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N Lee  J Liu  C He    D Testa 《Applied microbiology》1991,57(10):2888-2890
A highly efficient site-specific mutagenesis method has been devised to exclude wild-type DNA from incorporation into the transformed cells. Two complementary oligonucleotides, corresponding to a target sequence of a DNA molecule and containing an insertion mutation which created an endonuclease restriction site, were synthesized. By using the wild-type DNA molecule flanked by two restriction sites on each side of the target region as a template, the two oligonucleotide primers were extended, enriched, and isolated. The extended products, in turn, were used as templates in a polymerase chain reaction to obtain a mutagenized double-stranded DNA fragment which was conveniently cloned into plasmids by using the flanking restriction sites. Escherichia coli cells transformed by these plasmids were subject to large-scale analysis. One hundred percent of the transformants examined by colony hybridization, restriction enzyme analysis, and DNA sequencing were found to contain the mutant DNA sequence.  相似文献   

The structure and functional mode of photosystem II reaction center protein D1 can be studied by analyzing the effects of amino acid substitutions within the binding niche for QB, the second stable electron acceptor of photosystem II, on herbicide binding. Here we report on site-directed mutagenesis of the psbA gene coding for the D1 protein in the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The chloroplasts of wild-type cells were transformed using the particle gun. The plasmids introduced carried an in vitro mutated fragment of the psbA gene. We obtained a double mutant with replacements of amino acids 264 and 266 and a triple mutant having an additional substitution in position 259. The sensitivities of both mutants toward several types of herbicides are given and compared with those of a mutant having only a substitution at position 264.  相似文献   

Site-specific or target-specific mutagenesis of viral DNA genomes, using a selectable marker system is a powerful tool for the analysis of the function of specific regions of large DNA genomes. Through these techniques the construction of vectors capable of delivering vaccines for the prevention of infectious disease in humans and animals is possible.  相似文献   

A new method for forced misincorporation site-specific mutagenesis is described. The method uses an exonuclease-deficient modified version of T7 DNA polymerase in the presence of one dNTP to force a misincorporation. Analysis by PAGE is used to monitor the efficiency of such misincorporation reactions. Brief extension of the terminally mismatched primer/template using the same enzyme in the presence of all four dNTPs is followed by chase/ligation using unmodified T7 DNA polymerase and T4 DNA ligase to give heteroduplex DNA. We have applied the method to mutagenesis of the Lac Z region of M13 and found that, using strand selection, efficiencies of mutagenesis at one site are greater than 50%. When the mutating dNTP is complementary to a neighbouring homopolymeric tract on the template, multiple mutation is observed and efficiences are lower. The method is more general than internal mismatch mutagenesis and, because of its rapidity, is more expedient than existing methods of forced misincorporation mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Site-specific mutagenesis of dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two site-specific mutations of dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli based on the x-ray crystallographic structure were constructed. The first mutation (His-45----Gln) is aimed at assessing the interaction between the imidazole moiety and the pyrophosphate backbone of NADPH. The second (Thr-113----Val) is part of a hydrogen bonding network that contacts the dihydrofolate substrate and may be involved in proton delivery to the N5-C6 imine undergoing reduction. The first mutation was shown to alter both the association and dissociation rate constants for the cofactor so that the dissociation constant was increased 6-40-fold. A corresponding but smaller (fourfold) effect was noted in V/K but not in V compared to the wild-type enzyme. The second was demonstrated to increase the dissociation rate constant for methotrexate 20-30-fold, and presumably dihydrofolate also, with a corresponding 20-30-fold increase in the dissociation constant. In this case an identical effect was noted on V/K but not in V relative to the native enzyme. Thus, in both mutant enzymes the decrease in binding has not been translated into a loss of catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper describes a systematic study of transition frequencies produced in vivo when a homologous series of O6-alkylguanine residues located at a preselected position in gene G of phi X174 form I' DNA (double-stranded, circular, covalently-closed, relaxed) is transfected into spheroplasts from two strains of Escherichia coli having normal DNA repair systems. Mutant frequencies were measured as percent of total phage produced by single bursts. The results are: (A) Synthetic DNA without any alkyl group gave a transition frequency of 0.02%. (B) In E. coli AB1157, the frequencies fall into two groups depending on the alkyl group: methyl and ethyl, 8-11%; n-propyl and n-butyl approximately 0.9%. (C) The average transition frequencies were higher in AB1157 than in C600. These data demonstrate that a single O6-alkylguanine residue can produce a specific transition at significant frequencies in cells with normal repair systems and that the mutant frequency depends upon the nature of the alkyl group and the cell type.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas phage XP-12 contains 5-methylcytosine completely replacing cytosine. This substitution confers several unusual properties upon XP-12 DNA. The buoyant density of XP-12 DNA in CsCl gradients is 1.710 g/cm-3, 0.16 g/cm-3 lower than that expected for a normal DNA with the same percentage of adenine plus thymine. The melting temperature for XP-12 DNA in 0.012 M Na+ is the highest reported for any naturally occurring DNA, 83.2 degrees C, 6.1 degrees C higher than that of normal DNAs with the same percentage of adenine plus thymine. Unlike the minor amounts of 5-methylcytosine found in most plant and animal DNAs, the 5-methylcytosine residues of XP-12 derive their methyl group from the 3-carbon of serine instead of from the thiomethyl carbon of methionine. .  相似文献   

A method for the in vitro selection of mutant DNA has been devised as an adjunct to the recently developed method for the use of short enzymatically-synthesized oligodeoxyribonucleotides of defined sequence as sitespecific mutagens for circular DNA. The selection method uses the mutating oligodeoxyribonucleotide as a primer for Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (large fragment) under conditions where there is preferential interaction with mutant DNA template. After ligation using T4 DNA ligase, endonuclease Sl is used to degrade single-stranded non-mutant DNA leaving the desired mutant as closed circular duplex DNA. This paper describes the development of the method using mutants in ØX174 DNA as the model system. Studies on the changes A → G and G → A at position 587 of ØX174 viral DNA (am 3 to wild-type and its reversal) show that one or two cycles of selection can lead to a population of phage consisting of close to 100% mutants.  相似文献   

The discovery of anthocyanins (and no betalains) along with S-type sieve-element plastids in Theligonum cynocrambe supports the exclusion of this taxon from the order Centrospermae.  相似文献   

Pichia guilliermondii strain with blocked GTP cyclohydrolase II was transformed using replicative plasmids and their fragments containing the structural gene RIB7 of this enzyme. Experiments showed that the presence of an ARS element and the promoter region of the gene in the genome of transformants reduces the probability of their reversion to the wild-type phenotype. Different types of recombination in the yeast P. guilliermondii are discussed.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage P1 Cre—lox site-specific recombination system has been used to integrate DNA specifically at lox sites previously placed in the tobacco genome. As integrated molecules flanked by wild-type lox sites can readily excise in the presence of Cre recombinase, screening for mutant lox sites that can resist excisional recombination was performed. In gene integration experiments, wild-type and mutant lox sites were used in conjunction with two strategies for abolishing post-integration Cre activity: (i) promoter displacement of a cre-expression construct present in the target genome; and (ii) transient expression of cre. When the promoter displacement strategy was used, integrant plants were recovered after transformation with constructs containing mutant lox sequences, but not with constructs containing wild-type lox sites. When cre was transiently expressed, integrant plants were obtained after transformation with either mutant or wild-type lox sites. DNA rearrangements at the target locus were less frequent when mutant lox sites were used. DNA integration at the genomic lox site was usually without additional insertions in the genome. Thus, the Cre—lox site-specific recombination system is useful for the single-copy integration of DNA into a chromosomal lox site.  相似文献   

The PRD1 DNA polymerase is a small multifunctional enzyme containing three major conserved amino acid sequences shared by family B DNA polymerases. Thus, the PRD1 DNA polymerase provides an useful model system with which to study structure-function relationships of DNA polymerase molecules. In order to investigate the functional and structural roles of the highly conserved amino acid sequences, we have introduced mutations into each of the 3 conserved regions of the PRD1 DNA polymerase. Genetic complementation study as well as DNA polymerase assay indicated that each mutation inactivated DNA polymerase catalytic activity, but not the 3' to 5' exonuclease activity.  相似文献   

Peptide hormones are generally synthesized as inactive higher mol. wt precursors. Processing of the prohormone into biologically active peptides by specific proteolytic cleavages occurs most often at pairs of basic amino acids but also at single arginine residues. To study the role of protein secondary structure in this process, we used site-directed mutagenesis to modify the predicted secondary structure around the cleavage sites of human prosomatostatin and monitored the processing of the precursor after introduction of the mutated cDNAs in Neuro2A cells. Amino acid substitutions were introduced that affected the possibility of forming beta-turn structures in the immediate vicinity of the somatostatin-28 (S-28) and somatostatin-14 (S-14) cleavage sites. Infection of Neuro2A cells with a retrovirus carrying a human somatostatin cDNA resulted in the expression of prosomatostatin and its processing into S-28 and S-14, indicating that these cells have the necessary enzymes to process prohormone at both single and paired amino acid residues. Disruption of the different beta-turns had various effects on prosomatostatin processing: substitution of Ala for Pro-5 drastically decreased prosomatostatin processing and replacement of Pro-9 by Ala led to the accumulation of the intermediate maturation product [Arg-2Lys-1]-S-14. In contrast, substitution of Ala for Asn-12, Gly+2 and Cys+3 respectively had only very little effect on the proteolytic processing of prosomatostatin. Our results show that amino acids other than the basic amino acid residues are required to define the cleavage sites for prohormone proteolytic processing and suggest that higher orders of protein structure are involved in substrate recognition by the endoproteases.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method for chemical mutagenesis of DNA.   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A simple and efficient procedure for the generation of random GC to AT transition mutations in a specific DNA segment is described. A restriction fragment is inserted in each orientation into an M13 vector, single-stranded virion DNA from each recombinant phage is treated with methoxylamine, and, after reannealing of the mutagenized strands, a double-stranded restriction fragment is obtained. This methoxylamine-derivatized DNA segment is then joined with linearized M13 RF DNA, competent E. coli is transfected, and mutations are directly identified by sequencing of the phage DNA. Using this technique, single and double nucleotide substitutions were generated at a frequency greater than 50% in a 56-base pair segment of the signal codons of the TEM beta-lactamase.  相似文献   

Site-specific cleavage of DNA by E. coli DNA gyrase.   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
A Morrison  N R Cozzarelli 《Cell》1979,17(1):175-184
E. coli DNA gyrase, which catalyzes the supercoiling of DNA, cleaves DNA site-specifically when oxolinic acid and sodium dodecylsulfate are added to the reaction. We studied the structure of the gyrasecleaved DNA because of its implications for the reaction mechanism and biological role of gyrase. Gyrase made a staggered cut, creating DNA termini with a free 3' hydroxyl and a 5' extension that provided a template primer for DNA polymerase. The cleaved DNA was resistant to labeling with T4 polynucleotide kinase even after treatment with proteinase K. Thus the denatured enzyme that remains attached to cleaved DNA is covalently bonded to both 5' terminal extensions. The 5' extensions of many gyrase cleavage fragments from phi X174, SV40 and Col E1 DNA were partially sequenced using repair with E. coli DNA polymerase I. No unique sequence existed within the cohesive ends, but G was the predominant first base incorporated by DNA polymerase I. The cohesive and sequences of four gyrase sites were determined, and they demonstrated a four base 5' extension. The dinucleotide TG, straddling the gyrase cut on one DNA strand, provided the only common bases within a 100 bp region surrounding the cleavage sites. Analysis of other cleavage fragments showed that cutting between a TG doublet is common to most, or all, gyrase cleavages. Other bases common to some of the sequenced sites were clustered nonrandomly around the TG doublet, and may be variable components of the cleavage sequence. This diverse recognition sequence with common elements is a pattern shared with several other specific nucleic acid-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Site-specific insertion and deletion mutations affecting all six of the eukaryotic-like genes in the TR-DNA region of the octopine-type Ti plasmids pTil5955 or pTiA6 have been generated. None of the mutations affected virulence or tumor morphology on sunflower. Mutations in the coding regions of two of the genes resulted in tumors without any detectable mannopine, mannopinic acid or agropine, and mutations in either the coding region or in the 3′ untranslated region of a third gene eliminated biosynthesis of agropine, but not mannopine or mannopinic acid. Detection of two previously unobserved silver nitrate-positive substance in tumors incited by one of the mutant strains, together with data on the presence of opines in tumors incited by coinoculation with mixtures of different mutant strains, allowed us to propose the functional order of all three genes involved in the biosynthesis of mannopine, mannopinic acid and agropine. TR-DNA was absent in tumors incited by anAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring a Ti plasmid in which the right border of the TR-DNA region was deleted.  相似文献   

Recombinant mistletoe lectin (rML) belongs to the class of type II ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIP) composed of a catalytically active A-chain with rRNA N-glycosidase activity and a B-chain with carbohydrate binding properties. To investigate the contribution of the enzymatic activity of the rML A-chain to the observed cytotoxic and apoptotic effects, an rMLA E166Q R169Q molecule was developed by means of site-specific mutagenesis. Following heterologous expression, the activity of mutant rMLA was measured in a cell-free assay for rRNA-N-glycosidase activity. Moreover, after generation of heterodimer, the activities of mutant rML E166Q R169Q and rML wild type were determined in a cytotoxicity and apoptosis assay. Although the reduction of activity as measured in the cell-free RIP assay was more pronounced (factor 237) than in both cellular assays (factors 20-22), the data clearly indicate a close correlation between cytotoxicity, apoptosis, and the enzymatic activity of the rML A-chain. Thus, RIP activity is an essential feature of rML and therefore a prerequisite for its biological function as an anticancer agent.  相似文献   

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