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动物的肉质综合了许多特性,诸多因素共同作用于其生长发育,特别是与肉质发育相关的基因,在这个过程中起到了至关重要的作用。动物的市场经济效益直接由肉质品质的优劣决定,所以研究与其相关的基因就十分重要。本综述主要从与牛、羊、猪和鸡这四类家养动物的肉质相关的基因,如与肌肉纤维形成有关的生肌调节因子家族基因,与调节脂肪沉积和代谢相关的Leptin及其受体基因,与肌内脂肪相关的脂蛋白酶脂酶基因(LPL)、脂肪酸结合蛋白(FABPs)基因、PPARγ基因,与背膘厚相关的黑素皮质素受体基因(MCR) 4个方面,就其近十年来的研究进展进行了综述,并对其未来的研究和应用等进行展望。  相似文献   

群体遗传学下动物驯化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文子龙  赵毅强 《遗传》2021,(3):226-239
动物驯化是将野生动物改变为能够长期稳定饲养的家养动物的过程。作为新石器时代农业革命的内容,驯化是人类社会文明进步的重要标志之一。由于和人类的密切关系,驯化不仅改变了动物的野生状态,也改变了人类的生活习性和文明进程。动物驯化研究的关键问题包含驯化祖先是谁、驯化所产生的改变及驯化时间地点等。随着高通量基因组技术和对应分析方法的发展,目前研究动物驯化一般基于群体水平,在群体遗传学的框架下研究动物驯化过程中的重要事件。本文总结了群体遗传学下动物驯化研究的相关内容,包括群体动态历史、选择信号、基因交流等,着重介绍了基因选择初始时间和基因交流时间两个新的拓展内容及分析方法,概述了家猪(Sus scrofa f. domestica)、家鸡(Gallus gallus domesticus)、绵羊(Ovis aries)和山羊(Caprine hircus)等几种主要农业动物近期驯化研究的进展,以期为动物驯化研究提供了新的方向和视角。  相似文献   

家养动物复杂性状基因定位的统计分析和实验设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
YDa 《遗传学报》2003,30(12):1183-1192
复杂性状基因定位的研究是人类、动植物研究中的1个热点领域。在畜禽的研究中,其目的是定位与生产性状、繁殖性状和疾病相关的基因。在人类中,复杂性状基因定位的研究具有极大的挑战性。尽管基因定位的结果积累得很快,但能得以确认的结果却很少。关于畜禽基因定位的研究结果同样也增长很快,目前在鸡、猪、奶牛等物种中几个大尺度的基因定位工作也正在开展中。虽然在不远的将来能够得到新的、可确信的结果,但是如何精确地理解这些复杂性状的基因仍然需要一定的时间。近来,复杂性状基因定位的方法已被用于通过基因表达的数据研究转录调节因子的定位工作中,这是基因定位研究中1个新的领域。基因定位的统计分析和实验设计是基因定位研究中的关键性步骤,研究的目的在于讨论畜禽复杂性状基因定位的统计分析和实验设计的研究进展及今后的发展。  相似文献   

家养动物多样性研究要素和成就   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
家养动物多样性的研究多年来侧重于经济性状和生态多样性及品种多样性。近几年来在遗传多样性方面取得重大进展 ,在品种聚类、系统保种、遗传多样性与经济性状和生态多态性的相关研究都取得了重要结果 ,有的已经做到数量性状基因定位、转基因和克隆动物检测等。家养动物与其野生近缘种的基因分析和利用野生种血液的育种也取得一定的效果。利用多样性鉴别技术已确认许多地方品种为中国特有种 ,引起了国际广泛关注  相似文献   

李晶  张亚平 《生物多样性》2009,17(4):319-329
动物的驯化是新石器时代农业革命的主要内容之一, 导致了人类生活方式从狩猎向畜牧的转变。开展家养动物起源与驯化的研究, 不仅有助于了解人类社会的发展史和人工选择下动物的进化过程, 而且有助于开展家养动物的良种选育和遗传多样性保护, 因此该研究领域受到了人们的长期关注。近年来, 随着更多考古证据的发现与分子遗传学的发展, 人们对于家养动物的起源与驯化有了更深入的认识。本文对家养动物起源与驯化研究中一些基本问题的研究方法和进展进行了综述。文章第一部分介绍了家养动物的野生祖先、起源地、起源时间、建群者大小和扩散路线等问题; 第二部分则涉及家养动物驯化的条件、过程、性状改变及其遗传机制等方面。最后指出了家养动物起源与驯化研究中依然存在的问题, 并对未来研究发展的趋势进行了讨论。  相似文献   

周瑞  王以鑫  龙科任  蒋岸岸  金龙 《遗传》2018,40(4):292-304
骨骼肌是维持机体功能必不可少的组织,与家养动物的产肉率等重要经济性状密切相关。近年来,高通量测序鉴定了大量与骨骼肌生成相关的长链非编码RNA (long non-coding RNA, lncRNA),它们可作为调节因子在表观调控、转录调控以及转录后调控等多个层面调控基因表达。lncRNA通过靶向关键因子参与调控骨骼肌发育的各个环节,包括骨骼肌干细胞增殖、迁移、分化,成肌细胞增殖、分化、肌管融合,肌纤维肥大和纤维类型转换等过程。本文重点归纳了lncRNA在人和小鼠骨骼肌发育中的分子调控机制,介绍了lncRNA的研究方法,综述了lncRNA在家养动物骨骼肌发育中的研究进展,分析了目前家养动物lncRNA研究所面临的困难和挑战,最后展望了未来家养动物lncRNA研究的方向,以期为进一步阐明骨骼肌生长发育的分子调控机制提供参考。  相似文献   

聚落考古研究表明,二里头文化时期(1750~1530 BC)中原腹地出现了都邑和大、中、小型四级聚落系统,东亚地区由此进入了早期广域王权国家时代。二里头文化时期的生业经济研究对于理解中华文明形成与早期发展过程中的关键时期的社会变革与文化演进的骤然提速具有重要意义。家养动物及其副产品的开发和利用、管理和分配是生业经济研究和社会复杂化发展的重要内容。在以往研究中,尽管学界已对二里头文化时期的核心都邑二里头遗址和若干中小型聚落遗址开展了多项动物考古学研究,但是针对大型聚落的系统分析较少。鉴于此,本文以河南省新郑市望京楼遗址发掘出土的动物骨骼为研究对象,通过种属鉴定、数量统计、测量数据分析、死亡年龄推算等方法,尝试探讨居于大型聚落的先民对动物资源的消费和利用。结果显示,该遗址的家养动物有猪、黄牛、绵羊、山羊和狗,家养动物数量占多数。遗址的猪多数为未成年个体,说明肉食消费是遗址先民养猪的主要目的;绵羊多数为成年个体,说明获取羊毛是遗址先民养羊的主要目的。通过与二里头、南洼、煤山和皂角树等其他等级聚落遗址的比较可知,早期国家的都邑和大中型聚落的家养动物的种类更丰富,绵羊的数量比例随聚落等级的降低而减少,绵羊的身体尺寸随聚落等级的降低而变小,以获取羊毛为主要目的养羊业更容易在高等级聚落中出现。这一研究揭示了早期国家大型聚落和国家内部不同等级聚落开发利用动物资源的特点和差异,为从动物考古的角度探讨早期社会复杂化提供了可能性。  相似文献   

蔡新宇  毛晓伟  赵毅强 《生物多样性》2022,30(4):21457-4733
驯化动物伴随了人类上万年的进化历程。在驯化过程中, 家养动物表型和行为特征发生巨大改变, 并与人类生产生活的进步相适应。研究动物驯化问题对于了解遗传多样性及适应性进化, 解析复杂性状的遗传机制等具有重要的意义, 成为生物学领域的重点研究内容之一。本文专注于动物驯化的初始阶段, 首先介绍了驯化起源的时间与地点、驯化途径和驱动因、驯化后的扩散和品种选育; 其次从驯化对象的角度着重介绍了考古学、分子和群体遗传学两方面的家养动物驯化起源的研究策略、优势与不足, 以及未来的发展方向; 最后, 我们综合多方面的证据, 介绍了在中国驯化的家猪(Sus domesticus)和家鸡(Gallus gallus domesticus)以及其他主要家养动物考古和分子水平上驯化起源的研究进展。本文整合多种证据为家养动物驯化起源的研究提供了相对完整的视角和新的思路。  相似文献   

生物医学中的实验动物选择与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

动物的生境选择   总被引:69,自引:7,他引:69  
动物的生境选择颜忠诚陈永林(中国科学院动物研究所,北京100080)HabitatSelectioninAnimals.YanZhongcheng,ChenYonglin(InstituteofZoology,AcademiaSinica,Beiji...  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is widely used in various genetic studies of domesticated animals. Many applications require comprehensive knowledge about the phylogeny of mtDNA variants. Herein, we provide the most up‐to‐date mtDNA phylogeny (i.e. haplogroup tree or matrilineal genealogy) and a standardized hierarchical haplogroup nomenclature system for domesticated cattle, dogs, goats, horses, pigs, sheep, yaks and chickens. These high‐resolution mtDNA haplogroup trees based on 1240 complete or near‐complete mtDNA genome sequences are available in open resource DomeTree ( http://www.dometree.org ). In addition, we offer the software MitoToolPy ( http://www.mitotool.org/mp.html ) to facilitate the mtDNA data analyses. We will continuously and regularly update DomeTree and MitoToolPy.  相似文献   

Morphological and behavioural traits of a feral strain of the common carp Cyprinus carpio from Lake Biwa in Japan were compared with those of two domesticated strains reared in Japan (one commercial strain and one ornamental koi). To compare genetically inherited traits, all fish were reared from eggs under similar environmental conditions. Using these fish, the following five traits were compared among the three strains: body shape, consumption rate of two types of free-swimming shrimp, medaka Oryzias latipes and bottom-dwelling chironomid larvae prey items, preference for a bottom habitat, feeding skills in detecting prey and escape response to predator attack. The feral strain of fish had more streamlined bodies, higher consumption rates for free-swimming prey, a greater preference for a bottom habitat, possessed greater skill in detecting prey and were more cautious of predator attacks, compared with the fish of the two domesticated strains. These characteristics shown by the feral fish are probably adaptive to the natural environment. A genetic analysis based on five nuclear single nucleotide polymorphism markers, however, suggested that the feral strain was relatively recently derived from domesticated stocks. Considering this, the present results appear to indicate the possibility that domesticated C. carpio could re-adapt to the wild environment during a short evolutionary period, although further research using more feral strains is required.  相似文献   

A comparison of 8 cyanobacterial genomes reveals that there are 181 shared genes that do not have obvious orthologs in other bacteria. These signature genes define aspects of the genotype that are uniquely cyanobacterial. Approximately 25% of these genes have been associated with some function. These signature genes may or may not be involved in photosynthesis but likely they will be in many cases. In addition, several examples of widely conserved gene order involving two or more signature genes were observed. This suggests there may be regulatory processes that have been preserved throughout the long history of the cyanobacterial phenotype. The results presented here will be especially useful because they identify which of the many genes of unassigned function are likely to be of the greatest interest. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

When domesticated species are not reproductively isolated from their wild relatives, the opportunity arises for artificially selected variants to be re‐introduced into the wild. However, the evolutionary consequences of introgression of domesticated genes back into the wild are poorly understood. By combining high‐throughput genotyping with 25 years of long‐term ecological field data, we describe the occurrence and consequences of admixture between a primitive sheep breed, the free‐living Soay sheep of St Kilda, and more modern breeds. Utilizing data from a 50 K ovine SNP chip, together with forward simulations of demographic scenarios, we show that admixture occurred between Soay sheep and a more modern breed, consistent with historical accounts, approximately 150 years ago. Haplotype‐sharing analyses with other breeds revealed that polymorphisms in coat colour and pattern in Soay sheep arose as a result of introgression of genetic variants favoured by artificial selection. Because the haplotypes carrying the causative mutations are known to be under natural selection in free‐living Soay sheep, the admixture event created an opportunity to observe the outcome of a ‘natural laboratory’ experiment where ancestral and domesticated genes competed with each other. The haplotype carrying the domesticated light coat colour allele was favoured by natural selection, while the haplotype associated with the domesticated self coat pattern allele was associated with decreased survival. Therefore, we demonstrate that introgression of domesticated alleles into wild populations can provide a novel source of variation capable of generating rapid evolutionary changes.  相似文献   

家畜胚胎干细胞具有重要的生物学意义和广阔的应用前景。以下对比了小鼠、人胚胎干细胞多能性调控信号通路的异同,阐述了小鼠、人胚胎干细胞与家畜胚胎干细胞在多能性分子标志上的差异,并结合本实验室开展绵羊胚胎干细胞研究的实际经验,对目前家畜胚胎干细胞建系中可能存在的多能性候选信号通路及分子标志进行了探讨。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Plant evolutionary theory has been greatly enriched by studies on crop species. Over the last century, important information has been generated on many aspects of population biology, speciation and polyploid genetics. SCOPE: Searches for quantitative trait loci (QTL) in crop species have uncovered numerous blocks of genes that have dramatic effects on adaptation, particularly during the domestication process. Many of these QTL have epistatic and pleiotropic effects making rapid evolutionary change possible. Most of the pioneering work on the molecular basis of self-incompatibility has been conducted on crop species, along with the sequencing of the phytopathogenic resistance genes (R genes) responsible for the 'gene-to-gene' relations of coevolution observed in host-pathogen relationships. Some of the better examples of co-adaptation and early acting inbreeding depression have also been elucidated in crops. Crop-wild progenitor interactions have provided rich opportunities to study the evolution of novel adaptations subsequent to hybridization. Most crop/wild F1 hybrids have reduced fitness, but in some instances the crop relatives have acquired genes that make them more efficient weeds through crop mimicry. Studies on autopolyploid alfalfa and potato have uncovered the means by which polyploid gametes are formed and have led to hypotheses about how multiallelic interactions are associated with fitness and self-fertility. Research on the cole crops and wheat has discovered that newly formed polyploids can undergo dramatic genome rearrangements that could lead to rapid evolutionary change. CONCLUSIONS: Many more important evolutionary discoveries are on the horizon, now that the whole genome sequence is available of the two major subspecies of rice Oryza sativa ssp. japonica and O. sativa ssp. indica. The rice sequence data can be used to study the origin of genes and gene families, track rates of sequence divergence over time, and provide hints about how genes evolve and generate products with novel biological properties. The rice sequence data has already been mined to show that transposable elements often carry fragments of cellular genes. This type of genome shuffling could play a role in creating novel, reorganized genes with new adaptive properties.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a highly malignant brain tumor. We explored the prognostic gene signature in 443 GBM samples by systematic bioinformatics analysis, using GSE16011 with microarray expression and corresponding clinical data from Gene Expression Omnibus as the training set. Meanwhile, patients from The Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas database (CGGA) were used as the test set and The Cancer Genome Atlas database (TCGA) as the validation set. Through Cox regression analysis, Kaplan-Meier analysis, t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding algorithm, clustering, and receiver operating characteristic analysis, a two-gene signature (GRIA2 and RYR3) associated with survival was selected in the GSE16011 dataset. The GRIA2-RYR3 signature divided patients into two risk groups with significantly different survival in the GSE16011 dataset (median: 0.72, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.64-0.98, vs median: 0.98, 95% CI: 0.65-1.61 years, logrank test P < .001), the CGGA dataset (median: 0.84, 95% CI: 0.70-1.18, vs median: 1.21, 95% CI: 0.95-2.94 years, logrank test P = .0017), and the TCGA dataset (median: 1.03, 95% CI: 0.86-1.24, vs median: 1.23, 95% CI: 1.04-1.85 years, logrank test P = .0064), validating the predictive value of the signature. And the survival predictive potency of the signature was independent from clinicopathological prognostic features in multivariable Cox analysis. We found that after transfection of U87 cells with small interfering RNA, GRIA2 and RYR3 influenced the biological behaviors of proliferation, migration, and invasion of glioblastoma cells. In conclusion, the two-gene signature was a robust prognostic model to predict GBM survival.  相似文献   

Gastric adenocarcinoma is an important death-related cancer. To find factors related to survival and prognosis, and thus improve recovery prospects, a powerful signature is needed. DNA methylation plays an important role in gastric adenocarcinoma processes and development, and here we report on the search for a significant DNA methylation gene to aid with the earlier diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma patients. A Cox proportional risk regression analysis and random survival forest algorithm were used to analyze gastric adenocarcinoma patients’ DNA methylation data from The Cancer Genome Atlas, a public database. DNA methylation gene signature consisting of five genes (SERPINA3, AP000357.4, GZMA, AC004702.2, and GREB1L) were selected. As the most accurate predictor, the area under the curve in the training and test group were 0.72 and 0.61, respectively. The signature was able to sort patients into high- and low-risk groups with meaningful overall survival rates (median: 18.36 vs 72.23 months, log-rank test, P < 0.001) in the training group, which predictive ability was validated in a test data set (median: 25.56 vs 58.80 months, log-rank test, P < 0.016). A multivariate Cox regression analysis showed the significant DNA methylation was an independent prediction prognostic factor for gastric adenocarcinoma patients. Functional analysis suggests that these signature genes may be related to pathways and biological processes associated with tumorigenesis. The significant DNA methylation gene could be a novel prediction and prognostic biomarker that both aids in the treatment and predicts the overall survival likelihoods of gastric adenocarcinoma patients.  相似文献   

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