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The primary intracellular site of localization of the estrogen receptor activation factor (E-RAF) is shown here to be the endoplasmic reticulum where the protein remains anchored through an estrogen dependent mechanism. The retention of E-RAF by the endoplasmic reticulum is facilitated by two proteins: (1) a 55 kDa anchor protein (ap55) which is an integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum. ap55 is a high affinity estrogen binding protein. A conformational change induced by estrogen binding is thought to favor the anchoring process. (2) The anchoring of E-RAF by ap55 is mediated by yet another protein. This is the 66 kDa transport protein (tp66) which recognizes ap55 on the one hand and E-RAF on the other. The presence of estradiol that saturates the hormone binding sites on ap55 appears to favor the anchoring of tp66-E-RAF complex to ap55. This interaction appears to be weakened by levels of estradiol below 7 nM concentration leading to the dissociation of the tp66-E-RAF complex from ap55. The tp66-E-RAF complex moves towards the nucleus.  相似文献   

Higy M  Junne T  Spiess M 《Biochemistry》2004,43(40):12716-12722
Most eukaryotic membrane proteins are cotranslationally integrated into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane by the Sec61 translocation complex. They are targeted to the translocon by hydrophobic signal sequences, which induce the translocation of either their N- or their C-terminal sequence. Signal sequence orientation is largely determined by charged residues flanking the apolar sequence (the positive-inside rule), folding properties of the N-terminal segment, and the hydrophobicity of the signal. Recent in vivo experiments suggest that N-terminal signals initially insert into the translocon head-on to yield a translocated N-terminus. Driven by a local electrical potential, the signal may invert its orientation and translocate the C-terminal sequence. Increased hydrophobicity slows down inversion by stabilizing the initial bound state. In vitro cross-linking studies indicate that signals rapidly contact lipids upon entering the translocon. Together with the recent crystal structure of the homologous SecYEbeta translocation complex of Methanococcus jannaschii, which did not reveal an obvious hydrophobic binding site for signals within the pore, a model emerges in which the translocon allows the lateral partitioning of hydrophobic segments between the aqueous pore and the lipid membrane. Signals may return into the pore for reorientation until translation is terminated. Subsequent transmembrane segments in multispanning proteins behave similarly and contribute to the overall topology of the protein.  相似文献   

Evidence from multiple laboratories has implicated Ssy1, a nontransporting amino acid permease, as the receptor component of the yeast plasma membrane (PM)‐localized SPS (Ssy1‐Ptr3‐Ssy5)‐sensor. Upon binding external amino acids, Ssy1 is thought to initiate signaling events leading to the induction of amino acid permease gene expression. In striking contrast, Kralt et al (2015) (Traffic 16 :135‐147) have questioned the role of Ssy1 in amino acid sensing and reported that Ssy1 is a component of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where it reportedly participates in the formation of ER‐PM junctions. Here, we have re‐examined the intracellular location of Ssy1 and tested the role of ER‐PM junctions in SPS sensor signaling. We show that the C‐terminal of Ssy1 carries a functional ER‐export motif required for proper localization of Ssy1 to the PM. Furthermore, ER‐PM junctions are dispensable for PM‐localization and function of Ssy1; Ssy1 localizes to the PM in a Δtether strain lacking ER‐PM junctions (ist2Δ scs2Δ scs22Δ tcb1Δ tcb2Δ tcb3Δ), and this strain retains the ability to initiate signals induced by extracellular amino acids. The data demonstrate that Ssy1 functions as the primary amino acid receptor and that it carries out this function at the PM.  相似文献   

We describe a procedure for disassembling rat liver rough microsomes, which allows the purification of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. Membrane-bound ribosomes and adsorbed proteins are first detached by washing rough microsomes with 5 mM Na-pyrophosphate. In a second step, the vesicle membrane is opened by digitonin, with concomitant release of the luminal content. The purification is monitored at each step by electron microscopy, and by assaying chemical constituents (protein, phospholipid, RNA) and marker enzymes for the main subcellular organelles. The final membrane preparation is representative of the ER, since it contains 24.1% of the liver glucose 6-phosphatase with a relative specific activity of 14.2. Contaminants represent less than 5% of its protein content. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by immunoblot analysis, reveals that the ribophorins I and II, two established markers of the rough (d) domain are still present in the final membrane preparation. It also contains the docking protein (or signal recognition particle receptor) and protein disulfide isomerase, and has conserved the functional capacity to remove co- and post-translationally the signal peptide of pre-secretory proteins. The membrane preparation is suitable for studies on the polypeptide composition of the d domain.  相似文献   

Integral and associated lysosomal membrane proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We searched for novel proteins in lysosomal membranes, tentatively participating in molecular transport across the membrane and/or in interactions with other compartments. In membranes purified from placental lysosomes, we identified 58 proteins, known to reside at least partially in the lysosomal membrane. These included 17 polypeptides comprising or associated with the vacuolar adenosine triphosphatase. We report on additional 86 proteins that were significantly enriched in the lysosomal membrane fraction. Among these, 12 novel proteins of unknown functions were found. Three were orthologues of rat proteins that have been identified in tritosomes by Bagshaw RD et al. (A proteomic analysis of lysosomal integral membrane proteins reveals the diverse composition of the organelle. Mol Cell Proteomics 2005;4:133-143). Here, the proteins encoded by LOC201931 (FLJ38482) and LOC51622 (C7orf28A) were expressed with an appended fluorescent tag in HeLa cells and found to be present in lysosomal organelles. Among the lysosomally enriched proteins, also 16 enzymes and transporters were detected that had not been assigned to lysosomal membranes previously. Finally, our results identified a particular set of proteins with known functions in signaling and targeting to be at least partially associated with lysosomes.  相似文献   

A K Grover 《Cell calcium》1985,6(3):227-236
For several years it has been debated whether the Ca-pump in smooth muscle is located in the plasma membrane or in the endoplasmic reticulum (alias sarcoplasmic reticulum). Experimental evidence using skinned smooth muscle cells and subcellular membrane fractions isolated from a number of smooth muscles is reviewed here to hopefully resolve this issue. The inescapable conclusion is that there are two modes of nonmitochondrial ATP-dependent Ca-transport. The first one, unaffected by oxalate, is localized in the plasma membranes and the second, potentiated by oxalate, is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Clear experiments to delineate the roles of the two pumps in the excitation-contraction cycle of the smooth muscle remain to be conducted.  相似文献   

Although rapid signaling by estrogen at the plasma membrane is established, it is controversial as to the nature of the receptor protein. Estrogen may bind membrane proteins comparable to classical nuclear estrogen receptors (ERs), but some studies identify nonclassical receptors, such as G protein-coupled receptor (GPR)30. We took several approaches to define membrane-localized estrogen-binding proteins. In endothelial cells (ECs) from ERalpha/ERbeta combined-deleted mice, estradiol (E2) failed to specifically bind, and did not activate cAMP, ERK, or phosphatidyinositol 3-kinase or stimulate DNA synthesis. This is in contrast to wild-type ECs, indicating the lack of any functional estrogen-binding proteins in ERalpha/ERbeta combined-deleted ECs. To directly determine the identity of membrane and nuclear-localized ER, we isolated subcellular receptor pools from MCF7 cells. Putative ER proteins were trypsin digested and subjected to tandem array mass spectrometry. The output analysis identified membrane and nuclear E2-binding proteins as classical human ERalpha. We also determined whether GPR30 plays any role in E2 rapid actions. MCF7 (ER and GPR30 positive) and SKBR-3 (ER negative, GPR30 positive) cells were incubated with E2. Only MCF7 responded with significantly increased signaling. In MCF7, the response to E2 was not different in cells transfected with small interfering RNA to green fluorescent protein or GPR30. In contrast, interfering RNA to ERalpha or ER inhibition prevented rapid signaling and resulting biology in MCF7. In breast cancer and ECs, nuclear and membrane ERs are the same proteins. Furthermore, classical ERs mediate rapid signals induced by E2 in these cells.  相似文献   

We have examined the antigenicity of plasma membrane (PM) and rough microsomal (RM) fractions from rat liver using anti-ras monoclonal antibodies 142-24EO5 and Y13-259 and immunochemistry as well as electron microscope immunocytochemistry. Proteins immunoprecipitated with monoclonal antibody 142-24E05 were separated using single-dimensional gradient-gel electrophoresis. The separated proteins were then blotted onto nitrocellulose sheets and incubated with [alpha-32P]GTP. Radioautograms of blots indicated the presence of specific 21.5- and 22-kDa labeled proteins in the PM fraction. A 23.5-kDa [alpha-32P] GTP-binding protein was detected in immunoprecipitates of both PM and RM fractions. Monoclonal antibody Y13-259 reacted only with the 21.5-kDa [alpha-32P] GTP-binding protein in the plasma membrane fraction. When anti-ras monoclonal antibody 142-24E05 and the immunogold technique were applied to membrane fractions using a preembedding immunocytochemical method, specific labeling was observed in association with both vesicular structures and membrane sheets in the PM fraction but only with electron-dense vesicular structures in the RM fraction. Thus ras antigenicity is associated with hepatocyte plasma membranes and ras-like antigenicity is probably associated with vesicular (secretory/endocytic) elements in both plasma membrane and rough microsomal preparations.  相似文献   

Several recent works show structurally and functionally dynamic contacts between mitochondria, the plasma membrane, the endoplasmic reticulum, and other subcellular organelles. Many cellular processes require proper cooperation between the plasma membrane, the nucleus and subcellular vesicular/tubular networks such as mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum. It has been suggested that such contacts are crucial for the synthesis and intracellular transport of phospholipids as well as for intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis, controlling fundamental processes like motility and contraction, secretion, cell growth, proliferation and apoptosis. Close contacts between smooth sub-domains of the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria have been shown to be required also for maintaining mitochondrial structure. The overall distance between the associating organelle membranes as quantified by electron microscopy is small enough to allow contact formation by proteins present on their surfaces, allowing and regulating their interactions. In this review we give a historical overview of studies on organelle interactions, and summarize the present knowledge and hypotheses concerning their regulation and (patho)physiological consequences.  相似文献   

Close membrane associations between the endoplasmic reticulum and the plasma membrane (ER-PM) occur in specialized regions of the rat Sertoli cell cytoplasm. They are characterized, in freeze fracture replicas, as mesa-like modifications of E membrane fracture faces or as corresponding discoid depressions on P membrane fracture faces. When these structures lie along transitional regions in the membrane fracture plane, they are seen to be complementary, and the space between them to be greatly reduced. These specialized close membrane associations may represent adhesive sites between the endoplasmic reticulum and the plasma membrane. However, their resemblance to vascular endothelial fenestrae which are known to be sites of increased membrane permeability may suggest other functional roles.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum of most cell types mainly consists of an extensive network of narrow sheets and tubules. It is well known that an excessive increase of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration induces a slow but extensive swelling of the endoplasmic reticulum into a vesicular morphology. We observed that a similar extensive transition to a vesicular morphology may also occur independently of a change of cytosolic Ca2+ and that the change may occur at a time scale of seconds. Exposure of various types of cultured cells to saponin selectively permeabilized the plasma membrane and resulted in a rapid swelling of the endoplasmic reticulum even before a loss of permeability barrier was detectable with a low-molecular mass dye. The structural alteration was reversible provided the exposure to saponin was not too long. Mechanical damage of the plasma membrane resulted in a large-scale transition of the endoplasmic reticulum from a tubular to a vesicular morphology within seconds, also in Ca2+-depleted cells. The rapid onset of the phenomenon suggests that it could perform a physiological function. Various mechanisms are discussed whereby endoplasmic reticulum vesicularization could assist in protection against cytosolic Ca2+ overload in cellular stress situations like plasma membrane injury.  相似文献   

The multispanning membrane protein vacuole membrane protein 1 (VMP1) marks and regulates endoplasmic reticulum (ER)‐domains associated with diverse ER‐organelle membrane contact sites. A proportion of these domains associate with endosomes during their maturation and remodeling. We found that these VMP1 domains are enriched in choline/ethanolamine phosphotransferase and phosphatidylinositol synthase (PIS1), 2 ER enzymes required for the synthesis of various phospholipids. Interestingly, the lack of VMP1 impairs the formation of PIS1‐enriched ER domains, suggesting a role in the distribution of phosphoinositides. In fact, depletion of VMP1 alters the distribution of PtdIns4P and proteins involved in the trafficking of PtdIns4P. Consistently, in these conditions, defects were observed in endosome trafficking and maturation as well as in Golgi morphology. We propose that VMP1 regulates the formation of ER domains enriched in lipid synthesizing enzymes. These domains might be necessary for efficient distribution of PtdIns4P and perhaps other lipid species. These findings, along with previous reports that involved VMP1 in regulating PtdIns3P during autophagy, expand the role of VMP1 in lipid trafficking and explain the pleiotropic effects observed in VMP1‐deficient mammalian cells and other model systems.   相似文献   

GTP phosphorylation of rough microsomes in vitro is limited to four integral membrane proteins. Two of these, a phosphoprotein (pp90) and a phosphoglycoprotein (pgp35) were purified as a complex with two nonphosphorylated membrane glycoproteins, gp25H and gp25L. The authenticity of this complex was confirmed using two different purification procedures and by coimmunoprecipitation. By immunofluorescence a reticulated cytoplasmic network was revealed for the proteins which was similar to that for Louvard et al. (Louvard, D., Reggio, H., and Warren, G. (1982) J. Cell Biol. 92, 92-107) marker antisera which also recognized purified pp90 on immunoblots. Amino acid sequencing of peptides derived from pgp35 identified this protein as SSR alpha, an endoplasmic reticulum constituent as identified by cross-linking of translocating nascent chains (G?rlich, D, Prehn, S., Hartmann, E., Herz, J., Otto, A., Kraft, R., Wiedmann, M., Knespel, S., Dobberstein, B., and Rapoport, T. A. (1990) J. Cell Biol. 111, 2283-2294). The sequence of gp25H was determined from cDNA clones and was identical with SSR beta identified by G?rlich et al. (1990) as being tightly bound to SSR alpha. Sequencing of gp25L revealed no similarity of the deduced sequence with other proteins. However, pp90 revealed a high degree of sequence identity with the Ca(2+)-binding protein, calreticulin. 45Ca2+ overlay studies indicated that pp90 bound Ca2+ and the name calnexin is proposed. Surprisingly, pgp25 (SSR alpha) also bound Ca2+ although gp25H (SSR beta) and gp25L did not. Triton X-114 partitioning of the integral membrane proteins of rough microsomes suggested that pgp35 (SSR alpha) and calnexin were major Ca(2+)-binding proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. We propose that the function of the complex is to regulate Ca(2+)-dependent retention mechanisms for luminal proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Many endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins are known to be localized to the ER by a mechanism called retrieval, which returns the molecules that are exported from the ER to the Golgi apparatus back to the ER. Signals are required to be recognized by this retrieval system. In the work on yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have demonstrated that transmembrane domains of a subset of ER membrane proteins including Sec12p, Sec71p and Sec63p contain novel ER retrieval signals. For the retrieval of these proteins, a Golgi membrane protein, Rer1p, is essential (Sato et al., Mol. Biol. Cell 6 (1995) 1459–1477; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 (1997) 9693–9698). To address the role of Rer1p in higher eukaryotes, we searched for homologues of yeast RER1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. We identified three cDNAs encoding Arabidopsis counterparts of Rer1p with an amino acid sequence identity of 39–46% to yeast Rer1p and named AtRER1A, AtRER1B, and AtRER1C1. AtRer1Ap and AtRer1Bp are homologous to each other (85% identity), whereas AtRer1C1p is less similar to AtRer1Ap and AtRer1Bp (about 50%). Genomic DNA gel blot analysis indicates that there are several other AtRER1-related genes, implying that Arabidopsis RER1 constitutes a large gene family. The expression of these three AtRER1 genes is ubiquitous in various tissues but is significantly higher in roots, floral buds and a suspension culture in which secretory activity is probably high. All the three AtRER1 cDNAs complement the yeast rer1 mutant and remedy the defect of Sec12p mislocalization. However, the degree of complementation differs among the three with that of AtRER1C1 being the lowest, again suggesting a divergent role of AtRer1C1p.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of higher eukaryotic cells is a dynamic network of interconnected membrane tubules that pervades almost the entire cytoplasm. On the basis of the morphological changes induced by the disruption of the cytoskeleton or molecular motor proteins, the commonly accepted model has emerged that microtubules and conventional kinesin (kinesin-1) are essential determinants in establishing and maintaining the structure of the ER by active membrane expansion. Surprisingly, very similar ER phenotypes have now been observed when the cytoskeleton-linking ER membrane protein of 63 kDa (CLIMP-63) is mutated, revealing stable attachment of ER membranes to the microtubular cytoskeleton as a novel requirement for ER maintenance. Additional recent findings suggest that ER maintenance also requires ongoing homotypic membrane fusion, possibly controlled by the p97/p47/VICP135 protein complex. Work on other proteins proposed to regulate ER structure, including huntingtin, the EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding protein p22, the vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein B and kinectin isoforms further contribute to the new emerging concept that ER shape is not only determined by motor driven processes but by a variety of different mechanisms.  相似文献   

膜雌激素受体介导一氧化氮合酶活性增高的快速非基因效应   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
Wang TH  Fu XD  Yang D  Tan Z  Pan JY 《生理学报》2003,55(2):213-218
实验利用新生小牛胸主动脉内皮细胞(BAECs)作为模型,观察17β-雌二醇(E2)、E2BSA对BAECs中内皮型一氧化氯合酶(eNOS)的快速激活作用,并探讨了丝裂素活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)信号通路在其中的作用。结果显示,不同浓度的E2(0.001—1lμmol/L)作用于BAECs l5 min均能快速激活eNOS;0.01μmol/L浓度的E2作用于BAECs,5min即能激活eNOS,15min达到最大效应,随后eNOS快速失活;E2BSA(17.5ng/m1)作用于BAECs,15min同样可激活eNOS。E2、E2BSA激活eNOS的作用均能被雌激素受体(ER)拮抗剂tamoxifen(0.1μmol/L)或MAPK激酶特异抑制剂PD98059(50μmol/L)所阻断。放线菌素D(25μg/ml)不能阻断E2、E2BSA对eNOS的激活作用。E2(0.01μmol/L)、E2BSA(17.5ng/ml)作用于BAECs l5 min后可明显促进p42/p44磷酸化MAPK蛋白表达,而对p42/p44 MAPK总蛋白表达无影响。Tamoxifen可部分阻断E2;E2BSA激活p42/p44磷酸化MAPK的作用。这些结果提示,BAECs膜上可能存在膜雌激素受体(membrane estrogen receptor,mER),E2、E2BSA作用于mER后可通过MAPK信号途径快速激活eNOS。  相似文献   

Sec24 proteins and sorting at the endoplasmic reticulum   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
COPII proteins are necessary to generate secretory vesicles at the endoplasmic reticulum. In yeast, the Sec24p protein is the only COPII component in which two close orthologues have been identified. By using gene knock-out in yeast, we found that the absence of one of these Sec24 orthologues resulted in a selective secretion defect for a subset of proteins released into the medium. Data base searches revealed the existence of an entire family of Sec24-related proteins in humans, worms, flies, and plants. We identified and cloned two new human cDNAs encoding proteins homologous to yeast Sec24p, in addition to two human cDNAs already present within the data bases. The entire Sec24 family identified to date is characterized by clusters of highly conserved residues within the 2/3 carboxyl-terminal domain of all the proteins and a divergent amino terminus domain. Human (h) Sec24 orthologues co-immunoprecipitate with hSec23Ap and migrate as a complex by size exclusion chromatography. Immunofluorescence microscopy confirmed that these proteins co-localize with hSec23p and hSec13p. Together, our data suggest that in addition to its role in the shaping up of the vesicle, the Sec23-24p complex may be implicated in cargo selection and concentration.  相似文献   

The periacrosomal plasma membrane of mammalian spermatozoa functions both in recognition and in binding of the egg's zona pellucida and in the acrosome reaction. This study characterizes two antigenically related proteins with molecular weights of 35 kD (PM35) and 52 kD (PM52) of the guinea pig sperm periacrosomal plasma membrane. Polyclonal antisera were prepared against electrophoretically purified PM35 or PM52. Each antiserum recognized both the 35-kD and 52-kD polypeptides on Western blots, indicating that they are structurally related. This conclusion was supported by peptide mapping experiments demonstrating comparably sized fragments of both PM35 and PM52. Both PM35 and PM52 behave as integral membrane proteins during phase-separation analysis with Triton X-114. Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry and differential fractionation of sperm membranes established that both PM35 and PM52 are exclusively localized to the periacrosomal plasma membrane. Three different antisera were used for ultrastructural studies, and each specifically bound the cytoplasmic but not the extracellular membrane surface. The electrophoretic mobilities of the PM35 and PM52 polypeptides were unchanged during sperm maturation and during the ionophore-induced acrosome reaction. The localization of PM35 and PM52 suggests a potential role for these integral plasma membrane proteins in signal transduction or membrane fusion events of the acrosome reaction. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have purified the plasma membranes and membranes of endoplasmic reticulum from calf and rabbit thymocytes and from calf mediastinal lymph node lymphocytes. We disrupted the cells by the “nitrogen cavitation method” and prepared a microsomal isolate by differential centrifugation. We fractionated this by isopycnic ultracentrifugation in dextran gradients into membrane vesicles, PM1 and PM2, most likely derived from plasma membrane and a fraction, ER, most likely originating from endoplasmic reticulum. More than 80% of the microsomal 5′-nucleotidase and acid p-nitrophenylphosphatase concentrates in the PM1 and PM2 fractions; alkaline p-nitrophenylphosphatase, another presumptive PM marker, is concentrated in the PM1 fraction. These data are confirmed by the lacroperoxidase radioiodination of intact rabbit thymocytes followed by subcellular fractionation. The specific content of phospholipids (822 nmoles/mg protein) and cholesterol (1032 nmoles/mg protein) is highest in PM1 and PM2 plasma membrane fractions. NADH-oxidoreductase, our endoplasmic reticulum marker, is clearly enriched in gradient pellet.The membrane proteins were separated by electrophoretic molecular sieving in sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, containing dithiothreitol (sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). We numbered the 10 major protein components of the “microsomal fraction” (apparent molecular weights between 280000 and 15000) from 1–10 according to their decreasing molecular weights. Of these proteins, those with higher molecular weight, predominantly glycoproteins, appear in the PM1 fraction, while the endoplasmic reticulum fraction contains mainly low molecular weight components.  相似文献   

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