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Shewanella putrefaciens 200 is a nonfermentative bacterium that is capable of dehalogenating tetrachloromethane to chloroform and other, unidentified products under anaerobic conditions. Since S. putrefaciens 200 can respire anaerobically by using a variety of terminal electron acceptors, including NO3-, NO2-, and Fe(III), it provides a unique opportunity to study the competitive effects of different electron acceptors on dehalogenation in a single organism. The results of batch studies showed that dehalogenation of CT by S. putrefaciens 200 was inhibited by O2, 10 mM NO3-, and 3 mM NO2-, but not by 15 mM Fe(III), 15 mM fumarate, or 15 mM trimethylamine oxide. Using measured O2, Fe(III), NO2-, and NO3- reduction rates, we developed a speculative model of electron transport to explain inhibition patterns on the basis of (i) the kinetics of electron transfer at branch points in the electron transport chain, and (ii) possible direct inhibition by nitrogen oxides. In additional experiments in which we used 20 mM lactate, 20 mM glucose, 20 mM glycerol, 20 mM pyruvate, or 20 mM formate as the electron donor, dehalogenation rates were independent of the electron donor used. The results of other experiments suggested that sufficient quantities of endogenous substrates were present to support transformation of tetrachloromethane even in the absence of an exogenous electron donor. Our results should be significant for evaluating (i) the bioremediation potential at sites contaminated with both halogenated organic compounds and nitrogen oxides, and (ii) the bioremediation potential of iron-reducing bacteria at contaminated locations containing significant amounts of iron-bearing minerals.  相似文献   

Dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria (DMRB) facilitate the reduction of Feand Mn oxides in anoxic soils and sediments and play an important role inthe cycling of these metals and other elements such as carbon in aqueousenvironments. Previous studies investigating the reduction of Fe(III) oxidesby DMRB focused on reactions under constant initial electron donor (lactate)and electron acceptor (Fe oxide) concentrations. Because the concentrationsof these reactants can vary greatly in the environment and would be expectedto influence the rate and extent of oxide reduction, the influence of variableelectron acceptor and donor concentrations on hydrous ferric oxide (HFO)bioreduction was investigated. Batch experiments were conducted in pH 7 HCO3– buffered media using Shewanella putrefaciens strain CN32. In general, the rate of Fe(III) reduction decreased with increasing HFO:lactateratios, resulting in a relatively greater proportion of crystalline Fe(III) oxidesof relatively low availability for DMRB. HFO was transformed to a variety ofcrystalline minerals including goethite, lepidocrocite, and siderite but was almostcompletely dissolved at high lactate to HFO ratios. These results indicate thatelectron donor and acceptor concentrations can greatly impact the bioreductionof HFO and the suite of Fe minerals formed as a result of reduction. The respirationdriven rate of Fe(II) formation from HFO is believed to be a primary factor governingthe array of ferrous and ferric iron phases formed during reduction.  相似文献   

We determined the variations in the surface physicochemical properties of Listeria monocytogenes Scott A cells that occurred under various environmental conditions. The surface charges, the hydrophobicities, and the electron donor and acceptor characteristics of L. monocytogenes Scott A cells were compared after the organism was grown in different growth media and at different temperatures; to do this, we used microelectrophoresis and the microbial adhesion to solvents method. Supplementing the growth media with glucose or lactic acid affected the electrical, hydrophobic, and electron donor and acceptor properties of the cells, whereas the growth temperature (37, 20, 15, or 8 degrees C) primarily affected the electrical and electron donor and acceptor properties. The nonlinear effects of the growth temperature on the physicochemical properties of the cells were similar for cells cultivated in two different growth media, but bacteria cultivated in Trypticase soy broth supplemented with 6 g of yeast extract per liter (TSYE) were slightly more hydrophobic than cells cultivated in brain heart infusion medium (P < 0.05). Adhesion experiments conducted with L. monocytogenes Scott A cells cultivated in TSYE at 37, 20, 15, and 8 degrees C and then suspended in a sodium chloride solution (1.5 x 10(-1) or 1.5 x 10(-3) M NaCl) confirmed that the cell surface charge and the electron donor and acceptor properties of the cells had an influence on their attachment to stainless steel.  相似文献   

The relative importance of three environmental variables known to influence the rate of bacterial sulfate reduction was examined using sediment from a saltmarsh pan. The variables investigated were temperature, electron donor concentration, and electron acceptor concentration. Their relative influence on the rate of bacterial sulfate reduction was examined with multiple replicate sediment samples in which the variables were experimentally adjusted. Sulfate reduction rates were measured with35SO 4 2– .The relative importance of each variable to sulfate reduction rate was assessed with multiple regression analysis by calculating the standardized partial regression coefficients, and the results were compared with the ranges of the three variables encountered in the natural sediment. Temperature proved to have the greatest influence, followed by electron donor and electron acceptor concentrations, in that order. The sulfate concentration was shown to have little influence on sulfate reduction rate at seawater concentrations of sulfate, but its effect increased if sulfate concentrations were diminished compared to those of seawater.  相似文献   

Otolith size trends in marine fish communities from different depth strata   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A comparison of 681 saccular otoliths (sagitta) from 134 species belonging to six demersal communities from different depth strata and the epipelagic community from the north-western Mediterranean Sea was made in order to study otolith relative size and function related morphologies. A relationship between otolith size composition, habitat and depth was found. The epipelagic community was characterized by species with very small and small otolith sizes (68% of the epipelagic species). In the demersal communities, the proportion of species with large sagitta increased with depth until 750 m (reached 50% of the species of the upper slope). The abyssal community (between 1000 and 2000 m), however, was characterized by a decrease in the mean otolith size and an increase in the proportion of species with very small otoliths. With exception of the abyssal community, endogenous causes (a mixture of geneaology, plesiomorph characters shared by the all species of the taxonomic group and recent adaptive ones) may be even more important than exogenous factors in determining the otolith relative size. Within the endogenous causes that condition sagitta size, the adaptive features associated with specialization in acoustic communication are relevant.  相似文献   



gene identification in genomic DNA sequences by computational methods has become an important task in bioinformatics and computational gene prediction tools are now essential components of every genome sequencing project. Prediction of splice sites is a key step of all gene structural prediction algorithms.  相似文献   

Rapid perturbation experiments are highly relevant to elaborate the in vivo kinetics for mathematical models of metabolism, which are needed for selecting gene targets for metabolic engineering. Perturbations were applied to chemostat-cultivated biomass (D=0.05 h(-1), aerobic glucose/ethanol-limited) using the BioScope of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN. PK 113-7D over time span of 90 and 180 s. The availability of the external electron acceptor oxygen was decreased from fully aerobic to anaerobic conditions. It was observed that the changes in metabolome response under these conditions were limited to the pyruvate node. Acetaldehyde supply was used as an extra external electron acceptor during glucose perturbation under fully aerobic conditions. This had a strong effect on the metabolome dynamics and resulted in a significantly higher initial glycolytic flux. Dynamic response of the adenine nucleotides indicated that their behavior is not dictated by the glycolytic flux but is much more coupled to the cytosolic NADH/NAD(+) ratio through the equilibrium pool of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and 2/3-phosphoglycerate. Also, the electron donor availability (glucose) was decreased. This did not result in significant changes in the concentrations of the glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites, whereas the adenine nucleotides, especially ADP and AMP, showed the opposite response to that observed in a glucose pulse experiment. Surprisingly, trehalose was not mobilized in the time frame of 180 s.  相似文献   

The bacterial reaction center absorbance change at 450 nm (A-450) assigned to an anionic semiquinone, has been suggested as a candidate for the reduced form of the primary electron acceptor in bacterial photosynthesis. In reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides we have found kinetic discrepancies between the decay of A-450 and the recovery of photochemical competence. In addition, no proton uptake is measurable on the first turnover, although subsequent ones elicit one proton bound per electron. These results are taken to indicate that the acceptor reaction after a long dark period may be different for the first turnover than for subsequent ones. It is suggested that A-450 is still a likely candidate for the acceptor function but that in reaction centers, additional quinone may act as an adventitious primary acceptor when the “true” primary acceptor is reduced. Alternatively, the primary acceptor may act in a “ping-pong” fashion with respect to subsequent photoelectrons.  相似文献   

David B. Knaff 《BBA》1975,376(3):583-587
The primary electron acceptor of Photosystem II has a midpoint oxidation-reduction potential of +95 mV at pH 7.0 in Photosystem II chloroplast fragments prepared by digitonin treatment. The midpoint potential of the acceptor has a pH dependence of −60 mV/pH unit. At concentrations that inhibit oxygen evolution, o-phenanthroline shifts the midpoint potential of the primary acceptor by +70 mV. The shifted potential retains the same dependence on pH. The effect of o-phenanthroline suggests that it interacts directly with the primary electron acceptor of Photosystem II in a manner similar to that reported previously for the primary electron acceptor in purple photosynthetic bacteria.  相似文献   

张海涵  唐明  陈辉  杜小刚  郑华 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5463-5470
利用BIOLOG代谢指纹方法分析了陕南商南和陕北安塞不同生态条件下油松菌根根际土壤微生物群落。结果表明,安塞油松和商南油松菌根根际微生物对糖类和氨基酸类碳源较易利用,商南油松菌根根际微生物总体上代谢碳源的种类和活性远大于安塞油松,而且对同类碳源的代谢商南油松的AWCD比安塞油松均高出2倍多。安塞油松菌根根际微生物以氨基酸类代谢群为优势类群,商南油松以糖类代谢群为优势类群。微生物群落多样性指数和微生物群落主成分分析(PCA)指标均表明商南油松和安塞油松菌根根际土壤微生物群落有明显不同,起分异作用的碳源主要为糖类,其次是羧酸类和氨基酸类。商南油松菌根根际土壤微生物群落AWCD极显著高于安塞油松(P<0.01),细菌数量显著高于安塞油松(P<0.05),Shannon指数和丰富度指数达极显著性差异(P<0.01),商南油松和安塞油松菌根侵染率差异不显著,但菌根生物量差异达极显著水平(P<001)。相关性分析表明,菌根生物量与丰富度指数、AWCD呈极显著正相关,与Shannon指数呈显著正相关,但是与菌根侵染率相关性不显著。在商南温暖潮湿丘陵区油松菌根根际微生物活性、群落大小和多样性高于安塞油松,在安塞黄土高原干旱区微生物群落稳定性强于商南油松。  相似文献   

We report the characterization of the effects of the A249S mutation located within the binding pocket of the primary quinone electron acceptor, Q(A), in the D2 subunit of photosystem II in Thermosynechococcus elongatus. This mutation shifts the redox potential of Q(A) by approximately -60 mV. This mutant provides an opportunity to test the hypothesis, proposed earlier from herbicide-induced redox effects, that photoinhibition (light-induced damage of the photosynthetic apparatus) is modulated by the potential of Q(A). Thus the influence of the redox potential of Q(A) on photoinhibition was investigated in vivo and in vitro. Compared with the wild-type, the A249S mutant showed an accelerated photoinhibition and an increase in singlet oxygen production. Measurements of thermoluminescence and of the fluorescence yield decay kinetics indicated that the charge-separated state involving Q(A) was destabilized in the A249S mutant. These findings support the hypothesis that a decrease in the redox potential of Q(A) causes an increase in singlet oxygen-mediated photoinhibition by favoring the back-reaction route that involves formation of the reaction center chlorophyll triplet. The kinetics of charge recombination are interpreted in terms of a dynamic structural heterogeneity in photosystem II that results in high and low potential forms of Q(A). The effect of the A249S mutation seems to reflect a shift in the structural equilibrium favoring the low potential form.  相似文献   

The degree to which marine ecosystems may support the pelagic or benthic food chain has been shown to vary across natural and anthropogenic gradients for e.g., in temperature and nutrient availability. Moreover, such external forcing may not only affect the flux of organic matter but could trigger large and abrupt changes, i.e., trophic cascades and ecological regime shifts, which once having occurred may prove potentially irreversible. In this study, we investigate the state and regulatory pathways of the Kattegat; a eutrophied and heavily exploited marine ecosystem, specifically testing for the occurrence of regime shifts and the relative importance of multiple drivers, e.g., climate change, eutrophication and commercial fishing on ecosystem dynamics and trophic pathways. Using multivariate statistics and nonlinear regression on a comprehensive data set, covering abiotic factors and biotic variables across all trophic levels, we here propose a potential regime shift from pelagic to benthic regulatory pathways; a possible first sign of recovery from eutrophication likely triggered by drastic nutrient reductions (involving both nitrogen and phosphorus), in combination with climate‐driven changes in local environmental conditions (e.g., temperature and oxygen concentrations).  相似文献   

BackgroundCurrently marketed chondroitin sulfate isolated from animal sources and structurally quite heterogeneous. Synthesis of structurally defined chondroitin sulfate is highly desired. The capsular polysaccharide from Escherichia coli strain K4 is similar to chondroitin, and its biosynthesis requires a chondroitin polymerase (KfoC). The essential step toward de novo enzymatic synthesis of chondroitin sulfate, synthesis of chondroitin, could be achieved by employing this enzyme.MethodsStructurally defined acceptors and donor-sugars were prepared by chemoenzymatic approaches. In addition, surface plasmon resonance was employed to determine the binding affinities of individual substrates and donor–acceptor pairs for KfoC.ResultsKfoC has broad donor substrate specificity and acceptor promiscuity, making it an attractive tool enzyme for use in structurally-defined chimeric glycosaminoglycan oligosaccharide synthesis in vitro. In addition, the binding of donor substrate molecules regulated the affinity of KfoC for acceptors, then influenced the glycosyl transferase reaction catalyzed by this chondroitin polymerase.Conclusion and general significanceThese results assist in the development of enzymatic synthesis approaches toward chimeric glycosaminoglycan oligosaccharides and designing future strategies for directed evolution of KfoC in order to create mutants toward user-defined goals.  相似文献   

海洋环境中存在着大量未被培养和利用的微生物资源。本研究对一份南海沉积物样品采用不同培养温度、盐度、pH、样品稀释倍数和营养浓度条件进行可培养细菌的多样性研究。经过16S rRNA基因序列分析,获得825株菌分属于5个门,8个纲,17个目,26个科,57个属。分离到最多的属级类群为芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus)。通过不同培养条件的分离实验发现,厚壁菌类群在4 °C~60 °C、0%~15%盐度、pH 5~8及不同的样品稀释倍数和营养浓度实验条件中均为优势培养类群,具有广泛的环境适应性,但2~200的样品稀释倍数可以大大减少分离培养基中厚壁菌的数量。放线菌类群在4 °C低温和0%NaCl添加条件下的可培养多样性较高,同时pH 6和寡营养培养基有助于分离获得稀有放线菌类群。另外,本研究发现新物种资源的获取几率分别在寡营养培养基、5%~10%较高盐度和60°C高温培养有所增加。分离获得的5个主要细菌门类分别为厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,86%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,13%)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria,1%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和异常球菌-栖热菌门(Deinococcus-Thermus)。本研究共分离得到29株潜在新种,分别属于芽胞杆菌纲(Bacilli)、放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)、酸微菌纲(Acidimicrobiia)、嗜热油菌纲(Thermoleophilia)、红色杆菌纲(Rubrobacteria)和异常球菌纲(Deinococci)。海洋环境微生物新类群、海洋放线菌稀有类群等微生物新资源的选择性分离培养提供了有效的方法和方案,为后期的深入开展打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare two major hypotheses concerning the formation of bacterial community composition (BCC) at the local scale, i.e., whether BCC is determined by the prevailing local environmental conditions or by "metacommunity processes." A batch culture experiment where bacteria from eight distinctly different aquatic habitats were regrown under identical conditions was performed to test to what extent similar communities develop under similar selective pressure. Differently composed communities emerged from different inoculum communities, as determined by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the 16S rRNA gene. There was no indication that similarity increased between communities upon growth under identical conditions compared to that for growth at the ambient sampling sites. This suggests that the history and distribution of taxa within the source communities were stronger regulating factors of BCC than the environmental conditions. Moreover, differently composed communities were different with regard to specific functions, such as enzyme activities, but maintained similar broad-scale functions, such as biomass production and respiration.  相似文献   

The redox potentials Em(QA/) of the primary quinone electron acceptor QA in oxygen-evolving photosystem II complexes of three species were determined by spectroelectrochemistry. The Em(QA/) values were experimentally found to be −162 ± 3 mV for a higher plant spinach, −171 ± 3 mV for a green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and −104 ± 4 mV vs. SHE for a red alga Cyanidioschyzonmerolae. On the basis of possible deviations for the experimental values, as estimated to differ by 9-29 mV from each true value, plausible causes for such remarkable species-dependence of Em(QA/) are discussed, mainly by invoking the effects of extrinsic subunits on the delicate structural environment around QA.  相似文献   

Chitinase genes isolated from plants, bacteria or fungi have been widely used in genetic engineering to enhance the resistance of crops and trees to fungal pathogens. However, there are concerns about the possible effect of chitinase-transformed plants on nontarget fungi. This study aimed at evaluating the impact of endochitinase-transformed white spruce on soil fungal communities. Endochitinase-expressing white spruce and untransformed controls were transplanted in soils from two natural forests and grown for 8 months in a greenhouse. Soil fungal biomass and diversity, estimated through species richness and Shannon and Rao diversity indices, were not different between transgenic and control tree rhizospheres. The fungal phylogenetic community structure was the same in soil samples from control and transgenic white spruces after 8 months. Soil type and presence of seedlings had a much more significant impact on fungal community structure than the insertion and expression of the ech42 transgene within the white spruce genome. The results suggest that the insertion and constitutive expression of the ech42 gene in white spruce did not significantly affect soil fungal biomass, diversity and community structure.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of (E)-phytol [3,7,11, 15-tetramethylhexadec-2(E)-en-1-ol] by two bacterial communities isolated from recent marine sediments under aerobic and denitrifying conditions was studied at 20 degrees C. This isoprenoid alcohol is metabolized efficiently by these two bacterial communities via 6,10, 14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one and (E)-phytenic acid. The first step in both aerobic and anaerobic bacterial degradation of (E)-phytol involves the transient production of (E)-phytenal, which in turn can be abiotically converted to 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one. Most of the isoprenoid metabolites identified in vitro could be detected in a fresh sediment core collected at the same site as the sediments used for the incubations. Since (E)-phytenal is less sensitive to abiotic degradation at the temperature of the sediments (15 degrees C), the major part of (E)-phytol appeared to be biodegraded in situ via (E)-phytenic acid. (Z)- and (E)-phytenic acids are present in particularly large quantities in the upper section of the core, and their concentrations quickly decrease with depth in the core. This degradation (which takes place without significant production of phytanic acid) is attributed to the involvement of alternating beta-decarboxymethylation and beta-oxidation reaction sequences induced by denitrifiers. Despite the low nitrate concentration of marine sediments, denitrifying bacteria seem to play a significant role in the mineralization of (E)-phytol.  相似文献   

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