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The epithelial barrier dysfunction is an important pathogenic feature in a number of diseases. The underlying mechanism is to be further investigated. The present study aims to investigate the role of tight junction protein claudin-2 (Cldn2) in the compromising epithelial barrier function. In this study, the expression of Cldn2 in the epithelial layer of mice and patients with food allergy was observed by immunohistochemistry. The induction of Cldn2 was carried out with a cell culture model. The Cldn2-facilitated antigen internalization was observed by confocal microscopy. The epithelial barrier function in the gut epithelial monolayer was assessed by recording the transepithelial resistance and assessing the permeability to a macromolecular tracer. The results showed that the positive immune staining of Cldn2 was observed in the epithelial layer of the small intestine that was weakly stained in naïve control mice, and strongly stained in sensitized mice as well as patients with food allergy. Exposure to cholera toxin or Staphylococcal enterotoxin B induced the expression of Cldn2 in HT-29 or T84 cells. Cldn2 could bind protein antigen to form complexes to facilitate the antigen transport across the epithelial barrier. Blocking Cldn2 prevented the allergen-related hypersensitivity the intestine. We conclude that the tight junction protein Cldn2 is involved in the epithelial barrier dysfunction.  相似文献   



Elevated microsatellite instability at selected tetranucleotide repeats (EMAST) is a genetic signature in certain cases of sporadic colorectal cancer and has been linked to MSH3-deficiency. It is currently controversial whether EMAST is associated with oncogenic properties in humans, specifically as cancer development in Msh3-deficient mice is not enhanced. However, a mutator phenotype is different between species as the genetic positions of repetitive sequences are not conserved. Here we studied the molecular effects of human MSH3-deficiency.


HCT116 and HCT116+chr3 (both MSH3-deficient) and primary human colon epithelial cells (HCEC, MSH3-wildtype) were stably transfected with an EGFP-based reporter plasmid for the detection of frameshift mutations within an [AAAG]17 repeat. MSH3 was silenced by shRNA and changes in protein expression were analyzed by shotgun proteomics. Colony forming assay was used to determine oncogenic transformation and double strand breaks (DSBs) were assessed by Comet assay.


Despite differential MLH1 expression, both HCT116 and HCT116+chr3 cells displayed comparable high mutation rates (about 4×10−4) at [AAAG]17 repeats. Silencing of MSH3 in HCECs leads to a remarkable increased frameshift mutations in [AAAG]17 repeats whereas [CA]13 repeats were less affected. Upon MSH3-silencing, significant changes in the expression of 202 proteins were detected. Pathway analysis revealed overexpression of proteins involved in double strand break repair (MRE11 and RAD50), apoptosis, L1 recycling, and repression of proteins involved in metabolism, tRNA aminoacylation, and gene expression. MSH3-silencing did not induce oncogenic transformation and DSBs increased 2-fold.


MSH3-deficiency in human colon epithelial cells results in EMAST, formation of DSBs and significant changes of the proteome but lacks oncogenic transformation. Thus, MSH3-deficiency alone is unlikely to drive human colon carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are associated with functional inhibition of epithelial Na+/H+ exchange. In mice, a selective disruption of NHE3 (Slc9a3), a major apical Na+/H+ exchanger, also promotes IBD-like symptoms and gut microbial dysbiosis. We hypothesized that disruption of Na+/H+ exchange is necessary for the development of dysbiosis, which promotes an exacerbated mucosal inflammatory response. Therefore, we performed a temporal analysis of gut microbiota composition, and mucosal immune response to adoptive T cell transfer was evaluated in Rag2-/- and NHE3-/-/Rag2-/- (DKO) mice with and without broad-spectrum antibiotics. Microbiome (16S profiling), colonic histology, T cell and neutrophil infiltration, mucosal inflammatory tone, and epithelial permeability were analyzed. In adoptive T cell transfer colitis model, Slc9a3 status was the most significant determinant of gut microbial community. In DKO mice, NHE3-deficiency and dysbiosis were associated with dramatically accelerated and exacerbated disease, with rapid body weight loss, increased mucosal T cell and neutrophil influx, increased mucosal cytokine expression, increased permeability, and expansion of CD25-FoxP3+ Tregs; this enhanced susceptibility was alleviated by oral broad-spectrum antibiotics. Based on these results and our previous work, we postulate that epithelial electrolyte homeostasis is an important modulator in the progression of colitis, acting through remodeling of the gut microbial community.  相似文献   



Apaf1 (apoptotic protease activating factor 1) is the central component of the apoptosome, a multiprotein complex that activates procaspase-9 after cytochrome c release from the mitochondria in the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. Other cellular roles, including a pro-survival role, have also been described for Apaf1, while the relative contribution of each function to cell death, but also to cell homeostatic conditions, remain to be clarified.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Here we examined the response to apoptosis induction of available embryonic fibroblasts from Apaf1 knockout mice (MEFS KO Apaf1). In the absence of Apaf1, cells showed mitochondria with an altered morphology that affects cytochrome c release and basal metabolic status.


We analysed mitochondrial features and cell death response to etoposide and ABT-737 in two different Apaf1-deficient MEFS, which differ in the immortalisation protocol. Unexpectedly, MEFS KO Apaf1 immortalised with the SV40 antigen (SV40IM-MEFS Apaf1) and those which spontaneously immortalised (SIM-MEFS Apaf1) respond differently to apoptotic stimuli, but both presented relevant differences at the mitochondria when compared to MEFS WT, indicating a role for Apaf1 at the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Spontaneous Transformation of Bovine Lens Epithelial Cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bovine lens epithelial cells, in vivo, are known to perform two determined functions. First, they synthesize the lens capsule and subsequently, in the germinal region, they differentiate in fiber cells with massive production of crystallin proteins, inactivation and pyknosis of the nucleus.
Bovine lens epithelial cells from adult origin can be cultured but so far no massive crystallin production has been demonstrated in vitro. We have studied the growth and differentiation of these cells and shown that in long term culture they acquire spontaneously many characteristics of transformation: unlimited growth potential, abnormal karyotype, multilayering. Viral particles were scarcely detected. However, they retain their epithelioid character and the ability to synthesize lens capsule material. Kinetic characteristics of those cells have been determined.
When injected into nude mice, they actively proliferate and form tumors in which synthesis of α-crystallin can be demonstrated. These results show that in vitro transformation of lens epithelial cells does not affect their potential for terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs) have been proposed to act mechanically as compressive struts that resist both actomyosin contractile forces and their own polymerization forces to mechanically stabilize cell shape. To identify the origin of MT bending, we directly observed MT bending and F-actin transport dynamics in the periphery of LLC-PK1 epithelial cells. We found that F-actin is nearly stationary in these cells even as MTs are deformed, demonstrating that MT bending is not driven by actomyosin contractility. Furthermore, the inhibition of myosin II activity through the use of blebbistatin results in microtubules that are still dynamically bending. In addition, as determined by fluorescent speckle microscopy, MT polymerization rarely results, if ever, in bending. We suppressed dynamic instability using nocodazole, and we observed no qualitative change in the MT bending dynamics. Bending most often results from anterograde transport of proximal portions of the MT toward a nearly stationary distal tip. Interestingly, we found that in an in vitro kinesin-MT gliding assay, MTs buckle in a similar manner. To make quantitative comparisons, we measured curvature distributions of observed MTs and found that the in vivo and in vitro curvature distributions agree quantitatively. In addition, the measured MT curvature distribution is not Gaussian, as expected for a thermally driven semiflexible polymer, indicating that thermal forces play a minor role in MT bending. We conclude that many of the known mechanisms of MT deformation, such as polymerization and acto-myosin contractility, play an inconsequential role in mediating MT bending in LLC-PK1 cells and that MT-based molecular motors likely generate most of the strain energy stored in the MT lattice. The results argue against models in which MTs play a major mechanical role in LLC-PK1 cells and instead favor a model in which mechanical forces control the spatial distribution of the MT array.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the isolation of an isogenic pair of Brca1+/+ and Brca1-/-murine mammary epithelial cells (MMECs). These cells were isolated from Brca1conditional knock out mice which contained loxP sites flanking exon 11 of the Brca1gene (Brca1fl/fl) and then immortalized by infection with HPV-16E6 retrovirus to degradep53 protein. Brca1-/- MMECs were generated by deletion of exon 11 followingtransduction of Brca1fl/fl MMECs with a retroviral vector expressing Cre recombinase.Brca1-deficiency rendered MMECs sensitive to cis-platinum (II) diamine dichloride(CDDP) and methylmethane sulfonate (MMS). The Brca1+/+ and Brca1-/- MMECS is theonly known pair of isogenic mammary epithelial cell lines. The understanding of themechanisms of the CDDP sensitivity of the BRCA1-deficient mammary epithelial cellswould be very important in understanding how BRCA1-deficiency plays out in tissuespecific breast cancer chemotherapy. These studies support the role of BRCA1 in theCDDP-induced and MMS-induced DNA damage and repair by p53-independentpathways.  相似文献   

During feeding a peritrophic membrane (PM) is formed in the gut of the tick Ixodes dammini, dividing the lumen of the gut into an ecto- and endoperitrophic space. Babesia and all food particles ingested with the blood meal by the tick are retained in the endoperitrophic space, the lumen proper. Only Babesia equipped with a highly specialized organelle, the arrowhead, are able to pass the PM and enter the ectoperitrophic compartment. During the crossing of the PM the arrowhead loses its density, suggesting that enzymes released from it dissolve the polymers in the PM, making passage of the parasite through this barrier possible. In the ectoperitrophic space the arrowhead of Babesia touches the epithelial cell. At the point of contact the membrane of the host cell starts to invaginate, and simultaneously the arrowhead's fine structure loses its highly organized pattern. The growing host membrane encircles the parasite and the arrowhead diminishes progressively in size. When the piroplasm is inside the host cell, the arrowhead can no longer be found. During invasion the host membrane often touches the parasite's plasma membrane at the site of a coiled structure, and the host membrane becomes ruptured and the nearby host cytoplasm appears to be lysed. Babesia inside the host cell is covered solely by its own plasma membrane; the invaginated host membrane is missing. It is postulated that the latter disintegrates during invasion by the parasite through the action of enzymes from the coiled structure. The parasite is surrounded by a halo of homogeneous material deriving most probably from the lysed host cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Gadolinium, a member of the lanthanoid family of transition metals, interacts with calcium-binding sites on proteins and other biological molecules. The overall goal of the present investigation was to determine if gadolinium could enhance calcium-induced epithelial cell growth inhibition in the colon. Gadolinium at concentrations as low as 1?C5???M combined with calcium inhibits proliferation of human colonic epithelial cells more effectively than calcium alone. Gadolinium had no detectable effect on calcium-induced differentiation in the same cells based on change in cell morphology, induction of E-cadherin synthesis, and translocation of E-cadherin from the cytosol to the cell surface. When the colon epithelial cells were treated with gadolinium and then exposed to increased calcium concentrations, movement of extracellular calcium into the cell was suppressed. In contrast, gadolinium treatment had no effect on ionomycin-induced release of stored intracellular calcium into the cytoplasm. Whether these in vitro observations can be translated into an approach for reducing abnormal proliferation in the colonic mucosa (including polyp formation) is not known. These results do, however, provide an explanation for our recent findings that a multi-mineral supplement containing all of the naturally occurring lanthanoid metals including gadolinium are more effective than calcium alone in preventing colon polyp formation in mice on a high-fat diet.  相似文献   



Human Barrett''s cancer cell lines have numerous, poorly-characterized genetic abnormalities and, consequently, those lines have limited utility as models for studying the early molecular events in carcinogenesis. Cell lines with well-defined genetic lesions that recapitulate various stages of neoplastic progression in Barrett''s esophagus would be most useful for such studies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To develop such model cell lines, we started with telomerase-immortalized, non-neoplastic Barrett''s epithelial (BAR-T) cells, which are spontaneously deficient in p16, and proceeded to knock down p53 using RNAi, to activate Ras by introducing oncogenic H-RasG12V, or both. BAR-T cells infected with either p53 RNAi or oncogenic H-RasG12V alone maintained cell-to-cell contact inhibition and did not exhibit anchorage-independent growth in soft agar. In contrast, the combination of p53 RNAi knockdown with expression of oncogenic H-RasG12V transformed the p16-deficient BAR-T cells, as evidenced by their loss of contact inhibition, by their formation of colonies in soft agar, and by their generation of tumors in immunodeficient mice.


Through these experiments, we have generated a number of transformed and non-transformed cell lines with well-characterized genetic abnormalities recapitulating various stages of carcinogenesis in Barrett''s esophagus. These lines should be useful models for the study of carcinogenesis in Barrett''s esophagus, and for testing the efficacy of chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

MERTK, a member of the TAM (TYRO3, AXL, and MERTK) receptor tyrosine kinases, has complex and diverse roles in cell biology. On the one hand, knock-out of MERTK results in age-dependent autoimmunity characterized by failure of apoptotic cell clearance, while on the other, MERTK overexpression in cancer drives classical oncogene pathways leading to cell transformation. To better understand the interplay between cell transformation and efferocytosis, we stably expressed MERTK in human MCF10A cells, a non-tumorigenic breast epithelial cell line devoid of endogenous MERTK. While stable expression of MERTK in MCF10A resulted in enhanced motility and AKT-mediated chemoprotection, MERTK-10A cells did not form stable colonies in soft agar, or enhance proliferation compared with parental MCF10A cells. Concomitant to chemoresistance, MERTK also stimulated efferocytosis in a gain-of-function capacity. However, unlike AXL, MERTK activation was highly dependent on apoptotic cells, suggesting MERTK may preferentially interface with phosphatidylserine. Consistent with this idea, knockdown of MERTK in breast cancer cells MDA-MB 231 reduced efferocytosis, while transient or stable expression of MERTK stimulated apoptotic cell clearance in all cell lines tested. Moreover, human breast cancer cells with higher endogenous MERTK showed higher levels of efferocytosis that could be blocked by soluble TAM receptors. Finally, through MERTK, apoptotic cells induced PD-L1 expression, an immune checkpoint blockade, suggesting that cancer cells may adopt MERTK-driven efferocytosis as an immune suppression mechanism for their advantage. These data collectively identify MERTK as a significant link between cancer progression and efferocytosis, and a potentially unrealized tumor-promoting event when MERTK is overexpressed in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The choroid plexus is a major site of CSF production. When primary cultures of bovine choroid plexus epithelial cells were exposed to 1 micrograms/ml cholera toxin, a 50-fold increase of intracellular cyclic AMP was found 1 h later. Exposure of cells to 10(-5) M isoproterenol, 10(-4) M prostaglandin E1, 10(-5) M histamine, and 10(-5) M serotonin caused increases of intracellular cyclic concentrations of 100-, 50-, 20-, and 4-fold, respectively. From 5 to 15 min were required for these maximal responses to occur. Many other molecules including prolactin, vasopressin, and corticotropin did not alter cellular cyclic AMP levels. The accumulation of cyclic AMP could be inhibited by specific antagonists: propranolol inhibited the isoproterenol-mediated stimulation while diphenhydramine and metiamide inhibited the histamine response. In addition, diphenhydramine inhibited serotonin-dependent cyclic AMP accumulation. Combinations of isoproterenol, prostaglandin E1, histamine, and serotonin elicited additive responses as measured by cyclic AMP accumulation with one exception, i.e., serotonin inhibited the histamine response. Our findings suggest that distinct receptor sites on choroid plexus epithelia exist for isoproterenol, prostaglandin E1, and histamine. Efflux of cyclic AMP into the extracellular medium was found to be a function of the intracellular cyclic AMP levels over a wide range of concentrations. Our studies provide direct evidence for hormonal regulation of cyclic AMP metabolism in epithelial cells of the choroid plexus.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2020,26(1):64-80.e13
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