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The survival of Chinese hamster cell V79-4 after hyperthermic treatment (42 degrees C, 40 minutes) in the exponential growth phase considerably increases with the duration of holding them in the growth medium at 37 degrees C before hypertonic salt treatment (1.5 M NaCl, 15 minutes). The experimental data are interpreted as a recovery of mammalian cells from thermal lesions, whose lethal action manifests itself at high salt concentrations.  相似文献   

The distribution of trephan blue in different organs and tissues and in the lymph was studied in acute experiments on 84 dogs after the infusion of 5% NaCl solution (0.5 mg/kg). The rise of the stain concentration in the intact dogs was the greatest in the liver, the kidney and the intestine. The osmotic shift caused by the intravenous infusion of the hypertonic NaCl solution increased the blood plasma hyaluronidase activity, reduced the maximal accumulation time of the stain in the tissues and led to a 1.5-2 fold elevation in the stain concentration in the organs.  相似文献   

Two groups of weanling rats were subjected to malnutrition, one with periodic injections of testosterone (males) and the other with estradiol (females). Two other groups (castrated males or castrated females) received normal feedings. In control animals, the relative weights (mg/gm body weight) of testes, seminal vesicles, and ovaries were greater than in malnourished rats. However, relative weights of those organs in hormone-treated, malnourished animals were greater than in those subjected to malnutrition alone and still greater than in controls. Normal sexual cranial dimorphism (SCD) was decreased 16% by male castration, 23% by malnutrition, and 83% by estradiol treatment in malnourished females. On the other hand, normal SCD was increased 20% by female castration and more than 200% by testosterone treatment in malnourished males. All monosexual comparisons corroborated the bisexual range of distances found. Testicular but not ovarian secretions seemed to influence sexual cranial dimorphism. Malnutrition delayed SCD because of a deficiency of testosterone level in stressed males. It is suggested that estradiol in females may counteract sexual cranial development and that its inhibitory effect may be additive to the testosterone deficit evoked by malnutrition.  相似文献   

In most European countries, male piglets being reared for meat are physically castrated without anaesthesia in order to avoid boar taint and to safeguard sensory meat quality. This method is increasingly criticised for its violation of piglet welfare. Alternative methods are being researched and castration with anaesthesia or analgesia and vaccination (immunisation) against gonadotropin-releasing hormone (using Improvac®, Pfizer GmbH) have been proposed as possible solutions. In addition to efficacy, the successful introduction and adoption of the vaccine method by stakeholders in pig supply chains are expected to depend on a favourable reception by consumers. This large-scale quantitative cross-country study (n = 4031) involving representative samples of consumers in France, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium does not support the reserved attitude of stakeholders who fear potential low market acceptance. The vaccine method was actually preferred by the majority of consumers surveyed (69.6% of the participants) and it was perceived as equally effective in terms of avoiding boar taint; 43.8% of the consumers reported an intention to seek out pork from pigs where the vaccine had been used to control boar taint, whereas 33.7% reported an intention to avoid pork from pigs physically castrated with anaesthesia. Consumers’ favourable dispositions to the vaccine method were independent of dominant ethical, health or price orientations when purchasing pork.  相似文献   

Testes of nonparasitized Ilyanassa obsoleta were maintained in vitro in a modification of the medium originally devised by Burch and Cuadros [Nature (London)206, 637–638 (1965)] in order to ascertain whether a saline extract of the daughter sporocysts of Zoogonus lasius would cause the inhibition of spermatogenesis. This parasite is known to cause parasitic castration of I. obsoleta in nature. It has been ascertained that after 96 hr of incubation with the parasite extract the incorporation of [3H]thymidine is inhibited in some spermatogonia. This represents the first experimental evidence that some molecule(s) of parasite origin may be responsible for chemical parasitic castration.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the questions whether on-farm use of local anaesthesia with lidocaine leads to a reduction in pain responses during castration, and whether the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam improves technical performance after castration of piglets. Five treatments were included in the study: (1) castration without anaesthesia or analgesia (CAST), (2) castration after local anaesthesia with lidocaine (LIDO), (3) castration after administration of meloxicam (MELO), (4) castration after lidocaine and meloxicam (L + M) and (5) sham castration (SHAM). To reduce litter influences, each treatment was present in each of the 32 litters (n = 32 per treatment). During castration, vocalizations were recorded continuously. Blood samples were collected 15 min before and 20 min after castration for determination of plasma levels of total cortisol, glucose, lactate and creatine kinase (CK). Mortality was registered and piglets were weighed several times to calculate growth. Several aspects of vocalizations during castration showed consistent and significantly different levels in CAST compared with LIDO, L + M and SHAM. CAST piglets squealed longer, louder and higher. Vocalizations of MELO piglets most resembled those of CAST. An increase in cortisol was seen in all treatments. However, in SHAM piglets this increase was significantly lower than in the other treatments. LIDO piglets showed a significantly smaller increase in plasma cortisol levels compared with CAST and MELO. L + M piglets differed significantly only from the SHAM group. Lactate levels differed significantly between LIDO and MELO, the level in LIDO being decreased after castration. In the other treatments an increase was measured. No treatment effects were found in plasma glucose and CK levels, nor in growth and mortality of the piglets. In conclusion, on the basis of vocalizations and plasma cortisol, local anaesthesia with lidocaine reduces pain responses in piglets during castration. A positive effect of meloxicam on technical performance was not found.  相似文献   

Marlow GE  Pettitt BM 《Biopolymers》2003,68(2):192-209
In order to quantify specific ion effects, a simulation study of bis(penicllamine) enkephalin, also known as DPDPE, has been performed in aqueous ammonium chloride solution and has been compared to a previous simulation of DPDPE in aqueous sodium chloride solution. Global thermodynamics have been calculated for a model system and the solution environment around DPDPE has been characterized. Associations of ions with DPDPE have been investigated. The observed differences between sodium chloride solution and ammonium chloride solution suggest that individual cations affect the solvation and peptide binding properties of a given anion.  相似文献   

The effect has been studied of the adsorption of ions (H(+), Na(+), OH(-), Cl(-)) which are present in solution upon the electric charge of the liposome membrane formed of phosphatidylcholine (PC). The surface charge density of the membrane was determined as a function of pH and electrolyte concentration from electrophoretic mobility measurements. The measurements were carried out by the laser-Doppler microelectrophoresis method. A four-equilibria model has been proposed to describe the phenomena occurring on the membrane surface. The equilibria in which the adsorption of other ions on the liposome membrane surface was involved were assumed to exist beside the equilibria in which the H(+) and OH(-) ions were engaged. The idea was confirmed by mathematical calculations. Association constants of the liposome membrane surface with ions of solution (K(AH), K(ANa), K(BOH), K(BCl)) were determined. The proposed model has been proved to be correct by comparing the resulting theoretic charge variation curves of the lecithin membrane with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Most seasonally breeding songbirds display dramatic seasonal fluctuations in plasma testosterone (T) levels and mate attraction behaviors, including song. However, males of some songbird species, such as the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris), continue to sing at high levels after the breeding season, when T levels are basal. In male starlings song during the breeding season functions mainly to attract mates, whereas song during the nonbreeding season appears unrelated to reproduction. This suggests that song produced in a context unrelated to female courtship, unlike song directed toward females, is not regulated by plasma T. In captive males housed in large outdoor aviaries we explored the relationship between plasma T and song produced during the breeding season within and outside a courtship context. This was achieved by determining the effects of castration and subsequent T treatment on song and mate attraction behaviors in both the presence and the absence of a female. Compared to intact males, castrated males did not show reduced song activity in the absence of a female for at least 6 months after the operation, strongly suggesting that the expression of noncourtship song is not regulated by plasma T. Likewise, we found that experimentally elevating T levels in castrated males did not affect noncourtship song rates. However, control castrated males receiving empty implants tended to show reduced noncourtship song rates after implantation. This may have been due to a suppressive effect caused by the presence of the T-implanted castrated males in the same aviary. In contrast, courtship singing was clearly controlled by plasma T: it was abolished by castration and restored by subsequent T replacement when males were housed both individually and in a group situation. High plasma levels of T also appeared necessary for the activation of three other behavioral traits critical for mate attraction, namely, nesthole occupancy, spending time (singing) in a nesthole, and carrying green nesting material into a nesthole.  相似文献   

A simulation study of DPDPE in sodium chloride solution has been performed and compared with previous simulations using a different interaction potential for the ions. Both global thermodynamics as well as a characterization of association to DPDPE have been calculated. We show that the parameters used for the ions have a profound effect on the association to the peptide in 1M NaCl. The observed differences suggest that individual associations in these and previous simulations are sensitive to parameters.  相似文献   

Summary Hen coprodeum absorbs sodium electrogenically and, when stimulated by theophylline, secretes chloride. In this study the vibrating microprobe technique was used to localize the transport of these ions to intestinal villi/folds and crypts. With the isolated, stretched epithelium, controlled by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, in open circuit, currents were inward, 40±7 A/cm2, 50 m vertically above villi, and outward, 36±7 A/cm2 above crypts. The currents decayed exponentially to near zero at 300 m with the same length constant. A physical model simulating the observed loci of current sources and sinks predicts potential profiles consistent with our data. Extrapolation of the currents gives a surface potential of 45 V, negative on villi and positive above crypts. Short circuiting increased villus current to 86±27 A/cm2 at 50 m, and amiloride treatment reduced it to –8 A/cm2; in both cases crypt currents were abolished. The inward currents are compatible with sodium absorption. Induction of chloride secretion after amiloride treatment, resulted in current circuits similar to those induced by sodium absorption, with villus currents of 23±7 A/cm2. This is in accord with chloride secretion at the villi. Quantitative estimates of crypt number (860/cm2) and opening diameter (15 m), in conjunction with isotopic measurements of active and electrical potential-driven ion fluxes demonstrate, however, that only 4% of the potential-driven co-ion transport occurs through the crypts. This indicates that nearly all chloride secretion comes from the sodium-absorbing villar area. Were the chloride secretion to occur solely from the crypts, the current should have been in the opposite direction and 10,000-fold larger.  相似文献   

The effect of potassium carbonate on soil chemical characteristics was compared with that of the most common de‐icer, sodium chloride, in a 4‐yr outdoor pot experiment with poplar and lime trees. Soil pH was raised more by K2CO3 than by NaCl. Potassium carbonate increased the electrical conductivity mainly in the upper soil layers. When K2CO3 was applied at an average annual dose of 154 g m?2, only the water‐soluble fractions of calcium and magnesium were affected. At an average annual dose of 617 g m?2, total potassium increased by 33% and calcium was displaced from the exchange sites. Calcium saturation was reduced from 85% of the cation exchange capacity in the untreated control to 69% in the higher dose K2CO3 treatment and to 75% in the NaCl treatment. The results show that the negative impact of K2CO3 on soil chemical and osmotic properties is as high as that of NaCl. For plants, however, potassium carbonate in contrast to chloride is not toxic and, applied in moderate doses, may even remedy potassium deficiencies in roadside trees.  相似文献   

Summary The plasma levels of four osmoregulatory hormones and their target ion-transport systems in the lower intestines of the domestic fowl were determined in order to elucidate their interrelationship and their setpoints in relation to NaCl intake. White Plymouth Rock hens were adapted to six intake levels of NaCl (0.20±0.02–24.7±1.9 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1) for 6 weeks. The Na+ absorption and the Cl secretion of colon and coprodeum were characterized in vitro by the effects of hexoses, amino acids, amiloride, and theophylline on the short-circuit current (SCC) and electrical potential difference (PD). The NaCl-conserving system of the adult chicken is set at low intake levels of NaCl as the 80% range (quantitized by non-linear, logistic regression analyses) of the change in the plasma [ALDO], the amiloride-inhibitable Na+ absorption of coprodeum and colon ( SCC), occurred from 0.18 to 2.3, from 0.9 to 4.3, and from 1.2 to 7.3 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1, respectively. These results demonstrate that the amiloride-inhibitable Na+ absorption of coprodcum is more closely linked to plasma [ALDO] than that of colon. The aminoacid-Na+ coabsorption of colon increased over exactly the same range of Na+ intake as the colonic amiloride-inhibitable Na+ absorption decreased, whereas the hexose-Na+ coabsorption increased at higher levels of Na+ intake, from 2 to 11 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1. Both these Na+ absorption types had reached their maximums at 24.7 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1, whereas the plasma [AVT] and plasma [PRL], although significantly increased, apparently had not; their 80% range of change occurred from 9.9 to 99 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1, and the main changes in plasma osmolity were predicted to occur from 5.4 to 107 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1. These results suggest that these colonic and hormonal variables conserve osmotically-free water and operate at high NaCl intake. The theophylline-induced colonic Cl secretion did not change with NaCl intake, whereas the stimulation of SCC in coprodeum decreased with increasing NaCl intake: The main change occurred between 0 and 3.2 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1. Thus, all ion-transport capacity disappears in coprodeum with increased dietary NaCl intake, whereas colon maintains its ion-transport capacity (although the nature of the Na+ transport changes). It is suggested that hormones defending the extracellular volume and composition are regulated close to zero input and output of both NaCl and water, regardless of whether they are NaCl conserving or free-water conserving. Therefore, changes in their stable plasma concentrations occur at the extremes of tolerable range of NaCl intake.Abbreviation AA aminoacids - ALDO aldosterone - AMI amiloride - AVT arginine vasotocin - bw body weight - CS corticosterone - HEX hexoses - INDO indomethacin - PD potential difference - PRL prolactin - R resistance - SCC short-circuit current - SD standard deviation - SEM standard error of mean - THEO theophylline  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes are involved in cell function, growth, apoptosis and neoplastic transformation in the prostate gland. We detected by means of Western blot the expression of the classical alpha and beta1, the novel epsilon and the atypical zeta isoforms of PKC in ventral prostates from rats with different extents of plasma testosterone levels and/or androgen imprinting on the gland. The expression of the four isoforms decreased in 5-day castrated rats showing apoptotical regression of the gland and a drastic reduction of circulating testosterone. However, the expression of PKC isoenzymes (alpha, beta1, epsilon ) increased in prostates from pubertal (35-days old) rats that are characterized by relatively low but extremely bioactive testosterone plasma levels. Treatment of adult rats for 14 days with flutamide (daily s.c. injection of 15 mg/Kg B.W.) resulted in increased expression of the four isoenzymes; it occurred in the presence of increased (normal rats) or drastically reduced (rats castrated after 9 days of flutamide administration) levels of plasma testosterone conceivably through a direct effect of this nonsteroidal antiandrogen on prostate cells. Measurements of PKC(alpha) activity were in agreement with the observations on protein expression and showed that flutamide (that is extensively used in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer) elicits some impairment in the mechanisms of translocation of this isoform from the cytosol to the membrane. Thus, in addition to the possibility of direct effects of flutamide upon the rat prostate, we present evidence that the levels of circulating androgens and/or their bioactivity in the gland regulate the expression of various important PKC isoforms.  相似文献   

Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is one of the typical treatments used for patients with prostate cancer (PCa). ADT, however, may fail when PCa develops castration-resistance. Fatty acid synthase (FASN), a critical enzyme involved in fatty acid synthesis, is found to be up-regulated in PCa. Since enzalutamide and ADT are frequently used for the treatment of PCa, the present study aimed to unravel the underlying mechanism of combination of orlistat, an FASN inhibitor, and enzalutamide using PC3 cell line; and orlistat and castration in PC3 tumor-bearing animal model. Cytotoxicity was determined by AlamarBlue assay. Drug effects on the cell cycle and protein expressions were assayed by the flow cytometry and Western blot. Electromobility shift assay was used to evaluate the NF-κB activity. The tumor growth delay, expressions of the signaling-related proteins, and histopathology post treatments of orlistat and castration were evaluated in PC3 tumor-bearing mouse model. The results showed that orlistat arrested the PC3 cells at the G1 phase of the cell cycle and enhanced the cytotoxic effects of enzalutamide synergistically. Pretreatment with orlistat combined with castration inhibited the tumor growth significantly compared with those of castration and orlistat treatments alone in PC3 tumor-bearing mice. Combination treatment reduced both FASN and NF-κB activities and their downstream effector proteins. The present study demonstrated the synergistic effects of orlistat combined with enzalutamide in vitro and castration in vivo on human PCa.  相似文献   

In Bacillus subtilis, heat shock proteins can be classified into two main groups: specific heat shock proteins (about 5) and general stress proteins (at least 14). Salt stress was very effective in the induction of general stress proteins (5 to 50-fold stimulation), but the synthesis of heat-specific stress proteins was not stimulated. Furthermore there were some proteins whose synthesis was accelerated only by salt stress.  相似文献   

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