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The mammalian skull has been studied as several separate functional components for decades, but the study of modularity is a more recent, integrative approach toward quantitative examination of independent subsets of highly correlated traits, or modules. Although most studies of modularity focus on developmental and genetic systems, phenotypic modules have been noted in many diverse morphological structures. However, few studies have provided empirical data for comparing modules across higher taxonomic levels, limiting the ability to assess the broader evolutionary significance of modularity. This study uses 18-32 three-dimensional cranial landmarks to analyze phenotypic modularity in 106 mammalian species and demonstrates that cranial modularity is generally conserved in the evolution of therian mammals (marsupials and placentals) but differs between therians and monotremes, the two extant subclasses of Mammalia. Within therians, cluster analyses identify six distinct modules, but only three modules display significant integration in all species. Monotremes display only two highly integrated modules. Specific hypotheses of functional and developmental influences on cranial bones were tested. Theoretical correlation matrices for bones were constructed on the basis of shared function, tissue origin, or mode of ossification, and all three of these models are significantly correlated with observed correlation matrices for the mammalian cranium.  相似文献   

Organisms are made up of semiautonomous parts or modules, but identifying the limits of modules is not straightforward. Covariation between morphological features across the adults of a clade can identify suites of characters as putative modules. We contrast such an approach for delimiting modules with one that includes inferences of heterochrony, evolutionary change in the timing of developmental events. That two features show differing types of heterochrony is a strong indication that they are ontogenetically dissociated and belong to differing modules even though these features may covary across adults. We focus on xylem vessels (wood water conduits) and phloem fibers (bark support cells) in the stems of the 13 species of the plant genus Moringa (Moringaceae), which vary from massive bottle trees to tiny tuberous shrubs. Across adults, vessel diameter and number of phloem fibers scale positively and significantly with stem size and with respect to one another. This covariation across adults suggests that these features may be members of the same ontogenetic module, a finding that might be expected given that these cells both derive from the same tissue ontogenetically and are tightly functionally integrated in the stem. In contrast, ontogenetic data in the context of a phylogenetic hypothesis suggest that vessel elements and phloem fibers have undergone different types of paedomorphosis, heterochronic alteration to ontogeny producing adults of descendant species that resemble the juveniles of their ancestors. Vessels and phloem fibers would be expected to show differing types of paedomorphosis only if they are not ontogenetically coupled, and therefore it is likely that they are part of different modules; this ontogenetic independence was invisible to inference based only on adult covariation. Finally, we show reasons to implicate paedomorphosis in the diversification in life form of Moringa across the Old World dry tropics.  相似文献   

We have characterized some rabbit polyclonal responses as strictly specific for phosphorylated epitopes located in the carboxyterminal (tail) domain of the H or the M subunits of mammalian neurofilaments. These antibodies have been used to confirm the occurrence in lizard neurofilaments of a single heavy subunit cross-reacting with both H and M from mammals. A heavy subunit with similar cross-reactivity has been detected in neurofilaments preparations from fishes, whereas more primitive Chordata possess a HMW polypeptide cross-reacting with only the M subunit. We could also demonstrate in frog spinal cord two distinct heavy subunits cross-reacting with either the M or the H subunit from mammals, a fact which suggests a convergent evolution for phosphorylated epitopes of neurofilaments.  相似文献   


Animals have modular cis-regulatory regions in their genomes, and expression of a single gene is often regulated by multiple enhancers residing in such a region. In the laboratory, and also in natural populations, loss of an enhancer can result in a loss of gene expression. Although only a few examples have been well characterized to date, some studies have suggested that an evolutionary gain of a new enhancer function can establish a new gene expression domain. Our recent study showed that Drosophila guttifera has more enhancers and additional expression domains of the wingless gene during the pupal stage, compared to D. melanogaster, and that these new features appear to have evolved in the ancestral lineage leading to D. guttifera.1 Koshikawa S, Giorgianni MW, Vaccaro K, Kassner VA, Yoder JH, Werner T, Carroll SB. Gain of cis-regulatory activities underlies novel domains of wingless gene expression in Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2015; 112:7524-9; PMID:26034272; http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1509022112[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Gain of a new expression domain of a developmental regulatory gene (toolkit gene), such as wingless, can cause co-option of the expression of its downstream genes to the new domain, resulting in duplication of a preexisting structure at this new body position. Recently, with the advancement of evo-devo studies, we have learned that the developmental regulatory systems are strikingly similar across various animal taxa, in spite of the great diversity of the animals' morphology. Even behind “new” traits, co-options of essential developmental genes from known systems are very common. We previously provided concrete evidence of gains of enhancer activities of a developmental regulatory gene underlying gains of new traits.1 Koshikawa S, Giorgianni MW, Vaccaro K, Kassner VA, Yoder JH, Werner T, Carroll SB. Gain of cis-regulatory activities underlies novel domains of wingless gene expression in Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2015; 112:7524-9; PMID:26034272; http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1509022112[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Broad occurrence of this scenario is testable and should be validated in the future.  相似文献   

DNA replication licensing is an important step in the cell cycle at which cells become competent for DNA replication. When the cell cycle is arrested for long periods of time, this competence is lost. This is the case for somatic cells arrested in G0 or vertebrate oocytes arrested in G2. CDC6 is a factor involved in replication initiation competence which is necessary for the recruitment of the MCM helicase complex to DNA replication origins. In Xenopus, we have previously shown that CDC6 is the only missing replication factor in the oocyte whose translation during meiotic maturation is necessary and sufficient to confer DNA replication competence to the egg before fertilization (Lemaitre et al., 2002: Mol Biol Cell 13:435-444; Whitmire et al., 2002: Nature 419:722-725). Here, we report that this oogenesis control has been acquired by metazoans during evolution and conserved up to mammals. We also show that, contrary to eukaryotic metazoans, in S. pombe cdc18 (the S. pombe CDC6 homologue), CDC6 protein synthesis is down regulated during meiosis. As such, the lack of cdc18 prevents DNA replication from occurring in spores, whereas the presence of cdc6 makes eggs competent for DNA replication.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase X has been highly conserved during mammalian evolution.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Complementary DNA encoding human protein phosphatase X (PPX, also designated PPP4 in the human genome nomenclature) was isolated from a teratocarcinoma library. The deduced amino acid sequence of human PPX differs from that of rabbit PPX in only two in 307 amino acids, demonstrating that the structure of PPX has been highly conserved during the course of mammalian evolution.  相似文献   

Uricase is a peroxisomal liver enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of uric acid to allantoin during purine catabolism. It is present in vertebrates in most species of fish, amphibians, and mammals but its enzymatic activity is absent in hominoids. We have used Western blot analysis in a comparative study to establish a homology among uricases from different species of vertebrates. Using antibodies against denatured rat liver uricase, we have been able to detect for the first time cross-reactivity with the uricase of species ranging in the evolutionary scale from fish to primates (macaque). Our results suggest that these uricases have a common evolutionary origin. Our conclusion is also supported by the fact that uricase from different species exhibits identical tissue, subcellular localization, and similarity of molecular weights. This study was extended to include human liver samples. Using the same approach but with a more sensitive detection system (alkaline phosphatase instead of peroxidase), we did not detect polypeptide species related to rat uricase in human fetal or adult liver samples, which indicates that during hominoid evolution, the mutational event responsible for the loss of uricase activity in humans precluded formation of a translatable uricase mRNA.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse amelogenin cDNA was used in hybridization assays with genomic DNA, cut with the restriction enzyme Eco RI, from the edentulous chicken (Gallus domesticus), the monophyodont mouse (as control), diphyodont man, and the polyphyodont fishes Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and seawolf (Anarrhichas lupus). The hybridization assay was performed under stringent conditions with non-radioactive probes. Hybridization was obtained with mouse (6.4-kb band), man (9-kb and 13-kb bands), and seawolf (18-kb band) genomic DNA. This demonstrates DNA sequence similarities between these species, and supports the theory that DNA sequences encoding enamel proteins appear to be highly conserved during the evolution of vertebrates. Lack of hybridization in salmon and chicken may be due to sequence divergencies or structural differences in an amelogenin gene analog, or it may be that no amelogenin gene is present in these animals.  相似文献   

A network of interactions is called modular if it is subdivided into relatively autonomous, internally highly connected components. Modularity has emerged as a rallying point for research in developmental and evolutionary biology (and specifically evo-devo), as well as in molecular systems biology. Here we review the evidence for modularity and models about its origin. Although there is an emerging agreement that organisms have a modular organization, the main open problem is the question of whether modules arise through the action of natural selection or because of biased mutational mechanisms.  相似文献   



N-linked protein glycosylation plays an important role in various biological processes, including protein folding and trafficking, and cell adhesion and signaling. The acquisition of a novel N-glycosylation site may have significant effect on protein structure and function, and therefore, on the phenotype.


We analyzed the human glycoproteome data set (2,534 N-glycosylation sites in 1,027 proteins) and identified 112 novel N-glycosylation sites in 91 proteins that arose in the human lineage since the last common ancestor of Euarchonta (primates and treeshrews). Three of them, Asn-196 in adipocyte plasma membrane-associated protein (APMAP), Asn-91 in cluster of differentiation 166 (CD166/ALCAM), and Asn-76 in thyroglobulin, are human-specific. Molecular evolutionary analysis suggested that these sites were under positive selection during human evolution. Notably, the Asn-76 of thyroglobulin might be involved in the increased production of thyroid hormones in humans, especially thyroxine (T4), because the removal of the glycan moiety from this site was reported to result in a significant decrease in T4 production.


We propose that the novel N-glycosylation sites described in this study may be useful candidates for functional analyses to identify innovative genetic modifications for beneficial phenotypes acquired in the human lineage.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0468-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

To date, cross-species comparisons of genetic interactomes have been restricted to small or functionally related gene sets, limiting our ability to infer evolutionary trends. To facilitate a more comprehensive analysis, we constructed a genome-scale epistasis map (E-MAP) for the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, providing phenotypic signatures for ~60% of the nonessential genome. Using these signatures, we generated a catalog of 297 functional modules, and we assigned function to 144 previously uncharacterized genes, including mRNA splicing and DNA damage checkpoint factors. Comparison with an integrated genetic interactome from the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed a hierarchical model for the evolution of genetic interactions, with conservation highest within protein complexes, lower within biological processes, and lowest between distinct biological processes. Despite the large evolutionary distance and extensive rewiring of individual interactions, both networks retain conserved features and display similar levels of functional crosstalk between biological processes, suggesting general design principles of genetic interactomes.  相似文献   

Many important model organisms for biomedical and evolutionary research have sequenced genomes, but occupy a phylogenetically isolated position, evolutionarily distant from other sequenced genomes. This phylogenetic isolation is exemplified for zebrafish, a vertebrate model for cis-regulation, development and human disease, whose evolutionary distance to all other currently sequenced fish exceeds the distance between human and chicken. Such large distances make it difficult to align genomes and use them for comparative analysis beyond gene-focused questions. In particular, detecting conserved non-genic elements (CNEs) as promising cis-regulatory elements with biological importance is challenging. Here, we develop a general comparative genomics framework to align isolated genomes and to comprehensively detect CNEs. Our approach integrates highly sensitive and quality-controlled local alignments and uses alignment transitivity and ancestral reconstruction to bridge large evolutionary distances. We apply our framework to zebrafish and demonstrate substantially improved CNE detection and quality compared with previous sets. Our zebrafish CNE set comprises 54 533 CNEs, of which 11 792 (22%) are conserved to human or mouse. Our zebrafish CNEs (http://zebrafish.stanford.edu) are highly enriched in known enhancers and extend existing experimental (ChIP-Seq) sets. The same framework can now be applied to the isolated genomes of frog, amphioxus, Caenorhabditis elegans and many others.  相似文献   

In Macaca mulatta, the single rDNA array is flanked by a patchwork of sequences including subregions of human Yp11.2, 4q35.2, and 10p15.3. This composite DNA region is characterized by unique or low-copy sequences, resembling a potentially transcribed region. The analysis of Cercopithecus aethiops, Presbytis cristata, and Hylobates lar suggests that this complex sequence organization could be shared by Old World monkey and lesser ape species. After the lesser apes/great apes divergence, the unique or nonduplicated DNA region underwent amplification and spreading, preferentially marking the p arm of acrocentric chromosomes bearing the rDNA. The molecular analysis of human acrocentric chromosomes revealed some extent of remodeling of the rDNA boundary: near the human NOR, a large 4q35.2 duplication partially resembles that found in MMU; conversely, infrequently represented Yp11.2 sequences totally differed from those of the macaque, and 10p15.3 sequences were lacking. Thus, although evolutionary events modified the sequence organization of the MMU rDNA boundary, its overall sequence feature and the preferential location in vicinity to the NOR have been conserved.  相似文献   

The link between adaptation and evolutionary change remains the most central and least understood evolutionary problem. Rapid evolution and diversification of avian beaks is a textbook example of such a link, yet the mechanisms that enable beak''s precise adaptation and extensive adaptability are poorly understood. Often observed rapid evolutionary change in beaks is particularly puzzling in light of the neo-Darwinian model that necessitates coordinated changes in developmentally distinct precursors and correspondence between functional and genetic modularity, which should preclude evolutionary diversification. I show that during first 19 generations after colonization of a novel environment, house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) express an array of distinct, but adaptively equivalent beak morphologies—a result of compensatory developmental interactions between beak length and width in accommodating microevolutionary change in beak depth. Directional selection was largely confined to the elimination of extremes formed by these developmental interactions, while long-term stabilizing selection along a single axis—beak depth—was mirrored in the structure of beak''s additive genetic covariance. These results emphasize three principal points. First, additive genetic covariance structure may represent a historical record of the most recurrent developmental and functional interactions. Second, adaptive equivalence of beak configurations shields genetic and developmental variation in individual components from depletion by natural selection. Third, compensatory developmental interactions among beak components can generate rapid reorganization of beak morphology under novel conditions and thus greatly facilitate both the evolution of precise adaptation and extensive diversification, thereby linking adaptation and adaptability in this classic example of Darwinian evolution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: It has been reported that the modularity of metabolic networks of bacteria is closely relatedto the variability of their living habitats. However, given the dependency of the modularityscore on the community structure, it remains unknown whether organisms achieve certainmodularity via similar or different community structures. RESULTS: In this work, we studied the relationship between similarities in modularity scores andsimilarities in community structures of the metabolic networks of 1021 species. Bothsimilarities are then compared against the genetic distances. We revisited the associationbetween modularity and variability of the microbial living environments and extended theanalysis to other aspects of their life style such as temperature and oxygen requirements. Wealso tested both topological and biological intuition of the community structures identifiedand investigated the extent of their conservation with respect to the taxomony. CONCLUSIONS: We find that similar modularities are realized by different community structures. We findthat such convergent evolution of modularity is closely associated with the number of(distinct) enzymes in the organism's metabolome, a consequence of different life styles ofthe species. We find that the order of modularity is the same as the order of the number ofthe enzymes under the classification based on the temperature preference but not on theoxygen requirement. Besides, inspection of modularity-based communities reveals thatthese communities are graph-theoretically meaningful yet not reflective of specificbiological functions. From an evolutionary perspective, we find that the communitystructures are conserved only at the level of kingdoms. Our results call for moreinvestigation into the interplay between evolution and modularity: how evolution shapesmodularity, and how modularity affects evolution (mainly in terms of fitness andevolvability). Further, our results call for exploring new measures of modularity andnetwork communities that better correspond to functional categorizations.  相似文献   

Functional modularity is a key attribute of cellular systems and has important roles in evolution. However, the extent to which functional modularity affects protein evolution is largely unknown. Here, we analyzed the evolution of both sequence and expression level of proteins in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and found that proteins within the same functional modules evolve at more similar rates than those between different modules. We also found stronger co-evolution of expression levels between proteins within functional modules than between them. These results suggest that a coordinated evolution of both the sequence and expression level of proteins is constrained by functional modularity.  相似文献   

Evolutionary psychologists argue that selective pressures in our ancestral environment yield a highly specialized set of modular cognitive capacities. However, recent papers in developmental psychology and neuroscience claim that evolutionary accounts of modularity are incompatible with the flexibility and plasticity of the developing brain. Instead, they propose cortical and neuronal brain structures are fixed through interactions with our developmental environment. Buller and Gray Hardcastle contend that evolutionary accounts of cognitive development are unacceptably rigid in light of evidence of cortical plasticity. The developing structure of the brain is both too random and too sensitive to external stimuli to be the product of a fixed genetic mechanism. They also claim that the complexity of the human brain cannot be explained in terms of our meager genetic endowment. There simply are not enough genes to program the intricate neuronal structures that are essential to cognition. I argue that neither of these arguments are persuasive. Small numbers of genes can function to determine diverse phenotypical outcomes through evolutionarily selected developmental systems. Similarly, theories of modularity do not rule out the possibility that innate cognitive systems exploit environmental regularities to guide the developing structure of the brain. Consequently, the anti-adaptionist consequences of these positions should be rejected.  相似文献   

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