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The formation and degradation of protochlorophyllide esters, i.e., protochlorophylls, were studied in etiolated leaves of kidney bean in relation to their aging. By the sensitive analysis of the pigments using high-performance liquid chromatography, the presence of four protochlorophylls esterified with phytol, tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol (THGG), dihydrogeranylgeraniol (DHGG), and geranylgeraniol (GG) was detected in kidney bean grown in the dark. Similar components were also observed in the etiolated seedlings of cucumber, sunflower, and corn. The content of each protochlorophyll species changed with the plant species and age of plants. In the case of kidney bean, the content of protochlorophyll phytol reached a maximal level at 9 days, then decreased rapidly during the subsequent development, in spite of the total protochlorophyll content remaining unchanged. In contrast to the degradation of protochlorophyll phytol, the other three protochlorophylls esterified with THGG, DHGG, and GG accumulated. These results may indicate that (i) protochlorophyll phytol is formed from the first esterified protochlorophyll GG through the next three hydrogenation steps as in the case of chlorophyll a phytol formation; (ii) the esterification reaction stops at 9 days and then reaction proceeds in sequence in the reverse direction, leading to the dehydrogenation of the alcohol moiety of protochlorophyll phytol to protochlorophylls THGG, DHGG, and GG.  相似文献   

Primary leaves of 7-to-9 day-old etiolated bean seedlings contain a species of protochlorophyllide which is not transformed to chlorophyllide by light; this pigment species exhibits an absorption peak at 631nm invivo at ?196° and a fluorescence emission peak at 639nm invivo at room temperature. Heat-treatment of etiolated leaves converts the phototransformable protochlorophyllide holochrome to a pigment species with invivo absorption and fluorescence peaks identical to those of endogenous nontransformable protochlorophyllide. Administration of δ-amino-levulinic acid to etiolated leaves causes the synthesis of non-transformable protochlorophyllide with an absorption peak also at 631nm invivo at ?196° but with a fluorescence emission peak at 643nm invivo at room temperature. Heat-treatment of such leaves does not affect the position of these bands. The results indicate that protochlorophyllide which is derived from exogenous δ-amino-levulinic acid is in a physically different state from other forms of protochlorophyllide in the leaf.  相似文献   

Partial degradations of (+)-isothujone biosynthesised in Tanacetum vulgare after feeding IPP-[4-14C], DMAPP-[4-14C] or 3,3-dimethylacrylate-[Me-14C], and of geraniol and (+)-pulegone formed in Pelargonium graveolens and Mentha pulegium respectively after uptake of 3,3-dimethylacrylate-[Me-14C], indicated that none of these metabolites was a direct source of the part of the monoterpene skeleton derived hypothetically from DMAPP. Uptake of glucose-[U14C] into P. graveolens led, in contrast, to both IPP and DMAPP-derived moieties of geraniol being extensively labelled. Feeding of l-valine-[U-14C] and l-leucine-[U-14C] to all three plants resulted in negligible incorporation of tracer into monoterpenes. A soluble enzyme system prepared from foliage of T. vulgare that had been exposed to CO2-[14C] for 20 days converted isotopically-normal IPP into GPP with the DMAPP-derived portion containing essentially all (>98%) of the radioactivity present. These observations and those previously obtained from feeding experiments with other [14C]-labelled precursors on the same plant species are consistent with the occurrence of two metabolic pools of intermediates for monoterpene biosynthesis, one of which is probably protein-bonded.  相似文献   

By spectral methods, the final stages of chlorophyll formation from protochlorophyllide were studied using etiolated pea, bean, barley, wheat and maize plants in early stages (4 days) of growth. For these juvenile plants, along with the reaction chain known for mature (7–9-day-old) plants, a new reaction chain was found, which started with phototransformation of the long-wavelength form Pchlide 686/676(440) into Pchlide 653/648(440). (Pchlide 653/648(440) differs from the main known precursor form Pchlide 655/650(448)). The subsequent photoreduction of Pchlide 653/648(440) leads to the formation of Chlide 684/676(440), which is transformed into Chl 688/680(440) in the course of a dark reaction. After completion of this reaction, fast (20–30 s) quenching of the low-temperature fluorescence of the reaction product is observed with the formation of non-fluorescent Chl 680. The reaction accompanied by pigment fluorescence quenching is absent in pea mutants with depressed function of Photosystem II reaction centers. This suggests that the newly found reaction chain leads to the formation of chlorophyll of the Photosystem II core. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The protochlorophyll pools of roots of dark-grown wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Walde), maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Goldcrest) and wrinkledseeded pea ( Pisum sativum L. ssp. sativurh cv. Kelvedon Wonder) were investigated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and low temperature fluorescence spectroscopy. All roots contained protochlorophyllide and esterified protochlorophyllides (protochlorophylls) but with considerably larger relative amounts of the latter compared with etiolated leaves. The alcohol moieties of the 4 detected protochlorophylls were geranylgeraniol (GG), dihydrogeranylgeraniol (DHGG), tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol (THGG) and phytol. The relative amounts of the different protochlorophylls varied between the species. Protochlorophyllide and the 4 protochlorophylls all contained monovinyl forms. The divinyl forms could not be detected by our instruments. Wrinkledseeded pea contained in addition chlorophyll a , some unidentified chlorophylls and negligible amounts of chlorophyllide. Small amounts of carotenoids were found in roots of all investigated species. The carotenoids were the same as those found in green or etiolated leaves, but present in different relative amounts.  相似文献   

The green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum synthesizes three types of (bacterio)chlorophyll ((B)Chl): BChl a(P), Chl a(PD), and BChl c(F). During the synthesis of all three molecules, a C-8 vinyl substituent is reduced to an ethyl group, and in the case of BChl c(F), the C-8(2) carbon of this ethyl group is subsequently methylated once or twice by the radical S-adenosylmethionine enzyme BchQ. The C. tepidum genome contains homologs of two genes, bchJ (CT2014) and CT1063, that are highly homologous to genes, bchJ and AT5G18660, and that have been reported to encode C-8 vinyl reductases in Rhodobacter capsulatus and Arabidopsis thaliana, respectively. To determine which gene product actually encodes a C-8 vinyl reductase activity, the bchJ and CT1063 genes were insertionally inactivated in C. tepidum. All three Chls synthesized by the CT1063 mutant of C. tepidum have a C-8 vinyl group. Using NADPH but not NADH as reductant, recombinant BciA reduces the C-8 vinyl group of 3,8-divinyl-protochlorophyllide in vitro. These data demonstrate that CT1063, renamed bciA, encodes a C-8 divinyl reductase in C. tepidum. The bchJ mutant produces detectable amounts of Chl a(PD), BChl a(P), and BChl c(F), all of which have reduced C-8 substituents, but the mutant cells secrete large amounts of 3,8-divinyl-protochlorophyllide a into the growth medium and have a greatly reduced BChl c(F) content. The results suggest that BchJ may play an important role in substrate channeling and/or regulation of Chl biosynthesis but show that it is not a vinyl reductase. Because only some Chl-synthesizing organisms possess homologs of bciA, at least two types of C-8 vinyl reductases must occur.  相似文献   

Metabolic detoxification of ammonia in tissues of higher plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The basic chromatin structure of higher plants (Vicia faba andTrillium kamtschaticum) was examined biochemically. After digestionwith micrococcal nuclease, the chromatins of these species yieldedDNA-protein components which sedimented as discrete peaks at11S, 15S, 19S, and so on in a sucrose gradient. The buoyantdensity of Vicia chromatin subunits was about 1.44 g?cm–3in CsCl. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of histone fromthese subunits of Vicia and Trillium chromatins indicated thatthe 11S monomer contained very little histone H1 but a fullcomplement of all other histones, whereas the oligomers containedH1 as in the case of undigested chromatin. Therefore, the modeof organization of basic chromatin structure in higher plantsis identical with that reported with various other eukasyotes,although two plant histone components are different from thecorresponding mammalian histones, H2A and H2B, in molecularweight and amino acid composition. The results indicated alsothat chromosomes prepared from Trillium meiotic cells do notdiffer from chromatins of Trillium or Vicia somatic cells inthe sensitivity to nuclease digestion or in the size of theirsubunits. (Received May 19, 1978; )  相似文献   

Protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) accumulation and xantophyll composition were studied in 5-day old etiolated seedlings of three ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana: Columbia (Col-0), Landsberg erecta (Ler) and Wassiliewska (Ws). The total Pchlide level as measured by fluorescence spectroscopy varied significantly between ecotypes. A rapid HPLC method revealed quantitative differences in carotenoid composition. It was found that in the Ler ecotype any enhanced accumulation of Pchlide correlates with an increased level of lutein, suggesting the role of enzymes involved in lutein synthesis in cross-regulation between chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthetic pathways. The function of the dark-accumulated carotenoid pool in seedling de-etiolation is discussed.  相似文献   

It is shown that barley (Hordeum vulgare), a dark monovinyl/light divinyl plant species, and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) a dark divinyl/light divinyl plant species synthesize monovinyl and divinyl protochlorophyllide in darkness from monovinyl and divinyl protoporphyrin IX via two distinct monovinyl and divinyl monocarboxylic chlorophyll biosynthetic routes. Evidence for the operation of monovinyl monocarboxylic biosynthetic routes consisted (a) in demonstrating the conversion of delta-aminolevulinic acid to monovinyl protoporphyrin and to monovinyl Mg-protoporphyrins, and (b) in demonstrating the conversion of these tetrapyrroles to monovinyl protochlorophyllide by both isolated barley and cucumber etiochloroplasts. Likewise, evidence for the operation of divinyl monocarboxylic chlorophyll biosynthetic routes consisted (a) in demonstrating the biosynthesis of divinyl protoporphyrin and divinyl Mg-protoporphyrins from delta-aminolevulinic acid, and (b) in demonstrating the conversion of the latter tetrapyrroles to divinyl protochlorophyllide. Finally, it was shown that the divinyl tetrapyrrole substrates were metabolized differently by barley and cucumber. For example, divinyl protoporphyrin, divinyl Mg-protoporphyrin, and divinyl Mg-protoporphyrin monoester were converted predominantly to monovinyl protochlorophyllide and to smaller amounts of divinyl protochlorophyllide by barley etiochloroplasts. In contrast, cucumber etiochloroplasts converted the above substrates predominantly to divinyl protochlorophyllide, although smaller amounts of monovinyl protochlorophyllide were also formed. Furthermore, it was shown that monovinyl protochlorophyllide was not formed from divinyl protochlorophyllide either in barley or in cucumber etiochloroplasts. These metabolic differences are explained by the presence of strong biosynthetic interconnections between the divinyl and monovinyl monocarboxylic routes, prior to divinyl protochlorophyllide formation, in barley but not in cucumber.  相似文献   

The photoconversion of protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide in etiolated bean leaves or leaf extracts exhibits complicated kinetics that are neither simple first-order nor second-order with respect to the reactant. By comparing the chlorophyllide absorbance with the intensity of chlorophyllide fluorescence excited at wavelengths where both pigments absorb, we demonstrate that the kinetic complexity results from the transfer of electronic excitation from protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide. Measurements of the polarization of chlorophyllide fluorescence indicate that efficient excitation transfer occurs at room temperature over pigment aggregates containing at least four molecules. The relative quantum efficiency of chlorophyllide-excited chlorophyllide fluorescence remains constant during photoconversion of holochrome or etioplast preparations. This result does not support the proposal of increasing exciton interaction between chlorophyllides during the course of photoconversion.  相似文献   

A method was developed to separate the monovinyl and divinyl forms of protochlorophyllide and chlorophyllide by high pressure liquid chromatography using a silicic acid column coated with dodecyl residues and a moving phase containing the lipophilic cation, tetrabutyl ammonium. The solvent was 70% methyl alcohol containing varying amounts of methyl ethyl ketone. The separation was carried out at 0°C. This method was used to test and confirm a previous report that, in cucumber cotyledons, divinyl protochlorophyllide is phototransformed to give divinyl chlorophyllide, which is biologically unstable and disappears rapidly in the dark.  相似文献   

Photoreversible pigment transformations in etiolated plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

It is shown that the monovinyl and divinyl protochlorophyllide biosynthetic patterns of etiolated maize (Zea mays L.), and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings and of their isolated etiochloroplasts can be modulated by light and darkness as was shown for green photoperiodically grown plants (E. E. Carey, C. A. Rebeiz 1985 Plant Physiol. 79: 1-6). In etiolated corn and cucumber seedlings and isolated etiochloroplasts poised in the divinyl protochlorophyllide biosynthetic mode by a 2 hour light pretreatment, darkness induced predominantly the biosynthesis of monovinyl protochlorophyllide in maize and of divinyl protochlorophyllide in cucumber. When etiolated seedlings and their isolated etiochloroplasts were poised in the monovinyl protochlorophyllide biosynthetic mode by a prolonged dark-pretreatment, light induced mainly the biosynthesis of divinyl protochlorophyllide in both maize and cucumber.  相似文献   

Summary The enzyme protochlorophyllide (pchlide) reductase has been identified amongst the peptides, resolved by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), of chloroplast membranes from oat and barley plants. In support of this identification the enzymic activity associated with the enzyme has also been measured in the same preparations. A higher level of enzyme was found in plants which had been darkened prior to extraction. Based on this data, mechanisms for the light regulated diurnal variation of the reductase are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of various inhibitors of nucleic acid and protein synthesis on protochlorophyllide synthesis in dark-grown Phaseolus vulgaris var. Red Kidney have been studied. Actinomycin D, chloramphenicol, and puromycin inhibit the regeneration of protochlorophyllide holochrome (detected as a 650 mμ absorption peak) in vivo in darkness after photoconversion of endogenous protochlorophyllide a to chlorophyllide a; this inhibition does not occur in similarly treated leaves supplied with δ-aminolevulinic acid.

These data suggest that the regeneration of protochlorophyllide results from the synthesis of RNA and enzymes required for the production of δ-aminolevulinate.


Light-dependent NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR), a nuclear-encoded plastid-localized enzyme, catalyzes the photoreduction of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to chlorophyllide in higher plants, algae and cyanobacteria. Angiosperms require light for chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis and have recently been shown to contain two POR-encoding genes, PorA and PorB , that are differentially regulated by light and developmental state. PorA expression rapidly becomes undetectable after illumination of etiolated seedlings, whereas PorB expression persists throughout greening and in adult plants. In order to study the in vivo functions of Arabidopsis POR A and POR B we have abolished the expression of PorA through the use of the phytochrome A-mediated far-red high irradiance response. Wild-type seedlings grown in continuous far-red light (cFR) display the morphology of white light (WL)-grown seedlings, but contain only traces of Chl and do not green upon transfer to WL. This cFR-induced greening defect correlates with the absence of PorA mRNA, the putative POR A protein, phototransformable Pchlide-F655, and with strongly reduced POR enzymatic activity in plant extracts. In contrast, a cFR-grown phyA mutant expresses the PorA gene, accumulates Chl and visibly greens in WL. Furthermore, constitutive overexpression of POR A in cFR-grown transgenic Arabidopsis wild-type seedlings restores Chl accumulation and WL-induced greening. These data demonstrate that POR A is required for greening and that the availability of POR A limits Chl accumulation during growth in cFR. POR B apparently provides a means to sustain light-dependent Chl biosynthesis in fully greened, mature plants in the absence of phototransformable Pchlide-F655.  相似文献   

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