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Nájera JA 《Parassitologia》1999,41(1-3):339-347
Malaria epidemics have recently occurred in many areas of the world, particularly in the irregular fringe, along the limits of distribution of malaria endemicity, whether the limiting factors are temperature (latitude or altitude) or relative humidity (deserts), which were the scene of the major epidemics of the past. A review is made of the current approaches to epidemic prevention and control in line with the global malaria control strategy, of which it constitutes an essential element. The different components are discussed, including the identification and study of epidemic prone areas, the search for indicators of epidemic risk, their monitoring, and the early detection and control of actual epidemics. The potential implementation of preventive and control activities depends, nevertheless, on the degree of preparedness of the health services to detect alarm signals, the real time left for action and their capacity of implementation within that time. Recent developments in geographical information systems (GIS) and satellite derived meteorological information offer most useful tools for precise and timely epidemic forecasting, although it should be recognised that such information is only useful if based on a real understanding of their local significance. There remains an urgent need to develop and support local capabilities for the ground truthing of satellite information and for translating it into preventive and control actions.  相似文献   

The theoretical underpinning of our struggle with vector-borne disease, and still our strongest tool, remains the basic reproduction number, R0, the measure of long term endemicity. Despite its widespread application, R0 does not address the dynamics of epidemics in a model that has an endemic equilibrium. We use the concept of reactivity to derive a threshold index for epidemicity, E0, which gives the maximum number of new infections produced by an infective individual at a disease free equilibrium. This index describes the transitory behavior of disease following a temporary perturbation in prevalence. We demonstrate that if the threshold for epidemicity is surpassed, then an epidemic peak can occur, that is, prevalence can increase further, even when the disease is not endemic and so dies out. The relative influence of parameters on E0 and R0 may differ and lead to different strategies for control. We apply this new threshold index for epidemicity to models of vector-borne disease because these models have a long history of mathematical analysis and application. We find that both the transmission efficiency from hosts to vectors and the vector-host ratio may have a stronger effect on epidemicity than endemicity. The duration of the extrinsic incubation period required by the pathogen to transform an infected vector to an infectious vector, however, may have a stronger effect on endemicity than epidemicity. We use the index E0 to examine how vector behavior affects epidemicity. We find that parasite modified behavior, feeding bias by vectors for infected hosts, and heterogeneous host attractiveness contribute significantly to transitory epidemics. We anticipate that the epidemicity index will lead to a reevaluation of control strategies for vector-borne disease and be applicable to other disease transmission models.  相似文献   

Madsen KS 《Theriogenology》2005,63(2):585-594
The author's presentation constituted a survey of the control of contagious diseases at Danish AI stations. The control is performed in accordance with EU regulations and requires documented freedom from Aujeszky's disease, Classical Swine Fever and Brucellosis (based on blood testing) before transfer to quarantine sections and to AI stations. The Danish regulations regarding Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) are described for both sero-positive and sero-negative stations. At some stations, all boars are vaccinated against both American PRRS (Ingelvac PRRS vet.) and European PRRS (Progressis vet.), and are subsequently sero-positive for PRRS. The period from vaccination until the time that semen can be used is described, and the reason for its length is explained. Furthermore, the process applied when distinguishing Yersinia from Brucellosis reactions is described. The purpose of this control is to prevent Yersinia-positive herds that supply boars from compromising supplies from Yersinia-negative herds through cross-reactions with Brucellosis. The vaccinations required before transfer to isolation and AI stations (Glasser's disease, pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, erysipelas and PPV) as well as vaccinations done regularly at the AI stations (erysipelas and PPV) are described. Finally, a survey is presented of other diseases found at Danish AI stations (primarily pneumonia and leg problems) and their medical treatment.  相似文献   

Baculoviruses have been researched extensively for insect control. Three of their features have been particularly attractive: their host specificity and consequential environmental safety, their virulence in host insects, and their capability for causing disease epizootics. There have been four approaches to their use for insect control: as microbial insecticides for short-term insect population suppression, through seasonal colonization or a recurring "booster shot" for control of more than one pest generation, through introduction-establishment where the viral species or strain was not indigenous, and through environmental manipulation to make the ecosystem more favorable for viral epizootics. Actual usage of baculoviruses in pest management has been disappointing, particularly with the microbial insecticide approach, primarily for three reasons: economics, slow speed of kill, and adverse effects of the environment on the viruses. The recombinant-DNA revolution has greatly increased the prospects for baculoviruses in insect pest management.  相似文献   

We extend the existing work on the time-optimal control of the basic SIR epidemic model with mass action contact rate. Previous results have focused on minimizing an objective function that is a linear combination of the cost associated with using control and either the outbreak size or the infectious burden. We instead, provide analytic solutions for the control that minimizes the outbreak size (or infectious burden) under the assumption that there are limited control resources. We provide optimal control policies for an isolation only model, a vaccination only model and a combined isolation–vaccination model (or mixed model). The optimal policies described here contain many interesting features especially when compared to previous analyses. For example, under certain circumstances the optimal isolation only policy is not unique. Furthermore the optimal mixed policy is not simply a combination of the optimal isolation only policy and the optimal vaccination only policy. The results presented here also highlight a number of areas that warrant further study and emphasize that time-optimal control of the basic SIR model is still not fully understood.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis is a complex developmental process that ultimately generates mature spermatozoa. This process involves a phase of proliferative expansion, meiosis, and cytodifferentiation. Mouse models have been widely used to study spermatogenesis and have revealed many genes and molecular mechanisms that are crucial in this process. Although meiosis is generally considered as the most crucial phase of spermatogenesis, mouse models have shown that pre-meiotic and post-meiotic phases are equally important. Using knowledge generated from mouse models and in vitro studies, the current review provides an overview of the molecular control of rodent spermatogenesis. Finally, we briefly relate this knowledge to fertility problems in humans and discuss implications for future research. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Molecular Genetics of Human Reproductive Failure.  相似文献   

昆虫几丁质酶及其在害虫防治中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李瑶  范晓军 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1489-1494
几丁质是昆虫重要的结构性组分,在昆虫生长发育的各个时期都需要一定量的几丁质来维持其代谢平衡.昆虫几丁质酶可以降解昆虫体壁和围食膜中的几丁质,作为一种潜在的生物杀虫剂在害虫防治方面具有广阔的应用前景.随着对昆虫几丁质酶研究的不断深入,目前已克隆到了30余种昆虫几丁质酶,并应用于转基因作物和基因工程微生物中,对害虫具有一定...  相似文献   

A new anticoagulant rodenticide, flocoumafen, at a concentration of 0·005% in the bait in 24 h no-choice and 48 h choice laboratory feeding tests was found to cause 100% mortality of the Indian bush rat Golunda ellioti, the Indian gerbil Tatera indica and the soft-furred field rat Rattus meltada. In field trials in sugar cane and wheat, where these species and the Indian mole rat Bandicota bengalensis and Mus spp. were present, about 65% rodent control was obtained with a single treatment with 0·005% flucoumafen bait at the rate of 1 kg/ha. The performance of a single treatment with flocoumafen was comparable with that of 2·4% zinc phosphide, a conventional acute rodenticide. Unlike zinc phosphide, however, two treatments with a 10-day interval with flocoumafen resulted in significantly higher rodent control compared with the single treatment, indicating the superiority of flocoumafen over zinc phosphide in repeat baiting treatments.  相似文献   

利用昆虫遗传转化技术对害虫进行遗传控制是害虫防治研究的新方向,该技术具有物种特异、防效高且对环境友好的特点。启动子是基因表达调控的重要元件,选择合适的启动子是外源基因高效、准确表达的关键,对获得高效、稳定的遗传修饰昆虫品系至关重要。本文简要介绍了昆虫基因启动子的结构特征,重点描述了昆虫种群遗传防治中组成型启动子、性别和组织特异型启动子、特定发育时期启动子和诱导型启动子的研究和应用概况,并对这几类启动子在害虫遗传控制中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

There is growing interest in incorporating economic factors into epidemiological models in order to identify optimal strategies for disease control when resources are limited. In this paper we consider how to optimize the control of a pathogen that is capable of infecting multiple hosts with different rates of transmission within and between species. Our objective is to find control strategies that maximize the discounted number of healthy individuals. We consider two classes of host-pathogen system, comprising two host species and a common pathogen, one with asymmetrical and the other with symmetrical transmission rates, applicable to a wide range of SI (susceptible-infected) epidemics of plant and animal pathogens. We motivate the analyses with an example of sudden oak death in California coastal forests, caused by Phytophthora ramorum, in communities dominated by bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) and tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus). We show for the asymmetric case that it is optimal to give priority in treating disease to the more infectious species, and to treat the other species only when there are resources left over. For the symmetric case, we show that although a switching strategy is an optimum, in which preference is first given to the species with the lower level of susceptibles and then to the species with the higher level of susceptibles, a simpler strategy that favors treatment of infected hosts for the more susceptible species is a robust alternative for practical application when the optimal switching time is unknown. Finally, since transmission rates are notoriously difficult to estimate, we analyze the robustness of the strategies when the true state with respect to symmetry or otherwise is unknown but one or other is assumed.  相似文献   

Historical records of childhood disease incidence reveal complex dynamics. For measles, a simple model has indicated that epidemic patterns represent attractors of a nonlinear dynamic system and that transitions between different attractors are driven by slow changes in birth rates and vaccination levels. The same analysis can explain the main features of chickenpox dynamics, but fails for rubella and whooping cough. We show that an additional (perturbative) analysis of the model, together with knowledge of the population size in question, can account for all the observed incidence patterns by predicting how stochastically sustained transient dynamics should be manifested in these systems.  相似文献   

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