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Aim  Three species of primitive spiders of the genus Atypus occur in European xerothermic habitats, where they live in burrows. The aim of this study is to explain their distribution by investigating environmental variables at sites where they occur in central Europe.
Location  Over 50 sites in central Europe, Czech Republic.
Methods  Data on climatic, edaphic and vegetational parameters were collected from more than 50 sites. Phytocenological data were processed using Ellenberg's indicator values.
Results  Atypus muralis was found to occur almost exclusively in dry grassland (Festucion valesiacae), exposed to a continental microclimate. Atypus affinis usually occurred in dry sparse forests (Genisto germanicae–Quercion) that provide an Atlantic microclimate. Atypus piceus occurred in dry grassland (Bromion erecti) or forest fringes (Geranion sanguinei) characterized by an intermediate microclimate. Atypus piceus and A. muralis were restricted to agglutinate calcareous soils.
Main conclusions  Our results show that Atypus species colonized sites with different continentality in central Europe. These differences correspond to differences among their probable glacial refugia. Atypus muralis and A. piceus occur in habitats with a markedly continental climate, and are restricted to calcareous agglutinate soils that more efficiently buffer temperature and humidity extremes. Habitats of A. muralis and A. piceus are threatened by overgrowth of vegetation after a recent decline in grazing and by the decalcification of the landscape. However, habitats of A. affinis are stable in the present central European climate.  相似文献   

Central European wet meadows are diminished by abandonment of cultivation measures, drainage, pollution, intensive agriculture and climate change during the last decades. In addition, original wet meadow communities can be threatened by immigrating neophytes. Typical invasive species in wet meadows are the steeplebushes Spiraea tomentosa and Spiraea douglasii, but their impact on the indigenous arthropod fauna is unknown. The present study therefore investigates Spiraea-induced changes in ground- and herb dwelling spiders in Spiraea sites, uncultivated meadows with interspersed Spiraea sp. and mowed meadows without Spiraea sp. using pitfall traps and sweep netting. Light intensity, vegetation height and coverage differed significantly between the Spiraea sites and the mowed meadows. In consequence, the activity density of ground-dwelling spiders was much lower in the Spiraea sites and their habitat preferences differed significantly from the two meadow types. Species preferring forests and forest edges were more abundant in invaded sites whereas specimens preferring open habitats decreased. Although the vegetation height and coverage of mowed meadows and cultivated meadows did not differ remarkably, uncultivated meadows contained less spiders of open dry habitats whereas forest species increased. In contrast, differences between herb dwelling spider assemblages of the three habitat types were not significant. Based on the results of the project, the risk of steeple bush invasion and management methods of wet meadows are discussed.  相似文献   

Trichosporon (Dikarya: Basidiomycota) is a genus of anamorphic yeasts typically associated with soil and water, although many species are causative agents of diseases in animals and man. Here we provide the first compelling evidence that spiders can be occasionally colonized by at least two Trichosporon species. Trichosporon dulcitum (Berkhout) Weijman 1979 was isolated from the exoskeleton of purse-web spider Atypus piceus, while Trichosporon porosum (Stautz) Middelhoven, Scorzetti & Fell 2001 was isolated from the exoskeleton of purse-web spider Atypus affinis. Both of the species were identified based on DNA sequence analysis of the host specimens displaying macroscopic signs of the superficial white mycosis on their exoskeleton. Only two specimens with macroscopic signs of superficial yeast growth were identified among the 125 individuals of A. affinis, A. piceus and Atypus muralis examined that were collected at various sites throughout the Czech Republic. The consistent burrow microclimate, uninterrupted occupancy of the single burrow for several subsequent years, and presence of prey remnants in the burrow below the purse-web may play a role in the course of infection of the mygalomorphs examined. The phylogenetic relationships of Trichosporon species are analyzed, concluding that association with invertebrates clusters predominantly among four groups of closely related species in independent Trichosporon clades.  相似文献   

Rezác M  Král J  Musilová J  Pekár S 《Hereditas》2006,143(2006):123-129
Compared with araneomorph spiders, karyotypes of the spider infraorder Mygalomorphae are nearly unknown. In this study we investigated karyotypes of European species of the genus Atypus (Atypidae). The male karyotype of A. muralis and A. piceus comprises 41 chromosomes, whereas female complements contain 42 chromosomes. On the other hand, both sexes of A. affinis possess 14 chromosomes only. It is the lowest diploid number found in mygalomorph spiders so far. Furthermore, obtained data suggest X0 sex chromosome system in A. piceus, A. muralis and neo-XY system in A. affinis. Karyotypes of all three Atypus species are composed of biarmed chromosomes only. Thus they differ significantly from the karyotype of A. karschi, the only other species of this genus studied so far. Its karyotype was reported to be composed of acrocentric chromosomes and possesses X(1)X(2)0 sex chromosome system. All this shows that unlike in most genera of araneomorph spiders, mygalomorphs of the genus Atypus exhibit unusual diversity in the number, morphology of chromosomes, and the sex chromosome system. Considering high number of chromosomes being plesiomorphic character in spiders, then karyotypes of A. muralis and A. piceus represent ancestral situation and that of A. affinis being derived by multiple fusions. Karyotype differences in Atypus correspond with morphological differences, namely the number of segments of the posterior lateral spinnerets. Thus in contrast to published hypothesis, the 3-segmented posterior lateral spinnerets of A. affinis should present a derived state.  相似文献   

Parrotfish are important members of coral reef communities because they consume macroalgae that would otherwise outcompete reef-building corals for space. However, some Caribbean parrotfish species also feed directly on live corals, and thus have the potential to negatively impact coral fitness and survival. This study investigates selective grazing by parrotfish on particular coral species, differences in grazing incidence among reef habitats and intraspecific discrimination among colonies of several coral species. We also investigate spatial and temporal patterns of parrotfish species abundance across habitats on the Belize barrier reef, and examine correlations between parrotfish abundance and grazing intensity across reef habitats. We found that members of the Montastraea annularis species complex, major builders of Caribbean reefs, were preferred targets of parrotfish grazing across all reef habitats, while M. cavernosa, Agaricia agaricites, Diploria strigosa, Porites astreoides and Porites porites were not preferred; Siderastrea siderea was preferentially grazed only in the spur and groove habitats. Parrotfish grazing preferences varied across habitats; M. annularis was grazed most often in shallow habitats, whereas M. franksi was consumed more at depth. Although it was not possible to directly observe parrotfish grazing on corals, we did find a positive correlation between Sparisoma aurofrenatum abundance and M. franksi grazing incidence across habitats. Finally, when we compared our results to parrotfish abundances measured by a previous study, we found that Sparisoma viride and Sp. aurofrenatum, two species known to be corallivorous, had increased abundances between 1982 and 2004. In light of escalating threats on Caribbean reef corals, it would be important for future studies to evaluate the impact of parrotfish corallivory on coral survival.  相似文献   

Habitat selection in sedentary, long-lived burrowing spiders is a key life-history event that directly affects their reproductive success. In this study, we analyzed the role of the chemical and physical properties of soil in habitat selection by threatened temperate burrowing spiders. We examined 296 burrows of three Atypus spp. and three Eresus spp. at 68 sites in Czechia. We found that the study species were associated with soils that have high or very high cation exchange capacity, which allows the presence of a stable and humid microclimate in their burrows. We found that specific bedrock types can be used as predictors of the presence of particular study species. All Eresus spp. avoided compacted soils. However, when present in soils with very low penetration resistance, they were limited to sites with high soil cohesion. The burrows of all study species were located at well-drained sites. The study species seemed to be selective for a steppe-like character of their microhabitat but not necessarily for its southward orientation. We found the study species even at sites where steppes were present in the early 1950s and that underwent later afforestation but not extensive landscaping or plowing. What types of disturbances can be sustained by the study species and how long it takes the decreased populations to recover after, e.g., trampling associated with grazing, remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

The effects of grazing on fleshy algal turfs by large herbivorous fishes and by the black spiny urchin, Diadema antillarum (Philippi), were investigated in three shallow (<3 m), moderately exposed, reef flat habitats in the San Blas Islands on the Caribbean coast of Panama. Grazing by Diadema was found to be a primary determinant of the biomass of fleshy algae in this shallow reef environment, and its impact was exposure-dependent. Feeding activity of Diadema was inhibited during the protracted periods of heavy wave action that characterize the dry season when strong north winds (24–27 kph) are typical. In the shallowest, most exposed elkhorn bluff habitats urchin grazing was minimal even during calm periods due to the effects of waves generated by unpredictable, light winds. In a relatively protected backreef habitat, water movement was inadequate to discourage grazing significantly, even during the turbulent dry season. As a result, algal biomass (decalcified dry weight) was typically three-fold greater in the elkhorn bluff habitat than on the ackreef. In habitats of intermediate exposure (elkhorn fields) algal biomass was reduced during calm periods, but increased to the level characteristic of the elkhorn bluff habitat during protracted rough periods that inhibited grazing by Diadema.A caging experiment in the backreef habitat demonstrated a relatively minor effect of grazing by herbivorous fishes in comparison to that of grazing by Diadema. Observations on the distributions and abundances of herbivorous fishes also indicated a relatively minor role for these grazers as determinants of algal biomass in the more exposed habitats.  相似文献   

Sara M. Lewis 《Oecologia》1985,65(3):370-375
Summary The susceptibility of several tropical algal species to fish grazing was studied on the Belizean barrier reef off the Caribbean coast of Central America. Short-term transplant experiments indicate that plant species vary markedly in their rates of biomass loss to grazing by a shallow-water guild of herbivorous fishes. Algal species transplanted from habitats with low grazing pressure are highly susceptible to grazing, while species occurring in habitats with high herbivore densities are highly resistant to grazing. Algal species show differential susceptibility to grazing by two major components of the tropical herbivore guild, Acanthurus (surgeonfishes) and Sparisoma (parrotfishes).Variability in plant susceptibility to grazing by herbivorous fishes was not clearly correlated with morphological or chemical characteristics that have been previously suggested as plant defenses against herbivory. Plants found to be highly resistant to fish grazing, such as Halimeda, exhibit both morphological characteristics and secondary chemical compounds which do appear to reduce herbivory. In contrast, species of Caulerpa, Sargassum, Turbinaria, and Padina, which also possess alleged morphological and/or chemical defenses, are nevertheless highly susceptible to fish grazing.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of different land uses on conservation value and bird diversity in a Northern Adriatic karstic landscape. Our research area was situated in SW Slovenia and was covered with dry pastures and meadows in different stages of forest sucession and with different grazing intensities. We surveyed birds in 2007 and 2012 using the line transect method, with 50.4 km being covered each year. In the analysis we divided the survey transects into 200 m tiles which were used as statistical units in the analysis. We then modelled conservation value, bird diversity and bird abundances with different land uses; we used boosted regression trees as a modelling tool. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that a distinct group of birds occurred on tiles with higher grazing intensity. The species in this group also had significantly higher abundances in 2012 than in 2007. Forest succession was the most important predictor of SPA conservation value (Special Protected Areas according to the Directive on the conservation of wild birds of the European Union) and had negative effect on it; grazing intensity had a unimodal positive influence on conservation value and was most beneficial at low intensity. The model for the European conservation value showed a rather low predictive power. Farmland bird diversity was also negatively affected by forest and positively by grazing intensity. For the four Natura 2000 species—protected species in the SPA Kras (Woodlark Lullula arborea, Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio, Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra and Skylark Alauda arvensis), forest cover also had a negative effect. Grazing intensity had a positive effect for Woodlark, Red-backed Shrike and Skylark. The highest SPA conservation value and farmland bird diversity could therefore be achieved in a landscape with as low a forest succession as possible and grazing present but at low intensity. We recommend inclusion of appropriate measures in the agri-environment schemes (CAP pillar II) of Rural Development Programmes of the countries in the region with similar areas. The payments should be sufficiently stimulative to reopen the large areas subject to forest encroachment in the Northern Adriatic hinterland.  相似文献   

The benefits of low input farming on biodiversity and ecosystem services are already well-established, however most of these studies focus only on the focal field scales. We aimed to study whether these benefits exist at the whole farm scale, to find the main environmental driving effects on biodiversity at the whole farm scale in farms of different grassland grazing intensity, applying three well-known species diversity indicator groups of different ecological traits.Edaphic (earthworms), epigeic (spiders) and flying (bees) taxa were sampled in each identified habitat type within 18 low-input farms in Central Hungary, 2010. The number of habitat types, the number of grassland plots, the cumulative area of grasslands and habitat type had an effect on the species richness and abundance of spiders, while grassland grazing intensity influenced the species richness of bees. Both bees and spiders were sensitive to vegetation and weather conditions, resulting in more bees on flower-rich farms and those having higher temperature; and more spiders on farms with more heterogeneous vegetation structure and in low-wind areas. Relatively few earthworms were found in the whole study, and their abundance was not influenced by any of the farm composition and management variables.We conclude that local field management (grazing intensity of grassland patches) can have a farm scale effect, detectable on species diversity indicators that have high dispersal ability and strong connection to grasslands as important foraging sites (bees). However, other farmland biota (spiders) is also strongly determined by farmland composition and habitat diversity, therefore the maintenance of a mosaic within-farm habitat structure is strongly recommended. The application of earthworms as farmland composition or management indicators is strongly restricted because of their special needs of soil conditions.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of overgrazing on the foraging behaviour of the lizard Pedioplanis l. lineoocellata (Spotted Sand Lizard), a sit-and-wait forager, in habitats of differing vegetation states to determine the effects of habitat degradation on this species. At high grazing intensity where vegetation cover and diversity is low, the lizard P. lineoocellata moves more frequently, spends more time moving and covers larger distances than in habitats where vegetation cover and diversity is high. These behavioural changes in movement patterns can be explained by less abundant prey in habitats with low vegetation cover and diversity. Although morphology, phylogeny and physiology of P. lineoocellata should constrain the change in foraging behaviour, the species has modified its foraging strategy from sit-and-wait to actively foraging. We assume that this behavioural flexibility of P. lineoocellata is a buffer mechanism enabling the species to use and survive in degraded (unfavourable) habitats.  相似文献   

Calcareous fens have a high conservation priority in the European Union. They are very unique, very sensitive and very rare habitats in Latvia as well as in many other European countries. Because of their rarity, many organisms living in calcareous fens are nowadays considered threatened. The same is applied to spiders. Spiders have been suggested as good biodiversity indicators because they have numerous direct and indirect relationships with other organisms. Only few investigations have been carried out on fen inhabiting spiders. The knowledge of grass-dwelling spiders is especially lacking. Thus the aim of this study was to evaluate grass-dwelling spider diversity in several calcareous fens of Latvia, compare these fens and to find out the habitat features that might affect grass-layer inhabiting spiders. The research was carried out in eight calcareous fens located in the Coastal Lowland of Latvia. A total of 760 spiders from nine families and 20 species were collected with a sweep net. Two of the most abundant spider species were Dolomedes fimbriatus (Clerck, 1757) and Tibellus maritimus (Menge, 1875). Diversity indices suggested that the grass-dwelling spider community consists of few abundant species and numerous rare species. Correlation analysis as well as DCA showed that plant species diversity did not significantly affect spider species richness and diversity, although at the same time there were a lot of significant associations between spiders and individual plant species. It was shown that various spider species responded very differently to the presence of particular plant species, and thus habitat structural heterogeneity emerges to be an important factor influencing the grass-dwelling spider diversity and community structure. Correlation analysis also revealed that spider abundance was negatively affected by the vegetation height and wind speed.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in the natural herbaceous grassland of Mt. Aso, which had been almost completely grazed, and which is subjected to routine grassland burning every spring (February or March) to conserve Shijimiaeoides divinus asonis (Matsumura, 1929). We clarify that ants protect the larvae of this butterfly and evaluate the effects of grazing intensity on the attendant ant population. The results obtained are summarized as follows: (i) Five species of attendant ant were identified, with the dominant species being Formica japonica (Motschulsky, 1866) and Camponotus japonicus (Mayr, 1866). (ii) The number of attendant ants decreased at night time; however, only one or two ants attended the larva until the following morning. (iii) Ten species of insect excluding ants and three species of spiders that approached the larva were recorded on the larval host‐plant. Formica japonica and C. japonicus fought off most newcomers of other insects including the natural enemies of these butterfly larvae. (iv) The number of ants in this butterfly habitat under regular grazing intensity was significantly higher than during low grazing intensity and non‐grazing periods. (v) A positive correlation was found between the number of attendant ants and the number of butterfly larvae on the host‐plant. We concluded that the interaction between this butterfly and attendant ants is one of facultative mutualism because the attendant ants protect the butterfly larva. Therefore, the numbers of this butterfly species may decrease if the number of attendant ants decreases due to the cessation of pasturage.  相似文献   

The long-term persistence of populations and species depends on the successful recruitment of individuals. The generative recruitment of plants may be limited by a lack of suitable germination and establishment conditions. Establishment limitation may especially be caused by the competitive effect of surrounding dense vegetation, which is believed to restrict the recruitment success of many plant species to small open patches (‘safe sites’). We conducted experiments to clarify the roles of germination and seedling establishment as limiting processes in the recruitment of Juncus atratus Krock., a rare and threatened herbaceous perennial river corridor plant in Central Europe. Light intensity had a positive effect on germination. However, some seedlings emerged even in total darkness and the germination rate at 1% light intensity was more than half of that at 60% light intensity. Seedling establishment in the field after 10 weeks was 30% on bare ground, but it was close to zero in grassland. Establishment in the growth chamber after 8 weeks was close to 75% for seedlings that germinated underwater, but only about 35% for seedlings that germinated afloat. Furthermore, establishment decreased with flooding duration on bare ground, but increased with flooding duration in grassland. These data indicate that establishment, rather than germination, is a critical life stage in Central European populations of J. atratus. They furthermore indicate that the competition of surrounding vegetation for water limits seedling establishment under field conditions without flooding, largely restricting establishment success to bare ground habitats. In contrast, grassland is more suitable for the recruitment of J. atratus than bare ground under prolonged flooding. Grassland may facilitate the establishment of J. atratus seedlings during long-lasting floods by supplying oxygen to the soil through aerenchyma. The shift from competition to facilitation in grassland occurred after 30 days of flooding, i.e. within the ontogeny of individual plants. The specific recruitment requirements of J. atratus may be a main cause of its rarity in modern Central Europe. In order to prevent regional extinction of J. atratus, we suggest maintaining or re-establishing natural hydrodynamics in the species’ habitats.  相似文献   

Large mammalian grazers can alter the biotic and abiotic features of their environment through their impacts on vegetation. Grazing at moderate intensity has been recommended for biodiversity conservation. Few studies, however, have empirically tested the benefits of moderate grazing intensity in systems dominated by native grazers. Here we investigated the relationship between (1) density of native eastern grey kangaroos, Macropus giganteus, and grass structure, and (2) grass structure and reptiles (i.e. abundance, richness, diversity and occurrence) across 18 grassland and grassy Eucalyptus woodland properties in south-eastern Australia. There was a strong negative relationship between kangaroo density and grass structure after controlling for tree canopy cover. We therefore used grass structure as a surrogate for grazing intensity. Changes in grazing intensity (i.e. grass structure) significantly affected reptile abundance, reptile species richness, reptile species diversity, and the occurrence of several ground-dwelling reptiles. Reptile abundance, species richness and diversity were highest where grazing intensity was low. Importantly, no species of reptile was more likely to occur at high grazing intensities. Legless lizards (Delma impar, D. inornata) were more likely to be detected in areas subject to moderate grazing intensity, whereas one species (Hemiergis talbingoensis) was less likely to be detected in areas subject to intense grazing and three species (Menetia greyii, Morethia boulengeri, and Lampropholis delicata) did not appear to be affected by grazing intensity. Our data indicate that to maximize reptile abundance, species richness, species diversity, and occurrence of several individual species of reptile, managers will need to subject different areas of the landscape to moderate and low grazing intensities and limit the occurrence and extent of high grazing.  相似文献   

Campylopus introflexus is an invasive moss in Europe and North America that is adapted to acidic and nutrient-poor sandy soils with sparse vegetation. In habitats like acidic coastal dunes (grey dunes) it can reach high densities, build dense carpets and modify habitat conditions. While the impact of the moss invasion on the vegetation is well analyzed, there is a lack of knowledge regarding possible effects on arthropods. In the present study we analyzed the impact of Campylopus introflexus on the ground-dwelling arthropods carabid beetles and spiders, as both taxa are known to be useful indicator taxa even on a small-scale level. In 2009 we compared species composition in a) invaded, moss-rich (C. introflexus) and b) native, lichen-rich (Cladonia spp.) acidic coastal dunes by using pitfall traps. A total of 1,846 carabid beetles (39 species) and 2,682 spiders (66 species) were caught. Species richness of both taxa and activity densities of spiders were lower in invaded sites. Species assemblages of carabids and spiders differed clearly between the two habitat types and single species were displaced by the moss encroachment. Phytophagous carabid beetles, web-building spiders and wolf spiders were more abundant in native, lichen-rich sites. Shifts in species composition can be explained by differences in the vegetation structure, microclimate conditions and most likely a reduced food supply in invaded sites. By forming dense carpets and covering large areas, the moss invasion strongly alters typical arthropod assemblages of endangered and protected (EU-directive) acidic coastal dunes.  相似文献   

The New Forest National Park is a hotspot for biodiversity in the UK. A long history of grazing by ponies in the New Forest landscape has created a diverse mosaic of habitats that are of international significance. We investigated patterns of species diversity and composition across the New Forest landscape by sampling soil, leaf litter and ground macrofauna from woodland, grassland and heathland plots across the entire landscape. We used a spatially replicated design of hand sorted soil pits, Winkler extraction of leaf litter, and pitfall traps. We concentrated on diversity patterns of the following target groups: Coleoptera, Formicidae, Isopoda, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Opiliones and Lumbricidae. The most striking difference in species assemblages is between wooded and open areas. Woodlands are the most diverse habitats and have a distinct assemblage, largely due to those leaf litter invertebrate species which are only present under a closed canopy. Open areas are less diverse, with diversity particularly low in the wet grasslands. However, the open areas do have a distinct fauna, especially in the wet and dry heaths which are home to a number of rare species, particularly of Formicidae. We discuss the potential conservation problems facing the New Forest and how these might affect soil macrofauna biodiversity in the future and conclude that climate change; over-grazing; and land use changes represent the largest threats. Although a relatively stable landscape which benefits from protection under UK law, changes in grazing intensity or management practices in the New Forest, particularly for some of the habitats of European importance (e.g. wet heathlands), could negatively affect soil macrofauna biodiversity. Climate change may also exacerbate biodiversity decline as a result of increased grazing intensity or changes in management.  相似文献   

Studies on spiders in their natural habitats are necessary for determining the full range of plasticity in their web-building behaviour. Plasticity in web design is hypothesised to be important for spiders building in habitats where environmental conditions cause considerable web damage. Here we compared web characteristics of the orb spider Metellina mengei (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) in two different forest habitats differing in their wind exposure. We found a notable lack of differences in web geometry, orientation and inclination between webs built along an exposed forest edge and those built inside the forest, despite marked differences in wind speed. This suggests that M. mengei did not exhibit web-building plasticity in response to wind in the field, contrasting with the findings of laboratory studies on other species of orb spiders. Instead, differences in prey capture and wind damage trade-offs between habitats may provide an explanation for our results, indicating that different species employ different strategies to cope with environmental constraints.  相似文献   

Agricultural land abandonment is a major conservation issue when it comes to remote Mediterranean mountainous ecosystems. Although its impact on taxa such as birds or butterflies is well known, knowledge remains poor for less studied invertebrate taxa such as spiders. We sampled ground spiders (Gnaphosidae, Liocranidae, Miturgidae and Corrinidae) in 20 randomly selected sites (1 km × 1 km; 15 pitfall traps) that well depicted a land abandonment gradient, in terms of four forest encroachment classes. Our results showed a negative effect of land abandonment on ground spider species richness and diversity (Simpson index), pinpointing that forested habitats with more than 75 % woody vegetation cover are relatively poor. We also provide evidence for the beneficial role of low intensity grazing (0.4–4 livestock units/km2) for ground spider abundance. Community analysis revealed four distinct clusters of co-occurring species, while Generalized Linear Models at cluster and species level showed the definitive role of forest encroachment, and secondarily of other environmental factors such as humidity, elevation and longitude, in regulating species distribution patterns. Conservation measures for ground spider diversity maintenance should focus on promoting traditional agricultural practices, including small-scale cultivation and mild livestock grazing in order to preserve open and semi-open rural mosaics.  相似文献   

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