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Eight varieties of Ligurian common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were analysed using molecular approaches. Results were compared with two commercial cultivars (‘Cannellino’ and ‘Borlotto’). Data suggest that all Ligurian bean varieties have a low genetic variability and are very close to the commercial varieties. In particular, the three ‘Bianco’ varieties showed a molecular affinity, probably due to their common genomic origin.  相似文献   

Microsatellite marker diversity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A diversity survey was used to estimate allelic diversity and heterozygosity of 129 microsatellite markers in a panel of 44 common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes that have been used as parents of mapping populations. Two types of microsatellites were evaluated, based respectively on gene coding and genomic sequences. Genetic diversity was evaluated by estimating the polymorphism information content (PIC), as well as the distribution and range of alleles sizes. Gene-based microsatellites proved to be less polymorphic than genomic microsatellites in terms of both number of alleles (6.0 vs. 9.2) and PIC values (0.446 vs. 0.594) while greater size differences between the largest and the smallest allele were observed for the genomic microsatellites than for the gene-based microsatellites (31.4 vs. 19.1 bp). Markers that showed a high number of alleles were identified with a maximum of 28 alleles for the marker BMd1. The microsatellites were useful for distinguishing Andean and Mesoamerican genotypes, for uncovering the races within each genepool and for separating wild accessions from cultivars. Greater polymorphism and race structure was found within the Andean gene pool than within the Mesoamerican gene pool and polymorphism rate between genotypes was consistent with genepool and race identity. Comparisons between Andean genotypes had higher polymorphism (53.0%) on average than comparisons among Mesoamerican genotypes (33.4%). Within the Mesoamerican parental combinations, the intra-racial combinations between Mesoamerica and Durango or Jalisco race genotypes showed higher average rates of polymorphism (37.5%) than the within-race combinations between Mesoamerica race genotypes (31.7%). In multiple correspondance analysis we found two principal clusters of genotypes corresponding to the Mesoamerican and Andean gene pools and subgroups representing specific races especially for the Nueva Granada and Peru races of the Andean gene pool. Intra population diversity was higher within the Andean genepool than within the Mesoamerican genepool and this pattern was observed for both gene-based and genomic microsatellites. Furthermore, intra-population diversity within the Andean races (0.356 on average) was higher than within the Mesoamerican races (0.302). Within the Andean gene pool, race Peru had higher diversity compared to race Nueva Granada, while within the Mesoamerican gene pool, the races Durango, Guatemala and Jalisco had comparable levels of diversity which were below that of race Mesoamerica.  相似文献   

Forty-one wild types and 41 cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) from Meso-and South America were screened for variability of phaseolin seed protein using one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS/PAGE) and two-dimensional isoelectric focusing SDS/PAGE. Wild accessions from the Andean region showed phaseolin types which had not been previously identified in wild material from that region. Other wild accessions from Argentina exhibited novel phaseolin patterns collectively designated as ‘J’ (‘Jujuy’) phaseolin types, and one accession from northern Peru exhibited a novel phaseolin type, the ‘I’ (‘Inca’) type. The ‘H’ and ‘C’ phaseolins, previously identified only in cultivars, were observed in several wild accessions from Argentina. Among cultivars, two minor variants of the ‘S’ phaseolin type were identified. The ‘Sb’ (‘S Brazil’) was characteristic of a limited number of cultivars from Brazil whereas the ‘Sd’ (‘S Durango 222’) predominated in cultivars of the Mexican central highlands. The distribution of the previously described ‘B’ phaseolin appeared to be larger than formerly known as it extended not only in Colombia but also in Central America. It is possible to correlate the ‘Sb’, ‘Sd’, and ‘B’ phaseolin types with certain agronomic traits.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA polymorphisms were studied by PCR sequencing and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism in 165 accessions of domesticated landraces of common bean from Latin America and the USA, 23 accessions of weedy beans, and 134 accessions of wild beans covering the entire geographic range of wild Phaseolus vulgaris. Fourteen chloroplast haplotypes were identified in wild beans, only five of which occur also in domesticated beans. The chloroplast data agree with those obtained from analyses based on morphology and isozymes and with other DNA polymorphisms in supporting independent domestications of common bean in Mesoamerica and the Andean region and in demonstrating a founder effect associated with domestication in each region. Andean landraces have been classified into three different racial groups, but all share the same chloroplast haplotype. This suggests that common bean was domesticated once only in South America and that the races diverged post-domestication. The haplotype found in Andean domesticated beans is confined to the southern part of the range of wild beans, so Andean beans were probably domesticated somewhere within this area. Mesoamerican landraces have been classified into four racial groups. Our limited samples of Races Jalisco and Guatemala differ from the more widespread and commercially important Races Mesoamerica and Durango in types and/or frequencies of haplotypes. All four Mesoamerican races share their haplotypes with local wild beans in parts of their ranges. Independent domestications of at least some of the races in Mesoamerica and/or conversion of some locally adapted wild beans to cultigens by hybridization with introduced domesticated beans, followed by introgression of the domestication syndrome seem the most plausible explanations of the chloroplast and other molecular data.  相似文献   

The wild common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is widely but discontinuously distributed from northern Mexico to northern Argentina on both sides of the Isthmus of Panama. Little is known on how the species has reached its current disjunct distribution. In this research, chloroplast DNA polymorphisms in seven non-coding regions were used to study the history of migration of wild P. vulgaris between Mesoamerica and South America. A penalized likelihood analysis was applied to previously published Leguminosae ITS data to estimate divergence times between P. vulgaris and its sister taxa from Mesoamerica, and divergence times of populations within P. vulgaris. Fourteen chloroplast haplotypes were identified by PCR-RFLP and their geographical associations were studied by means of a Nested Clade Analysis and Mantel Tests. The results suggest that the haplotypes are not randomly distributed but occupy discrete parts of the geographic range of the species. The current distribution of haplotypes may be explained by isolation by distance and by at least two migration events between Mesoamerica and South America: one from Mesoamerica to South America and another one from northern South America to Mesoamerica. Age estimates place the divergence of P. vulgaris from its sister taxa from Mesoamerica at or before 1.3 Ma, and divergence of populations from Ecuador-northern Peru at or before 0.6 Ma. As these ages are taken as minimum divergence times, the influence of past events, such as the closure of the Isthmus of Panama and the final uplift of the Andes, on the migration history and population structure of this species cannot be disregarded.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants were grown for 21–28 days in plastic container-modified Leonard jar assemblies and placed in a controlled-environment room. The nodules on each plant were removed, counted; selected plants were repotted, grown and intercrossed to produce progenies for the next cycle of recurrent selection. Among the ten parent lines, Puebla 152 and WBR 22–34 produced the most nodules and Rio Tibagi and Negro Argel the fewest, when averaged over five experiments. An analysis of number of nodules on F1 plants resulting from crosses made in a partial diallel design among the ten parents revealed highly significants variation for general combining ability (GCA) but not for specific combining ability (SCA). After three cycles of recurrent selection for nodule number per plant, the mean nodule number was 211% of the mean for the 10 parents control. Total nodule weight on selected plants also increased, but individual nodule weight decreased. Nineteen C1 and 18 C2 lines resulting from the individual plants selected for greater nodule number, along with the ten parents and two non-nodulating soybean lines included as non-fixing check plants were grown in a single experiment in a low-N field. C2 lines on average accumulated significantly more N per plant than either the parents or C1 lines, providing evidence for increased N2 fixation measured by the N difference method. These data show that more nodules, possibly resulting from greater susceptibility to nodulation, are an important, heritable component of symbiosis and that selection for increased nodule number resulted in lines capable of fixing more atmospheric N2.  相似文献   

The inheritance of partial resistance within eight bean cultivars to a single-pustule isolate of bean rust was studied by means of a F1 diallel test. General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were very highly significant over two seasons and in interaction with seasons. The partitioning of the sums of squares indicated the greater importance of GCA in the inheritance of the resistance. Reciprocal effects were not significant. The estimates of narrow-sense heritability in the two seasons were 0.899 ± 0.056 and 0.603 ± 0.065.  相似文献   

Fourteen microsatellite markers were used to describe genetic diversity in a sample of 128 common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions cultivated within the territory of Slovenia and its nearby regions between 1800 and 2000. The accessions were grouped into three periods, Period I comprising accessions from the beginning of the 19th century, while the other two periods included accessions from the middle (Period II) and the end of the 20th century (Period III). Seven control accessions of known Mesoamerican and Andean origin were also included in the study. A total of 130 alleles were generated. Allelic richness, in terms of number of alleles per locus, was 6.07 for Period I, 6.71 for Period II and 6.07 for Period III. In the UPGMA dendrogram, all studied accessions were intermixed in three main clusters, indicating that the diversity in the time periods overlapped. Two clusters consisted of accessions of Andean and Mesoamerican origin, while the third represents additional variation, which existed in this area already 200 years ago. The analysis of molecular variance showed that a great part of genetic diversity has been preserved till today, confirming the results of cluster analysis. The calculation of number of alleles per locus revealed no significant quantitative change in genetic diversity over the last 200 years of common bean cultivation. However, the calculation of genetic distances indicated slight qualitative shifts in genetic diversity of common bean germplasm over time, while the calculations of allelic frequency variation and polymorphic information content revealed recent decline of some alleles' frequencies. These findings should stress the need for establishing an appropriate strategy of genetic resources management.  相似文献   

Fourteen microsatellite markers were used to describe genetic diversity in a sample of 128 common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions cultivated within the territory of Slovenia and its nearby regions between 1800 and 2000. The accessions were grouped into three periods: period I comprising accessions from the beginning of the 19th century, while the other two periods included accessions from the middle (period II) and the end of the 20th century (period III). Seven control accessions of known Mesoamerican and Andean origin were also included in the study. A total of 130 alleles were generated. Allelic richness, in terms of number of alleles per locus, was 6.07 for period I, 6.71 for period II, and 6.07 for period III. In the UPGMA dendrogram, all studied accessions were intermixed in three main clusters, indicating that the diversity in the time periods overlapped. Two clusters consisted of accessions of Andean and Mesoamerican origin, while the third represents additional variation, which existed in this area already 200 years ago. The analysis of molecular variance showed that a great part of genetic diversity has been preserved till today, confirming the results of cluster analysis. The calculation of number of alleles per locus revealed no significant quantitative change in genetic diversity over the last 200 years of common bean cultivation. However, the calculation of genetic distances indicated slight qualitative shifts in genetic diversity of common bean germplasm over time, while the calculations of allelic frequency variation and polymorphic information content revealed recent decline of some alleles’ frequencies. These findings should stress the need for establishing an appropriate strategy of genetic resources management. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and lima bean (P. lunatus) are among the most important legumes in terms of direct human consumption. The present work establishes a comparative cytogenetic map of P. lunatus, using previously mapped markers from P. vulgaris, in association with analyses of heterochromatin distribution using the fluorochromes chromomycin A3 (CMA) and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and localization of the 5S and 45S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) probes. Seven BACs selected from different common bean chromosomes demonstrated a repetitive pericentromeric pattern corresponding to the heterochromatic regions revealed by CMA/DAPI and could not be mapped. The subtelomeric repetitive pattern observed for BAC 63H6 in most of the chromosome ends of common bean was not detected in lima bean, indicating lack of conservation of this subtelomeric repeat. All chromosomes could be identified and 16 single-copy clones were mapped. These results showed a significant conservation of synteny between species, although change in centromere position suggested the occurrence of pericentric inversions on chromosomes 2, 9 and 10. The low number of structural rearrangements reflects the karyotypic stability of the genus.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important grain legume for direct human consumption. Proteomic studies in legumes have increased significantly in the last years but few studies have been performed to date in P. vulgaris. We report here a proteomic analysis of bean seeds by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). Three different protein extraction methods (TCA-acetone, phenol and the commercial clean-up kit) were used taking into account that the extractome can have a determinant impact on the level of quality of downstream protein separation and identification. To demonstrate the quality of the 2-DE analysis, a selection of 50 gel spots was used in protein identification by mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS and MALDI-TOF/TOF). The results showed that a considerable proportion of spots (70%) were identified in spite of incomplete genome/protein databases for bean and other legume species. Most identified proteins corresponded to storage protein, carbohydrate metabolism, defense and stress response, including proteins highly abundant in the seed of P. vulgaris such as the phaseolin, the phytohemagglutinin and the lectin-related α-amylase inhibitor.  相似文献   

Wild common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is distributed throughout the Americas from Mexico to northern Argentina. Within this range, the species is divided into two gene pools (Andean and Middle American) along a latitudinal gradient. The diversity of 24 wild common bean genotypes from throughout the geographic range of the species was described by using sequence data from 13 loci. An isolation–migration model was evaluated using a coalescent analysis to estimate multiple demographic parameters. Using a Bayesian approach, Andean and Middle American subpopulations with high percentage of parentages were observed. Over all loci, the Middle American gene pool was more diverse than the Andean gene pool (πsil=0.0089 vs 0.0068). The two subpopulations were strongly genetically differentiated over all loci (Fst=0.29). It is estimated that the two current wild gene pools diverged from a common ancestor ∼111 000 years ago. Subsequently, each gene pool underwent a bottleneck immediately after divergence and lasted ∼40 000 years. The Middle American bottleneck population size was ∼46% of the ancestral population size, whereas the Andean was 26%. Continuous asymmetric gene flow was detected between the two gene pools with a larger number of migrants entering Middle American gene pool from the Andean gene pool. These results suggest that because of the complex population structure associated with the ancestral divergence, subsequent bottlenecks in each gene pool, gene pool-specific domestication and intense selection within each gene pool by breeders; association mapping would best be practised within each common bean gene pool.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

This study was conducted to reveal the genetic diversity of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) nodulating rhizobia in various agroecological regions in Nepal.


A total of 63 strains were isolated from common bean grown in the soils collected from seven bean fields in Nepal and characterized based on the partial sequences of 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions, 16S rDNA, nodC, and nifH. Symbiotic properties of some representative strains with host plants were examined to elucidate their characteristics in relation to genotype and their origin.


The isolated strains belonged to Rhizobium leguminosarum, Rhizobium etli, Rhizobium phaseoli, and one unknown Rhizobium lineage, all belonging to a common symbiovar (sv.) phaseoli. Nine ITS genotypes were detected mainly corresponding to a single site, including a dominant group at three sites harboring highly diverse multiple ITS sequences. Three symbiotic genotypes corresponded to a geographical region, not to the ribosomal DNA group, suggesting horizontal transfer of symbiotic genes separately in each region. Great differences in nitrogenase activity and nodule forming ability among the strains irrespective of their species and origin were observed.


Nepalese Himalaya harbor phylogenetically highly diverse and site-specific strains of common bean rhizobia, some of which could have high potential of symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Climbing common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes have among the highest yield potential of all accessions found in the species. Genetic improvement of climbing beans would benefit from an understanding of the inheritance of climbing capacity (made up of plant height [PH] and internode length [IL] traits). The objective of this study was to determine the inheritance of climbing capacity traits in 3 crosses made within and between gene pools (Andean x Andean [BRB32 x MAC47], Mesoamerican x Mesoamerican [Tío Canela x G2333], and Mesoamerican x Andean [G2333 x G19839]) using generation means analysis. For each population, we used 6 generations (P(1), P(2), F(1), F(2), BC(1)P(1), and BC(1)P(2)) that were evaluated at 2 growth stages (40 and 70 days after planting). Results showed the importance of additive compared with the dominant-additive portion of the genetic model. Broad-sense heritabilities for the traits varied from 62.3% to 85.6% for PH and from 66.5% to 83.7% for IL. The generation means analysis and estimates of heritability suggested that the inheritance of PH and IL in climbing beans is relatively simple.  相似文献   

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