromis. The closely related geminate transisthmian pair Chromis multilineata and Chromis atrilobata was used as a way of obtaining an internally calibrated molecular clock. We estimated C. chromis speciation timing both by determining the time of divergence between C. chromis and its Atlantic sister species Chromis limbata (0.93-3.26 Ma depending on the molecular marker used, e.g. 1.23-1.39 Ma for the control region), and by determining the time of coalescence for C. chromis based on mitochondrial control region sequences (0.14-0.21 Ma). The time of speciation of C. chromis was always posterior to the replenishment of the Mediterranean basin, after the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Within the Mediterranean, C. chromis population structure and demographic characteristics revealed a genetic break at the Peloponnese, Greece, with directional and eastbound gene flow between western and eastern groups. The eastern group was found to be more recent and with a faster growing population (coalescent time = 0.09-0.13 Ma, growth = 485.3) than the western group (coalescent time = 0.13-0.20 Ma, growth = 325.6). Our data thus suggested a western origin of C. chromis, most likely within the Mediterranean. Low sea water levels during the glacial periods, the hydrographic regime of the Mediterranean and dispersal restriction during the short pelagic larval phase of C. chromis (18-19 days) have probably played an important role in C. chromis historical colonization.  相似文献   

Recent studies have focused on the relationship between the marine fauna of the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, but within the Atlantic, little is known about genetic relationships between populations of the Macaronesian islands. In this study, we tested whether the paleo-climatology and paleo-oceanography of the region could predict the genetic relationships among three Eastern Atlantic populations (Azores, Madeira, and Canaries) of a damselfish, Chromis limbata, and compared our results with its Mediterranean and adjacent Atlantic sister species, Chromis chromis. We combined phylogeographic and coalescent approaches using the fast evolving mitochondrial control region gene. No population structure was found for the three archipelagos. The coalescence time estimated for C. limbata (0.857-1.17 Mya) was much greater than that estimated for C. chromis. We propose that this difference reflects differences in glaciating extents in the Northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Diversity indexes (Hd and genetic distances) together with historical demographic parameters of C. limbata (Theta and g) revealed a more stable population history when compared to C. chromis. Our results suggest that the Macaronesian populations of C. limbata have probably been less affected by the last glaciation than the Mediterranean populations of C. chromis. Migration across the three archipelagos was estimated and a prevailing northwest trend was detected. This result supports the idea of a colonization of the Azores by warm water fish from Madeira or the westernmost Canary islands which acted as major glacial refugia for the tropical and subtropical marine fauna during the glaciations.  相似文献   

There is still much discussion on the most appropriate location, size and shape of marine protected areas (MPAs). These three factors were analyzed for a small coastal MPA, the Luiz Saldanha Marine Park (LSMP), for which a very limited amount of local ecological information was available when implemented in 1998. Marxan was used to provide a number of near-optimal solutions considering different levels of protection for the various conservation features and different costs. These solutions were compared with the existing no-take area of the LSMP. Information on 11 habitat types and distribution models for 3 of the most important species for the local artisanal fisheries was considered. The human activities with the highest economic and ecological impact in the study area (commercial and recreational fishing and scuba diving) were used as costs. The results show that the existing no-take area is actually located in the best area. However, the no-take area offers limited protection to vagile fish and covers a very small proportion of some of the available habitats. An increase in the conservation targets led to an increase in the number of no-take areas. The comparative framework used in this study can be applied elsewhere, providing relevant information to local stakeholders and managers in order to proceed with adaptive management.  相似文献   

The development of fishing efficiency coupled with an increase of fishing effort led to the overexploitation of numerous natural marine resources. In addition to this commercial pressure, the impact of recreational activities on fish assemblages remains barely known. Here we examined the impact of spearfishing limitation on resources in a marine protected area (MPA) and the benefit it provides for the local artisanal fishery through the use of a novel indicator. We analysed trends in the fish assemblage composition using artisanal fisheries data collected in the Bonifacio Strait Natural Reserve (BSNR), a Mediterranean MPA where the spearfishing activity has been forbidden over 15% of its area. Fish species were pooled into three response groups according to their target level by spearfishing. We developed the new flexible ReGS indicator reflecting shifts in species assemblages according to the relative abundance of each response group facing external pressure. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) increased by ca. 60% in the BSNR between 2000 and 2007, while the MPA was established in 1999. The gain of CPUE strongly depended on the considered response group: for the highly targeted group, the CPUE doubled while the CPUE of the untargeted group increased by only 15.5%. The ReGS value significantly increased from 0.31 to 0.45 (on a scale between 0 and 1) in the general perimeter of this MPA while it has reached a threshold of 0.43, considered as a reference point, in the area protected from spearfishing since 1982. Our results demonstrated that limiting recreational fishing by appropriate zoning in multiple-use MPAs represents a real benefit for artisanal fisheries. More generally we showed how our new indicator may reveal a wide range of impacts on coastal ecosystems such as global change or habitat degradation.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) have gained attention as a conservation tool for enhancing ecosystem resilience to climate change. However, empirical evidence explicitly linking MPAs to enhanced ecological resilience is limited and mixed. To better understand whether MPAs can buffer climate impacts, we tested the resistance and recovery of marine communities to the 2014–2016 Northeast Pacific heatwave in the largest scientifically designed MPA network in the world off the coast of California, United States. The network consists of 124 MPAs (48 no-take state marine reserves, and 76 partial-take or special regulation conservation areas) implemented at different times, with full implementation completed in 2012. We compared fish, benthic invertebrate, and macroalgal community structure inside and outside of 13 no-take MPAs across rocky intertidal, kelp forest, shallow reef, and deep reef nearshore habitats in California's Central Coast region from 2007 to 2020. We also explored whether MPA features, including age, size, depth, proportion rock, historic fishing pressure, habitat diversity and richness, connectivity, and fish biomass response ratios (proxy for ecological performance), conferred climate resilience for kelp forest and rocky intertidal habitats spanning 28 MPAs across the full network. Ecological communities dramatically shifted due to the marine heatwave across all four nearshore habitats, and MPAs did not facilitate habitat-wide resistance or recovery. Only in protected rocky intertidal habitats did community structure significantly resist marine heatwave impacts. Community shifts were associated with a pronounced decline in the relative proportion of cold water species and an increase in warm water species. MPA features did not explain resistance or recovery to the marine heatwave. Collectively, our findings suggest that MPAs have limited ability to mitigate the impacts of marine heatwaves on community structure. Given that mechanisms of resilience to climate perturbations are complex, there is a clear need to expand assessments of ecosystem-wide consequences resulting from acute climate-driven perturbations, and the potential role of regulatory protection in mitigating community structure changes.  相似文献   

Disturbance from boats has been documented for many species of marine mammals, especially cetaceans, but has never been quantified for dugongs. Dugongs depend on seagrass for food. This food mostly occurs in shallow coastal areas where boat traffic is high. Thus there is potential for boats to alienate dugongs from critical habitat areas. Using an overhead video observation system (‘blimp-cam’), we observed the behaviour of focal dugongs during controlled boat pass experiments and while no boats were present. The percentage of time focal dugongs spent feeding and travelling was unaffected by boat presence, the number of boat passes and whether a pass included a stop and restart (pass continuity). The duration, distance and direction of a focal dugong's subsurface behaviour were unaffected by number, continuity or distance of boat passes. However, focal dugongs were less likely to continue feeding if the boat passed within 50 m, than if the boat passed at a greater distance. Mass movements of dugong feeding herds in response to experimental and opportunistically observed boats were timed on 42 occasions but only lasted an average of 122 s. These movements occurred in response to boats passing at a range of speeds, and at distances of less than 50 m to over 500 m. The levels of boat traffic we observed may reduce dugongs' feeding time budget by a maximum of 0.8-6%. Thus at present boats appear unlikely to be having a substantive effect on the energy intake of dugong populations at our study site on the Moreton Banks near Brisbane, Australia. However, boat traffic is likely to increase in this fast growing region, raising concern about the future impact of boats on this and other dugong populations.  相似文献   

Seahorses are iconic charismatic species that are often used to ‘champion’ marine conservation causes around the world. As they are threatened in many countries by over-exploitation and habitat loss, marine protected areas (MPAs) could help with their protection and recovery. MPAs may conserve seahorses through protecting essential habitats and removing fishing pressures. Populations of White''s seahorse, Hippocampus whitei, a species endemic to New South Wales, Australia, were monitored monthly from 2006 to 2009 using diver surveys at two sites within a no-take marine protected areas established in 1983, and at two control sites outside the no-take MPA sites. Predators of H. whitei were also identified and monitored. Hippocampus whitei were more abundant at the control sites. Seahorse predators (3 species of fish and 2 species of octopus) were more abundant within the no-take MPA sites. Seahorse and predator abundances were negatively correlated. Substantial variability in the seahorse population at one of the control sites reinforced the importance of long-term monitoring and use of multiple control sites to assess the outcomes of MPAs for seahorses. MPAs should be used cautiously to conserve seahorse populations as there is the risk of a negative impact through increased predator abundance.  相似文献   

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a key management tool for the conservation of biodiversity and restoration of marine communities. While large, well-designed and enforced MPAs have been found to be effective, results from small MPAs vary. The Hawkesbury Shelf, a coastal bioregion in New South Wales, Australia, has ten small, near-shore MPAs known as Aquatic Reserves with a variety of protection levels from full no-take to partial protection. This study assessed the effectiveness of these MPAs and analysed how MPA age, size, protection level, wave exposure, habitat complexity, and large canopy-forming algal cover affected fish, invertebrate and benthic communities. We found aspect, protection level, complexity and algal canopy to be important predictors of communities in these MPAs. Most MPAs, however, were not effective in meeting their goals. Only full no-take protection (three out of ten MPAs) had a significant impact on fish assemblages. One no-take MPA—Cabbage Tree Bay—which is naturally sheltered from wave action and benefits from an active local community providing informal enforcement, accounted for most of the increased richness of large fish and increased biomass of targeted fish species. Our findings suggest that small MPAs can enhance biodiversity and biomass on a local scale but only if they have full no-take protection, are in sheltered locations with complex habitat, and have positive community involvement to engender support and stewardship. These results provide a baseline for robust assessment of the effectiveness of small MPAs and inform future management decisions and small MPA design in other locations.  相似文献   

Information on the habitat use of the critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) is critical for its conservation. The diel biosonar behavior of the porpoise in the port areas of the Yangtze River was examined along with simultaneous observations of fish density and boat traffic. Biosonar pulses from the porpoises were detected for 1233 min (5.77%) over a 21,380 min duration of effective observations. In total, 190 (5.63%) buzzes (an indication of prey capture attempts) were recorded among the 3372 identified click trains. Of the 168 echolocation encounters (bouts of click trains less than eight min apart), 150 (89.3%) involved single animals, indicating that solitary porpoises were frequently present and feeding in the port areas. Significant diel patterns were evident involving the biosonar behavior of the porpoises (including click trains and buzzes), fish density and boat traffic. The frequencies of the click trains and buzzes were significantly lower during the day than in the evening and at night, which suggests that porpoises in this region are primarily engaged in crepuscular and nocturnal foraging. The lack of a significant diel pattern in the echolocation encounters indicates the importance of the port in porpoise conservation. A forced feeding schedule may be associated with the lack of a significant correlation between porpoise acoustics and boat traffic. Overall, prey availability appears to be the primary factor that attracts porpoises. Additionally, porpoises tend to migrate or remain downstream in the morning and migrate or remain upstream in the evening, most likely to follow their prey. The findings of this study can be used to improve the conservation of the Yangtze finless porpoise.  相似文献   

Phase shifts and the role of herbivory in the resilience of coral reefs   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Cousin Island marine reserve (Seychelles) has been an effectively protected no-take marine protected area (MPA) since 1968 and was shown in 1994 to support a healthy herbivorous fish assemblage. In 1998 Cousin Island reefs suffered extensive coral mortality following a coral bleaching event, and a phase shift from coral to algal dominance ensued. By 2005 mean coral cover was <1%, structural complexity had fallen and there had been a substantial increase in macroalgal cover, up to 40% in some areas. No clear trends were apparent in the overall numerical abundance and biomass of herbivorous fishes between 1994 and 2005, although smaller individuals became relatively scarce, most likely due to the loss of reef structure. Analysis of the feeding habits of six abundant and representative herbivorous fish species around Cousin Island in 2006 demonstrated that epilithic algae were the preferred food resource of all species and that macroalgae were avoided. Given the current dominance of macroalgae and the apparent absence of macroalgal consumers, it is suggested that the increasing abundance of macroalgae is reducing the probability of the system reverting to a coral dominated state.  相似文献   

  1. Elevated levels of anthropogenic noise, especially those observed through boating activity, can negatively impact fish species, but it remains unclear which species are most affected and which behavioural metrics are best used in assessing fish responses to underwater noise. The effects of boat sounds on freshwater species are of particular interest because freshwater environments are less studied than the marine realm despite comparably high levels of biodiversity.
  2. In the current study, we examine the behavioural responses to boat noise in two freshwater species that differ in their hypothesised response to sound inputs: the spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius), a species with known hearing specialisations, and the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), a species with more generalised hearing capabilities. Fish were presented with boat noise in a laboratory setting, and their swimming, escape and foraging behaviours were assessed to examine differential responses in relation to hypothesised hearing abilities.
  3. Both species showed a decrease in general swimming behaviours but an increase in erratic movements in response to boat noise, indicative of stress responses for both species. Despite the similarities in response based on swimming behaviours however, only spottail shiners exhibited true escape responses to the onset of the noise stimulus, suggesting a more extreme reaction in the species with a more refined hearing ability.
  4. Taken together, these results show that freshwater fish can respond to increased levels of anthropogenic noise, but that the severity of the response may differ based on auditory structures and therefore presumed hearing ability. The differences seen between behavioural metrics used (swimming vs. escape responses) also demonstrate how care must be taken in choosing a metric when developing exposure guidelines for underwater sound exposures, as different metrics could lead to differential impact assessments.

Anthropogenic noise in the ocean has increased substantially in recent decades, and motorized vessels produce what is likely the most common form of underwater noise pollution. Noise has the potential to induce physiological stress in marine fishes, which may have negative ecological consequences. In this study, physiological effects of increased noise (playback of boat noise recorded in the field) on a coastal marine fish (the giant kelpfish, Heterostichus rostratus) were investigated by measuring the stress responses (cortisol concentration) of fish to increased noise of various temporal dynamics and noise levels. Giant kelpfish exhibited acute stress responses when exposed to intermittent noise, but not to continuous noise or control conditions (playback of recorded natural ambient sound). These results suggest that variability in the acoustic environment may be more important than the period of noise exposure for inducing stress in a marine fish, and provide information regarding noise levels at which physiological responses occur.  相似文献   

Gobius cruentatus emit sounds during agonistic interactions. In order to evaluate the effect of boat noise exposure on G. cruentatus territorial behaviour, we played a field-recorded diesel engine boat noise during aggressive encounters between an intruder and a resident fish in a laboratory-controlled tank. We tested two factors: role (resident vs. intruder) and condition (noisy vs. silent); the test animals underwent all the treatments in a round-robin design. Agonistic behavior of the residents was modified by boat noise: during the playback residents were more submissive and won less encounters than in the control (silent) condition. We suggest that sound production is an effective tool for territorial defense, since the impairment of acoustic communication due to the recreational boat noise diminished the ability of the resident to maintain its territory.  相似文献   

The specific status of the damsel fish Chromis chromis (L) is discussed and it is suggested that Chromis chromis is retained for Mediterranean specimens and that Chromis lirnbatus is re-introduced for the East Atlantic form. Behavioural and morphological differences which distinguish these two species are given. A key to these and other East Atlantic Chromis is provided, the species are described and their geographical range discussed.  相似文献   

A novel conceptual model of boat is developed based on the bionic properties of water strider. This four-legged model is called storm resistance boat. Concentrated balancing forces, asymmetry of arms and smooth motion against waves and the effect of arms length on the reduction of drag and effects of wave are the major characteristics of water strider which are considered for designing this model. The results indicate the characteristic improvement of the small boat and its resistance against strong waves as well as marine ill-conditions. This boat can be considered as a high speed rescue boat in marine traffic.  相似文献   

Historical exploitation of the Mediterranean Sea and the absence of rigorous baselines makes it difficult to evaluate the current health of the marine ecosystems and the efficacy of conservation actions at the ecosystem level. Here we establish the first current baseline and gradient of ecosystem structure of nearshore rocky reefs at the Mediterranean scale. We conducted underwater surveys in 14 marine protected areas and 18 open access sites across the Mediterranean, and across a 31-fold range of fish biomass (from 3.8 to 118 g m(-2)). Our data showed remarkable variation in the structure of rocky reef ecosystems. Multivariate analysis showed three alternative community states: (1) large fish biomass and reefs dominated by non-canopy algae, (2) lower fish biomass but abundant native algal canopies and suspension feeders, and (3) low fish biomass and extensive barrens, with areas covered by turf algae. Our results suggest that the healthiest shallow rocky reef ecosystems in the Mediterranean have both large fish and algal biomass. Protection level and primary production were the only variables significantly correlated to community biomass structure. Fish biomass was significantly larger in well-enforced no-take marine reserves, but there were no significant differences between multi-use marine protected areas (which allow some fishing) and open access areas at the regional scale. The gradients reported here represent a trajectory of degradation that can be used to assess the health of any similar habitat in the Mediterranean, and to evaluate the efficacy of marine protected areas.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic analysis of bacterial communities in environments receiving anthropogenic impact could help us to understand its effects and might be useful in the development of monitoring or management strategies. A study of the composition of 16S rDNA clone libraries prepared from bacterial communities in water samples from a marina and a beach on the coast of Mallorca (W. Mediterranean) was undertaken at two time points, corresponding to periods of maximum and minimum anthropogenic use of this area for nautical and recreational activities. Libraries generated from the marina were significantly different from those from the beach and a non-impacted, bay sample. In the marina, a predominance of sequence types was observed related to bacterioplankton from nutrient-enriched environments or typically associated with phytoplankton, such as certain phylotypes of the Roseobacter clade, OM60 clade and Bacteroidetes. Similar results were found in the summer beach library but not in the winter one, in which there was an increase in the number of clones from oligotrophic groups, in agreement with lower chlorophyll content and bacterial counts. Therefore, nutrient enrichment seemed to be an important driver of the composition of bacterial communities in sites receiving direct human impact. Interesting sequence types from the Cryomorphaceae and group agg58 (Bacteroidetes) were exclusively found in beach libraries, and the reasons for this distribution deserve further study. Clones related to putative hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria of the genus Acinetobacter were observed in the marina, in agreement with a certain degree of pollution at this site. Non-marine sequences belonging to the Actinobacteria predominated over marine groups in the summer library from the marina and, therefore, unusual communities might be transiently present in this enclosed environment. Overall, the composition of the bacterial communities in these environments agreed well with the defining characteristics of the environments sampled.  相似文献   

  • 1 The significance of light climate and water movement for the absence of submerged vegetation in the largest part of the River Vecht was investigated at three stations along the river during the summer of 1991.
  • 2 The underwater light climate was found to be quite adverse for the development of waterplants due to turbidity and periphyton development. Attenuation coefficients of the water were found to be high: on average 2.6, 2.8 and 3.0 m?1 for the southern, central and northern stations, respectively. In spring most of the light attenuation (90–100%) was due to the water layer; in summer periphyton and water were equally important. The light climate limited the potential occurrence of submerged macrophytes to a zone shallower than 1m. The observed distribution of the waterplants along the river's length, however, could not be explained by the light climate alone. Presence of submerged vegetation is restricted to the southern section of the river where there is relatively little boat traffic.
  • 3 Wave action caused by the (mainly recreational) boat traffic was observed to negatively affect plant growth in an in situ experiment with a breakwater. This points to physical damage by wave action caused by passing boats as the main factor determining waterplant distribution. An alternative explanation is the much higher density of houseboats in the northern section. When present, houseboats effectively shade out the zone shallower than 1 m, thus preventing the development of a submerged vegetation.

Pacific chub, Kyphosus sandwicensis, are typically gray but some individuals display a golden color morph. We estimated that the frequency of occurrence of the golden morphs increased significantly from 2007 (1.9%) and 2012 (2.6%) to 2017 (5.0%) inside a no-take marine reserve around Nihoa Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. While sporadic observations of a golden color morph have been noted for several other marine fish species, we provide a quantitative estimate of changes in the frequency of occurrence of the morph within a wild marine population.  相似文献   

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