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Stereoselective degradation kinetics of tebuconazole in rabbits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zhu W  Qiu J  Dang Z  Lv C  Jia G  Li L  Zhou Z 《Chirality》2007,19(2):141-147
Tebuconazole[(RS)-1-p-chlorophenyl-4,4-dimethyl-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)pentan-3-ol] is a potent triazole fungicide and consists of a pair of enantiomers. The enantioselective degradation kinetics of tebuconazole was investigated in rabbits by intravenous (iv) injection. The concentrations of (-)-(R)-tebuconazole and (+)-(S)-tebuconazole in plasma and tissues were determined by HPLC with a cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate)-based chiral stationary phase. Enantioselective analysis methods for this fungicide in plasma and tissues were developed and validated. Good linearities were obtained over the concentration range of 0.25-25 mg/l for both enantiomers. The degradation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics and the degradation of the (+)-(S)-tebuconazole was much faster than that of the (-)-(R)-tebuconazole in plasma after administration of racemic tebuconazole. This study also indicated that environmental assessment of enantiomeric degradation may be needed to fully evaluate risks of tebuconazole use.  相似文献   

In the current study, capillary electrophoresis (CE)-based enzyme assay for characterization and inhibition study of bovine carbonic anhydrase II (bCA II) was developed. The developed method is the first CE assay for carbonic anhydrase (CA). The method was optimized in order to get short analysis time, minimal sample volume consumption, and high resolution of substrate and product. The CE conditions were optimized as follows: fused-silica capillary (30 cm effective length × 75 μm i.d.), pressure injection for 5 s, 20 mM sodium borate buffer (pH 9.0), constant voltage of 15 kV, constant capillary temperature of 25 °C, and detection at 260 nm. For precise measurements, uridine was used as an internal standard during optimization of the CE methods. The limits of detection and quantification for p-nitrophenyl acetate (p-NPA) were 3.01 and 9.12 μM, respectively, whereas for p-nitrophenolate they were 2.05 and 6.22 μM, respectively. The performance of the developed method was confirmed by determination of kinetic parameters (i.e., Km and Vmax of bCA for p-NPA); the inhibition constant (Ki) was determined for furosemide, a standard inhibitor of CA. The new method proved to be fast and efficient, and it can be used for the investigation of inhibitors of all isoforms of CAs.  相似文献   

Reversible inhibition, irreversible inhibition, and activation of calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (EC have been studied by capillary electrophoresis. The capillary electrophoretic enzyme-inhibitor assays were based on electrophoretic mixing of inhibitor and enzyme zones in a substrate-filled capillary. Enzyme inhibition was indicated by a decrease in product formation detected in the capillary by laser-induced fluorescence. Reversible enzyme inhibitors could be quantified by Michaelis-Menten treatment of the electrophoretic data. Reversible, competitive inhibition of alkaline phosphatase by sodium vanadate and sodium arsenate has been examined, and reversible, noncompetitive inhibition by theophylline has been studied. The K(i) values determined for these reversible inhibitors using capillary electrophoresis are within the range of values reported in the literature for the same enzyme-inhibitor combinations. Irreversible inhibition of alkaline phosphatase by EDTA at concentrations of 1.0mM and above has been observed. Activation of alkaline phosphatase has also been observed for EDTA at concentrations from 20 to 400 microM.  相似文献   

The eastern Dundas Tablelands resulted from a series of volcanic events some 400M years ago, and apart from uplift and erosion, has undergone little change since then. It is proposed that reduced conditions inherent in volcanic material remain deep in the landscape, and that deep groundwater flow equilibrates with this. The chemistry of sulphur and reaction with iron is discussed, and it is proposed that sulphate reduction provides a means whereby the reducing capacity can be transmitted in the flowpaths towards the discharge zones. Over time all readily reduced material has been stripped from these flowpaths, so that reduced groundwater is able to reach the surface, typically at sites of preferential flow for deep groundwater (ie cracks and fissures in the regolith). Disturbance of the discharge areas has introduced reducable material into these flowpaths resulting in severe chemical scalding within the overall degradation due to salinity. Novel remediation processes are suggested.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane extracts from Herpes simplex virus type 1 transformed hamster embryo fibroblasts were chromatographed on Lens culinaris lectin coupled to Sepharose (LcH-Sepharose) and analysed by dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Coomassie blue-staining revealed two major protein bands with apparent molecular weights of 125 000 and of about 75 000–90 000. In plasma membranes isolated from these tumor cells prior labeled with [3H]fucose or [3H]glucosamine these bands contained the highest amounts of incorporated radioactivity. Separation by LeH-Sepharose-affinity chromatography as well as metabolic labeling clearly demonstrates their glycoprotein character. The 125 000 protein coincides with alkaline phosphodiesterase I activity with a Km of 6 · 10?4 M for TMP p-nitrophenyl ester and is competitively inhibited by UDP-N-acetylglucosamine. This enzymatic activity is also present in normal hamster embryo fibroblasts. Gel electrophoresis of the Lens culinaris lectin-binding glycoproteins from plasma membranes of normal hamster embryo fibroblasts additionally revealed a strong alkaline phosphatase activity represented by an apparent molecular weight of 150 000, while HSV1 hamster tumor cells contain only a very weak activity of this enzyme activity. HSV-lytically infected cells, however, have unchanged levels of alkaline phosphatase activity, whereas alkaline phosphodiesterase activity increases slightly.  相似文献   

Batch experiments were carried out to investigate the stoichiometry and kinetics of microbial degradation of toluene under denitrifying conditions. The inoculum originated from a mixture of sludges from sewage treatment plants with alternating nitrification and denitrification. The culture was able to degrade toluene under anaerobic conditions in the presence of nitrate, nitrite, nitric oxide, or nitrous oxide. No degradation occurred in the absence of Noxides. The culture was also able to use oxygen, but ferric iron could not be used as an electron acceptor. In experiments with14C-labeled toluene, 34%±8% of the carbon was incorporated into the biomass, while 53%±10% was recovered as14CO2, and 6%±2% remained in the medium as nonvolatile water soluble products. The average consumption of nitrate in experiments, where all the reduced nitrate was recovered as nitrite, was 1.3±0.2 mg of nitrate-N per mg of toluene. This nitrate reduction accounted for 70% of the electrons donated during the oxidation of toluene. When nitrate was reduced to nitrogen gas, the consumption was 0.7±0.2 mg per mg of toluene, accounting for 97% of the donated electrons. Since the ammonia concentration decreased during degradation, dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonia was not the reductive process. The degradation of toluene was modelled by classical Monod kinetics. The maximum specific rate of degradation, k, was estimated to be 0.71 mg toluene per mg of protein per hour, and the Monod saturation constant, K s , to be 0.2 mg toluene/l. The maximum specific growth rate, max , was estimated to be 0.1 per hour, and the yield coefficient, Y, was 0.14 mg protein per mg toluene.Abbreviations NVWP Non Volatile Water-soluble Products  相似文献   

A simple and fast dynamically coated capillary electrophoretic method was developed for the characterization and inhibition studies of alkaline phosphatases (EC An inside capillary enzymatic reaction was performed, and hydrolysis of the substrate 4-nitrophenylphosphate to 4-nitrophenol was measured. Fused-silica capillary surface was dynamically modified with polycationic polybrene coating. By reversal of the electroosmotic flow (EOF), analysis time was reduced up to 3 min as the anionic analytes were migrated in the same direction as the EOF. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the method was increased using electroinjection through high-field amplified injection. The baseline separation of 4-nitrophenylphosphate and 4-nitrophenol was achieved by employing 50 mM sodium phosphate as the running buffer (pH 8.5), 0.0025% polybrene, and a constant voltage of −15 kV, and the products were detected at 322 nm. Under the optimized conditions, a good separation with high efficiency was achieved. The new method was applied to study enzyme kinetics and inhibitor screening. Km and Ki values obtained with the new CE method were compared well with the standard spectrophotometric method. Dynamic coating of fused-silica capillary gave fast and reproducible separation of substrate and product. The method can be easily optimized for inhibition studies of other isozymes.  相似文献   

Limited oxygen supply to sludge digesters has shown to be an effective method to eliminate hydrogen sulfide from the biogas produced during anaerobic digestion but uneven results have been found in terms of the effect on the degradation of complex organic matter. In this study, the effect that the limited oxygen supply provoked on the “anaerobic” degradation of cellulose was evaluated in batch-tests. The microaerobic assays showed to reach a similar maximum production of methane than the anaerobic ones after 19 d and a similar hydrolytic activity (considering a first order rate constant); however, the microaerobic assays presented a shorter lag-phase time than the anaerobic test resulting in faster production of methane during the first steps of the degradation; specifically, the maximum methane production found in the anaerobic test in 19 d was found in the microaerobic test before the day 15.  相似文献   

碱性果胶酶是最适作用pH值在碱性范围的果胶酶,由于其在碱性环境下活性较高的特点,在纺织和造纸等领域有良好的应用前景。从分子特性和催化特征等方面综述了源自野生菌和重组菌的细菌碱性果胶酶的酶学特性,并介绍了碱性果胶酶在棉织物精练、生物制浆和诱导植物抗病等领域的最新应用。  相似文献   

提高碱性蛋白酶生产效益的措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述了提高碱性蛋白酶生产效益的可能途径:菌种的及时复壮,菌种的诱变选育,菌种的代谢调控选育,工艺条件的控制。  相似文献   

木聚糖是一种在自然界中含量仅次于纤维素的丰富的可再生资源,木聚糖酶是一类可以将木聚糖水解成单糖和寡糖的酶,利用木聚糖酶将木聚糖分解后的产物被广泛应用于食品、造纸以及纺织等行业。木聚糖酶按其对酸碱环境的耐受能力分为碱性木聚糖酶、中性木聚糖酶和酸性木聚糖酶,其中碱性木聚糖酶适合应用于造纸工业中,尤其在造纸的制浆、促进漂白及废纸脱墨等多种工艺中,可以显著提高纸张质量,有效降低氯气排放量,从而减少对环境的污染。随着生物技术的进步,利用基因工程技术可以对碱性木聚糖酶进行分子改造,以提高其耐碱、耐热能力,扩大其在工业应用中的条件范围。介绍碱性木聚糖酶在分子改造方面的研究进展以及其在造纸漂白和制浆、废纸脱墨中的应用。  相似文献   

The spontaneous stratification in long-term bone marrow cultures was illustrated and quantified. The cultures were separated into three hematopoietic layers: nonadherent cells in the supernatant medium, lightly adherent cells on top of the stromal layer, and remaining cells buried within the stromal layer. The cells of each layer were subcultured for 10 days in plastic tubes that inhibit the formation of a stromal layer. Daily samplings with absolute and differential cell counts were obtained. We identified three families of cell disappearance curves and cell types: CFU-s, hemocytoblasts, myeloblasts, and promyelocytes (G1, 2); myelocytes (G3); and postmitotic granulocytes (G4). Also, the numbers of mitotic and necrotic cells were determined. The longest half-time of CFU-s was 2.5 days. Lacking stromal support, CFU-s disappeared faster than other differentiated cells. Generally, these cells maintained their numbers for the first week of subcultures, which was attributable to a temporarily maintained balance of cell death and fresh cell production. After more than 7 days, there was a rapid decline of all differentiated cell types.  相似文献   

A two-phase organic/aqueous reactor configuration was developed for use in the biodegradation of benzene, toluene and p-xylene, and tested with toluene. An immiscible organic phase was systematically selected on the basis of predicted and experimentally determined properties, such as high boiling points, low solubilities in the aqueous phase, good phase stability, biocompatibility, and good predicted partition coefficients for benzene, toluene and p-xylene. An industrial grade of oleyl alcohol was ultimately selected for use in the two-phase partitioning bioreactor. In order to examine the behavior of the system, a single-component fermentation of toluene was conducted with Pseudomonas sp. ATCC 55595. A 0.5-l sample of Adol 85 NF was loaded with 10.4 g toluene, which partitioned into the cell containing 1 l aqueous medium at a concentration of approximately 50 mg/l. In consuming the toluene to completion, the organisms were able to achieve a volumetric degradation rate of 0.115 g l−1 h−1. This system is self-regulating with respect to toluene delivery to the aqueous phase, and requires only feedback control of temperature and pH. Received: 16 November 1998 / Received revision: 28 March 1999 / Accepted: 9 April 1999  相似文献   

Purified chicken intestinal alkaline phosphatase is active at pH 8 to 9, but becomes rapidly inactivated with change of pH to 6 or less. Also, a solution of the inactivated enzyme at pH 4.5 rapidly regains its activity at pH 8. In the range of pH 6 to 8 a solution of purified alkaline phosphatase consists of a mixture of active and inactive enzyme in equilibrium with each other. The rate of inactivation at lower pH and of reactivation at higher pH increases with increase in temperature. Also, the activity at equilibrium in the range of pH 6 to 8 increases with temperature so that a solution equilibrated at higher temperature loses part of its activity on cooling, and vice versa, a rise in temperature shifts the equilibrium toward higher activity. The kinetics of inactivation of the enzyme at lower pH and the reactivation at higher pH is that of a unimolecular reaction. The thermodynamic values for the heat and entropy of the reversible inactivation and reactivation of the enzyme are considerably lower than those observed for the reversible denaturation of proteins. The inactivated enzyme at pH 4 to 6 is rapidly reactivated on addition of Zn ions even at pH 4 to 6. However, zinc ions are unable to replace magnesium ions as cocatalysts for the enzymatic hydrolysis of organic phosphates by alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

用管碟法测定碱性蛋白酶活力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参照抗生素效价生物测定法,用管碟法测定碱性蛋白酶活力,可大大提高菌种筛选的工作效率。待测样品在2%酪蛋白平板上的水解圈直径被效正后,从标准曲线上可查得相应的酶活。管碟法测得的酶活与Folin法测得的酶活相差一般小于2000u/ml。管碟法测定酶活时,操作要求认真仔细,操作误差可使一样品的水解圈直径相差2.9mm,但一般误差在0.2~0.3mm,相应酶活误差小于1000u/ml。  相似文献   

本实验采用一种非放射性物质——碱性磷酸酶标记乙肝病毒HBV DNA制备分子探针。碱性磷酸酶在苯醌作用下与单链DNA联结,形成DNA和酶的共价复合物,即酶标探针。此探针通过分子杂交与待测DNA结合,与酶的底物作用显色,几小时内可观察结果,其最低检测量约为10pg。用此探针检测乙肝病人血清中的HBV DNA,与~(32)P标记的探针比较,酶标探针可检测出~(32)P标记探针检出率的95.7%。结果表明,所合成的酶标探针具有准确、简便、快速、安全而经济的优点,具有应用前景。  相似文献   

We have performed amplified-fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting on a collection of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar typhimurium strains with a restriction endonuclease combination (BglII and MfeI) that has previously been used successfully for typing Campylobacter jejuni isolates with high resolution. Additionally, a variation of the AFLP assay in which two rare cutting restriction enzymes (XbaI and BsrGI) in combination with the frequent cutter (HinP1I) was examined. The BglII and MfeI enzyme combination offered low resolution for genotyping Salmonella typhimurium isolates and is not recommended for this common serovar. The three-enzyme combination gave a higher discrimination, and is thus a new alternate way of performing AFLP fingerprinting of S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

Bovine testicular hyaluronidase (BTH) has been used as a spreading factor for many years and was primarily characterized by its enzymatic activity. As recombinant human hyaluronidases are now available the bovine preparations can be replaced by the human enzymes. However, data on the pH-dependent activity of hyaluronidases reported in literature are inconsistent in part or even contradictory. Detection of the pH-dependent activity of PH-20 type hyaluronidases, i.e. recombinant human PH-20 (rhPH-20) and BTH, showed a shift of the pH optimum from acidic pH values in a colorimetric activity assay to higher pH values in a turbidimetric activity assay. Contrarily, recombinant human Hyal-1 (rhHyal-1) and bee venom hyaluronidase (BVH) exhibited nearly identical pH profiles in both commonly used types of activity assays. Analysis of the hyaluronic acid (HA) degradation products by capillary zone electrophoresis showed that hyaluronan was catabolized by rhHyal-1 continuously into HA oligosaccharides. BTH and, to a less extent, rhPH-20 exhibited a different mode of action: at acidic pH (pH 4.5) HA was degraded as described for rhHyal-1, while at elevated pH (pH 5.5) small oligosaccharides were produced in addition to HA fragments of medium molecular weight, thus explaining the pH-dependent discrepancies in the activity assays. Our results suggest a sub-classification of mammalian-type hyaluronidases into a PH-20/BTH and a Hyal-1/BVH subtype. As the biological effects of HA fragments are reported to depend on the size of the molecules it can be speculated that different pH values at the site of hyaluronan degradation may result in different biological responses.  相似文献   

The hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima encodes a gene sharing sequence similarities with several known genes for alkaline phosphatase (AP). The putative gene was isolated and the corresponding protein expressed in Escherichia coli, with and without a predicted signal sequence. The recombinant protein showed phosphatase activity toward the substrate p-nitrophenyl-phosphate with a k(cat) of 16 s(-1) and a K(m) of 175 microM at a pH optimum of 8.0 when assayed at 25 degrees C. T. maritima phosphatase activity increased at high temperatures, reaching a maximum k(cat) of 100 s(-1), with a K(m) of 93 microM at 65 degrees C. Activity was stable at 65 degrees C for >24 h and at 90 degrees C for 5 h. Phosphatase activity was dependent on divalent metal ions, specifically Co(II) and Mg(II). Circular dichroism spectra showed that the enzyme gains secondary structure on addition of these metals. Zinc, the most common divalent metal ion required for activity in known APs, was shown to inhibit the T. maritima phosphatase enzyme at concentrations above 0.3 moles Zn: 1 mole monomer. All activity was abolished in the presence of 0.1 mM EDTA. The T. maritima AP primary sequence is 28% identical when compared with E. coli AP. Based on a structural model, the active sites are superimposable except for two residues near the E. coli AP Mg binding site, D153 and K328 (E. coli numbering) corresponding to histidine and tryptophan in T. maritima AP, respectively. Sucrose-density gradient sedimentation experiments showed that the protein exists in several quaternary forms predominated by an octamer.  相似文献   

Procollagen I is a trimer consisting of two proalpha1(I) chains and one proalpha 2(I) chain. In certain cases of mild osteogenesis imperfecta, abnormal proalpha1(I) chains are degraded very soon after synthesis. As a consequence, the cells produce excess proalpha2(I) chains, which cannot form trimers and are not secreted. The objective of this work was to determine the intracellular fate of unassociated proalpha2(I) chains. Mov13 mouse fibroblasts, which do not synthesize proalpha1(I) mRNA, but do produce proalpha2(I) mRNA, were incubated with radioactive amino acids using pulse-chase protocols, and proteins were analyzed by gel electrophoresis, autoradiography, and Western blotting. Mov13 cells produced proalpha2(I) chains that were degraded intracellularly within 30 min. Degradation was inhibited when cells were treated with brefeldin-A, which blocks transit from endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi. Fixed cells exposed to various immunofluorescence markers and imaged by confocal laser scanning microscopy showed that proalpha2(I) chains colocalized with Golgi and lysosome markers. Degradation was inhibited and chains were secreted when cells were treated with wortmannin, which blocks trafficking to lysosomes. These results demonstrate that unassociated proalpha2(I) chains leave the endoplasmic reticulum, transit the Golgi, and enter lysosomes where they are degraded.  相似文献   

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