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利用傅立叶红外光谱仪和OMNI采样器直接、迅速、准确地测定山茶属Camellia4组63种2变种植物叶片的红外光谱,结果表明:各分类群(种)的红外光谱具有高度特异性,其红外光谱图的变化可以作为山茶属植物属下的分类依据之一。这也暗示了利用标准红外光谱图库,可以区分和鉴定出山茶属植物的种类。经主成分分析后的红外光谱数据构建的树型聚类图与先前的形态分类结果大体一致,能将油茶组sect.Oleifera和短柱茶组sect.Paracamellia植物明显区分,并且各组中亲缘关系较近的种聚在一起。因此支持它们作为两个独立的组处理。但是,红山茶组sect.Camellia内的滇山茶亚组subsect.Lucidissima和光果红山茶亚组subsect.Reticulata植物在聚类图上很难区分,建议将这两个亚组植物进行归并。最后讨论了张宏达和闵天禄系统中存在分歧的油茶组、短柱茶组和红山茶组内的种间分类关系。  相似文献   

香花油茶——山茶属短柱茶组一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马锦林  叶航  叶创兴 《广西植物》2012,32(6):753-755
描述了山茶属短柱茶组新种Camellia osmantha Ye CX,Ma JL et Ye H.新种为灌木,花白色,微有香气.其苞被不分化为苞片和萼片,多数,10~12枚,花瓣6~8枚,均易脱落;雄蕊长短不一,大部分分离;花柱短,基部连生,先端分离,与短柱茶组特征一致.新种花有香气与窄叶短柱茶C.fluviantlis Hand.-Mzt.接近,但前者叶常为倒卵形,具尾尖,后者叶狭披针形,渐尖.  相似文献   

堇菜属(Viola)植物种类多、分布广、形态变异大,物种鉴定和分类系统争议较大。因此,为解决该属物种的分类学问题,以中国云南产的8种堇菜属植物为研究对象,利用显微镜和石蜡切片技术观察叶形态解剖特征,结果如下(:1)叶型可分为4种:肾形、戟形、卵形和三深裂(;2)叶片边缘和叶脉处稀疏分布着单细胞单列毛状体,可分为3类:短柱状、中柱状和长柱状(;3)叶表皮细胞垂周壁式样有平直-弓形、浅波状和深波状,气孔器类型有平列型、横列型和无规则型;气孔多为椭圆形,少数为近圆形;(4)叶中脉处上下表皮突起有均等型和不等型(;5)叶柄横切面轮廓和主维管束形态相关,前者为椭圆形、半圆形和近圆形,后者为浅U型、深U型和圆形。分析结果表明,堇菜属的叶型、表皮毛被、叶表皮细胞形态、气孔类型、叶中脉处的上下表皮形态、叶柄横切面及主维管束轮廓等,在种间差异明显,可以用作属内物种划分和近似种间的区别,支持长萼堇菜(V. inconspicua)、早开堇菜(V. prionantha)和紫花地丁(V. philippica)是一组有近缘关系的独立种。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜技术观察了茶藨子属7个亚属12种植物的叶表皮微形态。结果显示:叶表皮细胞分为多边形和不规则形两种类型;垂周壁式样为平直—弓形、浅波形、深波形;叶表皮角质层多为光滑或较光滑,少有脊状纹饰或乳突状凸起;表皮毛分为单毛和腺毛;黑果茶藨子、水葡萄、臭茶藨子的叶表面均分布不同密度的盾状腺毛,支持将臭茶藨子系划分为臭茶藨子亚属;气孔器均为无规则型,形状为圆形或椭圆形,多数种类的气孔仅分布在下表皮。茶藨子属植物叶表皮微形态特征可为属内亚属划分及种间分类提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

蒋天翼  陈志钊  陈曌  郑永利  陈昕  邓云飞 《广西植物》2023,43(10):1814-1827
为澄清映山红亚属(Rhododendron subg. Tsutsusi)内的系统关系问题,该研究选择杜鹃花属映山红亚属37种植物作为对象,其中29种为首次报道,通过扫描电镜观察其叶表皮显微特征。结果表明:(1)气孔器均为无规则型且均在远轴面。(2)根据叶片微形态特征将映山红亚属的种类分为杜鹃型(R. simisii-type)、岭南杜鹃型(R. mariae-type)、皋月杜鹃型(R. indicum-type)、崖壁杜鹃型(R. saxatile-type)及丁香杜鹃型(R. farrerae-type)5种类型。(3)杜鹃型植物的气孔器周边无或具间断的条形突起。(4)岭南杜鹃型植物的气孔器周围有多层条形突起环绕,保卫细胞两极不具T型加厚。(5)皋月杜鹃型植物的叶表皮保卫细胞两极具有T型加厚,与叶状苞亚属(Subg. Therorhodion)叶状苞杜鹃(R. redowskianum)的气孔器特征相似,推测其与叶状苞亚属具有一定的亲缘关系。(6)崖壁杜鹃型植物的叶表皮毛单一,多呈卷曲状,与其他类型有所不同且未见腺体。(7)丁香杜鹃型植物的叶表皮仅有腺体。(8)依据叶表皮微形态特征讨论了一些近缘种类的关系,如倾向于将背绒杜鹃(R. hypoblematosum)和千针叶杜鹃(R. polyraphidoideum)处理为独立的种,支持保留紫薇春(R. naamkwanense var. cryptonerve)作为南昆杜鹃(R. naamkwanense)的变种地位,不支持将腺花杜鹃(R. adenanthum)并入细瘦杜鹃(R. tenue)作异名处理等。该研究结果表明叶表皮显微特征在映山红亚属内物种划分上具有重要价值。  相似文献   

苏铁属(Cycas)作为一类古老的裸子植物,经历了漫长的演化历史,因此,深入研究其形态特征与环境的相互关系,有望为古环境重建提供重要参考依据。本文分析西双版纳和深圳两地植物园栽培环境下27种苏铁属植物的叶表皮特征及气孔参数的差异,并进一步探讨气孔参数与系统发育的关系。结果表明:(1)苏铁属内叶表皮特征保守稳定,具有一定的分类学意义:依据表皮细胞及气孔器特征划分了四种叶表皮类型,可为苏铁现生植物或化石的鉴定提供参考。(2)四种叶表皮类型指示了不同的原生生境特征,对古环境具有一定的指示意义。(3)同一环境下,气孔参数在属内的种间差异显著,其次,气孔指数在属内变化与系统发育有关,除气孔指数具显著的系统发育信号外,其余气孔参数均无显著系统发育信号。本研究结果表明气孔参数法重建古大气CO2浓度时,需尽可能利用亲缘关系相近、叶表皮和生境皆相似的代理种,并明确气孔参数与大气CO2分压的相关关系在种间的异同,从而提高该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Leaf anatomy of 21 species representing sect. Oleifera H. T. Chang and sect. Paracamellia Sealy in the genus Camellia was investigated using light microscopy. All the shapes of leaf epidermal cells were polygo-nal, and the patterns of anticlinal walls were sinuolate or sinuous, which were important to the classification of these two sections. The stomata were cyclocytic type and only present on the abaxial epidermis in both sampled sections. Seventeen leaf anatomical and cytologic characters were selected and used for the cluster analysis and principle components analyses performed by PAST program. Congruent results were obtained, with sect. Oleifera and sect. Paracamellia consistently grouping in two different clades, and some related species nesting together. This study provided leaf anatomical evidence for the merge of C. lanceoleosa H. T. Chang & J. S. Chiu and C. fluviatilis Hand.-Mazz.; of C. brevistyla Coh. St., C. obtusifolia H. T. Chang, and C. puniceiflora H. T. Chang; and of C. grijsii Hance and C. shensiensis H. T. Chang. In addition, it was also proved that C. tenii Sealy should be segregated from sect. Paracamellia and placed in the sect. Corallina Sealy. For further interest, we suggested that C. phaeoclada H. T. Chang be recognized as a subspecies of C. microphylla (Merr.) Chien. Overall, the results presented provided new insights into the relationships within a number of Camellia plants and sug-gested directions for future studies.  相似文献   

Sixty-five leaf samples in sect. Oleifera H. T. Chang, sect. Paracamellia Sealy, sect. Camellia, and sect. Thea (L.) Dyer of genus Camellia L. were discriminated directly with an OMNI-sampler accessory on the basis of biochemical profiles and a hierarchical dendrogram was finally constructed. The results showed that the infrared spectra of Camellia were fingerprint-like patterns which were highly typical for different taxa. The hierarchical dendrogram based on principal component analysis of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) data confirmed most of morphological classifications of the four sections proposed in previous works. Infrared spectra of leaves are of taxonomic value in genus Camellia, and this technique can be widely used for identification and classification of other taxa when standard spectra are available. The relationships between sect. Oleifera and sect. Paracamellia, subsect. Lucidissima H. T. Chang and subsect. Reticulata H. T. Chang in sect. Camellia, and the species/varieties were also discussed, as many dissensions about the classification exist between Chang’s and Ming’s system.  相似文献   

Leaf morphology and anatomy of Camellia section Camellia (Theaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The delimitations of species in Camellia section Camellia have been disputed for many years, resulting from uncertain relationships among species. Leaf morphological and anatomical characters for 54 species and three varieties in this section were investigated to reveal the relationships. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis were conducted using the transformed data for quantitative and qualitative characters from leaf morphology and anatomy. Combining the results of statistical analysis with comparative leaf characters of morphology and anatomy, we discussed the taxonomic treatment of section Camellia by Chang compared with that of Ming and we conclude that section Camellia consists of c. 50 species. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 456–476.  相似文献   

The leaf anatomy of the genera Phytelephas, Palandra and Ammandra (Arecaceae) is described and compared. The anatomical features considered to be of taxonomic importance include: the distribution of fibre bundles and minor veins in mesophyll and hypodermis, the relative size of the cells of the stomatal complex and whether the costal bands of eleongated cells are conspicuous in surface view or not. Species of Palandra and Phytelephas form an anatomically homogenous group. The two species of Ammandra differ in their anatomy, although they have several xeromorphic adaptations in common. This is peculiar as they both grow in humid habitats.  相似文献   

Leaf morphology in four species of Desmos and three species of Dasymaschalon was comparatively studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) together with epidermal maceration and paraffin methods. The results showed that there were some remarkable foliar anatomical differences between Desmos and Dasymaschalon. In leaves of Desmos, some of the adaxial epidermal cells were enlarged into globose cells each containing one large cluster crystal, while other epidermal cells were normal without any crystal, and in abaxial epidermis each cell contained one smaller cluster crystal. The leaf structure was typically bifacial, and the mesophyll cells were differentiated into palisade tissue and spongy tissue. Oil cells were distributed in the second layer of palisade and the whole spongy tissue, and the number of oil cells per mm leaf width ranged from 4 to 6. The vascular tissue in the midrib was separated into bundles by parenchyma cells. In leaves of Dasymaschalon, all the adaxial epidermal cells contained one cluster crystal, and the crystal size was similar to that of thecrystals in abaxial epidermal cells. The leaf structure was more or less isobilateral. Oil cells were distributed only in the spongy tissue between the two layers of the palisade, and the number of oil cells per mm leaf width ranged from 2 to 3. The vascular tissue in the midrib formed a continuous circle. It is clear that the anatomical differences between Desmos and Dasymaschalon are remarkable, supporting the treatment of Desmos and Dasymaschalon as two independent genera.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜技术、叶片离析法和石蜡切片法研究了假鹰爪属Desmos 4种植物和皂帽花属Dasy-maschalon 3种植物叶片的形态结构。结果表明:假鹰爪属植物叶片近轴面表皮具大型球状含晶簇细胞和不含晶簇的表皮细胞两种类型,远轴面表皮细胞均具一较小的晶簇;叶肉组织明显分化为栅栏组织细胞和海绵组织细胞,油细胞分布于第2层的栅栏组织和海绵组织内,单位毫米叶宽油细胞数为4~6个;主脉维管组织被薄壁细胞分隔成束状。皂帽花属植物叶片近轴面表皮细胞形状相同,均具一晶簇,远轴面表皮细胞的晶簇和近轴面表皮细胞的晶簇相似;靠近上、下表皮的叶肉组织均分化为栅栏组织细胞,在两层栅栏组织细胞之间分化为一至几层海绵组织细胞,油细胞分布于海绵组织内,单位毫米叶宽油细胞数为2~3个;主脉维管组织形成连续的环状。由此可见两属叶的结构具有明显的差异,因而支持假鹰爪属和皂帽花属为两个独立属的观点。  相似文献   

A comparative anatomical and FTIR study on the leaves of 18 disputed species of section Tuberculata (Camellia, Theaceae) combined with their biogeographical distribution have been conducted in order to investigate interspecific variations which are useful in species taxonomic treatment and systematic evolution. All Tuberculata species have bifacial and hypostomatic leaves, contain sclereids and crystals. Multivariate analysis of leaf FTIR data shows a visualization of the degree of affinity among the species in this section, which is consistent with the distribution of synonymous Tuberculata species indicated in the biogeographical maps. Our study indicates that the combination of characters based on leaf comparative anatomy, FTIR analysis and biogeographical distribution are useful in species revision. The results determine 11 species in section Tuberculata and provide the evolutionary trends in Tuberculata, which originated in three-river region of Guizhou province and spread to Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hunan and probably Hubei provinces of China.  相似文献   

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