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The larva and pupa of Achyrolimonia basispina (Alex.) are described for the first time. New data on the morphology of the larva and pupa of A. decemmaculata (Loew) are discussed, and the morphological characteristics of the genus are defined more exactly. The larvae of these species develop in the dead wood of deciduous trees and in the old carpophores of wood fungi.  相似文献   

The first data on the biology and morphology of the larva and puparium of Phaonia canescens Stein, with additional data on Ph. exoleta (Meig.) and Ph. cincta (Zett.), are given. Keys to the larvae and puparia of the three species studied are compiled.  相似文献   

The composition and ecological associations of predaceous larvae of more than 20 species of the genus Phaonia Rob.-Desv. from xylobiont communities were studied. The groups of phloeobionts and xylobionts are distinguished, and their associations with the principal wood destroying insects are discussed. Data on autecology of 22 species are presented.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - The musculature of the male genitalia of Platypezidae (Diptera) is described for the first time. The hypandrium in members of the subfamilies Platypezinae and Callomyiinae...  相似文献   

New data on the biology and morphology of the larva and pupa of E. hokkaidensis Al. and E. krivosheinae Sav. are given. Additional data on E. edwardsi Lack. and E. subterminalis Al. distributed in Russia are given for the first time. Keys to the larvae and pupae are compiled.  相似文献   

Abstract  Xylochironomus kakadu , a new genus and species of wood-mining chironomid, is described from northern Australia. Formerly known by a code 'unknown genus K1', the larvae mine soft immersed timber in tropical Australia. The basal striae on the larval mandible are observed otherwise only in Chironomus Meigen and likely close relatives currently placed in Einfeldia Kieffer. The adult male could key as a tanytarsine, and all stages superficially resemble Polypedilum Kieffer, except for the bare squama and the non-tapered male tergite VIII, and the dorsal larval head sclerites. However, analyses of a morphological data matrix derived from all life history stages support no such relationships. Instead, a relationship to Paralauterborniella Lenz and Apedilum Townes, and at one remove, to Fissimentum Cranston & Nolte and Imparipecten Kieffer is postulated. Larval wood-mining among the early branching Chironomini is evidently frequent, but taxa appear not to form a monophyletic clade.  相似文献   

A review of the genus Chironomus (Diptera,Chironomidae)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Jon Martin 《Chromosoma》1974,45(1):91-98
Analysis of the banding pattern of the salivary gland chromosomes of Chironomus tepperi indicates that, despite a somewhat modified male hypopygium, the relationships of this species are close to the other Australian species of the genus, particularly to Ch. oppositus. No inversion polymorphism has been found in Ch. tepperi and this, together with the relatively high chiasma frequency as measured at metaphase I, would appear to be an adaptation to provide genetic variability necessary for its colonizing ability.  相似文献   

The Giemsa C-banding staining pattern of members of both the palpalis and morsitans groups of tsetse flies are described. Similarities in the staining reaction of the heterochromatic Y and supernumerary chromosomes within species have been observed which suggests a common origin. The presence of useful markers in all species/sub-species should assist in the recognition of species/sub-species hybrids.  相似文献   

New data on the larval and pupal morphology and the life history of limoniid flies (G. lugubris (Zett.), G. acheron Al., and G. viridipennis (Gimmerthal)) of the genus Gnophomyia are presented. Larvae of all the species are phloeophages and inhabit tree bark. Keys to larvae and pupae of these species are given.  相似文献   

Capparimyia Bezzi is revised and eight species recognized, of which four are new: C. aenigma sp. nov., C. maerua sp. nov., C. mirabilis sp. nov., and C. spatulata sp. nov. A lectotype is designated for C. bipustulata (Bezzi, 1923), C. savastani (Martelli) and C. melanaspis (Bezzi). Capparimyia aristata nom. nov. is proposed as a replacement name for Pardalaspis (now Capparimyia ) bipustulata Bezzi, 1924 (preoccupied Bezzi, 1923). All species are described or re-described, with illustrations of mesonotal and wing patterns and male and female terminalia. A key to species is provided. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus are analysed cladistically and considered vis-à-vis the relationships between the host plants. Distribution patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the walls of the tubuli of larvae of two Chironomus species living in lakes and four species from small ponds were studied, in order to decide whether the function of the tubuli is primarily a respiratory one or not.Data suggest a reinforcement of the concept of a respiratory function and a hypothesis is discussed which might explain the differences found between the tubuli of lake- and pond-dwelling species.  相似文献   

A revision of the shore-fly genus Hydrochasma Hendel. The species of the genus Hydrochasma Hendel are revised, including 27 new species (type locality in parenthesis): H. andeum (Ecuador. Guayas: Boliche (02°07.7''S, 79°35.5''W)), H. annae (United States. Utah. Grand: Swasey Beach (15.3 km N Green River; 39°07''N, 110°06.6''W; Green River; 1255 m)), H. capsum (Ecuador. Orellana: RíoTiputini (0°38.2''S, 76°8.9''W)), H. castilloi (Ecuador. Loja: Catamayo (03°59''S, 79°21''W)), H. crenulum (Peru. Cuzco: Paucartambo, Atalaya (Río Alto Madre de Dios; 12°53.3''S, 71°21.6''W; 600 m)), H. denticum (Ecuador. Orellana: Río Tiputini (0°38.2''S, 76°8.9''W)), H. digitatum (Peru. Madre de Dios: Diamante (Río Alto Madre de Dios; 12°19.9''S, 70°57.5''W; 400 m)), H. distinctum (Costa Rica. Limón: Parque Nacional Barbilla, Sector Casas Negras, (10°0.8''N, 83°28.1''W; 300 m)), H. dolabrutum (Dominican Republic. Barahona: Barahona (18°12''N, 71°5.3''W)), H. edmistoni (Dominican Republic. Azua: near Pueblo Viejo (18°24.8''N, 70°44.7''W)), H. falcatum (Peru. Madre de Dios: Río Manu, Erika (near Salvación; 12°50.7''S, 71°23.3''W; 550 m)), H. glochium (Dominican Republic. Peravia: San José Ocoa (10 km NE; 18°35''N, 70°25.6''W)), H. kaieteur (Guyana. Kaieteur Falls (05°10.5''N, 59°26.9''W)), H. lineatum (Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad. St. George: Filette (1 km SE; 10°47''N, 61°21''W)), H. miguelito (Honduras. Cortés: San Pedro Sula (8 km S; 15°25.7''N, 88°01.4''W)), H. octogonum (Ecuador. Manabí: Pichincha (01°02.7''S, 79°49.2''W)), H. parallelum (Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad. St. Andrew: Lower Manzanilla (16 km S; 10°22''N, 61°01''W)), H. peniculum (Dominican Republic. Pedernales: Pedernales (18°01.8''N, 71°44.7''W)), H. rictum (Honduras. Cortés: San Pedro Sula (8 km S; 15°25.7''N, 88°01.4''W)), H. robustum (Brazil. São Paulo. Ubatuba, Praia Puruba (23°21''S, 44°55.6''W; beach)), H. sagittarium (Trinidad and Tobago. Tobago: St. John: Parlatuvier (creek; 11°17.9''N, 60°35''W)), H. simplicum (Costa Rica. Limón: Parque Nacional Barbilla, Sector Casas Negras, (10°01.2''N, 83°26.2''W; 300 m)), H. sinuatum (Belize. Stann Creek: Mullins Creek (17 km N Dangriga; 17°06.2''N, 88°17.8''W)), H. spinosum (Costa Rica. Limón: Westfalia (4 km S; 09°54.5''N, 82°59''W; beach)), H. urnulum (Dominican Republic. Puerto Plata: Río Camu (14 km E Puerto Plata; 19°41.9''N, 70°37.5''W)), H. viridum (Guyana. Karanambo, Rupununi River (ox bow; 03°45.1''N, 59°18.6''W)), H. williamsae (Belize. Stann Creek: Mullins River (17 km N Dangriga; 17°06.2''N, 88°17.8''W)). All known species are described with an emphasis on structures of the male terminalia, which are fully illustrated. Detailed locality data and distribution maps for all species are provided. A lectotype is designated for Discocerina incisum Coquillett and Hydrochasma zernyi Hendel. For perspective and to facilitate genus-group and species-group recognition, the tribe Discocerinini is diagnosed and a key to included genera in the New World is provided.  相似文献   

Somatic chromosome complements of five sympatric species of the genus Parasarcophaga, viz. P. misera, P. albiceps, P. argyrostoma, P. ruficornis and P. knabi, are described. All the species have five pairs of meta/submetacentric autosomes and an XX/XY sex chromosome pair which is highly variable in size and shape. In P. misera and P. albiceps they are tiny dots while in P. knabi the metacentric X and Y chromosomes constitute almost one third of the genome. In P. ruficornis and P. argyrostoma they are telocentric chromosomes of moderate size. A comparative study of the C-banding patterns of P. ruficornis, P. knabi, P. argyrostoma and P. misera shows that autosomes of the former three species possess characteristic C-bands in pericentric regions while in P. misera they are absent. The heterochromatic sex chromosomes are C-band positive in all the species. However, with the exception of the tiny sex chromosomes of P. misera, the X chromosomes of other species show shorter or longer regions which stain rather lightly. These C-banded areas correspond to the heterochromatic areas revealed in orcein stained preparations. The evolutionary implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Wang M  Chen H  Yang D 《ZooKeys》2012,(199):1-12
THE FOLLOWING THREE SPECIES ARE DESCRIBED AS NEW TO SCIENCE: Chrysotimus dalongensissp. n., Chrysotimus huairouensissp. n., and Chrysotimus hubeiensissp. n., Chrysotimus apicicurvatus Yang, is recorded from Palaearctic China for the first time. A key to the Chinese species of the genus is presented.  相似文献   

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