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Contaminant related changes in behavioral, phase I and II metabolizing enzymes and pro-oxidant/antioxidant processes in the freshwater mussels Dreissena polymorpha exposed to metals and PCBs were assessed. Behavioral and biochemical responses including filtering rates, key phase I, II and antioxidant enzymes and levels of metallothioneins, glutathione, lipid peroxidation and DNA strand breaks were determined in digestive glands of mussels after being exposed to sublethal levels of mercury chloride, methyl mercury, cadmium and Aroclor 1260 during 5 days. In 7 out of 12 responses analyzed, mussels showed significant differences across treatments. Unusual properties of measured ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activities indicated that mussels lack an inducible CYP1A enzymatic activity. Despite of using similar exposure levels, inorganic and organic mercury showed different biomarker patterns of response with methyl mercury being more bio-available and unable to induce metallothionein proteins. Mussels exposed to Cd presented higher levels of metallothioneins and an enhanced metabolism of glutathione, whereas those exposed to Aroclor showed their antioxidant glutathione peroxidase related enzyme activities inhibited. Although there was evidence for increased lipid peroxidation under exposure to inorganic and organic mercury, only mussels exposed to Aroclor had significant greater levels than those in controls.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic potential of environmentally relevant concentrations of Cd on the zebra mussel, an important freshwater sentinel organism, and to determine the stability of DNA damage in gill cells and haemocytes. The oxidative DNA damage and the co-genotoxicity of Cd in combination with B[a]P were investigated. We measured DNA damage in haemocytes and gill cells of zebra mussels exposed for 11 days to a constant concentration of Cd (10μg/L), B[a]P (10μg/L) or the two combined chemicals (10μg/L+1μg/L). Enzymatic dissociation of gills with dispase gave the lower percentage DNA in tail, compared with collagenase/dispase or collagenase. Bioaccumulation of cadmium in the soft tissues of mussels exposed to CdCl(2) or CdCl(2)+B[a]P increased in a time-dependent manner indicating that both exposures were effective. Cd (10μg/L) is genotoxic only during the first 3 days of exposure in gill cells, while in haemocytes the genotoxicity of Cd was observed later. B[a]P (10μg/L) induced an early increase of DNA damage in gill cells (after 10h and 1 day), while in both gill cells and haemocytes, B[a]P caused a marked increase of DNA damage after 3 days of exposure. The Cd+B[a]P mixture decreased the DNA-damaging effect of Cd and B[a]P in both cell types. Cd induced an increase of DNA damage in Fpg-treated slides, indicating that Cd contributed to oxidative DNA damage. Cadmium induced a cytogenetic effect in gill cells, assessed by the number of micronuclei, throughout the duration of the exposure, while B[a]P did not induce any cytogenetic effect. B[a]P, Cd and Cd+B[a]P induced a transient increase in the number of bi-nucleated cells. Our data clearly show that gills are more sensitive to Cd and B[a]P, which makes them more suitable for future bio-monitoring studies.  相似文献   



DNA and RNA oxidations have been linked to diseases such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, neurodegeneration and diabetes. The prototype base modification studied is the 8-hydroxylation of guanine. DNA integrity is maintained by elaborate repair systems and RNA integrity is less studied but relies mainly on degradation.

Scope of review

DNA and RNA oxidations are measured by very similar techniques. The scope of this review is to highlight the preferred methods of measurement of oxidized nucleic acid metabolites, to highlight novel findings particularly in RNA oxidation, and to present the interpretation of the measurements.

Major conclusions

Tissue levels are snap-shots of the level in a specific organ or cell system and reflect the balance between formation rate and elimination rate (repair), and must be interpreted as such. Urinary excretion is a global measure of oxidative stress in an organism and is therefore best suited for situations or diseases where large parts or the entire organism is stressed by oxidation. It represents the body average rate by which either RNA or DNA is oxidized and is interpreted as oxidative stress. Oxidations of RNA and DNA precursors have been demonstrated and the quantitative importance is debated.

General significance

Careful experimental designs and appropriate choice of methodology are paramount for correct testing of hypotheses related to oxidative stress, and pitfalls are plentiful. There is accumulating evidence that DNA oxidation is associated with disease, particularly cancer, and recent evidence points at an association between RNA oxidation and neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Current methods to study reactive oxygen species - pros and cons and biophysics of membrane proteins. Guest Editor: Christine Winterbourn.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature acclimation, acute temperature variation and progressive hypoxia on oxygen consumption rates (VO2) were determined for the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. In the first experiment, after acclimation to 5, 15 or 25 degrees C for at least 2 weeks, VO2 was determined at 5 degrees C increments from 5 to 45 degrees C. VO2 increased in all three acclimation groups from 5 to 30 degrees C, corresponding to the normal ambient temperature range for this species. Mussels displayed imperfect temperature compensation at temperatures above 15 degrees C, but exhibited little acclimatory ability below 15 degrees C. In the hypoxia experiment, VO2 was determined over the course of progressive hypoxia, from full saturation (oxygen tension [PO2]=160 Torr [21.3 kPa]) to a PO2 at which oxygen uptake ceased (<10 Torr [1.3 kPa]). Mussels were acclimated to either 5, 15 or 25 degrees C for at least 2 weeks and their respiratory response to progressive hypoxia was measured at three test temperatures (5, 15 and 25 degrees C). The degree of oxygen regulation increased with increasing test temperature, particularly from 5 to 15 degrees C, but decreased with increasing acclimation temperature. The decreased metabolic rate observed for warm-acclimated animals, particularly in the upper portion of the temperature range of the zebra mussel, may allow for conservation of organic energy stores during warm summer months. Compared to other freshwater bivalves, D. polymorpha is a relatively poor oxygen regulator, corresponding with its preference for well-oxygenated aquatic habitats. In addition, a new quantitative method for determining the degree of oxygen regulation is presented.  相似文献   

We report the results of a two-year study in the Svisloch River (Minsk, Belarus) on the dynamics of infection in Dreissena polymorpha by nematodes and three ciliate species Conchophthirus acuminatus, Ophryoglena sp., and Ancistrumina limnica. Although these endosymbionts were present in most of the samples, their prevalence and infection intensity differed significantly. C. acuminatus and A. limnica infection intensities in both years of the study had a maximum in summer and were positively correlated with water temperature. In contrast, Ophryoglena sp. and nematode infection intensities were considerably lower in summer versus winter and were negatively correlated with temperature. In the first long-term study to monitor the size and reproductive rate of C. acuminatus, we found that mean length was negatively correlated with temperature and that temperature was positively correlated with asexual reproduction, with a peak of cell division in April as water temperatures increased.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in the lower Don River system in Russia to confirm the presence of Dreissena bugensis, and to compare its distribution relative to that of Dreissena polymorpha. In 1999 and 2001–2002, dreissenid mussels were collected at 15 sites in the main river, in connecting reservoirs, and in a major tributary, the Manych River. Collections were made near stations where long‐term monitoring data on total mineral (sum of principal ions) and calcium content were available. Both dreissenid species were found at all sites, with D. bugensis comprising 4–75% of all dreissenids at individual sites. D. bugensis was relatively more abundant than D. polymorpha in the Manych River where total mineral and calcium content was significantly higher than in the Don River, suggesting the two species may have different calcium requirements. Examination of archived samples indicated that D. bugensis was present in the Don River system as early as the 1980s, presenting the unresolved enigma of why D. bugensis has not displaced D. polymorpha as the dominant species as typically found over shorter time periods in other water bodies. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

To identify the free-living amoeba (FLA) and amoeba-resistant bacteria (ARB) accumulated in zebra mussels and in the water in which they are found, mussels were collected at two locations in the Ebro river basin (North East Spain). FLAs and bacteria were isolated from mussel extracts and from natural water. PCR techniques were used to identify the FLAs and endosymbiont bacteria (Legionella, Mycobacterium, Pseudomonas and cyanobacteria), and to detect Giardia and Cryptosporidium. The most frequently found FLAs were Naegleria spp. The presence of Legionella, Mycobacterium and Pseudomonas inside the FLA was demonstrated, and in some cases both Legionella and Pseudomonas were found together. Differences between FLAs and ARB identified inside the mussels and in the water were detected. In addition, Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella spp. and Enterococcus spp. were accumulated in mussels in concentrations unconnected with those found in water. The results show the ability of the zebra mussel to act as a reservoir of potentially pathogenic FLAs, which are associated with potentially pathogenic ARB, although the lack of association between microorganisms inside the mussels and in the water suggests that they are not useful for monitoring microbiological contamination at a specific time.  相似文献   

The freshwater zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is a notorious biofouling organism. It adheres to a variety of substrata underwater by means of a proteinaceous structure called the byssus, which consists of a number of threads with adhesive plaques at the tips. The byssal proteins are difficult to characterize due to extensive cross-linking of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), which renders the mature structure largely resistant to protein extraction and immunolocalization. By inducing secretion of fresh threads and plaques in which cross-linking is minimized, three novel zebra mussel byssal proteins were identified following extraction and separation by gel electrophoresis. Peptide fragment fingerprinting was used to match tryptic digests of several gel bands against a cDNA library of genes expressed uniquely in the mussel foot, the organ which secretes the byssus. This allowed identification of a more complete sequence of Dpfp2 (D. polymorpha foot protein 2), a known DOPA-containing byssal protein, and a partial sequence of Dpfp5, a novel protein with several typical characteristics of mussel adhesive proteins.  相似文献   

The effective measure to minimize the damage of invasive species is to block the potential invasive species to enter into suitable areas. 1864 occurrence points with GPS coordinates and 34 environmental variables from Daymet datasets were gathered, and 4 modeling methods, i.e., Logistic Regression (LR), Classification and Regression Trees (CART), Genetic Algorithm for Rule-Set Prediction (GARP), and maximum entropy method (Maxent), were introduced to generate potential geographic distributions for invasive species Dreissena polymorpha in Continental USA. Then 3 statistical criteria of the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC), Pearson correlation (COR) and Kappa value were calculated to evaluate the performance of the models, followed by analyses on major contribution variables. Results showed that in terms of the 3 statistical criteria, the prediction results of the 4 ecological niche models were either excellent or outstanding, in which Maxent outperformed the others in 3 aspects of predicting current distribution habitats, selecting major contribution factors, and quantifying the influence of environmental variables on habitats. Distance to water, elevation, frequency of precipitation and solar radiation were 4 environmental forcing factors. The method suggested in the paper can have some reference meaning for modeling habitats of alien species in China and provide a direction to prevent Mytilopsis sallei on the Chinese coast line.  相似文献   

One-electron oxidation of 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) yielded a guanidinohydantoin derivative (dGh) and a spiroiminodihydantoin derivative (dSp), both putatively mutagenic products that may be formed in vivo. The nucleoside dGh was the major product at room temperature, regardless of pH. The results are contrary to previously published model studies using 2',3',5'-triacetoxy-8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanosine (Luo, W.; Miller, J. G.; Rachlin, E. M.; Burrows, C. J. Org. Lett. 2000, 2, 613; Luo, W.; Miller, J.G.; Rachlin, E.M.; Burrows, C.J. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2001, 14, 927), who observed a spiroiminodihydantoin derivative as the major product at neutral pH. Clearly, the functional groups attached to the ribose moiety of 8-oxodG influence the oxidation chemistry of the nucleobase derivative. To explore this chemistry in vivo, (14)C-labeled 8-oxodG was synthesized and incubated with growing MCF-7 human breast cancer cells, resulting in the incorporation of the compound into cellular DNA as measured by a novel accelerator mass spectrometry assay.  相似文献   

Kobak J 《Biofouling》2006,22(3-4):153-162
The effects of several factors (shell length, exposure time, substratum orientation in space, illumination, temperature, conspecifics) upon the attachment strength (measured with a digital dynamometer) of the freshwater, gregarious bivalve Dreissena polymorpha were studied under laboratory conditions. A rapid increase in attachment strength was observed on resocart (a thermosetting polymer based on phenol-formaldehyde resin, with paper as filler) substrata during the first 4-d exposure, after which it stabilised at ca 1 N. The attachment strength increased also with mussel size. Mussel adhesion on variously oriented surfaces (vertical, upper horizontal and lower horizontal) was similar. Illumination inhibited attachment strength, as expected for a photophobic species, but only after a 2-d exposure. After 6 d, no effects of light were detected. Thus, illumination seemed to influence the attachment rate, rather than the final strength. The optimum temperature for mussel attachment was 20- 25 degrees C. At lower and higher temperatures (5-15 degrees C and 30 degrees C), their adhesion strength decreased. The presence of conspecifics stimulated mussel attachment strength.  相似文献   

1. We used long‐term data and a simulation model to investigate temporal fluctuations in zebra mussel populations, which govern the ecological and economic impacts of this pest species. 2. The size of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) population in the Hudson River estuary fluctuated approximately 11‐fold across a 13‐year period, following a cycle with a 2–4 year period. 3. This cycling was caused by low recruitment during years of high adult population size, rapid somatic growth of settled animals, and adult survivorship of 50% per year. 4. Adult growth and body condition were weakly correlated with phytoplankton biomass. 5. The habitat distribution of the Hudson's population changed over the 13‐year period, with an increasing proportion of the population spreading onto soft sediments over time. The character of soft‐sediment habitats in the Hudson changed because of large amounts (mean = 34 g DM m?2) of empty zebra mussel shells now in the sediments. 6. Simulation models show that zebra mussel populations can show a range of long‐term trajectories, depending on the balance between adult space limitation, larval food limitation, and disturbance. 7. Effective understanding and management of the effects of zebra mussels and other alien species depend on understanding of their long‐term demography, which may vary across ecosystems.  相似文献   

We demonstrated that zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha collected from the Hudson River could consume two rotifer species that were common before the zebra mussel invasion. The clearance rates (volume of water filtered per hour) of zebra mussels differed when feeding on the two rotifer species but both decreased with an increase in rotifer density. The ingestion rates (biomass of rotifers per hour) for the two rotifer species also differed, but both increased with increasing rotifer density. This is the first experiment to measure zooplankton consumption by bivalve molluscs at different zooplankton densities. The feeding rates of mussels in this study were compared with those of phytoplankton and other zooplankton from previous studies. The diameter of the mussel inhalent siphon was correlated linearly with the shell length and tissue weight, and was usually an order of magnitude wider than rotifer sizes. It is concluded that bivalve suspension feeders not only act as food competitors but also as predators on zooplankton in the aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

A 3-primer PCR system was developed to discriminate invasive zebra (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga (Dreissena bugensis) mussel. The system is based on: 1) universal primers that amplifies a region of the nuclear 28s rDNA gene from both species and 2) a species-specific primer complementary to either zebra or quagga mussel. The species-specific primers bind to sequences between the binding sites for the universal primers resulting in the amplification of two products from the target species and one product from the nontarget species. Therefore, nontarget products are positive amplification controls. The 3-primer system accurately discriminated zebra and quagga mussels from seven geographically distinct populations.  相似文献   

Dreissena polymorpha, an invasive freshwater bivalve, displays physiological characteristics that reflect its ancestry in brackish water, yet it has limited ability to withstand modest increases in salinity. We examined changes in hemolymph ion concentrations and acid-base variables in mussels transferred to and incubated in 10% artificial seawater (ASW) for 7 days and then returned to pondwater (PW) for a further 7 days. Hemolymph was sampled (10 animals per sample period) every 4 h for the first 24-h incubation and at 72 h and 168 h for both the transfer to 10% ASW and the transfer back to PW. The initial response to transfer to 10% ASW was a rapid attainment of an apparent isoosmotic steady state, with most hemolymph ion concentrations rising and attaining steady state within 12 h. Hemolymph magnesium rose more slowly, and hemolymph calcium declined despite an increase in its concentration in the bathing medium. Hemolymph pH rose significantly during the first 24 h, from 7.96 to 8.25, as a result of increases in bicarbonate; pH subsequently returned to normal through increases in PCO2. When animals were returned to PW after 7 days' incubation in ASW, the response of the major hemolymph ions was largely the reverse of that effected by the transfer to ASW. Hemolymph pH was not altered significantly until after 72 h in PW, when declines in bicarbonate lowered the pH to 7.73. Strong ion difference (SID) was related significantly to hemolymph pH. Hemolymph calcium and magnesium showed a reciprocal relationship throughout both transfer and incubation. Solubility interactions between sulfate and calcium and magnesium may be important in determining calcium availability in solution. The Na/K ratio in hemolymph was maintained within relatively narrow bounds throughout the procedure and may contribute to the mussels' ability to volume-regulate during an osmotic challenge. Overall, the responses of D. polymorpha to modest changes in salinity were largely the result of passive processes.  相似文献   

Jarosław Kobak 《Biofouling》2013,29(3):141-150

The effects of several factors (shell length, exposure time, substratum orientation in space, illumination, temperature, conspecifics) upon the attachment strength (measured with a digital dynamometer) of the freshwater, gregarious bivalve Dreissena polymorpha were studied under laboratory conditions. A rapid increase in attachment strength was observed on resocart (a thermosetting polymer based on phenol-formaldehyde resin, with paper as filler) substrata during the first 4-d exposure, after which it stabilised at ca 1 N. The attachment strength increased also with mussel size. Mussel adhesion on variously oriented surfaces (vertical, upper horizontal and lower horizontal) was similar. Illumination inhibited attachment strength, as expected for a photophobic species, but only after a 2-d exposure. After 6 d, no effects of light were detected. Thus, illumination seemed to influence the attachment rate, rather than the final strength. The optimum temperature for mussel attachment was 20 – 25°C. At lower and higher temperatures (5 – 15°C and 30°C), their adhesion strength decreased. The presence of conspecifics stimulated mussel attachment strength.  相似文献   

The impact of Dreissena polymorpha settlement on recruitment of juvenile mussels and density of other macroinvertebrates was studied in field experiments using blank concrete blocks and tiles (control), blocks and tiles with attached empty zebra mussel shells, and blocks and tiles with attached living mussels. On blocks, dominant invertebrate taxa showed colonization patterns coinciding with increased habitat complexity owing to zebra mussel settlement or the biodeposition of faeces and pseudofaeces. Adult and especially juvenile zebra mussels preferred blocks with empty shells to blank blocks and blocks with living mussels; this might possibly be caused by a chemical cue that induces gregarious settlement. Lower recruitment on blocks with attached living mussels compared to blocks with only shells could be the consequence of ingestion of larvae by adult mussels and of competition for food. On tiles, the sediments deposited and the organic content of the sediment were investigated. Sedimentation was significantly higher on shell‐only and live‐mussel tiles compared to blank tiles. Organic matter differed significantly between blank and live‐mussel tiles.  相似文献   

The capture, transport, and sorting of particles by the gills and labial palps of the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha were examined by endoscopy and video image analysis. More specifically, the morphology of the feeding organs in living zebra mussels was described; the mode and speeds of particle transport on the feeding organs was measured; and the sites of particle selection in the pallial cavity were identified. Particle velocities (outer demibranch lamellae, 90 microm s(-1); inner demibranch lamellae, 129 microm s(-1); marginal food groove of inner demibranchs, 156 microm s(-1); dorsal ciliated tracts, 152 microm s(-1)), as well as the movement of particles on the ctenidia and labial palps of D. polymorpha, are consistent with mucociliary, rather than hydrodynamic, transport. Particles can be sorted on the ctenidia of zebra mussels, resulting in a two-layer transport at the marginal food groove of the inner demibranch. That is: preferred particles are transported inside the marginal groove proper, whereas particles destined for rejection are carried superficially in a string of mucus. Sorting also occurs at the ventral margin of the outer demibranch; desirable particles are retained on the outer demibranch, whereas unacceptable particles are transferred to the inner demibranch and ultimately excluded from ingestion. We suggest that the structure of homorhabdic ctenidia does not preclude particle sorting, and that some ecosystem modifications attributed to zebra mussels may ultimately be due to ctenidial sorting mechanisms.  相似文献   

8-oxoG is one of the most common and mutagenic DNA base lesions caused by oxidative damage. However, it has not been possible to study the replication of a known 8-oxoG base in vivo in order to determine the accuracy of its replication, the influence of various components on that accuracy, and the extent to which an 8-oxoG might present a barrier to replication. We have been able to place a single 8-oxoG into the Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome in a defined location using single-strand oligonucleotide transformation and to study its replication in a fully normal chromosome context. During replication, 8-oxoG is recognized as a lesion and triggers a switch to translesion synthesis by Pol η, which replicates 8-oxoG with an accuracy (insertion of a C opposite the 8-oxoG) of approximately 94%. In the absence of Pol η, template switching to the newly synthesized sister chromatid is observed at least one third of the time; replication of the 8-oxoG in the absence of Pol η is less than 40% accurate. The mismatch repair (MMR) system plays an important role in 8-oxoG replication. Template switching is blocked by MMR and replication accuracy even in the absence of Pol η is approximately 95% when MMR is active. These findings indicate that in light of the overlapping mechanisms by which errors in 8-oxoG replication can be avoided in the cell, the mutagenic threat of 8-oxoG is due more to its abundance than the effect of a single lesion. In addition, the methods used here should be applicable to the study of any lesion that can be stably incorporated into synthetic oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Wacker A  Von Elert E 《Oecologia》2003,135(3):332-338
Species such as Dreissena polymorpha sometimes contribute substantially in the transfer of primary to secondary production. During the ontogenetic cycle, the reproductive investment of adult mussels is one of the main parameters that affect recruitment success. We studied how food quality and temperature affect the reproductive investment in term of egg mass of D. polymorpha in a lake by sampling mussels monthly from 4 m and 15 m depths. Temperature affected reproduction directly and also indirectly through the food. To assess whether temperature and/or food conditions led to the differences observed in mussels sampled from the two depths, mussels were reared in the laboratory under two different temperature regimes for 3 months, simulating the temperature of the lake at 4 m and 15 m depth. Possible effects of food quality were tested at each temperature using four diets differing in fatty acid composition. Temperature played an important role as a trigger for spawning, and the type of diet clearly affected the reproductive investment. When the heterokont chromophyte alga Nannochloropsis limnetica, which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and long-chained PUFAs (>C18), was fed to mussels, an increased egg mass was obtained. This result was in contrast to that found when the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus and the cyanobacterium Aphanothece sp., both of which are deficient in long-chained PUFAs, were offered as food to the mussels. Such a PUFA-dependent food quality may affect reproduction in lakes. Food quality effects vary seasonally in a lake and may be most important in summer, when low-food-quality green algae and cyanobacteria are abundant. The low biochemical quality of these blooms may affect at least the later period of gametogenesis of D. polymorpha, which reproduces from June to August.  相似文献   

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