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We investigated protein sequence/structure correlation by constructing a space of protein sequences, based on methods developed previously for constructing a space of protein structures. The space is constructed by using a representation of the amino acids as vectors of 10 property factors that encode almost all of their physical properties. Each sequence is represented by a distribution of overlapping sequence fragments. A distance between any two sequences can be calculated. By attaching a weight to each factor, intersequence distances can be varied. We optimize the correlation between corresponding distances in the sequence and structure spaces. The optimal correlation between the sequence and structure spaces is significantly better than that which results from correlating randomly generated sequences, having the overall composition of the data base, with the structure space. However, sets of randomly generated sequences, each of which approximates the composition of the real sequence it replaces, produce correlations with the structure space that are as good as that observed for the actual protein sequences. A connection is proposed with previous studies of the protein folding code. It is shown that the most important property factors for the correlation of the sequence and structure spaces are related to helix/bend preference, side chain bulk, and beta-structure preference.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Protein Analyst is a flexible tool for the analysis of protein sequences with emphasis on the integration of sequence and structural information. AVAILABILITY: The software will be available from the Oxford Molecular Biolib web site (http://www. oxmol.co.uk/biolib) and will be free to the academic research community.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins have not been readily amenable to the general methods developed for mass spectrometric (or internal Edman degradation) analysis of soluble proteins. We present here a sample preparation method and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation system which permits online HPLC-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and -tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis of cyanogen bromide cleavage fragments of integral membrane proteins. This method has been applied to wild type (WT) bacteriorhodopsin (bR), cysteine containing mutants of bR, and the prototypical G-protein coupled receptor, rhodopsin (Rh). In the described method, the protein is reduced and the cysteine residues pyridylethylated prior to separating the protein from the membrane. Following delipidation, the pyridylethylated protein is cleaved with cyanogen bromide. The cleavage fragments are separated by reversed phase HPLC using an isopropanol/acetonitrile/aqueous TFA solvent system and the effluent peptides analyzed online with a Finnigan LCQ Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer. With the exception of single amino acid fragments and the glycosylated fragment of Rh, which is observable by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)-MS, this system permits analysis of the entire protein in a single HPLC run. This methodology will enable pursuit of chemical modification and crosslinking studies designed to probe the three dimensional structures and functional conformational changes in these proteins. The approach should also be generally applicable to analysis of other integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The bioinformatics analysis of proteins containing tandem repeats requires special computer programs and databases, since the conventional approaches predominantly developed for globular domains have limited success. Here, I survey bioinformatics tools which have been developed recently for identification and proteome-wide analysis of protein repeats. The last few years have also been marked by an emergence of new 3D structures of these proteins. Appraisal of the known structures and their classification uncovers a straightforward relationship between their architecture and the length of the repetitive units. This relationship and the repetitive character of structural folds suggest rules for better prediction of the 3D structures of such proteins. Furthermore, bioinformatics approaches combined with low resolution structural data, from biophysical techniques, especially, the recently emerged cryo-electron microscopy, lead to reliable prediction of the protein repeat structures and their mode of binding with partners within molecular complexes. This hybrid approach can actively be used for structural and functional annotations of proteomes.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins: amino acid sequence and membrane penetration   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
A computer study shows that the membrane-penetrating portion of the erythrocyte surface MN-glycoprotein (Winzler, 1969; Marchesi et al., 1972) is distinguishable by informal cluster analysis from other segments of globular proteins when sequence length is plotted against hydrophobicity This analysis further suggests the possibility that other membrane-penetrating segments of proteins can be identified in the same way.  相似文献   

P J St Louis  P V Sulakhe 《Biochemistry》1978,17(21):4540-4550
Protein composition of cardiac sarcolemmal membranes was analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Membranes were observed to contain about 20 polypeptide bands ranging from 18000 to 200 000 dalton mass. Out of these, six bands were prominent and together comprised 57% of the membrane protein. When sarcolemmal membranes, phosphorylated by [gamma-(32)P] ATP in the presence of Ca(2+) or Na+ with and without K+, were fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 2.4, the band III region (Mr 105 000) of gels was found to contain active sites of monomeric Ca-ATPase and (Na,K)ATPase. Bands I (Mr greater than 200 000), II (Mr 150 000), III (Mr 105 000), and VI (Mr 47 000) were accesible to trypsin; the extent of proteolysis was dependent on the time of exposure to, and the concentration of, trypsin (i.e, ratio of sarcolemmal protein/trypsin). Addition of molar sucrose protected sarcolemmal proteins from the tryptic proteolysis. Calcium transport was reduced by the action of trypsin; the degree of reduction was influenced by the time of exposure of membranes to trypsin as well as the concentration of trypsin. (Mg,Ca)ATPase activity, on the other hand, was elevated moderately at lower concentration and reduced at higher concentration of trypsin. Treatment with phospholipase C cium transport and (Mg,Ca)ATPase activity; electrophoretic patterns were unaffected by this treatment. Addition of lecithin to phospholipase C treated membranes produced a moderate increase in calcium transport. Exposure to Triton X-100 (1%) specifically solubilized three protein bands (Mr90 000, 67 000, and 57 000), whereas exposure to deoxycholate (1%) preferentially solubilized high-molecular-weight proteins, including band III (Mr 105 000); Lubrol-PX (1%) caused nonspecific solubilization of proteins, although the extent of solubilization with Lubrol-PX was considerably less than with either Triton or deoxycholate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we used correlation analysis to quantify the correlations between the hydrophobicity sequence and accessibility sequence of 26 alpha-helix bundle membrane proteins and 119 transmembrane helices. Statistical significances of these correlations were also assessed. A slightly positive correlation was found in the alpha-helix bundle membrane proteins due to the contribution of extra-membranous domains. No correlation was found in the transmembrane domains.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins are among the most interesting molecules for biomedical research, as some of the most important cellular functions are inherently tied to biological membranes. One such example is the vast expanse of receptors on cell surfaces. However, due to difficulties in the biochemical purification and structure/function analysis of membrane proteins, caused by their hydrophobic or amphophilic nature, membrane proteins are still much less studied than soluble proteins. Our laboratory has successfully developed and applied a methodology for the mass spectrometric analysis of integral membrane proteins. Here, we present an improvement in the sensitivity of detection made possible by the advancement of mass spectrometric instrumentation and refinement of the chromatographic analysis. Subpicomolar samples of bovine rhodopsin purified from native membranes were successfully analyzed, obtaining complete sequence coverage and the detection and localization of posttranslational modifications. Therefore, it is demonstrated that the detection limits and sequence coverage for soluble and membrane proteins can be comparable. The methodology presented here allows mass spectrometric analysis of subpicomolar levels of photopigments or other integral membrane proteins either from their native membranes or as products of expression systems.  相似文献   

A hydrophobicity index is proposed for proteins. The calculation of this index is made, assuming a direct relationship between the hydrophobicity of each aminoacid and its Rf in a partition chromatography. This index is applied to membrane proteins and offers statistically significant differences between integral and peripheral proteins.  相似文献   

Dessen P  Képès F 《Gene》2000,244(1-2):89-96
The PAUSE software has been developed as a new tool to study translational control over protein targeting. This makes it possible to correlate the position of clusters of rare codons in a gene, predicted to cause a translational pause, with the position of hydrophobic stretches in the encoded protein, predicted to span a membrane or to act as a cleavable signal for targeting to the secretory pathway. Furthermore, this software gathers these correlations over whole sets of genes. The PAUSE software is described here, and its use is illustrated on a set of membrane proteins from the fungus Emericella nidulans. Preferential distances of about 45 codons and of about 70 codons between putative transmembrane domains and predicted translational pauses were observed. Given that approximately 30 residues are required to span the large ribosomal subunit, the predicted pauses would therefore occur when the hydrophobic domain starts protruding from the ribosome ('+45 pause'), or fully protrudes as a hairpin ('+70 pause'). Thus, these specific pauses might reflect a translational control over membrane protein targeting or early recognition ('+45 pause'), and over insertion or folding ('+70 pause').  相似文献   

Protein modules as organizers of membrane structure.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Investigations conducted over the past 18 months have shed new light on how modular protein-binding domains, in particular PDZ domains, co-ordinate the assembly of functional plasma membrane domains. Members of the MAGUK (membrane-associated guanylate kinase) protein family, like PSD-95, use multiple domains to cluster ion channels, receptors, adhesion molecules and cytosolic signaling proteins at synapses, cellular junctions, and polarized membrane domains. Other PDZ proteins, like the Drosophila protein INAD and the epithelial Na(+)/H(+) regulatory factor (NHERF), organize cellular signaling by localizing transmembrane and cytosolic components to specific membrane domains and assembling these components into functional complexes. The organization of these proteins into discreet structures has functional consequences for downstream signaling.  相似文献   

Basement membranes are thin layers of a specialized extracellular matrix that form the supporting structure on which epithelial and endothelial cells grow, and that surround muscle and fat cells and the Schwann cells of peripheral nerves. One common denominator is that they are always in close apposition to cells, and it has been well demonstrated that basement membranes do not only provide a mechanical support and divide tissues into compartments, but also influence cellular behavior. The major molecular constituents of basement membranes are collagen IV, laminin-entactin/nidogen complexes, and proteoglycans. Collagen IV provides a scaffold for the other structural macromolecules by forming a network via interactions between specialized N- and C-terminal domains. Laminin-entactin/nidogen complexes self-associate into less-ordered aggregates. These two molecular assemblies appear to be interconnected, presumably via binding sites on the entactin/nidogen molecule. In addition, proteoglycans are anchored into the membrane by an unknown mechanism, providing clusters of negatively charged groups. Specialization of different basement membranes is achieved through the presence of tissue-specific isoforms of laminin and collagen IV and of particular proteoglycan populations, by differences in assembly between different membranes, and by the presence of accessory proteins in some specialized basement membranes. Many cellular responses to basement membrane proteins are mediated by members of the integrin class of transmembrane receptors. On the intracellular side some of these signals are transmitted to the cytoskeleton, and result in an influence on cellular behavior with respect to adhesion, shape, migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Phosphorylation of integrins plays a role in modulating their activity, and they may therefore be a part of a more complex signaling system.  相似文献   

The effects of competence-inducing treatments on the composition and organization of membrane lipids in Escherichia coli K-12, DH1, DH5, HB101, and RR1 were investigated for two widely used protocols in which transformability is developed at low temperatures in Ca2+ buffers. At stages during each procedure, the lipid compositions of the cells were determined, and the thermotropic lipid phase transitions were observed in whole cell culture by fluorescence assay with the hydrophobic probe N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine. Competence was evaluated by determining transformation efficiencies with plasmid pBR322 DNA. The competence-inducing procedures effected only slight changes in phospholipid compositions which did not correlate with transformability. However, the induction of competence was coincident with de novo synthesis and incorporation of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate into the cytoplasmic membranes and with the appearance of a sharp lipid phase transition above physiological temperatures. Transformation efficiencies correlated with poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations and with the intensity of the new phase transition. Transformability, poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate synthesis and the new phase transition were not significantly affected by inhibition of protein synthesis with chloramphenicol or inhibition of respiration or ATP synthesis with azide, cyanide, arsenate, or 2,4-dinitrophenol; however, when poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate synthesis was inhibited with acetaldehyde, the new phase transition was not observed, and competence failed to develop. These studies suggest that genetic transformability in E. coli may be physiologically regulated.  相似文献   

We review recent computational advances in the study of membrane proteins, focusing on those that have at least one transmembrane helix. Transmembrane protein regions are, in many respects, easier to investigate computationally than experimentally, due to the uniformity of their structure and interactions (e.g. consisting predominately of nearly parallel helices packed together) on one hand and presenting the challenges of solubility on the other. We present the progress made on identifying and classifying membrane proteins into families, predicting their structure from amino-acid sequence patterns (using many different methods), and analyzing their interactions and packing The total result of this work allows us for the first time to begin to think about the membrane protein interactome, the set of all interactions between distinct transmembrane helices in the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Structural bioinformatics of membrane proteins is still in its infancy, and the picture of their fold space is only beginning to emerge. Because only a handful of three-dimensional structures are available, sequence comparison and structure prediction remain the main tools for investigating sequence-structure relationships in membrane protein families. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of the structural families corresponding to α-helical membrane proteins with at least three transmembrane helices. The new version of our CAMPS database (CAMPS 2.0) covers nearly 1300 eukaryotic, prokaryotic, and viral genomes. Using an advanced classification procedure, which is based on high-order hidden Markov models and considers both sequence similarity as well as the number of transmembrane helices and loop lengths, we identified 1353 structurally homogeneous clusters roughly corresponding to membrane protein folds. Only 53 clusters are associated with experimentally determined three-dimensional structures, and for these clusters CAMPS is in reasonable agreement with structure-based classification approaches such as SCOP and CATH. We therefore estimate that ~1300 structures would need to be determined to provide a sufficient structural coverage of polytopic membrane proteins. CAMPS 2.0 is available at http://webclu.bio.wzw.tum.de/CAMPS2.0/.  相似文献   

An immunological approach to the study of the structure and biogenesis of the phosphatidylinositol glycan (PI-G) membrane anchor at the carboxyl terminus of human placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) is described. Based on the protein sequence predicted from full length PLAP cDNA, two epitopes were chosen in the region of the carboxyl terminus for the production of site-directed antibodies. The exo site represents the last nine residues of preproPLAP, (res. 505-513), which is part of the sequence that is expected to be cleaved from the nascent protein during processing and addition of the PI-G tail. A second site, the endo sequence, was selected close to the expected carboxyl terminus in mature PI-G-tailed PLAP (res. 474-484 of proPLAP). The two peptides were synthesized, polyclonal antibodies to the conjugated peptides were prepared, and the antisera were characterized. Analytical methods for both synthetic peptides and proteins are presented. Preliminary applications to the isolation and characterization of the PI-G-linked carboxyl terminus of mature PLAP and to the characterization of nascent PLAP are described. The application of both carboxyl terminal-directed antibodies, and a third antibody directed to the amino terminus of mature PLAP, in studies employing mutant forms of PLAP and to the PI-G tailing process itself are discussed. The immunological approach used here for PLAP should be applicable generally to the study of other PI-G-tailed proteins.  相似文献   

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