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目的建立大鼠肝移植术后腹腔感染的模型。方法构建DA大鼠到LEW大鼠的肝移植模型,采用腹腔内细菌注射的方法建立感染模型,通过对大鼠肝功、血气、血细胞计数等各项指标的检测对模型进行综合评价。结果肝移植术后5 d注射细菌,大鼠死亡率高,不利后续研究;术后3 d注射细菌,并选定5×105cfu/mL为最终注射浓度,感染后大鼠的7d存活率累计可达到37.5%左右,随之感染的加重,大鼠状态逐渐变差,直肠温度不断升高,WBC计数也随之增加,pH下降,大鼠出现代谢性酸中毒,肝功能损害进行性加重,肝实质的损害重于胆道的损伤,大约在感染5 d左右相继死亡,多器官病理分析表明,大鼠死亡原因为肝损害,不并发肺脏、肾脏损害。结论采用的腹腔内大肠埃希菌注射建立肝移植术后腹腔细菌感染的模型是比较成功的,可用于相关领域的研究。  相似文献   

目的:了解外科ICU中心静脉导管相关血流感染(CRBSI)的发病率、病原菌分布及相关危险因素,为临床预防和经验性治疗提供依据。方法:回顾性调查我院外科ICU 2010年1月~2011年8月的中心静脉导管置管病例,根据血培养和导管培养结果分为CRBSI组和非CRBSI组,统计CRBSI的发病率、致病菌;比较CRBSI组与非CRBSI的临床资料,应用多因素Logistic回归分析筛查相关危险因素。结果:共收集249例中心静脉置管病例,CRBSI发病率为8.41例次/千导管日,病原菌分布为G+菌4例,G-菌9例,真菌8例。Logistic回归分析显示导管留置时间(OR 3.298,95%CI 1.070~10.168,P=0.038)、APACHEII评分(OR 1.137,95%CI 1.067~1.213,P=0.000)、完全胃肠外营养(OR 1.117,95%CI 1.023~1.219,P=0.014)是CRBSI的独立危险因素。结论:导管留置时间、APACHEII评分、完全胃肠外营养是发生CRBSI的独立危险因素。  相似文献   

目的通过观察SARS-CoV感染Lewis大鼠后,病理学、免疫学以及病毒的复制与外排情况变化,探讨其能否作为有效的SARS动物模型。方法SARS病毒感染9只Lewis大鼠,在感染后不同时间安乐死动物,应用光镜对动物的各脏器进行病理观察研究;用病毒分离和RT-PCR方法检测病毒外排与复制的情况;用ELISA法检测动物产生特异性抗体情况。结果在SARS-CoV感染Lewis大鼠后,肺组织出现一定的与人类SARS疾病相似的病理改变,在动物体内可检测到活病毒或病毒核酸,并可检测到特异性IgG抗体的存在。结论Lewis大鼠出现了特异的免疫反应及特征性病理改变,可做为灵长类SARS动物模型的有益补充用于SARS发病机理及疫苗的研发等。  相似文献   

大鼠动脉粥样硬化动物模型的建立和评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的利用免疫损伤和高脂喂养结合的方法建立大鼠动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis,AS)动物模型。方法5周龄Wistar大鼠腹腔注射卵清白蛋白和尾静脉注射牛血清白蛋白佐以灌喂维生素D3,高脂饲料喂养大鼠,FeSO4加入到饮水中。检测大鼠不同时间的血脂水平、血液生化指标和病理变化。结果(1)AS模型组的TC、HDL、LDL显著高于正常对照组(6.1±2.52比1.3±0.10;2.46±1.01比1.02±0.13;3.76±1.67比0.52±0.063;P〈0.05)。(2)模型组的C反应蛋白(CRP)、心肌激酶(CK)、心肌激酶同工酶(CK-Mb)显著高于正常对照组(4.99±2.26比0.183±0.160;996.3±82.8比293.8±167.1;669.5±128.1比177.5±86.5;P〈0.05)。(3)采用HE染色发现模型组大鼠的主动脉出现斑块的沉积,而正常大鼠无病变的产生。结论该方法能够诱导大鼠产生高血脂症状,随着时间的延长心肌发生损伤,同时出现炎症症状,并在动脉壁上形成斑块。  相似文献   

子宫内膜损伤是导致宫腔粘连的最主要原因,建立有效的子宫内膜损伤动物模型是研究此类疾病发生、发展和治疗反应等不可或缺的支撑条件。通过宫腔注射95%的乙醇制造大鼠(Rattus norvegicus)子宫内膜损伤模型,检测胚胎植入数目来分析子宫内膜损伤对大鼠生育情况的影响,观察大鼠子宫内膜厚度、腺体数量和纤维化面积,分析乙醇处理对子宫内膜的影响;检测细胞角蛋白(CK-19)和波性蛋白(Vimentin)的表达水平,分析上皮细胞和间质细胞的增殖分化及子宫内膜损伤程度。结果显示,正常组大鼠子宫比损伤组更为平滑且有韧性,与正常组相比,损伤组大鼠生育率显著降低(P0.01),子宫内膜厚度变薄(P0.01)、腺体数量显著减少(P0.01),纤维化面积显著增大(P0.01),CK-19和Vimentin表达量显著下调。结果提示已成功建立大鼠子宫内膜损伤动物模型。  相似文献   

The main objectives of this work were to investigate the effect of atmospheric cold plasma (ACP) against a range of microbial biofilms commonly implicated in foodborne and healthcare associated human infections and against P. aeruginosa quorum sensing (QS)-regulated virulence factors, such as pyocyanin, elastase (Las B) and biofilm formation capacity post-ACP treatment. The effect of processing factors, namely treatment time and mode of plasma exposure on antimicrobial activity of ACP were also examined. Antibiofilm activity was assessed for E. coli, L. monocytogenes and S. aureus in terms of reduction of culturability and retention of metabolic activity using colony count and XTT assays, respectively. All samples were treated ‘inpack’ using sealed polypropylene containers with a high voltage dielectric barrier discharge ACP generated at 80 kV for 0, 60, 120 and 300 s and a post treatment storage time of 24 h. According to colony counts, ACP treatment for 60 s reduced populations of E. coli to undetectable levels, whereas 300 s was necessary to significantly reduce populations of L. monocytogenes and S. aureus biofilms. The results obtained from XTT assay indicated possible induction of viable but non culturable state of bacteria. With respect to P. aeruginosa QS-related virulence factors, the production of pyocyanin was significantly inhibited after short treatment times, but reduction of elastase was notable only after 300 s and no reduction in actual biofilm formation was achieved post-ACP treatment. Importantly, reduction of virulence factors was associated with reduction of the cytotoxic effects of the bacterial supernatant on CHO-K1 cells, regardless of mode and duration of treatment. The results of this study point to ACP technology as an effective strategy for inactivation of established biofilms and may play an important role in attenuation of virulence of pathogenic bacteria. Further investigation is warranted to propose direct evidence for the inhibition of QS and mechanisms by which this may occur.  相似文献   

目的制备阿霉素心肌损伤大鼠模型,并对其进行评价。方法24只雄性SD大鼠随机分2组:正常对照组(CON,n=9)和阿霉素模型组(ADR,n=15)。ADR组腹腔注射阿霉素2 mg/kg,每周3次,连续2周,CON组注射相同体积的生理盐水,注射完毕后饲养5周;实验期间观察大鼠一般情况及死亡率;7周后检测心脏血流动力学及组织形态学变化,并进行心肌氧化损伤生化测定。结果ADR组大鼠死亡率为40%,CON组无死亡。与CON组比较,ADR组大鼠左室舒张末压(LVEDP)及左室内压最大下降速率(-LVdP/dtmax)显著升高(P〈0.001,P〈0.05);组织学检查结果符合心肌损伤病理学改变的典型特征;心肌丙二醛(MDA)含量明显增加(P〈0.001);谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性显著降低(P〈0.01)。结论按12 mg/kg的ADR总剂量,以每周3次,共两周,每次2mg/kg腹腔注射方式给药,7周后大鼠心脏产生明显功能及形态学异常,可成功建立ADR心肌损伤大鼠模型。  相似文献   

目的:对现有的经腹部切口建立急性肾缺血再灌注损伤动物模型进行改良,探索建立急性肾缺血再灌注损伤模型的新方法。方法:实验组大鼠16例,经背部切口进入腹膜后间隙,游离钳夹双侧肾动脉45min后开放血流,建立急性肾缺血再灌注损伤模型;伪手术组8例,不夹闭肾动脉,余步骤与实验组相同;对照组8例无处理。术后通过建模成功率、组织病理检查、血肌酐和血尿素氮及氧化应激水平对模型进行评估。结果:实验组15只成功建立急性肾缺血再灌注损伤模型。术后1天病理检查显示实验组肾组织出现广泛损伤,术后实验组肾小管坏死评分、肾MDA水平、血肌酐及血尿素氮值明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:经背部切口钳夹双侧肾动脉可建立稳定的大鼠急性肾缺血再灌注损伤模型。该造模方法简便易行,成功率高,且具备手术切口小、手术时间短及并发症少的优点,建立的模型适合于急性肾损伤的研究。  相似文献   

易小敏  张更  马帅军  刘克普  袁建林 《生物磁学》2011,(21):4027-4029,4042
目的:对现有的经腹部切口建立急性肾缺血再灌注损伤动物模型进行改良,探索建立急性肾缺血再灌注损伤模型的新方法。方法:实验组大鼠16例,经背部切口进入腹膜后间隙,游离钳夹双侧肾动脉45min后开放血流,建立急性肾缺血再灌注损伤模型;伪手术组8例,不夹闭肾动脉,余步骤与实验组相同;对照组8例无处理。术后通过建模成功率、组织病理检查、血肌酐和血尿素氮及氧化应激水平对模型进行评估。结果:实验组15只成功建立急性肾缺血再灌注损伤模型。术后1天病理检查显示实验组肾组织出现广泛损伤,术后实验组’肾小管坏死评分、肾MDA水平、血肌酐及血尿素氮值明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论:经背部切口钳夹双侧肾动脉可建立稳定的大鼠急性肾缺血再灌注损伤模型。该造模方法简便易行,成功率高,且具备手术切口小、手术时间短及并发症少的优点,建立的模型适合于急性肾损伤的研究。  相似文献   



Repetitive administration of medication or contrast agents is frequently performed in mice. The introduction of vascular access mini-ports (VAMP) for mice allows long-term vascular catheterization, hereby eliminating the need for repeated vessel puncture. With catheter occlusion being the most commonly reported complication of chronic jugular vein catheterization, we tested whether digital subtraction angiography (DSA) can be utilized to evaluate VAMP patency in mice.


Twenty-three mice underwent catheterization of the jugular vein and subcutaneous implantation of a VAMP. The VAMP was flushed every second day with 50 μL of heparinized saline solution (25 IU/ml). DSA was performed during injection of 100 μL of an iodine based contrast agent using an industrial X-ray inspection system intraoperatively, as well as 7±2 and 14±2 days post implantation.


DSA allowed localization of catheter tip position, to rule out dislocation, kinking or occlusion of a microcatheter, and to evaluate parent vessel patency. In addition, we observed different ante- and retrograde collateral flow patterns in case of jugular vein occlusion. More exactly, 30% of animals showed parent vessel occlusion after 7±2 days in our setting. At this time point, nevertheless, all VAMPs verified intravascular contrast administration. After 14±2 days, intravascular contrast injection was verified in 70% of the implanted VAMPs, whereas at this point of time 5 animals had died or were sacrificed and in 2 mice parent vessel occlusion hampered intravascular contrast injection. Notably, no occlusion of the catheter itself was observed.


From our observations we conclude DSA to be a fast and valuable minimally invasive tool for investigation of catheter and parent vessel patency and for anatomical studies of collateral blood flow in animals as small as mice.  相似文献   

大鼠肠易激综合征模型的建立及其评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨腹泻型肠易激综合征(D-IBS)动物模型的建立方法,为临床治疗提供依据。方法雄性Wistar大鼠40只,随机分为IBS1(乙酸灌肠加束缚应激)组I、BS2(束缚应激)组、灌肠对照组和正常对照组,采用乙酸灌肠加束缚应激和Williams方法制作IBS动物模型,用腹壁撤退反射(AWR)评分和腹外斜肌放电活动检测对其内脏敏感性进行评估,同时进行组织学检查对肠黏膜组织的组织学改变进行评价。结果两模型组大鼠AWR评分和腹外斜肌收缩次数在不同扩张容量下均较对照组明显增加(P〈0.05)。组织学分析显示各组大鼠均无明显的炎症性表现。结论乙酸灌肠加束缚应激和Williams方法制成的IBS动物模型符合IBS的内脏敏感性机制,可用于IBS的试验研究。  相似文献   

目前对于结核分枝杆菌进入潜伏期的机制以及再激化的原因知之甚少,一个重要的原因是缺乏潜伏感染(LTBI)动物模型,完整的LTBI模型应包括两种类型,一是低剂量荷菌的持续性感染模型,另一种为潜伏感染模型,即Cornell模型的改进型。综合使用柯氏量表评分、脾肺荷菌数、诱导的IFN-γ和TNF-α水平、组织中IL-10和IL-4的表达、脏器中特异性抗原负荷以及激素诱导TB复发的时间、潜伏感染相关基因的表达水平等指标可以比较准确、客观、特异性的评价小鼠LTBI模型的反应性。  相似文献   

The use of thrombolytic agents has greatly improved patient outcomes, but the prothrombotic response to these drugs in vivo is unknown. Approximately 24 h after we induced thrombosis in male Sprague–Dawley rats, we placed an infusion line in the inferior vena cava and administered either saline or a thrombolytic agent (tissue plasminogen activator [tPA] or plasmin) for 30 min. Blood was drawn immediately after infusion; rats were euthanized 24 h after infusion for collection of blood and tissue (inferior vena cava and thrombus). Thrombus size was decreased in the tPA-treated rats but not in those that received saline or plasmin; this change correlated with the significant rise in D-dimer levels noted immediately after infusion in the tPA-treated rats. Plasma soluble P-selectin, a prothrombotic marker, was elevated at 24 h in the plasmin group compared with the other treatment groups. There were no significant differences in plasma C3a, C5a, or C5b9 levels or in thrombus C3 levels between groups. According to ultrastructural analysis, thrombus structure and vein wall effects did not differ between groups. Local tPA did not induce a prothrombotic state during acute DVT or after thrombolytic therapy in a rodent model of venous thrombolysis. Conversely, levels of the prothrombotic marker plasma soluble P-selectin increased when plasmin was administered.Abbreviations: DVT, deep vein thrombosis; IVC, inferior vena cava; tPA, tissue plasminogen activatorDeep vein thrombosis (DVT) is part of a disease condition known as venous thromboembolism. Approximately 360,000 new cases of DVT occur annually7,36 in the United States, and this number has not changed appreciably over the years.33 DVT can lead to serious sequelae such as chronic venous insufficiency and postthrombotic syndrome,4,13 and recurrence of thrombosis is a significant risk.12 To prevent these complications, the goals of treatment are to restore vessel patency and prevent valvular damage.24 Standard-of-care anticoagulants do not always meet both of these goals, and catheter-directed thrombolysis has arisen as an alternative treatment method.24 This technique uses placement of a multiport catheter at the site of the thrombus, with subsequent infusion of a thrombolytic agent.24 The thrombolytic agents most commonly used are plasminogen activators, such as tissue-plasminogen activator (tPA), urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA), and streptokinase. These agents work on the fibrinolytic system and catalyze the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin.6 Plasmin then binds to fibrin, which leads to breakdown of fibrin and initiates the formation of fibrin degradation products, such as D-dimer.6,10 Recently, there has been increased interest in the use of plasmin,20 due to its direct thrombolytic ability (already in the active form to break down fibrin) and enhanced safety profile when compared with plasminogen activators.21Inflammation plays an important role in the development and progression of DVT27 and therefore has become a target for treatment of this disease. Soluble plasma P-selectin has been documented to be a biomarker of thrombosis, and increased concentrations are associated with a prothrombotic state.2,25 Several components of the innate immune system, specifically the complement system, are upregulated in the presence of thrombolytics.1,3 In addition, the presence of certain complement components (for example, C3) within the thrombus may lead to states of hypofibrinolysis.14,16 Taken together, these factors may impede successful therapy via catheter-directed thrombolysis and lead to a poorer patient outcome.Therefore, we set out to determine whether thrombolytic agents create a prothrombotic environment during acute DVT, especially at the site of treatment with catheter-directed thrombolysis. Our hypothesis was that local and systemic prothrombotic indicators would be activated after therapy with thrombolytic agents with different mechanisms of action (indirect, recombinant tPA; direct thrombolytic, plasmin) in a rat model of venous thrombolysis.  相似文献   

Our aim was to explore the effects of Cytolethal Distending toxin (Cdt) in a well established rat model of periodontal disease where leukotoxin (LtxA) was thought to have no known effect. In vitro studies, were used to assess CdtB activity using Aa Leukotoxin as a negative control. These studies showed that both CdtB and LtxA (unexpectedly) exerted significant effects on CD4+ T cells. As a result we decided to compare the effects of these two prominent Aa virulence factors on bone loss using our rat model of Aa-induced periodontitis. In this model, Aa strains, mutant in cdtB and ltxA, were compared to their parent non-mutant strains and evaluated for colonization, antibody response to Aa, bone loss and disease. We found that bone loss/disease caused by the ltxA mutant strain, in which cdtB was expressed, was significantly less (p<0.05) than that due to the wild type strain. On the other hand, the disease caused by cdtB mutant strain, in which ltxA was expressed, was not significantly different from the wild type strain. This data indicates that Aa LtxA exerts a greater effect on bone loss than Cdt in this rat model of periodontal disease and supports the utility of this model to dissect specific virulence factors as they relate to immunopathology in studies of Aa-induced disease.  相似文献   

慢性应激致肠易激综合征大鼠模型的建立与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立一种模拟肠易激综合征临床症状的动物模型,为相关药物的研究提供实验基础。方法采用孤养附加慢性不可预见性刺激建立IBS模型,每只大鼠受到的刺激因子包括:24h禁水、24h禁食、昼夜颠倒、4℃冰水游泳15min、45℃高温5min、钳尾致痛1min、束缚制动5~8h、高速震荡15min等共8种,每种刺激因子出现5次,共40d。用腹部回撤反射压力阈值(AWR)和排便粒数检测动物的内脏感觉和胃肠运动功能变化;用敞箱行为评分和蔗糖水偏嗜度评价动物神经精神活动变化。结果造模2~3周腹部回撤反射压力阈值明显降低,排便粒数明显增加;造模3~4周模型组动物敞箱实验行为评分和蔗糖水偏嗜度明显降低。造模40d时,上述变化趋势仍存在。结论慢性应激加孤养可诱导动物胃肠运动亢进、内脏感觉致敏和神经精神活动的改变,模拟IBS患者的临床特征,可作为一种有效的IBS动物模型,用于评价相关药物。  相似文献   

目的建立耐甲氧西林金黄葡萄球菌(methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,MRSA)小鼠皮肤脓肿感染模型,观察脓肿形成动态变化及药物对脓肿愈合的影响。方法 45只SPF级裸鼠随机分为PBS对照组、感染组及给药组,用临床分离鉴定的ST-239型MRSA菌株皮下注射感染裸鼠,对脓肿的形成过程进行时相性观察,测定脓肿体积的变化,并通过H.E染色观察皮肤的组织病理学改变。结果 PBS处理组小鼠皮肤无脓肿形成,显微镜下皮肤各层结构清楚;感染组和给药组可见到典型的脓肿,临床症状的时相性过程明显,感染组小鼠皮肤真皮层的胶原纤维消失,可见大量炎性细胞浸润,给药组小鼠的脓肿体积在整个实验周期内低于感染组,且在第5天时与感染组相比有差异。结论成功建立MRSA小鼠皮肤脓肿感染模型,该模型的建立可为进一步研究来源于临床MRSA菌株的病原特性、发病机制、治疗方法等提供可靠的动物模型。  相似文献   

为探索宫腔注入无水乙醇建立薄型子宫内膜模型的可行性,将25只大鼠分3组:对照组(宫腔注入生理盐水),5分钟组(宫腔注入无水乙醇并贮留5 min),10分钟组(宫腔注入无水乙醇并贮留10 min),经测量子宫内膜变薄者为造模组,5分钟组有14个子宫内膜变薄,10分钟组无一例纳入造模组.免疫组织化学检测角蛋白、波形蛋白、血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)、雌激素受体α(estrogen related recep-tor alpha,ERα)的表达.结果发现5分钟组造模组与对照组单位内膜面积中角蛋白面积、单位间质面积中波形蛋白面积和子宫内膜中VEGF平均光密度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),造模组与对照组子宫内膜ERα组织学积分无差异(P>0.05).表明宫腔注入无水乙醇并贮留5 min可以成功建立薄型子宫内膜模型,成功率为70%.  相似文献   

A model of pulmonary cryptococcosis in immunocompetent rats was developed to better understand the virulence of Cryptococcus gattii. Six isolates were studied, representing four molecular genotypes (VGI-MATα, VGIIa-MATα, VGIIa-MAT a, VGIIb-MATα), obtained from Australia, Vancouver (Canada) and Colombia. These originated from human patients, a cat and the environment and were administered intratracheally (i.t.) or transthoracically into Fischer 344 or Wistar-Furth rats in doses varying from 104 to 107 colony-forming units (CFU) in 0.1 ml of saline. With the exception of animals given the VGIIa-MAT a isolate, rats consistently became ill or died of progressive cryptococcal pneumonia following i.t. doses exceeding 107 CFU. Affected lungs increased in weight up to tenfold and contained numerous circumscribed, gelatinous lesions. These became larger and more extensive, progressing from limited hilar and/or tracheal lesions, to virtually confluent gelatinous masses. Disease was localized to the lungs for at least 3–4 weeks, with dissemination to the brain occurring in some animals after day 29. The dose–response relationship was steep for two VGI isolates studied (human WM179, environmental WM276); doses up to 106 CFU i.t. did not produce lesions, while 107 or more yeast cells produced progressive pneumonia. Intratracheal inoculation of rats with C. gattii provides an excellent model of human pulmonary cryptococcosis in healthy hosts, mimicking natural infections. Disease produced by C. gattii in rats is distinct from that caused by C. neoformans in that infections are progressive and ultimately fatal.  相似文献   

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