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Wildlife and livestock in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), Tanzania, commonly practise geophagy. We investigated the nutrient content of nine earth licks and adjacent topsoils in the NCA, and for comparative purposes, two salt pans in north-eastern Tanzania, licks in central Tanzania and a lick near Puerto Maldonado, Peru. The licks had no consistent pattern of nutrient enrichment relative to unutilized topsoils, although the Na content of licks was greater than that of the adjacent topsoils at all but one site. The three largest licks in the NCA (Gibbs Farm, Seneto and Ascent Road) were enriched relative to topsoils and global averages in Se (maximum of 4.7 mg kg−1), Co (maximum of 107 mg kg−1) and/or Mo (maximum of 7.4 mg kg−1). We suggest that licks do provide supplemental Na, but that Se, Co and/or Mo at the largest licks provide easily overlooked nutritional benefits and are perhaps the primary target for geophagy at these sites. Subsoil zones of clay deposition are likely to be enriched in various elements through illuviation or mineral precipitation from solution. Animals may use the taste of NaCl as a clue for locating such zones where they are likely to find a greater quantity of micronutrients relative to other soils. These findings have consequences for conservation and pastoralism in that these large licks may be key resources, providing micronutrients that are essential for maintaining the health and fecundity of animal as well as human populations in the region.  相似文献   

Savannah baboons are one of the few mammalian species that do not exhibit seasonal reproduction patterns and are therefore ideally suited to study the effect of female reproductive states (cycling, pregnant, lactating) on cortisol levels independent of seasonal factors. Fecal samples from 10 free-ranging female chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus), collected during a period of 17 months, were analyzed using a steroid-extraction method. Reproductive state had a significant effect on fecal cortisol, with lowest levels found in estrous females. Fertility was not related to fecal cortisol levels; we found no significant differences between samples collected on conceptive and nonconceptive cycles. Environmental factors explained most of the variance of fecal cortisol levels. Cortisol measures were strongly correlated with seasonal differences such as daylight duration, temperature and the amount of time that baboons spent resting. We measured higher cortisol levels during winter months and suggest that this could be related to shorter resting periods and to the cold minimum ambient temperatures at this study site. Finally, we found no relationship between social rank nor the rate of agonistic interactions with basal fecal cortisol levels.  相似文献   

The social environment is a key feature influencing primate life histories. Chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) are a female-bonded species with a strict linear dominance hierarchy. In this species, the allocation of energy to competing demands of growth and reproduction is hypothesized to vary as a function of competitive ability, which in turn increases with social rank. Since growth rate is a major component of life history models, measures of age-specific growth were used to analyze variation in life history traits across social ranks. Weights of 42 immature baboons were obtained without sedation or baiting from a troop of well-habituated chacma baboons in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Using demographic and weight data from this wild population, five main findings emerged: 1) Weight for age and growth rate of infant and juvenile females are positively associated with maternal rank. 2) Male growth is not influenced by maternal rank. 3) Female growth shows smaller variation across feeding conditions than male growth. 4) Low-ranking adult females continue investment in offspring through prolonged lactation until they reach a weight comparable to that of high-ranking infants. 5) The benefit of rank to reproductive success shown in this study is 0.83 additional offspring. Reproductive span determined predominantly by age at maturation contributes 27-38% to the difference in expected number of offspring by rank, vs. 62-73% due to reproductive rate. These findings have major implications for understanding the role of social environment in phenotypic plasticity of life history traits, and in the evolution of primate life histories.  相似文献   

This study investigated blubber morphology and correlations of histological measurements with ontogeny, geography, and reproductive state in live, wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the southeastern United States. Surgical skin-blubber biopsies (N=74) were collected from dolphins during capture-release studies conducted in two geographic locations: Charleston, SC (N=38) and Indian River Lagoon, FL (N=36). Histological analysis of blubber revealed stratification into superficial, middle, and deep layers. Adipocytes of the middle blubber were 1.6x larger in Charleston subadults than in Indian River Lagoon subadults (4,590+/-340 compared to 2,833+/-335 microm2 per cell). Charleston subadult dolphins contained higher levels of total blubber lipids than Charleston adult animals (49.3%+/-1.9% compared to 34.2%+/-1.7%), and this difference was manifested in more adipocytes in the middle blubber layer (19.2+/-0.9 compared to 14.9+/-0.5 cells per field). However, dolphins from Indian River Lagoon did not exhibit this pattern, and the adipocyte cell counts of subadults were approximately equal to those of the adults (16.0+/-1.4 compared to 13.4+/-0.8 cells per field). The colder year-round water temperatures in Charleston compared to Indian River Lagoon may explain these differences. Adipocytes in the deep blubber layer were significantly smaller in lactating and simultaneously pregnant and lactating animals compared to pregnant dolphins (840+/-179, 627+/-333, and 2,776+/-586 microm2 per cell, respectively). Total blubber lipid content and adipocyte size in the deep blubber of mothers with calves decreased linearly with calf length. Lactating females may utilize lipids from the deep blubber during periods of increased energetic demands associated with offspring care. This study demonstrates that ontogeny, geography, and reproductive state may influence morphological parameters such as structural fiber densities and adipocyte numbers and sizes, measured in bottlenose dolphin blubber.  相似文献   

In many animals, variance in male mating success is strongly correlated with male dominance rank or some other measure of fighting ability. Studies in primates, however, have varied greatly in whether they detect a relationship between male dominance rank and mating success. This variability has led to debate about the nature of the relation between rank and mating success in male primates. We contribute to the resolution of this debate by presenting an analysis of the relationship between dominance rank and male mating success over 32 group-years in a population of wild savannah baboons. When data were pooled over the entire period, higher-ranking males had greater access to fertile females. However, when we examined successive 6-month blocks, we found variance in the extent to which rank predicted mating success. In some periods, the dominance hierarchy functioned as a queue in which males waited for mating opportunities, so that rank predicted mating success. In other periods, the queuing system broke down, and rank failed to predict mating success when many adult males were in the group, when males in the group differed greatly in age, and when the highest-ranking male maintained his rank for only short periods. The variance within this single population is similar to the variance observed between populations of baboons and between species of primates. Our long-term results provide strong support for the proposition that this variance is not an artefact of methodological differences between short-term studies, but is due to true variance in the extent to which high-ranking males are able to monopolize access to females. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In North America, Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) consume vast numbers of insects contributing to the economic well-being of society. Mexican free-tailed bats have declined due to historic guano mining, roost destruction, and bioaccumulation of organochlorine pesticides. Long-distance migrations and dense congregations at roosts exacerbate these declines. Wind energy development further threatens bat communities worldwide and presents emerging challenges to bat conservation. Effective mitigation of bat mortality at wind energy facilities requires baseline data on the biology of affected populations. We collected data on age, sex, and reproductive condition of Mexican free-tailed bats at a cave roost in eastern Nevada located 6 km from a 152-MW industrial wind energy facility. Over 5 years, we captured 46,353 Mexican free-tailed bats. Although just over half of the caught individuals were nonreproductive adult males (53.6%), 826 pregnant, 892 lactating, 10,101 post-lactating, and 4327 nonreproductive adult females were captured. Juveniles comprised 11.5% of captures. Female reproductive phenology was delayed relative to conspecific roosts at lower latitudes, likely due to cooler temperatures. Roost use by reproductive females and juvenile bats demonstrates this site is a maternity roost, with significant ecological and conservation value. To our knowledge, no other industrial scale wind energy facilities exist in such proximity to a heavily used bat roost in North America. Given the susceptibility of Mexican free-tailed bats to wind turbine mortality and the proximity of this roost to a wind energy facility, these data provide a foundation from which differential impacts on demographic groups can be assessed.  相似文献   

The influence of age, sex, and reproductive state on efficiency of assimilation was examined in the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus. Amounts of food ingested and excreted decline with age in virgin males and females. Mated females laying eggs ingest significantly more food than virgin animals of either sex and also maintain a consistently higher assimilation efficiency. A qualitative analysis of the level of assimilation required for reproductive effort is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (bone ALP) and intact osteocalcin (OC) are markers of bone formation of interest because of easy measurability and potential utility as identifiers of those at risk for fractures associated with bone metabolism disorders. The baboon (Papio hamadryas) exhibits extensive biological similarities to humans making it particularly well suited to studies of bone maintenance and turnover. METHODS: We measured serum bone ALP and OC in 591 baboons. RESULTS: We report significant sex and age effects and present reference ranges and percentile distributions for these markers. CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to characterize normal variation in bone ALP and OC levels in baboons and to assess the age and sex effects on this variation. The results provide much-needed reference standards to allow researchers to evaluate the status of their animals in cross-sectional studies and assess the meaning of changes in bone ALP and OC levels in longitudinal studies.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(1):184-204
Twenty juvenile members of known genealogies in two baboon groups were studied over a 16-month period to evaluate a number of predictions about juvenile spacing behaviour based on the natural history of savannah baboons. Young juveniles (1–2·5 years old) approached more frequently and spent more time in proximity to other group members than did old juveniles (3–5·5 years old). In particular, young juveniles associated more closely with their mothers, particular adult males (possible fathers) and age-peers than did old juveniles. Approaches of young juveniles towards unrelated, high-ranking adults were more likely to occur during feeding than were those of old juveniles. Also, following such an approach, young juveniles were more likely than old juveniles to begin feeding immediately. The overall rates of feeding of old juveniles were depressed when they were in proximity to unrelated, high-ranking adults, whereas the feeding rates of young juveniles were not. Juvenile males approached adult males more often than did juvenile females. Juvenile females approached unrelated adult females more often than did juvenile males. Sex differences also existed in juveniles' choices of unrelated adult female neighbours. Juvenile females associated most often with lactating females, whereas juvenile males associated primarily with cycling females. During group resting, juvenile females approached adult females from higher-ranking matrilines more often than they approached adult females from lower-ranking matrilines. Juvenile males did not exhibit this attraction. Also, among old juveniles, females associated closely with their mothers, whereas males did not. Taken together, the results support the hypotheses that juvenile baboons associate with group members in ways that (1) enhance the probability of surviving an early period of high mortality, (2) create opportunities for social learning of sex-typical behaviours/skills, and, for females, (3) facilitate acquisition of familial dominance status.  相似文献   

Abstract: Bone mass and bone density were estimated in 219 pedigreed baboons (Papio hamadryas) by radiographic morphometry of the left second metacarpal. Compact bone width (total bone width – medullary canal diameter) and bone ratio (compact bone width/total bone width) decreased with increasing age squared in both sexes. The heritability of medullary canal diameter was 0.64±0.11, of compact bone width was 0.40±0.15 and of bone ratio was 0.67±0.13. The results indicate baboons are a useful model for studies of age, sex and genetic effects on bone mass.  相似文献   

Few previous studies on the factors that affect Striped Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena Linnaeus, 1758) occurrence and densities were done on geographically unrelated populations using different methodologies. In Israel, hyaenas occur throughout the country's steep climatic and geographical gradients, presenting a unique opportunity to study densities and habitat use across adjacent ecosystems using a unified methodology and test previous conceptions regarding the species’ habitat selection. We collected hyaena abundance-absence data using 1440 camera traps placed at 80 sites (2012– 2016). Site location ranged from hyper-arid deserts to dense Mediterranean shrubland. We assessed the effect of climate, habitat structure, elevation, geomorphological attributes (proxy for den availability), and anthropogenic development (proximity to settlements and agriculture) on hyaena densities using N-mixture models. Hyaena densities were negatively affected by anthropogenic development, and were limited by den availability. Hyaena densities did not follow a climatic or geographic gradient. Densities were highest at hyper-arid deserts and Mediterranean coastal shrublands. Despite the former conception that hyaenas prefer semi-arid open habitats and avoid extreme deserts and dense vegetation, we show that hyaenas use and even thrive in these habitats when geomorphological conditions are suitable and resources are available.  相似文献   

The influence of individual factors on dominance rank and the relationship between rank distance and patterns of aggression predicted by models of evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) of animal conflict were investigated in a managed bachelor group of Sorraia horses, Equus caballus. The group was composed of four to six stallions 3- to 12-years-old during the study period. The dominance hierarchy was significantly linear and rank was not related to age, weight, height or aggressiveness. Frequency and intensity of agonistic interactions were low, but higher-ranking stallions did not receive lower aggressiveness than lower-ranking stallions. There was some evidence that dominance relationships were more contested among close-ranking stallions, as predicted. Agonistic-related interactions among close-ranking stallions served similar functions to those among distant-ranking stallions, but the latter interacted more frequently than expected for access to resting sites and/or resting partners. Therefore, we found some evidence that agonistic-related interactions among distant-ranking stallions play a larger role in providing access to valuable and defendable resources than those among close-ranking stallions. Nevertheless, the fact that space to escape from aggression was limited and breeding access was independent from dominance rank may have reduced the benefits relative to costs of aggression and therefore limited the occurrence of contests over dominance and resources.  相似文献   

A proper assessment of the foraging habits of the Guadalupe fur seal (GFS; Arctocephalus townsendi) is a priority to better understand its recovery, in which the potential for intraspecific competition for prey and space resources is expected to lead to segregation. This study aimed to determine the foraging habits of different sex and age classes. A total of 146 GFS fur samples was collected at Guadalupe Island, Mexico (2014–2020) for stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) analysis. Isotopic areas were created (SIBER package in R). Significant isotopic differences were observed between classes. Male (3.6‰2) and female (3.0‰2) juveniles had the largest isotopic areas due to a greater foraging dispersion. Adult females showed the lowest mean δ15N value (16.1‰ ± 0.5‰) due to foraging trips that are mostly performed towards high latitudes. Except for pups, adult and subadult males presented the highest mean δ15N (17.4‰ ± 0.4‰) and δ13C values (−17.0‰ ± 0.8‰) due to a possible higher trophic level and coastal foraging habits, whereas pups presented the highest mean δ15N value (17.6‰ ± 0.3‰) because of lactation, which reflects their mothers δ15N signal plus their own enrichment. Our findings suggest a segregation explained by differences in life history, energy requirements, and a possible strategy to avoid competition.  相似文献   

The impacts of increasing resource extraction on biodiversity in the Central African rainforest are largely unknown, in part due to the lack of baseline data on species occurrence across the basin. Natural forest clearings (bais) in this region are key habitats for a variety of vertebrates and offer opportunities for monitoring species distribution. Information on species composition, however, is lacking from the majority of areas (except for long‐term study sites). Approaches and protocols for short‐term bai assessments can greatly advance such baseline knowledge. This study demonstrates that camera traps provide an effective method for species inventories (species occurrence and temporal activity patterns) and monitoring at bais across the broader region. In comparison with direct observational studies, they performed especially well regarding rare and nocturnal species. Camera traps during sampling sessions of 4 weeks or less recorded previously undocumented, and 65–94% of the mammals known to use each of seven Central African bais. Results indicate that many mammal species, in particular African forest elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis), visit bais preferentially at night. This underlines the urgent need for monitoring tools providing both diurnal and nocturnal data to provide baseline data that address conservation and management objectives.  相似文献   

Li C  Jiang Z  Li L  Li Z  Fang H  Li C  Beauchamp G 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e32607


Quantifying vigilance and exploring the underlying mechanisms has been the subject of numerous studies. Less attention has focused on the complex interplay between contributing factors such as reproductive status, social rank, sex and group size. Reproductive status and social rank are of particular interest due to their association with mating behavior. Mating activities in rutting season may interfere with typical patterns of vigilance and possibly interact with social rank. In addition, balancing the tradeoff between vigilance and life maintenance may represent a challenge for gregarious ungulate species rutting under harsh winter conditions. We studied vigilance patterns in the endangered Przewalski''s gazelle (Procapra przewalskii) during both the rutting and non-rutting seasons to examine these issues.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Field observations were carried out with focal sampling during rutting and non-rutting season in 2008–2009. Results indicated a complex interplay between reproductive status, social rank, sex and group size in determining vigilance in this species. Vigilance decreased with group size in female but not in male gazelles. Males scanned more frequently and thus spent more time vigilant than females. Compared to non-rutting season, gazelles increased time spent scanning at the expense of bedding in rutting season. During the rutting season, territorial males spent a large proportion of time on rutting activities and were less vigilant than non-territorial males. Although territorial males may share collective risk detection with harem females, we suggest that they are probably more vulnerable to predation because they seemed reluctant to leave rut stands under threats.


Vigilance behavior in Przewalski''s gazelle was significantly affected by reproductive status, social rank, sex, group size and their complex interactions. These findings shed light on the mechanisms underlying vigilance patterns and the tradeoff between vigilance and other crucial activities.  相似文献   

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