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Multivariate structural data describing Trachypogon savanna relationships were used to characterize the sources of variation among savannas as a function of the environmental characteristics of the Orinoco Llanos. Twenty-six savannas including major physiognomic types of the Orinoco Llanos ranging from herbaceous to bush island savannas were ordinated on a regional scale. Results of Detrented Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA) using floristics variables indicated that savannas were ordinated along two complex gradients. A soil physical and chemical gradient as expressed by changes in bulk density and magnesium concentration were evident after the analysis of the first DCCA axis. The second axis was a climatic gradient of decreasing annual precipitation and incresing monthly precipitation during the dry season. The impact of human disturbance on the savanna composition was also an explanatory variable of the second DCCA axis. Savanna sites overlapped considerably in composition and most species were widely distributed, with aboveground phytomass abundance depending upon the site.  相似文献   

Grazing and browsing by sheep and goats has been an important anthropogenic influence on ecosystems in the Mediterranean region for centuries. This influence has changed significantly in recent decades, with a general shift from range grazing to the penning of animals. The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) proposes that perturbation - including anthropogenic disturbance - is the norm for Mediterranean ecosystems, and that higher species diversity is found under conditions of continuous, moderate disturbance. Here we test the IDH as it relates to grazing of scrub and open forest habitats in Cyprus, while also testing for the effects of fire. We carried out surveys of breeding birds and vegetation at 48 study sites in scrub and open woodland across Cyprus. We estimated relative grazing pressure (past and present) and fire history at these sites, and tested for associations between these factors, breeding bird species richness and perennial vegetation diversity. We found moderate current grazing reduces density of lower and middle level scrub, and a higher level of diversity of perennial vegetation at moderately over intensively grazed sites. We found that moderate historical grazing pressure had a positive influence on richness of breeding bird species in lower scrub habitat such as phrygana, but that this effect was weaker the taller and denser the habitat. By contrast, current grazing pressure had a negative effect on species richness in lower scrub, but species richness in grazed habitats was higher in denser, taller scrub habitat such as garrigue and maquis. Our study suggests grazing plays an important role in maintaining habitat heterogeneity but the impact on avian species richness depends on the density and height of the vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The prevalence and distribution of sponges was surveyed on vertical cliff surfaces at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve, Co. Cork, Ireland. The number of sponge species was recorded at 6-metre depth intervals at four sites within Lough Hyne, and at one site on the adjacent Atlantic coastline to examine differences in abundance and zonation patterns. Sites ranged from an exposed turbulent regime to sheltered, sedimented environments. Individual species showed different distributions and prevalence between sites and with increasing depth. Greatest differences were observed between the most- and least-disturbed sites. Distinct sponge zonation patterns were evident at all sites sampled. Twenty-five species were considered dominant at all five sites with the remaining 48 species considered rare. Only four of the 25 most-dominant species occurred at the site experiencing the most turbulent flow conditions, whereas 12 species were found at the site of unidirectional fast flow. At sites of moderate to slight water movement and high sedimentation, between 18 and 24 of the most dominant species were present. Encrusting forms constituted high proportions of sponge communities at all five sites sampled (although consisting of different species). At sites of turbulent and unidirectional fast flow massive forms also dominated whereas at the least turbulent sites, where sedimentation was high, arborescent sponges were abundant. Few species showed exclusive distribution to a single depth and site, but there was some degree of correlation between species distributions and abiotic factors such as sedimentation rate and flow regimes. Sponge distributions and densities are discussed with respect to the suitability of species' morphologies to particular environments, intra-specific and inter-specific competition and physiological adaptations that enable them to survive in different habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract. Sponge communities on inclined cliff surfaces (40°) at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve, Co. Cork, Ireland were sampled at five sites (four inside the lough and one on the adjacent Atlantic coast). Each site varied in sedimentation rate and flow regime. Sites ranged from turbulent (with negligible sedimentation) to very low flow (< 3 cm−1) and highly sedimented regimes. Sponge species showed variation between sites and depth. The greatest difference in sponge communities was observed between the most turbulent and most sedimented sites. The distinct zonation patterns, present at all sites, were most pronounced at the highly sedimented sites. Encrusting forms constituted a high proportion of the sponges at all sites. However encrusting species found at the turbulent site were different to those at the sedimented sites. Arborescent species were common, mainly at the sedimented sites within Lough Hyne. Distributions of sponge species are considered with respect to morphological adaptation, competition and physiological adaptation. The distributions of sponge species on inclined surfaces are also compared with those on vertical cliff faces.  相似文献   

Models for the analysis of species' response to environmental gradients   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
M. P. Austin 《Plant Ecology》1987,69(1-3):35-45

Abstract. The species composition of stands of submerged macrophytes was studied in relation to the main environmental factors in oligohaline wetlands of the Camargue, southern France. Correlations were sought between the environmental factors and the abundance of the different species using canonical analysis. 24 species of submerged macrophytes, including 10 species of Charophyta, were recorded in the 60 sites studied. The hydrological regime and the salinity appeared to be the main factors controlling the abundance of the different species. This is related to the management of the marshes in the Camargue, which is carried out using these two controlling factors, particularly the hydrological regime, and also includes the destruction of emergent vegetation, mechanically or by grazing. The bivariate ecological amplitude of the individual species was calculated from field data along the gradients of flooding duration and conductivity of the water. My-riophyllum spicatum, Potamogetón pectinatus and Ruppia cirrhosa dominate permanent marshes along the conductivity gradient. In temporary marshes, all having a low conductivity, Zannichellia pedunculata, Ranunculus baudotii, Chara áspera and Callitriche truncata dominate.  相似文献   

Are latitudinal gradients in regional diversity random or biased with respect to body size? Using data for the New World avifauna, I show that the slope of the increase in regional species richness from the Arctic to the equator is not independent of body size. The increase is steepest among small and medium‐sized species, and shallowest among the largest species. This is reflected in latitudinal variation in the shape of frequency distributions of body sizes in regional subsets of the New World avifauna. Because species are added disproportionately in small and medium size classes towards low latitudes, distributions become less widely spread along the body size axis than expected from the number of species. These patterns suggest an interaction between the effects of latitude and body size on species richness, implying that mechanisms which vary with both latitude and body size may be important determinants of high tropical diversity in New World birds.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate how spatial variation of species richness in different bird orders responds to environmental gradients and determine which order level trait best predicts these relationships. Location South America. Methods A canonical correlation analysis was performed between the species richness in each of 17 bird orders and eight environmental variables in 374, 220 × 220 km cells. Loadings associated with the first two canonical variables were regressed against six order‐level predictors, including diversification level (number of species in each order), body size, median geographical range size and characteristics included in the model to control Type I error rates (the phylogenetic relationship among orders and levels of local‐scale spatial autocorrelation). Results Richness patterns of 14 bird orders were highly correlated with the first canonical axis, indicating that most orders respond similarly to energy‐water gradients (primarily actual evapotranspiration, minimum temperature and potential evapotranspiration). In contrast, species richness within Trochiliformes, Apodiformes and Galliformes were also correlated with the second canonical variable, representing measures of mesoscale climatic variation (range in elevation within cells, minimum temperature, and the interaction term between them) and landcover (habitat diversity). We also found that total diversification within orders was the best predictor of the loadings associated with the first canonical axis, whereas body size of each order best predicted loadings on the second axis. Conclusion Our results broadly support climatic‐related hypotheses as explanations for spatial variation in species richness of different orders. However, both historical (order‐specific variation in speciation rates) and ecological (dispersal of species that evolved by independent processes into areas amenable to birds) processes can explain the relationship between order level traits, such as body size and diversification level, and magnitude of response to current environment, furnishing then guidelines for a further and deeper understanding of broad‐scale diversity gradients.  相似文献   

The spatial variations in the densities of adult (>1 year old) musselsMytilus edulis L. in the Exe estuary, South-west England, are investigated in relation to six potentially significant environmental gradients; distance up-estuary and up-shore, substrate softness, mussel bed topography, bed area and proportion covered by algae. The most important correlate of mussel density was the up-shore gradient, as measured by exposure time; mussels were densest just below mid-tide level. The level of recruitment of spat mussels (O yr) to each bed depended on the densities of adults already present; more spat were recruited where adults were denser. Their subsequent mortality was strongly density dependent, with the numbers surviving the winter also being related to the density of adults. Hence the population as a whole was self-sustaining and densities on the individual beds were related to the up-shore gradient of exposure time. The question of how adult densities became established in the first place is therefore discussed. In former times, fishermen laid many mussel beds over the estuary and it is concluded that, once abandoned, only those placed at or below the mid-tide level survived.  相似文献   

Birds of papyrus swamps have not been adequately studied in Kenya, and little is known about their ecology and habitat associations. Using fixed‐radius point counts and playbacks, we counted papyrus specialist birds and evaluated papyrus physical characteristics and levels of disturbance at a series of sample stations at three papyrus swamps of Dunga, Koguta and Kusa in the Kenyan sector of Lake Victoria. Papyrus height and density were significantly correlated across all sites but negatively correlated with levels of disturbance. Standardized point counts of swamp birds showed the papyrus gonolek Laniarius mufumbiri and Carruthers's cisticola Cisticola carruthersi to be the most abundant papyrus specialists across sites. Only Carruthers's cisticola numbers differed between sites. Overall, papyrus cover was the best predictor of the presence and abundance of all papyrus specialist birds, and significantly predicted the numbers of papyrus gonolek and white‐winged warbler Bradypterus carpalis.  相似文献   

We examined the use of the ratio of serum urea to serum creatinine as a physiological biomarker of fasting to monitor temporal patterns in the feeding ecology of polar bears (Ursus maritimus). Blood was collected from 436 polar bears in the eastern Beaufort Sea during April and May of 1985–1986 and 2005–2006. The proportions of polar bears fasting were 9.6% in 1985, 10.5% in 1986, 21.4% in 2005, and 29.3% in 2006. We used stepwise logistic regression analysis to evaluate factors that could influence the binary response variable of fasting or not fasting. Significant predictor variables of fasting were: the 2005 and 2006 capture years, solitary adult male bears, and adult male bears that were accompanying an estrous female. The increased number of polar bears in a physiological fasting state from all sex, age, and reproductive classes in 2005 and 2006 corresponded with broad scale changes in Arctic sea ice composition, which may have affected prey availability. The higher proportion of adult males fasting from all years was attributed to spring breeding behavior.  相似文献   

Distributional patterns of C4 plants were investigated in 4 study areas located in se Arizona: granite slopes in the Mule Mountains, limestone slopes in the Mule Mountains, calcareous bajada (alluvial plain) below the Mule Mountains, and limestone slopes in the Huachuca Mountains. Cover data for all vascular species were obtained from 238 0.1 ha (20×50 m) sample quadrats located over ranges of elevation and topographic position within the study areas. Overall, 69 C4 species representing 6 angiosperm families were encountered. C4 species accounted for 13.5% to 22.3% of vascular species within the study areas. C4 species frequency in quadrats (on the basis of all species or of grasses only) increased from mesic to xeric community types in all study areas except the calcareous bajada. Similar, but less consistent, trends were evident in the relative cover contributed by C4 species. In two of the study areas (granite slopes in the Mule Mountains, limestone slopes in the Huachuca Mountains) regression analyses revealed statistically significant trends of C4 species frequency and relative cover along environmental (elevation/solar-irradiation scalar) and compositional (reciprocal averaging ordination) gradients. A lack of consistent trends on limestone slopes in the Mule Mountains may be the result of grazing and/or recent invasion of low-elevation limestone areas by a Chihuahuan Desert flora dominated by C3 dicot shrubs. The calcareous bajada below the Mule Mountains was studied less intensively, but its flora was found to contain the highest frequency of C4 species of the 4 study areas. In contrast, C4 cover on the bajada was low, presumably as a consequence of heavy grazing pressure on the grasses. The results of the present investigation support the prediction that C4 species should be proportionally more successful in habitats characterized by high temperatures, high irradiance and low moisture.  相似文献   

Climate is a major factor affecting the development and form of peatlands, as well as the distribution of individual bryophyte species. This paper examines the climatic and ecological gradients affecting the distribution of peatland types along a north-south gradient in the Mackenzie River Basin. Based on a TWINSPAN analysis of bryophyte abundance from 82 peatlands in the Mackenzie River Basin, seven peatland types, two with southerly geographical distributions are recognized. In the Mackenzie River Basin, such local factors as surface water chemistry, pH, and solute concentration as well as height above the water table play a significant role in determinining bryophyte species distributions. Climate is secondary. Amongst the climatic variables, precipitation, length of the growing season, and annual temperature are the most signifcant. The seven peatland groups are: widespread poor fens; peat plateaus with thermokarst pools, low-Boreal bogs; bogs and peat plateus without thermokarst pools; low-Boreal dry poor fens; wet moderate-rich fens; and wet extreme-rich fens.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the relationship of climate and physiography to species density and ecological diversity of North American mammals. Location North America, including Mexico and Central America. Methods Species density, size structure and trophic structure of mammalian faunas and nine environmental variables were documented for quadrats covering the entire continent. Spatial autocorrelation of species density and the environmental variables illustrated differences in their spatial structure at the continental scale. We used principal component analysis to reduce the dimensionality of the climatic variables, linear multiple regression to determine which environmental variables best predict species density for the continent and several regions of the continent, and canonical ordination to evaluate how well the environmental variables predict ecological structure of mammalian faunas over North America. Results In the best regression model, five environmental variables, representing seasonal extremes of temperature, annual energy and moisture, and elevation, predicted 88% of the variation in species density for the whole continent. Among different regions of North America, the environmental variables that predicted species density vary. Changes in the size and trophic structure of mammalian faunas accompany changes in species density. Redundancy analysis demonstrated that environmental variables representing winter temperature, frostfree period, potential and actual evapotranspiration, and elevation account for 77% of the variation in ecological structure. Main conclusions The latitudinal gradient in mammalian species density is strong, but most of it is explained by variation in the environmental variables. Each ecological category peaks in species richness under particular environmental conditions. The changes of greatest magnitude involve the smallest size categories (< 10 g, 11–100 g), aerial insectivores and frugivores. Species in these categories, mostly bats, increase along a gradient of decreasing winter temperature and increasing annual moisture and frostfree period, trends correlated with latitude. At the opposite end of this gradient, species in the largest size category (101–1000 kg) increase in frequency. Species in size categories 3 (101–1000 g), 5 (11–100 kg) and 6 (101–1000 kg), herbivores, and granivores increase along a longitudinal gradient of increasing annual potential evapotranspiration and elevation. Much of the spatial pattern is consistent with ecological sorting of species ranges along environmental gradients, but differential rates of speciation and extinction also may have shaped the ecological diversity of extant North American mammals.  相似文献   

Abstract. Comparisons of the positions of species on Grimes'C-S-R triangular ordination model with their responses to individual environmental gradients indicates that the C-S-R model does not necessarily predict species ecological behaviour. The importance of the stress, productivity and disturbance gradients relative to other environmental gradients needs to be determined. In studies of species behaviour along a biomass/productivity gradient the collective vegetation property, biomass, has been confused with the environmental factor, fertility. Patterns of responses to biomass gradients e.g. Keddy's centrifugal model, should be examined in a two-dimensional environmental space to avoid such confounding effects. Assumptions regarding the shapes of species responses to environmental gradients remain untested. A recent model of species response functions to environmental gradients suggested that skewed responses curves show a pattern in the direction of the skew, always with the tail towards the presumed most mesic position on the gradient. Further evidence is presented to support this model for a temperature gradient in eucalypt forest in south-eastern Australia. 21 out of 24 species tested conform to the model.  相似文献   

A deep Main river was examined to determine the effects of selected environmental variables on benthic invertebrate community structure. Thirty-three sites were sampled by divers using artificial substrates. The Bray-Curtis ordination was used to establish community types based upon combinations of current velocity, siltation, and organic detritus. While some invertebrates were tightly clustered within particular communities, most taxa tended to concentrate in one community type but were not excluded from others. The results tended to support the individualistic hypothesis of species distribution.  相似文献   

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