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Many mitotic kinases are both critical for maintaining genome stability and are important targets for anticancer therapies. We provide evidence that SIK3 (salt-inducible kinase 3), an AMP-activated protein kinase-related kinase, is important for mitosis to occur properly in mammalian cells. Downregulation of SIK3 resulted in an extension of mitosis in both mouse and human cells but did not affect the DNA damage checkpoint. Time-lapse microscopy and other approaches indicated that mitotic exit but not mitotic entry was delayed. Although repression of SIK3 alone simply delayed mitotic exit, it was able to sensitize cells to various antimitotic chemicals. Both mitotic arrest and cell death caused by spindle poisons were enhanced after SIK3 depletion. Likewise, the antimitotic effects due to pharmacological inhibition of mitotic kinases including Aurora A, Aurora B, and polo-like kinase 1 were enhanced in the absence of SIK3. Finally, in addition to promoting the sensitivity of a small-molecule inhibitor of the mitotic kinesin Eg5, SIK3 depletion was able to overcome cells that developed drug resistance. These results establish the importance of SIK3 as a mitotic regulator and underscore the potential of SIK3 as a druggable antimitotic target.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans are cell surface and extracellular matrix molecules to which long, unbranched glycosaminoglycan side chains are attached. Heparan sulphate, a type of glycosaminoglycan chain, has been proposed as a co-factor necessary for signalling by a range of growth factors. Here we provide evidence that loss of 2-O-sulphation in heparan sulphate leads to a significant reduction in cell proliferation in the developing cerebral cortex. The gene encoding heparan sulphate 2-sulphotransferase (Hs2st) is expressed in embryonic cortex and histological analysis of mice homozygous for a null mutation in Hs2st indicated a reduction in the thickness of the embryonic cerebral cortex. Using 5′-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation assays we found a reduction of approximately 40% in labelling indices of cortical precursor cells at E12. Comparison of the fates of cortical cells born on E13 and E15 in Hs2st−/− mutant and wildtype littermate embryos revealed no differences in the pattern of cell migration. Our findings suggest a critical role for 2-O-sulphation of heparan sulphate proteoglycan (HSPG) in regulating cell proliferation during development of the cerebral cortex, perhaps through the modulation of cellular responses to growth factor signalling.  相似文献   

Lamin B1, a key component of the nuclear lamina, plays an important role in brain development and function. A duplication of the human lamin B1 (LMNB1) gene has been linked to adult-onset autosomal dominant leukodystrophy, and mouse and human loss-of-function mutations in lamin B1 are susceptibility factors for neural tube defects. In the mouse, experimental ablation of endogenous lamin B1 (Lmnb1) severely impairs embryonic corticogenesis. Here we report that in primary mouse cortical neurons, LMNB1 overexpression reduces axonal outgrowth, whereas deficiency of endogenous Lmnb1 results in aberrant dendritic development. In the absence of Lmnb1, both the length and complexity of dendrites are reduced, and their growth is unresponsive to KCl stimulation. This defective dendritic outgrowth stems from impaired ERK signaling. In Lmnb1-null neurons, ERK is correctly phosphorylated, but phospho-ERK fails to translocate to the nucleus, possibly due to delocalization of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) at the nuclear envelope. Taken together, these data highlight a previously unrecognized role of lamin B1 in dendrite development of mouse cortical neurons through regulation of nuclear shuttling of specific signaling molecules and NPC distribution.  相似文献   

Both VEGF and insulin are implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy. While it has been established for many years that the number of cell surface receptors impacts upon VEGF and insulin action, little is known about the precise machinery and proteins driving VEGF-R2 and IR degradation. Here, we investigate the role of Hepatocyte growth factor-Regulated tyrosine kinase Substrate (Hrs), a regulator of RTK trafficking, in VEGF and insulin signaling. We report that ectopic expression of Hrs increases VEGF-R2 and IR number and tyrosine phosphorylation, leading to amplification of their downstream signaling. The UIM (Ubiquitin Interacting Motif) domain of Hrs is required for Hrs-induced increases in VEGF-R2, but not in IR. Furthermore, Hrs is tyrosine-phosphorylated in response to VEGF and insulin. We show that the UIM domain is required for Hrs phosphorylation in response to VEGF, but not to insulin. Importantly, Hrs co-localizes with both VEGF-R2 and IR and co-immunoprecipitates with both in a manner independent of the Hrs-UIM domain. Finally, we demonstrate that Hrs inhibits Nedd4-mediated VEGF-R2 degradation and acts additively with Grb10. We conclude that Hrs is a positive regulator of VEGF-R2 and IR signaling and that ectopic expression of Hrs protects both VEGF-R2 and IR from degradation.  相似文献   

AMPK acts as a cellular fuel gauge and responds to decreased cellular energy status by inhibiting ATP-consuming pathways and increasing ATP-synthesis. The aim of this study was to examine the role of AMPK in modulating poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), a nuclear enzyme involved in maintaining chromatin structure and DNA repair. HT-29 cells infected with constitutively active AMPK demonstrated increased PARP automodification and an increase in bioNAD incorporation. AMPK and PARP co-immunoprecipitated under basal conditions and in response to H(2)O(2), suggesting a physical interaction under both resting and stress-induced conditions. Incubation of PARP with purified AMPK resulted in the phosphorylation of PARP; and the inclusion of AMP as an AMPK activator potentiated PARP phosphorylation. Using immobilized PARP, the incorporation of bioNAD by PARP was dramatically increased following the addition of AMPK. These data suggest a novel role for AMPK in regulating PARP activity through a direct interaction involving phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Several murine and human monocytic cell lines and monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) from healthy volunteers were studied to compare their production of nitric oxide (NO) and induction of iNOS following endotoxin treatment. Although the human cells were sensitive to endotoxin and responded well by producing TNF-alpha and matrix metalloproteases (MMP), there was no induction of iNOS expression or NO production by any of these cells. Murine cells, however, produced large amounts of NO and expressed iNOS following similar endotoxin stimulation. We investigated the expression of PKC isotypes in all human and murine cell lines as well as in MDM, and found that the human cells lacked PKC-eta while the murine counterparts lacked PKC-beta1. Subsequently, human cells that were transfected with PKC-eta were found to make large quantities of NO following endotoxin exposure, an observation not seen in untransfected cells. We propose that PKC-eta is essential for the development of the iNOS positive phenotype in human monocytic cells, and may be responsible for the development of a number of inflammatory related conditions. As such it may be a suitable target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Development of oligodendrocytes and the generation of myelin internodes within the spinal cord depends on regional signals derived from the notochord and axonally derived signals. Neuregulin 1 (NRG)-1, localized in the floor plate as well as in motor and sensory neurons, is necessary for normal oligodendrocyte development. Oligodendrocytes respond to NRGs by activating members of the erbB receptor tyrosine kinase family. Here, we show that erbB2 is not necessary for the early stages of oligodendrocyte precursor development, but is essential for proligodendroblasts to differentiate into galactosylcerebroside-positive (GalC+) oligodendrocytes. In the presence of erbB2, oligodendrocyte development is normal. In the absence of erbB2 (erbB2-/-), however, oligodendrocyte development is halted at the proligodendroblast stage with a >10-fold reduction in the number of GalC+ oligodendrocytes. ErbB2 appears to function in the transition of proligodendroblast to oligodendrocyte by transducing a terminal differentiation signal, since there is no evidence of increased oligodendrocyte death in the absence of erbB2. Furthermore, known survival signals for oligodendrocytes increase oligodendrocyte numbers in the presence of erbB2, but fail to do so in the absence of erbB2. Of the erbB2-/- oligodendrocytes that do differentiate, all fail to ensheath neurites. These data suggest that erbB2 is required for the terminal differentiation of oligodendrocytes and for development of myelin.  相似文献   

Dendrites and the dendritic spines of neurons play key roles in the connectivity of the brain and have been recognized as the locus of long-term synaptic plasticity,which is correlated with learning and memory.The development of dendrites and spines in the mammalian central nervous system is a complex process that requires specific molecular events over a period of time.It has been shown that specific molecules are needed not only at the spine's point of contact,but also at a distance,providing signals that initiate a cascade of events leading to synapse formation.The specific molecules that act to signal neuronal differentiation,dendritic morphology,and synaptogenesis are tightly regulated by genetic and epigenetic programs.It has been shown that the dendritic spine structure and distribution are altered in many diseases,including many forms of mental retardation(MR),and can also be potentiated by neuronal activities and an enriched environment.Because dendritic spine pathologies are found in many types of MR,it has been proposed that an inability to form normal spines leads to the cognitive and motor deficits that are characteristic of MR.Epigenetic mechanisms,including DNA methylation,chromatin remodeling,and the noncoding RNA-mediated process,have profound regulatory roles in mammalian gene expression.The study of epigenetics focuses on cellular effects that result in a heritable pattern of gene expression without changes to genomic encoding.Despite extensive efforts to understand the molecular regulation of dendrite and spine development,epigenetic mechanisms have only recently been considered.In this review,we will focus on epigenetic mechanisms that regulate the development and maturation of dendrites and spines.We will discuss how epigenetic alterations could result in spine abnormalities that lead to MR,such as is seen in fragile X and Rett syndromes.We will also discuss both general methodology and recent technological advances in the study of neuronal dendrites and spines.  相似文献   

A novel idea is emergxsing that a large molecular repertoire is common to the nervous and immune systems, which might reflect the existence of novel neuronal functions for immune molecules in the brain. Here, we show that the transmembrane adaptor signaling protein CD3zeta, first described in the immune system, has a previously uncharacterized role in regulating neuronal development. Biochemical and immunohistochemical analyses of the rat brain and cultured neurons showed that CD3zeta is mainly expressed in neurons. Distribution of CD3zeta in developing cultured hippocampal neurons, as determined by immunofluorescence, indicates that CD3zeta is preferentially associated with the somatodendritic compartment as soon as the dendrites initiate their differentiation. At this stage, CD3zeta was selectively concentrated at dendritic filopodia and growth cones, actin-rich structures involved in neurite growth and patterning. siRNA-mediated knockdown of CD3zeta in cultured neurons or overexpression of a loss-of-function CD3zeta mutant lacking the tyrosine phosphorylation sites in the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) increased dendritic arborization. Conversely, activation of endogenous CD3zeta by a CD3zeta antibody reduced the size of the dendritic arbor. Altogether, our findings reveal a novel role for CD3zeta in the nervous system, suggesting its contribution to dendrite development through ITAM-based mechanisms.  相似文献   

The involvement of kinesin motor proteins in both cell-tip growth and cell-shape determination has been well characterized in various organisms. However, the functions of kinesins during cell morphogenesis in higher plants remain largely unknown. In the current study, we demonstrate that an armadillo repeat-containing kinesin-related protein, ARMADILLO REPEAT KINESIN1 (ARK1), is involved in root-hair morphogenesis. Microtubule polymers are more abundant in ark1 null allele root hairs, but analysis shows that these extra microtubules are concentrated in the endoplasm, and not in the cortical array, suggesting that ARK1 regulates tip growth by limiting the assembly and distribution of endoplasmic microtubules. The ARK1 gene has two homologues in the Arabidopsis genome, ARK2 and ARK3, and our results show that ARK2 is involved in root-cell morphogenesis. We further reveal that a NIMA-related protein kinase, NEK6, binds to the ARK family proteins and has pleiotropic effects on epidermal-cell morphogenesis, suggesting that NEK6 is involved in cell morphogenesis in Arabidopsis via microtubule functions associated with these armadillo repeat-containing kinesins. We discuss the function of NIMA-related protein kinases and armadillo repeat-containing kinesins in the cell morphogenesis of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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