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Insertion sequences (ISs) are mobile elements that are commonly found in bacterial genomes. Here, the structural and functional diversity of these mobile elements in the genome of the cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501 is analyzed. The number, distribution, and diversity of nucleotide and amino acid stretches with similarity to the transposase gene of this IS family suggested that this genome harbors many functional as well as truncated IS fragments. The selection pressure acting on full-length transposase open reading frames of these ISs suggested (i) the occurrence of positive selection and (ii) the presence of one or more positively selected codons. These results were obtained using three data sets of transposase genes from the same IS family that were collected based on the level of amino acid similarity, the presence of an inverted repeat, and the number of sequences in the data sets. Neither recombination nor ribosomal frameshifting, which may interfere with the selection analyses, appeared to be important forces in the transposase gene family. Some positively selected codons were located in a conserved domain, suggesting that these residues are functionally important. The finding that this type of selection acts on IS-carried genes is intriguing, because although ISs have been associated with the adaptation of the bacterial host to new environments, this has typically been attributed to transposition or transformation, thus involving different genomic locations. Intragenic adaptation of IS-carried genes identified here may constitute a novel mechanism associated with bacterial diversification and adaptation.  相似文献   

Repeated sequence signatures are characteristic features of all genomic DNA. We have made a rigorous search for repeat genomic sequences in the human pathogens Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Haemophilus influenzae and found that by far the most frequent 9–10mers residing within coding regions are the DNA uptake sequences (DUS) required for natural genetic transformation. More importantly, we found a significantly higher density of DUS within genes involved in DNA repair, recombination, restriction-modification and replication than in any other annotated gene group in these organisms. Pasteurella multocida also displayed high frequencies of a putative DUS identical to that previously identified in H.influenzae and with a skewed distribution towards genome maintenance genes, indicating that this bacterium might be transformation competent under certain conditions. These results imply that the high frequency of DUS in genome maintenance genes is conserved among phylogenetically divergent species and thus are of significant biological importance. Increased DUS density is expected to enhance DNA uptake and the over-representation of DUS in genome maintenance genes might reflect facilitated recovery of genome preserving functions. For example, transient and beneficial increase in genome instability can be allowed during pathogenesis simply through loss of antimutator genes, since these DUS-containing sequences will be preferentially recovered. Furthermore, uptake of such genes could provide a mechanism for facilitated recovery from DNA damage after genotoxic stress.  相似文献   

Physical clusters of co-regulated, but apparently functionally unrelated, genes are present in many genomes. Despite the important implication that the genomic environment contributes appreciably to the regulation of gene expression, no simple statistical method has been described to identify physical clusters of co-regulated genes. Here we report the development of a model that allows the direct calculation of the significance of such clusters. We have implemented the derived statistical relation in a software program, Pyxis, and have analyzed a selection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene expression microarray data sets. We have identified many gene clusters where constituent genes exhibited a regulatory dependence on proteins previously implicated in chromatin structure. Specifically, we found that Tup1p-dependent gene domains were enriched close to telomeres, which suggested a new role for Tup1p in telomere silencing. In addition, we identified Sir2p-, Sir3p- and Sir4p-dependent clusters, which suggested the presence of Sir-mediated heterochromatin in previously unidentified regions of the yeast genome. We also showed the presence of Sir4p-dependent gene clusters bordering the HMRa heterothallic locus, which suggested leaky termination of the heterochromatin by the boundary elements. These results demonstrate the utility of Pyxis in identifying possible higher order genomic features that may contribute to gene regulation in extended domains.  相似文献   

The proportion of non-tandem duplicated loci detected by DNA hybridization and the segregation of RFLPs using 90 independent randomly isolated cDNA probes was estimated by segregation analysis to be 17%. The 14 cDNA probes showing duplicate loci in progeny derived from a cross between Arabidopsis-thaliana ecotypes Columbia x Landsberg erecta detected an average of 3.6 loci per probe (ranging from 2 to 6). The 50 loci detected with these 14 probes were arranged on a genetic map of 587 cM and assigned to the five A. Thaliana chromosomes. An additional duplicated locus was detected in progeny from a cross between Landsberg erecta x Niederzenz. The majority of duplicated loci were on different chromosomes, and when linkage between duplicate locus pairs was detected, these loci were always separated by at least 15 cM. When partial nucleotide sequence data were compared with GENBANK databases, the identities of 2 cDNA clones which recognized duplicate unlinked sequences in the A. Thaliana genome were determined to encode a chlorophyll a/b-binding protein and a beta-tubulin. Of the 8 loci carrying beta-tubulin genes 6 were placed on the genetic map. These results imply that gene duplication has been an important factor in the evolution of the Arabidopsis genome.  相似文献   

Genome sequencing of tumors provides a wealth of information on mutations and structural variations, instilling hope that this data can be used to predict individual tumor progression and response to treatment. Yet currently, our ability to predict the functional consequences of these aberrations remains poor. How do cancer-associated mutations give rise to the hallmark phenotypes of cancer? Recently, information about the genetic makeup of cancer cells has been combined with novel functional genomics approaches to identify novel targets, exploit synthetic lethality and explore the rewiring of cellular pathways. Here, we highlight recent developments revealing the hidden landscape of genetic interactions in model organisms and cancer cells, a key step toward personalized cancer diagnostics and therapy.  相似文献   

The phage clones containing a gene coding for bovine growth hormone were isolated from a bovine genomic library. Comparison of the 5' and 3' regions flanking the bovine growth hormone gene by Southern blot hybridization revealed that they share homology. Screening the bovine genomic library by nick-translated DNA fragment from 5' flanking region leads to conclusion that this sequence is present in 0.1% of clones. Each analysed clone carrying the sequence contains some copies of it.  相似文献   



The recent availability of genome sequences has provided unparalleled insights into the broad-scale patterns of transposable element (TE) sequences in eukaryotic genomes. Nevertheless, the difficulties that TEs pose for genome assembly and annotation have prevented detailed, quantitative inferences about the contribution of TEs to genomes sequences.  相似文献   

A quantitative model was developed that detects a new function of noncoding sequences in the eukaryotic genome, namely, the protection of coding sequences from chemical (mainly endogenous) mutagens. It was shown that, under common ecological conditions, the number of nucleotides damaged by mutagens in coding sequences of the genome is inversely proportional to the size of their noncoding counterparts. Noncoding sequences can differently protect single genetic loci from chemical mutagens by the formation of specific spatial structures of the protected loci in the interphase nuclei. The significant differences in genome sizes between species (paradox C) can be explained by different contributions of noncoding sequences to the total effect of genome protection from endogenous chemical mutagens.  相似文献   

We investigate interaction networks that we derive from multivariate time series with methods frequently employed in diverse scientific fields such as biology, quantitative finance, physics, earth and climate sciences, and the neurosciences. Mimicking experimental situations, we generate time series with finite length and varying frequency content but from independent stochastic processes. Using the correlation coefficient and the maximum cross-correlation, we estimate interdependencies between these time series. With clustering coefficient and average shortest path length, we observe unweighted interaction networks, derived via thresholding the values of interdependence, to possess non-trivial topologies as compared to Erd?s-Rényi networks, which would indicate small-world characteristics. These topologies reflect the mostly unavoidable finiteness of the data, which limits the reliability of typically used estimators of signal interdependence. We propose random networks that are tailored to the way interaction networks are derived from empirical data. Through an exemplary investigation of multichannel electroencephalographic recordings of epileptic seizures--known for their complex spatial and temporal dynamics--we show that such random networks help to distinguish network properties of interdependence structures related to seizure dynamics from those spuriously induced by the applied methods of analysis.  相似文献   

'Melina' assists users to compare the results of four public softwares for DNA motif extraction in order to both confirm the reliability of each finding and avoid missing important motifs. It is also useful to optimize the sensitivity of software with a series of different parameter settings. AVAILABILITY: Melina is available at http://www.hgc.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Melina/.  相似文献   

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