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Superagonistic CD28 antibodies (CD28SAs) activate T lymphocytes without concomitant perturbation of the TCR/CD3-complex. In rodents these reagents induce the preferential expansion of regulatory T cells and can be used for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Unexpectedly, the humanized CD28 superagonist TGN1412 caused severe and life threatening adverse effects during a recently conducted phase I clinical trail. The underlying molecular mechanisms are as yet unclear. We show that TGN1412 as well as the commercially available CD28 superagonist ANC28.1 induce a delayed but extremely sustained calcium response in human naïve and memory CD4+ T cells but not in cynomolgus T lymphocytes. The sustained Ca++-signal was associated with the activation of multiple intracellular signaling pathways and together these events culminated in the rapid de novo synthesis of high amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines, most notably IFN-γ and TNF-α. Importantly, sustained transmembranous calcium flux, activation of Src-kinases as well as activation of PI3K were found to be absolutely required for CD28SA-mediated production of IFN-γ and IL-2. Collectively, our data suggest a molecular basis for the severe side effects caused by TGN1412 and impinge upon the relevance of non-human primates as preclinical models for reagents that are supposed to modify the function of human T cells.  相似文献   

The state of T cell activation and proliferation controls HIV-1 replication and gene expression. Previously, we demonstrated that the administration of PHA and PMA to the human T cell line Jurkat activates the HIV-1 enhancer, which is composed of two nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B) binding sites. Here, we show that PMA alone is sufficient for this effect. In addition, activation of T cells through the surface proteins TCR/CD3 and CD28 increased gene expression directed by the HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) to the same extent as PMA. Analysis of 5' deletions in the LTR revealed that the NF kappa B binding sites and sequences in the upstream U3 region are required for this response. Whereas cyclosporin A did not inhibit the effect of PMA, it reduced the effects of agonists to TCR/CD3 and CD28 on the LTR. H7, an inhibitor of protein kinase C (PKC), blocked the effects of all stimuli. Thus, PMA activates the NF kappa B sites through a PKC-dependent pathway while ligands to TCR/CD3 and CD28 activate the LTR through a cyclosporin A-sensitive, PKC-dependent pathway of T cell activation. We conclude that mechanisms involved in the expression of IL-2 and the alpha-chain of the IL-2R alpha genes also play a role in the regulation of HIV-1. Physiologic stimuli can activate HIV-1 gene expression; agents that block T cell activation also inhibit activation of the LTR. These observations might serve as a model for the regulation of HIV-1 gene expression in peripheral blood T cells.  相似文献   

TIM-3 (T cell immunoglobulin and mucin-domain containing protein 3) is a member of the TIM family of proteins that is preferentially expressed on Th1 polarized CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Recent studies indicate that TIM-3 serves as a negative regulator of T cell function (i.e. T cell dependent immune responses, proliferation, tolerance, and exhaustion). Despite having no recognizable inhibitory signaling motifs, the intracellular tail of TIM-3 is apparently indispensable for function. Specifically, the conserved residues Y265/Y272 and surrounding amino acids appear to be critical for function. Mechanistically, several studies suggest that TIM-3 can associate with interleukin inducible T cell kinase (ITK), the Src kinases Fyn and Lck, and the p85 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) adaptor protein to positively or negatively regulate IL-2 production via NF-κB/NFAT signaling pathways. To begin to address this discrepancy, we examined the effect of TIM-3 in two model systems. First, we generated several Jurkat T cell lines stably expressing human TIM-3 or murine CD28-ECD/human TIM-3 intracellular tail chimeras and examined the effects that TIM-3 exerts on T cell Receptor (TCR)-mediated activation, cytokine secretion, promoter activity, and protein kinase association. In this model, our results demonstrate that TIM-3 inhibits several TCR-mediated phenotypes: i) NF-kB/NFAT activation, ii) CD69 expression, and iii) suppression of IL-2 secretion. To confirm our Jurkat cell observations we developed a primary human CD8+ cell system that expresses endogenous levels of TIM-3. Upon TCR ligation, we observed the loss of NFAT reporter activity and IL-2 secretion, and identified the association of Src kinase Lck, and PLC-γ with TIM-3. Taken together, our results support the conclusion that TIM-3 is a negative regulator of TCR-function by attenuating activation signals mediated by CD3/CD28 co-stimulation.  相似文献   

T lymphocyte activation requires a combination of signals, one of which is provided by interaction between CD28 and its ligands on antigen presenting cells. Although CD28-like sequences have been identified in a few teleosts, the function of fish CD28 is virtually unknown. In this study, we cloned and analyzed a CD28 gene, CsCD28, from half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). The deduced amino acid sequence of CsCD28 contains 229 residues and shares 20.2%-40.3% overall sequence identities with known fish CD28 sequences. CsCD28 possesses structural features conserved in mammalian and teleost CD28, which include the MYPPPY motif in the extracellular immunoglobulin-like domain and the YXN motif in the cytoplasmic domain. The CsCD28 gene is 2746 bp and composed of four exons and three introns, which in organization resemble those of mammalian and trout CD28. Quantitative real time RT-PCR analysis showed that CsCD28 expression occurred predominately in kidney, spleen, gut, and gill. CsCD28 is localized on the surface of head kidney lymphocytes, and antibody ligation of CsCD28 induced significant levels of cellular proliferation. Taken together, these results indicate that CsCD28 is similar to mammalian CD28 in genetic and protein structures and possibly plays a role in T cell activation.  相似文献   

CD8(+) T cells are a critical component of the adaptive immune response against infections and tumors. A current paradigm in immunology is that naive CD8(+) T cells require CD28 costimulation, whereas memory CD8(+) T cells do not. We show here, however, that during viral infections of mice, costimulation is required in vivo for the reactivation of memory CD8(+) T cells. In the absence of CD28 costimulation, secondary CD8(+) T cell responses are greatly reduced and this impairs viral clearance. The failure of CD8(+) T cells to expand in the absence of CD28 costimulation is CD4(+) T cell help independent and is accompanied by a failure to down-regulate Bcl-2 and by cell cycle arrest. This requirement for CD28 costimulation was shown in both influenza A and HSV infections. Thus, contrary to current dogma, memory CD8(+) T cells require CD28 costimulation to generate maximal secondary responses against pathogens. Importantly, this CD28 requirement was shown in the context of real infections were multiple other cytokines and costimulators may be up-regulated. Our findings have important implications for pathogens, such as HIV and measles virus, and tumors that evade the immune response by failing to provide CD28 costimulation. These findings also raise questions about the efficacy of CD8(+) T cell-based vaccines against such pathogens and tumors.  相似文献   



The co-stimulatory inhibitor of the CD28-CD80/86-pathway, belatacept, allows calcineurin-inhibitor-free immunosuppression in kidney transplantation. However, aggressive T-cell mediated allogeneic responses have been observed in belatacept-treated patients, which could be explained by effector-memory T-cells that lack membrane expression of CD28, i.e. CD28-negative (CD28NULL) T-cells. CD28-positive (CD28POS) T-cells that down regulate their surface CD28 after allogeneic stimulation could also pose a threat against the renal graft. The aim of this study was to investigate this potential escape mechanism for CD28POS T-cells under belatacept treatment.

Materials & Methods

PBMCs, isolated T-cell memory subsets and isolated CD28POS T-cells were obtained from end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients and co-cultured with allo-antigen in the presence of belatacept to mimic allogeneic reactions in kidney-transplant patients under belatacept treatment. As a control, IgG was used in the absence of belatacept.


Despite high in vitro belatacept concentrations, a residual T-cell growth of ±30% was observed compared to the IgG control after allogeneic stimulation. Of the alloreactive T-cells, the majority expressed an effector-memory phenotype. This predominance for effector-memory T-cells within the proliferated cells was even larger when a higher dose of belatacept was added. Contrary to isolated naïve and central-memory T cells, isolated effector-memory T cells could not be inhibited by belatacept in differentiation or allogeneic IFNγ production. The proportion of CD28-positive T cells was lower within the proliferated T cell population, but was still substantial. A fair number of the isolated initially CD28POS T-cells differentiated into CD28NULL T-cells, which made them not targetable by belatacept. These induced CD28NULL T-cells were not anergic as they produced high amounts of IFNγ upon allogeneic stimulation. The majority of the proliferated isolated originally CD28POS T-cells, however, still expressed CD28 and also expressed IFNγ.


This study provides evidence that, apart from CD28NULL T-cells, also CD28POS, mostly effector-memory T-cells can mediate allogeneic responses despite belatacept treatment.  相似文献   

The position of the Zoraptera remains one of the most challenging and uncertain concerns in ordinal-level phylogenies of the insects. Zoraptera have been viewed as having a close relationship with five different groups of Polyneoptera, or as being allied to the Paraneoptera or even Holometabola. Although rDNAs have been widely used in phylogenetic studies of insects, the application of the complete 28S rDNA are still scattered in only a few orders. In this study, a secondary structure model of the complete 28S rRNAs of insects was reconstructed based on all orders of Insecta. It was found that one length-variable region, D3-4, is particularly distinctive. The length and/or sequence of D3-4 is conservative within each order of Polyneoptera, but it can be divided into two types between the different orders of the supercohort, of which the enigmatic order Zoraptera and Dictyoptera share one type, while the remaining orders of Polyneoptera share the other. Additionally, independent evidence from phylogenetic results support the clade (Zoraptera+Dictyoptera) as well. Thus, the similarity of D3-4 between Zoraptera and Dictyoptera can serve as potentially valuable autapomorphy or synapomorphy in phylogeny reconstruction. The clades of (Plecoptera+Dermaptera) and ((Grylloblattodea+Mantophasmatodea)+(Embiodea+Phasmatodea)) were also recovered in the phylogenetic study. In addition, considering the other studies based on rDNAs, this study reached the highest congruence with previous phylogenetic studies of Holometabola based on nuclear protein coding genes or morphology characters. Future comparative studies of secondary structures across deep divergences and additional taxa are likely to reveal conserved patterns, structures and motifs that can provide support for major phylogenetic lineages.  相似文献   

T cell activation requires co-engagement of the TCR with accessory and costimulatory molecules. However, the exact mechanism of costimulatory function is unknown. Mice lacking CD2 or CD28 show only mild deficits, demonstrating that neither protein is essential for T cell activation. In this paper we have generated mice lacking both CD2 and CD28. T cells from the double-deficient mice have a profound defect in activation by soluble anti-CD3 Ab and Ag, yet remain responsive to immobilized anti-CD3. This suggests that CD2 and CD28 may function together to facilitate interactions of the T cell and APC, allowing for efficient signal transduction through the TCR.  相似文献   

CD81 and CD28 costimulate T cells through distinct pathways   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have examined the role of CD81 in the activation of murine splenic alphabeta T cells. Expression of the CD81 molecule on T cells increases following activation, raising the possibility of a role for this molecule in progression of the activation process. Using an in vitro costimulation assay, we show that CD81 can function as a costimulatory molecule on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. This costimulation functions independently of CD28, and unlike costimulation through CD28, is susceptible to inhibition by cyclosporin A. Strikingly, the pattern of cytokine production elicited by costimulation via CD81 is unique. IL-2 production was not up-regulated, whereas both IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha expression significantly increased. Together our results demonstrate an alternate pathway for costimulation of T cell activation mediated by CD81.  相似文献   

SIV and HIV Nef proteins disrupt T-cell receptor machinery by down-modulating cell surface expression of CD4 and expression or signaling of CD3-TCR. Nef also down-modulates class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) surface expression. We show that SIV and HIV-1 Nefs down-modulate CD28, a major co-stimulatory receptor that mediates effective T-cell activation, by accelerating CD28 endocytosis. The effects of Nef on CD28, CD4, CD3 and class I MHC expression are all genetically separable, indicating that all are selected independently. In cells expressing a Nef-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion, CD28 co-localizes with the AP-2 clathrin adaptor and Nef-GFP. Mutations that disrupt Nef interaction with AP-2 disrupt CD28 down-regulation. Furthermore, HIV and SIV Nefs use overlapping but distinct target sites in the membrane-proximal region of the CD28 cytoplasmic domain. Thus, Nef probably induces CD28 endocytosis via the AP-2 pathway, and this involves a ternary complex containing Nef, AP-2 and CD28. The likely consequence of the concerted down-regulation of CD28, CD4 and/or CD3 by Nef is disruption of antigen-specific signaling machineries in infected T cells following a productive antigen recognition event.  相似文献   

Although both CD28 and ICOS bind PI3K and provide stimulatory signal for T cell activation, unlike CD28, ICOS does not costimulate IL-2 secretion. CD28 binds both PI3K and Grb2, whereas ICOS binds only PI3K. We have generated an ICOS mutant, which can bind Grb2 by replacement of its PI3K binding motif YMFM with the CD28 YMNM motif, and shown that it induces significant activation of the IL-2 promoter. However, this mutant ICOS was insufficient to activate the NF-kappaB pathway. In this study, we show that Gads, but not Grb2, is essential for CD28-mediated NF-kappaB activation, and its binding to CD28 requires the whole CD28 cytoplasmic domain in addition to the YMNM motif. Mutagenesis experiments have indicated that mutations in the N-terminal and/or C-terminal PXXP motif(s) of CD28 significantly reduce their association with Gads, whereas their associations with Grb2 are maintained. They induced strong activity of the NFAT/AP-1 reporter comparable with the CD28 wild type, but weak activity of the NF-kappaB reporter. Grb2- and Gads-dominant-negative mutants had a strong effect on NFAT/AP-1 reporter, but only Gads-dominant-negative significantly inhibited NF-kappaB reporter. Our data suggest that, in addition to the PI3K binding motif, the PXXP motif in the CD28 cytoplasmic domain may also define a functional difference between the CD28- and ICOS-mediated costimulatory signals by binding to Gads.  相似文献   

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