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Summary We analysed body mass and moult data of six passerine species along their autumn migration route from northern Europe to North Africa and derived hypothetical models of the organisation of their migration in terms of fuel store accumulation. We analysed data of 46,541 first-year birds from 34 trapping sites, sampled in a network of collaborating European and African ringing stations. After accounting for effects of time of day and size, there were marked differences between the six species examined in the change of body mass along the migration route and in the timing of moult. Garden Warblers (Sylvia borin) and Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) underwent their postjuvenile moult prior to migration and increased their average body mass along the migration route. Sedge Warblers (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) also increased body mass towards the south, but started the migration bout without further refuelling well before the Sahara and moulted mainly in the wintering grounds. Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) and Whitethroats (Sylvia communis) migrated while still moulting and did not increase average body mass towards south. They accumulated the energy needed to fly over the Sahara just before it. Spotted Flycatchers (Muscicapa striata) behaved in the same way, but contrary to Reed Warblers and Whitethroats they did not accumulate much fat stores in North Africa, which might urge them to stop and fuel up regularly in the Sahara. In the course of the season average body mass of all species increased slightly, which enabled them to migrate faster. In general, average body mass of first-year birds in northern and central Europe during the migration period was comparable to that of adults during breeding.
Körpermassen von sechs Arten von Langstreckenziehern entlang des Herbstzugweges
Zusammenfassung Wir analysierten Körpermassen- und Mauserdaten von sechs Singvogelarten auf dem Herbstzug entlang ihres Zugweges von Nordeuropa bis Nordafrika. Die Körpermassen von 46 541 diesjährigen Vögeln, die auf 34 Beringungsstationen im Rahmen eines internationalen Projektes gesammelt wurden, sind die Grundlage dieser Untersuchung. Neben der Entwicklung der Körpermassen entlang des Zugweges untersuchten wir den Einfluss der Mauser, des Fangdatums, der Tageszeit und der Körpergröße auf die Körpermasse. Mausernde Vögel waren schwerer als nichtmausernde mit der gleichen Fettmenge. Die Körpermasse nahm im Laufe der Saison und im Verlauf des Tages zu. Große Vögel (mit einer längeren 8. Handschwinge) waren schwerer als kleine. Gartengrasmücken (Sylvia borin) und Trauerschnäpper (Ficedula hypoleuca) wurden entlang des Zugweges kontinuierlich schwerer. Beide Arten machten die Jugendteilmauser hauptsächlich noch im Brutgebiet durch. Schilfrohrsänger (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) wurden nach Süden ebenfalls etwas schwerer, aber sie begannen mit einem Reiseabschnitt ohne weiteren Fettaufbau schon in Mitteleuropa und mauserten ihr Kleingefieder hauptsächlich erst in Afrika. Die Körpermassen von Teichrohrsängern (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) und Dorngrasmücken (Sylvia communis) blieben nach Süden weitgehend konstant. Beide Arten lagerten die nötigen Energiereserven zum Überfliegen der Sahara erst kurz davor an. Sie trennten Jugendteilmauser und Zug nicht vollständig. Ähnlich verhielten sich Grauschnäpper (Muscicapa striata), doch im Gegensatz zu den zwei vorherigen Arten, wurden sie auch im Mittelmeergebiet nicht wesentlich fetter. Sie scheinen daher regelmässig in der Wüste zu rasten und zu fressen.

Phenology and the changing pattern of bird migration in Britain   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 Britain has a huge mass of data on the timing of bird migration, although much of this remains in a form that is inaccessible for immediate scientific study. In this paper, I undertake a preliminary examination of data from a number of historical and current sources. Among these are the Marsham family records from Norfolk, dating back to 1736, and post-World War II records from coastal bird observatories. The majority of the examined time series displayed a negative relationship to temperature indicating a tendency for the earlier arrival of the studied birds in warmer springs. In addition to temperature effects, trends through time and some sampling effects (through population size) have become apparent. Identification and curation of data sources and further analysis is still required to produce a clearer picture of climate effects on bird migration timing and on subsequent bird population dynamics. Received: 26 May 1998 / Accepted: 28 October 1998  相似文献   

 We show that an optimal migration rate may not exist in a population distributed over an infinite number of individual living sites if empty sites occur. This is the case when the mean number of offspring per individual μ is finite. We make the assumption of uniform migration to other sites whose rate is determined by the parent’s genotype or the offspring’s genotype at a single locus in a diploid hermaphrodite population undergoing random mating. In both cases, for μ small enough, any population at fixation would go to extinction. Moreover, in the latter case, for intermediate values of μ, the only fixation state that could resist the invasion of any mutant would lead the population to extinction. These are the two conditions for the non-existence of an optimal migration rate. They become less stringent as the cost for migration expressed by a coefficient of selection 1−β becomes larger, that is, closer to 1. The results are obtained assuming that the allele at fixation is either nondominant or dominant. Although the optimal migration rate is the same in both cases when it exists, the optimality properties may differ. Received 14 December 1995; received in revised form 5 April 1996  相似文献   

 A minimal model of species migration is presented which takes the form of a parabolic equation with boundary conditions and initial data. Solutions to the differential problem are obtained that can be used to describe the small- and large-time evolution of a species distribution within a bounded domain. These expressions are compared with the results of numerical simulations and are found to be satisfactory within appropriate temporal regimes. The solutions presented can be used to describe existing observations of nematode distributions, can be used as the basis for further work on nematode migration, and may also be interpreted more generally. Received: 15 August 1999  相似文献   

 The class I genes of the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) are here investigated for the first time in a passerine bird. The great reed warbler is a rare species in Sweden with a few semi-isolated populations. Yet, we found extensive Mhc class I variation in the study population. The variable exon 3, corresponding to the α2 domain, was amplified from genomic DNA with degenerated primers. Seven different genomic class I sequences were detected in a single individual. One of the sequences had a deletion leading to a shift in the reading frame, indicating that it was not a functional gene. A randomly selected clone was used as a probe for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) studies in combination with the restriction enzyme Pvu II. The RFLP pattern was complex with 21–25 RFLP fragments per individual and extensive variation. Forty-nine RFLP genotypes were detected in 55 tested individuals. To study the number of transcribed genes, we isolated 14 Mhc class I clones from a cDNA library from a single individual. We found eight different sequences of four different lengths (1.3–2.2 kilobases), suggesting there are at least four transcribed loci. The number of nonsynonymous substitutions (d N ) in the peptide binding region of exon 3 were higher than the number of synonymous substitutions (d S ), indicating balancing selection in this region. The number of transcribed genes and the numerous RFLP fragments found so far suggest that the great reed warbler does not have a "minimal essential Mhc" as has been suggested for the chicken. Received: 13 May 1998 / Revised: 18 August 1998  相似文献   

Ecological processes are changing in response to climatic warming. Birds, in particular, have been documented to arrive and breed earlier in spring and this has been attributed to elevated spring temperatures. It is not clear, however, how long-distance migratory birds that overwinter thousands of kilometers to the south in the tropics cue into changes in temperature or plant phenology on northern breeding areas. We explored the relationships between the timing and rate of spring migration of long-distance migratory birds, and variables such as temperature, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and plant phenology, using mist net capture data from three ringing stations in North America over a 40-year period. Mean April/May temperatures in eastern North America varied over a 5°C range, but with no significant trend during this period. Similarly, we found few significant trends toward earlier median capture dates of birds. Median capture dates were not related to the NAO, but were inversely correlated to spring temperatures for almost all species. For every 1°C increase in spring temperature, median capture dates of migratory birds averaged, across species, one day earlier. Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) budburst, however, averaged 3 days earlier for every 1°C increase in spring temperature, suggesting that the impact of temperature on plant phenology is three times greater than on bird phenology. To address whether migratory birds adjust their rate of northward migration to changes in temperature, we compared median capture dates for 15 species between a ringing station on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana in the southern USA with two stations approximately 2,500 km to the north. The interval between median capture dates in Louisiana and at the other two ringing stations was inversely correlated with temperature, with an average interval of 22 days, that decreased by 0.8 days per 1°C increase in temperature. Our results suggest that, although the onset of migration may be determined endogenously, the timing of migration is flexible and can be adjusted in response to variation in weather and/or phenology along migration routes.  相似文献   

Investigators studying the stopover ecology of migrating birds typically use the capture–recapture method to examine important parameters such as fuel deposition rates (FDR) and stopover duration. However, such studies can be constrained by the number of recaptures. An alternative method is to calculate a regression of mass over time of day, but this method may not be reliable because patterns of mass change of individual birds through the day may not reflect that of the whole population. Given the potential constraints of these methods, using them in combination with other methods, such as behavioral observations of foraging birds, may improve our understanding of the patterns of fuelling in birds at stopover sites. We observed the foraging behavior of three songbird species, including Western Bonelli's (Phylloscopus bonelli), Subalpine (Sylvia cantillans), and Willow (Phylloscopus trochilus) warblers, from 15 March to 30 April 2011 at a small oasis at the northern border of the Sahara desert in southeast Morocco. Given the location of our study site at the northern edge of the Sahara desert, birds migrating north likely needed to replenish their energy reserves at this stage of their journey. We assessed foraging effort by determining the rate (number per unit time) at which birds pecked at substrates or made aerial forays after flying insects. Peck rates were higher for Western Bonelli's Warblers than for Subalpine and Willow warblers, suggesting either species‐specific adaptations to feeding in arid environments or differences in the motivation to feed. In addition, Western Bonelli's Warblers had FDRs that were negative or close to zero and, therefore, were apparently unable to refuel successfully (i.e., increase their fuel stores) despite greater effort, possibly indicating less efficiency in obtaining food (i.e., more unsuccessful pecks). The lower peck rates of Subalpine and Willow warblers suggest either that they were less efficient at finding prey or were simply foraging at lower rates. For all three species, peck rates were lower at higher wind speeds, suggesting that wind may alter prey availability and detectability, especially of flying insects. Interactions among species‐specific migration strategies, environmental conditions, and habitat quality ultimately define the success of migration. Our results suggest that using observational data in combination with capture data may improve our understanding of these interactions at migration stopover sites.  相似文献   

迁徙鸟类对中途停歇地的利用及迁徙对策   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
马志军  李博  陈家宽 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1404-1412
中途停歇地是迁徙鸟类在繁殖地和非繁殖地之间的联系枢纽,对于迁徙鸟类完成其完整的生活史过程具有重要作用。从鸟类的迁徙对策、中途停歇地的选择、鸟类在中途停歇地的停留时间、体重变化和种群特征以及中途停歇地的环境状况等方面,回顾了中途停歇生态学在近年来的研究进展,并提出了在迁徙对策理论的实验研究,小型鸟类在中途停歇地的停歇时间及体重变化的准确确定等目前有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

The genetic variability and migration pathways of Pinus pinaster after glaciation in the Iberian peninsula was studied by means of 18 loci from 12 natural populations of the species. The analysis showed the existence of three groups of populations with different levels of diversity and patterns of recolonization. The southern Iberian group displays a high level of diversity, with a stepping-stone model of variation. The presence of rare alleles in this group and their position in the phylogenetic tree suggest the existence of refugia during glaciations in this zone. The eastern Iberian group also has high levels of diversity but is clearly separate from the first group based on their genetic distances. The Atlantic group displays a low level of diversity that could be interpreted as a rapid recolonization of the entire area by the Eastern group that has not yet developed to a divergence in this area. The southern Iberian range is indicated to be the dispersal centre of the species after the last glaciation. Received: 15 February 1999 / Accepted: 30 April 1999  相似文献   

Purpose: In the present study the possible clinical relevance of monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) was established. Methods: The pattern of migration of human monocytes towards the supernatants of blasts from 15 patients with AML was studied and the role of MCP-1, produced by these blasts, was assessed. Results: In 4 patients (group 1) the amount of monocyte migration was low and not inhibited by the addition of anti-hMCP-1. In 11 patients, the amount of monocyte migration was high; after addition of anti-hMCP-1, monocyte migration was either completely (8 patients, group 2), or partly or not (3 patients, group 3) inhibited to the level of chemokinesis. In groups 1 and 2, there was a good correlation (r=0.67) between the concentration of MCP-1 in the supernatants and the amount of monocyte migration. In group 3, such a correlation was not evident, suggesting that another chemokine might be involved or MCP-1 function was impaired by an unknown substance. Finally, measurements of MCP-1 during culture of AML blasts showed that the time at which maximal amounts of MCP-1 are produced differs between the AML samples. Conclusions: AML blasts produce different amounts of MCP-1, which plays an important role in monocyte migration towards most AML blasts. Therefore, in the context of adoptive immunotherapy, MCP-1 might be involved in future tumor vaccination programmes using autologous MCP-1-transfected irradiated AML blasts. Received: 4 May 2000 / Accepted: 26 October 2000  相似文献   

 The release of medusae from three hydrozoan fire corals, Millepora dichotoma, M. murrayi and M. platyphylla, was investigated at three sites in southern Taiwan from February 1994 to July 1995. All three species were gonochoristic, and developed and released several batches of medusae between April and May. The duration of open ampulla appearing on the surface of coralla was short, about three months, and could be used to infer the reproductive season of the fire corals between April and May. No obvious lunar cycles of medusa release were found in these species. Medusa release started before dark at approximately 17:00 h and continued for several hours. Males began releasing medusae earlier than females. Synchronization of medusa release between colonies, i.e., the probability of occurring on the same nights, was significantly higher within a species than between different species. Hybridization in nature among the three species is, therefore, unlikely due to segregation in the spawning dates. Moreover, the synchronization within each species was often significantly higher within versus between sites. The free-swimming medusae released gametes within approximately one hour, and the spent medusae lived for a few more hours. Medusae may facilitate fertilization rates as a result of an apparently negatively geotactic swimming response that results in medusa aggregation at the surface. No differences in the sizes of medusae, eggs and sperm were detected among the three species; however, some characteristic differences of medusa nematocysts were found. Accepted: 25 September 1997  相似文献   

The gut microbiota of birds is known to be characterized for different species, although it may change with feeding items. In this study, we compared the gut microbiota of birds with different feeding behaviors in the same habitat. We collected fecal samples from three Arctic species, snow buntings Plectrophenax nivalis, sanderlings Calidris alba, and pink‐footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus that are phylogenetically quite distant in different families to evaluate effects of diet on gut microbiota. Also, we characterized the prevalence of fecal bacteria using the Illumina MiSeq platform to sequence bacterial 16S rRNA genes. Our NMDS results showed that fecal bacteria of snow buntings and sanderlings were significantly distant from those of pink‐footed geese. Although all three birds were occupied by three bacterial phyla, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes, dominant taxa still varied among the species. Our bacterial sequences showed that snow buntings and sanderlings were dominated by Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, while pink‐footed geese were dominated by Proteobacteria. In addition, the bacterial diversity in snow buntings and sanderlings was significantly higher than that in pink‐footed geese. Our results suggest that insectivorous feeding diet of snow buntings and sanderlings could be responsible for the similar bacterial communities between the two species despite the distant phylogenetic relationship. The distinctive bacterial community in pink‐footed geese was discussed to be related with their herbivorous diet.  相似文献   

 The evolution of research into meteorological factors affecting the migration of the Cattle Egret (Ardeola ibis coromandus) in the southwestern Pacific region (Australia, New Zealand and the Tasman Sea) – from ground-based studies dependent on volunteer observers to a pilot satellite-tracking project – is reviewed and the results are related to the literature on bird migration. The predominant pattern is a seasonal migration from breeding colonies in southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales which takes place in stages along the east coastal plain under favourable meteorological conditions. Migration outward (southward) occurs in February through April and return to the breeding colonies occurs in October and November. Wintering destinations include Tasmania, southern Victoria and parts of New Zealand. Favourable meteorological conditions for migration southward include:moderate north to northwest airflow behind a high; light and variable winds in a high or col; and light and variable winds over New South Wales with moderate westerlies over Victoria and Tasmania. A satellite-tracking project helped to validate findings from the ground-based studies, provided additional information not otherwise obtainable, and demonstrated the potential of the technique to further clarify the relation between timing and staging of migration, and meteorology. Received: 1 August 1997 / Accepted: 18 November 1997  相似文献   

This paper examines seasonal changes in the latitudinal distribution of birds (excluding seabirds) that breed in the western Palaearctic. Some resident species occupy ranges that span less than 5° of latitude year-round, while some migrant species range over more than 120° of latitude during the course of a year. Among migrant species of land and freshwater habitats, the latitudinal spans of breeding and wintering ranges are correlated. In general, species that breed over a narrow span of latitude also winter over a narrow span of latitude, and vice versa. Among both groups, for any given span of breeding range, species that winter partly in Eurasia and partly in Africa winter over a wider latitudinal span than those that winter entirely within Eurasia or entirely within Africa. Among coastal birds, there is no correlation between the latitudinal spans of breeding and winter areas; most shorebird species breed over a narrow span of (northern) latitude and winter over a wide span distributed linearly along coastlines. Several migration patterns can be distinguished, from complete overlap of breeding and wintering ranges in year-round residents, through partial separation of summer and winter ranges, to complete separation of summer and winter ranges in different geographical regions. In some such species, the gap between breeding and wintering ranges spans up to 55° of latitude (6000 km).  相似文献   

 Numerous publications have reported growth stimulation of Eucalyptus following ectomycorrhizal inoculation in nursery or field conditions. Although Eucalyptus species can also form arbuscular mycorrhiza, their dependency on this type of mycorrhiza is still debatable. This paper presents information on the effect of inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on eucalypt growth. Twenty weeks after mycorrhizal inoculation, Eucalyptus seedlings' stem dry weight could be increased up to 49% compared to non-inoculated control plants. Intensity of root colonization by a given fungus depended on the host species, but it was not related to a plant growth response. Leaf phosphorus concentration of non-inoculated Eucalyptus seedlings varied greatly between species. Increases in leaf phosphorus concentration following mycorrhizal infection were not necessarily associated with plant growth stimulation. The most mycorrhiza-dependent Eucalyptus species tended to be those having the highest leaf phosphorus concentration in the absence of a fungal symbiont. These mycorrhiza-dependent Eucalyptus species seem to have greater phosphorus requirements and consequently to rely more on the symbiotic association. Accepted: 1 September 1995  相似文献   

 Investigation of the life history of corals is hampered by an inability to identify early recruits. In this study, the pattern of formation and morphology of the juvenile skeletons of three laboratory-reared pocilloporids, Seriatopora hystrix, Stylophora pistillata and Pocillopora damicornis, were compared to determine whether they could be reliably distinguished. The pattern of skeleton formation, including the origin and structure of the septa, columella and corallite wall was similar in all species. Following the completion of the primary corallite wall after 4–5 days, these species could be identified by differences in the diameter of the primary corallite. The mean diameter (±SE) of each species differed markedly: S. hystrix 400 ± 2.7 μm, range 325–450 μm; S. pistillata 505 ± 3.5 μm, range 400–550 μm; P. damicornis 697 ± 7.5 μm, range 492–885 μm. Values for the primary corallite diameter overlapped in only 3% of samples, demonstrating the potential utility of this feature as a tool for classifying recruits obtained from the field. Accepted: 4 January 2000  相似文献   

Aim To understand the evolution of long‐distance temperate–tropical migration in a South American bird, Swainson's flycatcher (Myiarchus swainsoni). Methods A total of 842 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA genes ATPase 8 and 6 were sequenced from forty‐nine individuals of the M. swainsoni complex from most of its range. Analyses measured the phylogenetic signal in the data, and tools of population genetics, phylogeography and phylogeny were used to interpret the evolution of the bird and its migration on the South American landscape. Results Migratory populations in the M. swainsoni complex are not each other's closest relatives. The migratory subspecies M. s. swainsoni, which breeds in south‐eastern South America, is not closely related to the rest of the complex. The remaining migratory populations of the subspecies M. s. ferocior and two intergrade populations are extremely closely related to non‐migratory populations with which they form a well‐supported clade despite substantial morphological differentiation from each other. Within this clade of migrants and non‐migrants, net divergence across 4000 km of lowland South America is zero and most diversity is distributed among individuals not populations. Mismatch analyses and significant values of Tajima's D and Fu's Fs suggest the clade has undergone a very recent range expansion. Migration and the shifts of breeding distribution that accompanied its evolution evolved twice within what has recently been considered the polytypic species M. swainsoni. Furthermore, these shifts of range probably occurred at very different times as parts of different southward ‘pulses’ of humid, Amazonian taxa. Main conclusions Evolution of temperate‐tropical migration in the M. swainsoni complex has been spatio‐temporally layered on the South American landscape. The analysis cautions that the historical biogeography underlying a single present‐day migration system need not have been driven by a single set of environmental factors operating at one time. We suggest directions for further study of ecology and demography in zones of apparent contact between various migratory and non‐migratory populations.  相似文献   

 Coral reef communities of the western Atlantic have changed over the past two to three decades, but the magnitude and causes of this change remain controversial. Part of the problem is that small-scale patterns observed on individual reefs have been erroneously extrapolated to landscape and geographic scales. Understanding how reef coral assemblages vary through space is an essential prerequisite to devising sampling strategies to track the dynamics of coral reefs through time. In this paper we quantify variation in the cover of hard corals in spur-and-groove habitats (13–19 m depth) at spatial scales spanning five orders of magnitude along the Florida Reef Tract. A videographic sampling program was conducted to estimate variances in coral cover at the following hierarchical levels and corresponding spatial scales: (1) among transects within sites (0.01- to 0.1-km scale), (2) among sites within reefs (0.5- to 2-km scale), (3) among reefs within sectors of the reef tract (10- to 20-km scale), and (4) among sectors of the reef tract (50- to 100-km scale). Coral cover displayed low variability among transects within sites and among sites within reefs. This means that transects from a site adequately represented the variability of the spur-and-groove habitat of the reef as a whole. Variability among reefs within sectors was highly significant, compared with marginally significant variability among sectors. Estimates from an individual reef, therefore, did not adequately characterize nearby reefs, nor did those estimates sufficiently represent variability at the scale of the sector. The structure and composition of coral reef communities is probably determined by the interaction of multiple forcing functions operating on a variety of scales. Hierarchical analyses of coral assemblages from other geographic locations have detected high variability at scales different from those in the present study. A multiscale analysis should, therefore, precede any management decisions regarding large reef systems such as the Florida Reef Tract. Accepted: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

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