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Gap junctions are documented in the human airway epithelium but the functional expression and molecular identity of their protein constituents (connexins, Cx) in the polarized epithelium is not known. To address this question, we documented the expression of a family of epithelial Cx (Cx26, Cx30, Cx30.3, Cx31, Cx31.1, Cx32, Cx37, Cx40, and Cx43) in primary human airway epithelial cells (AEC) grown on porous supports. Under submerged conditions, AEC formed a monolayer of airway cells whereas the air-liquid interface induced within 30-60 days AEC differentiation into a polarized epithelium for up to 6-9 months. Maturation of AEC was associated with the down-regulation of Cx26 and Cx43. The well-differentiated airway epithelium exhibited gap junctional communication between ciliated and between ciliated and basal cells. Interestingly, Cx30 was mostly present between ciliated cells whereas Cx31 was found between basal cells. These results are supportive of the establishment of signal-selective gap junctions with maturation of AEC, likely contributing to support airway epithelium function. These results lay the ground for studying the role of Cx-mediated cell-cell communication during repair following AEC injury and exploring Cx-targeted interventions to modulate the healing process.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of chemical inhibitors of connexin-mediated intercellular communication. The advent of short “designer” connexin mimetic peptides has provided new tools to inhibit connexin channels quickly and reversibly. This perspective describes the development of mimetic peptides, especially Gap 26 and 27 that are the most popular and correspond to specific sequences in the extracellular loops of connexins 37, 40 and 43. Initially they were used to inhibit gap-junctional coupling in a wide range of mammalian cells and tissues. Currently, they are also being examined as therapeutic agents that accelerate wound healing and in the early treatment of spinal cord injury. The mimetic peptides bind to connexin hemichannels, influencing channel properties as shown by lowering of electrical conductivity and potently blocking the entry of small reporter dyes and the release of ATP by cells. A mechanism is proposed to help explain the dual action of connexin mimetic peptides on connexin hemichannels and gap-junctional coupling.  相似文献   

In the eye lens, three connexins have been detected in epithelial cells and bow region/differentiating fiber cells, suggesting the possible formation of heteromeric gap junction channels. To study possible interactions between Cx56 and Cx43, we stably transfected a normal rat kidney cell line (NRK) that expresses Cx43 with Cx56 (NRK-Cx56). Similar to the lens, several bands of Cx56 corresponding to phosphorylated forms were detected by immunoblotting in NRK-Cx56 cells. Immunofluorescence studies showed co-localization of Cx56 with Cx43 in the perinuclear region and at appositional membranes. Connexin hexamers in NRK-Cx56 cells contained both Cx43 and Cx56 as demonstrated by sedimentation through sucrose gradients. Immunoprecipitation of Cx56 from sucrose gradient fractions resulted in co-precipitation of Cx43 from NRK-Cx56 cells suggesting the presence of relatively stable interactions between the two connexins. Double whole-cell patch-clamp experiments showed that the voltage-dependence of Gmin in NRK-Cx56 cells differed from that in NRK cells. Moreover, stable interactions between Cx43 and Cx56 were also demonstrated in the embryonic chicken lens by co-precipitation of Cx43 in Cx56 immunoprecipitates. These data suggest that Cx43 and Cx56 form heteromeric connexons in NRK-Cx56 cells as well as in the lens in vivo leading to differences in channel properties which might contribute to the variations in gap junctional intercellular communication observed in different regions of the lens.  相似文献   

Intercellular communication (IC) is mediated by gap junctions (GJs) and hemichannels, which consist of proteins. This has been particularly well documented for the connexin (Cx) family. Initially, Cxs were thought to be the only proteins capable of GJ formation in vertebrates. About 10 years ago, however, a new GJ‐forming protein family related to invertebrate innexins (Inxs) was discovered in vertebrates, and named the pannexin (Panx) family. Panxs, which are structurally similar to Cxs, but evolutionarily distinct, have been shown to be co‐expressed with Cxs in vertebrates. Both protein families show distinct properties and have their own particular function. Identification of the mechanisms that control Panx channel gating is a major challenge for future work. In this review, we focus on the specific properties and role of Panxs in normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Phorbol esters (e.g., TPA) activate protein kinase C (PKC), increase connexin43 (Cx43) phosphorylation, and decrease cell-cell communication via gap junctions in many cell types. We asked whether PKC directly phosphorylates and regulates Cx43. Rat epithelial T51B cells metabolically labeled with (32)P(i) yielded two-dimensional phosphotryptic maps of Cx43 with several phosphopeptides that increased in intensity upon TPA treatment. One of these peptides comigrated with the major phosphopeptide observed after PKC phosphorylation of immunoaffinity-purified Cx43. Purification of this comigrating peptide and subsequent sequencing indicated that the phosphorylated serine was residue 368. To pursue the functional importance of phosphorylation at this site, fibroblasts from Cx43(-/-) mice were transfected with either wild-type (Cx43wt) or mutant Cx43 (Cx43-S368A). Intercellular dye transfer studies revealed different responses to TPA and were followed by single channel analyses. TPA stimulation of T51B cells or Cx43wt-transfected fibroblasts caused a large increase in the relative frequency of approximately 50-pS channel events and a concomitant loss of approximately 100-pS channel events. This change to approximately 50-pS events was absent when cells transfected with Cx43-S368A were treated with TPA. These data strongly suggest that PKC directly phosphorylates Cx43 on S368 in vivo, which results in a change in single channel behavior that contributes to a decrease in intercellular communication.  相似文献   

fMet-Leu-Phe (fMLP) receptors were functionally reconstituted into Xenopus laevis oocytes by microinjection with RNA isolated from promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60) differentiated with 750 microM N6, O2-dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate. fMLP-induced Ca2+ mobilization was monitored by measurement of photon emission elicited by aequorin coinjected with RNA into albino X. laevis oocytes. Maximal expression of the fMLP receptor was achieved 48 h after microinjection of RNA. Dose-response experiments revealed a K0.5 of 9.5 nM fMLP which is in good agreement with the dissociation constants of the fMLP receptor complex in human neutrophils. Furthermore, the fMLP-induced Ca2+ mobilization in Xenopus oocytes was blocked by the fMLP receptor inhibitor t-butoxycarbonyl-Met-Leu-Phe. Size fractionation of the RNA and microinjection of the individual fractions indicated that messenger RNA for the fMLP receptor is between 1.5 and 2.0 kilobases. Reconstitution of the fMLP receptor into Xenopus oocytes can be employed to isolate the cDNA encoding the fMLP receptor as well as to study the regulation of the fMLP receptor in a functional system.  相似文献   

The gap junctional intercellular communication-deficient mouse skin papilloma cell line P3/22 expresses Cx43 but not E-cadherin. The E-cadherin gene-transfected cells (P3E1) communicate in a calcium-dependent manner and they were used to study how E-cadherin restores the function of connexins. At low calcium, Cx43 molecules remain in the cytoplasm of P3E1 cells and appear at cell-cell contact areas only in high-calcium medium. While Cx43 is unphosphorylated in P3E1 cells in low-calcium medium, two phosphorylated bands appeared at high calcium. However, when Cx26, which has no C-terminal tail that can undergo phosphorylation, was expressed in P3E1 cells, this connexin also moved to the plasma membrane after the calcium shift and partly colocalized with Cx43, suggesting that C-terminal phosphorylation is not essential for E-cadherin-mediated intracellular transport of connexins. In low calcium, both Cx26 and Cx43 remained and colocalized in the endoplasmic reticulum. As early as 30 min after the shift to high-calcium medium, both Cx43 and Cx26 began to accumulate in the Golgi apparatus. Intracellular movement of connexins to the cytoplasmic membrane at high calcium was effectively blocked by cytochalasin D and brefeldin A. These results suggest that E-cadherin junction formation at high calcium leads to formation of actin cables, which directly or indirectly transport connexins from the cytoplasm to the cell-cell contact membranes via the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

This synopsis covers the main results and conclusions from the platform presentations during the International Gap Junction Conference. More detailed information is provided in the mini reviews on controversial scientific issues, short reports of research results and conference abstracts published in this issue of Cell Communication and Adhesion.  相似文献   

Secretion of organic anions by the kidney plays a critical role in the elimination of toxic agents from the body. Recent findings in isolated membranes and intact tissue have demonstrated the participation of multiple transport proteins in this process. As a first step toward molecular characterization of these proteins through expression cloning, the studies reported below demonstrate functional expression of both fumarate- and lithium-sensitive glutarate and probenecid-sensitive p-aminohippurate transport in Xenopus oocytes injected with rat kidney poly(A)+RNA. Maximal increase in substrate uptake over buffer-injected controls was reached by 5 days after mRNA injection. Expression of size-fractionated mRNA indicated that the active species with respect to both transport activities were in the range of 1.8 to 3.5 kb.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate a plasmalemmal localisation of eukaryotic porin, i.e. voltage-dependent anion-selective channel (VDAC), and there is evidence that the channel in this cell compartment is engaged in cell volume regulation. Until recently, others and we have used immuno-topochemical and biochemical methods to demonstrate the integration of the channel into the cell membrane and endoplasmic reticulum of vertebrate cells. In the present study, we used molecular biological methods to induce the heterologous expression of tagged human type-1 porin in oocytes of Xenopus laevis and to illustrate its appearance at the plasma membrane of these cells. Applying confocal fluorescent microscopy, green fluorescent protein attached to the C-terminus of porin could clearly be recorded at the cell surface. N-terminal green fluorescent protein-porin fusion proteins remained in the cytoplasm, indicating a strong influence of the porin N-terminus on protein trafficking to the plasma membrane. FLAG-tagged porin was also expressed in frog oocytes. Here, plasmalemmal expression was observed using anti-FLAG M2 monoclonal antibodies and gold-conjugated secondary antibodies, followed by silver enhancement through scanning electron microscopy. In contrast to the EGFP-porin fusion protein, the influence of the small FLAG-epitope (8 amino acids) did not prevent plasmalemmal expression of N-terminally tagged porin. These results indicate the definite expression of human type-1 porin in the plasma membrane of Xenopus oocytes. They thus corroborate our early data on the extra-mitochondrial expression of the eukaryotic porin channel and are essential for future electrophysiological studies on the channel.  相似文献   

Inflammation may be caused by a variety of factors and is a hallmark of a plethora of acute and chronic diseases. The purpose of inflammation is to eliminate the initial cell injury trigger, to clear out dead cells from damaged tissue and to initiate tissue regeneration. Despite the wealth of knowledge regarding the involvement of cellular communication in inflammation, studies on the role of connexin-based channels in this process have only begun to emerge in the last few years. In this paper, a state-of-the-art overview of the effects of inflammation on connexin signaling is provided. Vice versa, the involvement of connexins and their channels in inflammation will be discussed by relying on studies that use a variety of experimental tools, such as genetically modified animals, small interfering RNA and connexin-based channel blockers. A better understanding of the importance of connexin signaling in inflammation may open up towards clinical perspectives.  相似文献   

Pendred syndrome,characterized by congenital sensorineural hearing loss and goiter, isone of the most common forms of syndromic deafness. The gene causingPendred syndrome (PDS) encodes a protein designated pendrin,which is expressed in the thyroid, kidney, and fetal cochlea. Pendrinfunctions as an iodide and chloride transporter, but its role in thedevelopment of hearing loss and goiter is unknown. In this study, weexamined the mechanism of pendrin-mediated anion transport inXenopus laevis oocytes. Unlabeled formate added to the uptakemedium inhibited pendrin-mediated 36Cl uptake in X. laevis oocytes. In addition, the uptake of[14C]formate was stimulated in oocytes injected with PDScRNA compared with water-injected controls. These results indicate thatformate is a substrate for pendrin. Furthermore, chloride stimulatedthe efflux of [14C]formate and formatestimulated the efflux of 36Cl in oocytes expressingpendrin, results consistent with pendrin-mediated chloride/formateexchange. These data demonstrate that pendrin is functionally similarto the renal chloride/formate exchanger, which serves as an importantmechanism of chloride transport in the proximal tubule. A similarprocess could participate in the development of ion gradients withinthe inner ear.


Cyclic AMP-dependent modulation of cardiac L-type voltage-dependent Ca channel (VDCC) has been probed in Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with poly(A+) RNA from rat heart. A 2 to 3 fold increase of the Ba current amplitude was routinely obtained upon microinjection of cAMP (50-500 microM). Inhibition of protein kinase A (PKA) dramatically reduced the Ba current amplitude, indicating that cAMP-dependent modulation plays an important role in maintaining the basal activity of expressed Ca channels. Moreover, the effects of the DHP agonist Bay K 8644 on kinetic properties of expressed Ba current (IBa,C) were dependent on PKA activation. The results suggest that most expressed cardiac L-type VDCCs are phosphorylated and demonstrate that reconstitution in Xenopus oocytes is a suitable approach to address how phosphorylation regulates VDCC activity.  相似文献   

ClC chloride channels are important in diverse physiological functions such as transepithelial transport, cell volume regulation, excitability, and acidification of intracellular organelles. We have investigated the expression of CLC-7 in oocytes from Xenopus laevis with the two electrode voltage clamp technique and Western blot analysis. Using a specific antibody against CLC-7, we found an approximately 80 kDa protein in oocytes, previously injected with CLC-7-cRNA. In voltage clamp experiments on ClC-7-cRNA-injected oocytes, no current changes were detected at normal pH (7.4). However, acidification of the Ringer solution to pH values between 6 and 4 revealed strong currents which reversed at about -15 mV (30 mV positive to the normal resting potential) and showed strong outward rectification. We therefore suggest that ClC-7 in oocytes is a functional chloride current at acidic pH. Since ClC-7 is also found in neuronal tissues and was upregulated in a rat pain model, we suggest a role of CLC-7 also for nociception and pain.  相似文献   

Ho WK  Kim I  Lee CO  Youm JB  Lee SH  Earm YE 《Biophysical journal》1999,76(4):1959-1971
We have investigated actions of various divalent cations (Ba2+, Sr2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+) on human ether-a-go-go related gene (HERG) channels expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes using the voltage clamp technique. All divalent cations inhibited HERG current dose-dependently in a voltage-dependent manner. The concentration for half-maximum inhibition (Ki) decreased at more negative potentials, indicating block is facilitated by hyperpolarization. Ki at 0 mV for Zn2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Ba2+, Mn2+, and Sr2+ was 0.19, 0.36, 0. 50, 0.58, 2.36, and 6.47 mM, respectively. The effects were manifested in four ways: 1) right shift of voltage dependence of activation, 2) decrease of maximum conductance, 3) acceleration of current decay, and 4) slowing of activation. However, each parameter was not affected by each cation to the same extent. The potency for the shift of voltage dependence of activation was in the order Zn2+ > Ni2+ >/= Co2+ > Ba2+ > Mn2+ > Sr2+, whereas the potency for the decrease of maximum conductance was Zn2+ > Ba2+ > Sr2+ > Co2+ > Mn2+. The kinetics of activation and deactivation were also affected, but the two parameters are not affected to the same extent. Slowing of activation by Ba2+ was most distinct, causing a marked initial delay of current onset. From these results we concluded that HERG channels are nonselectively blocked by most divalent cations from the external side, and several different mechanism are involved in their actions. There exist at least two distinct binding sites for their action: one for the voltage-dependent effect and the other for reducing maximum conductance.  相似文献   

The expression of the intestinal peptide-proton cotransporter was examined in Xenopus laevis oocytes by microinjection of poly(A)+ mRNA prepared from rabbit intestinal mucosal cells. The concomitant expression of the glucose-sodium co-transporter was used as the control for the effectiveness of the expression technique. There was significant endogenous activity of Gly-Sar uptake in water-injected oocytes, but the uptake activity increased nearly 3-fold in poly(A)+ mRNA-injected oocytes. The expression of the peptide transporter was time-dependent. There was no detectable expression on day 1 after injection. The expression became noticeable on day 2 and increased with time, reaching a maximum on day 4. There was no further change on days 5 and 6. The endogenous uptake rate measured in water-injected oocytes, on the contrary, showed a slight decrease during this time. The expressed peptide transporter retained its substrate specificity, having affinity for the dipeptides, Gly-Sar and Gly-Pro, and no or little affinity for the free amino acids, Gly and Sar. The expressed peptide transporter also showed a dependence on a transmembrane H+ gradient for maximal activity. These data demonstrate that the mammalian intestinal peptide-proton co-transporter can be successfully expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. This expression system can provide an effective assay procedure to clone the gene encoding the transporter.  相似文献   

Several new findings have emphasized the role of neuron-specific gap junction proteins (connexins) and electrical synapses in processing sensory information and in synchronizing the activity of neuronal networks. We have recently shown that pannexins constitute an additional family of proteins that can form gap junction channels in a heterologous expression system and are also widely expressed in distinct neuronal populations in the brain, where they may represent a novel class of electrical synapses. In this study, we have exploited the hemichannel-forming properties of pannexins to investigate their sensitivity to well-known connexin blockers. By combining biochemical and electrophysiological approaches, we report here further evidence for the interaction of pannexin1 (Px1) with Px2 and demonstrate that the pharmacological sensitivity of heteromeric Px1/Px2 is similar to that of homomeric Px1 channels. In contrast to most connexins, both Px1 and Px1/Px2 hemichannels were not gated by external Ca2+. In addition, they exhibited a remarkable sensitivity to blockade by carbenoxolone (with an IC50 of approximately 5 microm), whereas flufenamic acid exerted only a modest inhibitory effect. The opposite was true in the case of connexin46 (Cx46), thus indicating that gap junction blockers are able to selectively modulate pannexin and connexin channels.  相似文献   

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