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We had previously proposed that organic cations are transported across the brush-border membrane in the canine kidney by a H+ exchange (or antiport) system (Holohan, P.D. and Ross, C.R. (1981) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 216, 294–298). In the present report, we demonstrate that in brush-border membrane vesicles the transport of organic cations is chemically coupled to the countertransport of protons, by showing that the uphill or concentrative transport of a prototypic organic cation, N1-methylnicotinamide (NMN), is chemically coupled to the flow of protons down their chemical gradient. In a reciprocal manner, the concentrative transport of protons is coupled to the counterflow of organic cations down their concentration gradient. The transport of organic cations is monitored by measuring [3H]NMN while the transport of protons is monitored by measuring changes in acridine orange absorbance. The functional significance of the coupling is that a proton gradient lowers the Km and increases the Vmax for NMN transport.  相似文献   

Amiloride-sensitive and amiloride-insensitive components of 22Na+ uptake were examined in brush-border membrane vesicles prepared from rabbit renal cortex. Both components could be stimulated by interior-negative electrical potentials, demonstrating a sodium conductance pathway and an effect of electrical potential on the initial rate of Na+/H+ exchange.  相似文献   

31P-NMR experiments on intact pig small intestine brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) and detergent-solubilized membranes gave direct insights into the organization of the phospholipids (PL) and their interaction with zinc and cadmium ions. Various endogenous PL were identified from well resolved BBM micelle spectra. These experiments revealed a strong interaction of Zn2+ and Cd2+ with the negatively charged phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine. In BBM micelles, a progressive time-dependent PL degradation occurred in the absence of ions and indicated the presence of active phospholipases. The presence of zinc inhibited the degradation process whereas cadmium had the opposite influence. 31P spectra of BBMV were carefully characterized. Neither zinc nor cadmium affected the PL bilayer structural organization. A degradation of PL, monitored by the increase of the inorganic phosphate (P i) signal, also occurred in vesicles but to a lesser extent than in micelles. A 2/3 internal, 1/3 external PL asymmetry was observed in the absence and presence of ions. Offprint requests to: P. Ripoche  相似文献   

We firstly characterized zinc uptake phenomenon across basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMVs) isolated from normal rat kidney. The process was found to be time, temperature, and substrate concentration dependent, and displayed saturability. Zn2+ uptake was competitively inhibited in the presence of 2 mM Cd with Ki of 3.9 mM. Zinc uptake was also inhibited in the presence of sulfhydryl reacting compound suggesting involvement of {–}SH groups in the transport process. Further, to elucidate the effect of in vivo Cd on zinc transport in BLMVs, Cd nephrotoxicity was induced by subcutaneous administration of CdCl2 at dose of 0.6 mg/kg/d for 5 days in a week for 12 weeks. An indolent renal failure developed in Cd exposed rats was accompanied with a significantly high urinary excretion of Cd2+, Zn2+ and proteins. The histopathology and electron microscopy of kidneys of Cd exposed rats documented changes of proximal tubular degeneration. Notably, Cd content in renal cortex of Cd exposed rats was 215 μg/g tissue that was higher than the critical concentration of Cd in kidneys which was associated with significantly higher Zn and metallothionein (MT) contents. Zinc uptake in BLMVs isolated from kidneys of Cd exposed rats was significantly reduced. Further, kinetic studies revealed that decrease in zinc uptake synchronized with decrease in maximal velocity (Vmax) and increase in affinity constant which is suggestive of decreased number of active zinc transporters. Furthermore, conformational modulation of Zn transporter in BLM was further supported by observed variation in transition temperature for zinc transport in BLMVs isolated from Cd-exposed kidney.  相似文献   

Using31P-,23Na- and39K-NMR, we assessed ischemic changes in high energy phosphates and ion contents of isolated perfused rat hearts continuously and systematically. To discriminate intra- and extracellular Na+, a shift reagent (Dy(TTHA)3–) was used in23Na-NMR study. In39K-NMR study, the extracellular K+ signal was suppressed by inversion recovery pulse sequence in order to obtain intracellular K+ signal without using shift reagnets. During the early period of ischemia, increases in intracellular Na+ and inorganic phosphate (Pi) were observed in addition to the well-documented decreases in creatine phosphate and ATP and a fall of intracellular pH, suggesting an augmented operation of Na+–H+ exchange triggered by a fall of the intracellular pH resulted from breakdown of ATP. At around 15 min of ischemia, a second larger increase in intracellular Na+ and a decrease in intracellular K+ were observed in association with a second increase in Pi. This was accompnanied by an abrupt rise of the ventricular end-diastolic pressure. As there was a depletion of ATP at this time, the increase in intracellular Na+ and associated decrease in intracellular K+ may be explained by inhibition of the Na+–K+ ATPase due to the depletion of ATP. A longer observation with31P-NMR revealed a second phosphate peak (at lower magnetic field to ordinary Pi peak) which increased its intensity as ischemic time lengthened. The pH of this 2nd peak changed in parallel with the changes in pH of the bathing solution, indicating the appearance of a compartment whose hydrogen concentration is in equilibrium with that of the external compartment. Thus, the peak could be used as an index of irreversible membrane damage of the myocardium.  相似文献   

The uptake of citrate by renal brush-border vesicles, prepared according to the method of Vannier, occurs by Na+-linked cotransport. It is ‘positive rheogenic’, i.e., stimulated by an (inside) negative, and inhibited by an (inside) positive electrical potential. The question arises whether, besides Na+, other ions (e.g., K+ and H+) participate in the cotransport. As to K+, neither an inward nor an outward directed K+ gradient has a significant effect on the citrate movement, but at equal concentrations of K+ inside and outside, equilibrium exchange of citrate, and to a smaller extent, the Na+-linked net uptake of citrate, are significantly stimulated. This observation is consistent with a hypothetical model in which K+ acts by accelerating both the empty and the fully loaded translocator. As to H+, citrate uptake is also stimulated by decreasing extravesicular pH, an effect previously attributed to protonization of the citrate anion in the assumption that the resulting secondary citrate anion is more acceptable to the translocator site. It was found, however, that the pH effect is still apparent if the concentration of the secondary citrate is kept constant by adjusting the total citrate concentration. This is taken as an argument against the above assumption and as being consistent with H+-linked cotransport. After the overshoot peak citrate exits slowly, and even after several hours does not attain equilibrium distribution, presumably owing to trapping by vesicular calcium.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study, we have examined the direct actions of angiotensin II (AII) in rabbit renal brush border membrane (BBM) where binding sites for AII exist. Addition of AII (10–11–10–7 m) was found to stimulate22Na uptake by the isolated BBM vesicles directly. AII did not affect the Na+-dependent BBM glucose uptake, and the effect of AII on BBM22Na+ uptake was inhibited by amiloride, suggesting the involvement of Na+/H+ exchange mechanism. BBM proton permeability as assessed by acridine orange quenching was not affected by AII, indicating the direct effect of AII on Na+/H+ antiport system.In search of the signal transduction mechanism, it was found that AII activated BBM phospholipase A2 (PLA) and that BBM contains a 42-kDa guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (G-protein) that underwent pertussis toxin (PTX)-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation. Addition of GTP potentiated, while GDP-ßS or PTX abolished, the effects of AII on BBM PLA and22Na+ uptake, suggesting the involvement of G-protein in AII's actions. On the other hand, inhibition of PLA by mepacrine prevented AII's effect on BBM22Na+ uptake, and activation of PLA by mellitin or addition of arachidonic acid similarly enhanced BBM22Na+ uptake, suggesting the role of PLA activation in mediating AII's effect on BBM22Na+ uptake.In summary, results of the present study show a direct stimulatory effect of AII on BBM Na+/H+ antiport system, and suggest the presence of a local signal transduction system involving G-protein mediated PLA activation.  相似文献   

Summary The rate of ATP hydrolysis in ATP-preloaded plasma membrane vesicles derived from the luminal membrane of renal cortical tubules, and the rate of H+ secretion out of the same vesicles were investigated. Both were inhibited at low temperature, by the action of filipin, an antibiotic that complexes with cholesterol in plasma membranes, and by the action of blockers of mitochondrial Fo hydrogen channels, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and Dio-9. Valinomycin in the presence of K+ showed a stimulatory effect, the protonophor carbonyl-cyanid-p-trifluormethoxy-phenylhydrazone stimulated the intravesicular ATP hydrolysis and apparently abolished acidification of the extravesccular medium. Lowering of the pH of the extravesicular medium retarded ATP hydrolysis, while readjustment of extra- and intravesicular pH accelerated ATP hydrolysis again. These findings strongly support the assumption that an ATP-driven proton pump is located in the luminal membrane of renal cortical tubules.  相似文献   

We measured uptake of isotopically 35S-labelled sulfate anion by slices and by brush-border membrane vesicles prepared from mouse renal cortex to identify: (i) whether metabolic incorporation of anion influences net transport; (ii) which membrane is primarily exposed in the renal cortex slice. Slices accumulated sulfate without significant incorporatoin into metabolic pools. Net uptake of sulfate at 0.1 mM by the slice occurred against an electrochemical gradient as determined by mesurement of free intracellular sulfate concentration, the isotopic distribution ratio at steady-state, and the distribution of lipophilic ions (TPP+ and SCN?). Carrier mediation of sulfate transport in the slice was confirmed by observing concentration-dependent saturation of net uptake and counter-transport stimulation of efflux. Anion uptake was Na+-independent, K+- and H+-stimulated, and inhibited by disulfonated stilbenes. Brush-border membrane vesicles accumulated sulfate by a saturable mechanism dependent on a Na+ gradient (outside > inside); others have shown that uptake of sulfate by brush-border membrane vesicles is insensitive to inhibition by disulfonated stilbenes. These findings indicate that different mechanisms serve sulfate transport in renal cortex slice and brush-border membrane vesicle preparations. They also imply that the slice exposes an epithelial surface different from the brush-border, presumably the basolateral membrane, or its equivalent, since sulfate transport by slices resembles that obserbed with isolated basolateral membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

Summary Glucose transport was studied in marine mussels of the genusMytilus. Initial observations, with intact animals and isolated gills, indicated that net uptake of glucose occurred in mussels by a carrier-mediated, Na+-sensitive process. Subsequent studies included use of brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) in order to characterize this transport in greater detail. The highest activity of Na+-dependent glucose transport was found in the brush-border membrane fractions used in this study, while basal-lateral membrane fractions contained the highest specific binding of ouabain. Glucose uptake into BBMV showed specificity for Na+, and concentrative glucose transport was observed in the presence of an inwardly directed Na+ gradient. There was a single saturable pathway for glucose uptake, with an apparentK t of 3 m in BBMV and 9 m in intact gills. The kinetics of Na+ activation of glucose uptake were sigmoidal, with apparent Hill coefficients of 1.5 in BBMV and 1.2 in isolated gills, indicating that more than one Na+ may be involved in the transport of each glucose. Harmaline inhibited glucose transport in mussel BBMV with aK i of 44 m. The uptake of glucose was electrogenic and stimulated by an inside-negative membrane potential. The substrate specificity in intact gills and BBMV resembled that of Na+-glucose cotransporters in other systems;d-glucose and -methyl glucopyranoside were the most effective inhibitors of Na+-glucose transport,d-galactose was intermediate in its inhibition, and there was little or no effect ofl-glucose,d-fructose, 2-deoxy-glucose, or 3-O-methyl glucose. Phlorizin was an effective inhibitor of Na+-glucose uptake, with an apparentK i of 154nm in BBMV and 21nm in intact gills. While the qualitative characteristics of glucose transport in the mussel gill were similar to those in other epithelia, the quantitative characteristics of this process reflect adaptation to the seawater environment of this animal.  相似文献   

Summary The ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport activity (T. Takuma, B.L. Kuyatt and B.J. Baum,Biochem. J. 227:239–245, 1985) exhibited by inverted basolateral membrane vesicles isolated from rat parotid gland was further characterized. The activity was dependent on Mg2+. Phosphate (5mm), but not oxalate (5mm), increased maximum Ca2+ accumulation by 50%. Half-maximal Ca2+ transport was achieved at 70nm Ca2+ in EGTA-buffered medium while maximal activity required >1 m Ca2+ (V max=54 nmol/mg protein/min). Optimal rates of Ca2+ transport were obtained in the presence of KCl, while in a KCl-free medium (mannitol or sucrose) 40% of the total activity was achieved, which could not be stimulated by FCCP. The initial rate of Ca2+ transport could be significantly altered by preimposed membrane potentials generated by K+ gradients in the presence of valinomycin. Compared to the transport rate in the absence of membrane potential, a negative (interior) potential stimulated uptake by 30%, while a positive (interior) potential inhibited uptake. Initial rates of Ca2+ uptake could also be altered by imposing pH gradients, in the absence of KCl. When compared to the initial rate of Ca2+ transport in the absence of a pH gradient, pH i =7.5/pH o =7.5; the activity was 60% higher in the presence of an outwardly directed pH gradient, pH i =7.5/pH o =8.5; while it was 80% lower when an inwardly directed pH gradient was imposed, pH i =7.5/pH o =6.2. The data show that the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport in BLMV can be modulated by the membrane potential, suggesting therefore that there is a transfer of charge into the vesicle during Ca2+ uptake, which could be compensated by other ion movements.  相似文献   

Summary Exposure of porcine renal brush-border membrane vesicles to 1.2% cholate and subsequent detergent removal by dialysis reorients almost all N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)-sensitive ATPases from the vesicle inside to the outside. ATP addition to cholate-pretreated, but not to intact, vesicles causes H+ uptake as visualized by the pH indicator, acridine organge. The reoriented H+-pump is electrogenic because permeant extravesicular anions or intravesicular K+ plus valinomycin enhance H+ transport. ATP stimulates H+ uptake with an apparentK m of 93 m. Support of H+ uptake andP i liberation by ATP>GTPITP> UTP indicates a preference for ATP and utilization of other nucleotides at lower efficiency. ADP is a potent, competitive inhibitor of ATP-driven H+ uptake,(K i , 24 m). Mg2+ and Mn2– support ATP-driven H+ uptake, but Ca2+, Ba2+ and Zn2+ do not. Imm Zn2+ inhibits MgATP-driven H+ transport completely. NEM-sensitiveP i liberation is stimulated by Mg2+ and Mg2– and, unlike H+ uptake, also by Ca2+ suggesting Ca2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis unrelated to H+ transport. The inside-out oriented H+-pump is relatively insensitive toward oligomycin, azide, N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) and vanadate, but efficiently inhibited by NEM (apparentK i , 0.77 m), and 4-chloro-7-nitro-benzoxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl; apparentK i , 0.39 m). Taken together, the H+-ATPase of proximal tubular brush-border membranes exhibits characteristics very similar to those of vacuolar type (V-type) H+-ATPases. Hence,V-type H+-ATPases occur not only in intracellular organelles but also in specialized plasma membrane areas.  相似文献   

The transport properties of brush-border membrane vesicles isolated by a calcium-precipitation method from the renal cortex of normal and parathyrin (parathyroid hormone)-treated rats were studied by a rapid-filtration technique. Parathyrin elicited a dose-dependent decrease in the Na+-dependent phosphate uptake by the brush-border membrane vesicles, but the uptake of D-glucose, Na+ and mannitol was not affected. A maximum inhibition of 30% was observed after the application of 30 U.S.P. units intramuscularly 1 h before the animals were killed. Intravenous infusion of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (0.5-1.5 MG) also decreased the phosphate uptake by the brush-border vesicles. Both dibutyryl cyclic AMP and parathyrin were ineffective when added in vitro to brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from normal rats. These data suggest that parathyrin exerts its action on the phosphate reabsorption in the renal proximal tubule by affecting the Na+/phosphate co-transport system in the brush-border membrane. The effects of parathyrin on Na+ and glucose transport, however, seem to be due to alterations to the driving forces for transport and not to the brush-border transport systems.  相似文献   

As part of the enterohepatic circulation, taurocholate is taken up by hepatocytes by a Na+-gradient-dependent, carrier-mediated process. The dependence of taurocholate uptake on the presence of a Na+ gradient, outside greater than inside, has been studied in isolated rat liver plasma membranes. The uptake is specific for sodium, and a cotransport stoichiometry of 2 Na+ per taurocholate taken up was found. The presence of K+ ions inside the vesicles was also found to be essential for maximum Na+-stimulated uptake of taurocholate, although a K+ gradient is not required. Mg2+ was almost as effective as K+ in this regard. The symport of Na+ and taurocholate during uptake was shown to be electrogenic, so that K+ may act as an exchange counterion preventing the accumulation of positive charge within the vesicles.Dedicated to the memory of Prof. David E. Green, friend, mentor, and colleague.  相似文献   

The sodium dependent transport system for L-glutamate and L-aspartate localized in the apical part of rat enterocytes has previously been kinetically characterized (Prezioso, G., and Scalera, V. (1996). Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1279, 144–148). In this paper the mechanism by which the potassium cation specifically activates the L-glutamate–sodium cotransport process is investigated. Potassium has been found to act as an activator when it is present inside the membrane vesicles, while its presence outside is ineffective, and the effect is saturable. The kinetic parameters with respect to sodium and glutamate have been compared in the presence and in the absence of the activator. The results indicate that the ordered sodium–sodium glutamate mechanism is not altered by potassium, and that the activation is probably exerted on both the rate determining steps of the transport process. It is proposed that (1) a specific binding site for potassium is present on the inside hydrophilic part of the membrane carrier, (2) the binding of the effector accelerates the intramembrane rearrangement steps of both the disodium glutamate–carrier complex and the free carrier, (3) the affinity of the carrier is lowered with respect to sodium whereas it is increased for glutamate, and (4) K+ antiport is not performed by this carrier.  相似文献   

The lipid composition and fluidity of jejunal brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) have been studied in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats. The activities of both Na+-dependent D-glucose cotransport and Na+-H+ antiport have also been determined. A significant increase in the level of free cholesterol was observed in jejunal BBMV from SHR compared to WKY rats. Since phospholipid values did not change in either group of animals, a significant enhancement in the free cholesterol/phospholipid ratio was observed in SHR. A decrease in the levels of phosphatidylethanolamine together with an increase in the values of phosphatidylserine was observed in hypertensive rats. Although the content of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and sphingomyelin (SM) was not singificantly altered in SHR, the ratio PC/SM significantly increased in these animals when compared to WKY rats. The major fatty acids present in bursh-border membranes prepared from SHR and WKY rats were palmitic (160), stearic (180), oleic (181, n-9) and linoleic (182, n-6), and the fatty acid composition was not modified by the hypertension. A decreased fluorescence polarization, i.e., increased membrane fluidity, was observed in SHR, which was not correlated to the increased ratio of cholesterol/phospholipid found in the brush-border membrane isolated from these animals. These structural changes found in SHR were associated to an enhancement in both Na+-dependent D-glucose transport and Na+-H+ antiport activity in the jejunal BBMV of SHR.Abbreviations BBMV brush-border membrane vesicles - DPH 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene - FC free cholesterol - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PI phosphatidylinositol - PS phosphatidylserine - SM sphingomyelin - SHR spontaneously hypertensive rat - p steady-state fluoroscence polarization - rs steady-state fluorescence anisotropy - WKY Wistar Kyoto  相似文献   

We characterized the uptake of carnitine in brush-border membrane (BBM) and basolateral membrane (BLM) vesicles, isolated from mouse kidney and intestine. In kidney, carnitine uptake was Na+-dependent, showed a definite overshoot and was saturable for both membranes, but for intestine, it was Na+-dependent only in BLM. The uptake was temperature-dependent in BLM of both kidney and intestine. The BBM transporter in kidney had a high affinity for carnitine: apparent Km=18.7 μM; Vmax=7.85 pmol/mg protein/s. In kidney BLM, similar characteristics were obtained: apparent Km=11.5 μM and Vmax=3.76 pmol/mg protein/s. The carnitine uptake by both membranes was not affected within the physiological pH 6.5-8.5. Tetraethylammonium, verapamil, valproate and pyrilamine significantly inhibited the carnitine uptake by BBM but not by BLM. By Western blot analysis, the OCTN2 (a Na+-dependent high-affinity carnitine transporter) was localized in the kidney BBM, and not in BLM. Strong OCTN2 expression was observed in kidney and skeletal muscle, with no expression in intestine in accordance with our functional study. We conclude that different polarized carnitine transporters exist in kidney BBM and BLM. L-Carnitine uptake by mouse renal BBM vesicles involves a carrier-mediated system that is Na+-dependent and is inhibited significantly by specific drugs. The BBM transporter is likely to be OCTN2 as indicated by a strong reactivity with the anti-OCTN2 polyclonal antibody.  相似文献   

The mechanism and specificity of amino-acid transport at the plasma membrane of Ricinus communis L. roots was investigated using membrane vesicles isolated by phase partitioning. The transport of glutamine, isoleucine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid was driven by both a pH gradient and a membrane potential (internally alkaline and negative), created artificially across the plasma membrane. This is consistent with transport via a proton symport. In contrast, the transport of the basic amino acids, lysine and arginine, was driven by a negative internal membrane potential but not by a pH gradient, suggesting that these amino acids may be taken up via a voltage-driven uniport. The energized uptake of all of the amino acids tested showed a saturable phase, consistent with carrier-mediated transport. In addition, the membrane-potential-driven transport of all the amino acids was greater at pH 5.5 than at pH 7.5, which suggests that there could be a direct pH effect on the carrier. Several amino-acid carriers could be resolved, based on competition studies: a carrier with a high affinity for a range of neutral amino acids (apart from asparagine) but with a low affinity for basic and acidic amino acids; a carrier which has a high affinity for a range of neutral amino acids except isoleucine and valine, but with a low affinity for basic and acidic amino acids; and a carrier which has a higher affinity for basic and some neutral amino acids but has a lower affinity for acidic amino acids. The existence of a separate carrier for acidic amino acids is discussed.Abbreviations PM plasma membrane - TPP+ tetraphenylphosphonium ion - pH pH gradient - membrane potential This work was supported by the Agricultural and Food Research Council and The Royal Society. We would like to thank Mrs. Sue Nelson for help with some of the membrane preparations.  相似文献   

Summary The Na-dependent transport of a number of organic molecules (d-glucose,l-proline,l-alanine,l-phenylalanine) in brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from the intestine of the eel (Anguilla anguilla) was monitored by recording the fluorescence quenching of the voltage-sensitive cyanine dye 3,3-diethylthiacarbocyanine iodide (DiS-C2(5)). The experimental approach consisted of: a) generating an inside-negative membrane potential mimicking in vivo conditions: b) measuring the rate of membrane potential decay (i.e., the rate of fluorescence quenching decay) due to Na-neutral substrate cotransport. Rates of membrane potential decay showed saturation on substrate concentration andK app values (the substrate concentration giving 50% of the maximal rate) were estimated for Na-dependent transport ofd-glucose (0,099mm),l-alanine (0.516mm),l-proline (0.118mm) andl-phenylalanine (2.04mm). The influence of an inside-negative membrane potential on the affinity of the transporter for glucose and for sodium is discussed.  相似文献   

A plant lipid was isolated from zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) membranes and from soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr) phospholipids by thinlayer chromatography and further purified by high-performance liquid chromatography. This plant lipid was chromatographically very similar to the platelet-activating factor, an ether phospho-lipid with hormone-like properties found in mammals. Both the plant lipid and the platelet-activating factor stimulated ATP-dependent H+ transport in isolated membrane vesicles from zucchini hypocotyls.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - PAF platelet-activating factor  相似文献   

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