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Malaria is still a life-threatening infectious disease that continues to produce 2 million deaths annually. Malaria parasites have acquired immune escape mechanisms and prevent the development of sterile immunity. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) have been reported to contribute to immune evasion during malaria in mice and humans, suggesting that activating Tregs is one of the mechanisms by which malaria parasites subvert host immune systems. However, little is known about how these parasites activate Tregs. We herein show that TLR9 signaling to dendritic cells (DCs) is crucial for activation of Tregs. Infection of mice with the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium yoelii activates Tregs, leading to enhancement of their suppressive function. In vitro activation of Tregs requires the interaction of DCs with parasites in a TLR9-dependent manner. Furthermore, TLR9(-/-) mice are partially resistant to lethal infection, and this is associated with impaired activation of Tregs and subsequent development of effector T cells. Thus, malaria parasites require TLR9 to activate Tregs for immune escape.  相似文献   

Vaccination of nonautoimmune prone mice with syngeneic dendritic cells (DC) readily induces anti-DNA autoantibodies but does not trigger systemic disease. We observed that anti-DNA autoantibody generation absolutely required alphabeta T cells and that gammadelta T cells also contributed to the response, but that regulatory T cells restrained autoantibody production. Although both NZB/W F(1) mice and DC vaccinated C57/BL6 mice produced autoantibodies against dsDNA, vaccinated mice had higher levels of Abs against H1 histone and lower levels of antinucleosome Abs than NZB/W F(1) mice. Despite a 100-fold increase in IL-12 and Th1 skewing to a foreign Ag, OVA, synergistic TLR activation of DC in vitro failed to augment anti-DNA Abs or promote class switching beyond that induced by LPS alone. TLR stimulation was not absolutely required for the initial loss of B cell tolerance because anti-DNA levels were similar when wild-type (WT) or MyD88-deficient DC were used for vaccination or WT and MyD88-deficient recipients were vaccinated with WT DC. In contrast, systemic administration of LPS, augmented anti-DNA Ab levels and promoted class switching, and this response was dependent on donor DC signaling via MyD88. LPS also augmented responses in the MyD88-deficient recipients, suggesting that LPS likely exerts its effects on both transferred DC and host B cells in vivo. These results indicate that both the alphabeta and gammadelta subsets are necessary for promoting autoantibody production by DC vaccination, and that although TLR/MyD88 signaling is not absolutely required for initiation, this pathway does promote augmentation, and Th1-mediated skewing, of anti-DNA autoantibodies.  相似文献   

The regulation of immune responses to self-antigens is a complex process that involves maintaining self-tolerance while retaining the capacity to mount robust immune responses against invading microorganisms. Over the past few years, many new insights into this process have been gained, leading to the re-emergence of the idea that regulatory T (T(Reg)) cells are a central mechanism of immune regulation. These insights have raised fundamental questions concerning what constitutes a T(Reg) cell, where they develop and what signals maintain T(Reg)-cell populations in a functional state. Here, we propose the existence of two subsets of CD4+ T(Reg) cells--natural and adaptive--that differ in terms of their development, specificity, mechanism of action and dependence on T-cell receptor and co-stimulatory signalling.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases orchestrate signaling pathways leading to cell migration. Their function depends on GTP loading and isoprenylation by geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGpp). In this study, we show that in human T cells, geranylgeranylation-and not GTP loading-is necessary for RhoA-mediated downstream events. As a result of GGpp depletion with the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitor atorvastatin, RhoA was sequestered from the membrane to the cytosol and, notwithstanding increased GTP loading, the constitutive activation of its substrate Rho-associated coiled-coil protein kinase-1 was blocked. In line with this, T cells expressing increased GTP-RhoA failed to form an intact cytoskeleton and to migrate toward a chemokine gradient. In vivo treatment with atorvastatin in the rodent model of multiple sclerosis markedly decreased the capacity of activated T cells to traffic within the brain, as demonstrated by multiphoton analysis. Thus, tethering of RhoA to the membrane by GGpp is determinant for T cell migration and provides a mechanism for preventing T cell infiltration into inflamed compartments by 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Alloantigen-specific suppressor T cells are activated from normal murine spleen cells in mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR). These T cells are radioresistant and suppress the activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in second primary MLR cultures. This report demonstrates that cyclosporin A (CsA) blocks the activation of these suppressor cells at a dose of 1 microgram/ml. However, reconstitution of CsA blocked cultures with IL 2 restores the activation of the suppressor T cells, but fails to significantly restore the activation of CTL in these same cultures. This differential activation requirement was used to establish T cell lines that demonstrate enriched suppressor cell activity but depletion of CTL activity. These findings are discussed in terms of the mechanism of action of CsA in these distinct T cell subsets and the relevance to models of allograft unresponsiveness.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring anti-carbohydrate antibodies play a major role in both the innate and adaptive immune responses. To elicit an anti-carbohydrate immune response, glycoproteins can be processed to glycopeptides and presented by the classical antigen-presenting molecules, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class I and II. In contrast, much less is known about the mechanism(s) for anti-carbohydrate responses to glycolipids, although it is generally considered that the CD1 family of cell surface proteins presents glycolipids to T cells or natural killer T (NKT) cells. Using model carbohydrate systems (isogloboside 3 and B blood group antigen), we examined the anti-carbohydrate response on glycolipids using both antibody neutralisation and knockout mouse-based experiments. These studies showed that CD4(+) T cells were required to generate antibodies to the carbohydrates expressed on glycolipids, and unexpectedly, these antibody responses were CD1d and NKT cell independent. They also did not require peptide help. These data provide new insight into glycolipid antigen recognition by the immune system and indicate the existence of a previously unrecognised population of glycolipid antigen-specific, CD1-independent, CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   

Human helper-T-cell function does not require T4 antigen expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between immunoregulatory T-cell function and the expression of T-cell subset-specific differentiation antigens was examined using a phenotypically anomalous human T-cell line (TCL), termed H-1. H-1 cells were found to express T11, extremely high levels of T3, but no T4 nor T8 antigen. Despite their lack of T4 antigen expression, H-1 cells could be activated by coculture with pokeweed mitogen (PWM), anti-T3 antibody, or autologous B cells to provide potent help for B-cell differentiation into plaque-forming cells (PFC). In contrast, H-1 cells did not suppress the PFC response triggered by PWM-activated T4+ cells. These results demonstrate that the expression of the T-cell subclass-specific differentiation antigen, T4, is not required for a T cell to become activated and to implement the program for helper function. In addition, enhanced expression of T3 on the T4-, T8-, H-1 cell surface may reflect a compensatory upregulation of the T3/Ti receptor complex on T cells which are deficient in these nonpolymorphic associative recognition structures.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL-)17 is a potent proinflammatory cytokine for which an important role in the immune response against infections and in autoimmune diseases has been demonstrated. Recently, it has been shown that - in addition to mature T cells which are primed in the immune periphery - this cytokine can also be produced by T cells in the thymus, so-called naturally occurring IL-17-producing T cells (nT17 cells). In this study we demonstrate that the generation and activation of nT17 cells in the thymus do not depend on the cytokine IL-6. In addition, nT17 cells are not regulated by IL-2. These properties of nT17 cells significantly differ from induced IL-17-producing T cells primed in the immune periphery (iT17 cells). Given the strong association of IL-17-producing T cells with immune responses against infections and human autoimmune diseases, closer characterization of nT17 cells is warranted.  相似文献   

Thymus-derived, naturally occurring CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (nTregs) and Tregs induced in the periphery (iTregs) have both been implicated in regulating immune responses. However, the relationship between these populations in the same host, and their relative contribution to the overall Treg pool, has not been examined. Using a tumor-induced T cell tolerance model, we find that expansion of nTregs and de novo generation of iTregs both contribute to tumor-specific T cell tolerance. In this system in which the number of tumor-specific nTregs can be controlled, the efficiency of nTreg expansion significantly exceeds that of the induction of Tregs from uncommitted progenitors in the tumor-bearing host. However, pre-existing nTregs are neither required for the induction of Tregs nor measurably impact on the extent of their accumulation. Instead, induction of Ag-specific regulatory cells from naive cells is intrinsically influenced by the tumor microenvironment and the presence of tumor Ag.  相似文献   

Intranasal administration of peptide Ac1-9[4Y], based on the N-terminal epitope of myelin basic protein, can induce CD4(+) T cell tolerance, and suppress experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis induction. The peptide-induced regulatory T (PI-T(Reg)) cells failed to produce IL-2, but expressed IL-10 in response to Ag and could suppress naive T cell responses in vitro. Analysis of Jak-STAT signaling pathways revealed that the activation of Jak1, STAT3, and STAT5 were induced in tolerant T cells after Ag stimulation in vivo. In addition, the expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 was induced in tolerant T cells, suggesting that cytokines regulate the tolerant state of the PI-T(Reg) cells. Stimulation of PI-T(Reg) cells in vitro with IL-10 induced Jak1 and STAT3 activation, but not STAT5, suggesting that IL-10 is important, but not the only cytokine involved in the development of T cell tolerance. Although IL-2 expression was deficient, stimulation with IL-2 in vitro induced Jak1 and STAT5 activation in PI-T(Reg) cells, restored their proliferative response to antigenic stimulation, and abrogated PI-T(Reg)-mediated suppression in vitro. However, the addition of IL-2 could not suppress IL-10 expression, and the IL-2 gene remained inactive. After withdrawal of IL-2, the PI-T(Reg) cells regained their nonproliferative state and suppressive ability. These results underline the ability of the immune system to maintain tolerance to autoantigens, but at the same time having the ability to overcome the suppressive phenotype of tolerant T cells by cytokines, such as IL-2, during the protective immune response to infection.  相似文献   

Natural regulatory T cells: mechanisms of suppression   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Natural FOXP3+CD25+CD4+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) actively suppress pathological and physiological immune responses, contributing to the maintenance of immunological self-tolerance and immune homeostasis. Various molecular and cellular events have been described to explain the mechanism(s) of Treg-mediated suppression. However, none of the proposed mechanisms can explain all aspects of suppression. It is probable that various combinations of several mechanisms are operating, depending on the milieu and the type of immune responses, although there might be a single key mechanism that has a predominant role. Further studies of suppression and search for Treg-specific cell surface molecules are required for potential clinical application to treat and prevent immunological diseases and to control immune responses for the benefit of the host.  相似文献   

Vgamma2 Vdelta2 T cells in human peripheral blood recognize phosphoantigen and play important roles in host defense and immunoregulation. The TCR is required for Vgamma2 Vdelta2 T cell responses to phosphoantigen, but less is known about soluble or cell-associated costimulatory molecules. In this study, we show that human Vgamma2 Vdelta2 T cell responses to phosphoantigen, including activation, proliferation, cytokine production, and tumor cell cytotoxicity, require TNF-alpha binding to its receptor, with a preference for TNFR2. Because stimulated Vgamma2 Vdelta2 cells also produce TNF-alpha, this may be a positive control mechanism to sustain the response. Impaired proliferation in the presence of TNF-alpha or TNFR blocking agents was partially rescued by a TLR2 agonist, Pam(3)Cys. Our studies demonstrate that TNF-alpha plays a critical role in regulating human Vgamma2 Vdelta2 T cell immune responses.  相似文献   

Human CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (Treg) play an essential role in the prevention of autoimmune diseases. However, the mechanisms of immune suppression and the spectrum of cells they target in vivo remain incompletely defined. In particular, although Treg directly suppress conventional T cells in vitro, they have been shown to inhibit the Ag-presenting functions of macrophage- and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC). We have now studied the maturation of human blood-derived myeloid DC and plasmacytoid DC activated with TLR ligands in the presence of Treg. Preactivated Treg suppressed strongly TLR-triggered myeloid DC maturation, as judged by the blocking of costimulatory molecule up-regulation and the inhibition of proinflammatory cytokines secretion that resulted in poor Ag presentation capacity. Although IL-10 played a prominent role in inhibiting cytokines secretion, suppression of phenotypic maturation required cell-cell contact and was independent of TGF-beta and CTLA-4. In contrast, the acquisition of maturation markers and production of cytokines by plasmacytoid DC triggered with TLR ligands were insensitive to regulatory T cells. Therefore, human Treg may enlist myeloid, but not plasmacytoid DC for the initiation and the amplification of tolerance in vivo by restraining their maturation after TLR stimulation.  相似文献   

In normal mice, a subpopulation of CD4 T cells constitutively express CD25. These cells behave as regulatory T cells in autoimmune and inflammatory reactions, in tolerance to superantigens, and in peripheral T-cell homeostasis. They are unable to produce interleukin (IL)-2, and are dependent on IL-2 for growth in vitro and in vivo. CD4 CD25(+) T cells spontaneously secrete IL-10, which is involved in some of their regulatory functions. They are resistant to apoptosis, but can be tolerized by anergy.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that vaccine-primed CD4(+) T cells can mediate accelerated clearance of respiratory virus infection. However, the relative contributions of Ab and CD8(+) T cells, and the mechanism of viral clearance, are poorly understood. Here we show that control of a Sendai virus infection by primed CD4(+) T cells is mediated through the production of IFN-gamma and does not depend on Ab. This effect is critically dependent on CD8(+) cells for the expansion of CD4(+) T cells in the lymph nodes and the recruitment of memory CD4(+) T cells to the lungs. Passive transfer of a CD8(+) T cell supernatant into CD8(+) T cell-depleted, hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN)(421-436)-immune muMT mice substantially restored the virus-specific memory CD4(+) response and enhanced viral control in the lung. Together, the data demonstrate for the first time that in vivo primed CD4(+) T cells have the capacity to control a respiratory virus infection in the lung by an Ab-independent mechanism, provided that CD8(+) T cell "help" in the form of soluble factor(s) is available during the virus infection. These studies highlight the importance of synergistic interactions between CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell subsets in the generation of optimal antiviral immunity.  相似文献   

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