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Abstract. Marked Glossina pallidipes Austen were released downwind of an odour source in the field in Zimbabwe and the percentage recaptured at the source on the same day was measured.In the absence of odour, 1.3% of the marked tsetse released from a box or refuge were recaptured, independent of the distance between release point and odour source.The distance was varied from 10 to 100 m.When natural ox odour or a blend of carbon dioxide, acetone, octenol and phenols was dispensed, untransformed recapture percentages of box-released tsetse decreased from 18% for tsetse released at 10 m to 2% for tsetse released at 100 m.Recapture percentages were significantly higher than in the absence of odour at all release distances for ox odour and for release distances up to 75 m downwind for the artificial odour.When a combination of acetone, octenol and phenols or carbon dioxide on its own was dispensed, recapture percentages decreased from 6% for tsetse released at 10 m to 0% for tsetse released at 100 m.With these odours, recapture percentages were higher than in the absence of odour when tsetse were released at 20 m from the source, but were lower than recaptures in the presence of ox odour or the artificial mixture with carbon dioxide.Recapture percentages of flies spontaneously leaving refuges were higher than those of box-released tsetse.Proximity of source had no effect on the recapture percentage of refuge-leaving tsetse and host-location efficiency was close to 100% when host odour was detected at 30 m or less.The results are discussed in relation to the host location strategy of tsetse.  相似文献   

In sub-Saharan Africa, tsetse (Glossina spp.) transmit species of Trypanosoma which threaten 45-50 million cattle with trypanosomiasis. These livestock are subject to various herding practices which may affect biting rates on individual cattle and hence the probability of infection. In Zimbabwe, studies were made of the effect of herd size and composition on individual biting rates by capturing tsetse as they approached and departed from groups of one to 12 cattle. Flies were captured using a ring of electrocuting nets and bloodmeals were analysed using DNA markers to identify which individual cattle were bitten. Increasing the size of a herd from one to 12 adults increased the mean number of tsetse visiting the herd four-fold and the mean feeding probability from 54% to 71%; the increased probability with larger herds was probably a result of fewer flies per host, which, in turn, reduced the hosts' defensive behaviour. For adults and juveniles in groups of four to eight cattle, > 89% of bloodmeals were from the adults, even when these comprised just 13% of the herd. For groups comprising two oxen, four cows/heifers and two calves, a grouping that reflects the typical composition of communal herds in Zimbabwe, approximately 80% of bloodmeals were from the oxen. Simple models of entomological inoculation rates suggest that cattle herding practices may reduce individual trypanosomiasis risk by up to 90%. These results have several epidemiological and practical implications. First, the gregarious nature of hosts needs to be considered in estimating entomological inoculation rates. Secondly, heterogeneities in biting rates on different cattle may help to explain why disease prevalence is frequently lower in younger/smaller cattle. Thirdly, the cost and effectiveness of tsetse control using insecticide-treated cattle may be improved by treating older/larger hosts within a herd. In general, the patterns observed with tsetse appear to apply to other genera of cattle-feeding Diptera (Stomoxys, Anopheles, Tabanidae) and thus may be important for the development of strategies for controlling other diseases affecting livestock.  相似文献   

Abstract. In Zimbabwe, studies were made of the flight responses of tsetse ( Glossina spp.) to synthetic and natural ox odour using arrangements of electric nets.Tsetse flying away from a target showed a significant upwind bias when a blend of carbon dioxide (2/1 min), acetone (500 mg/h), octenol (0.4 mg/h), 4-methylphenol (0.8 mg/h) and 3-n-propylphenol (0.1 ma) was dispensed 15 m upwind, with c. 35% flying upwind.Without carbon dioxide this percentage was significantly reduced to 15% which was not significantly different from that with no odour (8%).This pattern was not altered by reducing the doses of acetone, octenol and phenols by 10–100 times, to levels comparable to those produced by an ox.With natural ox odour or a synthetic equivalent of ox odour dispensed from a ventilated pit 8 m upwind of the target, c. 28% flew upwind.This was reduced significantly to 15% if carbon dioxide was removed.In studies using a 17 m line of nets arranged orthogonally across the prevailing wind line, c. 50% of the catch was caught on the downwind side in the absence of odour.This increased significantly to c.60% when acetone, octenol and phenols were dispensed 15 m upwind, with or without carbon dioxide.With a shorter line (9 m) or an incomplete one (16.5 m long with 5 times 1.5 m wide gaps along its length) there was no change in the proportion caught downwind.For all three lines, dispensing odour upwind increased the catch 2–5 times on both the up-and downwind sides of the nets.It is concluded that a stronger upwind response to host odour is elicited when carbon dioxide is present.It is suggested that in nature upwind flight is very imprecisely orientated, with tsetse making flights up and down an odour plume 'searching' for a host.  相似文献   

In Zimbabwe, observations were made of the behaviour of individual stable flies (Stomoxys spp.) (Diptera: Muscidae) and tsetse (Glossina spp.) (Diptera: Glossinidae) feeding on cattle during the wet (Stomoxys and tsetse) and dry (tsetse only) seasons. For Stomoxys landing on adult cattle, only 27% took a full meal (mean feeding time = 147 s). Most Stomoxys left the host before completing their meal, largely due to disturbance by the host's defensive behaviour (24%, mean time = 59 s) or other flies (44%, 71 s). The probability of a Stomoxys leaving the host progressively increased with time. Simultaneous observations of tsetse showed that, compared to Stomoxys, their feeding success was lower (15%), feeding was interrupted earlier (33 s) and the time taken to complete a meal was shorter (109 s). Further studies of tsetse across different seasons and hosts showed that feeding success varied according to host age (adult = 7%; calf = 3%) and was negatively correlated with the frequency of host defensive behaviour and the relative abundance of non-biting Diptera. Disturbances were more often caused by host behaviour (69%) than other flies (31%) and the probability of tsetse leaving decreased with time on the host. Overall, these results suggest that tsetse and Stomoxys have different feeding strategies. In particular, tsetse appear to be more responsive to host defensive behaviour, which reduces their feeding success relative to Stomoxys. These behavioural differences are consistent with the respective life-history characteristics of Stomoxys and tsetse.  相似文献   

In Zimbabwe, studies were made of the effect of host behaviour on the feeding success of Glossina pallidipes Austen and G. morsitans morsitans Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae) attracted to cattle of different age and sex. The mean feeding rates for male and female G. pallidipes attracted to oxen were 60% and 58%, respectively, compared to 33% and 53% for male and female G. m. morsitans. The feeding rate of G. pallidipes varied between oxen and was inversely correlated with a host's rate of defensive leg movements, which, in turn, was positively correlated with the density of Stomoxys spp. (Diptera: Muscidae) caught in the vicinity of the host. Tsetse were significantly less successful in feeding from young cattle. For G. pallidipes, the feeding rate on calves (<6 months) was 11%, whereas for male and female G. m. morsitans the rates were 12% and 20%, respectively. Significantly lower feeding rates were apparent for cattle aged up to 2 years, when the feeding rate for G. pallidipes (31%) was still significantly less than that on mature oxen (68%). Feeding rates for G. pallidipes on adult female cattle were lower than those on oxen (45% vs. 61%). The lower feeding rates in young animals were attributed to higher rates of defensive movements. The results suggest that higher rates of defensive activities by young cattle reduce the risk of them contracting trypanosomiasis.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare the relative resistance of crossbred Bos indicus X B. taurus Bonsmara and B. taurus Friesian cattle to Ixodes rubicundus (Karoo paralysis tick) infestations. During periods of peak abundance of the ticks, Friesian oxen harboured almost twice or more than twice as many ticks as either Bonsmara oxen or cows. During periods of low tick abundance tick burdens on both cattle breeds were closely similar. It is envisaged that cattle can play an important role in an integrated control strategy against the Karro paralysis tick.  相似文献   

No methods have previously been available for the field sampling of unfed adults ofAmblyomma hebraeum. We released 2000 unfed adults into a 5-m2 area in mopane woodland in southeastern Zimbabwe. The ticks sought shelter beneath the debris on the soil surface but emerged and became active in host seeking when stimulated. Effective stimuli were the odours of cattle and sheep and high concentrations of carbon dioxide from dry ice. The ticks did not respond to low concentrations of carbon dioxide, vibrations generated by stamping the ground with poles, or two volatile components of ox breath known to attract tsetse flies. The presence of humans in the release area also had little or no effect in stimulating the ticks. As adults ofA. hebraeum are large and conspicuous they can easily be collected from the soil surface, either manually or using a vacuum device, after stimulation by cattle or the release of high concentrations of carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

A famous zoological discovery of the 20th century was that of the kouprey Bos sauveli , a medium-sized ox inhabiting Cambodian forests. The kouprey was suspiciously intermediate between banteng oxen and domestic zebu cattle in its structure. Mitochondrial DNA sequences of mainland banteng are compared here with a published kouprey sequence, and the comparison demonstrates a close relationship. Either the kouprey derives partly from banteng or (less likely) these particular banteng acquired kouprey DNA via recent genetic introgression. The kouprey may have been a feral hybrid form, a descendant of domestic oxen, rather than a natural species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Studies were conducted in Zimbabwe of the responses of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and Glossina pallidipes Austen to various host odours using either arrangements of electrocuting nets or visual observations. Tsetse flying upwind in a plume of carbon dioxide, acetone and octenol turned downwind upon flying into a plume of acetone or octenol, but did not turn upon flying into a plume of carbon dioxide. They also turned in response to a transient decline in odour concentration. Tsetse landed on the ground in the vicinity of a source of natural odour or artificial odour containing carbon dioxide but not at sources of acetone or octenol only. The proportion of female G.pallidipes caught at a source of natural odour (37%) was significantly different from that caught at a source of synthetic odour (17%). Resting tsetse stimulated by natural odour took off sooner than non-stimulated flies and had a strong upwind bias in the direction of take off. Tsetse stimulated with artificial odour did not take off sooner than non-stimulated flies. It is suggested that there is an unidentified components) of ox odour that activates resting tsetse.  相似文献   

Differences in weight gains caused by stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), on grazing yearling steer/calves averaged 0.2 kg per steer in a 3-yr study on canyon range pastures in West Central Nebraska, Stable fly numbers averaged 0.85 per front leg on treated calves and 3.64 per front leg on control calves. In 2 of the 3 yr after the grazing trials were completed, the calves were placed in a feedlot and fed a finishing ration. Compensatory gain did not occur in the feedlot after the stable fly stress was removed.  相似文献   

In this paper conventional X-ray analysis of cattle metapodials is used to study the age structure of slaughtered cattle at Eketorp ringfort on the island of Öland, Sweden. The X-ray analyses suggest that several animals in both phases were slaughtered aged 4–8 years. More oxen/bulls than cows reached the advanced age of over 8 years, yet in phase III more oxen/bulls seem to have been slaughtered between the ages of 2 and 8 years. These differences may reflect a change in demand for meat related to the character of the site. The results also show a correlation between metapodials with a pathology connected to biomechanical stress and older animals. This suggests that male cattle were used both in meat production and as draught animals. Asymmetry in male metatarsals such as distal broadening of the lateral part of the medial trochlea was visible on the X-ray images. The bone element also indicates a denser outer cortex of the medial diaphysis in comparison to the inner medulla. This could be the result of repetitive mechanical stress. Two metatarsals from cows were documented with distal asymmetry indicating that cows were also used as working animals. Bone elements with changes in the articular surfaces were more common in metapodials from cows with an X-ray age of over 3–4 years. These results highlighted the slaughter age difference between oxen/bulls and cows, enabling a better understanding of animal husbandry and the selection of draught cattle at Eketorp ringfort.  相似文献   

Different combinations of urea, urease (in jack bean meal, Canavalia DC.), and water were tested as carbon dioxide sources to attract larvae of lesser cornstalk borer, Elasmopalus lignosellus (Zeller), by using olfactory bioassays with an olfactometer and infrared gas analysis. A combination of urea, jack bean meal, and water was necessary to release a high level of carbon dioxide to attract the larvae. Different proportions of the three ingredients had different carbon dioxide release rates and exhibited different levels of attraction to the larvae. When carbon dioxide concentration was too high, attractiveness declined. Combinations with different amounts of water remained attractive for a period of up to 3 d, depending on the moisture of the samples. When Zonolite was used to simulate the soil conditions in the olfactometer, significantly more larvae located the area near the artificial carbon dioxide sources compared with the control. When combined with the artificial carbon dioxide sources, three insecticides (Lorsban, Temik, and Force) did not obviously affect the release rates of carbon dioxide, and more larvae were attracted to samples with the carbon dioxide source than to the samples without carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Abstract. Glossina longipennis were recorded visiting and engorging on cattle in an enclosure and on a single ox in a crush using transparent electrocuting nets in an incomplete ring. Of the total flies caught, 3–6% of males and 5–6% of females in the total catches were engorged (a feeding success rate of up to 16.6% and 12.6%, respectively, depending on assumptions made about the proportion which had an opportunity to feed). Direct observation of tsetse from an observation pit showed 57% landing on the front legs, 13% on the hind legs, and 11 % on the belly of the host. The largest number of bloodmeals was taken from the front legs, although only 14% of landings there terminated in feeding; a higher proportion of the flies alighting on the hind legs and flank succeeded in feeding (28% and 21% respectively). Glossina longipennis were attracted to targets baited with ox odour from an underground pit in a dose-dependent manner. Odour of humans was much less attractive to G.longipennis than that of oxen (for equivalent biomass). Analysis of bloodmeal samples from tsetse caught in two sites on die ranch showed that G.longipennis preferentially feeds on suids, bovids and hippopotamus.  相似文献   

In a previous study from 2014 it was found that US Holstein cows that gave birth to heifer calves produced more milk than cows having bull calves. We wanted to assess whether this is also true for Danish cattle. Data from 578 Danish Holstein herds were analysed with a mixed effect model and contrary to the findings in the US, we found that cows produced higher volumes of milk if they had a bull calf compared to a heifer calf. We found a significantly higher milk production of 0.28% in the first lactation period for cows giving birth to a bull calf, compared to a heifer calf. This difference was even higher when cows gave birth to another bull calf, so having two bull calves resulted in a difference of 0.52% in milk production compared to any other combination of sex of the offspring. Furthermore, we found that farmer assisted calvings were associated with a higher milk yield. Cows with no farmer assistance or with veterinary assistance during the most recent calving produced less milk. There were also indications that dams would favor a bull fetus by decreasing milk production during the second pregnancy if the calf born in the first parity was a heifer. We hypothesize that size of calves is a confounding factor for milk production. However, calving weight was not available in the present data set to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Horn flies could not be maintained below 50 per animal with sprays or dusts during a 21-wk study. However, weights of cows and calves and condition scores of cows were not influenced by suppression of Haematobia irritans (L.) populations. Results show that cattle in northwest Florida can tolerate average populations of greater than or equal to 200 flies for 70 d with no adverse economic effects. Spray treatments providing the best fly control were Lintox-D and Ra-Vap. The most economical products for use were Del-Tox, Lintox-D, and Ra-Vap.  相似文献   

aematin contents of engorged, male tsetse flies, Glossina pallidipes Austen, were compared with the packed cell volumes of oxen on which they had fed. Haematin contents icnreased with packed cell volume up to packed cell volumes of approximately 30%. Haematin contents appeared to level off or decline with further increase in packed cell volume. These results support a model of blood-feeding in tsetse flies in which the rate of blood consumption decreases as packed cell volume increases, because of increase in blood viscosity, and tsetse are unable to compensate for the decrease in consumption rate by feeding for a longer time. After allowing for the effects of packed cell volume, bloodmeal sizes of tsetse increased with ox body temperature.  相似文献   

Behavioural and electrophysiological responses of Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae) to human skin emanations collected on glass beads were studied using a dual-port olfactometer and electroantannography. Glass beads to which skin emanations from human hands had been transferred elicited a level of attraction similar to a human hand. The attractiveness of these handled glass beads faded away 4 h after transfer onto the beads. Storage at -20 degrees C for up to 8 weeks showed a decreased but still attractive effect of the beads. In a choice test between one individual and four others, the emanations from the reference individual were significantly more attractive in three out of four cases. The headspace of handled glass beads elicited a dose-dependent EAG response. The substances causing EAG activity could be removed partially by dichloromethane, ethanol and pentane-ether. Glass beads provide a suitable neutral substrate for the transfer of human odour to enable chemical analysis of the human skin emanations for identification of kairomones of anthropophilic mosquitoes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) in response to increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in an airstream. The magnitude of the EAG increases logarithmically from +0.023% carbon dioxide up to approximately +2.0% where a maximum is reached. Flies deprived of food for 48–50 h are more responsive to small increases in the carbon dioxide concentration than those deprived of food for only 20–23 h. It is concluded that the sensitivity of carbon dioxide receptors on the antennae of S. calcitrans increases as hunger develops. EAGs were also recorded in response to cattle odour, odour from fresh cattle faeces, expired human breath, acetone, and l-octen-3-ol. Acetic acid vapour causes a reversal of the usual EAG response indicating inhibition.  相似文献   

Octenol (1-octen-3-ol), acetone, 4-methylphenol, 3-n-propylphenol, and other potential attractants (human urine, stable fly faeces), as well as guiacol, creosol (potential repellents), were tested as baits for biting flies in North America using standard phthalogen blue IF3GM cotton Nzi traps, or similar commercial polyester traps. Baits were tested during the summers of 2001-04 at a residence in Canada and during January-August 2001 at a dairy in the U.S.A. Behaviour in the presence of octenol was also studied by intercepting flies approaching a trap through the use of transparent adhesive film. Analogous bait and/or trap comparisons were conducted in natural settings in June 1996 in Kenya and in September-December 1997 in Ethiopia. In Canada, catches of five of six common tabanids (Tabanus similis Macquart, Tabanus quinquevittatus Wiedemann, Hybomitra lasiophthalma [Macquart], Chrysops univittatus Macquart, Chrysops aberrans Philip) and the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans L. were increased significantly by 1.2-2.1 times with octenol (1.5 mg/h). Catches of T. quinquevittatus and S. calcitrans were 3.5-3.6 times higher on a sticky enclosure surrounding a trap baited with octenol. No other baits or bait combinations had an effect on trap catches in North America. In Ethiopia, standard Nzi traps baited with a combination of acetone, octenol and cattle urine caught 1.8-9.9 times as many Stomoxys as similarly baited epsilon, pyramidal, NG2G, S3, biconical and canopy traps, in order of decreasing catch. When baits were compared, catches in Nzi traps of six stable fly species, including S. calcitrans, were not affected by octenol (released at approximately 1 mg/h), or cattle urine (140 mg/h), used alone or in combination with acetone (890 mg/h). Acetone alone, however, significantly increased the catches of common Stomoxys such as Stomoxys niger niger Macquart, Stomoxys taeniatus Bigot, and S. calcitrans by 2.4, 1.6 and 1.9 times, respectively. Catches of Glossina pallidipes Austen were increased significantly in traps baited with acetone, urine or octenol, or any combination, relative to those in unbaited traps (1.4-3.6x). Catches of Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newstead were increased significantly by 1.5-1.7 times, but only when baits were used individually. Unlike other studies with East African tsetse, catches of both tsetse species with the complete bait combination (acetone, urine and octenol) did not differ from those in unbaited traps. Experiments with an incomplete ring of electric nets surrounding a Nzi trap, and a new approach using a sticky enclosure made from transparent adhesive film, revealed diverse responses to artificial objects and baits among biting flies. In Kenya, daily trap efficiency estimates for traps baited with either carbon dioxide (6 L/min) or a combination of acetone, cattle urine and octenol were 21-27% for G. pallidipes, 7-36% for Glossina longipennis Corti, 27-33% for S. n. niger, and 19-33% for Stomoxys niger bilineatus Grünberg, assuming 100% electrocution efficiency. Actual trap efficiencies may have been lower, given observed outside : inside electric net catch ratios of 0.6 : 1.6. Observed ratios averaged 54% of expected values, with 10 of 15 possible ratios less than the minimum possible value of 1.0.  相似文献   

The behaviour of tsetse (mainly Glossina pallidipes Austen) around odour-baited targets, with or without a coating of ox sebum, was recorded in the field using video. The addition of sebum increased the total time a fly was in contact with the target, as well as the time spent flying around and landing on it. When carbon dioxide was released as part of the attractant odour plume, the presence of sebum on the target increased the number of landings made by each fly, but did not significantly affect the duration of each contact. When carbon dioxide was absent from the odour plume, sebum did not affect the number of landings made by flies but the duration of each contact with the target did increase. Evidence for an interactive effect of sebum and carbon dioxide was obtained. In addition, the presence of sebum on the target increased the percentage of landed flies which walked on its surface; such behaviour may represent an 'inspection' of the artificial host. The potential tsetse control application of the current findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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