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alpha,beta-Poly(N-2-hydroxyethyl)-DL-aspartamide (PHEA), a synthetic water-soluble biocompatible polymer, was derivatized with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), in order to introduce in its structure chemical residues having double bonds and ester groups. The obtained copolymer (PHG) contained 29 mol% of GMA residues. PHG aqueous solutions at various concentrations ranging from 30 to 70 mg/ml were exposed to a source of UV rays at lambda 254 nm in the presence or in the absence of N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide (BIS); the formation of compact gel phases was observed beginning from 50 mg/ml. The obtained networks were characterized by FT-IR spectrophotometry and swelling measurements which evidenced the high affinity of PHG hydrogels towards aqueous media at different pH values. In vitro chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis studies suggested that the prepared samples undergo a partial degradation both at pH 1 and pH 10 and after incubation with enzymes such as esterase, pepsin and alpha-chymotrypsin. Finally, the effect of irradiation time on the yield and the properties of these hydrogels was investigated and the sol fractions coming from irradiated samples, properly purified, were characterized by FT-IR and 1H-NMR analyses.  相似文献   

Ovomucoid domains: preparation and physico-chemical characterization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four fragments of ovomucoid representing its individual domains and their different combinations were prepared by peptic and cyanogen bromide cleavages of the protein. The fragments corresponding to domains I + II, II + III, I and III of the parent ovomucoid molecule, were found to be homogeneous by gel filtration and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in presence and absence of SDS. Various physico-chemical properties of these proteins, such as molecular weight, NH2- and COOH-terminal amino acid residues, sugar content, isoionic pH, specific extinction coefficient, fluorescence emission spectra, intrinsic viscosity, frictional coefficient, Stokes radius, diffusion coefficient and geometrical mean radius were determined. Analysis of the results on trypsin inhibitory activity of ovomucoid and its different fragments suggested that only domain II is involved in the antitryptic activity of the inhibitor. Optical characteristics of these fragments indicate that they are devoid of tryptophan residues. The hydrodynamic properties suggest that intact ovomucoid and two of its fragments (domain I + II and domain II + III) are significantly different from those of typical globular proteins and are asymmetric in nature. However, the shape of the two remaining fragments representing domains I and III of the intact protein appeared to be compact and globular. Furthermore, domain II of ovomucoid has been suggested to primarily contribute towards the apparent asymmetry in the intact protein.  相似文献   

To identify potential new clinical uses and routes of administration for human interferon-beta-1a (IFN-beta-1a), we have developed an expression and purification procedure for the preparation of highly purified rat interferon-beta (IFN-beta) suitable for testing in rat models of human disease. An expression vector containing the rat IFN-beta signal sequence and structural gene was constructed and transfected into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The protein was purified from CHO cell conditioned medium and purified to > 99.5% purity using standard chromatographic techniques. Analytical characterization indicated that the protein was a heavily glycosylated monomeric protein, with two of the four predicted N-glycosylation sites occupied. Analysis of the attached oligosaccharides showed them to be a complex mixture of bi-antennary, tri-antennary, and tetra-antennary structures with a predominance of sialylated tri-antennary and tetra-antennary structures. Peptide mapping, N-terminal sequencing, and mass spectrometry confirmed the identity and integrity of the purified protein. The purified protein had a specific activity of 2.1x10(8)U/mg when assayed on rat RATEC cells, which is similar in magnitude to the potencies observed for murine IFN-beta and human IFN-beta-1a assayed on murine and human cells, respectively. We also prepared an N-terminally PEGylated form of rat IFN-beta in which a 20 kDa methoxy polyethylene glycol (PEG)-propionaldehyde was attached to the N-terminal alpha-amino group of Ile-1. The PEGylated protein, which retained essentially full in vitro antiviral activity, had improved pharmacokinetic parameters in rats as compared to the unmodified protein. Both the unmodified and PEGylated forms of rat IFN-beta will be useful for testing in rat models of human disease.  相似文献   

The uptake and intracellular distribution of haem by isolated rat hepatocyte suspensions was studied. An increase in cell haem content occurred after a challenge with 5, 10 or 20 M haem, supplied as methaemalbumin. The rate of haem uptake was temperature dependent; no non-specific binding occurred. Intracellular haem distribution data are consistent with a rapid association of haem with the endoplasmic reticulum fraction prior to its accumulation in the cytosol and at the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide-1-(7-36) (GLP-1) is a hormone derived from the proglucagon molecule, which is considered a highly desirable antidiabetic agent mainly due to its unique glucose-dependent stimulation of insulin secretion profiles. However, the development of a GLP-1-based pharmaceutical agent has a severe limitation due to its very short half-life in plasma, being primarily degraded by dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) enzyme. To overcome this limitation, in this article we propose a novel and potent DPP-IV-resistant form of a poly(ethylene glycol)-conjugated GLP-1 preparation and its pharmacokinetic evaluation in rats. Two series of mono-PEGylated GLP-1, (i) N-terminally modified PEG(2k)-N(ter)-GLP-1 and (ii) isomers of Lys(26), Lys(34) modified PEG(2k)-Lys-GLP-1, were prepared by using mPEG-aldehyde and mPEG-succinimidyl propionate, respectively. To determine the optimized condition for PEGylation, the reactions were monitored at different pH buffer and time intervals by RP-HPLC and MALDI-TOF-MS. The in vitro insulinotropic effect of PEG(2k)-Lys-GLP-1 showed comparable biological activity with native GLP-1 (P = 0.11) in stimulating insulin secretion in isolated rat pancreatic islet and was significantly more potent than the PEG(2k)-N(ter)-GLP-1 (P < 0.05) that showed a marked reduced potency. Furthermore, PEG(2k)-Lys-GLP-1 was clearly resistant to purified DPP-IV in buffer with 50-fold increased half-life compared to unmodified GLP-1. When PEG(2k)-Lys-GLP-1 was administered intravenously and subcutaneously into rats, PEGylation improved the half-life, which resulted in substantial improvement of the mean plasma residence time as a 16-fold increase for iv and a 3.2-fold increase for sc. These preliminary results suggest a site specifically mono-PEGylated GLP-1 greatly improved the pharmacological profiles; thus, we anticipated that it could serve as potential candidate as an antidiabetic agent for the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes patients.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotides with a phosphorus atom in which one of the non-bridging oxygen atoms is substituted by selenium were prepared and investigated with respect to their antisense properties. A general synthesis of phosphoroselenoate analogs of oligonucleotides is described using potassium selenocyanate as the selenium donor. The compounds, characterized by 31P NMR, were shown to decompose to phosphate with a half-life of ca. 30 days. Melting temperatures of duplexes between poly(rA) or poly(rI) with oligo(dT) and oligo(dC), respectively, indicate diminished hybridization capability of phosphoroselenoate oligomers relative to both the unmodified phosphodiester oligomers and the phosphorothioate congeners. A phosphoroselenoate 17-mer is a sequence specific inhibitor of rabbit beta-globin synthesis in wheat germ extract and in injected Xenopus oocytes. In contrast phosphoroselenoate analogs are potent non-sequence specific inhibitors in rabbit reticulocyte lysate. In vitro HIV assays were carried out on a phosphoroselenoate sequence and compared with a phosphorothioate analogue that has previously been shown to exhibit anti-HIV activity (Matsukura et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (1987) 84, 7706-7710). The phosphoroselenoate was somewhat less active, and was much more toxic to the cells.  相似文献   

N-Glycolylneuraminic acid containing GM1, GM1(NeuGc), was prepared by semisynthetic procedure. The procedure makes use of GM1 ganglioside deacetylated at the level of sialic acid residue (deAc-GM1) and of 1,3-dioxalan-2,4-dione. DeAc-GM1 is prepared from GM1 by alkaline hydrolysis in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide and the glycolylating compound by reaction of glycolic acid with phosgene in dioxane, followed by cyclization under vacuum. Mass spectrometric and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy analyses clearly indicated the presence, in the neosynthesized ganglioside of a glycolic group in the sialic acid residue. Laser-light scattering measurements show that GM1(NeuGc) aggregates in aqueous media being present in solution as micelles with a molecular weight of 576,000 and a hydrodynamic radius of 62.4 A as determined at 25 degrees C. GM1(NeuGc) promotes neurite outgrowth in N-2a cells to a similar degree as GM1(NeuAc), but shows different behaviour under treatment with sialidase from Arthrobacter ureafaciens.  相似文献   

Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) regulates proliferation, differentiation, and function of hematopoietic progenitor cells. Aside from expansion of hematopoietic cells, GM-CSF has shown efficacy in other diseases, including Crohn's disease. While GM-CSF being clinically used in humans, the ability to perform mechanistic studies in murine models is difficult due to the limited availability and rapid clearance of murine GM-CSF in the peripheral blood. To address these issues, we efficiently expressed murine GM-CSF under the control of the AOX1 gene promoter in Pichia pastoris using the Mut(S) strain KM71H. We describe the unique conditions that are required for efficient production by high-density fermentation and purification of mGM-CSF protein. Recombinant mGM-CSF protein was purified by tangential flow ultrafiltration and preparative reverse phase chromatography. To address limited half life or rapid clearance in mice, recombinant murine GM-CSF was modified by lysine-directed polyethylene glycol conjugation (PEGylation). PEG-modified and unmodified proteins were characterized by amino terminus sequence analysis and matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Under the mild reaction conditions, the recombinant protein is efficiently modified by PEGylation on an average of 2-3 sites per molecule. In vivo treatment of mice with PEGylated mGM-CSF, but not the unmodified recombinant mGM-CSF, reproduces the potent colony stimulating effects of human GM-CSF in patients on myeloid progenitor populations, as assessed by FACs analysis. This simplified approach for the expression, purification, and modification of a biologically potent form of murine GM-CSF should facilitate the study of central mechanisms of action in murine disease models.  相似文献   

The soil bacteriumPseudomonas sp. was found to synthesize an aminopeptidase that prefers Ala-β-naphtylamide as substrate. The enzyme was purified 660-fold by ammonium sulfate fractionation, preparative electrophoresis, ion exchange chromatography on Protein-Pak Q 8 HR and molecular sieving chromatography on Zorbax SE-250. When purified to homogeneity, the enzyme was shown to be a monomeric protein with a molar mass of 65 kDa; it showed a maximum activity at pH 7.5 and 45°C.  相似文献   

Acetylated derivatives of glucagon have been prepared by reacting this hormone under various conditions with acetic anhydride. They have been chemically characterized by the use of a 14C-labeled reagent, by peptide mapping techniques following hydrolysis by pronase and chymotrypsin, and by spectroscopy. Acetylation in sodium acetate (pH 5.5) results in a full substitution of the alpha-amino group of the N-terminal histidyl residue, but in a partial (about 0.3 acetyl group per residue) substitution of the epsilon-amino group of the lysyl residue 12. The monosubstituted (on the alpha-amino group) and the disubstituted (on both amino groups) acetylated components have been separated by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and CM-cellulose. Acetylation in sodium bicarbonate (pH 8.0) results in a complete substitution of both amino groups and of the hydroxyl groups of the tyrosyl residues 10 and 13. Complete deacetylation of the O-acetyltyrosyl residues occurs upon treatment with hydroxyl-amine. Mono, di and tetraacetylglucagon are homogeneous when analyzed by disc gel electrophoresis; di and tetrasubstituted derivatives show an increased mobility towards the anode. 125I-labeled derivatives of acetylglucagon show higher distribution coefficients in the aqueous two-phase dextran/poly(ethylene glycol) system than do similar derivatives of glucagon. Acetylation decreases in parallel the ability of glucagon to stimulate the activity of adenylate cyclase and to bind to its receptors in liver cell membranes of the rat. The biological potencies of the mono, di and tetrasubstituted derivates are, respectively, about 10, 1 and 0.1% that of native glucagon. The binding properties of the material dissociated from the acetylglucagon-receptor complex suggest that the reduction in biological activity results from a decrease in the intrinsic affinity of the modified glucagon for the receptors, as well as from the presence of small amounts of residual, unreacted glucagon. Studies with 125I-labeled derivatives of glucagon indicate that acetylation decreases the rate of association and increases the rate of dissociation of the hormone-receptor complex.  相似文献   

Microdissected beta-cell-rich pancreatic islets of ob/ob mice were used in studies of the relationship between intracellular pH (pHi) and 45Ca2+ uptake and insulin release. Stepwise increases in extracellular pH (pHo) from 6.80 to 8.00 resulted in a parallel, although less pronounced, elevation of pHi from 7.24 to 7.69. Experimental conditions that alkalinize the islet cell interior, i.e. addition of 5 mM-NH4+, sudden withdrawal of extracellular bicarbonate buffer or increase in pHo, induced insulin secretion in the absence of other types of secretory stimulation (1 mM-D-glucose). Intracellular acidification by lowering pHo below 7.40 or sudden addition of bicarbonate buffer did not induce insulin secretion. The removal of extracellular bicarbonate buffer, increase in pHo from 7.40 to 8.00, or the addition of 5 mM-L-5-hydroxytryptophan or 5 mM-NH4+, which all alkalinize the islet cells and induce insulin secretion, also increased the La3+-non-displaceable 45Ca2+ uptake in the presence of 1 mM-D-glucose. The results suggest that intracellular alkalinization in beta-cells can trigger insulin secretion. Taken together with the fact that D-glucose increases pHi in the islet cells, the results also point to the possibility that alkalinization may be a link in the stimulus-secretion coupling sequence in beta-cells.  相似文献   

The mas oncogene codes for a GTP binding protein-coupled receptor that determines a physiological response to angiotensin when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes or in the neuronal cell line NG115-401L. However, another gene, rat thoracic aorta gene, structurally related to mas, is devoid of any functional similarity with the angiotensin receptor(s). The relationships between the mas-related proteins and the angiotensin receptors were investigated by identifying and characterizing new members of the mas gene family. A new mas-related gene (mrg) was cloned in a human genomic library at low stringency using the mas cDNA as probe. Mrg codes for a seven-hydrophobic-segment receptor that is 35% identical to the mas product and 29% identical to the rat thoracic aorta gene product. Mrg mRNA was not detected in several rat and human adult tissues that normally express the angiotensin II (AII) receptor, and transfections of COS and CHO cells with the mrg gene did not modify the number of AII binding sites. These results indicate that mrg and the human AII receptor genes are not identical. However, injection of mrg mRNA into Xenopus oocytes markedly increased the electrophysiological response to angiotensin peptides, indicating some functional similarities with the mas product. The reduction of the response after defolliculation of the oocyte, together with the full agonist effect of Sar1IIe8AII and the partial agonist effect of Sar1Ala8AII, seem to indicate that mrg interacts with the signaling pathways of the endogenous Xenopus angiotensin receptor to potentiate the response to AII.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of liposome size on tendency for accumulation in tumour tissue requires preparation of defined populations of different sized particles. However, controlling the size distributions without changing the lipid composition is difficult, and differences in compositions itself modify distribution behaviour. Here, a commercial microfluidic format as well as traditional methods was used to prepare doxorubicin-loaded liposomes of different size distributions but with the same lipid composition, and drug retention, biodistribution and localization in tumour tissues were evaluated. The small (~50?nm diameter) liposomes prepared by microfluidics and large (~75?nm diameter) liposomes displayed similar drug retention in in vitro release studies, and similar biodistribution patterns in tumour-bearing mice. However, the extent of extravasation was clearly dependent on size of the liposomes, with the small liposomes showing tissue distribution beyond the vascular area compared to the large liposomes. The use of microfluidics to prepare smaller size distribution liposomes compared to sonication methods is demonstrated, and allowed preparation of different size distribution drug carriers from the same lipid composition to enable new understanding of tissue distribution in compositionally consistent materials is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Cellular uptake and intracellular trafficking of long chain fatty acids.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
While aspects of cellular fatty acid uptake have been studied as early as 50 years ago, recent developments in this rapidly evolving field have yielded new functional insights on the individual mechanistic steps in this process. The extremely low aqueous solubility of long chain fatty acids (LCFA) together with the very high affinity of serum albumin and cytoplasmic fatty acid binding proteins for LCFA have challenged the limits of technology in resolving the individual steps of this process. To date no single mechanism alone accounts for regulation of cellular LCFA uptake. Key regulatory points in cellular uptake of LCFA include: the aqueous solubility of the LCFA; the driving force(s) for LCFA entry into the cell membrane; the relative roles of diffusional and protein mediated LCFA translocation across the plasma membrane; cytoplasmic LCFA binding protein-mediated uptake and/or intracellular diffusion; the activity of LCFA-CoA synthetase; and cytoplasmic protein mediated targeting of LCFA or LCFA-CoAs toward specific metabolic pathways. The emerging picture is that the cell has multiple, overlapping mechanisms that assure adequate uptake and directed intracellular movement of LCFA required for maintenance of physiological functions. The upcoming challenge is to take advantage of new advances in this field to elucidate the differential interactions between these pathways in intact cells and in tissues.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In contrast to isolated cells, the anatomic and functional integrity of tissue slices remains preserved. Aim of the study was to establish the slice technique in embryonic mouse hearts in order to perform physiological and pharmacological investigations of wild-type mice and genetically engineered mouse models of heart disease. METHODS: Ventricular slices (thickness: 300 mum) were cut from agar-embedded embryonic mouse hearts (ED 16.5-18.5) with a vibratome. Histology, immunostaining with markers for apoptosis induction, intracellular recordings with sharp electrodes and field potential recordings using microelectrode arrays were performed to assess viability. RESULTS: Slices exhibited normal histology without prominent signs of apoptosis for at least 24 hours. Intracellular recordings revealed the typical electrophysiological fingerprint of ventricular cardiomyocytes. Field potential recordings proved that adrenergic and muscarinic signaling was preserved. CONCLUSION: Functionally intact heart slices can be generated from murine embryos.  相似文献   

The psychrophilic alkaline metalloprotease (PAP) produced by a Pseudomonas bacterium isolated from Antarctica has been purified and characterized. The gene encoding PAP has been cloned and sequenced and the derived amino acid sequence shows 66% identity with the mesophilic alkaline metalloprotease from Pseudomonas aeruginosa IFO 3455 (AP). Compared to the purified AP, PAP is three times more active at 20 degrees C, is very sensitive to chelating agents and is rapidly inactivated at 45 degrees C. The lower thermostability of PAP can tentatively be explained by a loss of a stabilizing Ca(2+), a decrease in the content of hydrophobic residues and a smaller aliphatic index.  相似文献   

Reactions between water-insoluble and water-soluble components are often slow, giving low yields. In order to prepare glycolipids composed of polysialic acid and N-(4-(p-maleimidylphenyl)butyryl)dipalmitoyl-L -α-phosphatidylethanol amine triethylammonium salt, we used liposomes to enhance the interfacial reaction between the reagents. Thus, thiolreactive liposomes were reacted with polysialic acid cysteamine. A 70% yield was achieved with this addition reaction, and the product was isolated by dialysis and centrifugation © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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