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Fibroblasts are critical for tissue homeostasis, and their inappropriate proliferation and activation can result in common and debilitating conditions including fibrosis and cancer. We currently have a poor understanding of the mechanisms that control the growth and activation of fibroblasts in vivo, in part because of a lack of suitable fibroblast markers. We have taken advantage of an antibody previously shown to stain stromal cells in frozen tissues (TE-7) and identified conditions in which it can be used to stain fibroblasts and myofibroblasts in the paraffin-embedded tissue samples routinely collected for pathological analysis. We show that this antibody recognizes growing and quiescent fibroblasts and myofibroblasts by immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and ELISA assays. We also present its staining patterns in normal tissue samples and in breast tumors.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the Dictyostelium centrosome is markedly different from that of the well known yeast spindle pole body and vertebrate centriole-containing centrosome. It consists of a box-shaped, layered core structure surrounded by a corona with dense nodules embedded in an amorphous matrix. For further structural and biochemical analyses of this type of centrosome we used highly enriched isolated Dictyostelium centrosomes as an antigen to raise 14 new centrosomal monoclonal antibodies. Immunofluorescence microscopy and Western blot analysis revealed that at least 10 of them were directed against different antigens. Immunofluorescence microscopy also showed that the monoclonal antibodies fell into three different groups: A) antibodies localizing to the centrosome during the entire cell cycle; B) antibodies staining the centrosome mainly during mitosis; and C) antibodies labeling centrosome associated structures. All antibodies, except one, exhibited a cell cycle-dependent staining pattern underscoring the highly dynamic properties of the Dictyostelium centrosome.  相似文献   

Bovine pulmonary artery smooth muscle tissue possesses the tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) as revealed by immunoblot studies of the cytosolic fraction with polyclonal TIMP-1 antibody. In this report, we described the purification and partial characterization of the inhibitor from the cytosolic fraction of the smooth muscle. This inhibitor was purified by a series of anion-exchange, gel filtration and affinity chromatographic procedure. The purified inhibitor showed an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa in SDS-PAGE. Amino terminal sequence analysis for the first 22 amino acids of the purified inhibitor was also found to be identical to bovine TIMP-1. This glycosylated inhibitor was found to be active against matrix metallorpoteinase-9 (MMP-9, gelatinase B), the ambient matrix metalloproteinase in the pulmonary smooth muscle. The purified TIMP-1 was also found to be sensitive to pure rabbit and human fibroblast collagenase and type IV collagenase. In contrast, it had minimum inhibitory activity against bacterial collagenase. It was also found to be inactive against the serine proteases trypsin and plasmin. The inhibitor was heat and acid resistant and it had the sensitivity to trypsin degradation and reduction-alkylation.  相似文献   

Summary Several hybridoma cell lines were raised against the highly cytopathic Zairian isolate of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), HIV1-NDK.The specificity of the secreted monoclonal antibodies (mAb) was demonstrated by immunoblotting, radioimmunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence. Two hybridoma cell lines secreted mAb reacting with independent epitopes of the NDK p17 capsid protein and its precursors. One, RL16.24.5, is specific for the NDK isolate whereas the other, RL16.45.1, along with anti-p25 RL16.30.1 mAb, bind all HIV1 isolates but not HIV2. Together with the previously described mAb RL4.72.1 those reagents define lentivirus subfamily (HIV1, HIV2, SIV) type/subtype (HIV1) and strain (HIVI-NDK) specific epitopes expressed on HIVl-NDK core proteins. The last mAb RL16.76.1 binds the env gene products gp160 and gp120.  相似文献   

Sequences contributing to epitopes recognized by a panel of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the Streptococcus mutans surface protein P1 were delineated by Western blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a battery of deletion constructs and recombinant polypeptides. mAbs that recognize complex discontinuous epitopes reconstituted by combining the alanine-rich and proline-rich repeat domains and varying degrees of flanking sequence were identified as well as mAbs that bound epitopes contained within contiguous segments of P1. Cross-reactivity with SspA and SspB from Streptococcus gordonii is also reported. This information enables insight into the structure and function of a streptococcal adhesin and its correlates of protection and furthers our understanding of the immunomodulatory and bacterial-adherence inhibition activities of anti-P1 mAbs.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed a screening strategy and technology to produce monoclonal antibodies with specificity for human lung cancer cells. Mice and rats were immunized with well-characterized tissue culture lines of human small cell lung cancer (SCLC), mouse myeloma x spleen hybrids formed by the technique of Kohler and Milstein, and the resulting culture fluids were screened for antibody binding phenotype using a radioimmunoassay. To facilitate testing large numbers of culture fluids, a 96-well, microtiter based, resuable, replicating device was designed. Using this, many hybridoma culture fluids were replica plated for antibody binding tests on a series of human target cell plates. Hybrids producing antibodies that reacted with the immunizing SCLC line and another independent SCLC line, but not with autologous B-lymphoblastoid cells derived from one of the patients, were identified, selected, and then repeatedly recloned using the same screening strategy. With this technology, hybridomas representing less than 0.5% of all hybrids generated could be isolated and stable antibody producing cultures derived. Such antibodies reacted with a panel of well-characterized SCLC lines and SCLC samples taken directly from patients but not with a variety of normal tissues. Using these antibodies we can demonstrate: tumor cell contamination of bone marrow specimens, marked heterogeneity of antigen expression on cells within individual SCLC lines and individual patients, and inhibition of clonal growth of SCLC lines in soft agarose assays. All of these findings have potential clinical and cell biologic application. Presented in the symposium on The Biology of Hybridomas at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Washington, D.C., June 7–11, 1981. This symposium was supported in part by the following organizations: Bethesda Research Laboratories, Cetus Corporation, Hybritech Incorporated, MAB-Monoclonal Antibodies, Inc., National Capital Area Branch of the Tissue Culture Association, New England Nuclear Corporation, and Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation.  相似文献   

Summary Two mouse hybridoma cell lines secreting antibodies to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) p25 major core protein and its precursors p55 and p41, were developed after immunization with the highly cytopathic Zaïrian HIV-1 isolate, NDK. These monoclonal antibodies also react with the gag gene products from HIV-1-BRU prototype and present cross reaction with HIV-2-ROD, and SIV-AGM. They map into topographically distinct areas of p25 and define epitopic regions topographically separated from those recognized by four other anti-p25 mAb suggesting the existence of at least 6 spatially distinct epitopic regions on HIV-1-p25 core protein.Abbreviations HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus - SIV Simian Immunodeficiency Virus - HTLVI Human T cell Leukaemia Virus - AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - mAb Monoclonal Antibody - ELISA Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay - PBS Phosphate Buffered Saline  相似文献   

The U1A (or nRNP A) protein is known to play a critical role in eukaryotic pre-mRNA splicing and polyadenylation. Previous studies revealed that several mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) recognized U1A as part of the U1snRNP, while MAb 12E12 was unique in that it recognized an epitope that is masked when U1A is bound to U1 RNA. In order to further characterize and understand the antigenic targets of these MAbs, we undertook fine specificity epitope mapping studies. Anti-U1A MAbs 12E12 and 10E3 each recognize unique peptides from the U1A protein. Interestingly, these MAbs recognize epitopes which have been shown to be antigenic in human autoimmune diseases. When superimposed on structures of U1A derived from crystal and NMR data, the major epitope recognized by 12E12 (amino acids 103-108) localizes to the surface of the U1A molecule. The 12E12 epitope is immediately adjacent to a helix which probably reacts to U1 RNA binding by undergoing a conformational change. This modification of structure effectively masks the 12E12 epitope, thus preventing binding of the monoclonal to U1A/U1 RNA complexes. These findings suggest that the structure of the U1A protein may be different when not part of the U1snRNP.  相似文献   

以1, 4-丁二醇二缩水甘油醚(双环氧试剂)为偶联剂,合成桔霉素-蛋白偶联抗原CIT-BSA,将偶联抗原免疫BALB/C小鼠,取脾细胞与小鼠骨髓瘤细胞SP2/0进行融合,应用有限稀释法进行筛选,经过克隆化后筛选到一株稳定分泌抗桔霉素抗体的杂交瘤细胞株H2-F8.该单克隆抗体经过初步鉴定,抗体类型为IgM类,抗体的相对亲和力为4.17×108 L/mol,单抗与黄曲霉毒素B1、赭曲霉毒素A、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇和玉米赤霉烯酮等毒素的交叉反应率均低于0.1%,与红曲色素中的橙色素和红色素的交叉反应率均低于0.01%.在此基础上建立了间接竞争ELISA检测方法,线性范围为0.05~1.0 μg/L,IC50值为0.3 μg/L.结果为快速检测桔霉素的酶联免疫检测方法的建立和检测试剂盒的研制提供技术依据.  相似文献   

A fixed bed perfusion system for hybridoma cell immobilization is presented. The system consists of a culturing vessel (300 ml total volume) in which polyurethane (PU) sponges in the form of small cubes of about 5 mm sides are packed. Cells are immobilized by physical entrapment in the foam matrix. By entrapment of the cells in the pores of the matrix high cell concentration can be maintained in a mechanically protected environment. Medium is continuously circulated by an airlift pump mounted in the cell-free chamber (700 ml total volume).Medium flow rate, feeding rate, dissolved oxygen, pH, nutrient uptake and waste product formation can be easily monitored and controlled. Steady state conditions are established with medium dilution rates of 1.0–1.5 reactor volume per day. The steady state is characterized by a constant cell density, constant culture volume and constant glucose and lactate levels. Cell-free supernatant is collected continuously in a cold room adjacent to the 37°C culture room. Monoclonal antibodies (MAb) are produced at a concentration of 150–200 g/ml for several weeks. An important feature of the system is the capacity to maintain a population of cells after the growth phase in a non-proliferating state for extended time periods expressing high titers of MAb.Abbreviations DO Dissolved Oxygen - FBS Fetal Bovine Serum - FBR Fixed Bed Reactor - MAb Monoclonal Antibody - PU polyurethane  相似文献   

We studied the effects of fixation time and enzymatic digestion on immunohistochemical staining for bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) in excised rat and human gastrointestinal tissues and human brain tumors which had been fixed in formalin after intravenous administration of BUdR shortly before biopsy of tissue. In formalin-fixed rat gastrointestinal tissues not treated with proteinase, the reaction products were insufficient to identify BUdR-positive cells. Results similar to those in ethanol-fixed tissue were obtained when formalin-fixed tissue sections were treated with protease, pepsin, or trypsin. The longer the material had been fixed in formalin, the longer the incubation in proteinase required to identify BUdR-labeled nuclei. The BUdR labeling indices of formalin-fixed human brain tumor specimens treated with protease were comparable to those of ethanol-fixed tissues. Sufficient BUdR staining was obtained even in tissues fixed in formalin for prolonged periods. Therefore, the BUdR labeling index can be determined retrospectively in clinical materials stored in formalin.  相似文献   

The effect of preliminary trypsinization on the immunoreactivity of keratin proteins in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of a variety of tumors (squamous cell carcinomas, adenocarcinomas, mesotheliomas, and transitional cell carcinomas) was evaluated. Three types of trypsin (Type II and Type IX porcine trypsin and Type III bovine trypsin) and varying concentrations of trypsin were assessed. Immunoreactivity of keratin proteins was determined using rabbit anti-keratin antibodies and monoclonal antibodies (combination of AE1 and AE3) and immunoperoxidase techniques. Preliminary trypsinization was mandatory for optimal immunoreactivity of keratin proteins using either polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies. Excellent results were obtained using Type II porcine trypsin at concentrations of 25 mg/dl for 30-45 min or 50 mg/dl for 20 min, at 37 degrees C. Trypsin treatment with excessive concentrations of enzyme and/or extended incubation times promoted tissue digestion and in some cases, yielded decreased immunoreactivity and altered staining patterns.  相似文献   

Microarray analysis of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue seems to be of importance for the detection of molecular marker sets in prostate cancer (PC). The compromised RNA integrity of FFPE tissue results in a high degree of variability at the probe level of microarray data as shown by degradation plot. We tested methods that reduce the variability by including all probes within 300 nucleotides, within 600 nucleotides, or up to a calculated breakpoint with reference to the 3'-end. Accepted PC pathways such as the Wnt signaling pathway could be observed to be significantly regulated within FFPE microarray datasets. The best representation of PC gene expression, as well as better comparability to meta-analysis and fresh-frozen microarray data, could be obtained with a 600-nucleotide cutoff. Beyond the specific impact for PC microarray data analysis we propose a cutoff of 600 nucleotides for samples for which the integrity of the RNA cannot be guaranteed.  相似文献   

The prognostic significance of the epidermal growth factor receptor status (EGF-R-status) for certain human tumors requires the development of antibodies useful for clinical application. We used purified receptor preparations to generate monoclonal antibodies immunoreactive with the EGF-R purified from placenta membranes and A431 tumors. Four of the hybridomas contained antibodies (R2, R3, R5, and R9) which recognized both antigens. Antibody R3 was shown to display the following properties: it binds with a KD value of about 10(-9)-10(-10) M to the receptor, a half maximal inhibition of EGF-binding is achieved at 5 x 10(-8) M, and in Western blots of cell membranes R3 specifically detects the EGF-R at 0.1 micrograms/ml. R3 inhibits EGF-dependent clonogenic growth of NRK cells and completely blocks EGF stimulated autophosphorylation of the receptor. Moreover, R3 also detects EGF-R in paraffin-embedded tissue sections taken from human salivary gland, term placenta, and adult skin and mammary carcinomas. Thus, R3 can be used in retrospective diagnostic clinical studies and might help to develop new immunotherapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a pleiotropic bioactive lipid involved in multiple physiological processes. Importantly, dysregulated S1P levels are associated with several pathologies, including cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases and cancer. This report describes the successful production and characterization of a murine monoclonal antibody, LT1002, directed against S1P, using novel immunization and screening methods applied to bioactive lipids. We also report the successful generation of LT1009, the humanized variant of LT1002, for potential clinical use. Both LT1002 and LT1009 have high affinity and specificity for S1P and do not cross-react with structurally related lipids. Using an in vitro bioassay, LT1002 and LT1009 were effective in blocking S1P-mediated release of the pro-angiogenic and prometastatic cytokine, interleukin-8, from human ovarian carcinoma cells, showing that both antibodies can out-compete S1P receptors in binding to S1P. In vivo anti-angiogenic activity of all antibody variants was demonstrated using the murine choroidal neovascularization model. Importantly, intravenous administration of the antibodies showed a marked effect on lymphocyte trafficking. The resulting lead candidate, LT1009, has been formulated for Phase 1 clinical trials in cancer and age-related macular degeneration. The anti-S1P antibody shows promise as a novel, first-in-class therapeutic acting as a “molecular sponge” to selectively deplete S1P from blood and other compartments where pathological S1P levels have been implicated in disease progression or in disorders where immune modulation may be beneficial.  相似文献   

The MDR1-P-glycoprotein binding sites of three different murine monoclonal antibodies (MM4.17, MM6.15 and MC57), directed towards living, intact human multidrug-resistant cells were investigated in order to study P-glycoprotein topology. By using synthetic peptide scanning, we demonstrated that well-defined regions localized on the predicted first, fourth and sixth extracellular loops are external. On the basis of the structure of MM6.15 epitope, which is distributed on the above three different extracellular loops (and thus is discontinuous), P-glycoprotein molecules result to be differently organized in the lipid bilayer. Moreover, the outcome of the MC57 and MM4.17 epitopes localization experiments, obtained through the use of phage-displayed peptide libraries, represent an additional challenge to the classical 12-transmembrane domain model of P-glycoprotein, since they agree with the novel topography of the molecule (10-transmembrane domain), which was recently proposed on the basis of biochemical and expression studies.  相似文献   

Weak partitioning chromatography (WPC) is an isocratic chromatographic protein separation method performed under mobile phase conditions where a significant amount of the product protein binds to the resin, well in excess of typical flowthrough operations. The more stringent load and wash conditions lead to improved removal of more tightly binding impurities, although at the cost of a reduction in step yield. The step yield can be restored by extending the column load and incorporating a short wash at the end of the load stage. The use of WPC with anion exchange resins enables a two-column cGMP purification platform to be used for many different mAbs. The operating window for WPC can be easily established using high throughput batch-binding screens. Under conditions that favor very strong product binding, competitive effects from product binding can give rise to a reduction in column loading capacity. Robust performance of WPC anion exchange chromatography has been demonstrated in multiple cGMP mAb purification processes. Excellent clearance of host cell proteins, leached Protein A, DNA, high molecular weight species, and model virus has been achieved.  相似文献   

To obtain high titer monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) which can react with mammalian prion protein (PrP), Balb/C mice were immunized with bovine (Bo) PrP peptide (BoPrP 209—228 aa) coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). The hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies against the pep-tide were established by cell fusion and cloning. The obtained McAbs were applied to detect recombi-nant human, bovine and hamster PrP, cellular prion protein (PrPc) in normal bovine brain and patho-genic scrapie prion protein (PrPSc) accumulated in the medulla oblongata of bovine spongiform en-cephalopathy(BSE)specimen with Western blot and immunohistochemical detection, respectively. The current procedure might offer a simple, feasible method to raise high titer antibodies for studying bio-logical features of PrP in mammals, as well as detection of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) and diagnosis of BSE, in particular.  相似文献   

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