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We have assessed the effects of habitat fragmentation on understory tree communities in mesic temperate forests of the Tokachi plain of northern Japan. Tree community composition was analyzed across 13 forest fragments of various sizes ranging from 0.30 to 8.51 ha. The community composition varied along the edge-to-interior gradient: there was a lower abundance of shade-tolerant shrubs in forest edges than in forest interiors, while saplings of dominant canopy trees and pioneer trees were more abundant near the edges. The edge influence extended approximately 56 m into the forest interiors. Even the interior area of small fragments were likely to be affected not only by the nearest edge but also by more distant edges. Consequently, most areas in fragments smaller than 2 ha were covered by these “edge-type” communities. These results indicate that it is of primary importance to conserve and restore forests with an area at least larger than several hectares to sustain forest-interior tree communities.  相似文献   

This study examines the spread of synanthropogenic dung beetles (species favoured by human activities) in pasture landscapes in Central America, and evaluates the role of forest fragments and regenerating patches of native vegetation in maintaining beetle diversity. Pitfall trapping was carried out at nine locations in El Salvador and seven in Atlantic Nicaragua that included both pasture and remnant or regenerating native vegetation. More dung beetle species occurred in forest fragments than in pastures. Community composition differed considerably between forest fragments from El Salvador and Nicaragua with many species restricted to either the Caribbean or Pacific regions. In contrast, dung beetle community composition and structure were largely the same in the pastures of El Salvador and Nicaragua, regardless of region or original habitat-type, and were similar to published results from pastures in Mexico and elsewhere on the Isthmus. Very small patches of native shrubs and tree stands (<2.5 ha) maintained no forest specialists in Nicaragua, whereas, in El Salvador, some forest specialists occurred even in the smallest stands of trees (ca. 0.25 ha). The study indicates that the expansion of cattle pastures has caused a regional decline in dung beetle diversity. Forest fragments and small isolated patches of native trees and shrubs maintain some of the diversity of the original landscape but their conservation value for dung beetles will depend on the biogeographical history of the sites.  相似文献   

Climate warming is likely to shift the range margins of species poleward, but fine‐scale temperature differences near the ground (microclimates) may modify these range shifts. For example, cold‐adapted species may survive in microrefugia when the climate gets warmer. However, it is still largely unknown to what extent cold microclimates govern the local persistence of populations at their warm range margin. We located 99 microrefugia, defined as sites with edge populations of 12 widespread boreal forest understory species (vascular plants, mosses, liverworts and lichens) in an area of ca. 24,000 km2 along the species' southern range margin in central Sweden. Within each population, a logger measured temperature eight times per day during one full year. Using univariate and multivariate analyses, we examined the differences of the populations' microclimates with the mean and range of microclimates in the landscape, and identified the typical climate, vegetation and topographic features of these habitats. Comparison sites were drawn from another logger data set (n = 110), and from high‐resolution microclimate maps. The microrefugia were mainly places characterized by lower summer and autumn maximum temperatures, late snow melt dates and high climate stability. Microrefugia also had higher forest basal area and lower solar radiation in spring and autumn than the landscape average. Although there were common trends across northern species in how microrefugia differed from the landscape average, there were also interspecific differences and some species contributed more than others to the overall results. Our findings provide biologically meaningful criteria to locate and spatially predict potential climate microrefugia in the boreal forest. This opens up the opportunity to protect valuable sites, and adapt forest management, for example, by keeping old‐growth forests at topographically shaded sites. These measures may help to mitigate the loss of genetic and species diversity caused by rear‐edge contractions in a warmer climate.  相似文献   

The size structure transition matrices ofPicea jezoensis, Picea glehnii andAbies sachalinensis of a sub-boreal forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan were constructed based on the demography of each species (Picea jezoensis andPicea glehnii were dealt with together asPicea) during a 4-year period. Two types of matrices, density-independent and density-dependent population dynamics models, were investigated for evaluating the ‘waiting pattern’ betweenPicea spp. andA. sachalinensis. For the density-dependent model, it was assumed that the demographic traits of understory trees, the recruitment rate, the understory mortality rate and the transition probability from the understory to canopy stages, were regulated by the one-sided competitive effect of canopy trees. The observed size structure ofPicea was almost consistent with the stationary size structure obtained in both the density-independent and the density-dependent models, whereas the observed size structure ofA. sachalinensis was not realized in the two models. The effects of both the transition probability from the understory to canopy stages and the recruitment rate on the dynamics of canopy trees were investigated. ForPicea, two parameters—recruitment rate (e i ) and transition probability from the understory to canopy stages-exponentially affected the dynamics of canopy trees. In contrast, forAbies sachalinensis, the two parameters affected linearly the dynamics of canopy trees. In conclusion, the population dynamics ofPicea andA. sachalinensis was determined by the parameters of the recruitment rate and the transition probability from the understory to canopy stages, relating to waiting patterns of understory trees for future gap formation. InPicea, the demographic parameters of understory trees intensively regulated the dynamics of canopy trees if compared withA. sachalinensis, suggesting that the performance of understory trees plays a key role in the population dynamics ofPicea. This reflects the growth pattern of understory trees in the regeneration of the two species.  相似文献   

Summary Mist-netted samples of forest understory birds in neotropical (Costa Rica) and temperate (Illinois) forests (during spring migration) supported certain earlier observations: the neotropical understory sample contained more species, more rare species, and more species that use resources not sufficiently available in temperate forest.During spring migration in Illinois, the number of bird species in a mist-netted sample of the community approaches (albeit temporarily) that of neotropical forests and is sometimes even equivalent. But the constitution of these samples seems to be quite different in different regions. Costa Rican samples showed greater within-habitat variability and individual recapture distances were shorter, implying a greater local patchiness of bird distributions than in Illinois in spring.  相似文献   

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火干扰对大兴安岭北部原始林下层植物多样性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在景观尺度自然火干扰历史研究的基础上,采用1个物种丰富度指数(物种数 S)、2个均匀度指数(Pielou均匀度指数Eh'和Alatalo均匀度指数E)、3个物种多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener指数H',Hill多样性指数N1和N2)共6个?多样性指数,研究了长期火干扰与最近一次火干扰对大兴安岭北部原始林下木层、草本层及下层总体的植物多样性的影响.研究结果表明,本区下层植物的物种数、均匀度指数和多样性指数都以下木层显著大于草本层,因而下木层对下层植物总体生物多样性的贡献最大,也是主要影响因子.火干扰对下木层、草本层和下层总体的物种丰富度和物种多样性有显著影响,而对均匀度的影响不显著.长期的火干扰影响下,下木层、草本层和下层总体的物种数、各类均匀度指数和物种多样性指数都呈现如下格局:高频类>中频类>低频类,低强类>中强类>高强类.最近一次火干扰影响下,各个生物多样性指数都表现为一致的趋势:低强类>中强类>高强类;短期类>长期类>中期类.下层植物多样性与火干扰的关系是长期适应的结果.  相似文献   

The present study aims to monitor the long-term changes in forest structure, productivity, nutrient cycling, and to accumulate ecological information on forest ecosystem in Korea. There are six long-term ecological research sites and seven flux measurement sites in Korea. The Gwangneung experimental forest (GEF) located in the central cool-temperate forest sub zone is known as a model site where many interdisciplinary researches have been ongoing actively since mid-1990s over all other Korea long-term ecological research sites (KLTER). Collected data and information through monitoring and investigation of changes in forest ecosystem have been stored in a database for analyses. The relative importance of tree species (%) of GEF was in the order Quercus serrata (20)?=?Euonymus oxyphyllus (20)?>?Carpinus laxiflora (12). The total biomass and basal area were 249.53 t ha?1 and 26.66 m2 ha?1, respectively. There were 136 taxa with 49 families, with 97 genera, 11 varieties, 3 forma, and 1 subspecies in 1 ha permanent plot. The increase in temperature has been estimated to have negative effects on tree growth. The litter decomposition rate was in the order Cornus controversa?<?C. cordata?<?C. laxiflora?<?Q. serrata. The average litterfall and soil respiration were 5803 kg ha?1 and 8600 kg C ha?1, respectively. Further, the GEF, a KLTER site tended to be almost carbon neutral with an annual growth average of 51,000?±?78,000 kg ha?1. The data from six LTER sites are digitalized and classified to build data catalogs on the ecological information system. The information on stand dynamics and materials and energy budget in the forest ecosystem is utilized for impact assessment and the study of adaptation strategy for forest ecosystem to climate change.  相似文献   

  1. The American mink Neovison vison in Great Britain is an invasive alien species, with significant impacts on native prey species. There have been suggestions that populations of mink in Britain have declined since the 1990s.
  2. Three nationwide data sets include data on mink distribution and abundance. Scat surveys and the National Game Bag Census suggest population declines, but the latter does not take account of survey effort (which may also have declined) and the former is misleading because there is evidence that mink change their marking behaviour in the presence of otters Lutra lutra. National Biodiversity Network data suggest an increase in mink numbers, but this can be explained by a concomitant increase in mammal recording.
  3. Although intra-guild competition between invasive mink and native otters is likely, there is no evidence that otters have caused a decline in mink numbers. There is little information on the impact of disease, or exposure to rodenticides, on wild mink – both warrant further attention. Eradication efforts can have an impact on mink populations, but currently neither implementation nor monitoring is sufficient to generate effects throughout Great Britain or to assess the impact of cumulative local and regional efforts.
  4. We conclude that it is not possible, on the basis of currently available data for Great Britain, to ascertain the status of mink or assess the underlying trend in their population. We stress the importance of collaboration, coordination, and record keeping (and sharing) in future, proper interpretation of existing data, and the use of alternative data sources. We call for greater, and better, effort in both mink management and monitoring of management in Great Britain.

Outcrossing and sexual reproduction of most flowering plants depends on pollinators. Plant traits likely to be involved in pollinator attraction include flower color, shape, and size. Furthermore, plant or flower density and the temporal flowering pattern may have an effect on reproduction. In this study, we examine the pollination ecology, breeding system, female reproductive output, and germination of two tropical understory species, Stenostephanus lobeliiformis (Acanthaceae) and Besleria melancholica (Gesneriaceae), which differ in these traits. Pollinator observations revealed that the dense flowering S. lobeliiformis with pinkish flowers received a higher diversity of pollinators, but visitor frequency measured as visits per flower per hour was much less (0.1 h?1) than that to B. melancholica, which has a smaller floral display of dull-colored flowers (1.5 h?1). Pollination experiments revealed that S. lobeliiformis but not B. melancholica is pollen-limited. In addition, both species are partially self-incompatible and depend on pollinators for outcrossing. Natural fruit set of open-pollinated unmanipulated flowers (control treatment) in both species is 22–26 %. Germination studies indicated inbreeding depression in S. lobeliiformis. We conclude that the pollination ecology of these species is influenced by a broad set of traits and that very different combinations of these traits can be successful in terms of reproduction.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated changes in the composition and abundance of understory species after fire in the southern boreal forest around Lake Duparquet, Québec. Ten plots of 100 m2 were sampled in each of eight sites varying in post-fire age from 26 to 230 yr, with 20 1-m2 quadrats in each of these 80 plots. Variation in the understory was described by DCA ordination and interpreted as a regeneration succession series. Thickness of the organic layers, stand age and canopy composition were all correlated with vegetational change. This change was not constant throughout succession; some old sites showed an increase in the diversity and abundance of certain pioneer species. This was partly related to openings in the canopy resulting from a major outbreak of spruce budworm, which affected sites dominated by Abies balsamea. The ordinations were performed on both the 100-m2 plots and the 1-m2 quadrats. Heterogeneity within sites was larger at the 1-m2 scale and there was a great deal of overlap in the position of the quadrats in ordination space. At the smaller scale of analysis, stand age and thickness of the organic layers were not correlated with the changes observed in the understory.  相似文献   

Natural disturbances such as fires, windstorms, floods, and herbivory often act on plant communities, affecting their structure and the abundance and composition of their species. Most research has focused on the effects of single disturbances on plant communities whereas the synergistic effects of several disturbances have received less attention. In this study, we evaluated how timing and severity of tree mortality modified plant use by introduced deer and early post-mortality successional trajectories in northern Patagonian conifer forests. We sampled understory composition and deer use in Austrocedrus chilensis (ciprés de la cordillera) forest stands undergoing varying timing and severity of forest mortality as reconstructed using dendroecological techniques. In addition, we evaluated the effect of fallen logs on plant composition and deer use of plants by monitoring areas of massive dieback where fallen logs had been removed for fire hazard reduction, and nearby control areas not subjected to such removal. Stepwise regression analyses showed that history and severity of tree mortality strongly influence plant composition and deer use of plants. For deer use (with pellet counts and browsing index as response variables), results showed a positive relationship with degree of stand mortality and a negative relationship with cover of fallen logs. Similarly, cover of unpalatable shrub species was explained by canopy mortality history, whereas cover of palatable shrub species was positively associated with severity of canopy mortality. In areas where fallen logs had been removed, pellet counts were six times higher than those in control areas. Though total shrub species cover was similar between log removal and control areas, proportion of unpalatable shrubs increased in areas where fallen logs had been removed. In conclusion, deer use of plants was strongly limited by tall fallen logs, allowing palatable species to establish and grow. Fallen log removal accelerated deer entrance and changed understory composition toward more browse-resistant and unpalatable species. These results underscore the importance of considering the dynamics (timing, severity, and extent) of fallen woody debris influencing understory herbivory and post-disturbance succession. In addition, experimental results underpin the importance of maintaining snags and large woody debris in disturbed landscapes where salvage logging is a routine procedure.  相似文献   

Well-preserved Early Devonian continental and sparse marine palynomorph assemblages recovered from an exploration borehole located in northern Saudi Arabia are reported here and add to the understanding of Arabian Devonian stratigraphy. The units examined are the conventionally cored lower Murayr, upper Hammamiyat and Sha’iba Members of the Jauf Formation. A comparison with data sets from elsewhere on the Arabian Plate suggests that the units examined are Emsian in age. The age of the Murayr and Hammamiyat boundary interval is revised, based on the occurrence of Dibolisporites eifeliensis in northern Saudi Arabia, and placed in the Rhabdosporites minutus (Min) Interval Zone of the Emphanisporites foveolatus-Verrucosisporites dubia (FD) Oppel Zone. A new miospore, Apiculiretusispora densa with distinctive interradial thickenings, is described.  相似文献   

Dlott  Franklin  Turkington  Roy 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(2):239-251
To understand inter-trophic linkages between components of the boreal forest understory vegetation, three hypotheses were tested: survival, growth and abundance of grasses and legumes were controlled by (i) resource availability alone, (ii) by herbivores alone, and (iii) by both resource availability and herbivores. The hypotheses were tested using three experimental treatments – fertilization, herbivore exclusion, and fertilization plus herbivore exclusion – in three areas having different densities of resident herbivores, mostly snowshoe hares and ground squirrels. The highest density of snowshoe hares is comparable to natural levels during peaks in the snowshoe hare cycle. As the density of herbivores increased so too did the level of response by the measured variables – survival, growth of transplants and leaf area index of established vegetation. In general, fertilization resulted in a decrease in survival and growth of transplants, and fences increased survival and growth; both responses were more noticeable at higher herbivore densities. Fertilizer and herbivore exclosure fences had only negligible effects on established grass and legume abundance at all hare densities. We have shown that some hypotheses of vegetation regulation are over-simplified because different species groups (i.e., grasses and legumes) are regulated by different factors, at different life history stages, and sometimes these factors act in opposing directions. We argue that during the increase phase and peak of the snowshoe hare cycle (high herbivore density), growth and survival of establishing plants is regulated by herbivores. During the decline and low phases of the snowshoe hare cycle herbivores will have little impact on early life stages, whereas the established, mature, vegetation will be resource-regulated. Because of the variability in responses to the same manipulations we may begin to understand which plant life history stages are most vulnerable to consumer and resource regulation, the magnitudes of these sources of regulation at each of these stages, and how these vary among species groups and types of environments.  相似文献   

The hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), Adelges tsugae Annand (Hemiptera: Adelgidae), has spread rapidly across the eastern USA since its introduction from Japan 60 years ago, causing widespread mortality of both eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carrière] and Carolina hemlock [Tsuga caroliniana Engelm. (Pinaceae)]. Although HWA spread patterns have been repeatedly analyzed at regional scales, comparatively little is known about its dispersal potential within and between hemlock stands. As the small size and clonal nature of HWA make it nearly impossible to identify the source populations of dispersing individuals, we simulated intra‐stand HWA movement in the field by monitoring the movement of clumps of fluorescent powder that are slightly larger than HWA, but much easier to detect in the forest understory. Using three hemlock trees with three colors of fluorescent powder as source populations, we detected dispersal events at the farthest distances within our trapping array (400 m). However, more than 90% of dispersal events were <25 m. Dispersal patterns were similar from all three source trees and the distribution of dispersal distances in all cases could be described by lognormal probability density functions with mean dispersal distance of 12–14 m, suggesting that dispersal was relatively independent of location of source trees. In general, we documented tens of thousands of passive dispersal events in the forest understory despite the presence of a dense forest canopy. Thus, even under relatively light‐wind conditions, particles of similar dimensions to HWA are capable of intra‐stand movement, suggesting that a large population of HWA could rapidly infest other trees within several hundred meter radius, or beyond.  相似文献   

随着气候变化加剧,中国半干旱区东段发现大量森林衰退现象,威胁到社会生产和环境保护的可持续发展。种群竞争是森林动态的内在驱动因子,当前对该区域森林种群竞争与森林衰退关系的研究尚缺乏足够的依据。选取内蒙古大兴安岭典型森林作为研究对象,依据Hegyi单木竞争指数模型计算个体水平上和样地水平上的竞争指数,利用树木个体树轮指数(TRI)年表作为个体水平上的衰退指标,利用样地年表(TRI)和胸高断面积增量(BAI)来分析样地水平上的衰退指标,探讨不同尺度上森林衰退状况。探讨个体水平上和样地水平上竞争指数与不同尺度上森林衰退指标之间的关系,分析研究区森林衰退的内因特征。主要结论如下:第一,样地年表与树木个体年表所指示的衰退时段基本一致,结合两者的重合结果,可以得出各样地的衰退年份。不同样地的生长衰退时段有重合的现象,个体年表中超过阈值50%的样地的严重衰退时期年份基本在2001-2005年间,而在样地年表中,样地五岔沟林场(L-WCG1)、五岔沟林场大样地(L-WCG2)、乌尔根(L-WRG)在1989年至1997年都出现生长衰退,样地军达盖林场(L-HDG)、L-WCG1、L-WCG2、L-WRG和s根河(L-GH1)衰退重合期在1998-2003年期间。这是由于这一阶段研究区发生了大规模的干旱事件,导致不同地点的树木生长都受到抑制。第二,各样地中树木个体的五年平均相对胸高断面积增量(rBAI5)与个体竞争指数相关的显著性最高,两者的关系可用指数函数方程表达,即rBAI5随着个体水平竞争指数的上升而下降。这说明了竞争指数对于树木生长存在显著的影响。而样地竞争指数与近2年、5年和10年内样地胸高断面积均值(BAI2、BAI5、BAI10)之间的关系不明显。从种群竞争方面研究中国半干旱区东段的森林衰退影响因素,旨在为森林衰退机理研究提供依据,为半干旱区森林资源可持续发展提供支持。  相似文献   

Plantation and secondary forests form increasingly important components of the global forest cover, but our current knowledge about their potential contribution to biodiversity conservation is limited. We surveyed understory plant and carabid species assemblages at three distinct regions in temperate northeastern China, dominated by mature forest (Changbaishan Nature Reserve, sampled in 2011 and 2012), secondary forest (Dongling Mountain, sampled in 2011 and 2012), and forest plantation habitats (Bashang Plateau, sampled in 2006 and 2007), respectively. The α‐diversity of both taxonomic groups was highest in plantation forests of the Bashang Plateau. Beetle α‐diversity was lowest, but plant and beetle species turnover peaked in the secondary forests of Dongling Mountain, while habitats in the Changbaishan Nature Reserve showed the lowest turnover rates for both taxa. Changbaishan Nature Reserve harbored the highest proportion of forest specialists. Our results suggest that in temperate regions of northern China, the protected larch plantation forest established over extensive areas might play a considerable role in maintaining a high biodiversity in relation to understory herbaceous plant species and carabid assemblages, which can be seen as indicators of forest disturbance. The high proportion of phytophagous carabids and the rarity of forest specialists reflect the relatively homogenous, immature status of the forest ecosystems on the Bashang Plateau. China's last remaining large old‐growth forests like the ones on Changbaishan represent stable, mature ecosystems which require particular conservation attention.  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in horizontal structure and the influence of neighbours on tree vitality were studied in a spruce forest under air pollution stress. Five permanent plots along an altitudinal gradient in the Krkono?e Mts., Czech Republic, were monitored for 18 years. Digitized maps of each plot were used for the analysis: the health of each tree, expressed by the defoliation degree was recorded each year, the biometrical characteristics were measured at five-year intervals. Various indices of neighbourhood competition were used to evaluate the interference with neighbours. The results show that the suppressed trees are most susceptible to other environmental stresses, particularly to the air pollution stress. Similarly, tree damage is more severe in plots near the natural timberline, where the trees are close to their natural environmental limits. The spatial pattern of surviving trees changes towards regularity at a scale of 2–5 m (K-function analysis) when the suppressed trees, usually those with close neighbours, die.  相似文献   

The vertical stratification of lepidopteran and coleopteran communities in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in Japan was examined to evaluate the hypothesis of an expected uniform distribution of mobile flying insects between the canopy and understory of temperate forests. Lepidopteran and coleopteran insects were trapped using light traps at three sites in each of the canopy and understory for three consecutive nights each month from April to October 2001. For Lepidoptera, species richness, abundance, and family richness were significantly higher in the understory than in the canopy. For Coleoptera, only abundance was larger in the canopy relative to the understory; species and family richness did not differ between the strata. The beta diversity of the lepidopteran community was larger between the strata than among sites, but the coleopteran community showed an inverse pattern. These results imply the presence of vertical stratification within the lepidopteran community, but not within the coleopteran community, in the temperate forest. The understory contributes more than the canopy to lepidopteran diversity in the temperate forest, although this stratification may be relatively weak because, in contrast to the situation in tropical forests, the canopy and understory assemblages share many species.  相似文献   

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