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Rice proteins that bind single-stranded G-rich telomere DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this work, we have identified and characterized proteins in rice nuclear extracts that specifically bind the single-stranded G-rich telomere sequence. Three types of specific DNA-protein complexes (I, II, and III) were identified by gel retardation assays using synthetic telomere substrates consisting of two or more single-stranded TTTAGGG repeats and rice nuclear extracts. Since each complex has a unique biochemical property and differs in electrophoretic mobility, at least three different proteins interact with the G-rich telomere sequences. These proteins are called rice G-rich telomere binding protein (RGBP) and none of them show binding affinity to double-stranded telomere repeats or single-stranded C-rich sequence. Changing one or two G's to C's in the TTTAGGG repeats abolishes binding activity. RGBPs have a greatly reduced affinity for human and Tetrahymena telomeric sequence and do not efficiently bind the cognate G-rich telomere RNA sequence UUUAGGG. Like other telomere binding proteins, RGBPs are resistant to high salt concentrations. RNase sensitivity of the DNA-protein interactions was tested to investigate whether an RNA component mediates the telomeric DNA-protein interaction. In this assay, we observed a novel complex (complex III) in gel retardation assays which did not alter the mobilities or the band intensities of the two pre-existing complexes (I and II). The complex III, in addition to binding to telomeric sequences, has a binding affinity to rice nuclear RNA, whereas two other complexes have a binding affinity to only single-stranded G-rich telomere DNA. Taken together, these studies suggest that RGBPs are new types of telomere-binding proteins that bind in vitro to single-stranded G-rich telomere DNA in the angiosperms.  相似文献   

Telomeres are highly conserved structures essential for maintaining the integrity of eukaryotic genomes. In yeast, ciliates and mammals, the G-rich strand of the telomere forms a 3' overhang on the chromosome terminus. Here we investigate the architecture of telomeres in the dicot plants Silene latifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana using the PENT (primer extension/nick translation) assay. We show that both Arabidopsis and Silene telomeres carry G-overhangs longer than 20-30 nucleotides. However, in contrast to yeast and ciliate telomeres, only half of the telomeres in Silene seedlings possess detectable G-overhangs. PENT reactions using a variety of primers and reaction conditions revealed that the remaining fraction of Silene telomeres carries either no overhangs or overhangs less than 12 nucleotides in length. G-overhangs were observed in Silene seeds and leaves, tissues that lack telomerase activity. These findings suggest that incomplete DNA replication of the lagging strand, rather than synthesis by telomerase, is the primary mechanism for G-overhang synthesis in plants. Unexpectedly, we found that the fraction of telomeres with detectable G-overhangs decreased from 50% in seedlings to 35% in leaves. The difference may reflect increased susceptibility of the G-overhangs to nuclease attack in adult leaves, an event that could act as a precursor for the catabolic processes accompanying leaf senescence  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are proposed to play a major role in telomere length alterations during aging. The mechanisms by which ROS disrupt telomeres remain unclear. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, telomere DNA consists of TG(1–3) repeats, which are maintained primarily by telomerase. Telomere length maintenance can be modulated by the expression level of telomerase subunits and telomerase activity. Additionally, telomerase‐mediated telomere repeat addition is negatively modulated by the levels of telomere‐bound Rap1‐Rif1‐Rif2 protein complex. Using a yeast strain defective in the major peroxiredoxin Tsa1 that is involved in ROS neutralization, we have investigated the effect of defective ROS detoxification on telomere DNA, telomerase, telomere‐binding proteins, and telomere length. Surprisingly, the tsa1 mutant does not show significant increase in steady‐state levels of oxidative DNA lesions at telomeres. The tsa1 mutant displays abnormal telomere lengthening, and reduction in oxidative exposure alleviates this phenotype. The telomere lengthening in the tsa1 cells was abolished by disruption of Est2, subtelomeric DNA, Rap1 C‐terminus, or Rif2, but not by Rif1 deletion. Although telomerase expression and activity are not altered, telomere‐bound Est2 is increased, while telomere‐bound Rap1 is reduced in the tsa1 mutant. We propose that defective ROS scavenging can interfere with pathways that are critical in controlling telomere length homeostasis.  相似文献   

EcoP1I methyltransferase (M.EcoP1I) belongs to the type III restriction-modification system encoded by prophage P1 that infects Escherichia coli. Binding of M.EcoP1I to double-stranded DNA and single-stranded DNA has been characterized. Binding to both single- and double-stranded DNA could be competed out by unlabeled single-stranded DNA. Metal ions did not influence DNA binding. Interestingly, M.EcoP1I was able to methylate single-stranded DNA. Kinetic parameters were determined for single- and double-stranded DNA methylation. This feature of the enzyme probably functions in protecting the phage genome from restriction by type III restriction enzymes and thus could be considered as an anti-restriction system. This study describing in vitro methylation of single-stranded DNA by the type III methyltransferase EcoP1I allows understanding of the mechanism of action of these enzymes and also their role in the biology of single-stranded phages.  相似文献   

Telomeres define the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes and are required for genome maintenance and continued cell proliferation. The extreme ends of telomeres terminate in a single-strand protrusion, termed the G-overhang, which, in vertebrates and fission yeast, is bound by evolutionarily conserved members of the POT1 (protection of telomeres) protein family. Unlike most other model organisms, the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana encodes two divergent POT1-like proteins. Here we show that the single-strand telomeric DNA binding activity present in A. thaliana nuclear extracts is not dependent on POT1a or POT1b proteins. Furthermore, in contrast to POT1 proteins from yeast and vertebrates, recombinant POT1a and POT1b proteins from A. thaliana , and from two additional Brassicaceae species, Arabidopsis lyrata and Brassica oleracea (cauliflower), fail to bind single-strand telomeric DNA in vitro under the conditions tested. Finally, although we detected four single-strand telomeric DNA binding activities in nuclear extracts from B. oleracea , partial purification and DNA cross-linking analysis of these complexes identified proteins that are smaller than the predicted sizes of BoPOT1a or BoPOT1b. Taken together, these data suggest that POT1 proteins are not the major single-strand telomeric DNA binding activities in A. thaliana and its close relatives, underscoring the remarkable functional divergence of POT1 proteins from plants and other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Telomeres consist of repetitive DNA and associated proteins that protect chromosome ends from illicit DNA repair. It is well known that telomeric DNA is progressively eroded during cell division, until telomeres become too short and the cell stops dividing. There is a second mode of telomere shortening, however, which is a regulated form of telomere rapid deletion (TRD) termed telomere trimming that is reviewed here. Telomere trimming appears to involve resolution of recombination intermediate structures, which shortens the telomere by release of extrachromosomal telomeric DNA. This has been detected in human and in mouse cells and occurs both in somatic and germline cells, where it sets an upper limit on telomere length and contributes to a length equilibrium set-point in cells that have a telomere elongation mechanism. Telomere trimming thus represents an additional mechanism of telomere length control that contributes to normal telomere dynamics and cell proliferative potential.  相似文献   

Coats plus (CP) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in CTC1, a component of the CST (CTC1, STN1, and TEN1) complex important for telomere length maintenance. The molecular basis of how CP mutations impact upon telomere length remains unclear. The CP CTC1L1142H mutation has been previously shown to disrupt telomere maintenance. In this study, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to engineer this mutation into both alleles of HCT116 and RPE cells to demonstrate that CTC1:STN1 interaction is required to repress telomerase activity. CTC1L1142H interacts poorly with STN1, leading to telomerase‐mediated telomere elongation. Impaired interaction between CTC1L1142H:STN1 and DNA Pol‐α results in increased telomerase recruitment to telomeres and further telomere elongation, revealing that C:S binding to DNA Pol‐α is required to fully repress telomerase activity. CP CTC1 mutants that fail to interact with DNA Pol‐α resulted in loss of C‐strand maintenance and catastrophic telomere shortening. Our findings place the CST complex as an important regulator of both G‐strand extensions by telomerase and C‐strand synthesis by DNA Pol‐α.  相似文献   

刘飞  黄迪南  侯敢  张翠 《生命科学》2006,18(2):123-126
人端粒保护蛋白1(humanprotectionoftelomeres1,hPOT1)是一种端粒单链DNA结合蛋白,与端粒单链TTAGGG重复序列特异性结合。hPOT1蛋白分子有其特有的结构,其与TTAGGG重复单链序列的结合具有独特的分子机制。hPOT1与其他重要的端粒结合蛋白、端粒酶等相互作用,共同完成端粒保护和端粒长度调节。  相似文献   

Telomere repeats in budding yeast are maintained at a constant average length and protected ('capped'), in part, by mechanisms involving the TG(1-3) repeat-binding protein Rap1. However, metazoan telomere repeats (T(2)AG(3)) can be maintained in yeast through a Rap1-independent mechanism. Here, we examine the dynamics of capping and telomere formation at an induced DNA double-strand break flanked by varying lengths of T(2)AG(3) repeats. We show that a 60-bp T(2)AG(3) repeat array induces a transient G2/M checkpoint arrest, but is rapidly elongated by telomerase to generate a stable T(2)AG(3)/TG(1-3) hybrid telomere. In contrast, a 230-bp T(2)AG(3) array induces neither G2/M arrest nor telomerase elongation. This capped state requires the T(2)AG(3)-binding protein Tbf1, but is independent of two Tbf1-interacting factors, Vid22 and Ygr071c. Arrays of binding sites for three other subtelomeric or Myb/SANT domain-containing proteins fail to display a similar end-protection effect, indicating that Tbf1 capping is an evolved function. Unexpectedly, we observed strong telomerase association with non-telomeric ends, whose elongation is blocked by a Mec1-dependent mechanism, apparently acting at the level of Cdc13 binding.  相似文献   

Jian Lu  Yie Liu 《The EMBO journal》2010,29(2):398-409
Telomeres consist of short guanine‐rich repeats. Guanine can be oxidized to 8‐oxo‐7,8‐dihydroguanine (8‐oxoG) and 2,6‐diamino‐4‐hydroxy‐5‐formamidopyrimidine (FapyG). 8‐oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (Ogg1) repairs these oxidative guanine lesions through the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Here we show that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae ablation of Ogg1p leads to an increase in oxidized guanine level in telomeric DNA. The ogg1 deletion (ogg1Δ) strain shows telomere lengthening that is dependent on telomerase and/or Rad52p‐mediated homologous recombination. 8‐oxoG in telomeric repeats attenuates the binding of the telomere binding protein, Rap1p, to telomeric DNA in vitro. Moreover, the amount of telomere‐bound Rap1p and Rif2p is reduced in ogg1Δ strain. These results suggest that oxidized guanines may perturb telomere length equilibrium by attenuating telomere protein complex to function in telomeres, which in turn impedes their regulation of pathways engaged in telomere length maintenance. We propose that Ogg1p is critical in maintaining telomere length homoeostasis through telomere guanine damage repair, and that interfering with telomere length homoeostasis may be one of the mechanism(s) by which oxidative DNA damage inflicts the genome.  相似文献   

The DNA and protein sequences of single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) encoded by the plP71a, plP231a, and R64 conjugative plasmids have been determined and compared to Escherichia coli SSB and the SSB encoded by F-plasmid. Although the amino acid sequences of all of these proteins are highly conserved within the NH2-terminal two-thirds of the protein, they diverge in the COOH-terminal third region. A number of amino acid residues which have previously been implicated as being either directly or indirectly involved in DNA binding are conserved in all of these SSBs. These residues include Trp-40, Trp-54, Trp-88, His-55, and Phe-60. On the basis of these sequence comparisons and DNA binding studies, a role for Tyr-70 in DNA binding is suggested for the first time. Although the COOH-terminal third of these proteins diverges more than their NH2-terminal regions, the COOH-terminal five amino acid residues of all five of these proteins are identical. In addition, all of these proteins share the characteristic property of having a protease resistant, NH2-terminal core and an acidic COOH-terminal region. Despite the high degree of sequence homology among the plasmid SSB proteins, the F-plasmid SSB appears unique in that it was the only SSB tested that neither bound well to poly(dA) nor was able to stimulate DNA polymerase III holoenzyme elongation rates. Poly [d(A-T)] melting studies suggest that at least three of the plasmid encoded SSBs are better helix-destabilizing proteins than is the E. coli SSB protein.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH must be kept close to neutrality to be compatible with cellular functions, but the mechanisms of pH homeostasis and the responses to intracellular acidification are mostly unknown. In the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we found that intracellular acid stress generated by weak organic acids at normal external pH induces expression of several chaperone genes, including ROF2, which encodes a peptidyl‐prolyl cis‐trans isomerase of the FK506‐binding protein class. Loss of function of ROF2, and especially double mutation of ROF2 and the closely related gene ROF1, results in acid sensitivity. Over‐expression of ROF2 confers tolerance to intracellular acidification by increasing proton extrusion from cells. The activation of the plasma membrane proton pump (H+‐ATPase) is indirect: over‐expression of ROF2 activates K+ uptake, causing depolarization of the plasma membrane, which activates the electrogenic H+ pump. The depolarization of ROF2 over‐expressing plants explains their tolerance to toxic cations such as lithium, norspermidine and hygromycin B, whose uptake is driven by the membrane potential. As ROF2 induction and intracellular acidification are common consequences of many stresses, this mechanism of pH homeostasis may be of general importance for stress tolerance.  相似文献   

The budding yeast Cdc13, Stn1 and Ten1 (CST) proteins are proposed to function as an RPA-like complex at telomeres that protects (‘caps'') chromosome ends and regulates their elongation by telomerase. We show that Stn1 has a critical function in both processes through the deployment of two separable domains. The N terminus of Stn1 interacts with Ten1 and carries out its essential capping function. The C terminus of Stn1 binds both Cdc13 and Pol12, and we present genetic data indicating that the Stn1–Cdc13 interaction is required to limit continuous telomerase action. Stn1 telomere association, similar to that of Cdc13, peaks during S phase. Significantly, the magnitude of Stn1 telomere binding is independent of telomere TG tract length, suggesting that the negative effect of Stn1 on telomerase action might be regulated by a modification of CST activity or structure in cis at individual telomeres. Genetic analysis suggests that the Tel1 kinase exerts an effect in parallel with the Stn1 C terminus to counteract its inhibition of telomerase. These data provide new insights into the coordination of telomere capping and telomerase regulation.  相似文献   

We have designed a novel tiling array, AtMap1, for genomic deletion mapping. AtMap1 is a 60-mer oligonucleotide microarray consisting of 42 497 data probes designed from the genomic sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0. The average probe interval is 2.8 kb. The performance of the AtMap1 array was assessed using the deletion mutants mag2-2, rot3-1 and zig-2. Eight of the probes showed threefold lower signals in mag2-2 than Col-0. Seven of these probes were located in one region on chromosome 3. We considered these adjacent probes to represent one deletion. This deletion was consistent with a reported deleted region. The other probe was located near the end of chromosome 4. A newly identified deletion around the probe was confirmed by PCR. We also detected the responsible deletions for rot3-1 and zig-2. Thus we concluded that the AtMap1 array was sufficiently sensitive to identify a deletion without any a priori knowledge of the deletion. An analysis of the result of hybridization of Ler and previously reported polymorphism data revealed that the signal decrease tended to depend on the overlap size of sequence polymorphisms. Mutation mapping is time-consuming, laborious and costly. The AtMap1 array removes these limitations.  相似文献   

Inefficiency in the production of cloned animals is most likely due to epigenetic reprogramming errors after somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). In order to investigate whether nuclear reprogramming restores cellular age of donor cells after SCNT, we measured telomere length and telomerase activity in cloned pigs and cattle. In normal pigs and cattle, the mean telomere length was decreased with biological aging. In cloned or transgenic cloned piglets, the mean telomere length was elongated compared to nuclear donor fetal fibroblasts and age-matched normal piglets. In cloned cattle, no increases in mean telomere length were observed compared to nuclear donor adult fibroblasts. In terms of telomerase activity, significant activity was observed in nuclear donor cells and normal tissues from adult or new-born pigs and cattle, with relatively higher activity in the porcine tissues compared to the bovine tissues. Cloned calves and piglets showed the same level of telomerase activity as their respective donor cells. In addition, no difference in telomerase activity was observed between normal and transgenic cloned piglets. However, increased telomerase activity was observed in porcine SCNT blastocysts compared to nuclear donor cells and in vitro fertilization (IVF)-derived blastocysts, suggesting that the elongation of telomere lengths observed in cloned piglets could be due to the presence of higher telomerase activity in SCNT blastocysts. In conclusion, gathering from the comparative studies with cattle, we were able to demonstrate that telomere length in cloned piglets was rebuilt or elongated with the use of cultured donor fetal fibroblasts.  相似文献   

DNA sequencing was performed on up to 12 chloroplast DNA regions [giving a total of 4288 base pairs (bp) in length] from the allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica (48 accessions) and its two parental species, A. thaliana (25 accessions) and A. arenosa (seven accessions). Arabidopsis suecica was identical to A. thaliana at all 93 sites where A. thaliana and A. arenosa differed, thus showing that A. thaliana is the maternal parent of A. suecica. Under the assumption that A. thaliana and A. arenosa separated 5 million years ago, we estimated a substitution rate of 2.9 x 10(-9) per site per year in noncoding single copy sequence. Within A. thaliana we found 12 substitution (single bp) and eight insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphisms, separating the 25 accessions into 15 haplotypes. Eight of the A. thaliana accessions from central Sweden formed one cluster, which was separated from a cluster consisting of central European and extreme southern Swedish accessions. This latter cluster also included the A. suecica accessions, which were all identical except for one 5 bp indel. We interpret this low level of variation as a strong indication that A. suecica effectively has a single origin, which we dated at 20 000 years ago or more.  相似文献   

Alzheimer′s disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder which is the primary cause of dementia in the elderly. Telomere attrition has been proposed as a hallmark of aging. Our study aimed to explore the mechanism of the protection of telomere 1 (POT1) in regulating telomere length and affecting cellular senescence in AD. The AD mouse model was established by d -galactose and aluminum chloride, and the water maze test and dark avoidance test were used to detect the behaviors of mice and confirm the success of AD mouse model. AD cell model was established with HT22 cells induced by Aβ42 oligomers. POT1 expression in the AD model was detected by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Cellular telomere length in hippocampal tissue was analyzed by telomere restriction fragment. Localization of intracellular POT1, telomerase, and telomeres was analyzed by immunofluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Dual-luciferase assay was used to validate the targeted binding relationship between microRNA-340-5p (miR-340-5p) and POT1. After inhibiting POT1 expression, the symptoms of AD in mice were improved. Aβ1–42 deposition was reduced, whereas telomere length and telomerase activity was increased. Dual-luciferase assay verified the binding relationship between miR-340-5p and POT1. An increase in miR-340-5p expression could alleviate cellular senescence and AD symptoms. miR-340-5p increased cellular telomere length and delayed cell senescence by inhibiting POT1 expression to improve AD symptoms. This study made a conclusion that miR-340-5p increased cellular telomere length and delayed cell senescence by inhibiting POT1 expression to improve AD symptoms in mice.  相似文献   

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