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To evaluate the effects of ingestion by birds on seed germination under natural conditions, we carried out germination experiments in the field using seeds of two Prunus species that have different fruit-ripening seasons. Germination of seeds with the following three treatments was compared: ingested seeds, seeds excreted after feeding of fruits to birds; extracted seeds, seeds deliberately extracted from the fruit pulp; and intact fruit, seeds in untreated intact fruit. Many ingested and extracted seeds of both Prunus species germinated during the first spring, and the difference in germination percentage between ingested and extracted seeds was not significant. Many seeds in intact fruit of Prunus sargentii also germinated during the first spring, but those of Prunus ssiori did not germinate until the second spring. Pulp removal through bird ingestion enabled rapid germination for the autumn-fruiting P. ssiori, whose fruit pulp was not likely to be decomposed until the first spring. In contrast, the effects of ingestion were not striking for the summer-fruiting P. sargentii, whose fruit pulp is quickly decomposed.  相似文献   

鸭类摄食对海三棱藨草种子萌发的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了鸭类的消化作用对海三棱藤草(Scirpus mariqueter)萌发速度和萌发率的影响。模拟消化道的环境(酸性条件pH=2,高温T=42℃,和消化道对种子的研磨作用),分别对海三棱蔗草的种子进行了处理,并与自然环境下鸭类未取食的种子及鸭类粪便中采集的种子进行比较。结果表明。研磨作用能够显著加快种子的萌发速度,而酸性环境和高温条件减缓了种子的萌发速度。鸭类的消化作用对海三棱藤草种子的萌发率没有显著影响。  相似文献   

植物化感物质对种子萌发的影响   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:43  
所有的化感物质都对一些植物的种子萌发产生影响.本文介绍了植物化感作用和化感物质的定义,化感物质的释放方式和种类,然后重点综述了化感物质影响种子萌发的作用机理、内外因素和生态学意义.化感物质通过影响细胞膜透性、细胞分裂生长和分化、呼吸作用、蛋白质合成、基因表达、激素合成和平衡,最终影响种子萌发.化感物质对种子萌发的影响与化感物质的种类、浓度、受体植物种类和环境条件等有关.  相似文献   

The capacity of seeds to germinate after ingestion by frugivores is important for the population dynamics of some plant species and significant for the evolution of plant-frugivore interactions. In this paper the effects of different vertebrates on seed germination of nearly 200 plant species are reviewed, searching for patterns that predict the circumstances in which germination of seeds is enhanced, inhibited, or unaffected by the passage through the digestive tract of a seed disperser. It was found that seed dispersers commonly have an effect on the germinability of seeds, or on the rate of germination, or both, in about 50% of the plants they consume, although the diversity of animal species tested so far is still rather low (42 bird species, 28 non-flying mammals, 10–15 bats, 12 reptiles, 2 fishes). Enhancement of germination occurred about twice as often as inhibition.

In spite of the morphological and physiological differences in their digestive tracts, the different animal groups tested have similar effects on seed germination, although non-flying mammals tend to influence germination slightly more often than the other groups. Data on fishes are still too scarce for any generalization. Seed retention time in the dispersers' digestive tract is one factor affecting germination, and helps to explain the variation in seed responses observed among plant species, and even within a species. However other factors are also important; for example, the type of food ingested along with the fruits may affect germination through its influence on chemical or mechanical abrasion of the seed coat. Seed traits such as coat structure or thickness may themselves be responsible for some of the variation in seed retention times. Seeds of different sizes, which usually have different transit times through frugivores, and seeds of either fleshy or dry fruits, show often similar germination response to gut passage.

Seeds of different plants species differ strongly in their germination response after ingestion, even by the same frugivore species. Congeneric plants often show little consistency in their response. Even within a species variation is found which can be related to factors such as the environmental conditions under which germination takes place, seed morphology, seed age, and the season when the seeds are produced.

The effect of gut passage on germination differs between tropical and temperate zones. Seed germination of both shrubs and trees (data on herbaceous species are still scarce) in the temperate zone is more frequently enhanced than in the tropics. This result supports the hypothesis that enhanced germination may be more advantageous in unpredictable or less constant environments. Significant differences in frugivore-mediated germination are also found among different life forms. In both tropical and temperate zones, trees appear to be consistently more affected than shrubs or herbs. This might be due to an overall higher thickness of the seed coats, or to a higher frequency of seed-coat dormancy in tree species.

The influence of frugivory upon the population dynamics of a species has to be evaluated relative to other factors that influence germination and seedling recruitment at a particular site. Whether seed ingestion by dispersers is really advantageous to a plant (as has commonly been assumed) can only be assessed if we also determine the fate of the ingested seeds under natural conditions, and compare it to the fate of seeds that have not been ingested.  相似文献   

铜尾矿对5种豆科植物种子萌发和幼苗生长影响的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
通过水培实验和土培实验,研究了铜陵铜尾矿对5种豆科植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,五种豆科植物种子在尾矿浸提液中均能萌发,但萌发率比对照组低,而且浸提液对种子萌发产生一定的阻滞作用,酸化尾矿浸提液对种子萌发初期的吸胀吸水有促进作用。尾矿与土壤5种不同改良方式的基质试验也发现铜尾矿对种子萌发着阻滞作用,其中大豆、赤豆、赤小豆在70d内未发现死苗现象。  相似文献   

通过在人工培养箱内模拟环境条件,探讨了不同光照和变温对飞机草种子萌发的影响。结果表明:在有光照状况下,飞机草种子在15℃/10℃~40℃/35℃条件下均能萌发,飞机草种子萌发的最适变温为30℃/25℃,萌发率达47.5%;而黑暗条件下,飞机草种子在15℃/10℃时不能萌发;在20℃/15℃~35℃/30℃范围内,温度越高,飞机草种子萌发高峰的出现时间越早;在15℃/10℃~30℃/25℃范围内,飞机草种子的萌发率随温度的升高而升高,超过30℃/25℃后,萌发率下降,而适当的光照有利于飞机草种子的萌发。飞机草成为入侵种并迅速扩散与其种子萌发对光照和温度的适应性密切相关。  相似文献   

混合盐碱胁迫对芹菜种子萌发的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
NaCl、Na2SO4、NaHCO3和Na2CO3按不同比例混合,模拟盐度和pH变化规律与天然盐碱地相似的15种盐碱条件,探讨混合盐碱胁迫对芹菜(Apium graveolens)种子萌发的影响.结果表明:芹菜种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数均随盐浓度的升高,pH的增大呈下降趋势.芹菜种子的萌发主要受盐浓度的影响,不同盐浓度间的影响差异大;当盐浓度为200 mmol/L时,基本不萌发.  相似文献   

旋转磁场对小麦种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何正婷  蹇兴亮 《广西植物》2016,36(9):1076-1081
以“淮麦19”小麦种子为研究对象,采用磁场强度为11 mT的旋转磁场进行处理,设定不同的时间梯度(10、20、30、60 min),以未经磁场处理的为对照,研究了不同处理时间下旋转磁场对小麦种子发芽指标及幼苗生理特性的影响。结果表明:旋转磁场处理对小麦种子萌发具有促进作用,不同处理时间下,种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数均有显著提高,随着时间的增加呈现先上升后下降的趋势,以处理30 min为最高,分别比对照提高了8.24%、7.37%、11.24%。经旋转磁场处理后,小麦根系发达,根长、根数均显著高于对照;幼苗生长加快,株高除处理60 min外,其他处理均显著高于对照,以处理30 min为最大,高出对照11.13%;叶片数除处理10 min外,其他处理均高于对照,以处理30 min为最大,比对照高出38.89%,且差异显著。旋转磁场处理显著增加了小麦幼苗的物质积累,不同处理时间表现出不同的效果,对幼苗生物积累量影响最佳的是处理20 min。这说明旋转磁场处理提高了小麦种子的萌发能力,加快了小麦幼苗的生长速度。  相似文献   

不同种子预处理对10种沙拐枣植物萌发的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陶玲  任珺 《西北植物学报》2004,24(4):601-609
为了确定沙拐枣植物种子的萌发特性及最优播前预处理方法,在实验室条件下,对10种沙拐枣植物的种子进行了磨砺、硫酸和热水浸泡、冷藏、种子浸出液处理,然后进行发芽实验研究。萌发实验的结果表明,10种沙拐枣植物对于不同的种子预处理,均表现出相似的萌发反应。磨砺、硫酸浸泡和冷藏处理对种子萌发有明显地促进作用。与对照相比,种子浸出液处理对种子的发芽率、发芽速度均具有明显地抑制作用,并能增强种子的休眠。冷藏处理具有打破有活力的种子休眠、促进种子萌发的作用,但它与热水浸泡处理一样,对有活力种子表现出一定的致死作用。沙拐枣植物的萌发模式在不同种子预处理问均表现出明显的差异性。机械磨擦和硫酸处理能够促进种子的萌发率及发芽势。泡果沙拐枣(Callingonum junceum)在本项实验中表现出很强的萌发能力。  相似文献   

Fig (Ficus monckii) and laurel (Ocotea puberula) seeds were obtained from Alouatta caraya feces (ingested seeds) and from trees (noningested) in northeastern Argentina. Seeds were examined to detect the presence (infested) or absence (noninfested) of larvae. Sixty percent (N = 315) of noningested fig seeds were galls with insect larvae inside, while 23% (N = 331) were encountered in the ingested group. Eighty-two percent (N = 28) of noningested laurel seeds were infested, and only 19% (N = 63) of ingested seeds were infested. According to the present data, the insects' larvae are digested by howlers intaking animal protein, but the laurel seeds were not destroyed. Am. J. Primatol. 45:411–415, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

三类抗性种子萌发对酸雨胁迫响应   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
实验采用 p H2 .0、2 .5、3.0、3.5、4 .0、5 .0模拟酸雨处理培养皿中的水稻 (Oryza sativa)、小麦 (Triticum aestivum)、油菜(Brassica chinensis var. oleifera) 3类抗性种子 ,每皿 5 0粒 ,置恒温培养箱内萌发 (2 5℃ ) ,每天更换 1次酸雨 ,处理与对照均 3次重复。定时测定酸雨胁迫强度、胁迫时间对种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数、异状发芽率 ,吸水值、呼吸速率、贮藏物质运转效率、贮藏物质消耗率、根长抑制指数与芽长抑制指数的影响。结果表明 ,当酸雨胁迫强度 p H=2 .0~ 2 .5时 ,因胁迫强度过高 ,3类抗性种子皆不萌发 ;胁迫强度 p H≥ 3.0时 ,3类抗性种子 5项萌发指标的变幅是水稻 <小麦 <油菜 ;酸雨伤害阈值是水稻 (p H3.0~ 3.5 ) <小麦 (p H3.5~ 4 .0 ) <油菜 (p H4 .0~ 5 .0 ) ;当胁迫强度 (p H)≥ 2 .5时 ,3类抗性种子 6项生理指标的变幅是水稻 <小麦 <油菜 ,其生理反应阈值 (p H≥ 2 .0 ) <萌发反应阈值 (p H≥ 3.0 ) ;3类抗性种子贮藏物质消耗率、贮藏物质运转率 ,根长抑制指数及芽长抑制指数对酸雨胁迫时间的响应 (组间达到差异显著水平 )时间是 :水稻 (7d、7d,3d、3d)≥小麦 (6 d、6 d,3d、3d)≥油菜 (3d、4 d,3d、3d) ;3类抗性种子对酸雨胁迫强度与胁迫时间的耐受性差异 (  相似文献   

再生水资源可浇灌农田,但水中含有的阴离子可使土壤产生盐胁迫。为研究盐胁迫对藜麦(Chenopodium quinoa)种子萌发特性及胚根、胚芽生长的影响,该研究以6个藜麦品种(红藜麦、国红藜麦、台红藜麦、台紫红藜麦、黄藜麦、台黄红藜麦)为材料,分别以NaCl、Na2SO4、NaHCO3和对照(CK)处理6个藜麦品种种子,测定其发芽率、胚根、胚芽抑制率等指标,运用均方差决策法对不同藜麦品种耐盐性进行综合评价,初步筛选出不同盐胁迫下耐盐性较强的品种。结果表明:(1)三种盐胁迫中,Na2SO4对种子萌发指标抑制作用最明显,6个藜麦品种的发芽率均相对较低,一直保持在5%以下,除黄藜麦、台黄红藜麦,其余4个品种的活力指数和生长速率均为0,除黄藜麦外,Na2SO4 对其余5个藜麦品种的胚根、胚芽抑制率均达到100%;NaCl对种子萌发和生长的抑制作用较小,甚至可促进胚根和胚芽生长,国红藜麦和台黄红藜麦的生长速率在NaCl处理下始终高于对照,在9 ...  相似文献   

盐分和水分胁迫对盐生植物灰绿藜种子萌发的影响   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
研究了不同浓度的NaCl和复合盐及等渗溶液(PEG-6000)处理下盐生植物灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum L.)种子的萌发状况.结果表明:灰绿藜种子的萌发率与处理溶液的浓度或渗透势之间有显著的负相关关系;在低浓度盐溶液(2.9 g*L-1)中灰绿藜种子的萌发率高于对照(蒸馏水);NaCl溶液对灰绿藜种子萌发的抑制作用大于复合盐溶液.渗透势为-0.2和-0.5 mPa 时,PEG-6000溶液对灰绿藜种子萌发的抑制作用小于等渗NaCl溶液,而在较高渗透势溶液中则正好相反.用渗透势≤-1.8 mPa 的PEG-6000溶液及所有浓度的NaCl和复合盐溶液处理的种子复水后相对萌发率都达到了90%以上,说明一定程度的盐分和水分胁迫对灰绿藜种子萌发潜力并没有很大的影响,并且萌发恢复率随处理盐浓度或PEG-6000溶液渗透势(≤-1.4 mPa)的增加而增加.  相似文献   

Earth's biosphere is surrounded by magnetic fields that affect all living organisms. A plant's response to magnetic fields is displayed in terms of its seed's vigor, growth, and yield. Examining seed germination in such magnetic fields is the first step in the investigation of how magnetic fields might be used to enhance plant growth and maximize crop performance. In this study, salinity-sensitive Super Strain-B tomato seeds were primed with the northern and southern poles of neodymium magnets of 150, 200, and 250 mT. The magneto-primed seeds showed a significant increase in germination rate and speed, where the orientation of the magnet was identified as being crucial for germination rate and the orientation of seeds towards the magnet was shown to affect the germination speed. The primed plants exhibited enhanced growth characteristics, including longer shoots and roots, larger leaf area, more root hairs, higher water content, and more tolerance to salinity levels, up to 200 mM NaCl. All magneto-primed plants showed a significant decrease in chlorophyll content, continuous chlorophyll fluorescence yield (Ft), and quantum yield (QY). The salinity treatments decreased all chlorophyll parameters in control plants, significantly, but did not lower such parameters in magneto-primed tomatoes. The results of this study illustrate the positive effects of neodymium magnet on the growth and development of tomato plants in terms of their germination, growth, and salinity tolerance, and negatively affected the chlorophyll content in tomato leaves. © 2023 Bioelectromagnetics Society.  相似文献   

三维土壤异质性对种子萌发影响的实验研究 种子萌发受其生长环境的影响,但土壤异质性对种子萌发的作用还不太清楚。本文通过控制实验研究了三维土壤异质性对草本植物种子萌发的影响,实验设置了两种水平的土壤异质性,即通过在花盆内的三维空间上相间填充营养丰富和贫瘠两种土壤来构建不同的土壤异质性水平。两种水平土壤异质性的斑块大小分别为7.5和15.0 cm。实验采用两种草本植物(黑麦草Lolium perenne和垂穗披碱草Elymus nutans),每种植物选择大小一致的种子50粒,这些种子要么放在异质性土壤中萌发,要么放在培养皿中萌发。实验过程中,每天统计这些种子的萌发率。实验发现,斑块小的花盆内种子萌发率较低,这个结果与我们的预期相符,我们认为斑块小的花盆内,两种土壤斑块之间的间距较小,植物遭遇不同土壤斑块资源变动的几率较大,植物为了减小这种变动带来的不利影响,会倾向于降低萌发率和延迟萌发。我们的研究还发现,斑块小的花盆内种子萌发的变异性也较大,即与大斑块内的种子萌发率相比,小斑块内的种子萌发率在各重复间的差异性较大。与二维土壤异质性相比,三维土壤异质性更接近于真实情况,这样的土壤设置能够促进我们更好地理解土壤空间异质性对种子萌发等动态过程的影响.  相似文献   

不同贮藏条件和发芽方法对羊草种子萌发的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
贮藏条件(温度、水分和贮藏介质)和发芽方法(发芽床种类×播种方法)是影响羊草种子萌发的重要因素.研究了4种贮藏条件(4 ℃低温干贮、自然室温干贮和非盐碱土低温湿贮、盐碱土低温湿贮)、3种发芽床(滤纸、非盐碱土与盐碱土)和2种播种方法(表面与内部播种)对羊草种子发芽率的影响.结果表明,与室温干贮相比,低温干贮可以提高羊草种子的发芽速率和整齐度,但对最终发芽率没有显著影响.盐碱土低温湿贮显著降低羊草种子发芽率(28.8%);非盐碱土低温湿贮可显著提高羊草种子的发芽率(73.7%).6种组合发芽方法的发芽率大小和顺序依次为:非盐碱土表发芽法(89.3%)>纸间发芽法(68.0%)>纸上发芽法(64.0%)>非盐碱土内发芽法(61.3%)>盐碱土表发芽法(25.6%)>盐碱土内发芽法(6.0%).  相似文献   

储藏条件和时间对六种多年生湿地植物种子萌发的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了储藏条件和时间对 6种湿地植物种子萌发的影响 ,以便为采用种子恢复和重建湿地植被提供指导。将新鲜种子在浸泡 -冷、湿 -冷、湿 /干 -冷和干 -冷 4种条件下储藏 3个月后再进行种子萌发 ,结果表明 ,普通野生稻 (Oryza rufipogon)和野慈姑(Sagittaria trifolia)在 3种水胁迫冷藏条件下的种子萌发率显著高于干 -冷储藏时的萌发率 ;柳叶箬 (Isachne globosa)和水毛花(Scirpus triangulatus)种子发芽率最高的储藏条件分别是浸泡 -冷或湿 -冷储藏和干 /湿 -冷藏。小慈姑 (Sagittaria potam-ogetifolia)和野荸荠 (Eleocharisplantagineiformis)在 4种储藏条件下的发芽率没有显著差异。将种子在干 -冷条件下分别储藏1个月、6个月、18个月和 30个月后再进行萌发 ,结果显示储藏时间延长显著提高了普通野生稻、柳叶箬、野荸荠和小慈姑的发芽率。野慈姑的发芽率在前 3个储藏期随储藏时间延长而提高 ,但 30个月后发芽率开始下降。水毛花在所有储藏期间的发芽率均小于 2 %。结果建议采用种子恢复和重建湿地植被时 ,将种子水胁迫冷藏利于种子的萌发。同时 ,结果也表明干 -冷储藏 30个月的种子仍可作为湿地恢复的种质资源  相似文献   

光照对辽东栎种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yan XF  Wang JL  Zhou LB 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1682-1688
研究了不同光照梯度[55.4%自然全光照(natural sunlight,NS)、18.9%NS、5.5%NS、2.2%NS、0.5%NS和0.3%NS]对辽东栎种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:辽东栎种子的萌发率和萌发指数在55.4%NS处理达到最大,分别为72.5%和0.22,然后随着光照减弱而逐渐减小,在0.3%NS处理下最小,分别为42.5%和0.11;强光照对种子萌发进程有一定的延迟作用,萌发活力指数随着光照的减弱而增大(0.5%NS处理最大);强光下种子萌发的延迟可能是其对多种命运的权衡性选择.强光照有利于辽东栎幼苗基径和根系生长,以及幼苗干物质的积累,但株高最小(6.06 cm);不同光强处理的辽东栎幼苗具有较大的形态学可塑性,其幼苗阶段对光环境的适应性较强,0.5%NS处理的幼苗比叶面积、比枝长、比根长、叶片叶绿素b含量及叶绿素总量均最大,分别为142.57 cm2.g-1、156.86 cm.g-1、271.87 cm.g-1、0.07 g.cm-2和0.24 g.cm-2,55.4%NS处理下最小,分别为44.89 cm2.g-1、52.84 cm.g-1、101.98 cm.g-1、...  相似文献   

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