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Clathrin-independent endocytosis internalizes plasma membrane proteins that lack cytoplasmic sequences recognized by clathrin adaptor proteins. There is evidence for different clathrin-independent pathways but whether they share common features has not been systematically tested. Here, we examined whether CD59, an endogenous glycosylphosphatidyl inositol-anchored protein (GPI-AP), and major histocompatibility protein class I (MHCI), an endogenous, integral membrane protein, entered cells through a common mechanism and followed a similar itinerary. At early times of internalization, CD59 and MHCI were found in the same Arf6-associated endosomes before joining clathrin cargo proteins such as transferrin in common sorting endosomes. CD59 and MHCI, but not transferrin, also were observed in the Arf6-associated tubular recycling membranes. Endocytosis of CD59 and MHCI required free membrane cholesterol because it was inhibited by filipin binding to the cell surface. Expression of active Arf6 stimulated endocytosis of GPI-APs and MHCI to the same extent and led to their accumulation in Arf6 endosomes that labeled intensely with filipin. This blocked delivery of GPI-APs and MHCI to early sorting endosomes and to lysosomes for degradation. Endocytosis of transferrin was not affected by any of these treatments. These observations suggest common mechanisms for endocytosis without clathrin.  相似文献   

一品红雄配子体发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一品红花药来源于雄蕊原基,花药由表皮(1层)、药室内壁(1层)、中层(1层)、绒毡层(1层)及造胞细胞组成,花药四室,药壁发育为双子叶型。小孢子发生和雄配子体发育是经由小孢子母细胞减数分裂形成四分体,该四分体胞质分裂为同时型,四分体排列为四面体型,小孢子再经有丝分裂形成2-核花粉。花药壁层的变化是表皮在花药成熟期消失,中层在四分体时消失,药室内壁在花药成熟期形成柱状纤维层。绒毡层在单核小孢子期径向伸长,有双核或多核,另外有的绒毡层细胞形成横隔或类胎座;进入2-核花粉期,绒毡层细胞分泌颗粒物进入药室,为非典型腺质绒毡层;进入成熟期绒毡层消失。同时观察到花药发育异常现象。  相似文献   

Lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) are members of the family of pathogenesis-related proteins (PR-14) that are believed to be involved in plant defense responses. In this study, a novel gene Ltp 3F1 encoding an antifungal protein from wheat (Sumai 3) was subcloned, overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL-21 (DE3) and enriched using ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by gel permeation chromatography. Molecular phylogeny analyses of wheat Ltp 3F1 gene showed a strong identity to other plant LTPs. Predicted three-dimensional structural model showed the presence of 6 α-helices and 9 loop turns. The active site catalytic residues Gly30, Pro50, Ala52 and Cys55 may be suggested for catalyzing the reaction involved in lipid binding. SDS–PAGE analysis confirmed the production of recombinant fusion protein. The LTP fusion protein exhibited a broad-spectrum antifungal activity against Alternaria sp., Rhizoctonia solani, Curvularia lunata, Bipolaris oryzae, Cylindrocladium scoparium, Botrytis cinerea and Sarocladium oryzae. Gene cassette with cyanamide hydratase (cah) marker and Ltp 3F1 gene was constructed for genetic transformation in tobacco. Efficient regeneration was achieved in selective media amended with cyanamide. Transgenic plants with normal phenotype were obtained. Results of PCR and Southern, Northern and Western hybridization analyses confirmed the integration and expression of genes in transgenic plants. Experiments with detached leaves from transgenic tobacco expressing Ltp 3F1 gene showed fungal resistance. Due to the innate potential of broad-spectrum antifungal activity, wheat Ltp 3F1 gene can be used to enhance resistance against fungi in crop plants.  相似文献   

1-Aminoglycosides, a new class of specific inhibitors of glycosidases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1-Aminoglycosides represent a new class of specific and relatively potent inhibitors of glycosidases. These compounds are specific against those enzymes which act upon glycosides that correspond to glycone of the inhibitor. Thus α- and β-D=- are inhibited by D=-glucosidases but not by D=-galactosylamine and D=-mannosylamine. α- and D=-galactosidases are inhibited by D=-galactosylamine but not by the other two glycosylamines. D=-Mannosylamine inhibits mannosidase.  相似文献   

Yang M  Yuan S  Huang S  Li J  Xu L  Huang H  Tao X  Peng J  Xu A 《Cell research》2011,21(10):1410-1423
The MyD88-independent pathway, one of the two crucial TLR signaling routes, is thought to be a vertebrate innovation. However, a novel Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) adaptor, designated bbtTICAM, which was identified in the basal chordate amphioxus, links this pathway to invertebrates. The protein architecture of bbtTICAM is similar to that of vertebrate TICAM1 (TIR-containing adaptor molecule-1, also known as TRIF), while phylogenetic analysis based on the TIR domain indicated that bbtTICAM is the oldest ortholog of vertebrate TICAM1 and TICAM2 (TIR-containing adaptor molecule-2, also known as TRAM). Similar to human TICAM1, bbtTICAM activates NF-κB in a MyD88-independent manner by interacting with receptor interacting protein (RIP) via its RHIM motif. Such activation requires bbtTICAM to form homodimers in endosomes, and it may be negatively regulated by amphioxus SARM (sterile α and armadillo motif-containing protein) and TRAF2. However, bbtTICAM did not induce the production of type I interferon. Thus, our study not only presents the ancestral features of vertebrate TICAM1 and TICAM2, but also reveals the evolutionary origin of the MyD88-independent pathway from basal chordates, which will aid in understanding the development of the vertebrate TLR network.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH homeostasis is a prerequisite for biological processes and requires the action of proton pumps. The vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) is involved in regulating pH in endomembrane compartments of all eukaryotic cells. In plants, there is an additional endomembrane proton pump, H(+)-pyrophosphatase (H(+)-PPase). However, the relative roles of the two types of pumps in endomembrane acidification and energization of secondary active transport are unclear. Here, we show that a strong T-DNA insertion allele of VHA-A, the single copy gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the Arabidopsis V-ATPase, causes complete male and partial female gametophytic lethality. Severe changes in the morphology of Golgi stacks and Golgi-derived vesicles in male gametophytes are the first visible symptoms of cell degeneration leading to a failure to develop mature pollen. Similar effects on Golgi morphology were observed in pollen tubes when growth was blocked by Concanamycin A, a specific V-ATPase inhibitor. Taken together, our results suggests that V-ATPase function is essential for Golgi organization and development of the male gametophyte.  相似文献   

The role of the male gametophyte in the early history of seed plants remains an underappreciated but critical part of the evolution of a suite of characters that ultimately came to define seed plants. Recent paleobotanical discoveries and studies of extant primitive seed plant male gametophytes, when coupled with phylogenetic analyses of seed plants, provide insight into many hey events that occurred during the early evolution of seed plants. These discoveries are changing our ideas concerning the multiple origins of the sulcus (pollen grain germinal aperture) and pollen tube, the structural and physiological relationships of the male gametophyte with the host sporophyte tissues in primitive seed plants, and the evolution of siphonogamy (conduction of non-motile sperm via a pollen tube) from a zooidogamous (swimming sperm) condition.  相似文献   

Effects of chilling on male gametophyte development in rice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chilling during male gametophyte development in rice inhibits development of microspores, causing male sterility. Changes in cellular ultrastructure that have been exposed to mild chilling include microspores with poor pollen wall formation, abnormal vacuolation and hypertrophy of the tapetum and unusual starch accumulation in the plastids of the endothecium in post-meiotic anthers. Anthers observed during tetrad release also have callose (1,3-beta-glucan) wall abnormalities as shown by immunocytochemical labelling. Expression of rice anther specific monosaccharide transporter (OsMST8) is greatly affected by chilling treatment. Perturbed carbohydrate metabolism, which is particularly triggered by repressed genes OsINV4 and OsMST8 during chilling, causes unusual starch storage in the endothecium and this also contributes to other symptoms such as vacuolation and poor microspore wall formation. Premature callose breakdown apparently restricts the basic framework of the future pollen wall. Vacuolation and hypertrophy are also symptoms of osmotic imbalance triggered by the reabsorption of callose breakdown products due to absence of OsMST8 activity.  相似文献   

The male gametophyte of Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot is recorded for the first time in Norway. The plants were collected in the Bj?r?ya archipelago situated between 10° 46′-10° 52′ E and 64° 35·5′-64° 37′ N. Numerous large antheridia were present on the plants which were attached to the rock at a depth of 150–200 cm below E.L.W.S.  相似文献   

Kerim T  Imin N  Weinman JJ  Rolfe BG 《Proteomics》2003,3(5):738-751
We used proteomic analysis to investigate the changing patterns of protein synthesis during pollen development in anthers from rice plants grown under strictly controlled growth conditions. Cytological analysis and external growth measurements such as anther length, auricle distances and days before flowering were used to determine pollen developmental stages. This allowed the collection of synchronous anther materials representing six discrete pollen developmental stages. Proteins were extracted from the anther samples and separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to produce proteome maps. The anther proteome maps of different developmental stages were compared and 150 protein spots, which were changed consistently during development, were analysed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry to produce peptide mass fingerprint (PMF) data. Database searches using these PMF data revealed the identities of 40 of the protein spots analyzed. These 40 proteins represent 33 unique gene products. Four protein spots that could not be identified by PMF analysis were analysed by N-terminal microsequencing. Multiple charge-isoforms of vacuolar acid invertase, fructokinase, beta-expansin and profilin were identified. These proteins are closely associated with sugar metabolism, cell elongation and cell expansion, all of which are cell activities that are essential to pollen germination. The existence of multiple isoforms of the same proteins suggests that during the process of pollen development some kind of post-translational modification of these proteins occurs.  相似文献   

Androgenesis: Affecting the fate of the male gametophyte   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Natural leaf senescence proceeds through an orderly program of events referred to, generally, as the 'senescence syndrome'. Leaf senescence consists of primarily, but not exclusively, a set of degradative and remobilization activities that salvage valuable nutrients by reallocation to the seeds or other viable parts of the plant. The program requires changes in gene expression and eventually culminates in death of the leaf or whole plant. Leaf/whole plant senescence has now been scrutinized extensively using molecular genetic approaches and a clearer picture of the events that comprise the developmental program is beginning to emerge. However, while understandings of the phenomenological aspects of the program have become apparent, the mechanistic aspects, particularly with regard to the processes required for induction and regulation of the program, are still far from clear. Molecular evidence suggests the process is complex in terms of the wide array of genes and activities expressed, and in terms of the overall regulation of progression of the events of the syndrome. This article attempts to review our current understanding of leaf senescence and includes a brief discussion of aspects of the process that require clarification if we are to more fully understand this complex developmental program.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) includes highly polymorphic gene families encoding proteins crucial to the vertebrate acquired immune system. Classical MHC class I (MHCI) genes code for molecules expressed on the surfaces of most nucleated cells and are associated with defense against intracellular pathogens, such as viruses. These genes have been studied in a few wild bird species, but have not been studied in long-distance migrating shorebirds. Red Knots Calidris canutus are medium-sized, monogamous sandpipers with migratory routes that span the globe. Understanding how such long-distance migrants protect themselves from disease has gained new relevance since the emergence of avian-borne diseases, including intracellular pathogens recognized by MHCI molecules, such as avian influenza. In this study, we characterized MHCI genes in knots and found 36 alleles in eight individuals and evidence for six putatively functional and expressed MHCI genes in a single bird. We also found evidence for recombination and for positive selection at putative peptide binding sites in exons 2 and 3. These results suggest surprisingly high MHC diversity in knots, given their demographic history. This may be a result of selection from diverse pathogens encountered by shorebirds throughout their annual migrations.  相似文献   

Maize ROP2 GTPase provides a competitive advantage to the male gametophyte   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Arthur KM  Vejlupkova Z  Meeley RB  Fowler JE 《Genetics》2003,165(4):2137-2151

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