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Ferredoxin (flavodoxin)-NADP(H) reductases (FNRs) are ubiquitous flavoenzymes that deliver NADPH or low-potential one-electron donors (ferredoxin, flavodoxin, and adrenodoxin) to redox-based metabolisms in plastids, mitochondria, and bacteria. The FNRs from plants and most eubacteria constitute a unique family, the plant-type ferredoxin-NADP(H) reductases. Plastidic FNRs are quite efficient at sustaining the demands of the photosynthetic process. At variance, FNRs from organisms with heterotrophic metabolisms or anoxygenic photosynthesis display turnover numbers that are 20-100-fold lower than those of their plastidic and cyanobacterial counterparts. To gain insight into the FNR structural features that modulate enzyme catalytic efficiency, we constructed a recombinant FNR in which the carboxyl-terminal amino acid (Tyr308) is followed by an artificial metal binding site of nine amino acids, including four histidine residues. This added structure binds Zn2+ or Co2+ and, as a consequence, significantly reduces the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme by decreasing its kcat. The Km for NADPH and the Kd for NADP+ were increased 2 and 3 times, respectively, by the addition of the amino acid extension in the absence of Zn2+. Nevertheless, the structuring of the metal binding site did not change the Km for NADPH or the Kd for NADP+ of the FNR-tail enzyme. Our results provide experimental evidence which indicates that mobility of the carboxyl-terminal backbone region of the FNR, mainly Tyr308, is essential for obtaining an FNR enzyme with high catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   

We describe the use of a non-viral, polyethylenimine-based vector to transfect rat hepatocytes preserved under hypothermic storage. DNA sequences encoding Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase and pea ferredoxin-NADP(H) oxidoreductase (FNR), cloned into plasmids pCH110 and pKM4 respectively, were used. FNR was detected in the liver of animals transplanted with transfected cells; no reactivity was observed in endogenous parenchyma. The expression of the transgene was transient as it was detectable up to 96 h subsequently declining to undetectable levels. In contrast to non-transfected cells, the engraftment of FNR-positive cells was not associated with inflammatory reaction. The percentage of FNR-positive implanted hepatocytes was at least five times higher than the original transfection efficiency measured in vitro, while the percentage of beta-galactosidase-positive cells was similar for both methods. These data indicate that the transfection system is effective in the transfer of plasmid DNA into hepatocytes under cold preservation and suggest the advantage of pKM4-transfected hepatocytes on engraftment in the recipient parenchyma.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus contains a ferredoxin (flavodoxin)-NADP(H) oxidoreductase (FPR) that catalyzes electron transfer between NADP(H) and ferredoxin or flavodoxin. The structure of the enzyme, determined by X-ray crystallography, contains two domains harboring the FAD and NADP(H) binding sites, as is typical of the FPR structural family. The FAD molecule is in a hairpin conformation in which stacking interactions can be established between the dimethylisoalloxazine and adenine moieties. The midpoint redox potentials of the various transitions undergone by R. capsulatus FPR were similar to those reported for their counterparts involved in oxygenic photosynthesis, but its catalytic activity is orders of magnitude lower (1-2 s(-)(1) versus 200-500 s(-)(1)) as is true for most of its prokaryotic homologues. To identify the mechanistic basis for the slow turnover in the bacterial enzymes, we dissected the R. capsulatus FPR reaction into hydride transfer and electron transfer steps, and determined their rates using stopped-flow methods. Hydride exchange between the enzyme and NADP(H) occurred at 30-150 s(-)(1), indicating that this half-reaction does not limit FPR activity. In contrast, electron transfer to flavodoxin proceeds at 2.7 s(-)(1), in the range of steady-state catalysis. Flavodoxin semiquinone was a better electron acceptor for FPR than oxidized flavodoxin under both single turnover and steady-state conditions. The results indicate that one-electron reduction of oxidized flavodoxin limits the enzyme activity in vitro, and support the notion that flavodoxin oscillates between the semiquinone and fully reduced states when FPR operates in vivo.  相似文献   

Leptospira interrogans is a bacterium that is capable of infecting animals and humans, and its infection causes leptospirosis with a range of symptoms from flu-like to severe illness and death. Despite being a bacteria, Leptospira interrogans contains a plastidic class ferredoxin-NADP(H) reductase (FNR) with high catalytic efficiency, at difference from the bacterial class FNRs. These flavoenzymes catalyze the electron transfer between NADP(H) and ferredoxins or flavodoxins. The inclusion of a plastidic FNR in Leptospira metabolism and in its parasitic life cycle is not currently understood. Bioinformatic analyses of the available genomic and proteins sequences showed that the presence of this enzyme in nonphotosynthetic bacteria is restricted to the Leptospira genus and that a [4Fe-4S] ferredoxin (LB107) encoded by the Leptospira genome may be the natural substrate of the enzyme. Leptospira FNR (LepFNR) displayed high diaphorase activity using artificial acceptors and functioned as a ferric reductase. LepFNR displayed cytochrome c reductase activity with the Leptospira LB107 ferredoxin with an optimum at pH 6.5. Structural stability analysis demonstrates that LepFNR is one of the most stable FNRs analyzed to date. The persistence of a native folded LepFNR structure was detected in up to 6 M urea, a condition in which the enzyme retains 38% activity. In silico analysis indicates that the high LepFNR stability might be due to robust interactions between the FAD and the NADP(+) domains of the protein. The limited bacterial distribution of plastidic class FNRs and the biochemical and structural properties of LepFNR emphasize the uniqueness of this enzyme in the Leptospira metabolism. Our studies show that in L. interrogans a plastidic-type FNR exchanges electrons with a bacterial-type ferredoxin, process which has not been previously observed in nature.  相似文献   

In immunogold double-labeling of pea leaf thin sections with antibodies raised against ferredoxin-NADP reductase (EC, FNR) and antibodies directed against the A or B subunits of the NADP-linked glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase (GAPD) (EC, many small and large gold particles were found together over the chloroplasts. Nearest neighbor analysis of the distribution of the gold particles indicates that FNR and the NADP-linked GAPD are co-localized, in situ. This suggests that FNR might carry FADH2 or NADPH from the thylakoid membrane to GAPD, or that ferredoxin might carry electrons to FNR co-localized with GAPD in the stroma. Crystal structures of the spinach enzymes are available. When they are docked computationally, the proteins appear, as modeled, to be able to form at least two different complexes. One involves a single GAPD monomer and an FNR monomer (or dimer). The amino acid residues located at the putative interface are highly conserved on the chloroplastic forms of both enzymes. The other potential complex involves the GAPD A2B2 tetramer and an FNR monomer (or dimer). The interface residues are conserved in this model as well. Ferredoxin is able to interact with FNR in either complex.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin (flavodoxin)-NADP(H) reductases (FNRs) are ubiquitous flavoenzymes that deliver NADPH or low-potential one-electron donors (ferredoxin, flavodoxin, adrenodoxin) to redox-based metabolic reactions in plastids, mitochondria and bacteria. Plastidic FNRs are quite efficient reductases. In contrast, FNRs from organisms possessing a heterotrophic metabolism or anoxygenic photosynthesis display turnover numbers 20- to 100-fold lower than those of their plastidic and cyanobacterial counterparts. Several structural features of these enzymes have yet to be explained. The residue Y308 in pea FNR is stacked nearly parallel to the re-face of the flavin and is highly conserved amongst members of the family. By computing the relative free energy for the lumiflavin-phenol pair at different angles with the relative position found for Y308 in pea FNR, it can be concluded that this amino acid is constrained against the isoalloxazine. This effect is probably caused by amino acids C266 and L268, which face the other side of this tyrosine. Simple and double FNR mutants of these amino acids were obtained and characterized. It was observed that a decrease or increase in the amino acid volume resulted in a decrease in the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme without altering the protein structure. Our results provide experimental evidence that the volume of these amino acids participates in the fine-tuning of the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin-NADP(H) reductase (FNR) catalyses the final step of the photosynthetic electron transport in chloroplasts. Using an antisense RNA strategy to reduce expression of this flavoenzyme in transgenic tobacco plants, it has been demonstrated that FNR mediates a rate-limiting step of photosynthesis under both limiting and saturating light conditions. Here, we show that these FNR-deficient plants are abnormally prone to photo-oxidative injury. When grown under autotrophic conditions for 3 weeks, specimens with 20-40% extant reductase undergo leaf bleaching, lipid peroxidation and membrane damage. The magnitude of the effect was proportional to the light intensity and to the extent of FNR depletion, and was accompanied by morphological changes involving accumulation of aberrant plastids with defective thylakoid stacking. Damage was initially confined to chloroplast membranes, whereas Rubisco and other stromal proteins began to decline only after several weeks of autotrophic growth, paralleled by partial recovery of NADPH levels. Exposure of the transgenic plants to moderately high irradiation resulted in rapid loss of photosynthetic capacity and accumulation of singlet oxygen in leaves. The collected results suggest that the extensive photo-oxidative damage sustained by plants impaired in FNR expression was caused by singlet oxygen building up to toxic levels in these tissues, as a direct consequence of the over-reduction of the electron transport chain in FNR-deficient chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR) catalyzes the reduction of NADP+ to NADPH in an overall reversible reaction, showing some differences in the mechanisms between cyanobacterial and higher plant FNRs. During hydride transfer it is proposed that the FNR C-terminal Tyr is displaced by the nicotinamide. Thus, this C-terminal Tyr might be involved not only in modulating the flavin redox properties, as already shown, but also in nicotinamide binding and hydride transfer. FNR variants from the cyanobacterium Anabaena in which the C-terminal Tyr has been replaced by Trp, Phe, or Ser have been produced. All FNR variants show enhanced NADP+ and NAD+ binding, especially Tyr303Ser, which correlates with a noticeable improvement of NADH-dependent reactions. Nevertheless, the Tyr303Ser variant shows a decrease in the steady-state kcat value with NADPH. Fast kinetic analysis of the hydride transfer shows that the low efficiency observed for this mutant FNR under steady-state conditions is not due to a lack of catalytic ability but rather to the strong enzyme-coenzyme interaction. Three-dimensional structures for Tyr303Ser and Tyr303Trp variants and its complexes with NADP+ show significant differences between plant and cyanobacterial FNRs. Our results suggest that modulation of coenzyme affinity is highly influenced by the strength of the C-terminus-FAD interaction and that subtle changes between plant and cyanobacterial structures are able to modify the energy of that interaction. Additionally, it is shown that the C-terminal Tyr of FNR lowers the affinity for NADP+/H to levels compatible with steady-state turnover during the catalytic cycle, but it is not involved in the hydride transfer itself.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin (flavodoxin)-NADP(H) reductases (FNR) are ubiquitous flavoenzymes that deliver NADPH or low potential one-electron donors (ferredoxin, flavodoxin) to redox-based metabolisms in plastids, mitochondria and bacteria. The plant-type reductase is also the basic prototype for one of the major families of flavin-containing electron transferases that display common functional and structural properties. Many aspects of FNR biochemistry have been extensively characterized in recent years using a combination of site-directed mutagenesis, steady-state and transient kinetic experiments, spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Despite these considerable advances, various key features in the enzymology of these important reductases remain yet to be explained in molecular terms. This article reviews the current status of these open questions. Measurements of electron transfer rates and binding equilibria indicate that NADP(H) and ferredoxin interactions with FNR result in a reciprocal decrease of affinity, and that this induced-fit step is a mandatory requisite for catalytic turnover. However, the expected conformational movements are not apparent in the reported atomic structures of these flavoenzymes in the free state or in complex with their substrates. The overall reaction catalysed by FNR is freely reversible, but the pathways leading to NADP+ or ferredoxin reduction proceed through entirely different kinetic mechanisms. Also, the reductases isolated from various sources undergo inactivating denaturation on exposure to NADPH and other electron donors that reduce the FAD prosthetic group, a phenomenon that might have profound consequences for FNR function in vivo. The mechanisms underlying this reductive inhibition are so far unknown. Finally, we provide here a rationale to interpret FNR evolution in terms of catalytic efficiency. Using the formalism of the Albery-Knowles theory, we identified which parameter(s) have to be modified to make these reductases even more proficient under a variety of conditions, natural or artificial. Flavoenzymes with FNR activity catalyse a number of reactions with potential importance for biotechnological processes, so that modification of their catalytic competence is relevant on both scientific and technical grounds.  相似文献   

The fpr gene, which encodes a ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase, is known to participate in the reversible redox reactions between NADP+/NADPH and electron carriers, such as ferredoxin or flavodoxin. The role of Fpr and its regulatory protein, FinR, in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 on the oxidative and osmotic stress responses has already been characterized [Lee at al. (2006). Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 339, 1246-1254]. In the genome of P. putida KT2440, another Fpr homolog (FprB) has a 35.3% amino acid identity with Fpr. The fprB gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The diaphorase activity assay was conducted using purified FprB to identify the function of FprB. In contrast to the fpr gene, the induction of fprB was not affected by oxidative stress agents, such as paraquat, menadione, H2O2 and t-butyl hydroperoxide. However, a higher level of fprB induction was observed under osmotic stress. Targeted disruption of fprB by homologous recombination resulted in a growth defect under high osmotic conditions. Recovery of oxidatively damaged aconitase activity was faster for the fprB mutant than for the fpr mutant, yet still slower than that for the wild type. Therefore, these data suggest that the catalytic function of FprB may have evolved to augment the function of Fpr in P. putida KT2440.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin-NADP(H) reductase (FNR) catalyzes the last step of photosynthetic electron transport in chloroplasts, driving electrons from reduced ferredoxin to NADP+. This reaction is rate limiting for photosynthesis under a wide range of illumination conditions, as revealed by analysis of plants transformed with an antisense version of the FNR gene. To investigate whether accumulation of this flavoprotein over wild-type levels could improve photosynthetic efficiency and growth, we generated transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants expressing a pea (Pisum sativum) FNR targeted to chloroplasts. The alien product distributed between the thylakoid membranes and the chloroplast stroma. Transformants grown at 150 or 700 micromol quanta m(-2) s(-1) displayed wild-type phenotypes regardless of FNR content. Thylakoids isolated from plants with a 5-fold FNR increase over the wild type displayed only moderate stimulation (approximately 20%) in the rates of electron transport from water to NADP+. In contrast, when donors of photosystem I were used to drive NADP+ photoreduction, the activity was 3- to 4-fold higher than the wild-type controls. Plants expressing various levels of FNR (from 1- to 3.6-fold over the wild type) failed to show significant differences in CO2 assimilation rates when assayed over a range of light intensities and CO2 concentrations. Transgenic lines exhibited enhanced tolerance to photooxidative damage and redox-cycling herbicides that propagate reactive oxygen species. The results suggest that photosynthetic electron transport has several rate-limiting steps, with FNR catalyzing just one of them.  相似文献   

J Fisher  B R Abdella  K E McLane 《Biochemistry》1985,24(14):3562-3571
Spinach NADPH:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (EC catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of the anthracyclines daunomycin, aclacinomycin A, and nogalamycin and their respective 7-deoxyanthracyclinones. Under anaerobic conditions, the endogenous rate of O2 reduction by NADPH catalyzed by ferredoxin reductase (0.12 s-1 at pH 7.4) is augmented by the anthracyclines and 7-deoxyanthracyclinones. The catalytic constants are approximately equivalent for this augmentation for all substrates (approximate V of 2 s-1 and KM of 75 microM). Both O2- and H2O2 are made. Under anaerobic conditions, anthracycline reduction catalyzed by ferredoxin reductase results in the elimination of the C-7 substituent to provide a quinone methide intermediate. Following tautomerization by C-7 protonation, 7-deoxyanthracyclinones are obtained. Under appropriate conditions these may be further reduced to the 7-deoxyanthracyclinone hydroquinones. For daunomycin, the quinone methide is formed rapidly after reduction and is easily monitored at 600 nm. It may react with electrophiles other than H+, as demonstrated by its competitive trapping by p-carboxybenzaldehyde. It may also react with nucleophiles, as demonstrated by its competitive trapping by N-acetylcysteine. For aclacinomycin, quinone methide formation is also rapid although no distinct transient near 600 nm occurs. In addition to protonation, it reacts with itself providing the 7,7'-dimer. With ethyl xanthate as a thiolate nucleophile, adducts derived from addition to C-7 are obtained. For nogalamycin, quinone methide formation is not rapid. Nogalamycin is reduced to its hydroquinone, which slowly converts in a first-order process [k = (1.2 +/- 0.2) X 10(-3) s-1, pH 8.0, 30 degrees C] to the quinone methide, which is then quenched by protonation. Spinach ferredoxin in its reduced form is chemically competent for anthracycline reduction. Its effect on both the aerobic and anaerobic reactions catalyzed by ferredoxin reductase is to increase severalfold the overall velocity for anthracycline reduction. In conclusion, the aerobic reaction pathways for the anthracyclines as mediated by ferredoxin reductase are remarkably similar, while the anaerobic reactions are remarkably different. If these anthracyclines exert their antitumor activity by a common anaerobic pathway, it is most likely that the pathway is determined by the properties of the anthracycline as complexed to its in vivo target. The behavior of ferredoxin further suggests that not only low-potential flavin centers but also iron-sulfur centers should be regarded as important loci for anthracycline reductive activation.  相似文献   

Spirulina ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase. The complete amino acid sequence   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The amino acid sequence of ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase [EC, FNR] from Spirulina sp., a blue-green alga, was determined. Spirulina ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase was composed of 294 amino acid residues and the molecular weight of the holoenzyme was 34,135. An apparent homology of the amino(N)-terminal region was found between ferredoxin-NADP+ reductases from Spirulina and spinach. We also found some sequence similarities in human erythrocyte glutathione reductase and p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase from Pseudomonas fluorescens, both of which are NADPH-dependent FAD enzymes.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin-NADP reductase accounts for about 50% of the NADPH diaphorase activity of spinach leaf homogenates. The enzyme is bound to thylakoid membranes, but can be slowly extracted by aqueous buffers. Ferredoxin-NADP reductase can be extracted from the membranes by a 1- to 2-min treatment with a low concentration of trypsin. This treatment completely inactivates NADP photoreduction but does not affect electron transport from water to ferredoxin. It is shown that the inactivation is due to solubilization of ferredoxin-NADP reductase: the activity can be restored by addition of a very large excess of soluble enzyme in pure form. When ferredoxin-NADP reductase is added as a soluble enzyme after extraction or inactivation (by a specific antibody) of the membrane-bound enzyme, NADP photoreduction requires a very large excess of this enzyme, and the apparent Km for ferredoxin is also increased. These observations are discussed as related to the interactions of thylakoids with ferredoxin-NADP reductase.  相似文献   

Crystals of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR) from the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7119 are grown in the presence of polyethylene glycol 6000 and beta-octyl glucoside. They belong to the hexagonal system. The cell parameters are a = b = 87.8 A, c = 92.7 A, space group P6(1) or P6(5), and a Vm of 3.0 A3/dalton for one molecule of 36,000 daltons per asymmetric unit. These crystals diffract strongly up to 1.9 A and are suitable for X-ray structural studies.  相似文献   

Resolution and reconstitution of spinach ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The apoprotein from spinach ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase was prepared by treatment with 3 M calcium chloride. This procedure caused complete removal of the FAD prosthetic group together with considerable denaturation of the apoprotein. Thus, the recovery of total activity upon reconstitution with FAD was only 30%. More importantly, however, both transhydrogenase and diaphorase activities were 70% of that native enzyme based on bound flavin. The visible spectrum and properties of the reconstituted reductase were undiscernible from those of the native protein.  相似文献   



Protein tyrosine nitration is a post-translational modification (PTM) mediated by nitric oxide-derived molecules. Peroxisomes are oxidative organelles in which the presence of nitric oxide (NO) has been reported.


We studied peroxisomal nitroproteome of pea leaves by high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) and proteomic approaches.


Proteomic analysis of peroxisomes from pea leaves detected a total of four nitro-tyrosine immunopositive proteins by using an antibody against nitrotyrosine. One of these proteins was found to be the NADH-dependent hydroxypyruvate reductase (HPR). The in vitro nitration of peroxisomal samples caused a 65% inhibition of HPR activity. Analysis of recombinant peroxisomal NADH-dependent HPR1 activity from Arabidopsis in the presence of H2O2, NO, GSH and peroxynitrite showed that the ONOO molecule caused the highest inhibition of activity (51% at 5 mM SIN-1), with 5 mM H2O2 having no inhibitory effect. Mass spectrometric analysis of the nitrated recombinant HPR1 enabled us to determine that, among the eleven tyrosine present in this enzyme, only Tyr-97, Tyr-108 and Tyr-198 were exclusively nitrated to 3-nitrotyrosine by peroxynitrite. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed Tyr198 as the primary site of nitration responsible for the inhibition on the enzymatic activity by peroxynitrite.


These findings suggest that peroxisomal HPR is a target of peroxynitrite which provokes a loss of function.

General significance

This is the first report demonstrating the peroxisomal NADH-dependent HPR activity involved in the photorespiration pathway is regulated by tyrosine nitration, indicating that peroxisomal NO metabolism may contribute to the regulation of physiological processes under no-stress conditions.  相似文献   

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