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The evolution of antimalarial drug resistance is often considered to be a single-stage process in which parasites are either fully resistant or completely sensitive to a drug. However, this does not take into account the important intermediate stage of drug tolerance. Drug-tolerant parasites are killed by the high serum concentrations of drugs that occur during direct treatment of the human host. However, these parasites can spread in the human population because many drugs persist long after treatment, and the tolerant parasites can infect people in which there are residual levels of the drugs. This intermediate stage between fully sensitive and fully resistant parasites has far-reaching implications for the evolution of drug-resistant malaria.  相似文献   

We analytically study a deterministic model for the spread of drug resistance among human malaria parasites. The model incorporates all major characteristics of the complex malaria transmission cycle and accounts for the fact that only a fraction α of infected hosts receive drug treatment. Furthermore, the model incorporates that hosts can be co-infected. The number m of parasites co-infecting a host is either a constant or, more generally, follows a given frequency distribution.Although the model is formulated in a multilocus setup, for our results we assume that drug resistance is caused by a single locus with two alleles — a sensitive one and a resistant one. We assume that the resistant allele has a selective advantage only in treated hosts and pays metabolic costs, which causes this allele to be deleterious in untreated hosts. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the fixation of the resistant allele. Moreover, provided the resistant allele will sweep through the population, we derive a formula for the time until it reaches a given frequency and in particular for the time until quasi-fixation.Furthermore, we establish an analytical solution for allele frequency changes at a linked neutral biallelic locus due to the rapid increase in frequency of the resistant allele. Our solution describes a local reduction in heterozygosity among parasite chromosomes around the resistant allele, the effect commonly referred to as the hitchhiking effect, as a function of α and m. The result therefore allows the investigation of selective sweep patterns under specific demographic settings. We find that the hitchhiking effect is similar but different from the standard model of genetic hitchhiking that assumes random mating and homogeneous selection. In particular, the process of recombination and selection cannot be decoupled. We further explain why standard hitchhiking theory cannot be applied to drug resistance in malaria. Furthermore, we will show that a genome-wide reduction in relative heterozygosity can occur provided a fraction of hosts is infected by a single parasite haplotype.Finally, we show how to incorporate host heterogeneity, and generalize our results to this biologically more realistic case.  相似文献   

The advent of cost‐effective genotyping and sequencing methods have recently made it possible to ask questions that address the genetic basis of phenotypic diversity and how natural variants interact with the environment. We developed Camelot (CAusal Modelling with Expression Linkage for cOmplex Traits), a statistical method that integrates genotype, gene expression and phenotype data to automatically build models that both predict complex quantitative phenotypes and identify genes that actively influence these traits. Camelot integrates genotype and gene expression data, both generated under a reference condition, to predict the response to entirely different conditions. We systematically applied our algorithm to data generated from a collection of yeast segregants, using genotype and gene expression data generated under drug‐free conditions to predict the response to 94 drugs and experimentally confirmed 14 novel gene–drug interactions. Our approach is robust, applicable to other phenotypes and species, and has potential for applications in personalized medicine, for example, in predicting how an individual will respond to a previously unseen drug.  相似文献   

Resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to the antimalarial drug sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine is a result of extremely rare mutations that have spread over large geographical areas. This pattern was completely unexpected because mutations encoding resistance occur commonly in laboratory conditions, leading to the expectation that resistance would originate locally on numerous occasions. This can be reconciled with basic P. falciparum biology and epidemiology, and it is concluded that this pattern of extremely rare mutations and subsequent spread should be regarded as the most likely pattern of resistance to future antimalarials. Consequently, strategies to slow the spread of resistance need to be designed on regional, rather than national, considerations.  相似文献   

Genomics research has enabled crucial insights into the adaptive evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as an obligate human pathogen. Here, we highlight major recent advances and evaluate the potential for genomics approaches to inform tuberculosis control efforts in high-burden settings.  相似文献   

Delaying antimalarial drug resistance with combination chemotherapy   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
White NJ 《Parassitologia》1999,41(1-3):301-308
Resistance to antimalarial drugs arises when spontaneously occurring mutants with gene mutations or amplifications which confer reduced drug susceptibility are selected, and are then transmitted. Simultaneous use of two or more antimalarials with different modes of action and which therefore do not share the same resistance mechanisms will reduce the chance of selection, because the chance of a resistant mutant surviving is the product of the parasite mutation rates for the individual drugs, multiplied by the number of parasites in an infection that are exposed to the drugs. The artemisinin derivatives are very active antimalarials, which produce large reductions in parasite biomass per asexual cycle, and reduce malaria transmissibility. To date no resistance to these drugs has been reported. These drugs therefore make particularly effective combination partners. This suggests that antimalarial drugs should not be used alone in treatment, but always in combination, as in the treatment of tuberculosis or HIV, and that the combination should include artemisinin or one of its derivatives.  相似文献   

Africa carries the greatest burden of disease caused by Plasmodium falciparum, and we can expect this burden to rise in the near future, mainly because of drug resistance. Although effective drugs are available (such as artemether-lumefantrine, mefloquine, atovaquone-proguanil and halofantrine) they are uniformly too expensive for routine use. Affordable options include chloroquine plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP), amodiaquine (alone or in combination with SP) and chlorproguanil-dapsone. Artemisinin combination therapy may offer considerable advantages over alternative therapies, but its introduction faces considerable logistic difficulty.  相似文献   

Mutations in the novel membrane protein Pfcrt were recently found to be essential for chloroquine resistance (CQR) in Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite responsible for most lethal human malaria (Fidock, D. A., Nomura, T., Talley, A. K., Cooper, R. A., Dzekunov, S. M., Ferdig, M. T., Ursos, L. M., Sidhu, A. B., Naude, B., Deitsch, K. W., Su, X. Z., Wootton, J. C., Roepe, P. D., and Wellems, T. E. (2000) Mol. Cell 6, 861-871). Pfcrt is localized to the digestive vacuolar membrane of the intraerythrocytic parasite and may function as a transporter. Study of this putative transport function would be greatly assisted by overexpression in yeast followed by characterization of membrane vesicles. Unfortunately, the very high AT content of malarial genes precludes efficient heterologous expression. Thus, we back-translated Pfcrt to design idealized genes with preferred yeast codons, no long poly(A) sequences, and minimal stem-loop structure. We synthesized a designed gene with a two-step PCR method, fused this to N- and C-terminal sequences to aid membrane insertion and purification, and now report efficient expression of wild type and mutant Pfcrt proteins in the plasma membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris yeast. To our knowledge, this is the first successful expression of a full-length malarial parasite integral membrane protein in yeast. Purified membranes and inside-out plasma membrane vesicle preparations were used to analyze wild type versus CQR-conferring mutant Pfcrt function, which may include effects on H(+) transport (Dzekunov, S., Ursos, L. M. B., and Roepe, P. D. (2000) Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 110, 107-124), and to perfect a rapid purification of biotinylated Pfcrt. These data expand on the role of Pfcrt in conferring CQR and define a productive route for analysis of important P. falciparum transport proteins and membrane associated vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

This review summarizes recent investigations into antimalarial drug resistance and chemotherapy, including reports of some of the many exciting talks and posters on this topic that were presented at the third Molecular Approaches to Malaria meeting held in Lorne, Australia, in February 2008 (MAM 2008). After surveying this area of research, we focus on two important questions: what is the molecular contribution of pfcrt to chloroquine resistance, and what is the mechanism of action of artemisinin? We conclude with thoughts about the current state of antimalarial chemotherapy and priorities moving forward.  相似文献   

Drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum is a challenge to malaria control programs. Policy makers currently depend on in vivo (and, sometimes, in vitro) resistance testing to set treatment guidelines. Molecular markers such as mutations in dhfr, dhps, pfcrt and pfmdr1 represent potential surveillance tools. In this article, we describe newer high-throughput methods for detecting these molecular markers. One method, 5' nuclease real-time polymerase chain reaction, is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Previously, we identified a form of epithelial-stromal metabolic coupling, in which cancer cells induce aerobic glycolysis in adjacent stromal fibroblasts, via oxidative stress, driving autophagy and mitophagy. In turn, these cancer-associated fibroblasts provide recycled nutrients to epithelial cancer cells, "fueling" oxidative mitochondrial metabolism and anabolic growth. An additional consequence is that these glycolytic fibroblasts protect cancer cells against apoptosis, by providing a steady nutrient stream of to mitochondria in cancer cells. Here, we investigated whether these interactions might be the basis of tamoxifen-resistance in ER(+) breast cancer cells. We show that MCF7 cells alone are Tamoxifen-sensitive, but become resistant when co-cultured with hTERT-immortalized human fibroblasts. Next, we searched for a drug combination (Tamoxifen + Dasatinib) that could over-come fibroblast-induced Tamoxifen-resistance. Importantly, we show that this drug combination acutely induces the Warburg effect (aerobic glycolysis) in MCF7 cancer cells, abruptly cutting off their ability to use their fuel supply, effectively killing these cancer cells. Thus, we believe that the Warburg effect in tumor cells is not the "root cause" of cancer, but rather it may provide the necessary clues to preventing chemo-resistance in cancer cells. Finally, we observed that this drug combination (Tamoxifen + Dasatinib) also had a generalized anti-oxidant effect, on both co-cultured fibroblasts and cancer cells alike, potentially reducing tumor-stroma co-evolution. Our results are consistent with the idea that chemo-resistance may be both a metabolic and stromal phenomenon that can be overcome by targeting mitochondrial function in epithelial cancer cells. Thus, simultaneously targeting both (1) the tumor stroma and (2) the epithelial cancer cells, with combination therapies, may be the most successful approach to anti-cancer therapy. This general strategy of combination therapy for overcoming drug resistance could be applicable to many different types of cancer.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to common human diseases is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. The explosive growth of genetic data, and the knowledge that it is generating, are transforming our biological understanding of these diseases. In this review, we describe the technological and analytical advances that have enabled genome-wide association studies to be successful in identifying a large number of genetic variants robustly associated with common disease. We examine the biological insights that these genetic associations are beginning to produce, from functional mechanisms involving individual genes to biological pathways linking associated genes, and the identification of functional annotations, some of which are cell-type-specific, enriched in disease associations. Although most efforts have focused on identifying and interpreting genetic variants that are irrefutably associated with disease, it is increasingly clear that—even at large sample sizes—these represent only the tip of the iceberg of genetic signal, motivating polygenic analyses that consider the effects of genetic variants throughout the genome, including modest effects that are not individually statistically significant. As data from an increasingly large number of diseases and traits are analysed, pleiotropic effects (defined as genetic loci affecting multiple phenotypes) can help integrate our biological understanding. Looking forward, the next generation of population-scale data resources, linking genomic information with health outcomes, will lead to another step-change in our ability to understand, and treat, common diseases.  相似文献   

Antimalarial drug therapies containing artemisinins, 'ACTs', have become the mainstay for treating uncomplicated malaria in endemic countries. This is a major public health achievement requiring substantial political, financial and scientific input. The most compelling scientific argument for ACT deployment employed a very simple basic rationale that emphasised their role in slowing the origin of drug resistance while largely neglecting the additional role(s) of ACTs in slowing or preventing the spread of resistance once it has arisen. Recent reports suggest that early stages of resistance to artemisinins and/or its partner drugs could be occurring, thus it is timely to briefly review exactly how ACTs slow the origin and spread of resistance and to interpret the threat of resistance within this context.  相似文献   

There appears to be an emerging consensus that resistance to aluminium (Al) is mediated at the cellular level. Virtually all current hypotheses which seek to explain the basis of Al resistance have a cellular focus, including those which postulate that external mechanisms limit the rate of Al entry across the membrane and/or protect sensitive extracellular sites, as well as those which postulate that internal mechanisms detoxify Al in the cytoplasm. If Al resistance is a cellular phenomenon, it should be expressed in single cells. Attempts to demonstrate resistance in cell culture systems, however, have not been uniformly satisfying. Considerable uncertainty has arisen from use of experimental conditions which favour formation of insoluble or non-toxic Al species. This problem has plagued research which has attempted to select for Al resistance in cell culture systems, as well as research which has attempted to express existing patterns of differential resistance in cell culture systems. Despite technical problems such as this, work at the cellular level has provided some important contributions. Most importantly, we now know resistance to Al can be expressed at the cellular level. We have discovered also that plant cells accumulate Al much more rapidly in cell culture systems than in intact roots and that isolated cells are more sensitive to Al than complex tissues. While this type of research is still hampered by a number of technical barriers, it would appear that more rapid progress could be achieved if greater emphasis was placed on true experimental work. Furthermore, we need to begin evaluating experimental data in the context of an integrated Al stress response if we are to achieve a full understanding of the cellular basis of Al resistance.  相似文献   

Data are reviewed concerning the results of study of multidrug-resistant (MDR) tumor cells. MDR often develops in the course of chemotherapy or in vitro selection of tumor cells by vincristine, adriamycin, actinomycin D, colchicine, etc. MDR cells are resistant to all these drugs though their targets and mechanisms of toxic action are quite different. Resistance is due to the decreased accumulation by MDR cells of these compounds. The genetic basis for MDR is amplification of a large genomic region that contains a number of genes coding for products and functions that are under extensive study. Specific karyotype and amplified DNA alterations occur during the development of MDR imitating the processes of appearance and variability of multigene families. The obtained data demonstrate the ways of overcoming of tumor multidrug resistance in clinic.  相似文献   

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