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Isoprene synthesis protects transgenic tobacco plants from oxidative stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isoprene emission represents a significant loss of carbon to those plant species that synthesize this highly volatile and reactive compound. As a tool for studying the role of isoprene in plant physiology and biochemistry, we developed transgenic tobacco plants capable of emitting isoprene in a similar manner to and at rates comparable to a naturally emitting species. Thermotolerance of photosynthesis against transient high-temperature episodes could only be observed in lines emitting high levels of isoprene; the effect was very mild and could only be identified over repetitive stress events. However, isoprene-emitting plants were highly resistant to ozone-induced oxidative damage compared with their non-emitting azygous controls. In ozone-treated plants, accumulation of toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) was inhibited, and antioxidant levels were higher. Isoprene-emitting plants showed remarkably decreased foliar damage and higher rates of photosynthesis compared to non-emitting plants immediately following oxidative stress events. An inhibition of hydrogen peroxide accumulation in isoprene-emitting plants may stall the programmed cell death response which would otherwise lead to foliar necrosis. These results demonstrate that endogenously produced isoprene provides protection from oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Isoprene is a highly reactive gas, and is emitted in such large quantities from the biosphere that it substantially affects the oxidizing potential of the atmosphere. Relatively little is known about the control of isoprene emission at the molecular level. Using transgenic tobacco lines harbouring a poplar isoprene synthase gene, we examined control of isoprene emission. Isoprene synthase required chloroplastic localization for catalytic activity, and isoprene was produced via the methyl erythritol (MEP) pathway from recently assimilated carbon. Emission patterns in transgenic tobacco plants were remarkably similar to naturally emitting plants under a wide variety of conditions. Emissions correlated with photosynthetic rates in developing and mature leaves, and with the amount of isoprene synthase protein in mature leaves. Isoprene synthase protein levels did not change under short-term increase in heat/light, despite an increase in emissions under these conditions. A robust circadian pattern could be observed in emissions from long-day plants. The data support the idea that substrate supply and changes in enzyme kinetics (rather than changes in isoprene synthase levels or post-translational regulation of activity) are the primary controls on isoprene emission in mature transgenic tobacco leaves.  相似文献   

The tropical African tree species Acacia nigrescens Oliv. was grown in environmentally controlled growth chambers at three CO2 concentrations representative of the Last Glacial Maximum (~180 ppmv), the present day (~380 ppmv), and likely mid‐21st century (~600 ppmv) CO2 concentrations. Isoprene (C5H8) emissions, per unit leaf area, were greater at lower‐than‐current CO2 levels and lower at higher‐than‐current CO2 levels relative to controls grown at 380 ppmv CO2. Changes in substrate availability and isoprene synthase (IspS) activity were identified as the mechanisms behind the observed leaf‐level emission response. In contrast, canopy‐scale emissions remained unaltered between the treatments as changes in leaf‐level emissions were offset by changes in biomass and leaf area. Substrate concentration and IspS activity‐CO2 responses were used in a biochemical model, coupled to existing isoprene emission algorithms, to model isoprene emissions from A. nigrescens grown for over 2 years at three different CO2 concentrations. The addition of the biochemical model allowed for the use of emission factors measured under present day CO2 concentrations across all three CO2 treatments. When isoprene emissions were measured from A. nigrescens in response to instantaneous changes in CO2 concentration, the biochemical model satisfactorily represented the observed response. Therefore, the effect of changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration on isoprene emission at any timescale can be modelled and predicted.  相似文献   

Isoprene emission by plants is affected by transmissible wound signals   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Isoprene (2-methyl 1,3-butadiene) is emitted from many plants, but the signals regulating isoprene emission are unknown. Mounting leaves in a gas exchange chamber or taking small leaf punches for biochemical analysis was found to reduce the rate of isoprene emission (Loreto & Sharkey 1993). This phenomenon was investigated by putting terminal leaflets of velvet bean (Mucuna deeringeniana L.) and kudzu [Pueraria lobaia (Willd) Ohwi.] into a gas exchange chamber and monitoring isoprene emission and photosynthesis. Lateral leaflets or remote leaves were then wounded or mechanically stimulated. The rate of isoprene emission was reduced after 1 min by up to 75% by burning a lateral leaflet with a match. Even a 7 ms?1 (25km h?1) wind imposed on a lateral leaflet reduced isoprene emission from the terminal leaflet by 18%. Photosynthesis rates were either unaffected by these treatments or reduced more slowly than isoprene emission rates, indicating that the effect of isoprene emission rates was not a consequence of changes in photosynthetic activity. Isoprene emission from a terminal leaflet was reduced by burning leaves above and below the monitored leaflet when on the same stem. The effect was much reduced if the burned leaf (all three leaflets) was on a different stem from the monitored leaflet. Reduction of the rate of isoprene emission was observed even when the burned leaf was 52 cm distant from the measured leaflet. Increasing the distance between the stressed leaf and the monitored leaf caused the effect to be slower and smaller. It is speculated that a signal is generated by wounding which propagates through the plant at 1.3 mm s?1. This velocity was consistent throughout the measurements and is similar to the rate of propagation of electrical signals such as action potentials and variation potentials. The effect of the environmental stress, and particularly the wind effect, can be frequent in nature and should be considered when estimating local and regional emission of isoprene for modelling atmospheric chemistry. If leaf samples used for isoprene determination are exposed to the type of stress we investigated, isoprene emission inventories based on leaf level measurements will be underestimated.  相似文献   

Isoprene is a reactive hydrocarbon with an important role in atmospheric chemistry, and emissions from vegetation contribute to atmospheric carbon fluxes. The magnitude of isoprene emissions from arctic peatlands is not known, and it may be altered by increasing UV-B radiation. Isoprene emission was measured with the dynamic chamber method from a subarctic peatland under long-term enhancement of UV-B radiation targeted to correspond to a 20% loss in the stratospheric ozone layer. The site type of the peatland was a flark fen dominated by the moss Warnstorfia exannulata and sedges Eriophorum russeolum and Carex limosa. The relationship between species densities and the emission was also assessed. Isoprene emissions were significantly increased by enhanced UV-B radiation during the second (2004) and the fourth (2006) growing seasons under the UV-B exposure. Emissions were related to the density of E. russeolum. The dominant moss, W. exannulata, proved to emit small amounts of isoprene in a laboratory trial. Subarctic fens, even without Sphagnum moss, are a significant source of isoprene to the atmosphere, especially under periods of warm weather. Warming of the Arctic together with enhanced UV-B radiation may substantially increase the emissions.  相似文献   

Pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur L.) is known as a strong isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene) emitter. Diurnal changes in isoprene emission were determined by branch enclosure measurements. In contrast to the diurnal cycle in emission rates, specific isoprene synthase activity in the leaves remained unchanged. Based on in vitro enzyme activity and its temperature dependency, an isoprene synthesis capacity at specific leaf temperatures was calculated. The comparison of these 'leaf temperature-dependent enzyme capacities' and the measured emission rates revealed that the enzyme activity of isoprene synthase is comparable to the observed isoprene emission rates. In addition, variation in the isoprene synthase activity of the leaves due to changes in light intensity during leaf development was investigated. A 50% reduction of light intensity by shading of single branches reduced isoprene synthase activity by ≈ 60% compared with full sunlight. The calculation of isoprene synthesis capacities based on enzymatic data obtained under optimum reaction conditions, corrected for actual leaf temperature and related to leaf surface area, provides a sound basis for predicting the isoprene emission potential of plants.  相似文献   

Aquatic plants are generally used for wastewater purification and phytoremediation, but some of them also emit large amounts of isoprene, the most abundant biogenic volatile organic compound. Since isoprenoid biosynthesis requires high amounts of phosphorylated intermediates, the emission may also be controlled by inorganic phosphorus concentration (Pi) in leaves. We carried out experiments to determine the emission of isoprene from Phragmites australis plants used in reconstructed wetlands to phytoremediate elevated levels of phosphorus contributed by urban wastes. Four groups of plants were grown hydroponically in water containing different levels of KH(2)PO(4). High levels of phosphorus in the water resulted in high Pi in the leaves. High Pi stimulated photosynthesis at intercellular CO(2) concentrations lower and higher than ambient, implying higher ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) activity and higher ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration rates, respectively. However, isoprene emission was substantially lower at high Pi than at low Pi, and was not associated to photosynthesis rates at high Pi. This surprising result suggests that isoprene is limited by processes other than photosynthetic intermediate availability or by energetic (ATP) requirements under high Pi levels. Irrespective of the mechanism responsible for the observed reduction of isoprene emission, our results show that Phragmites plants may effectively remove phosphorus from water without concurrently increase isoprene emission, at least on a leaf area basis. Thus, Phragmites used in reconstructed wetlands for phytoremediation of urban wastes rich of phosphates will not contribute high loads of hydrocarbons which may influence air quality over urban and peri-urban areas.  相似文献   

There is a growing awareness of the role of vegetation as a source of reactive hydrocarbons that may serve as photochemical oxidant precursors. A study was designed to assess independently the influence of variable light and temperature on isoprene emissions from live oak (Quercus virginiana Mill.). Plants were conditioned in a growth chamber and then transferred to an environmentally controlled gas-exchange chamber. Samples of the chamber atmosphere were collected; isoprene was concentrated cryogenically and measured by gas chromatography. A logistic function was used to model isoprene emission rates. Under regimes of low temperature (20°C) or darkness, isoprene emissions were lowest. With increasing temperature or light intensity, the rate of isoprene emission increased, reaching maxima at 800 μE m-2 s-1 and 40–44°C, respectively. Higher temperatures caused a large decrease in emissions. Since the emissions of isoprene were light-saturated at moderate intensities, temperature appeared to be the main factor controlling emissions during most of the day. Carbon lost through isoprene emissions accounted for 0.1 to 2% of the carbon fixed during photosynthesis depending on light intensity and temperature.  相似文献   

Supply of precursors for carotenoid biosynthesis in plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Carotenoids are isoprenoids of industrial and nutritional interest produced by all photosynthetic organisms, including plants. Too often, the metabolic engineering of plant carotenogenesis has been obstructed by our limited knowledge on how the endogenous pathway interacts with other related metabolic pathways, particularly with those involved in the production of isoprenoid precursors. However, recent discoveries are providing new insights into this field. All isoprenoids derive from prenyl diphosphate precursors. In the case of carotenoids, these precursors are produced predominantly by the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway in plants. This review focuses on the progress in our understanding of how manipulation of the MEP pathway impacts carotenoid biosynthesis and on the discoveries underlining the central importance of coordinating the supply of MEP-derived precursors with the biosynthesis of carotenoids and other derived isoprenoids.  相似文献   

The methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway synthesizes the precursors of carotenoids and other isoprenoids in bacteria and plant plastids. Despite recent progress in the identification of rate-determining steps, the relative contribution of most pathway enzymes to flux control remains to be established. In this work we investigated whether upregulated levels of hydroxymethylbutenyl diphosphate synthase (HDS) could increase the metabolic flux through this pathway, as judged by endpoint (carotenoid) measurements. Unlike other MEP pathway enzymes, however, increasing the levels of an active HDS protein in carotenoid-producing Escherichia coli cells and transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants did not result in an enhanced accumulation of MEP-derived isoprenoids. Our data suggest that enhanced flux through the MEP pathway for peak demand periods in bacteria and plastids does not require increased HDS activity.  相似文献   

Longevity of clonal plants: why it matters and how to measure it   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Species'' life-history and population dynamics are strongly shaped by the longevity of individuals, but life span is one of the least accessible demographic traits, particularly in clonal plants. Continuous vegetative reproduction of genets enables persistence despite low or no sexual reproduction, affecting genet turnover rates and population stability. Therefore, the longevity of clonal plants is of considerable biological interest, but remains relatively poorly known.


Here, we critically review the present knowledge on the longevity of clonal plants and discuss its importance for population persistence. Direct life-span measurements such as growth-ring analysis in woody plants are relatively easy to take, although, for many clonal plants, these methods are not adequate due to the variable growth pattern of ramets and difficult genet identification. Recently, indirect methods have been introduced in which genet size and annual shoot increments are used to estimate genet age. These methods, often based on molecular techniques, allow the investigation of genet size and age structure of whole populations, a crucial issue for understanding their viability and persistence. However, indirect estimates of clonal longevity are impeded because the process of ageing in clonal plants is still poorly understood and because their size and age are not always well correlated. Alternative estimators for genet life span such as somatic mutations have recently been suggested.


Empirical knowledge on the longevity of clonal species has increased considerably in the last few years. Maximum age estimates are an indicator of population persistence, but are not sufficient to evaluate turnover rates and the ability of long-lived clonal plants to enhance community stability and ecosystem resilience. In order to understand the dynamics of populations it will be necessary to measure genet size and age structure, not only life spans of single individuals, and to use such data for modelling of genet dynamics.  相似文献   

The protein converting dimethylallylpyrophosphate (DMAPP) into isoprene in vitrowas isolated and purified 3000-fold from leaves of berry-bearing poplar (Populus deltoidesMarsh.). As the enzyme was purified, its specific activity increased and at the final stage reached 266 nmol/(min mg protein). The enzyme was eluted by anion-exchange chromatography in a 120–170 mM NaCl gradient and by chromatography on the hydroxyapatite column in 170 mM sodium phosphate. The active molecular weight of the protein determined by gel filtration was 100–110 kD. As the enzyme was purified, the K Mvalue increased from 2 to 9 mM. A parallelism isoprene emission from DMAPP and an increase in the specific activity of the enzyme as it was purified proved that the enzyme catalyzed isoprene emission.  相似文献   

In the early times of isoprenoid research, a single pathway was found for the formation of the C5 monomer, isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP), and this acetate/mevalonate pathway was supposed to occur ubiquitously in all living organisms. Now, 40 years later, a totally different IPP biosynthesis route has been detected in eubacteria, green algae and higher plants. In this new pathway glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (GAP) and pyruvate are precursors of isopentenyl diphosphate, but not acetyl-CoA and mevalonic acid. In green tissues of three higher plants it was shown that all chloroplastbound isoprenoids (β-carotene, phytyl chains of chlorophylls and nona-prenyl chain of plastoquinone-9) are formed via the GAP/pyruvate pathway, whereas the cytoplasmic sterols are formed via the acetate/mevalonate pathway. Also, isoprene, emitted by various plants at high light conditions by action of the plastid-bound isoprene synthase, is formed via the new GAP/pyruvate pathway. Thus, in higher plants, there exist two separate and biochemically different IPP biosynthesis pathways: (1) the novel alternative GAP/pyruvate pathway apparently bound to the plastidic compartment and (2) the classical cytoplasmic acetate/mevalonate pathway. This new GAP/pyruvate pathway for IPP formation allows a reasonable interpretation of previous odd results concerning the biosynthesis of chloroplast isoprenoids, which, so far, had mainly been interpreted assuming compartmentation differences. The novel GAP/pyruvate pathway for IPP formation in plastids appears as a heritage of their prokaryotic, endosymbiotic ancestors.  相似文献   

植物挥发性有机化合物(biogenic volatile organic compounds,BVOCs)在近地表臭氧和二次有机气溶胶生成中有重要作用,而大气CO2浓度上升对植物BVOCs释放有显著影响。利用Meta-analysis方法对已发表的数据进行整合分析发现:(1)总体而言,大气CO2浓度增加会导致不同木本植物(常绿与落叶) BVOCs释放降低;(2)就不同木本植物BVOCs释放而言,大气CO2浓度增加主要导致落叶植物BVOCs释放速率降低,而常绿植物则以增加为主;(3)就植物释放BVOCs种类而言,大气CO2浓度增加显著降低异戊二烯的释放速率,对单萜烯释放速率则无显著影响。结果可为阐明陆地生态系统BVOCs释放对全球CO2浓度增加的响应提供依据。  相似文献   

The methylerythritol phosphate pathway to isoprenoids, an alternate biosynthetic route present in many bacteria, algae, plants, and the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum, has become an attractive target for the development of new antimalarial and antibacterial compounds. The second enzyme in this pathway, 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (DXR; EC, has been shown to be the molecular target for fosmidomycin, a promising antimalarial drug. This enzyme converts 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP) into the branched compound 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP). The transformation of DXP into MEP requires an isomerization, followed by a NADPH-dependent reduction. The discovery of DXR, its subsequent characterization, and the identification of inhibitors will be presented.  相似文献   

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